To Become {Vein and VampireByte}


Elder Member


(Name: Ian Torbin Brandfield, Age: 18)

Today was a special day. At least for one Mr. Ian Torbin Brandfield it was. Today the young man was officially turning 18. And the boy's lover had a special surprise for him. At least, so he said. Guess Ian would find out. It was a gentle mist of rain outside as Ian waited, but the youth didn't mind. In fact, Ian found the rain felt good against his warm fleshy skin.

Gently the boy's head bobbed to the music he had going on from his iPod to his ears from his headphones while Ian waited for his significant other to pick him up that night, not hearing one of the neighborhood's dogs barking constantly at something or another thanks to the music drowning out the annoying barking.

The night was quiet otherwise in the suburbs except for the occasional car driving over the wet dampened streets, spraying up a bit of the rain that had been falling all day. But the rain hadn't deteriorated Ian's mood. Far from doing that in fact.

Suddenly a vehicle pulled up in the driveway, and a half grin lifted Ian's lips, the boy quickly shutting off his iPod and taking down his headphones, quickly standing and heading over to the car and climbing in the passenger side, closing the door with a bit of an echoing thud, the rain pattering over their heads and against the windshields as Ian buckled himself in, his heart already pounding against the innards of his chest.
Thinking about it, he really wasn't sure if this was his best idea. Not that he usually had the brightest ideas but the worse that could happen when he boiled pasta in the microwave (which, by the way, was one of the best inventions ever!) was that the machine might end up in a pit of a pinch. Usually, his ideas ended with him in trouble but Virgil was hesitant to pull his human into this. He knew that Ian wanted it, that it would be the best for them both but… He still couldn't shake the feeling that something might go, well… Wrong. Still, it was a little too late to think about that now, he had already finished all the arrangements… His family was waiting and his… VERY impatient father would not approve of him suddenly canceling it all.

Virgil drummed his fingers on the steering wheel, chewing a little on his lower lip as he waited for the red light to turn green. It was raining today, just like it had yesterday. He wondered if his significant little fool actually had put his raincoat on today. He hoped so, he really didn’t want him to end up with a cold. Humans were so fragile; it wasn't all that strange that he was a little paranoid over the boy, now was it?

He continued to look at the light, now it switched and he started the car, driving towards their meeting place. He slowed down and pulled up, managing to stop right in front of the boy, allowing for him to only reach out and then step into the van. If he hadn’t been sitting down a little away that was. Still, not an overall big deal. He watched as the door opened and gave the boy a wide grin, showing off his sharp fangs. Virgil leaned over to give the boy a soft kiss on his cheek, followed by a little nuzzle from his nose.

“Happy birthday, my little one. Aren't you getting big?” He chuckled and moved back, his blue eyes shining a little with mischievousness, finding it really amusing to keep this secret for a little longer. “All buckled up and ready to go? Great.” He started the car and then began to drive again, heading towards his family home, a little outside the city.
The boy rolled his slate grey eyes a bit at Virgil's paranoia over him. Still, it did mean something to Ian on a certain level, seeing as the boy didn't exactly have an easy going life as most did, not except because of his sexuality, and so on...Really Ian was as much of an outcast as Virgil was, Ian smiling softly at the peck to the cheek, closing his eyes as Virgil nuzzled him before leaning away from him, a sigh escaping past Ian's pale sculpted lips.

The ride to Virgil's home was a silent one except for the rain, both young men wrapped up in their disquieted thoughts, the rain still misting against the van, making it glisten under the road lights. But at 7:30 exactly, the van pulled into a garage, and as the van was turned off, Ian climbed out of the van with Virgil, closing the car door, Ian combing his fingers through his now damped orange hair.

Not really sure what to think, and not having any idea of what this surprise birthday gift was going to be, Ian walked into the house with Virgil, the two of them hand-in-hand, and instantly an entirely white cat with green eyes came bounding up to them, Ian kneeling down and scratching the feline's head, the cat purring and shaking its fur, making the little bell on its collar jingle before the cat disappeared from site.
Now, he might just be imagining it but he thought that his little human was a little… Silent today. Maybe he was just worried or perhaps he felt a bit down. Being a human outcast seemed harder than he had though, not that Virgil really tended to think too deeply about things. Usually, it was the other way around. As it now was, he left the boy alone with his thoughts, not wanting to pounder him with questions they both knew Ian didn’t want to speak about. This resulted in a silent ride but the vampire moved his free hand to rest on the boy’s when he didn’t need it for driving, lacing their fingers together as he watched the road in front of them.

