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To Have and To Hold {Retghauls}


Demoness ready to play ;)

Name: Lucian Draken

Age: 210 (Appears 21)

Species: Dragon

Personality: On the outside, he appears could-hearted, but inside he just wants to be left alone. He hates being royalty, so most of the time he avoids it when he can.​


Luke swept his crimson eyes over the every growing crowd of dragons. His father had called upon their people, the one's that weren't busy protecting the city, for a "special" meeting. He had no knowledge of what this could possibly be about, or what was important enough to call everyone here. He stood by his father's side like he always did, his calm, cool demeanor never changing, even as his father stepped forward to speak. The people automaticaly went silent. Luke could feel the tension in the air right before his father spoke.

"My people, we have finally found a solution for the problem that has haunted our people and our land for years," He paused to let the news set in, and flicked his eyes briefly to Luke, before he went on. "The war with the Phoenix's is over. You all are probably wondering how this has happened. Well, the two lands have decided to......merge to prevent another war breaking out. We have arranged for my son, Lucian, to marry their heir,"

At first, it took a while for the words to set in, before rage to set in. Though on the outside his expression never changed, he was churning with anger. If he was in his full dragon form, he would be spouting flames right about now. He sent a cold glare to his father who didn't seem bothered by it. He had a weird twinkle in his eye as if expecting this to happen. The people around them had similar thoughts as Luke did. They didn't seem happy. His father nodded to the people before heading back inside the castle. Luke gave one last glance to the people before following him. He opened his mouth to speak but was interrupted by his father. "I know you are angry, if not surprised, but this was the only way to finish this war without any more people dying."

"You should have asked first," Luke scowled.

"Would you have agreed? Probably not. Anyway it doesn't matter. You are meeting you're new spouse tomorrow. They will be coming here to make the final arrangements,"

With that, he left Luke standing in the hall staring after his father in disbelief.

Ragen was been told that his father wanted to see him, so as the great son he is he obeyed. Heading to the center of the castle, father sitting in his throne looking a bit worried when he walked in. "What's wrong, father?" he saw his father swallowing thickly. "The war has ended." He spoke with a loud, mighty voice. "Well shouldn't we be feasting then?" Not knowing how to act, there was some kind of strange feel in the room.

"Son, I want you to sit down first." The king spoke, pointing over at the smaller throne next to him. "No! Tell me! What's going on?" Confused and angry he walked closer to his dad. "You're going to marry a dragon my boy." Ragen's breath stopped for a moment. This couldn't be true. "Yeah right." Laughing thinking it was a joke from his dad. But when he saw his father looking him dead in the eye, he knew he was being serious. "I need some time alone. DON'T DARE TO COME AND FIND ME!" He shouted, walking out of the castle. Disappearing into the woods close to his home.
Luke couldn't help but be angry not only at his father, but at himself. He knew that he should have payed more attention to the castle's politic's. Then he would have heard about this sooner and would have been able to stop his father from offering him up like he was some kind of product. He huffed for the hundredth time as he stalked down the hallway. He needed to let off some steam before he hurt someone. He needed to fly. Flying always helped him clear his head. The thing was, he knew his father would refuse to let his out of the castle, not that he cared much anyway. He was used to sneaking out. He ducked into his room, and ordered the guard that his father had following him, to stay outside. He closed and locked the heavy wooden doors, before jogging over to the window and throwing it open. The cool night breeze rustled through his maroon hair, and he sighed happily.

Taking a few steps back, he launched himself through the window, feeling the familiar itches of the transformation taking over. It only took a few seconds before his bright red wings stretched above him. He grinned and did a few flips in the air. Even though he was still angry at his father for not asking him about, being in the air always calmed him down. As he soared through the night air, he thought about his situation. It helped him understand why his father did what he did. He wanted the best for his kingdom, and he had found it. Luke knew that if he wanted to end the war for good, he would have to stow away his feelings so that this could work. And he was very good at hiding his true feelings. He just hoped that whoever he was supposed to marry would not affect his ability to do so.

After a few hours, he had calmed down and was ready for whatever was going to be thrown at him in the next few weeks. He turned back to castle, and when he landed back in his room, he settled in for what he knew would be the hardest part in his life. After all, his new spouse would arrive the next day, and he had to be ready.
Walking into the woods leaving traces of ashes behind him. When he was angry his body would do that. Searching for the spot he always went when he was angry. It was a beautiful place, Big trees with freshly green leaves, flowers in all kinds of colors and in the middle of it a big rock. His rock, he walked over to it and let his body spread over it. How could his father have done that? He knew that the war wasn't a good thing and that he wanted it to be over. But marrying a dragon? That was weird, even for his father who'd had done some crazy things in his lifetime, this was weird. But he had to accept it, he didn't want to be the reason why war got worse.

After walking back home and getting in to his room the heir sighed. Looking at himself in the mirror. So how would the dragon look like? Ragen always found Dragon's disgusting, but by tomorrow he should try to accept all the flaws that the creatures had. Those ugly wings, the sharp teeth and the breath... Only even thinking about it made Ragen gag. Inhaling deeply Ragen tried to calm himself down. He should try to get to know more about the culture and the beings there. So Ragen thought it wouldn't be a bad idea to give the library a visit.
Luke got up early, which he might add he never does, to get himself ready. He didn't know if the Phoenix's had any sort of tradition when they are meeting their future spouse, but he wanted to look his best. Even though he was against this, he still had to look and act the part of someone who wanted this. He grumbled under his breath as he pulled on his clothes. Dark black pants that were lined with red stitching fit his shape well, and his crimson red shirt matched his hair. He pulled his long hair up so it wouldn't be bothering him today. He stepped out of his room, nodded to the guard outside and continued on to the throne room where he knew his father would be. He needed to discuss a few things before their guest would arrive.

"Father, I have a question," Luke had wanted to know about the traditions of phoenix's so he wouldn't offend them in any way.

"Just one? That's a shock. All right, sit down and we can discuss a few things before heading out,"


He waited just outside the castle gates. The phoenix's should be arriving soon, and he was supposed to greet them. He shifted uneasily from one foot to the other. Not that he would admit it out loud, but he was nervous. His father had told him a few things about phoenix tradition, and honestly, he still didn't understand. He just wanted this to be over already so he could be back in his old life. He glanced over at the horizon and saw that it was almost sun down. He hoped that he wouldn't have to wait much longer. He hated the cold.

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