Other To All My Dear Followers (Ft. Daisie)

View attachment 607112

Wouldn't know, but as has been pointed out a lot, there's a lot of people tagged. I just hope this isn't a bother to them.

It's certainly not for me. It's a good procrastination activity from a post written as probably the most complicated character I will ever have to write in a fandom roleplay.
Hugs I'm really glad to have been able to make so happy! Please have a wonderful day
**hugs** I wish I had been around more for you, luckily enough it seems you had plenty of other people to help you up haha. I hope you’re day is better than wonderful. ;D
Come on, man. Why would it be a bother? You're you.
Cause I tagged over 666 people out of the blue (followers + staff + the people Daisie wanted to tag)

It's certainly not for me. It's a good procrastination activity from a post written as probably the most complicated character I will ever have to write in a fandom roleplay.
Sounds like a fun one XD

**hugs** I wish I had been around more for you, luckily enough it seems you had plenty of other people to help you up haha. I hope you’re day is better than wonderful. ;D
I did indeed. I hope the same can be said for you, if not in the past, then certainly in the future.
Ah. The devil's number. So where is he?
Fun fact, I was desperately trying to churn out the thread before I got to that number, because I was planning on making some kind of deal to get someone to pull me out of it. Didn't end up being necessary, and I ended up having to make the thread sooner anyway, since I'm going on a trip tomorrow.
After being a follower of Idea for 6 months, i was able to loss 90lbs,so now it would be a great time for you to give me the cure

I love the weekly meeting to summon the great old one.

I only followed so that I could be able to unfollow you.

View attachment 607085
When Idea thinks he's made a clever joke

So, I've recently been working on updating stuff (since its the holidays and I had some time for it), and I gotta tell you, it's been one heck of nostalgia trip. In starting the thread to update my character lists with new codes and updating the characters themselves, I've had to go through a lot of my past work on characters, remembering all the ideas that did or did not come to realize with them, the people and roleplays that I cherished so much at the time and still remember fondly to this day, and those which I didn't as much, but still gave my all in trying to craft something of value. Working on updating my RPN profile and getting links to my stuff, I've had to dig all the way back to my first activity on the site, I got a look back at my first interest check summer 2015. It's a couple lines long, has barely any information other than "hi, I'm new and I'd like to roleplay with ya'll!", the kind of interest check I would entirely dismiss nowadays. Really puts things in perspective, I suppose.

Four years I've been on this forum (a little more since I missed my RPNsery again, oops), boy its been quite the ride. Passing through all those old threads, I saw quite a few from back when everyone could make a hosted project and we had gifs as profile pics. I remembered many friends I've made, friends I've lost, all kinds of experiences and little challenges and snippets of happiness I've had. I was overjoyed by the return earlier this summer of a few of my partners who needed a bit of a break for a while to sort their lives, and have now returned and continued to give me wonderful RP experiences, and the return of other friends as well from old RPs and from just chatting. So I must repeat myself, RPN has become like a second home to me, a place to feel welcome, have fun, share and meet with all these wonderful people, and if time were to turn back, I would come back every loop. I'll say it again: It's been quite a ride, hasn't it?

So today's first thanking goes to all of RPN! For being this wonderful community that's brought me such a great time, thank you!

I wouldn't want to forget the original point of the thread though. All you wonderful followers of mine. I'd be lying if I said I remember how you all came to follow me, both because I never asked plenty, and also because it's getting to a point where I might have to reconsider typing them all out individually every time. 😅 I do imagine many of you it may have had something to do with the daily site welcomings and happy birthdays, and if it is, I hope your experience in the site has worked out well! Don't take that to mean, however, that you are any less appreciated! I'm really thankful that you would follow me, it makes me a little happier, even if in the grand scheme of things it doesn't mean much if anything at all. I hope you all also get to have these little things that bring you happiness in your every day :D

I guess what I'm trying to say, and you probably know what's coming but I'll say it anyway, is thank you very much! Thank you for being a part of this wonderful community, for giving me the opportunity to know you, even if we don't talk at the moment, thank you for everything!

And of course, for following me as well.

