• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.


resident problem child
Roleplay Availability
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My Interest Check
[div class=background][div class=second] [div class=topimg]
[div class=back] go back [/div][/div] [div class=border][div class=opacitybg][/div] [div class=box][div class=over]overview[/div]
TO SUPERNOVA. Welcome to KU Entertainment, more known as KUE, or KU. This company is one of the well known companies in South Korea, its far popular boy group, House Rules, and its other grups StarBright and RE:BOOT, brough success to the company, which has caused an influx of trainee's and wants for another group. after two years of not debuting anew group, KUE brought up an idea to its board, Idol Producing shows. Now those were popular currently, and it could help bring them more populatirty. It wasn't a bad idea, a lot of places were doing them. A lot wanted to do them. So, when May rolled around, KUE staff started taking more notes on its 4 trainee groups, before decided which one to feature in the show. Ryu Sujin was a long-time employee of KU. She had been working with this group for 7 years, and her longest trainee was there for six. She wasn't fond of the idea of running the show, but she had no choice. To Supernova was going to take action in the coming weeks, and Sujin's 15 boys were about to fight for their right to debut in Supernova, the newest group KUE wanted to produce. A self-producing group to be able to use all the boy's talents and to bring more popularity to the company.

[div class=over]rules[/div]
[div class=num]1.[/div] POSTING, if you've posted, you MUST wait until 2 or 3 other posts have made since your last post to post again. However, you can double post if you're using two different characters, but your own character post will not count in the 2 before you can post again. So you'll need three posts from the last one. e.g. If I make a post with Kaiser, and then post directly after with Levi. Levi's post DOES NOT count as a in-between post for me to post as Kaiser again. I would need 2 OTHER POSTs to post again with Kaiser.

[div class=num]2.[/div] IF YOU, have more than one character, make sure to use them all as equally as you can. Trainers/Guest Characters will be used less, I will prompt the time we need trainers, but if you want one to do a surprise in a training feel free to have them pop in and do a surprise check.

[div class=num]3.[/div] DO NOT, force anything. No wins, no relationships nothing. We've had plenty of relationship chatter in the discord, and we have a way to decided on those who win and don't win. We aim to keep everything fair and friendly.

[div class=num]4.[/div] DO NOT, bump up your characters stats, as the roleplay goes on they will slowly get pore stat points that you can add in. But do not add them until I've said you can. It'll go along with training and challenges.

[div class=num]5.[/div] JUST, play nice, stay active and follow all of mine and RPN's rules.

[div class=over]links[/div]
[/div][/div][/div] [div class=first] [div class=words][div class=i]S[/div]UPERNOVA.
[div class=bottomwords]what would you risk to achive your dream?
your passion? friends?
or would you do whatever you can to keep it?
the cost to supernova. [/div][/div] [div class=line][div class=fimgb][div class=input] [div class=block][div class=inputwords] go forward [/div][/div][/div][/div][/div] [/div][/div] [div class=c]made by: lavendre lavendre [/div] [script class=input on=click] slideUp 2000 first fadeIn 1000 second [/script] [script class=back on=click] slideDown 2000 first [/script] [script class=input on=mouseenter] addClass op inputwords [/script] [script class=input on=mouseleave] removeClass op inputwords [/script] [class=background]height: 400px; max-width: 600px; boz-sixing: border-box; margin: auto; position: relative; overflow: hidden; border: 1px solid #f1f1f1 [/class] [class=first]height: 100%; width: 100%; background: #9e92a1; opacity: 0.99; position: relative; top: -400px [/class] [class=second]height: 100%; width: 100%; background-image:url(https://66.media.tumblr.com/11fc74597616feda459026acd3b52bac/tumblr_phf9hmF4Cx1tzuw0r_1280.jpg); background-size:105%; background-position: 0% 30%; opacity: 1; position: relative; top: 0px [/class] [class=back]width:100%; height: 40px; padding: 20px 0px 0px 0px; margin: auto; font-weight: 700; letter-spacing: 1.5px; word-spacing: 1.5px; font-size: 13px; color: white; position: relative; top: 305px; text-align: center; text-transform: uppercase; cursor: pointer [/class] [class=line]height: 2px; width: 100%; background: white; position: relative; top: 130px [/class] [class=fimgb]position: relative; top: -95px; margin: auto; clip-path: polygon(0 50%, 50% 0, 100% 50%, 50% 100%); height: 180px; width: 180px; background: #fff; padding: 7px [/class] [class=input]cursor: pointer; height: 180px; width: 180px; background-image: url(https://media.giphy.com/media/3gTmgzy7wYJfyaGRHQ/giphy.gif); background-size: 120%; background-position: 55% 100%; clip-path: polygon(0 50%, 50% 0, 100% 50%, 50% 100%); filter: saturate(70%) [/class] [class=inputwords]height: 10px; padding: 5px 5px 10px 5px; width: 100%; display: block; background: #fff; color: #444444; position: relative; top: 85px; font-size: 10px; font-family: 'Playfair Display', serif; text-align: center; transition: all .4s ease-in-out; opacity: 0; position: relative [/class] [class name=op]opacity: 1 [/class] [class name=words]height:100px; width: 100%; font-size: 25px; font-family: 'Playfair Display', serif; position: absolute; color: #544457; top: 250px; text-align: center; letter-spacing: 4.5px; text-transform: uppercase [/class] [class=topimg]height:100%; width:100%; filter: saturate(110%); transition: all .5s ease-in-out; position: relative; top: 0px; left: 0px [/class] [class name=topimg state=hover]filter: saturate(150%); [/class] [class=topwords]width:130px; height: 7%; border-bottom: 1px solid #94A12C; font-size: 12px; color: black; position: relative; top: 220px; margin: auto; font-family: 'Montserrat', sans-serif; font-weight: 700; word-spacing: 1px; letter-spacing: 1px; [/class] [class=bottomwords]height: 100%; width: 100%; font-size: 0.45em; text-transform: lowercase; text-align: center; font-style: oblique; top: -5px; line-height: 14px; letter-spacing: 0.2px; position: relative; top: 10px [/class] [class=border]height: 300px; width: 345px; position: relative; margin:auto; top: -371px; left: 0px [/class] [class name=opacitybg]height: 289px; width: 350px; border: 1px solid white; background: black; opacity: 0.8; margin: auto; position: relative; top: 5px [/class] [class=i]display: inline-block; font-size: 30px; font-style: italic [/class] [class=box]height: 80%; width: 90%; padding: 5px; font-size: 11px; font-family: 'Hind', sans-serif; margin: auto; position: relative; top: -265px; line-height:16px; word-spacing: -0px; overflow: auto; text-align: justify [/class] [class=over]height: 25px; padding: 10px 0px 0px 0px; width: 100%; background: #ACACAC; font-size: 10px; font-weight: 700; text-transform: uppercase; position: sticky; top: 0px; text-align: center; letter-spacing: 2px; [/class] [class=num]display: inline-block; font-size: 11px; font-weight: 700 [/class] [class=c]width: 100%; text-align: center; opacity: 0; font-size: 10px [/class]

TO SUPERNOVA. Welcome to KU Entertainment, more known as KUE, or KU. This company is one of the well known companies in South Korea, its far popular boy group, House Rules, and its other grups StarBright and RE:BOOT, brough success to the company, which has caused an influx of trainee's and wants for another group. after two years of not debuting anew group, KUE brought up an idea to its board, Idol Producing shows. Now those were popular currently, and it could help bring them more populatirty. It wasn't a bad idea, a lot of places were doing them. A lot wanted to do them. So, when May rolled around, KUE staff started taking more notes on its 4 trainee groups, before decided which one to feature in the show. Ryu Sujin was a long-time employee of KU. She had been working with this group for 7 years, and her longest trainee was there for six. She wasn't fond of the idea of running the show, but she had no choice. To Supernova was going to take action in the coming weeks, and Sujin's 15 boys were about to fight for their right to debut in Supernova, the newest group KUE wanted to produce. A self-producing group to be able to use all the boy's talents and to bring more popularity to the company.
[div class=num]1.[/div] POSTING, if you've posted, you MUST wait until 2 or 3 other posts have made since your last post to post again. However, you can double post if you're using two different characters, but your own character post will not count in the 2 before you can post again. So you'll need three posts from the last one. e.g. If I make a post with Kaiser, and then post directly after with Levi. Levi's post DOES NOT count as a in-between post for me to post as Kaiser again. I would need 2 OTHER POSTs to post again with Kaiser.

[div class=num]2.[/div] IF YOU, have more than one character, make sure to use them all as equally as you can. Trainers/Guest Characters will be used less, I will prompt the time we need trainers, but if you want one to do a surprise in a training feel free to have them pop in and do a surprise check.

[div class=num]3.[/div] DO NOT, force anything. No wins, no relationships nothing. We've had plenty of relationship chatter in the discord, and we have a way to decided on those who win and don't win. We aim to keep everything fair and friendly.