They reached his home, a rather old but still impressive mansion that looked just a little displaced out here in the open, without any other houses to complete with. Virgil drove into the garage and then sighed, hesitating a little before actually stepping out of the car. He took a deep breath and watched as his human pulled a hand though his damp hair. “…You don’t use the umbrella and you don’t use the raincoat.” He fussed over the other for a few seconds, taking a towel from the car and dried his hair off, just for good measure. “I don’t want you to be sick, foolish human.” He grunted, half to himself, half to his partner.

He watched as the other male pet the cat, he himself always having been a little suspicious of that white beast. It might be that he had been scratched by one too many cats but he didn’t really like it. When the feline had trotted away, the vampire moved to pull the other into a hug, burying his nose in the other’s hair. “…Say, Ian? If you don’t like the present… You don’t have to accept it… No one will force you, OK?” His voice was low, almost hesitant now.
The copper haired youth smiled in the dim lighting of the vehicle as Virgil laced his fingers through Ian's own, the other's hand only Luke warm, just in between absolutely freezing and normal skin temperature. But Ian didn't care. After all, this man sitting in the driver's seat was his significant other, despite their differences, the two being very much the same.

"I won't get sick." Ian mumbled, closing his eyes tightly as Virgil proceeded to dry off his hair, causing the red locks to fly about his eyes. Besides, it was a light misting rain anyway; it wasn't like it was a torrential down pour or anything, suddenly finding himself embraced into Virgil's arms, their bodies pressing up against each other, Ian resting his hands against the Halfling's chest, feeling it rise up and down, but yet a very light heart beat echoing inside of him, unlike Ian's own.

"Besides...I want to do this. You fuss over me enough as it is..." Ian breathed, partly wondering if the man before him was telling him this because Virgil didn't want him to become a vampire like Virgil and his father was.
The other’s words were calming, the way be knew so clearly that this was what he wanted made him feel a little more relaxed. His human was a fool; he got the feeling that he called Ian by the name of fool more times than he called him by his name… That probably wasn’t too good, now when he considered it a little more deeply. The vampire moved back a little and looked into the other’s eyes, giving him a smile and then stroke over his cheek, his eyes soft and a small smile on his lips. “If you think I’m going to stop fussing over you because you Turn… You don’t know me very well, do you?” He teased, pressing a kiss to the other’s forehead and then pulled away to take his hand instead, leading him deeper into the mansion.

The doors to the room he lead the other towards were nothing short of impressive, big and colored in a dark red, towering over them like a king over its subordinates. Virgil took a deep breath and pushed the doors open, the grip on his loved one’s hand tightening. He was… In all honestly, scared of his father. He was such a powerful man, it was impossible to tell what he was thinking. Still, he man had agreed to turn his partner, the halfblood unable to do so himself.

The man turned to look at them; he was well dressed with grey hair that was pulled back over his head, a pair of glasses on his nose. He clearly wasn’t too much caught up with the times, still dressing in old, elegant clothes. He closed the book that rested on his lap and stood up from his armchair, moving over to stop in front of them, Virgil bowing down his head in respect for him.

“So… This is the boy?” The old vampire studied him, not too impressed by the color of his hair. “…Well then, why not get this over with? I have more important things to tend to.”
Following Virgil hand-in-hand to the boy's father's study, Ian was about to greet the man and offer his hand for a shake, but at the words that came from Virgil's father's mouth, Ian was unsure what to do, and shared a quick glance with Virgil before turning his grey eyes back onto the boy's father.

"Er...Yes Sir." Ian stuttered shyly a bit, really not knowing what else to say. Should Ian thank the man for this? Somehow Ian wasn't sure that would be the best of ideas. "My name is Ian...Sir..." The boy told the man, starting to bite at his lower lip, feeling quite small and rather intimidated at the vampire before the two boys, Ian nervously rubbing the back of his neck with his free hand, part of him wanting to hide behind Virgil, but right then, Ian dared not move, his heart beat racing inside of his chest.
Virgil could feel the other male’s hand turning a bit warmer, a little sweatier if he wasn’t completely mistaken. Maybe it was his own hand that was sweating...? Very much possible. He squeezed his human’s hand a little tighter, trying to tell him that it was fine. The halfbreed’s father on the other hand was not one to beat around the bush, he knew what he was going to do and he didn’t want to waste his time.