Now, I do one of these every once in a while, and some of you may start to feel it becomes routine. I can't blame ya, I ain't the best with this sort of thing.... so I decided to try something a little new. They've been mentioned in one of these threads before, and they are this wonderful and super kind person, it was my utmost pleasure to have met them, so I decided to invite them over to talk a bit, thank people who they might want to thank as well :)

No pressure :P

Without further ado then, @Daisie 's part:

Heya! So it's been requested that I participate a little bit in this thread, just to add my own little splash of joy. Usually I don't do big, heartwarming thank-yous to the general public. I find that, while I am very grateful for this community and am exceptionally happy to be here on RpNation, I simply can't find enough words to suffice that don't sound... super cheesy, and somewhat fake? Either way, I love doing personalized thank-yous, as everyone loves to be thanked personally once in awhile. It's a good feeling to know that someone likes you enough to write a paragraph or more about your positive traits, specifically. Just all-around goodness.

However, I'm not gonna proceed without a heartfelt thank-you to all of RpNation. This place has become a very dear place to me. I started back in 2016, which wasn't too terribly long ago, but so much has happened since then that it feels like ages. When I joined, I was not nearly as experienced as I am today. I was dishing out sad replies that would make even simple RPers groan, such as "She followed," or "He nodded." Those were sad times, lol. But as time went on, I made the decision that I wanted to write more eloquently, and put more effort into my works. Now I'm putting a lot more passion and detail into my writings, am better at communicating in general, and am more knowledgeable about how to convey my ideas. I'm still learning, but I'm miles better than what I was, before.

Not to mention the loads of support I've received from this place. Last year was tough - cancer struck, and it struck hard. Though, rest assured, I was able to get back up and strike harder. However, some of my worse days in the hospital were exponentially lightened by the never-ending waves of love and support from this community. Anywhere from my friends to complete strangers, the love and compassion shown by RpNation's members was immense. While some days were certainly far worse than others, it was always nice to hop on RpNation and see everyone wishing me well and praying for my health. My gratitude knows no bounds.

So, thank you all for everything.

Personal Thank-Yous
Yep, that's right, Phadi. I'm thanking you yet again, as if I don't do that enough already. In reality, we're good enough friends that I don't think thank-yous are needed - we already know in our hearts how grateful we are to have each other. Nonetheless, it never hurts to say it aloud. I met you way back in 2016, practically when I first joined the site. We didn't know each other all that well back then, but little did we know what was to come. Laughing to the point of barfing, anxiety over some pretty dumb things, and enough blood, sweat, and tears shed to fill a moat. We've made it through the absolute worst and best times of our lives, and that's putting it quite lightly. These types of friendships are the type that last a lifetime. It sounds super cheesy, but I think you'll agree that words can't describe the amazing friendship we have. You've cheered me up on some of my worse days, and vice versa. You're the best friend/wife/sister/thing I could ever ask for!

And just to embarrass you publicly, as I do...
@Peacemaker .45
Yo, bruh. I wanted to say real quick that our witty banter along with Lenny really is... something to behold. The three of us have the most odd and unique relationship I've ever seen. But more to the point, I wanted to thank you personally for all of the ceaseless support you've shown me behind the scenes. Last year posed some extremely hard trials, and you didn't once hesitate to reach out and help me in every way you could possibly think of. Your eagerness to jump into action astounds me, and your continued support means so much. I'd do anything to repay that. Not to mention that our more serious, philosophical discussions are simply delightful. I've never really said it, but talking is one of the things that gets me energized and pulls me up out of the sways of depression, so believe me when I say that even when you're just checking in and being goofy, it helps to an unbelievable degree. Thanks, man.
You may have changed your name, but I will always know you as Lenny, the Supreme and True God of Memes. Everyone bows to your dankity, and if they don't, they're only hiding their repressed passion for your great lifestyle.
In all seriousness, I really wanted to thank you as well, Lenny. Again, your shenanigans with Peacemaker are a certain highlight, and they have been for ages now. Oftentimes last year, while I was stuck in that room 24/7, your antics would be literally the only interesting thing to happen that day. Not to mention the fact that you've introduced me to a few YouTube channels and neat songs. You're a good dude, and it's wonderful to have you around, lurking in the statuses of RpNation. I really appreciate you, Peacemaker Lenny!
privremen privremen
Privremen, my main man! Getting straight to the point, you've just been a really cool guy to me. You've found my weakness: birbs. Birbs are the best, I have many birbs, and you have served to fuel my addiction to them. I also want to thank you for accepting my sudden, out-of-the-blue request to RP with you, and for being such a good sport about any and all delays that have happened between posts. You're easygoing and super approachable, I never have to worry about accidentally saying the wrong thing because you're so darn understanding and polite. Even though we've only started RPing relatively recently, I'm looking forward to seeing where our little adventure takes us. Thank you!