[div class=num]4.[/div] DO NOT, bump up your characters stats, as the roleplay goes on they will slowly get pore stat points that you can add in. But do not add them until I've said you can. It'll go along with training and challenges.

[div class=num]5.[/div] JUST, play nice, stay active and follow all of mine and RPN's rules.
Last edited:
[class=picture] position: relative; display: inline-block; [/class] [class=text] position: absolute; width: 100%; height: 100%; top: 0; left: 0; opacity: 0; background-color: rgba(0,0,0,0.2); color: white; z-index: 2; [/class] [class name=text state=hover] opacity: 1; [/class] [div class=picture] [div class=text]
"mother of 12 troublemakers, kaiser, wren and nao."
Sujin hated being that person, but within the last month, the company decided to make her group the group to star in the producing show. To Supernova was one of her worst fears, the idea of having to lose some of her trainee's who she saw a few of them like her really old sons, and some were like little kids he cherished. She had trainees like Qiren, who's been here a lot longer than he'd want to be most likely. Levi someone who a very troubled past that he hardly wanted to tell Sujin, and so many other boys who came from far places, Kaiser, Wren, Kaden, Nao, and BK. Even if those trained less then others, and some trained far longer. The idea that they'd be sent away or prevented from debuting again upset her, and she could only imagine the boy's faces when she tells them. She tried not to look too worried as she approached the studio that she knew they would be in this afternoon. She cleared her throat, holding her notebook binder close to her chest, as she knocked on the door, hearing someone giving her permission to enter. She gently opened the door a bit, poking her head in giving them a small smile. She knew she looked worried, opening the door fully, with her binder to her chest one hand on the door handle. "Hello everyone" She spoke, stepping into the room and shutting the door behind her. "I'm sure, that someone's already informed everyone of the survival show that KUE plans to produce this summer into the autumn." Sujin found herself looking at every boy, everyone whos worked so hard to be here. "At the end of this month for the evaluation will mark the beginning of the recordings. You'll be video tapped of course during these future practices, so remember to behave, and work hard. This show reflects us, and the company. It's a big deal for KUE, and for you boys."
[class=picture] position: relative; display: inline-block; [/class] [class=text] position: absolute; width: 100%; height: 100%; top: 0; left: 0; opacity: 0; background-color: rgba(0,0,0,0.2); color: white; z-index: 2; [/class] [class name=text state=hover] opacity: 1; [/class] [div class=picture] [div class=text]
"levi didnt want to be in the photo."
The knock at the door was pretty normal. Someone was always knocking it felt. But someone spoke to allow them in, Kai always thought it was funny, it was like everyone was a vampire and needed to be invited into their practice studio. He always giggled softly to himself at the idea, calming himself when Sujin had walked in. He looked up with her from where he stood on the other side of the room, practising a dance he wanted to learn for a while, when Sujin began speaking, he didn't quite remember anyone informing him of such an event, and he couldn't help but fear that outcome, already feeling tears well in his eyes at the idea that he would be either taken away from his friends, or the idea that they'd be taken away from him. Kai tried to not cry, as that was something he always did over the simplest things, and he was aware of it, but he couldn't help it. Feeling a few tears slip past, and fall steady down his cheeks. But Levi was something else, he was aware. He'd been there for five whole years. He knew from overhearing some other employee's talking about it one day when he went to talk to Sujin about the continued harassment his father was giving him about being away for so long. He never did understand why after 5 years, his father finally decided to ask where he was. But he had a more pressing matter. He could lose everything if he didn't win this show. He glanced at Sujin, and then at the other 14 guys in the room. Levi understood the challenge that was arising, and so did other apparently, as he took notice of Kai crying, and just rolled his eyes at the child's reaction. He understood Kai was a cry baby, but he was old enough to realise hardships like this can occur, and he just was fed up with the youngers constant crying over the years. But until Kai, Levi didn't have tears to shed, not now, and not ever, because he doesn't plan to get eliminated.
[class name=macpicture] background-image: url(https://i.imgur.com/cPQLPiH.png?1); background-position: center; border-radius: 90px; border: 2px solid #fcafa1; height: 150px; width: 150px; margin: auto; [/class] [class name=macbox] background: transparent; height: 250px; width: 350px; padding: 5px; margin: auto; [/class] [div class=macpicture][/div]
[div class=macbox]
bekzat park; studio; (゚ω゚;);​

Standing on the balls of his feet, Bekzat bit his lip in a measured show of excitement. There in the studio - being one of the first that came in, he saw faces that he was beginning to know quite well (even if he hasn't talked to some of them). This made him feel a slight tension building up in his shoulders.
It wasn't a scowl per say, but an obvious expression of discomfort - that made its' way onto his face as he adjusted the black shirt he was wearing. They didn't have to wait for long until Sujin came - as much as it was a relief to see her, a part of Bekzat thought she looked as worried as he felt at that moment, despite the ever-present smile on her face.
When he first started out at the company, Bekzat didn't really like her - but he didn't like many at first, so it wasn't as though that was something particularly surprising. However, as time went on, Bekzat like many found himself finding a companion in the hardworking lady. Seeing her rattled like this made him even more skittish.
'Ah, she's talking about the survival show project.' he thought to himself, feeling his muscles relax the slightest bit. He heard about it not too long ago and was incredibly unsurprised, knowing that it was bound to happen soon enough with how these were popping up all over the industry.
Of course, being himself, Bekzat saw this as an opportunity to further his own career. He felt a joyous trepidation fill his body, this was the best news he received all week!
Bekzat glanced around the room and decided to ask a question - he needed to know if he had to scout for more of his competition. "Miss Sujin, will it just be our training group participating?"

아 망한 것 같은데
ah, i think i messed up


Gabriel was bored.

This was nothing new. Whether it was practising, talking to his fellow trainees, even performing, Gabriel regarded it all with the same enthusiasm one would when carrying out a menial chore. It had been 2 years since he'd began training at KU Entertainment - even longer since he'd started in the entertainment industry in general - and things weren't looking to get any more exciting. He'd spent those two years getting pretty good at painting over his apathetic nature with a cheery, energetic smile, but with each passing day it was becoming harder and harder for him to remember why he was pretending to try in the first place. And so today, just like any other day, as he sat cross-legged on the polished wooden floor of one of KUE's studios, Gabriel was bored.

Looking around at his fellow trainees, he could tell some of them shared this sentiment. They were nearing the end of a late-afternoon practice session, with no particular set goal or supervision, and he could sense the restless energy in the air. The kind you feel towards the end of a particularly long and uneventful lesson, when you're just wanting to leave but there's still a little way to go before it's over, and you don't really have the will to focus - that kind of energy. Glancing to the side, he could see Nao fidgeting absent-mindedly with the laces of his trainers, looking like he didn't have a care (or thought) in the world, and Kai, who was still diligently practising in the corner. He briefly considered striking up a conversation with one of them, but banished that thought as quickly as it had came; trying to talk to Nao felt like trying to talk to an (exceptionally strange) brick wall, and Kai.. Kai seemed to be unable to go five seconds without turning on the waterworks. He didn't particularly dislike the kid, but Gabriel really had no idea how to talk to sensitive people.

He glanced around the room some more.. Levi, usually quiet, but not a particularly nice person to talk to when he wasn't. Too blunt and too honest for him. There was BK - absolutely not. He would never admit it, but out of all the trainees, BK was the one who Gabriel regarded as 'on his level' when it came to dancing, perhaps even higher, and that.. really pissed him off. The other 10 trainees were dotted about the studio, too, but he realised as he watched the room that he didn't really have the energy to talk to anyone, after all.

He was about to completely give up on doing anything and spend the rest of the lesson sprawled out on the floor, when there was a knocking at the door. In walked Ryu Sujin, one of KUE's managers, who was responsible for the group. She smiled, but it was a hesitant smile, like she was about to become the bearer of bad news. And yet when she spoke, it was something that made him snap to attention and sit up.

The survival show. And at the end of any survival show, there's a debut.

He'd of course heard the plans before, floating about the agency, but it had all been a bit up in the air - nothing fully confirmed, nothing to show that the plans weren't going to fall through. But now. Now it was confirmed, and Gabriel was amongst the ones selected. Finally he could have a chance to do something with the 2 years he'd spent here, something to show for it, hell, maybe even something that might make his parents look at him properly. He'd been basically sleepwalking through these past few months, bored out of his mind, but the chance to prove himself was here, and it had certainly ignited something in him. All he had to do was win.

Winning in a survival show is not like winning a regular competition. On the surface, it's just like any other talent show, where the goal is to be the better singer, or the better dancer. But it isn't.

If it were, Gabriel wouldn't nearly be as confident - there were a handful of candidates in this room alone that could give him a run for his money in many areas of performance. Luckily for him, in a idol survival show, your challenge is merely to present yourself as the most eligible candidate. Make use of the screen time you get, capture the attention of the people watching, and worm your way into their hearts. Even when the competition isn't ruled by public vote; when the producers realise you're the one bringing in the ratings, they'll be a bit more lenient on letting you stay. It also often involves being cruel, sometimes: convincing people you're more qualified for a spot even when you aren't, and stepping over your fellow trainees. Gabriel grew up amongst producers and film crews, he knew a thing or too about the inner workings.

