To Become {Vein and VampireByte}

He laughed alongside the other, continuing the tickle attack for a while. He really liked it when his beloved laughed, why wouldn't he? It was the best sound in the world, other than that of the microwave finishing warming his food and allowed him to eat it. He giggled and then moved in to blow a raspberry against the other male's skin, finishing off his attack in a swift and memorable way. He chuckled again and wrapped his arms around the other, pulling the vampire up on top of him and hugged him tightly.

"I love you... So much." He mumbled, hiding his face in the creak between the other's shoulder and neck, smiling into it. "I love you... I want you to laugh all the time... You seem so distant at times... You'll talk to me if something is wrong, won't you?" He pulled back and then stroked over the boy's cheek. "I can't help you... If you don't let me."
Panting now from the laughter, Ian stared down at Virgil below him, the smile on Ian's face fading a little, though it didn't vanish completely at least, and swallowed hard. "I love you too." The red haired boy breathed, his cold breath tickling Virgil's skin, Ian shifting a little uncomfortably.

"I...I can try..." Ian told him, always having been a bit afraid to discuss whatever was bother himself, and Ian bit at his lower lip, not meeting Virgil's gaze as Ian traced the boy's skin with his cold fingers now.
"..." He hid his face in the other male's shoulder now, if nothing else than to avoid looking at him. It was always like this, wasn't it? His dear little fool never told him anything, he was short when it came to speaking and even harder to understand at times. The half-breed got the feeling that the other wasn't really honest with him... No, of course Ian loved him back... He had become a monster for his sake, when he could just as well have stayed a human.

He felt the cold fingers trace over his skin and it made him give a low sigh, closing his eyes and hugged the other still, not allowing him to pull away. Sure, it might seem a little like he was clinging to him and by all means, he was. However, he wanted the other to feel safe and in his own mind, being close meant safety. "Please do..."
Ian wasn't about to argue with the only person who loved him. Well, truly loved and accepted him. Still, the moment of fun and laughter was gone at the moment, and was now slightly tense. If Virgil said that Ian was distant at times, then it most likely was because he was...

What should he tell the other? Ian swallowed hard, suddenly feeling himself start to clam up and become quite shy, always afraid that he would offend the other with something he said, and the last thing Ian wished to do was upset Virgil and make his lover angry at him, something he had done once before...
Now he was that quiet again... Ugh, why had the air suddenly become so tense? The other was clamming up and he sighed to himself, sat up and then pulled the other up, lifting him in bridal style and grinned at him. "Why the long face, my little fool?" He chuckled and kissed the top of his head, carrying him over to the bathroom and dumped him, carefully, of course, into the bathtub. "You get yourself clean and I'll go make us breakfast. You're eating it so don't even try to sneak your way out of it." He pulled town a towel and placed it beside the other, rubbing his hand a little. He had managed to hit it against the wall.

Well done with this, he smiled and waved, walking out of the bathroom and into the kitchen. Virgil was a rather simple guy, he didn't normally make fancy things and liked micro-waved food. However, this day(night) he was dead set on making something special and he got to work with making coffee for them.
The boy didn't make an answer, suddenly finding himself scooped up in Virgil's muscled arms, Ian wrapping his own around the other's neck so that he wouldn't fall, and found himself carried into the bathroom and nearly quite literally dumped into the bathtub, a grunt escaping from him as Ian landed in the neat white tub, a bit of a frown entering onto his face, though again, Ian wasn't about to argue.

Once Virgil had left and closed the bathroom door behind himself, Ian stood out of the tub with a sigh and undressed, closing the shower curtain around himself after tossing his clothing to the floor, planning on picking it up later after Ian scrubbed himself clean, and got a shower going for himself, washing up, then proceeding to dry and dress, turning off the water.

When finished in the bathroom, Ian glanced down at himself to make sure that he hadn't forgotten any important bit of clothing, like pants or something, and seeing that Ian was good and fully dressed like he should be, Ian made his way to the kitchen, making his way over to Virgil.

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