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Fantasy To The Skies - CS



Loved by Christ

Age ((Late Teens-Mid Thirties))
Ethnicity ((Can be different from homeland))

Height + Weight
Eyes + Hair
Distinguishing features
Body modifications
Face claim ((real people only))

Personality: ((Paragraph))

Bio ((3+ paragraphs))
Skills ((3 min.))

theme song
misc info
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Vance Lani

  • Name: Vance Lani
    Nickname/s: Cap'n, Van, Cap'n Van
    Age: Twenty Nine (29)
    Gender: Male
    Sexuality: Heterosexual
    Ethnicity: Half Crescenter/Half Victorian
    Role: Captain of the Lupus Howl
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  • Name: Wyatt Silverman
    Nickname/s: Soot Boy
    Age: 19
    Gender: Cis male
    Sexuality: Gay
    Ethnicity: Half-Vedic Half-Victorian
    Role: Deckhand of the Lupus Howl
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[div class=page] [div class=pageTitle]To The Skies - Character Sheet[/div] [div class=pageSideMenu] [div class=pageMenuTitle]Information[/div] [div class="pageMenuTab pageMenuBasics pageBold"]Basics[/div] [div class="pageMenuTab pageMenuAppearance"]Appearance[/div] [div class="pageMenuTab pageMenuPersona"]Persona[/div] [div class="pageMenuTab pageMenuBackground"]Background[/div] [div class="pageMenuTab pageMenuExtra"]Extra[/div] [/div] [div class="pageInformation pageBasics"]
  • Name: Amanda Earning
  • Nickname/s: War Angel, Stoneface and Mandy, but only her parents ever called her it.
  • Age: 'Slightly' older than 30... Ask further and I will show you my reverse healing technique. (45)
  • Gender: Female
  • Sexuality: Bisexual
  • Ethnicity: Victorian
  • Role: Surgeon of the Zephyr Rose
[/div] [div class="pageInformation pageAppearance"]
  • Height + Weight: 175cm 5'9', 133 lbs
  • Eyes + Hair: Dark brown hair leaning towards a deep ginger at the ends and dark brown lifeless eyes
  • Build: Quite slim with not much muscle
  • Attire: The usual attire while on the ship consists of jeans and a top or shirt with the first few buttons undone, but its usually covered by a jacket like lab coat which she wears a lot. When off the ship or heading on missions she wears what used to be her army uniform, but in an attempt to make it less noticeable she covered over the emblem it bore and made it a darker colour using paint. The army uniform is a padded jacket with pants, usually worn with a pouch going around her waist filled with medicinal herbs and some pain killers. Can usually be seen with a medkit attached to her back filled with medicine, more painkillers and herbs, alcohol and some tools.
  • Distinguishing features: Amanda's most distinguishing feature is her lack of emotion, no matter the scenario, Amanda manages to keep the same face, maybe sometimes letting out a small smile. This feature is what managed to give her the name Stoneface.
  • Body modifications: None
  • Scars/markings: A scar above her waist and next to where her kidney would be.
  • Face claim:
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  • Personality: Amanda has quite an odd personality, while she shows no real emotion or empathy towards others. The truth is that she can't handle loss at all, after joining the army, even if she wasn't directly in the fight, all the wounded soldiers came her way and slowly over time, it took its toll and she became more and more accustomed to it. Leaving her like she is now, of course its different for her crew, all those people in the army, while the loss of them was sad. She never had much connection with any of them, now that the amount of people she has to watch is greatly reduced and she has had time to get to know them, it never brought back her emotions, but it did make her begin to care again. Thats why when the accident happened and they lost most of their crew it took a huge hit to her mentallity, the only thing keeping her from going back into the pits of insanity she was in before are the few remaining members who survived with her.
  • Likes: Reading, herbology, medicine, plants and other greenery, fluffy animals (Her face goes from emotionless to slightly less emotionless), making sure her crew are at peak condition
  • Dislikes: Loud noises, blood, violence, weapons, death, running out of books to read
  • Fears: Gunshots, the thought of losing everyone, frogs... T-They are just creepy alright?
[/div] [div class="pageInformation pageBackground"]
  • Bio: Amanda had quite a free childhood, growing up in Victorian empire as an only child her parents gave her more free will than one would expect, but it was mostly due to their vision of her. Her mother loved to read her stories and one day when she was only 3, she came in to read her a 'goodnight' only to find her sat up in her bed already looking intently at the pages in the book. At first she was surprised because that book was about plants and such, so she went next to her and pointed to a picture of a leaf 'look at all the leaves'. Only for the reply she got back was 'Those are drum stick leaves, they appear most in the crescent. It says they can treat most diseases'. Her mother slowly looked over to her and then looked back at the book which confirmed all of the details. This not only started Amanda's interest in medicine, but also her ability to learn, before long her parents kept bringing her more and more books to read and each time she went through them within a couple weeks. Most of the books consisted of medicinal treatments and different parts of the body, but there were a few different and odd books such as fairy tales and books teaching other languages.

