Advice/Help To GMs (or others) do you notice/care if your players are reusing their characters from other RPs in your roleplay?

But I am curious. What are your thoughts? As a GM, do you notice, or even bother to check if a player's submitted character has been reused from another RP? If you do find that this is the case, do you ask them to come with a different character, whether or not they've gone to appropriate lengths to make sure their character is consistent with the roleplay? As a participant in an RP, do you notice or check if this is the case with the other participants? Does it bother you, or not?

Yeah soooooo like as a GM should I really think that any rando rper is so special that they should always submit a brand spanking new, authentic, for real never before experienced charrie each time I ask some rando rper to submit an app? lol. Yeah. I'm not that special. Ya girl is soooooo not bothered with reduce, reuse, recycle application charries. Unperturbed af lol. In fact, gunna out myself to any possible GM i drop an app to: i practice charrie recycling aloooooot myself. I even have a rp thread that encourages it lol

Right. So like I try to respect peoples time and efffort. Within reason of course and so like i think its reasonable to believe that a great chunk of rps you been in have DIED reeeeeeelllllly fast and that your charrie never got a good run, so reuse them and scratch that itch. And i think its reasonable to think that even if you did post 1001 times for this charrie that you should still be able to change it around and make it fit my RP setting if I'm GM. Why? Because the more and more a rper is comfy with playing a charrie, the more and more they actually bring it in the RP!!

Like sure you have the self-centered me, me, me only me spotlight attention whorls, but ime the rpers that reuse their charries have a reeeeeeallly good grasp of how to play them and actually get them to interact with not just the world but with the other RPers. Like I've only really GMed 3 times for groups ever and one time there was this rper that was notorious for rping a charrie that was their user name and pfp no matter the setting. Same ol dude charrie, same ol goofy attitude but in the RP they would adjust the persona/bg of their same ol' same ol' charrie to fit the setting. Fr it was lowkey weirdly obsessive but they were always fun to rp with!

And like I'm sure that anyone who RPs often with me will see like the retreads of old charries of mine but the GMs of these rps dont seem to mind cuz usually I'm a good girl when I rp. My charries are often on the 'alignment axis' as: Pretty Good and Pretty Gay lol. And like i been in a couple rps with rpers that reuse but revamp their charries that i'd seen in other rps we been in together. Yeah, like I said: I'm unperturbed af. Cuz those other rps we been in died like after not even 20 posts total.

But k here. imma shout out a GM that actually was reeeeeeealllly excited to see me actively reuse a charrie in their rp k: ~~> Aviator <~~ in their fandom AU of Sucide Squad. (but not gunna tag then cuz they dont need to be summoned, they just needs the loves <3 lol)

Boom. Glad i got that offa my chest lol
wouldn't be rude about it but it would be sort of like giving a friend a birthday present they had been given last year.
To me it's more like saying that since I've already baked an apple pie once, I'm never supposed to bake one again.
I did have a friend once who only ever joined new RPs with the same character - exact same name even, but reskinned for the different RPs. I always thought it odd, and it's definitely on the more extreme end of character recycling.

They HAD other characters, and I liked those, but I'm pretty sure they were always "in addition to" the one.
Oh yeah see, red flag character. But then again like I don't really make a pointed effort to go searching through people's histories and I often role play with strangers so I'm totally oblivious.

Adding: As not to clutter space

I'm lost on the apple pie comment but now I really do want apple pie.
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There's a point when you've made hundreds upon hundreds of characters on this site, and know your favorites, what works and what people like to read/interact with. I have no desire to make more characters when I've probably made 500 on this site, between all the player characters and NPCs I've written. If you have a problem with that as a GM, then you're riding on a high horse. Maybe dismount and focus on what actually matters, such as a good cast with entertaining characters, and an engaged group of writers.

Bringing me to the next point, that established characters are known quantities. They're usually the successful characters that people responded well to. That increases the engagement of your writers. Then there's the problem of how many RPs die young. That my favorite characters sit around with unfinished narratives and unexplored growth. It makes them more fun and more satisfying to write, because I can explore further than I have before, and satisfaction is what a GM should care about. Your main role is to provide engagement and entertainment to your writers.

There are many auters who think entertainment is beneath them. That they're ✨️writers✨️ meant to evoke existential, thought provoking conversations with their anime Fandom RP. But really this is a hobby based on entertainment. If someone knows their premade character is entertaining. If they will have more fun by writing them instead of a new character. If the character is a known quantity that people respond well to. Then it makes absolutely no sense to complain about the character. It is objectively good for your RP. If you deny them despite those immutable facts, then your focus isn't on entertaining and engaging your members. Your focus is too inward and egotistical, like it's a competition for who sweats harder. Instead of a collaborative story where the objective is having fun.

I'm coming across as an asshole, but this kind of nitpicking is a bane to this community. All these rules and preferences based on petty feelings of "Well I worked harder than you! That's not fair! I made an original character sheet and you copy pasted!"

Even though the important part comes after character creation.
They're usually the successful characters that people responded well to. That increases the engagement of your writers.

Counterpoint: No they're not. Not 'usually' as far as I've seen anyways. Most have a fair amount of work put into them, most of that group in turn have thought put into them too, but (again as far as I've seen) the vast majority of re-used characters either fall into the "this was part of another RP but that RP died before I really got to use the character" bucket or the "this is my main OC / may main set of OCs and they're the only characters I want to play" bucket. Neither of those is particularly prone to even having much reaction and the latter group is rather prone to not considering in its core design how it will play in a story not entirely made around them. Now "prone" is hardly a universal rule of course, but while I do agree there is an irrationality to categorically not wanting re-used characters, I think your portrayal there is far too lopsided. Most, if not all roleplayers using a character over and over use it because THEY personally really care about the character. THEY are invested in that character. You can argue that investment is a good thing, I'd argue as I did that it's a danger, but either way it certainly does not necessarily translate in other players responding positively (indeed, it may well be quite the opposite case).

I would also raise that while you are correct that a GM should try to entertain and engage their roleplayers, and satisfy the things they came to the RP for, the GM is also a party there to draw satisfaction from the roleplay. They have the same right to as any player, and while do have more responsibility for the orchestration of the full group's satisfaction than a player does, the GM also has the right to be selective about what roleplayers they want to try to please. That includes not having a player who is persistent about wanting a kind of player the GM doesn't want in their roleplay.
Idea Idea

Your entire premise is fallaciously based on an assumption, that reused characters are.

1. Shoehorned into the story without being tastefully altered
2. That new characters aren't shoehorned all the time.

Neither are true. I've seen more shoehorned characters who were completely original, and almost all repeat characters are properly altered. It's very easy to keep the same general backstory no matter what the setting may be.

And who would constantly reuse a character everyone hates? That's not gonna happen 9/10 times. Most people reuse fan favorites instead of forgettable Bob that nobody cared about. I've only reused characters who received positive feedback, for the obvious reasons. There's also no problem with seeking closure for a character that never finished their arc. You're phrasing that negatively even though there's no negative trait. I wager you don't like how strong the narratives are for premade characters, as they come with personal storylines separate from your main plot.

They also give the writer a lot more motivating to stick with your story, as they want that closure. They want the story to survive because a character has unfinished business. None of that is a bad thing.