“Take a seat then… Ian.” He tasted the name and then nodded a little, it would do. He looked over at his son, causing Virgil to tense just slightly but the man gave his hair a light ruffle, telling him that he looked like his mother. After that comment, the boy felt more relaxed and he watched as his father lead his beloved to the chair he had been sitting in a little earlier.

Ian was made to sit down and the old vampire pulled up his sleeve, not planning on biting his neck, especially not when the boy’s lover was standing by the doors, wagging a little on his feet from nervousness. Virgil had never seen a Turning before and he was worried that his partner might suffer from it. The man bowed down and sank his teeth into the boy’s wrist, starting to drink the blood.

Virgil watched, wanting more than anything to object to this, only seeing how his beloved got paler and paler, his lips turning a sick looking mix of purple and blue. Then, when the human looked like he was on the verge of death, the old vampire cut his own hand with his nails, giving the boy the much needed blood that would Turn him. Virgil felt like he had suddenly forgotten how to breathe.
The copper haired youth nodded once, reluctantly letting go of Virgil's Luke warm hand, making his way over to the leather seat and seating himself down onto it, swallowing hard, his heart hammering to the point that Ian could hear it in his own ears, not realizing how fast and hard he was breathing at the thought of what was about to happen, a long deep shaky breath escaping past his lips as Ian watched Virgil's father roll up his right sleeve, exposing his wrist.

But then, before his lover's father sank his sharp fangs into his wrist, Ian turned his grey gaze onto Virgil, their eyes meeting. Ian said nothing, wincing when he suddenly felt those sharp fangs puncture easily into his right wrist as a knife would cut through butter, a grunt escaping from Ian's throat as the boy instantly began to feel the very life force drain from his body, Ian's body becoming ghostly pale, his lips becoming a shade of purple.

Having clenched his right hand, Ian's body slowly became limp and loose, the boy barely breathing by the time Virgil's father was finished feeding from him, Ian's hand slowly slipping off the armrest of the chair and dangling, blood dripping from the fresh puncture marks and down the boy's pam and fingers, dripping onto the carpeted floor.

But after that, Ian felt blood dripping onto his lips, and weakly, the boy forced his lips to part, taking in the blood given to him by Virgil's father, instantly feeling the effects, and soon, with slightly trembling hands, Ian pulled the man's wrist to his lips and drank a few mouthfuls before the transformation began to take place...
The halfbreed watched as his father moved his own wrist to the boy’s lips, allowing him to take a few mouthfuls but not more than that. He soon pulled away his hand, wiping the blood and spit off with a handkerchief he had close to hand, standing up and moved around to his desk. Well there, he would note down a few things about the boy he had just turned, to make sure that the once human being stayed under his protection and so that no one else would try and claim him as theirs.

Virgil, on the other hand, was moving closer to his beloved, doing so carefully. He probably shouldn’t but he was too deeply in love with the newly turned for him to be able to resist, wanting to care for his little fool. Getting close enough, he moved to sit down on the chair next to the armchair, taking the other’s hand and carefully stroke his thumb over it. He took a deeper breath, trying to remain calm. He wanted to greet his hu… His little fool with a smile but he was so pale… The half breed reached out his hand and carefully touched the other’s cheek, stroking over it like he had done with the back of his hand.

“Ian…? Can you hear me?” He was quiet for a few seconds. “…How do you feel…My Love?” He very seldom called him that, seeing as it was a little cheesy but now… It just seemed to fit better than ever.
Soon an icy fire was burning through the red haired boy's limbs, Ian's chest heaving as the boy began to feel his body transform, the fresh puncture marks on his right wrist instantly healing, vanishing as if they had never been there in the first place, the skin becoming smooth and flawless once again.

The boy didn't respond to Virgil, but that didn't mean Ian didn't hear the other either, Ian's hand tightening in Virgil's own, the only response Ian could manage to make at the moment, a grimace of pain coming onto the boy's face as Ian began to feel his heart stop beating, the most painful part of the transformation progress.