I'm not sure this is the kind of thing everyone is going to be able to handle, he thought to himself, surveying the other boys in the room. Almost as if on cue, tears began brimming in Kai's eyes, rolling down his cheeks. In any other situation, Gabriel would've rolled his eyes, gave an exasperated sigh, but now, he knew he had to start turning on the charms even before the show had began. So instead, he offered a reassuring smile in Kai's direction, before turning back to Sujin.

Nao, on the other hand, was receiving the situation with a lot less thought. As Sujin explained the situation to the boys, his immediate thought was not that he would have to start calculating a plan, nor that he should be particularly worried or sad. Actually.. he was just relieved.

"Ahh. Finally, we can perform for people," He mumbled quietly, not to anyone in particular, traces of a faint smile on his face. Nao enjoyed training; he enjoyed the time spent with the others even if he didn't really talk much or make himself known, and he'd enjoyed the years he'd spent here, but more than all of that, Nao enjoyed performing for a crowd. Even if he didn't make it into the final group, the fact that he was going to be on the show itself meant that he was going to be able to stand on a stage, even if it wasn't permanent. And, in contrast to Gabriel, that was enough for Nao.

mentions: n/a || with: all trainees || location: studio
codedbycrucialstar | hidden scroll
Kaden Fujita
| Location: | Studio
| Interactions: | N/A
| Mentions: | Kaiser, Sujin, Nao, Bekzat
| Tags: | truthofself truthofself N Nue macrombie macrombie
Today was no different than yesterday, nor was it any different than the day before that.

Kaden's back slid against the wall and he collapsed on the ground, lungs dry. Dancing was hard for him. Sure, he could consider himself decent at it, but there were undeniable times where he seemed to be incapable of getting any move right. Right now was one of those times. As much as it frustrated him, he knew that this, like most other things, would pass. He'd eventually be able to nail this routine. Until then, though... He would just have to keep practicing. The thought made him grimace. He hated the idea of being stuck like this forever. After all, there was no other way to achieve a semblance of perfect without striving to practice every day for the rest of his life. It would all be worth it once perfection was finally obtained. He had to keep reminding himself of that.

Taking a swig from his bottle of water, Kaden breathed in deeply, trying to ignore the sounds of the other trainees. The squeaks of sneakers against the smooth floor and the weird amalgamation of music in the air irked him. He wished he could just do this alone. Then again, someone would point out just how antisocial he's being, and they'd be right: he was actively trying to avoid relationships. Not for any particular reason, of course; he just liked being by himself. The trainees around him were quite pleasant to be around, and they all had done their fair share of growth during the time they've spent together, so it's only natural he's grown attached to them. But...

There were the rumors to consider. Kaden had heard his fair share of them, muttered about from trainee to trainee in hushed tones barely above a whisper. They all spoke to one thing: a survival show. His understanding of it was somewhat flawed, all things considered, but there was no denying that it, whatever it was, was going to be big. Difficult. A challenge, of sorts, designed to bring out their flaws and imperfections and help them grow. He didn't know what the prizes were, if any, but he just hoped it was going to be worth the conflict they'd all be going through.

Looking around, Kaden took in the sight of the other trainees. Kaiser had been dancing, like him, but somehow still looked so full of life, of energy. Kaden envied the other male, yet a smile spread out across his lips. Kaiser was probably the person here he was closest to, next to maybe Mun-hee. Speaking of the devil, Mun-hee was stretching, bending down in a seemingly futile attempt to touch his toes. The scene amused Kaden, as Mun-hee looked so very intent about the entire process, staring at his feet with the same look he gave ramen he was about to devour.

Kaden's thoughts were interrupted when there was a knock at the door. He didn't bother looking to it; it wasn't a rare occurrence by any stretch, and thus he found no interest in whoever was there. However, when Sujin entered. His attention went straight to her, taking in her forced smile. Immediately he knew something was up. Was she finally announcing that show, or whatever it was? He couldn't be sure, but he understood her worries if that was the case. There was the chance that this charade would turn them all against one another, and he hated to think of that. So when she did announce it, he felt his chest tighten.

His expression twisted into one of blatant concern as he eyed the other trainees, trying to piece together something to say. Perhaps it was best not to do anything at all, however. They could all probably guess how he felt about this. Unsure, but not exactly unwilling. This could be a good thing for him if he was able to put enough effort into it. Above everything, though, he didn't want to be hurt by this. He needed to distance himself from the others, and he needed to do it while maintaining a friendly nature towards them on camera. Wonderful. Already he needed to adjust his mask to suit their new audience.

Scared at how easily he was coming to accept this, Kaden shook his head, his hair brushing against his forehead. His eyes caught sight of Kaiser, of the tears in the boy's eyes, and he gnawed at the inside of his cheek. This wasn't going to be good, was it? So much for thinking positively. He turned his head to face Nao when he heard the other male mumble something, although he couldn't catch what it was that he'd said. After lingering his gaze on Nao for a moment longer, Kaden returned his attention to Sujin as Bekzat asked her a question about who will be participating. He, too, was curious, and waited patiently for the answer, his eyes trained on Sujin.

Jeong Mun-hee
| Location: | Studio
| Interactions: | Kaiser, Sujin
| Mentions: | Bekzat
| Tags: | truthofself truthofself macrombie macrombie
Time and time again, Mun-hee found himself in the studio practicing. Whether it was during a schedule or of his own free will, he loved every minute of it. The feelings that pulsed through his veins were astonishing, leaving him feeling lightheaded and delighted. Dancing was his passion, after all, and he couldn't help but be swept off his feet every time the beat played. Currently, he was actually studying a girl group's routine, mostly for himself as opposed to anything else. The difference between their style and his was what kept him intrigued, roped in and interested to see what he could learn from them. There was always more to learn, and he loved that.

Stretching was Mun-hee's least favorite part about practicing. It seemed so pointless, even though he knew otherwise, and it made him feel no different than had he not stretched. He never felt refreshed or anything of that sort, instead leaving him eager to get on with actually dancing. Don't get him wrong--the importance of stretching had been ingrained into him since the moment he became a trainee--but there was something about the process of it that left him... bored. Besides, he never really put a lot of effort into it, anyway. So, as he stood there, reaching for his toes, it was no wonder he struggled.

A frustrated sigh left his lips and he tried again, using the moment of throwing himself down to see if it would help. It didn't. He still couldn't comfortably manage to touch them. That irritated him. He's been training for how long? Of course, he'd never really tried that hard when it came to perfecting his flexibility, but still... Maybe he should be putting more effort into this. For the third time, he dipped down, a serious expression on his face.

And then there was a knock on the door, startling him so much he flung too far over and almost planted his face into the ground. Luckily, he managed to catch himself in the nick of time, his hands serving as a buffer between him and the floor. As the adrenaline wore off, Mun-hee steadied himself, eyes scanning for the source of the knock. When he saw Sujin, he allowed himself to relax again, greeting her with a meek smile, still embarrassed by his earlier slip-up.

A survival show? Right, he'd heard rumors about that before, but... Was it really happening? His smile vanished and he looked around at the other trainees. They all wore different expressions, expressions which he was terrible at reading. He couldn't begin to imagine what was running through their minds at this time, but he did know how he felt about this situation: dreadful. He didn't want to go through with this. He was just starting to get used to the way things were, to the system and the schedule he went through daily now. It had taken a long, long time, and he wasn't about to give up what he'd achieved now.

Then again, what was he supposed to do? Quit? That wasn't an option. Nervous, Mun-hee bit at his lip. He felt some semblance of relief knowing he wasn't the only one worried about this; Kaiser was even crying. The urge to comfort his friend overtook him and he shot Kaiser and small, hesitant thumbs up. Hopefully, it would help? What did he know, though? It could've just made things worse. He'd feel terrible if that was the case.

"Miss Sujin, will it just be our training group participating?" Bekzat asked, and Mun-hee returned his attention to Sujin with curiosity in his eyes.

Taking in a deep breath, he finally decided to speak up for himself. "And when will the first recordings be aired?" he inquired, wondering when his death day would be. Whenever that date was, it marked the day that he'd be spending hiding in misery. There was no chance that this survival show would be any good for him. He wasn't good in front of a camera or on stage. Not yet, anyway. He needed more time... but how more time was the company willing to provide him? He couldn't spend the next few years just as a trainee; he knew that and he didn't want it to be that way. He wanted to debut at some point.

Maybe this competition would be the opportunity he needed for more practice performing. Still, it scared him. Terrified him, even. He supposed there was no real way out of it, though. This would be for the best. It was a way for him to get over his stage fright once and for all. Perhaps, then, it wasn't such a bad thing after all. He just needed to be brave.
code by RI.a
jeong young-jae
location: studio | mentions: bekzat + sujin
interactions: none yet [open]

Beads of sweat ran down his forehead, dripping onto the floor beneath him.