You're also phrasing this like others will be negatively impacted by a reused character, which is just pearl clutching imo. In truth almost nobody cares. It's not inconsiderate to allow a reused character, and if someone does complain, that's on them for being a Karen.
Your entire premise is fallaciously based on an assumption, that reused characters are.

1. Shoehorned into the story without being tastefully altered
2. That new characters aren't shoehorned all the time.

Neither are true. I've seen more shoehorned characters who were completely original, and almost all repeat characters are properly altered. It's very easy to keep the same general backstory no matter what the setting may be.

No it isn't. You're making a false dichotomy here: All I stated is that the criteria behind re-using a character is not typically it's reception but the character user's own attachment to it. In fact I've precisely made a point of never asserting the thing you're suggesting I did, as I do recognize the fact that it can be done well but I am not blind to the problems that a writer's over-attachment can create.

We clearly have a difference of experiences here, as seems to often be the case where we disagree. That being said your response makes it seems like you barely looked at what I said and just went off in your own assumptions.

And who would constantly reuse a character everyone hates? That's not gonna happen 9/10 times. Most people reuse fan favorites instead of forgettable Bob that nobody cared about.

They're not gonna use forgettable Bob. They're gonna use Jack Crow, captain of the original pearl, who is so badass with the whole sword deal that he ends up saving the day because he is just so cool. I'm obviously exaggerating, but my point is that people will use a character because they really love the idea, or they put a lot of effort into it, or because they want to see it grow to a potential, or the character is their self-insert or based on a character they really love or any number of similar reasons.... Including sometimes just not really feeling like making a new character.

I do agree they're not going to use a character that's bad enough to warrant actual, verbally expressed hatred of it. But anything short of that and you don't really have the social incentive at play. Most re-used characters I've seen haven't been used enough to actually have that much positive feedback even. But even those that do, I think the idea that the primary goal is even related to bringing a positive experience to others is mistaken, at least in the majority of cases.

There's also no problem with seeking closure for a character that never finished their arc. You're phrasing that negatively even though there's no negative trait.

There was no negative phrasing in it. The description has no inherently or tonally negative components and the content is entirely descriptive. The one thing I said about it besides the description itself is that is not prone to having much reaction - Which given I'm talking about a situation in which an RP died before a character could be much engaged with at all is again neither failing to be descriptive nor is negative. But it is contrary to your assertion.

I wager you don't like how strong the narratives are for premade characters, as they come with personal storylines separate from your main plot.

Then you lost the wager. My principle is to integrate the characters and their stories into the plot.
Idea Idea

You play vague word games to cover your rear end, using terms like "vast majority" and then saying "but there are exceptions," and when I argue then point you make, you then say "I never said that it's a rule!"

Sure... okay. You only said the vast majority belong to one of two camps, and said both are prone to problems. That's the point you made. I'm responding to those points. If you want to hide behind vague wordings then don't engage in debates, because it's frustrating to the other side. Like you refuse to stand by your opinion and backpeddle behind vague words, while still asserting the original claim.

We don't butt heads because of different experiences, we butt heads because you repeatedly impose strict rules on your RPs, use quotas and preset roles and numerous other rules and requirements, and state that RPs are meant for your enjoyment. This is nightmare fuel for prospective members. Yeah the GM should also have enjoyment in their RP, and without enjoyment they'll lose interest, but you already control so many elements. You control the scene setups. You control group formation in many cases. You control plot and NPCs and action scenes. You generally have access to characters the players wouldn't, i.e extremely powerful NPCs. Villains and leaders of the good guys.

You have all these tools to create a good time for yourself, but instead of letting the players have agency of their own, because that may infringe upon your sandbox, you apply numerous restrictions to craft your ideal environment. Like I've never met anyone who cares about reused characters. Yet here you claim it diminishes the enjoyment of players?

What players? I've never met them, and I've written with hundreds of people at this point. It seems like you have issues with reused characters, and because you run the show in your RPs, you don't want them in your show. You want a perfectly tailored environment. I mean christ man, your players already inhabit your world and contribute to your plot. They follow your lore and your power systems. They follow your scenes and your missions. The least they can have is freedom of character creation, but even that's too much?

Also you say there's no negative connotation in your post, and then your opening example is a generic giga chad ship captain. You say one thing and do another, and there's absolutely no connection between a character being premade, and a character being shit. I've seen many shit characters and most were newly made. If someone is the kind of person who writes dogshit sigma edgelord, pirate captain giga Chads, they will write that regardless of when the character was made. Those people are power fantasizers, and power fantasizers will just create another power fantasy. You aren't stopping anything.

You also then listed a bunch of other motivations for using a repeat character, but none of them are bad? In the context of this argument, it certainly looks like you're calling them bad. Why else would you use those examples? But I can't see why "they want to finish the character arc" is something I should ban from my RP??

You're always on the side of reducing the freedoms of players. In every single thread that's the side you take. I've never seen you advocate for players. Not even once. You're always arguing for how they need to be micromanaged. This is another example of micromanagement. That players can't be trusted to choose a good character from their vaults, and must strictly create one based on your premise, instead of trusting them to make logical edits.

If it works for you then sure, I guess, do your thing. But I don't see why RPs need to be hyper structured corporate red-tape rule fests.
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So there's something that I'm kind of curios about regarding this topic, what exactly counts as reusing a character? Or rather, how big a change must I make for the character to be "fresh" again? Like, can I use the same tropes as I did when creating other characters? And if so, to what extent?
I would only say a character which is very noticeably used over and over and over. Something you only come across with friends who often role play in the same circles. And it becomes intrusive but only because their your friend and it likely annoys you to see the same face again. I'd say it has to be very - very - noticeable. I would honestly just suggest people be as story oriented as possible but then again I wouldn't ever go searching through people's role play histories. I'm glad you asked that clarifying quesiton becuase thinking about it I'm not someone very strict on anything. I just don't have time but if I role play with you frequently and you use the same face for everything I might get confused stories. I'm simple.
I also like fresh diverse character histories and stories. It's easy to do.

Again, super happy you asked that clarifying question.
I'm glad that Cogwork Cogwork asked that as well. I do remember recently seeing a character get used that had been used in all of a persons roleplays and I don't remember if they even changed the background to fit the RP they were attempting to join. I admit it was the first time I came across this myself so I had never thought about it.

Even in my friend groups, I have never had someone use the same character twice. Names sure, recycling names happens sometimes it's hard to come up with one. But never seen the same character twice.

I can definitely see people/GMs not wanting to see that, but I do imagine 99% of GMs aren't stalking your RPs just to make sure you're not using the same character. It also feels like it'd be very obvious immediately if it was a reused character constantly like the above I mentioned.
You play vague word games to cover your rear end, using terms like "vast majority" and then saying "but there are exceptions," and when I argue then point you make, you then say "I never said that it's a rule!"

Sure... okay. You only said the vast majority belong to one of two camps, and said both are prone to problems. That's the point you made. I'm responding to those points. If you want to hide behind vague wordings then don't engage in debates, because it's frustrating to the other side. Like you refuse to stand by your opinion and backpeddle behind vague words, while still asserting the original claim.

What I've done is the exact opposite of being vague, I'm striving to choose words that indicate as precisely as possible what I mean. If I think something is a universal rule I will state that it is, if I think something is merely something which tends to happen, then I will will use words like the ones you cited. Naturally whether I think something is always true is only true most times (or the opposite) that impacts the conclusions derived from that.