Soon though, it was over, and slowly, Ian opened his new eyes, his grey eyes flitting about, taking in the scene with brand new heightened senses. It was most certainly a lot to take in all at once. But most of all, Ian felt a nagging thirst for blood deep within his belly and burning in his throat, Ian's gaze eventually coming to rest on Virgil, blinking slowly, Ian reaching up with his free hand and gently touching Virgil's cheek, his fingers tiredly resting against the Luke warm skin.
“He can’t respond so soon, boy…” His father grunted from back over at his papers, filling them in with a used hand and a quill. He was good at using it, his hand moving in beautiful and almost dancing movements. Or that was what the boy would have thought if he had actually been capable of looking away from his beloved male’s face, something he clearly wasn’t for the moment.

“I know… I’m just… Worried… It did… It did work, right?” He mumbled but then felt the other’s hand squeeze back, resulting in him sighing with relief. He waited and soon enough, the little fool opened his eyes, allowing the male to look at them, his own filling with love and relief.

The halfbreed saw the hand moving and looked over at it, realizing after a few seconds what the other was doing. He leaned in, resting his head against the other’s hand, feeling those cold fingers touch his skin. He felt a little sad, he had always liked Ian’s warmth but this… It was okay, he would get used to it. Still holding on to the other male’s hand, he moved the other one to rest over his beloved’s, pressing it closer and gave it a slight nuzzle. He felt so relieved that the turning seemed to have gone so well… It was great to see the other’s eyes again, even if he looked a little different. “…Happy Birthday… My little fool.” He mumbled, closing his own eyes with a sigh.
A mixture of emotions boiled up within Ian, who was now no longer human. Who would never again be able to set foot under the warm Sun and feel its precious heat from the rays bringing life to the Earth below it that it watched over during the day, a tired smile lifting Ian's lips as Virgil allowed the boy to touch his cheek, actually pressing Ian's hand closer against his skin.

There was a while of near silence, the only sounds the ticking of a Grandfather clock, the quill pen that Virgil's father was scribbling away with, and Virgil's lightly beating heart.

"I'm thirsty..." Ian breathed suddenly, the nagging feeling, the nagging urge for human blood growing stronger in his belly and dessert dry throat, Ian slowly blinking his steel grey eyes up at Virgil.
By now, Virgil had in fact forgotten his father, he couldn’t hear the scribbling of than quill nor the sounds it made when he put the tip back into the bottle of ink. He didn’t really notice the ticking off the clock, or the way the rain smattered softly against the window. The soft rain from earlier had now turned into a stronger form, pulled down by the gravity of Earth. The half-breed only had eyes for his partner, everything around him was… Nothing special.

There was a silence and the older creature decided to move around a little, standing up a little before walking around the armchair and straddled the other’s lap, moving to rest his head on the other’s shoulder, his arms around him. Ian wasn’t warm anymore and he felt as if he wanted to warm him up, doing so by holding him close. Virgil wasn’t resting all his weight on the boy, he was sitting a little more to the left so that he wasn’t going to become a burden for the other.

When his loved one did speak up, he was saying pretty much what the half-blood had expected. He was thirsty… Of course he was. He had just been turned; it would be more surprising if he didn’t desire blood. The older vampire glanced over at his father, the man was still writing… If things moved too far, he assumed that the man would help him. “…I’ll give you some of mine.” Ian had allowed him to drink from his human blood before, when he had been really weak, it was only fit that he should return the favor.

Virgil moved back a little, shifting to actually sit beside the other and not on him, pulling up his sleeve to expose the tattooed arm. He closed his eyes for a second, a bit worried about the consequences for this. “Don’t… Heh, don’t drink too much.” He smiled and held his arm up for the other, unable to take his eyes away from his newly formed fangs.
Grey eyes followed Virgil's every move the boy made, Ian's lips smiling tiredly as the other straddled him, the copper haired boy knowing that if he still had his heart, that it would have been beating furiously right then. But, as it was, Ian had just gave his heart away, although in truth, Virgil had had Ian's heart for quite some time now...

Slowly Ian rested his hands against Virgil's chest, feeling the heart beating, the Luke warm skin. It made Ian want the man straddling him. But then, Virgil adjusted his position, and Ian allowed his hands to gently fall from the other boy's chest, the two of them clearly made for each other, no matter what the other did or said.