Goddammit, he knew all those years of smoking would come back to haunt him. Young-Jae sat on the floor against the wall, his legs bent and his elbows resting on his knees as he tried to catch his breath. Dancing wasn’t really his thing. I mean, throw him in front of a microphone or give him an instrument, and he’d go to town on that. But include dancing in there? Well, his poor lungs just didn’t seem to have the strength to cope with it even though it had been a solid maybe… three years since his last cigarette? Okay, so maybe he had one a couple of months ago. Okay, maybe it was one packet rather than one cigarette. But that was because he was stressed out as hell and he had gone over to a friend’s place for dinner. His friend had offered him one and he didn’t want to seem rude. And then after a couple of bottles of soju, the cigarettes just kept coming out. And well, that’s how he managed to finish a full packet in less than twelve hours. Amazing what you can do when you’re drunk, right?

Jae let out a defeated sigh, lowering his head as he collected his thoughts. He could hear his phone chime in the front pocket of his bag, indicating that he had a message. Well, the boy moved faster than any of his dance moves to get that damn phone out to read the message. It was his Umma. Min-Seok had been battling a temperature for the last couple of days, and it didn’t seem like it was budging. She had messaged him to let him know that she was planning on bringing him to the hospital as it wasn’t getting any better. Young-Jae’s eyes softened at the message, feeling his heartache at the thought of his boy having to be admitted into the hospital. He wanted to tell his Umma that he’d be right there and he’d take Min-Seok to the hospital himself. After all, it would cost a pretty penny to see a doctor, right? He didn’t want his parents having to spend any more money on his son. I mean, his brother.

However, before he could even manage to type anything back, there was a familiar voice that echoed in the room. Lifting up his sweaty head, Jae’s dark eyes gazed over at Sujin who had just entered the room and greeted everyone. Before anyone could ask her what she was here to address, she got straight to the point. Jae’s lips parted slightly as his eyes remained glued on the manager before them, taking in all the information that she was bringing to the table. How the hell did he not near about this survival show? Well, I suppose when you live like a hermit and most of your time watching anime, you’re bound to miss some sort of information circulating around the world wide web and company.

A small frown came to his face as he heard that they’d be video tapped during future practices. Oh great. The whole world was going to see how much of a terrible dancer he was before they got a chance to hear him sing, right? Well, at least he wasn’t the worst dancer on the team. I mean… he had to be better than someone out of the fifteen other guys in this studio. Though, as he continued to think about the whole concept of a survival show, it got him thinking. That means they debut, right? Which… meant good money, right? He could feel the fire burning in his eyes already at the thought of being able to actually make some real money so he could put away in his savings and for Min-Seok’s future.

Hearing Bekzat speak, Jae tore his eyes away from the female to gaze at the male and listen to his question. Slowly, he brought his attention back to the manager, waiting with anticipation for her reply. He could feel his heart beating violently inside his chest and as he waited for an answer, he was questioning himself if his heart was going crazy over the thought of debuting thanks to this show, or was it from the strenuous dancing routine they had just been trying to perfect. Either way, it was igniting a passion in his belly.
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"mother of 12 troublemakers, kaiser, wren and nao."
She had to pause, give everyone time to process and understand the words she spoke. She was aware that some of the oversea's idols still had some minor korean issues, but she knew they'd get it, since she spoke slow and clear. If not one would of course ask her to repeat, or someone would translate for her. They were good like that. Seeing reactions, made her heart hurt, half tempted to look away she let go of the smile she was forcing and looked far more upset and somber than before. She had to look away from the back of the room, catching a glimspe of Kai crying and hearing the poors boys sniffles made her chest feel tight.

She tried to clear her throat because now feeling the aura in the room change, Sujin felt as if she couldn't breathe. Moving her binder just a bit so she could place a hand on her chest to make sure she was breathing, as Bekzat had asked her a question. "Miss Sujin, will it just be our training group participating?"

She nodded, "The company picked just our unit. Since there are 15 of you, its a good number to work with, and allows for easy grouping." She paused lowering her binder and flipping it open before continuing speaking. "The company wants you to slipt yourself up into 3 teams of 5 for this monthly assessment. Of course, they had wanted me to, but that felt too forceful and biased. So they're going to allow you all to sort out the teams for this assessment. You have two days to pick the teams and the material for the evaluation at the end of the month." She gave a final check over of the sheet in her binder before closing it and nodding. "Are there any more question I can answer?" She knew they'd do well, being able to sort themselves and be able to carry themselves without her guidance from here on out.
Kim Jihun

Location: KUE Training Studio | Interacting with: Kaiser, Sujin | Mentions: truthofself truthofself

Jihun plopped down on the studio floor and rested his back against the wall. He had been practicing for several hours already, going through eight-counts and making sure he hit every motion, every picture of a routine they had been recently taught. Dancing wasn’t his strong suit, so he had to work especially hard at it if he were going to match the other trainees’ level. Seeing Mun-hee carefully go over a girl group routine had inspired him; he wished he could dance with the same kind of grace.


He put a hand to his stomach as it suddenly elicited a long, long rumble. It was loud enough for some trainees to hear, but they were all either too worn out from practice to notice or too focused on whatever they were working on. Jihun reached for his backpack in which he always kept several snacks for safe measure. As a three-year trainee, he knew there were probably rules against food in the studio, but he could usually get away with a few quick bites before staff noticed. He wasn’t really worried about any trainees snitching too, because he would usually share his food with them anyway.

He rummaged through his backpack and pulled out his snack for the day: a salmon rice ball from the local convenience store. However, upon hearing the studio door swing open and seeing manager Sujin standing there, Jihun immediately got up, instinctively bowing to greet their manager while simultaneously stuffing his rice ball into the pocket of his hoodie. She was like the mom of their training group, after all; the last thing he wanted was to get scolded by her again.

However, all worries over his imminent hunger faded away when Sujin dropped the bomb on them. A survival show. They were going to be in a survival show a month from now. Although Jihun had overheard the rumors from both trainees and staff alike, it still took some time to fully process. He heard about the cutthroat atmosphere of these shows with the fear of elimination constantly looming over the contestants’ head, and with everyone constantly pitted against each other. Jihun was overwhelmed just thinking about all the possibilities.

But Jihun knew he had to seize this opportunity, and seize it with all he’s got. This was his chance to finally reach out to people, to convey his feelings through his performance, to fulfill the dream he had been working so hard towards for three years. If winning this survival show allowed him to perform or make music in a way that would resonate with audiences, then he was all for it.

Jihun heard a sniffle nearby and saw Kai’s eyes welling up. Despite the tension in the room, Jihun quietly made his way to the other boy and gently squeezed his arm, with the hopes of reassuring him. He knew Kai had a tendency to be emotional, so this news must have been especially overwhelming for him. Everyone else was quiet for a moment until BK and Mun-hee asked about the specifics regarding the survival show, which Sujin gave straight. They would have to form teams, and they would even get to pick their own material. It was a lot of freedom, and it definitely made Jihun’s heart race with anticipation and anxiety for what was to come.


Then at the worst possible moment, when everyone was still absorbing the news, Jihun's stomach grumbled again. Loud and clear. His ears quickly turned a mild shade of red, and his thoughts returned to the rice ball sitting in his hoodie pocket.

code by Ri.a
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Wren + Yunhe
interactions: jihun? sort of? mentioned sujin + kai
location: the studio

Wren was exhausted.

This wasn't new. He made his way to the edges of the practice room, careful not to disturb the others. He needed to sit down before his legs could do something embarrassing like collapse.

Someone knocked on the door. Sujin let herself in.

Wren scrambled to stand up. After a quick thought, he relaxed against the wall, propping himself up against it. He didn't want to accidentally disrespect the manager---she was cool, and Wren desperately wanted her approval---but if he had to stand on his own for too long, he'd definitely fall over and hit himself on the head. He distantly wondered what she was here for. Her expression was pinched and worried. His heart ached for her; taking care of their chaotic group couldn't be easy in any aspect.

Maybe it was Yunhe, Wren thought, frantically trying to think of what might be wrong. The boy had smacked into several walls repeatedly a few days ago, chattering away about who knows what at a million miles per hour. Very possibly Sujin was here to tell them all that they had somehow discovered that he had a concussion. It might teach him some caution, Wren thought with some amusement, and then immediately felt bad. He didn't want anyone to get hurt.

The subject of his thoughts, Yunhe, felt similarly scared. He didn't want their manager to be unhappy. Granted, he didn't actually know her name (despite three years of training---Yunhe's bad at names and awkward at asking people about things, sue him) but generally a happy manager means a happy group. Besides, he didn't want her to be sad.

Ah, Wren realized as Sujin started speaking, of course. It's the survival show. He had heard rumors around the company, but had readily dismissed them. He didn't actually think KUE would actually follow through, or that he would be involved in any aspect of the show. Someone had told him, hey KUE might have a survival show and he had thought, poor guys, and moved on with his life.


The implications sunk in.