    By the time Amanda reached the age of 19 she decided to leave her home to go join the army, her reason for this was simple, she had heard about the fights going on and wanted to go help those in need. Unfortunately for Amanda, this was one of the worse choices for her because while she was very knowledgeable on medicine and knew 101 ways to save someones life... She hadn't actually ever put it into practice, even more so she had never seen blood apart from in pictures. Due to her time inside reading books she never went out, never got a real education and never spoke to anyone apart from her family and a few of their friends. When she first applied for the army they almost immediately turned her down, unable to figure out the reason why she sent another letter to apply, which then again got turned down. This continued on for 3 months before she finally was let in which first led her to an interview. The plan was to make the interview as hard as possible so that she would have a reason to stop sending the messages, so instead of asking about experiences, they first tested her general knowledge on information that no one would really know, except to their surprise, Amanda did... And she knew much more, since the interview plan failed and she seemed to qualify all the necessary requirements, they let her join. But since they were impressed with her knowledge on medicinal subjects, no one thought to question if she had ever put it to practice. Thus came, Amanda's drop to reality.

    The time finally came, Amanda was on her first mission and was quite giddy, a feeling she didn't usually feel. She looked around at the other members of her team and wonder if they should converse and what about. Just thinking about it got her excited... That was until the first person came, a man walked in with another man limping beside him with a massive cut going right through the side of his chest. Amanda stopped and stared at the man, her eyes widened as she tries to hold back the feeling to throw up, the man placed him down and then began to walk off, she quickly screamed 'W-Where are you going!? Are you just going to leave him here!' He slowly turned around and looked at her before saying 'What are you talking about? I am going to get the others' He opens up the little door to the tent they were in as she sees what can only be explained as a field of bodies, where they alive? Who knows. Amanda looked down at the man and then slowly at her hand, trembling and now covered in red 'T-T-This ca-cant be...' She slowly gulped and reached for a cloth soaking in alcohol 'T-This will s-sting' She slowly places it against the mans chest as he lets out a loud yell, scaring her and causing her to drop the cloth. 'What the hell are you doing!?' The man outside shouted at her 'Didn't you come here to help save us!?' Amanda slowly backed away from the body that was now breathing heavily holding onto his chest.

    The man stomped into the tent and grabbed Amanda by the arm as she beings to panic screams and flailing around 'I-I don't want this! I c-cant do this!'. The man then grits his teeth and slaps Amanda quickly shutting her up before slowly looking over at the man in a mixture of shock and terror. 'Listen here! I don't give a damn whether you want to do this or not, you applied for this job and in doing that you agreed to put your life on the line to save the people who fight for the peace in our country! And now that you decided to come here and give everyone hope that we have someone with actual medical knowledge your going to destroy it all by running away!?' Still sat there on the ground covering her cheek, she slowly looked back at the body behind him and then through the door showing many more of those in need. Never before had Amanda felt this kind of feeling before, it was the feeling of anger, or sadness... But more of responsibility, she crawled back over to the body and looked at the wound, she went to put her hand inside before hesitating, she looked back at the man still piercing her with the gaze of anger, before butting her hand inside and looking around. After a bit of searching she managed to find out the man had miraculously kept his organs intact, if the wound went any further it would have cut open his stomach. She quickly grabbed the cloth of alcohol and pressed it against the wound, the man screamed again, but while she was scared and hated the noise, she kept it pressed before pulling out a needle and some string. 'Bring... The next one...'.