Kaerri, you're just the best, most wholesome person, hands-down. It's as simple as that. Even before I really knew you, you just had this warm, positive glow about you. Heaven knows you're endlessly patient with everyone around you, and you've also shown so much care and support for me during hard times. It may not seem like it made a big difference, but your prayers and well wishes meant a lot to me, and if there's anything I can possibly do in return, let me know right away. Thank you also for helping me figure out a few of the ropes of my new duties here on RpNation! You've never made me feel like my ceaseless questions have been a bother or anything, and that makes things so much easier for me to break into. I hope maybe someday I can be as warm and welcoming as you are! Thank you so much!
I know we don't talk a whole lot anymore, but still, I think a thank-you is in order for some of the great moments in the roleplay. This is the first OC ship I've ever actually done, so it greatly pleases me to hear that you've loved it just as much as I am! And darnit, it was just nice to have someone to fangirl with over the smallest of things. Even though things have changed exponentially since we first started, those memories of our characters slowly developing a relationship are memories that are going to stick with me for years to come. You've been a great RPer and I've seen firsthand how much passion you flood into your posts! If you ever need a friend to talk to, I'm open for it, be it months or years down the line. Thank you for everything!

Finally, a big thank-you to Idea for hosting this thread in the first place. We can all agree that the world needs a touch of happiness at the moment, and every little step in that direction counts for something. Thanks, man! :)

Now, for a few extra notes.

First, I only do one of these threads once in a while, but I do think it is nice to offer our thanks to the staff, whose painstaking work is a major help to keep this community and site afloat, be it their work in their community, helping us commoners directly, bringing us updates, new features, maintenance, and dealing with all the burocracies I'm sure are involved in managing a site. So thank you very much for all your hard work!

Second, I know a lot of people here on RPN are aspiring writers in one way or another. Whether you want to make a career out of it, just like doing it as a hobby, or in any other form. For the first in particular there is currently this thread on roleplay discussion which I really think you should check out. It's by no means a guarantee of your success, but if you do choose to try to pursue writing further, then I have no doubt the very informative thread by @AEONmeteorite , link here, will no doubt prove to be an excellent resource to learn about the industry and some of its practices. I highly recommend you check it out!

Lastly, though it's been I think something like a week since then, but the attack on Kiyoto animation's studio is still quite on my mind. So I'm sending thoughts and prayers for it.

Alright, let's wrap this up before I embarass myself any further. Thank you for reading, and thank you for following me!