Your response began with a wild assertion barely related to anything I actually said, and would never say as I do not believe it and make a point to be careful never to say it, followed by another claim that makes it seem you can only pick a position in the extremity (As what I was saying regarded characters not being chosen for the positive feedback and you immediately jumped to choosing the characters everyone hates, as if there's nothing in-between or neutral or a character potentially having received positive feedback automatically translates to that being the primary motivation), followed by a personal attack.

If something, anything, was actually indicating the kind of thing you suggested I was asserting, then I would apologize for being unclear and simply clarify my point. If anyone else reading this did notice something like that which I somehow missed, do tell me. But it really just comes across like I said I object to a point you made and you believe I was trying to make the opposite point of yours?

So let me put, in the absolute clearest and concise way I can, the points again (separating with a paragraph any additions or extra clarifications):
--> I think you're fundamentally wrong about why at least the majority of roleplayers who re-use characters re-use them. You asserted that their motive is based on the character receiving positive feedback. I think the reasons of the aforementioned players are tied to the attachment to the character a player has and enumerated several of those reasons, implying that it can and does happen irrespective of previous feedback. I further argued that this must be true because a good portion of re-used characters (from my experience) simply didn't have the opportunity to get that much feedback in the first place.
What this does not mean is:
A) That those reasons are necessarily bad in of themselves.
B) That feedback has no effect on motivation, merely that it's not the main one even when and where it is a factor.

--> An excess of personal attachment to a character is a danger. Since a strong attachment to the character is, as per my assertion, the motivation behind most re-used characters, that places their players within a group that is significantly more likely to have that overattachment and problems that come with it compared to the average.

--> Your conclusion that they are, quote "objectively good for your RP" is based upon your belief that these characters are chosen for being "known quantities" with positive feedback. However, as I believe as many no doubt do, that the previous premise is wrong, that in turn would invalidate the conclusion.
Again, this isn't the same saying the character is objectively bad for the RP on grounds of being a re-used characters. In fact find banning characters on these grounds "irrational" and made an even more severe statement regarding not just the banning but the sentiment itself.

--> As such I find your portrayal to lack nuance, as there are legitimate concerns here. You refer to anyone who doesn't want that kind of character in their RP as if they don't give a damn about their own players and just want to be petty. But reasons for concern do exist, and however faulty you may think the reasoning is, that doesn't make it so people don't legitimately believe that such a character could pose a significant issue in the RP.
Sure in even my own view I think it's not enough to warrant banning those characters, that doesn't mean that applies to everyone.

---> The players don't have the exclusive right to enjoy the RP. The GM also has that right.
Which, I can't believe I have to say does not by any stretch of the imagination imply that the GM is the sole concern. A responsible GM will try to put together a group, if they can, create an RP for everyone to enjoy themselves. That includes, in my view, setting up the RP in a way that expresses what kind of RP the GM wants is to be and what may be a deal breaker.

We don't butt heads because of different experiences, we butt heads because you repeatedly impose strict rules on your RPs, use quotas and preset roles and numerous other rules and requirements, and state that RPs are meant for your enjoyment.
You have all these tools to create a good time for yourself, but instead of letting the players have agency of their own, because that may infringe upon your sandbox, you apply numerous restrictions to craft your ideal environment. Like I've never met anyone who cares about reused characters. Yet here you claim it diminishes the enjoyment of players?

First, you're talking as if I went "surprise!" and suddenly started making rules (most of the stuff you mentioned I don't actually use, and I don't ban re-used characters either, but hypothetically let's say I did). You're talking as if any players joining such an RP didn't sign-up to an RP which explicitly has those rules. They are no more a "nightmare" than being required to use a fantasy character in a fantasy roleplay is. I want roleplayers who want a similar kind of roleplay, be it as partners or as players. To act like the mere act of fitting in with what the roleplay they chose to join is some affront to their agency, as if I didn't go out of my way to try to work with players in integrating and making their ideas possible even in setting and situations in which that is much more difficult...

Has it so much as occurred to you that maybe I just think you're being unfair in your presentation of a group of people whose beliefs I don't necessarily share (or at least don't give the same importance to)?

As for "diminuishing the enjoyment of the players" the closest I've come to making any such claim is either that I said most re-used characters aren't necessarily getting the positive feedback you claimed was the reason they were used or me saying the motivations behind using them imply a strong attachment that is in turn more prone to the issues. I suppose what you claim I said could potentially be derived from the later? Maybe? That being said caring about re-used characters diminuishing the interest of players was never a claim I remotely made.

You say one thing and do another, and there's absolutely no connection between a character being premade, and a character being shit

My point was not that the character was shit because it was premade. My point is that even a character that is only appreciated by the maker can and often will still be re-used because the motivations to choose a re-used character are not primarily whether they worked well or received positive feedback, but any of the the ones I went on to mention.

Again, in the majority of the cases.

You aren't stopping anything.
Stopping the problem player is still stopping the problem player and you still prevented the problem from coming to the RP. Of course the criteria in discussion here will get a lot of false positives which is why I actually agree that re-used characters shouldn't categorically be banned. As I've said above though, those who do impose their banning probably wouldn't agree.

In the context of this argument, it certainly looks like you're calling them bad.

I wasn't. My apologies if that part wasn't clear.

Why else would you use those examples?

Because A) they represent the kind of motivation behind most re-used character's use and B) they are motivations related to a form of strong personal attachment, not whether the character was objectively well-received.

You're always on the side of reducing the freedoms of players. In every single thread that's the side you take.

Maybe on the ones we argue on, though I have my suspicions that if I went back to read even those that would likely not prove to be true in a good chunk of them. That being said, there is a difference between knowing what kind of players you want and being self-aware of what's important to your personal motivation and investment, versus reducing freedoms to micromanage people. Surely even you don't just blindly accept anyone no matter what.
So there's something that I'm kind of curios about regarding this topic, what exactly counts as reusing a character? Or rather, how big a change must I make for the character to be "fresh" again? Like, can I use the same tropes as I did when creating other characters? And if so, to what extent?

It's hard to pinpoint a line in the sand. I would say a significant portion of the personality, backstory and/or extra features (powers, items, this depends on the character) would be needed at minimum, and even then if it's just one of those it might not entirely qualify (for example if the personality or backstory is something really basic, or if the other one is inverted subversion-style, re-using one of those wouldn't be essentially the same character). The rule would be "if this character had an equivalent/rip-off for this other setting, what would they be like" that would be a re-used character. A re-used character doesn't need to be the exact same character, but they do need to be more or less intended to be the same character in a different RP/setting, made by the same roleplayer.