They're going to be in a survival show. This will ruin them. This will ruin everything.

Be brave, he told himself. His parents would have a field day with this. Maybe if he begged extra hard, he could get some pictures of his cats to support him until he gets eliminated. And then after then...

Wren didn't want to be left behind. He wanted to debut so much his bones ache. And then even if he, by some miracle, managed to make it, he'd still be leaving.

Poor Sujin, he thought almost hysterically, and then, poor all of us. God, his heart hurt. Kai was crying. Oh heavens, Kai might be eliminated. Everything about that seemed incredibly wrong.

Yunhe wanted to cry. Unfortunately, his tear ducts seemed to have malfunctioned. He stuffed his hands awkwardly into his jacket pockets and tried to look anywhere that wasn't Sujin and Kai. He was supremely terrible at dealing with crying. Wren seemed to be having a silent breakdown, which was all well and fine, but Yunhe was hungry and tired. He decided he didn't have the emotional capacity to deal with this right now and promptly sat down.

Mun-hee and BK were asking questions, but he barely heard them. You'll do great, he told himself, silently pumping his fists in his minds-eye. Work hard, be yourself. The next few months would be awful, no doubt about it, but that wasn't his problem right now. All he could do was chug along. He started thinking about teams.

Jihun's stomach grumbled. Yunhe leapt to his feet; it was the perfect opening.

"Let's go eat," he said fervently. "I'm starving and I can't deal with feelings until I stop feeling like a public restroom. We can talk while eating, after eating, whatever boats your goat. As long as I get to eat. Please."

He really hoped no one else had questions.

code// just-peachy
nao + gabriel

Nao had to admit, he was a little confused.

The idea that they'd all be performing together on a show sounded like great news to him - but when he looked around at his fellow trainees, it was almost nothing but sullen faces. Kai was even crying..

He wasn't completely naive. He knew that survival shows involved eliminations and that not all of the trainees would make it to the final group. And he'd spent so much time practicing with everyone that the idea of a group without all 15 of them felt.. odd. But, although he was often stuck in a daydream, Nao paid attention when they performed together, and he knew for a fact everyone in this group had the opportunity to succeed, whether they won the show or not.

There was one thing he was apprehensive about though.. forming teams. It wasn't like Nao was completely anti social, but he'd struggled to make conversation with his trainees - he was sure a few of them didn't even really remember his name. If they had to get into groups of 5.. there was a nagging fear at the back of his head that he'd be picked last.

None of this concern showed on his face, though. To the outside observer, Nao's glazed over expression made it seem like he wasn't even really listening at all.

..Until, of course, Yunhe leapt to his feet, and Nao immediately snapped to attention, almost falling back in surprise.

"Let's go eat. I'm starving and I can't deal with feelings until I stop feeling like a public restroom. We can talk while eating, after eating, whatever boats your goat. As long as I get to eat. Please."

Nao opened his mouth to respond, but Gabriel, quick on the uptake, beat him to it. He, too, jumped to his feet and grinned at the group.

"Yunhe's right. It's been a long day, and we could all do with something to eat," Gabriel nodded as he spoke, "We'll all think better once we've ate, too."

Something about Gabriel, who had never really bothered to engage with the group before, standing up to give the team a reassuring message didn't sit right with Nao.. but, he too was starving, and it wasn't like he disagreed, so he just gave a feeble nod of support.

mentions: yunhe, kai || with: trainees || location: studio
codedbycrucialstar | hidden scroll
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"promise, we'll be alright."
Kai couldn't breathe the more Sujin had spoke. He was terrified, brining his hands to his face with his oversized sweater sleeves, to dab at his eyes with the water falling. He hated this, this feeling, this situation. He worked so hard to be here, learned Korean in 4 years to be here, worked daily, while attending school to keep up his work. He did everything to stay here. He brought his father out here. He felt everything come crashing down, as he began to sob harder. Hiccuping with each breathe.

A feeling of lightheadedness began to creep into his mind as someone touched his arm, causing him to pull bck a bit in fear, before taking his hands away from his eyes to see Jihun gently touching him in hopes to ease the boy. Kai felt like such a child. He knew he was young, but his emotions were that of someone much younger than him. Easily swayed and messy. He couldn't help it, finding himself step over to Jihun, lightly grabbing at the sides of the males shirt, before crying into his shoulder.

Kai didn't care much for boundaries, he considered Jihun a friend, as he enjoyed to bake with the other and talk. Jihun was someone he was close to. Like how he was close to BK, Wren and Qiren. He had wanted the tears to stop, to have Sujin say sike, that it was a joke. But when she was answering the questions asked, he knew this was his life. Even the mention of going to get food didn't cheer him up. And it normally had. He just cried and cried into Jihuns shoulder. He'll pay for th washing later if theres any tear stains or snot on it.
mentions: jihun, BK, Wren, Qiren | interacting: leiaorgana leiaorgana | location: studio
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choi yoosung; studio; anxious, hungry;​

This was exactly what Yoosung has been waiting for. A survival show wasn't exactly how he wished to make his debut but it was far from the worst thing that could happen (that being not being able to debut at all).
Of course, the fact that this opportunity presented itself did not fix the other issue - being split into teams. He frowned when Sujin said that she was unwilling to do the job herself - Yoosung didn't think that allowing them to do it themselves was a good idea, imbalances could easily form like that, after all. He started to think on how exactly the teams were going to work out... Should he ask Munhee if he was willing to be in a group with him?
He was pulled out of his thoughts by talk of food - Yoosung spent most of the day practicing after all, and felt just as famished as poor Jihun. He took out his phone and texted to one of his sisters, 'Have dinner without me, eating at the company.'
After taking a few long gulps from his rather large water bottle, and putting away his phone into his backpack, he decided to ask a question.
"Where are we going to eat?" Yoosung directed the question at the general group, he himself preferred one of the chinese restaurants just across the street - it had a nice and peaceful atmosphere that he really enjoyed, but he wasn't against any of the other options either (they were all as equally mediocre in his opinion, but he was willing to eat there to further bond with his teammates).
"... Actually, how about I treat you guys to a meal in Hyangmi?" Yoosung asked, after (finally) noticing just how upset Kai was.
As he asked that question, he immediately felt his portmanteau lighten in his pocket - he was going to regret this, wasn't he?
His phone dinged, a response from his sister: 'dry as always huh -_-'.

if you're lonely, i will be lonely with you

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[/div] [div class=post][div class=scrollbox] Qiren was at the back when Sujin came in, earphones in and legs spread out to stretch them as he cooled down from his practice session. Today's practice had been mediocre by his personal standards - frankly, mediocre was more the norm at this point. He supposed he was reaching a plateau; there was only so much you could do as a simple trainee. He stood as others did, taking his time so as not to injure himself. He listened attentively to her announcement, watching for others reaction. He couldn't see Kai's face from his position, but Qiren already knew he was likely about to burst into tears. Other trainees began shifting and fidgeting, both discomfort and excitement apparent in their movements.

Amongst the newer trainees was Suk-Kyu. He'd grown tense, but not for the reasons Qiren was expecting. Frankly, he didn't need to win. The ink on his training contract had barely dried, so he was in no rush to be thrown straight into a debuting team. No, what he was dreading was the immediate first task. Who in their right mind would want to group with someone who had zero experience? He didn't know anyone either, a combination of his own reclusive personality and the fact he had only recently begun training full time. He didn't want to be the one left behind, having to be forcibly dumped into a group because he couldn't find his own. There'd been too much of that growing up. Yet he remained quiet, watching the other trainees and listening to the conversations around him in silence.

Qiren needed a moment to collect himself, absorbing the implications of Sujin's message. Their gazes briefly met, and he inclined his head in acknowledgement. He'd been under her care for so long he knew she had an idea of what was going on in his head. He'd never tried to hide what he was thinking whenever she'd asked. The fact that his chances of debuting had grown even slimmer hadn't escaped him. He should've listened to his father back when he failed the cut for HR; moving to a different company would've been the smarter choice. Yet he already knew that he wouldn't have done it, even knowing a survival show was in his future. There were Wren and Kai to think about; both were capable enough, but he knew he was a pillar of support for them.

His eyes instinctively searched for the two. Kai was already crying into Jihun's shoulder, so he would check on him later. Wren though... knowing him, he wouldn't be saying anything about the distress he was feeling. As he'd expected, he was silent, and all too still. Walking over, he put a hand on his shoulder, briefly squeezing it in solidarity. He took care not to look closely; some weren't comfortable with expressing themselves, and Wren was one of them. He let go, then answered Yoosung, keeping his voice light in response to his offer to treat them.

"If you're feeding us then I'll order double."
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"mother of 12 troublemakers, kaiser, wren and nao."

She felt a pain in her chest, as Kai's cries had gotten louder, her eyes immediately going to him, seeing him holding onto Jihun and crying. Sujin didn't have a favourite, she loved each boy as if he was here son. She had to keep herself strong, seeing as th boys got themselves off topic with the mentions of food and going out. She shook her head a bit at Izzy volunteering to buy everyones meal. She sighed softly clearing her throat to bring the rooms attention back to her.