Idea's tags:
Followers: @-_Princely_- @. l e m o n c h i l d . @.NeverStop. @03WillowTree30 @1234 @3811435 161815165182025 @431101134 @54160 @9forgotten @A M O R E @Aato @Abbie Kingsley @Abella @ABetterNickname @abnormal @Abyssal General @Acilina @ado-ra @Adorable Monster @AdventureAlwaysAwaits @Adzel @Aether1 @Agent23 @AgentOklahomaRvB @akumashioni @Alamode @Alba Teno @Alessa Nightingale @alexplays21 AliceNWeb AliceNWeb @Almondiah @Alphaone @Alwaysone @Alyska @Alyssas @Amaya Himura @AmberTheAlbedo @AMedStudentRevolutionary @Amorentia-Quibble @Amyleii @Anaxileah @Andrew Arkinson2.0 @Ania @animagemed @Anna Vish @ANTIOPTIS3 @Anxiety @Apis @Aquarious @Arcana_Maxima @Archdemon @Archene @Archie @Archtoddler @arkadia @Ariel @Armelle @Arne @Arthur Morgan @As is babe @Ashlee Colt @ashthelame @Astraeus @Astralworks @AtomH720 @Atraxaisbae @auj-blake @Aya Takamitsu @Azuri BackSet BackSet @Ballerina @BandTaku @Bastet Beebasaur Beebasaur @beehsknees @Beelzbub @Benjamiin @Better_Than_Hawkeye @Bill Nein @billthesomething @BlackWaterDragon @Blackwind @Blu3 @Blue june @Bluette Raven @BoltBeam @BomBoi @Bonsaiz @Bookerdewitt @Bored-Tigecko @Brendanfp Bright Bright @BriiAngelic @Bubbly Kitsune @bumblebee autobot human @BunnyBear0626 @byan @C r y s t a l s @C.C. @CabalAnomicPotato @Caeli13 @CagedBirdy @CalahGalaxy @Canaan @CandleQueenForU @Captain Gensokyo @Captain Oliver @Captain Sweatpants @CaptainRustbolt21 @castaway @Castiel_Novak @Catharsis @Ceemuhrie CelticHero37 CelticHero37 @CeltyS @cfloyd @Chai Tea @Charene @Chen Gong @chesirekitten @Chicken Pot Pie @chimmychimjimin @Chizuko Fujikawa @Cinder_Rabbit @coffeebeancat @constellation @Coreonysis @Corvin the Crow @cream_puff_bunny @CrewlessCaptain @Crispycactus @Cristina_Cavendish @CrunchyNut @CrunchyNutT @CStichter0204 @daesung @DailyRoLord @dainty baby @Daisy the princess @Dakota_Natsu_Dragneel @Dalamus Ulom @Damafaud @Damon @DaniBot @DarkDaydreams @DarkDecember @Darkiplier @DarkRumours @Darth Corvus @Datbrony @Daunting_Doggo @DawnieDragon @Death Queen @Delzmore @DemetrioMachete @demnkiller @Derpy Dev @Destructus Kloud @Devil Princess @Devil_boy @Devious Dilbert @DevonWrites @Dex118 @diogenes_ @Dionysius @DisgracedBeast @disturbedchild @DisneyGirl @Divine_Stalker @DollarBill @dooderhead @Doodle_D_Dog @DragonessWithin @dragonqueen3 @dragonsfire @Drexion @Ducky_Princess @Dullahan Shinigami @Dyl4nL33 @E60656 @Early @Ebiliabere @ecceimpace @Echo Frisk @Edgeout @Edgy Kitten @eggo-el @Eilish Elemento Neutralis Elemento Neutralis @Elephantom @Emperor Of Embers @Enkye @enzerubebii @epicstar @EricSings @ErikaAkaLuna @Error404RealityFailed @Esdeath @Esha.Garrett @Esme Levesque @Esper Alucard @EternalLight777 @eu plia @Evan @EvelynWilsh19 @ewitches @F35H @FabulousTrash @Fae13 @Faith Rosepetal @FanOfSiriusBlack @Faustus Schuster @Feifei @Figment @Figuratively @FionaTheWhiteLion @Flame Demon @Fleur @Fluffy_marshmallow FoolsErin FoolsErin @ForgottenName @Forgotten_by_light @ForTheLoveOfSwanQueen @Fox Mulder @FoxyPlayGamer435 @FrazzledFox @French Fries @Freyja @Frithoe @Fungus_507 @Gabriel Forfax @GabrielTrickster24 @Gamerpurgatory @Gattoblu @GayYaoiWes2 @General Deth Glitch @Gentle @ghxstfreak @GingerBelle @Girl in a Bottle @girl_on_fire @Gizaira @Golden flame dragon @Golden Slumbers @goldleaf @GreatDoggo @H8becomesyou @Hailey @Haileysdaddy @HeathertheGamer @HeidenShayde @hellish child @Hello @Hengleford @Her @High Moon @hikarigu @Hiri @Hiro_mi21 @hmphq @hollow.moon @Hollycrest @honey_bear @Hopeless Wanderer @hostage @HotshotXXV @humourously @Huntertabbysandshark3 @Iceywolf @IdeaLover @idiosyncratic @idkguk @IkutoForever2222 @Ila @Illusionus @imawarriornow123 @Im_just_here @InfinitelyCreative @Infuriated Infant Inheritance Inheritance @Insane-Roleplayer @insomniax @Interest @InvaderLynx @IvyTempest @I_love_my_Ocs @Jailbird @Jay Wolf @Jean Otus @Jel.XP @JEMdice @jesse ridgway @JessicaRabbit2021 @Jicanni @Jin Liyang @JKai @Joanna Matilda Barlow @Judeauofaltrades @junko_enoshi @just hannah @k a l l i s t o @Kagome-chan @Kaitheroleplayer @Kali Jensen @Kanna Kamui @Karamatsu @KaraRPMikaelsonFray @kasigi @Kassandra Rose @KatIsHere @Kato_Danzo @KatrinaPride @kavinsky @Kemukujara @Kerushi @KikoDiaz @Killigrew @Kimi_Oma @Kimmi-Chan @Kingfisher @Kinnga @Kipsy @Kira Dweller @kirsa @Kisaki @Kishchigo Sennem @Kitsu @KittenJoe @Kiyoko Tomoe @Koinu @Kojuen @KolourfulNeco @Kon @KookiesBabe3 @Koolcat113 @krxwley @Kumii @Kyza_otaski @L u k e w a r m @L0ck0n @LadybirdMooch @Lady_Feonis_of_Fairhaven @Lafayette444 @Larry @Laughing Jack/MTMM @Laughing_Fruit @Laverna @Leah_Kitten @Leavant Carver @Leeah @LegoLad659 @Lemon jello @Lemonl @lemonssaltt @Lenny2000 @Leovonis @Lettuce @Light @lilithisaunicorn @Lilliana2 @LittleChinaDoll @LMD1999 @LockedInPlace @loftilyhonest @Loli @Lord-Inquisitor Garner @louist90 @LoveBug98 @LRMacbeth @Lucid @LucidSol @Luminous @Lunar @lyrathemute @Lyra_Kranda @Maddie jay @Mag2k @Maj @Malikai @Malina @Malkav @mallorypapes @man.of.many.names @Mashamellow @Master of the House @MasterMalefica @MaxineClairmount16 @Mcsexecutioner @MDreams @Melodia @Mena @MercysHopeIsDead @MermaidShireen @merrily.birch @mewbot5408 @Me_But_Not_Me @Midnight2902 @Minako @Miniapollo17 @Miss-Keruberosu @MissCapricorn @mister_fawx @Moka todo @MoonFlare427 @Moonie @moonlight-mist @Moonsie @Moonstreet @Mother Nature @MrNeko @Mr_Nekoshu @MsPolite @Musik Addikt @Myla @Nakamora @Nandor_Fodor @narcissisticnugget @NaruMugiNWShad @Natealie @Necessity4Fun @NekoQueen49 @Nenma Takashi @Neon Jelly @newcents @Newty Tewt @Nick36545 @Nightfire14 @NijiminSTAR @Nikaia @NikiVfox @Nioioo @nnrox52 @Noble Scion @Nolseph @NotYourTypicalFanBoy35 @Numens @NyxParanorr @O Scarletta o @Oakleaf @Ocean123 @Olivia_123 @On A Whim @Onee-chan @Optimus prime @Orilena @Oswald_Abbott @Pancakee @PandorasBox101 @Panic at the Fandoms PanOtterPus PanOtterPus @Parsity @Peacegirl @PeachesNCream @Peculiar3 @Persona @PeteTheWitcher @petite-etoile-litteraire @Phadia @Pie555 @Pip Pip Hurray @Pixie Horne @Poppy Lemon @Prankster Pi @Prayforthewickedeveryday @PrincessAurora00 @PrincessMuk @Psyche @PurpleMeeks @purple_flamingo_ @Pwncakes @pxrvis @PyroSans @Quillicious @Quinlan63 @r a m u n e @Rage @Rainbow Knight @RandomBlobMan @Ranguva @Raven Wolfie @ravenclawesome @Ravendash @RavenWing13 @RedtheRoyalGuard @Reiia silver @Rhakun @RhythmWolf Rocky @RibsBoi @Riolux @Rock And Roll Boy @RojoTiger @Roleplayerforfun @RoleplayersChild @Romeo McAllister @Ropekitty @Rose-Chan @roxas xvii-v @RunawayGirl @Rxsey @Ryanblorpblorp @Ryoko Lee @Ryukaa Miura @sad angel @SaeliaPerali @Samdragonx @Sammv @Sano Sauro @SarahFaded510 @Sarathryn @Satanicbible666 @ScatteredStars @ScreamingAtLightningBugs @Sera_Blade @Serein @sethyboy ShadowHounder ShadowHounder @Shammy the Shamrock @SheepOfSmall @Shida Ingaza @ShiftingSoul666 @Shinobu the vampire-puppy @Shog @shootingforthestars @Sig @Sign @SilentSongAtDawn @silverwind Simon_Hawk Simon_Hawk @SippingSnowflakes @Sizniche @Sjhall2011 @Skeletonjack @Skorge @Skrambles @skunkeh @SkyChild @Sleepless Dreamer @SleepyKun @SlySilvie @SmolKutie @SnuggleThisMuggle @SocialBucket @Solar Union @sorenanguis @Soul Stealer @Sownya @spacefireking @Sparkle-Soda @Spellbound-Stargazer @Spencarian @SpicyBoi @spicymcyiken @Spoiled Bread @sprixx @sprouhtt @Srion Receno @Sshortcakez @Stickermans50 @Storm Guardian @Strawberry Ink @StriderBro @SugarBlue @Sugary_Paragraphs @Summer Breeze @SuperTurtle @surfer @TableCloth @TaintedSiren @Tango @Taraninja16 @TeamRocketsJessie @TerrinX @TF81 @Thalia_Neko @That Guy Over There @the fixed broken @The Golden Lion @The Lost Soul @The Mechanist @The One-Sided Coin @The Outcast @The Prophet @The Son @TheCrawlingMadness @TheDailyNiffler @TheEastWindBlows @TheFalconSinOfLies @TheHappyPikachu @TheHufflepuffRabbit @TheLemonTree @TheNuggetKitty @TheRockInception @TheSauceMane @TheSilverBullet The_Omega_Effect The_Omega_Effect @ThistledownDaydreams @Tohoak @Toivoajarakkaus @TracerBae @tradeplaces @Tricktron @Trombone @True Blue Flannel @Tsukiyomi @Tsutarji @turanga_blazing @Twenty-Fifth Baam @Twinkle_Fingers @TwystedPhoenix @Tyrell-Chan @Uber @uncanny wanderer @undefined @Unlimiter @Vagabond Spectre @VectorPoint @Vee_Derp @Ven Hopeful Youth @Veradana @Veyd Sahvoz @Via_Barrett @Vincentarmani @Vintage Geek @Violet01 @VioletTenshi @W A N D E R L U S T @W. Sharp @WaitingCynicism @warfareunknown @Webkit @Weissplus @Wheatzilla @Willowbrook234 @WlfSamurai @Wolfbane355 @Wolfblood-287 @Wyatt @Xanthos @Xardas @Xavier300 @xCelestex @xeliara @Xena @Xenoblade @Xherini @Xindness @xo.kenz @xXDADDYHUNTER69Xx @Xx_AceaFire @Xydibos @YaddaYadda @Yoki @YoungX @yuckeroni @Zachy1993 @Zackrilmon @ZappiestAbyss @Ziggy @_bill_cypher_ @_KoKo_ @_luna_ @_Sky_ | Non-Follower Staff: @AgWordSmith @Alteras @ApfelSeine @Daisie @DergTheDergon @Fyuri @Ghan @Gilzar @Kaerri @KamiKahzy @kibou @Lyro @Meredith @Onmyoji @StoneWolf18 The Dark Wizard The Dark Wizard