Gun to my head, the most a character can usually be stretched before being a re-used character is sharing the same character concept and a few extra key traits beyond that. But the point is that it should be evident that if you put the two versions of the character side by side they are meant to be same with very minor to no changes beyond those needed to adapt them to the new setting.
So there's something that I'm kind of curios about regarding this topic, what exactly counts as reusing a character? Or rather, how big a change must I make for the character to be "fresh" again? Like, can I use the same tropes as I did when creating other characters? And if so, to what extent?
These aren't great apps lol but here are reuses of a charrie i created like 2 yrs ago? Like there's 1 more instance of her but i cant find it lol. And in another RP i'mma use her as a NPC. But like I reused them as apps, they were all accepted. And whether by my fault or not, for none of these charries did i post for her more than 10 times in their respective ICs. And only one came close to 10 IC posts and i left that rp cuz reasons lol. And i doubt that the GMs that accepted an instance of her searched my history to find out if she a recycled charrie:


"Corki" Corinna-Kiana | "Hellion/Hella" | The Surfer/Skater Chick


'Tik-Talk, Click, Magia, Chant'

19 yo | 5'7" | 130lbs | Brown (Ice Blue) Eyes | Black (Dyed Multi-colours) Hair | Tan Skin
She/Her(s) |'Damned Power' - Hellfire Manipulator | Pro Skater/Surfer

Tattoos: face, arms, legs. Pierced: lip, ears, navel, hood.
Scars: all over, major on left arm.


+ | Energetic - The girl is a spark plug that seems to never sit still for long. She loves her friends and is constantly trying to get them up and dance, sing, play or anything physical really; Corki is always up and ready to go in an instant. She is a physical girl and loves a challenge esp. ones that challenge her agility and athleticism. Yeah, and she loves to comment and talks alot too.
+ | Watchful - Yeah, she does have a bit of a resting-bitch-face but it's only cuz she's taking in info. She likes to know her surroundings and situations she gets into. Its hard for her to be surprised; she does not scare easily and is quite logical in high-tension situations. Being so perceptive keeps her quite even keel and rarely does she freak out.
+ | Light-Hearted - Corki is easy-going and doesn't let the worst get to her. She is a 'glass-half full' kinda girlie and likes to pay that forward despite her destructive power. There is a playful streak in her that is like a puppy or kitten that she keeps when she enjoys your company.

- | Adrenaline Junkie - what better way to have fun. Full tilt, full hamm, all in for it. The girl is more often than not trying to get a high whether via drug use or her favourite athletic and agile tricks or stunts.
- | Mouthy - too much energy leads to talking too much and sometimes a lack of filter. She isn't a fighter but can have attitude of a girl twice her size.
- | Quiet Time - for as energetic and talkative as she is, there are the times she randomly pulls away from others and broods by herself with her sketchbook. No real reason she gives, but most accept that for all her vivacious and bright personality, sometimes she just needs to tone it down and recharge with some me time.


"It was quite the spectacle wasn't it? We were in quarter-finals. I was up next. Just chillin', sittin' on my Sub-Mariner Board n' just chattin' it up with Lizzie and Wiccan. Then the whole beach goes absolute bonkers. Damn! Figueroa just nailed top score on Freestyle. Damn, bruh, she sick. How many times did she catch big air? Wow.

Then it was my go. The girls dap me up and I start to zone breathe, y'know, to clear the mental. I block out the "Magia!! Magia!!" chants from the crowd; like sooooo much love goes out to all my fans and supporters but right now it's me time. My Chant. And I'm there now. I'mma kill this and knock Figgie down a peg, make her score my son-- Then coach starts waving from the breakers. Flashing lights. Megaphones. Godddddammmm... there's even a helicopter.

I just want to dive underwater and hide; dude, I swear I think I pissed myself. And then the unmarked boats come in and they yank me offa' my deck. I'm kicking and screaming and then next thing I know, I'm in zip-ties and eating dirty boat deck. They toss me in the cabin and I'm super freakin' out and so I let them have it. But they have some seriously hella' big dudes up in there and I'm eating scummy floor yet again. Duct tape or some shit around my mouth, then it gets dark. Bruh. They for real put a bag over my head all terrorist-style! Like WUT?! I'm struggling but just then I gets a nipping pain in my neck. Pffffft. Done. I'm floating away into La-La Land. Last I hear is mumbling from a radio and the sound of that effin' helicopter again. '...And down goes the champ...' Bruh. Such bullshit.

I should have torched them, dude. I should have dropped hellfire on all their dumbasses.

Just like I did to Mr. Keller and his car.

But I didn't. And here I am now.


I don't even remember how I got here. Bruh. Must've been quite the spectacle though..."

~Damned Power:

Hellfire Manipulation

  • Fire Forger - Corki can generate and manipulate normal fire. Any fire she may turn mystical with Hellfire properties.
  • Immunity to fire - May become engulfed in hellfire and burn whatever she touches.
  • Hellfire Weaponized - shoots fire from her body and may manipulate surrounding fire up to 100ft. Hellfire is like normal fire but immune to water and wind to put it out. Only her willpower or time will put out burning hellfire. Instead of heat, she may choose for hellfire to harm the 'soul/internal energies' of targets to knock them out. It also smells like melting rocks.
  • Imbue Vehicle - may infuse hellfire to chosen bonded vehicles; move as fast as a motorcycle, ride up walls/waves and leap massive distances (skateboard and surfboard). May also traverse liquid surfaces. Ignites surfaces and leaves a trail of hellfire behind her.
  • Soulburn. Both hands touch an individual and 'Wickedness' they have incurred upon others burns their soul/internal energies, wracking the body and searing them from the inside out instantly. The energy of their 'Pennance' is then taken by her and enhances her physical attributes and Hellfire powers. Effects to victims are lingering and traumatic.


  • Drug Induced Amnesiac - the Asylum has erased most of her memories. The girl has her brain 'reset' after tests and experiments. She still has her abilities but she just cannot unlock them all at the moment. Right now she just knows she can manipulate fire but needs a fire source to begin with.
  • Willpower - It takes effort to concentrate and use her abilities. She is an easy-going surfer/skater punk girlie NOT a monster that wants to burn down the world and destroy souls. TBH she hates using her powers and esp. the SoulBurn. Reluctance might be a more of a factor than the drugs that keep her from her potential.
  • Psychological Trauma - again Corki is not a monster and so the poor girl has nightmares about going on rampages and incinerating her loved ones when she uses her powers a lot. The Soulburn abilitiy she's used once and had to 'witness the Wickedness' that her foe had done to others and yeah, it scarred her. Badly.


  • Turned 19 during the 3 months since she was caught. Workers call her: "The Hellion or Hella." Friends call her 'Tik-Talk.'
  • Doesn't know that she's "Corki / La Magia" a famous teen pro surfer/skater even though she talks like one.
  • Always has a toothpick or something at the corner of her mouth and always craves cigarettes.
  • Loves candy and can be bribed with sweets, hell yeah!
  • Says she prolly asexual or demisexual but yeah, she gay like gay knows.
  • Pretends like she clumsy just so she can rub up on a girlie or two.
  • Makes clicking sounds a lot when she is thinking or bored.
  • Makes up stories about her tats cuz she has no idea why she has them.
  • Always asks what time the pool opens after her memory is wiped.
  • Eyes turn a ghostly ice blue when using her powers and her hair dances rippling with heat.
  • Loves to share "When I get outta here..." stories with others but secretly is okay with staying behind in the Asylum.

Corki / "Click" Corinna-Kiana | Orc-Elf-Dwarf | Pilot


'"Click," Talkie, Mantra, Miss Magic '

Equiv 19 yo | 5'0" | 100lbs | Blue Eyes | Cherry Black Hair | Green Skin
She/Her(s) | Hellfire Manipulator | Ace / Pilot

Tattoos: arms, back, legs. Pierced: tongue, navel, hood.