"I'm going to interrupt for a little longer. I still have information to share." She spoke sternly, she understands the tension in the room, but she needed to explain more and share what she knew that she was supposed to share. She tapped her foot softly, waiting for the room to quiet before she spoke again. "I'm sorry, there's just a lot I was instructed to share." Sujin moved her binder to open it again flipping through her notes, before tapping the page.

"As you are all aware," She began, "Ku Entertainment has chosen this group of trainee's to participate in its Idol Producing Survival Show, To Supernova. The final project of the show is a 7 member, a self-producing group called Supernova. The show will take place over the next few months, and feature some special guests, intense training, dorm changes, and test your teamwork. Tomorrow morning the recording will begin when everyone arrives at the studio, to decide their teams. Use the time in this month really wisely, I know you've all worked really hard, and I ask you all to even though knowing the odds of the show, you don't turn your back on each other. Support each other like you always have." She gave them a smile shutting the binder in her arms before pulling out her wallet from the pocket in her suit jacket. "And Izzy, don't go broke feeding them" She spoke pulling out some money from it and handing it to Izzy. "I'll help."

She gave one final smile, knowing tomorrow a lot would be different for them. She bowed, before leaving the room, standing outside the door for a second, a sigh escaping her lips. Tomorrow everything changed. She thought, pushing herself away from the door and going back to her desk.
The no sooner that Sujin had left the room, the tension seemed to sink in more with the reality of the situation.

From that point on, the boys had packed the stuff they needed, phones, wallets, tissues most likely for any more waterworks a certain trainee often had in his system. And they began their adventure to the restaurant. Which wasn't far, it was merely across the street. Hyangmi, it was pretty, but not super expensive or super high class. It was a place they ate at enough times to know what most of the menu tasted like, especially Wren, Qiren and Kai. It had only been 15 minutes since Sujin had left the boys in that studio.

And here they were, finally getting a table, to eat at. 15 minutes, on a cloudy afternoon, knowing that soon they'd either go practice again, or they'd b told to go back to the dorms and rest for the night.
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bekzat park; hyangmi restaurant; (─‿‿─);​

The prospect of food had Bekzat perk up a bit from his contemplation of what was incoming. Kai has calmed down - Bekzat felt glad that Kai was feeling better, while it almost shamed him to admit it, he often avoided comforting the other (the few times that he tried, he felt like it was only making things worse). Bekzat thought that Kai didn't necessarily approve of his sad attempts at humour in an attempt to alleviate his mood. He looked at his reflection in the cup of lukewarm tapped water served by the surprisingly large but quaint restaurant, and in the reflection he saw Hanjae's dark hair with a smile he found far too agreeable. His small face made Bekzat feel oddly nervous, for some inexplicable reason.
Bekzat drew his gaze away from his cup and onto the group.
The large gaggle of trainee boys sat in the back of the restaurant - a vain attempt to conceal their presence there, more of a courtesy than a precaution. It wasn't rare to hear girls and boys alike giggle and whisper when they entered (Hyangmi wasn't the only place where this was a common occurrence). He was pretty sure that someone actually approached Levi with their number once, trying to flirt with the handsome youth. The KUE trainees weren't the most popular by far, but things like that weren't rare either.
Looking at people eating out with their relatives, to ease his mind, Bekzat was very much reminded of his own family.
They usually expected him to be back by ten, eating out with friends was very much habit by this point. A meal together sounded like just about what they needed, it provided an opportunity to find out exactly on what page everyone was when it came down to teams.
Bekzat actually didn't know where to start with that - in what kind of set up would he be allowed to shine the most? He wasn't the most humble of boys. He understood that he was one of the most gifted dancers in the training group. With his skills it wouldn't be hard to stand out, but he didn't want to clash with anyone quite yet, the first performance should go smoothly (at the very least).
These were all things to consider as a steaming bowl of seafood noodles was placed onto the table before him, and side dishes started piling up onto the white polished table. Turning to his left, where Kai was sat, Bekzat decided to not mince words; he knew that straightforwardness wasn't necessarily the best way to talk to Kai, but he felt the need to get his point across quickly.
Using the asymmetrically broken, cheap wooden chopsticks to lift noodles from the broth of his meal, he used the spoon to maneuver them comfortably before offering them up to Kai, who ate the sacrificial noodles in his usual fashion.
"I think that we shouldn't be on the same team." Bekzat said, and immediately attempted to divert his attention onto the spinach side dish, which was spicier than he hoped it would be. His eyes watered slightly and he grabbed his glass of water, downing about half of it.

for you, i know
they think it's messed up to sell out for your boy

Jeong Mun-hee
| Location: | Hyangmi
| Interactions: | Everyone
Hyangmi was a place Mun-hee had been to many times before. Not as frequently as some of the other trainees, as it was expensive to eat out every day, but enough to the point where he knew what the menu was like. There were quite a things on it that he enjoyed. He ordered himself some noodles and was slurping them down contently while trying not to think too much about the survival show. It would only make him feel worse if that was brought up again. He wasn't sure he could handle the crushing feeling in his chest for much longer. Seeing Kaiser crying had scared him, as much as he hated to admit it. He didn't want to see any of his friends crying like that again. Knowing Kaiser, though...

Shaking his head, Mun-hee redirected his attention back to his food. The banchan, in particular, caught his interest and he dug in, covering his mouth while he ate. He was forever worried that people would see him eating sloppily and judge him for it, as weird as that sounded. He couldn't help his irrational fears, no matter how hard he tried. By this point, he'd given up questioning the things he concerned himself with. There was no point in attempting to rationalize it all.

And thus, as he continued to chow down on his banchan, it wasn't a surprise that his thoughts drifted back to the survival show. They were going to have to pick teams. His eyes scanned the faces of the boys around him; he didn't care who he was paired with as long as they were going to get along well. Friendships were most important to him. He didn't want anyone to feel left out in any way, shape, or form. As such, he wasn't sure who he'd pick. Talent didn't matter to him. But, then again, maybe it should be one of the factors he used in determining his teammates. He hated to think about it in that way, but, if they were going to advance at all in the competition, they needed to be skilled.

The hard part here was narrowing down his list. In Mun-hee's eyes, everyone around him was talented in their own, unique ways. How on Earth was he supposed to pick amongst them all? It was obvious: he couldn't. He would just have to wait and see if anyone wanted him on their team. If that happened, he'd go along with them wordlessly. He liked to think he was pretty good at dancing, but when it came to other things... he still had much to learn. Perhaps it was time to really start putting in some extra hours practicing.

Tonight, then. Mun-hee decided that tonight he'd sneak into the practice room and do some training. He needed to work on stage presence, as he rarely stood out, but most of that came with confidence and he wasn't anywhere near being confident in himself yet. That was something that he prayed would come with time. Perhaps he should ask if any of the other boys wanted to join him. Or should he not tell them and practice all by himself in secret?

No, he couldn't just not tell them. That would be impolite.

"I was thinking about hitting up the studio late tonight to get some extra hours in,"
he said before taking in a deep, shaky breath. It occurred to him that this could be the best way to find potential teammates. He just had to actually extend the invitation. "Does anyone want to come with me?"
code by RI.a
[class=variables] --color: #b7cfda; cursor: url('http://i.imgur.com/ZOrzC.png'), auto !important [/class] [class=container] width: 530px; height: 300px; display: flex; margin: auto; [/class] [class=left] height: 300px; width: 220px; padding: 15px; box-sizing: border-box; font-size: 13px; overflow: hidden; [/class] [class=name] font-weight: 900; text-align: center; border-bottom: 4px solid var(--color); width: 120px; display: block; margin: 10% auto; font-size: 16px; position: relative; [/class] [class=imgContainer] width: 100%; height: 90px; display: flex; justify-content: space-between; margin: 10px auto; [/class] [class=img] width: 90px; height: 90px; background-size: cover; background-position: 50% 50%; filter: saturate(70%); [/class] [class=tag] display: inline-block; border-bottom: 1px solid var(--color); height: 15px; font-size: 10px; text-transform: uppercase; [/class] [class=right] width: 280px; height: 300px; display: flex; flex-direction: column; overflow: hidden; font-size: 12px; text-align: justify; padding: 10px; box-sizing: border-box; [/class] [class=leftTagContainer] width: 100%; height: 100px; [/class] [class=scroll] width: 100%; padding-right: 50px; height: 100%; overflow-y: scroll; [/class] [div class=variables] [div class=container] [div class=left] [div class=imgContainer] [div class=img style="background-image: url('https://pbs.twimg.com/media/DgngPVGUEAEQDDJ.jpg')"][/div] [div class=img style="background-image: url('https://66.media.tumblr.com/332e5a628e9449ef7eefcef324420e2b/tumblr_ppx4r8ieG41xg58k9o9_250.png')"][/div] [/div] [div class=name]Wren + Yunhe.[/div] [div class=leftTagContainer] [div class=scroll] [div class=tag]location[/div] hyangmi
[div class=tag]interacts[/div] BK, Mun-hee
[div class=tag]tags[/div] macrombie macrombie Kipsy Kipsy
[/div] [/div] [/div] [div class=right] [div class=scroll] Wren tried not to think about the survival show.