o.o this is a ton of pings. Hi, idea
Sounds like a fun one XD

Ehh, the real kicker is that I'm planning for it to start out with a small fight that involves a mixture of martial art-ish fighting and guns, and uhh....

I'm somewhat good with describing guns in combat along with swords and magic, but not really when it comes to the punches and the kicks. So basically I'm procrastinating hoping my brain will somehow fantangle a solution as to how I'm gonna do this.
o.o this is a ton of pings. Hi, idea
Hi Elemento XD

Ehh, the real kicker is that I'm planning for it to start out with a small fight that involves a mixture of martial art-ish fighting and guns, and uhh....

I'm somewhat good with describing guns in combat along with swords and magic, but not really when it comes to the punches and the kicks. So basically I'm procrastinating hoping my brain will somehow fantangle a solution as to how I'm gonna do this.

-using the backlash in your description
-showing the maneuvers the character makes to either make their motion more dynamic or to ensure is strikes, like trying to take a certain angle to hit from a more or less blind spot
-showing the character planning their strikes

A few suggestions off the top of my head, how they help!
After being a follower of Idea for 6 months, i was able to loss 90lbs,so now it would be a great time for you to give me the cure

I love the weekly meeting to summon the great old one.

I only followed so that I could be able to unfollow you.

View attachment 607085
When Idea thinks he's made a clever joke

So, I've recently been working on updating stuff (since its the holidays and I had some time for it), and I gotta tell you, it's been one heck of nostalgia trip. In starting the thread to update my character lists with new codes and updating the characters themselves, I've had to go through a lot of my past work on characters, remembering all the ideas that did or did not come to realize with them, the people and roleplays that I cherished so much at the time and still remember fondly to this day, and those which I didn't as much, but still gave my all in trying to craft something of value. Working on updating my RPN profile and getting links to my stuff, I've had to dig all the way back to my first activity on the site, I got a look back at my first interest check summer 2015. It's a couple lines long, has barely any information other than "hi, I'm new and I'd like to roleplay with ya'll!", the kind of interest check I would entirely dismiss nowadays. Really puts things in perspective, I suppose.

Four years I've been on this forum (a little more since I missed my RPNsery again, oops), boy its been quite the ride. Passing through all those old threads, I saw quite a few from back when everyone could make a hosted project and we had gifs as profile pics. I remembered many friends I've made, friends I've lost, all kinds of experiences and little challenges and snippets of happiness I've had. I was overjoyed by the return earlier this summer of a few of my partners who needed a bit of a break for a while to sort their lives, and have now returned and continued to give me wonderful RP experiences, and the return of other friends as well from old RPs and from just chatting. So I must repeat myself, RPN has become like a second home to me, a place to feel welcome, have fun, share and meet with all these wonderful people, and if time were to turn back, I would come back every loop. I'll say it again: It's been quite a ride, hasn't it?

So today's first thanking goes to all of RPN! For being this wonderful community that's brought me such a great time, thank you!

I wouldn't want to forget the original point of the thread though. All you wonderful followers of mine. I'd be lying if I said I remember how you all came to follow me, both because I never asked plenty, and also because it's getting to a point where I might have to reconsider typing them all out individually every time. 😅 I do imagine many of you it may have had something to do with the daily site welcomings and happy birthdays, and if it is, I hope your experience in the site has worked out well! Don't take that to mean, however, that you are any less appreciated! I'm really thankful that you would follow me, it makes me a little happier, even if in the grand scheme of things it doesn't mean much if anything at all. I hope you all also get to have these little things that bring you happiness in your every day :D

I guess what I'm trying to say, and you probably know what's coming but I'll say it anyway, is thank you very much! Thank you for being a part of this wonderful community, for giving me the opportunity to know you, even if we don't talk at the moment, thank you for everything!

And of course, for following me as well.

Now, I do one of these every once in a while, and some of you may start to feel it becomes routine. I can't blame ya, I ain't the best with this sort of thing.... so I decided to try something a little new. They've been mentioned in one of these threads before, and they are this wonderful and super kind person, it was my utmost pleasure to have met them, so I decided to invite them over to talk a bit, thank people who they might want to thank as well :)

No pressure :P

Without further ado then, @Daisie 's part:

Heya! So it's been requested that I participate a little bit in this thread, just to add my own little splash of joy. Usually I don't do big, heartwarming thank-yous to the general public. I find that, while I am very grateful for this community and am exceptionally happy to be here on RpNation, I simply can't find enough words to suffice that don't sound... super cheesy, and somewhat fake? Either way, I love doing personalized thank-yous, as everyone loves to be thanked personally once in awhile. It's a good feeling to know that someone likes you enough to write a paragraph or more about your positive traits, specifically. Just all-around goodness.