    As time went on, Amanda managed to make a name for herself, she was highly praised and given many awards for her efforts... But this didn't especially make her happy, infact no one had ever seen Amanda smile, the ones who knew her when she first joined either went missing in action, died or have completely forgotten what her smile looked like. For her every mission started becoming the same, she was sent to a new place, directed to a tent. And then she would count, by the time she counted to 10, someone comes through the door. Are they breathing? Possibly. Can I save them? Probably not. This mission was no different, she could remember the first time someone died on her. She was crying for 3 hours and to add onto that more people came in with the same problem, missing limb, too little blood, or just not enough time. Over time it just become normal, worse off, she didn't feel much on the thought of it. Someone enters the tent, she looks at them and finds out she can't save them... On to the next. But this time something different happened, a letter addressed to her. She opened the letter as the body next to her let out its last breath, it was a request... For help. She didn't know the sender but it gave a place to meetup and discuss things and it didn't seem too far from where she was now. She leaned back on her chair and looked at the unmoving corpse lying on the floor. Maybe... If she went, she could save someone... She waited till nightfall, a time were if you were still out on the battlefield, you were usually dead or retrieving corpses and she sneaked out to the meeting place.

    Amanda was quite surprised to what she found, a woman standing before her with another girl next to her. She stared at them both before asking 'Well then, who are you and why did you call me?' A story later Amanda was left with a choice, help two pirates... Or leave someone in need of medical care alone. The woman obviously in charge and not in need of care explained her reasons for wanting her or more specifically a female doctor and if they were left with no help the chances of the other woman's survival were quite low... The woman in charge must have noticed she needed time to think, so she gave Amanda a deadline, their ship would be docked in a rendezvous place and will leave in 3 days, the same time Amanda's mission ends, so she left and returned back to the tent. Over the two days she kept weighing her options, she couldn't just leave the army to go help some pirates... Could she. She looked around the tent, the floor covered in red and the smell of death filled the air, she looked at a body that came in a few minutes ago... Already motionless as she stared at it thinking of a time she couldn't handle the sight of blood. Then she thought back to how that woman looked at the woman who needed care, it was different from Amanda's gaze, it was more... Caring. Slowly bit by bit it came back to her, the feeling of life that she had lost the care for, of course the woman cared about her, she didn't want her to die. Looking at the body again, a matter of seconds passed and she looked away in fear slightly smiling. Working in the army, seeing dead bodies every day. It had made her lose the thought of treasuring life. So it was decided, on the night of the final day, she snuck off to go to the rendezvous point and met up with the woman. As she hopped on bored the ship and looked back at the woman, to her surprise she didn't see a soon-to-be-dead person, but someone else. Someone she felt she could trust. A friend.
  • Skills:
    • Amanda is quite knowledgeable, her time reading books as a child ended up paying off because in the end she remembered all of it, it doesn't all necessarily come in handy, but knowledge is power as they say
    • One of the reasons for Amanda's memory is because she has photo-graphic memory, after seeing something once she will be able to pretty much remember it at any time
    • After going through the army, Amanda has gained a knack for managing to keep her cool, at least in most situations. When it comes to trying to save someones life, she always remembers back to that day and uses it as a motive to stay calm no matter how bad it looks
  • Weaponry: Amanda prefers not to use weapons, nor does she have any experience in using them, the closest she has to weapons is her tools for helping others, which usually consist of a cloth, needle and string, a scalpel and knife, a army knife and a bonesaw.
  • Homeland: Britannia
  • Secrets: Amanda never went through an experimenting state, so she doesn't actually know she is Bisexual
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  • theme song:
  • misc info: Amanda got her scar from when a stray bullet hit her in the chest and she was forced to treat herself with only a needle, string and a bottle of alcohol
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  • Name: Lady Victoria Fiona Markov
    Nickname/s: The Pale Serpent, Vi, Vicky, Freak, Lady Hummingbird
    Age: 22
    Gender: Female
    Sexuality: Bisexual
    Ethnicity: Half Victorian, Half Libertian
    Role: Rigger of the Crew
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  • Name: Dante Valentine (Ai Yangchun 愛陽春)
    Nickname: Orpheus
    Age: 18
    Gender: Male
    Sexuality: Platonic
    Ethnicity: Half-Xin Half-Iberian
    Role: Shantyman of the Crew
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Camila Antonio Suarez

  • Name: Camila Rose, formerly Camila Antonio Suarez

    Nickname/s: Cam, Cami

    Age: Twenty One (21)

    Gender: Female

    Sexuality: Bisexual

    Ethnicity: Half Iberian/ Half Gallic

    Role: Deckhand of the Zephyr Rose

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Name: John S. Naemen
Nickname/s: Johnny, Moose (It's a long story)
Age: 35
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Pansexual
Ethnicity: Brittania, Uro
Role: First Mate, Lupus Howl


John, despite a relatively short stature, makes an intimidating figure. His dark face has a long scar going down it, from eyebrow to his cheek. His hair is long and wild, though very rarely dirty. His deep green eyes are often looking around, a habit of examining everything and everyone he sees. His skin is blank, no tattoos, as he doesn't see the point of them. When aboard his ship, or in times of luxury, he wears a fine trenchcoat and a silk scarf, but he removes them in times of action, wearing only a white undershirt. He packs a revolver, but that's the only weapon he carries. In fact, aside from the scar, he could pass as an ordinary citizen.