This, of course, didn't work entirely as planned. They'd have to pick teams tomorrow---it was a little bit late to avoid thinking about it. Actually, it was a little bit late, period. He briefly wondered whether he'd have to adopt an outgoing persona to try and advance further in the show, and immediately shrunk from the thought. He couldn't act like that if his life depended on it.

He stabbed at his rice without really seeing it. It'd be nice to have Qiren and Kai on his team. They were always nice about things and he was comfortable around them. Besides, they were both talented in their respective fields regardless. The language barrier might be a little bit of an issue, but it wasn't like the team would just be the three of then. Someone else could do all the talking if they wanted to. Wren was okay with that.

Yunhe was happily thinking about the survival show. It would be exciting, he thought. After the initial shock (and hunger) had cleared, he had thought it through: it was good exposure, and he'd get closer to other trainees. Even if he didn't debut, his name would still be out there. It was like a game, kind of, he decided. He just had to beat it. As for teams, he didn't really have a preference. It'd be nice with whoever, as long as they were nice about it.

Wren heaped some meat into his bowl and tried to direct his wavering attention to eating and conversation, with varying amounts of success. No one on his side of the table was really talking at all.

And then.

"I don't think we should be on the same team," Bezkat said to Kai.

Wren stiffened, and risked a glance towards the latter. He didn't want to confront Bezkat---he was pretty sure it was an argument he would lose. The boy presumably had his own (misguided, Wren privately thought) reasons, but. Kai was his friend. Kai was everyone's friend. Hurting Kai was probably an international crime.

Yunhe, happily oblivious to the whole BKai dilemma and lost in his own thoughts and the demands of his stomach---wow that chicken was good---was vaguely aware of a few someones talking, and belatedly realized that Mun-hee was extending an invitation to practice. Some other people had been talking, but he hadn't quite caught it. Anyway, it sounded like drama and if Mom Hwang had taught him anything, it was to stay out of the fighting.

Mun-hee looked anxious. He was always a little bit anxious, Yunhe thought with a frown.

"I'd love to come," he said, beaming at the other trainee. "But I'm not actually that good at dancing. Is that okay?" [/div] [/div] [/div] [/div]
coded by shady.
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"levi didnt want to be in the photo."
Kai had stopped crying on the walk over, clinging onto jihun the whole way. He was happy to have a friend like Jihun. Hell, he was happy to have all his friends. They all cared a lot about him. He kept clinging to Jihuns arm as they walked in, and waiting to get sat at a table towards the back of the building. Even sitting, he saw himself between Jihun, and Bekzat. Two people he trusted and cared for immensily. Espically Bekzat. Is Kai were to be honest, he cared a lot about Bekzat, and not just as his friend. He really adored the younger boy. He was talented, and nice, most of the time.

Kai didn't order anything, he never really ordered food. Because most of the time he would, and then he was being fed something by someone. Normally Bakzet. It was something they did. Often feeding the other and checking up on the other. He was happy, but he had ordered a small bowl of chicken chow mein, as it often reminded himself of home and the meals his mother would make. Even the Americanized version of it was good from when he went to America with the school. But here he sat, slowly recovering from finding out such news, and BK said something that hurt him more than the survival show did.

"I think that we shouldn't be on the same team." Bekzat had said, causing Kai to do a double-take on the sentence. Kai was more than sensitive, hell he was the MOST sensitive, especially when t came to Bekzat. He felt more tears coming, looking away from the other and quickly standing to his feet; excusing himself from the room.

While that was happening, Namseon had excused him long before using the restroom. He was exhausted after today. He was someone who worked too hard. A lot had happened in Namseon's life, too much for this show to ruin it. He worked hard to get away from his parents and the abuse at home. Living in dorms, spending all day at the Company, spending all the time he could avoiding his broken home.

On Namseon's way back to the table, he saw Kai. It was clear something happened and that the boy was upset once again. It was clear that that kid was going to lose. Namseon used to consider him a threat, but once it was clear how sensitive Kai was. Namseon did anything to try and break him. It was his nature to go after the weak. And currently, right now would be a good time to go after Kai. Althought both of them were passive with the other, and could get along well, and act friendly. Namseon didn't really make friends with people. Of course he was close to people like Youngjae or Jeongin. But even then, Namseon was well; himself. He only knew how to act like his mother.

He followed Kai out of the building, finding the boy crouched in front of it, crying into his hands. Namseon stood next to him, not allowing to waste a second as he figured someone would be following the younger boy out any second. "Kai," He began. "Don't you get tired of always being upset here? It seems everything makes you cry. You're 18 right? Why waste your time at a place you aren't even happy and just go back home. You tell us all the time your mother misses you. You complain about your dad. Why stay?"

The younger didn't answer, voice caught in his throat. He knew Namseon was right. A lot happened, even if it was small. Kai was upset at a lot of things. Unfairness from the company, his fathers lack of approval and appearance in his life. Everyday he seemed to be upset. From other trainee's like Hanjae. Even if he liked the boy, he did kind of bully him. But a lot of people did. This group bullied him the least. He had Qiren, Chenlei, Jihun, Bekzat, Kayden, and so many others he enjoyed and adored in the group. But he was stressed a lot, cried when he couldnt make someone happy. He nodded at Namseons words.

Namseon smiled. "Maybe you should try something else? But give it some thought before you choose. Maybe this'll get better. I dont know what upset you this time. But you're 18, you shouldn't cry so much. Crybaby." He spoke turning on his heels and heading back in the building.
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[div class=macbox]
bekzat park; hyangmi restaurant; (╥﹏╥);​

Kai had left before Bekzat had the chance to explain himself. It was a foreseeable outcome, but one that Bekzat still didn't quite anticipate. He blinked away his teary eyes just as Wren had asked him if he was insane. Bekzat looked the boy in the face and narrowed his eyes. "I don't think you'd understand." He answered with a sneer, before chucking himself out of his seat and chasing after Kai.
He dashed past the tables and knocked into a girl on the way, whispering a barely audible 'sorry' to the stranger. Bekzat stumbled past the door, but his pink undershirt sleeve was caught in the doorknob, and he let out a wave of russian curses. "Да твою мать!" He muttered with a scowl as he yanked his hand away from the door, earning a look from one of the waiters. Luckily his sleeve gave way and he was off to look for Kai.
As he gracelessly tumbled outside, he first saw and heard Namseon and his voice.
"... you're 18, you shouldn't cry so much. Crybaby." Bekzat's already unpleasant expression turned even more sour, both from the knowledge that Kai started crying and from how Namseon decided to taunt the other. He never really liked Levi anyways he thought to himself, before yelling out. "Oi, asshole! What the fuck are you doing?"
The yellow tinted light from behind them illuminated their features like a very lacking backlight. He walked up to where Kai has bundled himself up, and glared at Levi.
"Leave." He spat out.

it was at this moment
BK knew he fucked up

jeong young-jae
location: getting the nom noms | mentions: bekzat, kai, levi, mun-hee + yunhee
interactions: mun-hee Kipsy Kipsy

He was always on his damn phone.

That was right. He was that guy. That guy who always had his head down, staring at the screen and typing messages away to people despite not having any social media network accounts. Even now, as he sat at the table with the rest of the group, waiting for their food. Whilst the others had decided to talk amongst themselves or stare at the menu, trying to decide what to pick, Young-Jae was gazing at his phone. His elbows planted on the table as his hands raised his phone up so he could see the screen. His eyes travelled over the many messages he had since received from their simply walk from the company complex to the restaurant. All of them from his Umma.

We are in the waiting room at the hospital. The nurses said that the waiting period is twenty minutes.

How is practice going?

Are you doing well?

The boy let out a heavy sigh, wondering how the hell he was going to tell his parents about this damn show. He knew that he probably wouldn’t make it through to the end. His dancing was nowhere as good as the others – heck, he was probably one of the worst dancers there. But when it came to his rapping and producing… now, that’s where he excelled in life. Despite his exceeding skills in those areas, his mind kept drifting back to the dancing. He knew he had to improve if he wanted to get to that final round. And he knew that he’d have to put in those extra hours to just to meet the expected standards.

Quickly, Young-Jae typed a simple message to his Umma; Thank you Umma. Please keep me updated. Practice is good. I will call you later to update you. He pressed the ‘send’ button, hearing his phone whisk away the message before his index finger reached up and pressed the lock screen. With another sigh, he placed his phone onto the table just as he heard Mun-hee’s comment about going to the studio tonight. The thought of going so late for some extra hours… Oh man, he really didn’t want to. His body screamed for him not to. But he knew that he needed to get those hours in there if he wanted to improve.