Scars: all over, major on left arm.



+ Easy-going, Very Playful and Light-hearted
+ Quick Reactions and Quite Perceptive
+ Very Bold, Daring and Very Flirty
+ Sly, Glib, Chatty and Witty
+ Strong-willed and Smart

- Petty, Snarky and Holds Grudges
- Impulsive/Random and Lacks Filter
- Needs Quiet Time 1x/day or Cannot Function
- Talks too Much. No, like really Talks Too MUCH
- Adrenaline Junkie but Cowardly in Physical Combat


  • Known in the Frontier and Nomads as 'Miss Magic' due to flight skills and her 'Bully-Neutralizing Techniques'.
  • Served as Ace pilot (Callsign: Mantra) on the WingedSlayer Squadron for the Frontier. Served as Pilot on The Prestidigitator for the Nomads with her half-sister.
  • Nicknamed 'Click' on the Falcon due to constantly making clicking sounds a lot when she is thinking or bored. And yes she too is bribed by sweets.
  • Served on the Falcon for 4 years as Pilot, Nav, and the talking talker that keeps on talking even when told not to talk.
  • Fave personal weapons are her twin pistols; "DJ" and "Pow" and fave fighting style is hide behind her half-sister or just run away.
  • Rarely uses her powers because she has not learned how to properly use them. That's a lie. It's cuz when she uses them she has horrible, vivid nightmares.
  • Always has a toothpick or something at the corner of her mouth and always craves cigarettes.
  • Sings a lot and is actually a good singer. That's a lie. She's the only one that agrees that she can sing well. Cherri is usually the only one that can stop her.
  • Pervie. Pretends like she clumsy just so she can rub up on a girlie or two.
  • When angry or standing up for her half-sister, her eyes turn a ghostly ice blue and her hair dances rippling with heat.
  • Scared to death of Cherri when she goes Berzerk but is the best one to talk her down and out of her bloody rage.


And who pulls the strings...

"Corki" - Corinna-Kiana Chanter- The Skater/Surfer Chick


Tik-Talkie, Click, 'Magia'

20yrs | 5'7" | 130lbs | Black Hair | Brown Eyes | Tan Skin | Athletic Build

This is Corki...


Corki is an athletic girl who works out on the daily. She takes her physical fitness seriously and will show off the results by wearing fancy yet tight or skimpy outfits much to her parents dismay. Her go to daily fashion however is just plain white shirts cut up or re-sewn to accent her assets. She loves to wear coveralls and denim that workmen use due to the bagginess of the fit. She has purple tipped hair normally kept long and in threaded twin braids. Her shoes and boots always have their signature 'Magical' pink painted upon them. And of course, she will always be seen on a skateboard.

Ears, tongue, navel and hood pierced. Ink done on back, arms, butt, legs, ankles and feet. Scars all across her body, major one on left arm and right knee.

+ Easy-going, Very Playful and Light-hearted
+ Very Bold, Chatty and Welcoming
+ Sly, Glib, and Witty
+ Quick reflexes, Steel-nerved, and Daring
- Impulsive/Random and Lacks Filter
- Can't sit still, fools around too much, rebel
- Talks too Much. No, like really Talks Too MUCH
- Adrenaline Junkie that pushes too far too often.


Corki was a former pro skater/surfer with a bit of clout but mostly known for her incessant flame wars on her socials and now for her upstart 'urban couture' fashion brand 'ChroniCal'. Friends and fam call her 'Click' due to her making incessant clicking sounds when she is bored or when she is thinking. Sometimes they call her 'Tik-Talkie' for obvious reasons, however her nickname was 'Magia' on the skater/surfer scene because sure, she performed like it was magic but also for her pre-run rituals whereby she chanted a mantra of sorts and it sounded like she was casting a spell. Nasty injury to both knees required surgery and ultimately ended her pro career.

~Attire and Accesories:

Unfortunately, the girl was out partying all night with her rowdy Lowdown crew during their 'Emo Stripper Pole Barbie' night:
  • Bottom half consists of black booty-shorts, fishnets, and clean white kicks with her signature Magical Pink painted on them.
  • Top half has barely a very, very short, torn, black and white croptop that allows the white of her bra to peek out
  • Arms are lined with bandannas and bracelets. Studded leather bands and cutoff gloves played off as an accent. Fingertips painted with all rainbow'y goodness.
  • Neck sports a choke collar and chains with some silly yet fancy trinkets dangling from them.
  • Face is done up with heavy dark eye makeup and lipliner, gold piercings to match her chains and bellybutton gold and rings on her fingers.
  • Raven hair done up in twin ponytails, purple streaks, accesorized with flower hairclips, and of course a soft white flower tucked behind an ear
  • Fortunately is wearing a full length black overcoat to cover it all up.

This is what she had with her at the time:
  • Big cat-eye shaped Sunglasses
  • Big-ass cellphone with a case that has multi coloured LEDs that flash in time with music or when receiving notifs.
  • Cosmetics bag with all her kitch makeup, hair ties, braid threads, lip balm, mini double-ended fidget spinner, hand sani, a mini first aid and of course a fat bag of weed and collapsible pipe.
  • Leather wallet chain with business cards, stickers, $20 cash (but doesn't realize she has singles stuffed in her top, bottoms and even shoes lol)
  • Water bottle that may or may not be harbouring plain water
  • Cigarettes and special Zippo lighter
  • 3 sharpies; one fat, one reg, one gold paint.
  • Black skateboard deck with purple wheels.

~To Street Car 3...

It was cold this morning and yet there she still sat on the stoop outside of her friends' warehouse.
Another long drawn out groan as another cringey moment re-surfaced. The memory slipped through the steely doors of her mind that just wanted to forget such things transpired and bury it all down. Deep down.
Did she reeeeeally just do her best Miley Cyrus twerking routine from that balcony...? A half-scoff, half-laugh escaped her as she could hear the phantom memory voice of Wicky leading the chant to 'poop it out' as she did her little cheek juggling routine. Corki shook her head and reached out blindly, seeking out the water bottle she had dropped somewhere on the concrete. She could not see right now, she was too busy facepalming as another memory from the hall of cringe wormed its way up into her mind's eye. A cigarette would be nice right about now but the gurgling in her stomach at the moment said no. Full stop.
An annoyed yowl she let out as her cell phone buzzed and lit up with all the life she refused to engage with right now. And well, that 'I'm a Barbie Girl...!' ringtone was not so cute in the morning after, now was it? The girl actually growled as she rolled and squirmed around on the concrete trying valiantly to free the huge rumbling slab from her back pocket.