But then Virgil offered Ian his own blood, making Ian blink a bit in surprise, glancing over at Virgil's father, the very same man who had just Embraced Ian moments ago, ending his human life, Ian turning his slate grey eyes back up to Virgil's, then those same eyes trailing to Virgil's offered wrist, and gently Ian brought the flesh to his lips, instinctively knowing how, knowing what to do, and after kissing the offered skin, Ian carefully sank in his newly acquired fangs and began to drink, closing his eyes as the sweet blood flowed easily into his mouth and down his throat, quenching him.
If there was anything he had learned about his little fool of a partner, it was that the boy could be… Shy. At least from his point of view. It seemed that humans had some strange ‘rules’ when it came to one’s preferred partners. Ian had told him a little about it, relationships between males and females were apparently ‘the best’, any other love display between either males or females was clearly strange and people tended to look down on those who liked others of the same sex. His fool had been teased about this and sometimes, Virgil got the feeling that the boy blamed himself for not being ‘normal’. Strange but true.

He shifted around a little and got his arm around the other’s waist again, playing a little with the shirt’s hem as his beloved studied his arm. This must be weird to him but Virgil couldn’t help but smile when the boy actually kissed his wrist and not only threw himself over the offered blood. That was good, Ian still remembered him. He had heard about Turned Ones that lost control completely, only wanting to gore themselves in the red liquid.

He gave a little grunt as the other began to drink from him, it hurt a little, those fangs were sharp, after all. A little color returned to the boy’s face and his eyes seemed to glow stronger, filling with life. He sighed, leaning his head in and rested his forehead against the boy’s head. He felt a little tired, the blood leaving him in a steady stream but still Ian seemed to remain in control of his desire… That was good.
To the boy feeding from Virgil, the blood was sweet, slightly bitter, like chocolate. Glancing up at Virgil through his lashes, Ian blinked up at him, continuing to drink, only to slowly slow to a sudden halt when Ian no longer felt the nagging thirst to be quenched in his belly, his throat no longer burning dry like a dessert in Egypt.

Not knowing the ability they had of heeling the wounds with their saliva, Ian simply removed his fangs, though was still holding onto Virgil's bleeding wrist, Ian's lips and chin red with the other's blood that he had just consumed, and slowly Ian licked his lips, squirming a bit in the leather chair he was still perched in, all too aware of Virgil's father in the room, ready to possibly intervene between the two boys if the vampire had to.


The world that Ian had lived in was now different. To say the least. Everything was clear and loud in his ears, the thrumming of a thousand heartbeats going at once, the sites, the smells. It was a wonder Ian had control of himself. But then, maybe that was because of Virgil standing with him, no doubt ready to stop Ian if the other had to, no matter what had to be done to keep Ian from doing something that he would regret later in his unlife now.
He wasn't sure for how long the other male drank from him, ending up loosing his sense of time as he grew more tired. He blinked slowly, feeling his head throb slightly and then closed his eyes completely. This was better, making him feel more relaxed, the headache calming a little. He knew that vampire feeding for the first time tended to lose themselves in the taste and become pulled into the delight and taste. Ian didn't, he actually stopped on his own, without Virgil or his father having to force his lips away from the half-breed's wrist.

Virgil's breathing was a little panting now, his body weak from the loss of blood. If he had been completely undead, he might have felt better but his human half seeded that blood to fully function without him feeling like this. His head was still rested on the other's shoulder but now, he was a little limp instead of relaxed. Despite this, he still felt a strong sense of love towards the other male, he still cared about him and was happy over the fact that he had been able to give back a little of what Ian had given him earlier. He would continue to protect him, even if the other didn't need it.


The halfbreed was somewhat clingy, he liked to be close to his partner and would end up almost sleeping on top of him at many occasions. His little fool had been a vampire for two days now and Virgil was feeling better from the blood-loss. He was half asleep now, his arms around Ian and his face hidden in the other's chest, breathing in his scent. He wasn't sure if the other was awake or not so he decided to keep quiet and remain in this half awake state.
It was an hour before sunset, and Ian was still asleep, though a soft groan did escape from the boy's throat as Virgil clung onto the other in his sleep, Ian only waking with his new biological clock kicked in when the sun was fully set, and Ian then began to wake, still not used to now being a vampire, and absently ran his tongue over his newly acquired fangs, still working on getting used to them, a new habit that Ian was forming with them.