John is level-headed, to a fault. He relies entirely on reason and observation to make decisions. Because of this, he often has to reel back some of his more imaginative crew members and comrades to a sense of reality, much to their dislike. However, this sense of reason has gotten him and the Lupus out of many a troubling situation, and he doesn't abide strictly by these fundamentals. His more emotional side is that of a romantic, both in the traditional and modern senses. He grew up listening to classic stories, and that left a yearning in his heart. He enjoys combat, especially planned, strategic warfare. Most of his time not spent keeping track of the ship is spent playing strategy games and war games in his halls. He doesn't see much of an interest in common luxuries like alcohol and gold, instead of being a pirate for the lack of responsibilities. He dislikes his friends' focus on gold and riches. His greatest fear is death, and what lies beyond it.

Naemen was a bastard born in Britiannia. His mother, a slave, raised him until he was 9 years old when she died. He managed to pay off his mother's debts to the slave-owner and bought his own freedom. Not knowing where to go from there, he decided that it would be best to follow the stories he heard from the other slaves, and eventually became a pirate, leaving his old past behind, not only to be mentioned in passing.

He first joined the crew of the Knight's Folly at the age of 15. It was here that he learned the general skills required for basic piracy, shooting, and warfare. He rose through the ranks, thanks in part to his ambition, his skill in gunned combat, and a general likable personality, becoming the Captain. It was while captaining this ship he first met Vance, captain of the Lupus Howl, giving him supplies, a few men, and temporary boarding on the Knight's Folly during Vance's journey to find Oi' Rudy. Eventually, the Knight's Folly became a somewhat honorable ship, thanks in part to John's ever-growing skill in commanding. They gained infamy when they took down a fleet of Areocusto ships single-handed, leading to the loss of over thirty thousand worth of raw material and parts.

Naemen, as he was riding high, made one substantial failure. He tried to attack a well-populated Areocusto base with no strategy and no plan. With just his own ship. Needless to say, he failed, and a good deal of his ship and crew was lost. After this point, he spent a year devoted to learning everything he could, becoming proficient in strategy, history, philosophy, and a great deal of other subjects. It was in this self-inflicted exile that Vance, remembering Naemen from his travels, invited him to join Lupus Howl. He did, and they formed a strong bond.

Naemen carries with him a revolver he calls Susan, the first gun he ever had (named after his mother), at all times, even in his sleep. Aside from Susan, he has War's Bane, a rifle, and Steel Grip, a scimitar. He is skilled in strategy, combat, gunplay, and navigation.

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  • Lucia
    “What we need, we get.
    What we want, we take."​

    • Name:
      Lucia Alexandria Abara

      Luce, Cap'n

      Captain of the Zephyr Rose










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Aleksander Nikolanstovich

  • Name: Aleksander Franz Styke von Sturmberg Nikolanstovich III
    Nicknames: Alek/Alex/Alexei, Gunny, Iron-monger, Hundjaeger
    Age: 28
    Gender: Male
    Sexuality: Bisexual
    Ethnicity: Gallic-Vedician Uro
    Role: Gunner of the Crew

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  • Name: Marta Cazalla
    Nickname/s: Caz, Red Hand Marta, Cripple(Don't you dare)
    Age: 26
    Gender: Female
    Sexuality: Bisexual
    Ethnicity: Iberian
    Role: First Mate of the Zephyr Rose
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  • Name: Jinora Augustin
    Nickname/s: Nora, Bird
    Age: 23
    Gender: Female
    Sexuality: Heterosexual
    Ethnicity: Half Frank / Half Unknown
    Role: Navigator of the Zephyr Rose
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  • whomst?
    Name: Ada Fryx
    Nickname/s: "Red" or "Red Ada" by some, or, by those who know her well enough, "Rat".
    Age: 25
    Gender: Female
    Sexuality: Bisexual
    Ethnicity: A bit of everything, enough to look some kind of "foreign" to everyone. Most often mistaken for Iberian or Xin.
    Role: Quartermaster


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