"Hiiiii, mommy...! Yeah... yeah... I'm all goods... I'm-- ey, just a sec-- Mom. Mom...! Bruh... MAMA, calm down 'kay...?! Sheeeesh... yeah... yeah, I know, I know... I sent that text when I was at Eliza's warehouse party-- yes. Yes, of course, I was partying. Ughhhs... c'mon, man, I'm 20 now! Yeah, well-- welllll... well I-- Yes, mother I know I'm not in Canada any more!! But ey! Ey, now I'm a big girl now!
"That's the sound of your big girl on her deck. I'm outside now. No. No, mom. Mom...! I AM sober... DUDE, like do you not know your own kid?! Yeeeeeahhh... say it again, Mama... that's right, I am 'La Magia...' damn straight, bitches!! No. I did not. No, I didn't!! I said; 'bitches,' as in addressing the people that don't know my name, like I'm soooo not calling you that, cuz I would never ever-- what? Ughhh... wait. Mom. Just a sec. Just a sec--
"--Yeah right! Yeah, you wish, buddy!! Ey! Austin Powers called... he wants his teeth back! Yeah, you're 'number one' right back atcha' Pervie ass, creep--
"--Hello...? Yeah, I'm back. No, I'm fine. Just some dickhead. Wellll like maybe cuz I'm on the phone with you and I'm skating right now, Mama...? Yes, you did raise me better than that..! YES, I'm sober! Sheeesh...
"My gosh, yes, I know I still have a business to run-- WUT?! How did you see those?! Oh. My. Gosh. I'mma kill him... I know what it looks like, mom but I swear it was only for the party... I know, I know-- ughhhh... you saw those too, eh? Dang... I... I uhhhh... what?! No, mother, I am not! Ummm cuz like ya' kid be kinda' all about the 'girl-on girl-actiones-only' over here-- yeah, well-- well... MOM! Calm down! Callllllmmmmm-uh... I'm not pregnant! Witch was with me. CC too. Yeah, that CC. And like so was Markie and her bestie Dee, so yeah... right. That's right. Lowdown Crew always gots my back. Hell yeah...
"I'm on my way back to the hotel. No, yeah, the comp was soooooo sick...!! They reeeally upped the tour since I was last on it. And like I met with the execs and my old surfing team. Yeah, DJ too. Yeah, yeah like she is doing sooooo awesomes fo'sho! No, I was just a judge... hahahahah... yeah, sooooo like ya' baby girl just miiiiiiight have given her the 'benefit of the doubt...' yeah for real, for real, like she said that if she has the chance she would soooooo be down to come visit the Island. Yeah, she still loves you too!! She still had hella nice things to say 'bout you... and like she soooo right to. You the bestest, Mama. Yeah, you did raise me right... you did. And yeah, like fo'sho I'll send some pics to you. You will sooooooo love the landscapes I snapped of the Atlantic... oh! And I have even more pics for you to approve for my Only Fans-- KIDDING!! I jokes, only jokes-- mom! No, don't go on that site. No, pleeeeese. Mommy, no. I am sooooo not on there. I swear it was just a joke... hahahahah... nawwww well it's a good heart. It's strong 'nuff.
"Kay. Well I'm here now. Subway. Yeah gotta' go. Yeah I know. I know-- my gosh, yes, I will change my panties! Mama! Like wut you even on about?! Anywaaaaays... yeah. Yeah I will. You too. Kay, yeah. Yeah, I'mma pack and I'll call you when I'm at the airport. Yeah. Kay, yeah, you too. Love you too, mommy.
"I'll see you soon. Fo'sho..."


I'm the bad guy. Duh...

"Corki" - Corinna-Kiana - The Surfer/Skater Chick


Tik-Talk, Clickie, 'Magia'
She/Her | 20yrs | 5'7" | 140lbs | Black Hair | Blue Eyes | Tan Skin
Business Owner | Athletic Build | Santa Monica, California | #magiaClique

Tattoos: neck, cheek, arms, legs. Pierced: lip, ears, navel, hood. Scars: all over, major on left arm.

This is Corki...


Factor 1 - Corki has always been known to throw illegal bonfire beach parties back home. In fact, the girl loves to play with fire, both figuratively and literally; she is famous for her high intensity, high adrenaline rush skating tricks and surfing big air afterall. But there is something that mesmerizes her upon seeing such dancing flames: the colour, the heat, the intensity... the faces. Her friends call her Tik-Talk for a reason; she just cannot help but run her mouth irl or on socials. But there are the times when those blue eyes grow wide and she just stares, captivated by what, or better yet, who she sees in the dancing, rippling flames. There is no real rhyme or reason as to who she sees, but sooner or later she will see them whether it be on the news or in person. Then there are the times when her eyes glow a ghostly silver and then she sees the skulls. She has no idea if she sees them irl or not. But one thing is for certain, there is always a singular word or name whispered to her by a voice she swears she has known since she was in the womb.

~Short Bio:

  • Corinna-Kiana is mixed Latina, Hawaiian, SE-Asian and Caucasian adopted by parents also of mixed ethnicities. Legally changed her name to only her first.
  • Meteoric rise to fame as Corki skater/surfer teen phenom capped off with back-to-back, national women's skater and surfing titles. Her nickname and brand "Magia" went international through exposure on socials and sponsorships
  • After controversial statements put her in hot water, she received massive backlash and sponsors pulled away from her after she did not perform a public apology.
  • Interviews always showed off that friendly, talkative, energetic nature of hers, however, she did have a bad case of resting-bitch-face despite her persona being quite the opposite and so all the click-baity thumbnails preyed upon the RBF and continued that negative light cast upon her.
  • Took some time out away from major social platforms, but still posted ToBeYou Vids and Shorts for the fans that still supported her... and to troll haters lol
  • Moved to Vancouver Island in Canada for a bit and started 'Chronical', a new line of swag that caught on esp. fitted hoodies for girls.
  • Finally got invited to a major skater event in Boston as a speaker for a panel regarding skater culture and jumped at the opportunity to be back in the spot light as a guest.


And who pulls the strings...

"Corki" - Corinna-Kiana Chanter- The Airship Surfer


Tick-Talkie, Click, 'Ms. Magical'

She/Her | 20yrs | 5'7" | 140lbs | Black Hair | Blue Eyes | Tan Skin
Athletic Build | Propulsion Arcanic | Athlete/Entertainer | 4th District: Airship Docks

This is Corki...


Corki is a strong girl who works out on the daily. She takes her physical fitness seriously and will show off the results by wearing fancy yet tight or skimpy outfits much to her parents dismay. Her go to daily fashion however is just plain white shirts cut up or re-sewn to accent her assets. She loves to wear coveralls and trousers that workmen use due to the bagginess of the fit. She has her signature metal skull pendant, chains and multitool wristlet always on full display. Her shoes and boots always have their signature 'Magical' pink painted upon them. And of course she will always be seen carrying around one of her famous Sky-Carving Decks... and hopefully she will be sporting her fan-favourite; the Red Devil!!

Ears, tongue, navel and hood pierced. Ink done on back, arms, butt, legs, ankles and feet. Infamous 'Dripping Fire' tattoo one her right cheek that goes from jawline to temple. Scars all across her body, major one on left arm.


+ Easy-going, Very Playful and Light-hearted
+ Very Bold, Chatty and Very Flirty
+ Sly, Glib, and Witty
+ Quick reflexes, Steel-nerved, and Daring

- Impulsive/Random and Lacks Filter
- Needs Quiet Time 1x/day or Cannot Function
- Talks too Much. No, like really Talks Too MUCH
- Adrenaline Junkie but Cowardly in Physical Combat

+ Likes - Talking, working out, tricks/stunts, climbing, flying, Airships, sweets, talking, music, praise/cheering crowds, spicy food, her bff, teasing, cute girlies, and talking.
- Dislikes - Exteded quiet, sitting still, being told she can't do it, authority, mind games, older/know-it-alls, mean people, failure, wrecking her Decks or shoes, and not talking.