As Yunhe spoke, Jae’s hand travelled down to pick up one of the chopsticks to which he raised up and held with both hands. He fiddled with the wooden utensil, nodding slowly before speaking. “I should come too.” He said in a low tone, his eyes lazily glancing up to Mun-hee. “Lord knows I need the practice.” It was at this point that he noticed the sound of the chair scraping against the floor and the figure of Kai standing up to walk away. With a curious raised brow, Young-Jae watched as the male walked out of the room and then out of the building – but not without being followed by Namseon and Bekzat. The parental instinct in him wanted to go out and see what was wrong. But he also knew that Kai could be very sensitive. Heck, the boy would probably cry if you told him that scientist discovered that dogs get stressed out when you hug them. So, instead, he remained in his spot, hungry as heck as he waited for his japchae to arrive.
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[class name=body] margin: -10px auto; display: flex; position: relative; overflow: hidden; width: 100%; max-width: 1000px; background: #FFF; flex-flow: row wrap; justify-content: center; align-items: stretch; align-content: stretch; [/class] [class name=image] flex: 1 0 300px; min-height: 300px; max-width: 1200px; height: 60vh; background: url(https://i.imgur.com/gGImbv1.jpg) center 50%/auto 100% no-repeat content-box; font-size: 0px; border: 1px solid #e8e8e8; padding: 21px; margin: 10px; position: relative; [/class] [class name=image maxWidth=600px] background: url(https://i.imgur.com/gGImbv1.jpg) center 30%/100% auto no-repeat content-box; min-height:250px; height: 250px; [/class] [class name=imagetwo] top: 0px; left: 0px; right: 0px; bottom: 0px; height: 100%; width: 100%; opacity: 0; background: url(https://i.imgur.com/VnKlzsO.png) center 50%/auto 100% no-repeat content-box; [/class] [class name=imagetwo maxWidth=600px] background: url(https://i.imgur.com/VnKlzsO.png) center 30%/100% auto no-repeat content-box; [/class] [class name=contentwrap] flex: 3 0 300px; display: flex; flex-flow: column wrap; height: auto; overflow: hidden; padding: 21px 0px; [/class] [class name=name] margin: 10px; flex: 0 0 auto; font-size: 4em; box-sizing: border-box; display: block; color: #FB5360; letter-spacing: -3px; line-height: .9em; padding: [/class] [class name=miniinfo] display: block; flex: 0 0 auto; font-size: .65em; line-height: .95em; color: gray; text-transform: uppercase; width: calc(100 - 30px); padding-left: 30px; margin: 0px 10px 10px 10px; [/class] [class name=post] display: block; flex: 1 0 250px; margin: 10px 10px 10px 10px; overflow: hidden; [/class] [class name=scrollbox] display: block; height: 100%; width: 100%; padding-right: 150px; overflow-x: visible; overflow-y: auto; text-align: justify; font-size: .85em; color: #9b9b9b; [/class] [class name="fade"] animation-name: {post_id}fadeAni; animation-duration: 10s; animation-delay: 2s; animation-timing-function: linear; animation-iteration-count: infinite; animation-direction: alternate; [/class] [animation=fadeAni] [keyframe=0] opacity: 0; [/keyframe] [keyframe=45] opacity: 0; [/keyframe] [keyframe=55] opacity: 1; [/keyframe] [keyframe=100] opacity: 1; [/keyframe] [/animation] [div class=body] [div class=image] [div class="imagetwo fade"]suk-kyu&qiren[/div] [/div] [div class=contentwrap] [div class=name]suk-kyu&qiren[/div] [div class=miniinfo] sukkyu: restaurant // qiren: just outside restaurant
sukkyu: weldherwings weldherwings followingnorth followingnorth Kipsy Kipsy // qiren: truthofself truthofself macrombie macrombie
[/div] [div class=post][div class=scrollbox] Dinner had just barely began and already there was a casualty. Suk-Kyu quietly ate his noodles as he studied the others around them. He was seated on the side with the quieter folk, which suited him just fine. The only one who could get noisy was Qiren, who was planted closer to the middle of the long table. However, the older male didn't look to be in the mood for talking and was subdued, shooting glares at the three empty seats on the table. Clearly Qiren was debating getting up and following after them. Suk-Kyu watched him as he chewed, curious as to what decision the dancer would make. With a resigned sigh, Qiren stood, and Suk-Kyu quietly bid him good luck, knowing he was headed in for some drama.

He turned his attention back to the table, where discussion around him was on additional practice at the studio later. "I'm not any good either, but that's why I want to practice." He chewed a bite of noodles before speaking again. "That is, if they let us. They might lock it down for tomorrow, installing cameras or something." That was probably the most he'd spoken today. He typically responded with monosyllabic answers.

Qiren, meanwhile, had followed after BK. He didn't hear the words exchanged, but there was enough tension in the air for him to know whatever happened, it was bad. A dull ache began making itself known between his brows. An exasperated sigh escaped him before he could control it. Both Baekhyun and Levi had a terrible way with words, whilst Kai was an oversensitive soul on a good day. "Levi, Baekhyun, get back in. If this is what talking about the grouping does, we're tabling the conversation until dinner's done. It's going to give everyone a bad stomach for tomorrow."

He walked to where Kai sat, still facing the ground. Purposely, he crouched down close enough to block out the other two. Though his voice was gentle, there was a firmness in it that offered no rebuttal. "You too, Kai. I'll get worried if you stay out here, so let's go back in. You can sit with me for now."
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choi yoosung; hyangmi; confused;​

Yoosung ate with a tentative energy, trying his best to pay attention to what was happening around him. He perked up as Munhee mentioned training into the late night,
He considered it, Sukkyu brought up a good point with the possibility of the training rooms being closed up tomorrow, but he had siblings to take care of at home. His younger brother was just about to leave for camp, his more energetic sister had a taekwondo tournament coming up - she would do great but still would require help getting her gear neatly set up for after tomorrow, and Yoosung felt the need to take care of that first before the practice for the events to come started.
He hummed in contemplation as he took a long sip of his oolong tea, a crease forming in the space between his eyebrows. Not going to the late-night practice could have negative side effects, Yoosung wanted to have a well-formed team, but he supposed that the group of people planning on it wasn't the most proactive type when it came to these things. Munhee was quite shy and probably would only join in someone else asked him first. Youngjae always seemed... tired, Yoosung didn't think he'd be the first to extend the olive branch to anyone either. Sukkyu was much like other two, he had a low chance of taking initiative. He supposed it all boiled down to how willing they all were to form a team, and if Yunhe was going either prod them into it or charm them into it.
His frown deepened even more as he took note of all the things they ordered - it was fine, he wasn't particularly short on cash, but seeing the numbers going down in his cashbook made him nervous. Four people have left the table already but he figured that they will return anyways (it wasn't a hard thing to figure out, most of them have left their belongings behind).
"I'm not going to join you today," Yoosung said alleviating his frown in an attempt to appear calmer, "- I do think that we should meet up tomorrow as well though, and get some more practice in then as a whole training group - like we usually do." He ate a piece of chicken before continuing. "It's a good idea to do it while we still didn't break up into teams."

if you're lonely, i will be lonely with you

[class=picture] position: relative; display: inline-block; [/class] [class=text] position: absolute; width: 100%; height: 100%; top: 0; left: 0; opacity: 0; background-color: rgba(0,0,0,0.2); color: white; z-index: 2; [/class] [class name=text state=hover] opacity: 1; [/class] [div class=picture] [div class=text]
"levi didnt want to be in the photo."
Kai kept his hands covering his face, the wall bhind him prevented him from running away as Bekzat came out to yell to Namseon. He didnt understand what was happening or what he did. Why was Bekzat not caring back inside but now that he made him upset Bekzat seems to care? Kai's chest hurt, as he was unable to produce a noise to signal how uncomfortable he was in the situation.

Namseon was going to snap back at Bekzat, rolling his eyes and scoffing as Qiren came out. Namseon didn't like Qiren. He never knew why really, he just found him annoying with how often he was clearly found babying Kai. But then again, everyone was babying Kai it felt like. Everyone did it, or at least mostly everyone had done it. But Namseon glared at the three younger boys and waves a hand, turning on his heels. "Whatever, way to kill the mood. Just trying to help the poor kid, but clearly my help isn't wanted." Namseon shook his head and headed back inside taking his seat next to Youngjae again. He elbowed Youngjae softly, whispering if he missed anything. But he doubted Youngjae had been paying attention

Kai watched the shadows of the people around him move and shift as Namseon left, and Qiren moved to block Bekzat from him. He sniffled, moving his hands away slightly to look at the other two boys with him. He didn't want Qiren to push Bekzat away and make him leave, but at the same time, Kai had no interest in seeing the other or being inside. His heart hurt, and he really was considering Namseons words. He glanced from Qiren to Bekzat, before looking at the ground, waiting for one or both to leave; or even neither. Maybe he expected them to fight, maybe he expected dirty looks and being pulled to his feet and guided back. He didnt know what to do.
mentions, youngjae, bekzat, qiren | interacting fluticasone fluticasone & macrombie macrombie & weldherwings weldherwings

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