Still, despite why Ian had done this, the boy was certainly missing the sun, and a soft sigh escaped from him as he heard Virgil inhale, the other's nose close to his neck, and Ian realized that he was taking in his scent, a thought that made Ian a bit embarrassed, though no color would rush up into his cheeks anymore.

Softly, shyly even, Ian gently touched his lips against the other's, letting Virgil know that he was now awake, and Ian rolled over onto the appropriate side so that he could face Virgil, the boy's slate gray eyes watching the other boy before him.
Something cold touched his lips and for a second, the male was confused, allowing his own eyes to blink open. He found his hu... His once upon a time human partner leaning back from him. Oh, so it was a kiss? Now he felt a little stupid for not having realized so earlier, still as unused to his beloved's state as the other was. He smiled at him, moving his arms around the boy again and gave him a sleepy hug, a low yawn escaping from his throat before he leaned back to look up at Ian's face.

"That wub... Was... The worse sleepy kiss... So farm... Far." When he was tired, the halfbreed had a hard time remembering how to speak English. A long, long time of his life, he had lived in another country and sometimes, it showed in his way or talking. He yawned again and stretched his arms over his head, shaking it a little to try and get awake. "You'll need to worm... Work, harder, to impress me, kiddo." He teasingly pulled his tongue out at the other before moving his hand to ruffle the boy's hair, his smile turning softer now. "How are you feeling?" His eyes wandered over the other, a concerned look showing in his eyes.
Those gray eyes of Ian's slowly blinked at the other lying with him, though Ian said nothing, closing his eyes tightly as Virgil ruffled his copper red hair, and Ian rolled his eyes a little when Virgil stuck his tongue out at him like a five year old.

"I'm...Fine..." The boy mumbled, gently touching the tips of his fingers against Virgil's chin, not really feeling like getting up and out of bed at the moment, quite content and comfortable where he was at the moment. "Yourself?" Ian breathed, looking up at Virgil underneath his long dark lashes, before suddenly feeling a yawn creep up on him, and as Ian yawned, those new dagger-like fangs showed themselves.
In repayment for his childishness, the newly changed vampire reached out and touched his chin gently, causing the halfbreed to close his mouth and look at the other instead. He blinked slowly, seeming to calm down. The other male was... Really beautiful. So beautiful that it actually made him feel a little shocked. Ever since he changed, his body seemed to radiate with a beauty that wasn't really there before, or not as strong as this was.

Virgil laid still, losing himself in the other male's eyes for a few seconds until the male's mouth opened and showed off his fangs. He blinked and looked down with a soft, slightly embarrassed smile before reaching up to move the other's hand to his cheek instead of chin, carefully nuzzling against it before just laying it there. The cold was a little refreshing, making him feel more awake than if the boy had been cold. He smiled. "Of course... I was sleeping next to you, how could I not sleep well?"
A shy smile lifted the corners of Ian's lips, and the copper haired boy stirred a bit, before reluctantly sitting up and rubbing his face with his hands before combing his fingers through his shaggy red hair, not fully sure what to think of Virgil's father. In truth, Ian was quite honestly surprised that Virgil's father had even remotely agreed in turning Ian at all. Virgil must have done some serious convincing on Ian's behalf.

"So...Forever now..." Ian muttered, laying back and stretching with a groan, his shirt creeping up a bit to reveal his belly.
He shifted so that the other male could move around without having to worry about him being in the way. He yawned as well, his fangs not even close to as evolved as the other male's. Not that he really cared, he was happy either way and these smaller fangs were easier to hide. Many thought half-breeds to be shameful and sinful creatures, that they were to be feared in some cases and looked down upon in some cases. However, Virgil could walk around in the sunlight, he could touch silver items and not get burned. Of course, it wasn't perfect but he could at least do it.

"Mhn... Forever." He smiled and moved to put his arms around the other but then halted, noticing that his belly was showing. How could he resist that? Instead of putting his arm around the other, he placed it on his tummy and then began to tickle him.
Feeling Virgil's hand on his belly suddenly, Ian glanced down, then began to squirm as the other started tickling him, making Ian start to laugh, despite the fact the red haired boy was trying to hold it in.

"Hey...No...C'mon!" Ian muttered through his laughter, and tried to playfully shove Virgil's hand away, only for the lover to bring back his hand, Ian's shirt now revealing all of his belly, Ian son panting and still laughing, unable to help himself, the bed sheets quickly becoming ruffled and messy from the boy's bantering.

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