  • Nicknamed 'Click' due to constantly making clicking sounds a lot when she is thinking or bored. Nicknamed 'Tick-Talkie' by her family and friends for obvious reasons lol
  • Stage name is 'Ms. Magical' and her fans are known as 'The Mantra' since they recite her pre-performance affirmation speech to herself.
  • Always has a toothpick or something at the corner of her mouth or a cigarette behind her ear.
  • A bit Pervie. Pretends to be clumsy so she may rub up on a girlie or two.
  • When a good beat plays, she cannot help but move her hips and shoulders whether she realizes it or not.
  • Talks a lot. Like no really, she does not stop. But when it is her quiet time, do not disturb her or she will just rip into you. She desperately needs her alone time.
  • Very forward and Invades personal space. Also likes to fall asleep on people.
  • When she flips her bangs and exposes her Dripping Fire tattoo... look out now. It just got real.


  • Corki is an orphan who was adopted by an airship mechanic and a seamstress couple from District 4 when she was just a toddler. She has no idea as to who her real parents are.
  • An accident that crippled her dad became a financial setback for the family as he lost his job and had became a struggling airships parts dealer. Her mom expanded her tailoring to a store front and was mildly successful until she was extorted by the mafia to give up 'protection' money.
  • Corki tried to help where she could but it was not until she hit puberty and her Arcanic ability began to manifest did she begin to bring in extra money. What started off as just fooling around doing stunts and tricks riding a plank of wood became a spectacle. A paying one.
  • With her newfound ability, she was able to do small performances and earn a meagre sum. And then one of the buyers of her dad's airship parts found out about Corki's ability and hired her on as an entertainer on his airship casino; The Majestic Nights.
  • Corki would zip around the casino as a server and perform tricks to small crowds of people on the deck of the airship to delight and entertain.
  • Her notoriety reached the ears of an entertainment mogul; Jincarda arMadara of the arMadara Entertainment Collective. They were famous for their theatrical acrobatic performances and were looking to expand their acts into the sky. And Corki was their key.
  • Jincarda bought out her contract from the casino and was promptly taken in by the Collective. She thrived under the training from the AEC and the challenges posed to her as an athlete.
  • With Corki's airship knowledge they caught lightning in a bottle when she leapt from the hull of one airship to the inflatable balloon of another. No one had ever seen such a thing. And therein started the wild and imaginative routines of the arMadara Aerials; the Death-Defiers perfroming from the arMadara flagship, The Prestidigitator.
  • Fame and fortune poured in as crowds upon crowds of people gathered on both the ground and air to see the multi-floating platform stunts pulled off by the young entertainers. Each performance seemingly outdid the prior one. And now she was launching herself from one moving airship to the next.
  • She was known as 'Ms. Magical' in the troupe and her popularity sky-rocketed and she earned herself a following of adoring fans lovingly known as 'The Mantra.'
  • Her parents no longer struggle financially since she was sending them money. And now she bought and moved them into a much, much nicer place on the much, much, nicer area of District 4.
  • But whilst moving, she found the documents of her adoption... and the little snippet that blew her mind. She has a biological sister, somewhere out there in the city!
  • Not wanting to cause a scene with her parents, she did not tell them she found out. And so Corki did a bit of digging up info. The documents are for real.
  • So now Corki is at a major crossroads in her young life. Leave and betray her new 'family' at the arMadara collective to seek out her sister, or leave it be and let the past remain unknown and buried.


  • Acrobat/Performer - trained by the experts and veterans of the arMadara collective, Corki has learned how to fully impact her performances with not just athletic prowess but one with second-to-none showmanship. Yes, she mainly performs using her Arcanic 'surfing' ability however, she is also an accomplished acrobat and wire-worker. She is also a trained dancer now too!
  • Airship Familiarity - taught by her former ariship mechanic father all she knows about them. Also learned info about fancier ones like the Majestic Nights and the Prestidigitator. She has hands-on experience repairing and upgrading the Majestic, and she even has 10hrs logged of flight training as a pilot for a smaller one, The Easy Breezy.
  • Business sense - with the help of her parents she has learned how to market her skills and now her merch. She has a clothng line called Chronically Yours that caters to all her fans, especially the rebellious teens.

Arcanic: Telekinetic Propulsion
  • Hovering - She can float up to 5 feet off any solid surface without disturbing what is below her.
  • Surfing - she does not necessarily need her Sky-Carving Deck to move around while hovering, however, the carving deck allows her to surf and control her movements with a grace and attitude that has given her her rise to fame. The deck allows her to reach speeds of 40mph. Without it she can only go half that at barely 20mph.
  • Weird Gravity - while surfing, she can ride up the sides of buildings and even along the underside of the hull of an airship. Upsidedown! All the while she is not disoriented nor does she feel the pull of gravity from the earth but from the pull under her feet. She can do the kind of same movement while hovering without the deck but she may only go as fast as she may run on regular flat ground.

They're down and dirty...

'Shanti' - Magia Kiani Chanter - "The Tinker Pilot"


Mage, 'Talkie-Talkie', Motor Mouth, 'Mantra'

She/Her ○ 25yrs ○ 5'0" ○ 100lbs ○ Cherrry Black Hair ○ Blue Eyes ○ Green Skin ○ Petite, toned build
Lesbian ○ Elf/Orc/Dwarf ○ Mercenary/Mechanic (Former Military Ace) ○ Hellfire Caster

This is Shanti...



Shanti is a little bouncing bundle ball of energy and smiles. She has green skin and mouth with filled with sharp little tusks. Her eyes are like sparkling blue gems like a dwarf. And she is lean and has facial features of an elf. She is very expressive with her movements and her facial expressions always reflects how she feels. She is quite fashionable wearing the latest trends of the humans in the cities but normally likes to show off her tight round booty, little legs and ink on her body. She loves scarves and gloves and has a large selection of them.

Ears, tongue, navel and hood pierced. Ink done on back, arms, left hip and thigh, ankles and feet. Scars all across her arms and belly. Major one one her left arm.

Goggles, Scarves, Locket and chain, Pocket watch, multi-tool, thigh dagger, Twin pistols, extra bullets, purse with specialty tools and bobs and bits for tinkering, tool chest, motorbike (named Shader), helicopter (named Aura).


+ | Easy-going, Very Playful and Light-hearted
+ | Quick Reactor, Perceptive, Sly
+ | Confident, Daring and Very Flirty
+ | Glib, Chatty and Witty
+ | Strong-willed, Creative and Smart

- | Petty, Snarky and Holds Grudges
- | Impulsive/Random and Lacks Filter
- | Talks too Much. No, like really Talks Too MUCH
- | Needs Quiet Time 1x/day or gets Fiery and Aggressive
- | Adrenaline Junkie but Cowardly in Physical Combat

Talents / Skills
Military training (basic, firearms, field training, field driver, combat training), Helicopter Pilot/Ace, Airship License, Navigation, Motorbiking, Dancing, Mechanic (tinkers on everything machine related), Street Smarts, Military Contacts.

○ | Hellfire - Shantl has a fire demon inside her that powers her fire abilities. She is able to ignite things on command and can create massive gouts of flame from her hands. She can even focus the tips of her fingers to such a hot temp that she can actually weld with it. The demon is aware and acts like a 6th sense for her. It allows her to see in the dark and be immune to the effects of extreme heat and smoke. And then there is the Hellfire itself. When she uses it, it has more of silvery colour to it and it may burn like a reg fire. It is the demons preferred form of locomotion and she may apply it onto the wheels or propeller of her vehicle and they will ignite and give her vehicles ridiculous speed and agility.

