To Reign in Hell

Y'know what? I'd actually be very interested in joining this myself. Not sure if I spoke to you about this before, though, Grey.
Name: Kasadya (The penitence master)

Servent of: Lamashtu (the seducer)

What must be Understood:

Oh, that beauty of the shattering of a hundred thousand stars that first served to herold the great creation, the Azkerou, which was the birth of time. Since that time, there has been struggle, the constent striving of beings lesser than the maker for the central pivit of creation. It is not creation, or the entirety of creation that the struggle exists, but only for the formost piece of which all creation occurred. Yes, I am speaking of man, of course, what else. I am also speaking of the constent struggle of the champions, the Maker’s, and the dissolutioner’s. The Christian parallel refers to it, the Jews, but most closely ar the followers of Zoroastrianism. The first ones hold to the view correctly, but then agan we are speaking of man. To understand this is to understand Lex Akhashta, that region of the nether, which some call Hell. On which plan it lies, depends on perspective, I cannot say. This though is known by all. There exists a structure supported by three triangles, one crystal, one iron, one of diamond, which mortals might call a honeycomb, as it is alike in form. This structure is as tall as the largest structure ever devised by man, but it’s inners are larger than that suggested by it’s form. The one that guards this tructure, the one runs it, the one that is it’s chief master, is Kasadya. This structure has three gates, one for the number of the length of the souls that reside within, for it was agreed before the contest of strength of the Champions, that souls would only reside till their impurties were removed, and then released. The ones that enter the lowest gate, the third gate are never released, or rather, they remain until there is nothing left. The Keeper bargins with these, for what, and for why, that is something that is not easy to understand.

(Please note, this very loosely based on Zoroastrianism. I can supply more if there is an interest. My character’s flaw is Invy, for all the things granted to his mistress, but not him. He doesn’t hate her for it, but simply wants those things too. For this he is willing to bargin, but only in such a way as not to go against his nature. The first player that figures out his nature, can control him utterly. Pretty neat, no? That’s the trick though, figuring him out. What he wants, what he’ll do to get it, that’s only part, but figuring that out, will help with all the rest)

To Gray. I don’t plan on doing any disappearing acts on you, even if certain unexpected things come back up. I don’t expect to be a real heavy poster, but hope to make up for that with imagination… the last is bit of a joke. Anyhow, let me know what you like, and don’t like, and I’ll dance accordingly. Hope all is well with you all, respectfully, Sightless.
Don't worry about rate of posting, Sightless. I really like this concept and how you expressed it. There are some cosmological differences between the game and real world philosophies, but drawing on them for inspiration in such fashion is perfectly fine.

You should check the game forum for further details and we discuss your idea further once you've looked things over, gotten a feel for it.
This game is now waitlisted because goddamn do you see that character forum.
[QUOTE="Admiral Calgori]Ladies and gentlemen, we have done it
we have borked the grey


Also you've just forced my hand to submit another game I hope you're happy
SephirothSage said:
I am interested- is this still open for new players to Join, and if so, where do I go to do so?
You would have to visit the subforum here, read this, and then post the character in the Scroll of Names.

I strongly suggest reading over the existing PCs and NPCs to get some ideas. I can't promise you a place immediately, unless I'm really impressed by the character.
Alright then, Glad to hear that it's possible. Just a note- what Era is Earth in, while we are down in the depths of hell? This influences my charachter idea, is why I ask.
SephirothSage said:
Alright then, Glad to hear that it's possible. Just a note- what Era is Earth in, while we are down in the depths of hell? This influences my charachter idea, is why I ask.
Time is.... strange, in Hell. It could be any era. What did you have in mind?

It's also not Earth as we know it, but that hasn't come up a lot in-game so far. I believe there's a link to the relevant download either in the subforum, or in the first post of this thread.
Well- one assumption, is... Actualy, this might be better to Discuss in PM? It's an.. odd, concept- but, before I even go into it- where all Demons Always Demons, or is there such a thing as a Formerly HUman Demon- IE, a Mortal Being that made a Faust-Type Deal, but in fact outwitted the demon in question and assumed it's place?
SephirothSage said:
Well- one assumption, is... Actualy, this might be better to Discuss in PM? It's an.. odd, concept- but, before I even go into it- where all Demons Always Demons, or is there such a thing as a Formerly HUman Demon- IE, a Mortal Being that made a Faust-Type Deal, but in fact outwitted the demon in question and assumed it's place?
PM can work fine. I'll send you one shortly.

There are formerly human Demons, but they do not remember ever being human, and it's impossible to outwit a Demon such that you replace it.

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