And on command she may use it to not sear the body of the target, but sear the soul of the target. This is the cost of harbouring a fire demon within; the pain and screams of the target, she will also experience as she 'feeds' the demon the torment of the target. It is something of a ritual Shanti must perform to sate the demon, lest her own soul be claimed by it and burned eternally. This is the reason why Shanti has her quiet time, meditating at least once per day. If not, she takes on the persona of the demon and will give in to possession in time. The demon wants to light everything on fire.


○ | Magia was raised by her single Elf/Orc mother along with her half-sister, Sugar. The grew up poor in the slums of Selunari, a huge capital city.
○ | Her mom called her 'Mage' and back then everyone in her neighbourhood knew her as 'Talkie-Talkie.'

○ | As youths the sisters could not help but get caught up in the criminal activities of the Mordren District and so the pair started up their sidehustle dealing illegal substances; Magia the brains and Sugar the brawn.
○ |
After a bad run in with the local law, both were caught and tossed in youth prison. This was where Magia earn the nick; "Shanti". It was a play on her last name and told
she stories and sang ol' shanties to keep others off her and her sister's backs. After a year of incarceration, they were given a bargain they couldn't refuse; join the military and get outta jail free. Both took it.
○ | They kissed their mom goodbye and took to a life in the military; Magia to serve in the Air Force, Sugar in the army and soon, as a Marine.

○ |Magia went through basic and earned an education as a mechanic. She earned her pilot wings to fly an airship but was at home as a helicopter pilot; call sign "Mantra." And she became a damned good one too earning her spot as an Ace.
○ | And then came the day she flew rescue into the field. As fate would have it, she was there to pick up her Sister's squad. Well, what was left of them. Upon reaching the infirmary, they told her Sugar was not gunna make it. Magia made a deal with a demon to ensure that she did. Sugar woke up and healed. Magia was damned with this cursed demon. But it was worth it.

○ | After her superiors found out that she was cursed, they tossed her with a dishonourable discharge. But she had a back up plan brewing all along.
○ | Magia has signed onto an 'off-the-books' airship called The Prestidigitator. She is now part of the Mercenaries known as the WingSlayers. They call her 'Motor Mouth' here but she has their respects ever since she 'acquired' a helicopter for them.
○ | And so now she just does jobs with this outfit, plays mechanic, rides around on her motorbike yet all the while, despite being timezones apart, she keeps an eye for her Marine sis out there in the field.

Hi!! Shameless plug here: Click on the '○ ꜱᴏᴍᴇ ᴋɪɴᴅᴀ' ꜱᴇզᴜɪᴛᴇʀ ○' link in my Signature if you too would like to reuse a charrie and post for rando reasons!!
Only if it serves the current story/RP. Not if it's just "Barbie on a Battleship" and then "Barbie in the first crusades" and "Barbie in the space voyage" -- there has to be some continuity for the character/entity/faction to be making a reappearance.
I definitely notice, but I take the agitation from the fact that the character is being recycled again and again and remind myself that we're doing this for fun and it really doesn't matter. Also, I just like, don't invite RPers who annoy me to join future campaigns or stories. There's a comfort in playing with the same characters in different settings if you have a good group of players.

Most of my friends (including myself) have a few characters that they recycle and fit into different settings. It's exhausting, coming up with new personalities to play, but the trick is to change the names and appearances while keeping the core values of the characters and building up from there.
On just about every site I've been on, there have always been a fair amount of people that have at least one character transfer that they adapted to the setting. If it's a fandom, of course that rate is much higher.

So yes, it's actually a preference since you get used to certain characters and if they're good why wouldn't you want to see more stories with them?
There exists a noticeable few who recycles their characters efficiently to well adapt to the roleplay they're joining. Then there is an abundant amount of those who take presets - characters with already established traits, ambitions, and values, with the intention of inserting that character into multiple settings.

This is not an issue worthy of arguing over whether it's "right" or "wrong". Everyone is in their right to do as they wish. The only rule that matters is the GM's set of guidelines. If they prohibit the recycling of characters, then that is the law that will be enforced. People who argue over GM established rules are faultfinders.

The common trope of roleplays falling into inactivity is not a rightful excuse to invalidate GM rules. Simply do not join games you cannot integrate peacefully, and save the other person the headache.

Edit: Accidentally clicked reply too soon.

Anyways, from the perspective of someone who almost exclusively hosts roleplays, I have experienced those who reuse characters. It is not worth policing whether or not someone will resurrect their past concepts and reintroduce them into your roleplay. However, I do sympathize with the GMs who find it irritating. The reason is not a good one, as it's as simple as having your work "insulted" for the lack of a better word. Which is why it is not a good reason.

Regardless, most of the time it is a non-issue. Those who post minimal effort sheets will simply be told to either reconstruct their character to better fit the setting or be removed. There's no shame in asking or having to remove them for their uncooperative behavior.

If you don't like it, simply state it in the interest check. The chances are that if you're asking this question, you're already looking for a more well-rounded group of writers to join your game, and there's no shame in that either. Do what you feel will give you the most comfort to continue running your roleplay.
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I did have a friend once who only ever joined new RPs with the same character - exact same name even, but reskinned for the different RPs. I always thought it odd, and it's definitely on the more extreme end of character recycling.

They HAD other characters, and I liked those, but I'm pretty sure they were always "in addition to" the one.
Yes, I've totally seen this too.
And hey I've been guilty but that was like when I was like a baby starting.
But if its someone you've seen like 20 times it's hard. Also like, it's hard to put a character in a every situation box. It's hard.

And just to add like I never am a meanie and point it out I'm just like.... change it... *raises hands to air* but it leaves me perplexed.

If it becomes an issue I'll ask them to change it. And often times it's my players not me saying. It's the same face....character... T_T
If it fits the setting, why should I care if they reuse it? With the life expectancies of most rp's in this hobby, I can if someone say, made a PC for a RWBY RP and it dies in two weeks then there is no harm in editing it for a new work to continue off of. I prefer totally new PC's, but there is no harm in rehashing something from a failed project. That being said I tend to not allow obvious self-inserts.
why reuse the same character if they don't develop in somesort of way to become something unexpected and new? i'd rather somebody recycle an old concept, an idea that wasn't fully fleshed out, or even a joke character and then build them in the world i have set up to grow in whatever way that person wishes. but to reuse something that already has a lot of history will do nothing to provide to the story itself, and that's a crucial aspect that needs to be considered.
As a GM, I could not and would not disallow reusing OCs. As long as the character is well-adjusted, it makes no difference to me, and if they are not, we can address that on a case-by-case basis. It is only so obvious that the character has been reused when they do not fit within the context of the current roleplay and when this occurs, it's a simple matter of addressing it and letting them know they need to revise. In many cases, large portions of a character's backstory or history must be cut. If they are not willing to do that, we have an issue where they would either, yes, need to make a new OC, or leave.
As a fellow roleplayer, it has never bothered me either. I personally have a tendency to create new characters for new roleplays because I grow tired of mine. 😭

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