However, I'm not gonna proceed without a heartfelt thank-you to all of RpNation. This place has become a very dear place to me. I started back in 2016, which wasn't too terribly long ago, but so much has happened since then that it feels like ages. When I joined, I was not nearly as experienced as I am today. I was dishing out sad replies that would make even simple RPers groan, such as "She followed," or "He nodded." Those were sad times, lol. But as time went on, I made the decision that I wanted to write more eloquently, and put more effort into my works. Now I'm putting a lot more passion and detail into my writings, am better at communicating in general, and am more knowledgeable about how to convey my ideas. I'm still learning, but I'm miles better than what I was, before.

Not to mention the loads of support I've received from this place. Last year was tough - cancer struck, and it struck hard. Though, rest assured, I was able to get back up and strike harder. However, some of my worse days in the hospital were exponentially lightened by the never-ending waves of love and support from this community. Anywhere from my friends to complete strangers, the love and compassion shown by RpNation's members was immense. While some days were certainly far worse than others, it was always nice to hop on RpNation and see everyone wishing me well and praying for my health. My gratitude knows no bounds.

So, thank you all for everything.

Personal Thank-Yous
Yep, that's right, Phadi. I'm thanking you yet again, as if I don't do that enough already. In reality, we're good enough friends that I don't think thank-yous are needed - we already know in our hearts how grateful we are to have each other. Nonetheless, it never hurts to say it aloud. I met you way back in 2016, practically when I first joined the site. We didn't know each other all that well back then, but little did we know what was to come. Laughing to the point of barfing, anxiety over some pretty dumb things, and enough blood, sweat, and tears shed to fill a moat. We've made it through the absolute worst and best times of our lives, and that's putting it quite lightly. These types of friendships are the type that last a lifetime. It sounds super cheesy, but I think you'll agree that words can't describe the amazing friendship we have. You've cheered me up on some of my worse days, and vice versa. You're the best friend/wife/sister/thing I could ever ask for!

And just to embarrass you publicly, as I do...
@Peacemaker .45
Yo, bruh. I wanted to say real quick that our witty banter along with Lenny really is... something to behold. The three of us have the most odd and unique relationship I've ever seen. But more to the point, I wanted to thank you personally for all of the ceaseless support you've shown me behind the scenes. Last year posed some extremely hard trials, and you didn't once hesitate to reach out and help me in every way you could possibly think of. Your eagerness to jump into action astounds me, and your continued support means so much. I'd do anything to repay that. Not to mention that our more serious, philosophical discussions are simply delightful. I've never really said it, but talking is one of the things that gets me energized and pulls me up out of the sways of depression, so believe me when I say that even when you're just checking in and being goofy, it helps to an unbelievable degree. Thanks, man.
You may have changed your name, but I will always know you as Lenny, the Supreme and True God of Memes. Everyone bows to your dankity, and if they don't, they're only hiding their repressed passion for your great lifestyle.
In all seriousness, I really wanted to thank you as well, Lenny. Again, your shenanigans with Peacemaker are a certain highlight, and they have been for ages now. Oftentimes last year, while I was stuck in that room 24/7, your antics would be literally the only interesting thing to happen that day. Not to mention the fact that you've introduced me to a few YouTube channels and neat songs. You're a good dude, and it's wonderful to have you around, lurking in the statuses of RpNation. I really appreciate you, Peacemaker Lenny!
privremen privremen
Privremen, my main man! Getting straight to the point, you've just been a really cool guy to me. You've found my weakness: birbs. Birbs are the best, I have many birbs, and you have served to fuel my addiction to them. I also want to thank you for accepting my sudden, out-of-the-blue request to RP with you, and for being such a good sport about any and all delays that have happened between posts. You're easygoing and super approachable, I never have to worry about accidentally saying the wrong thing because you're so darn understanding and polite. Even though we've only started RPing relatively recently, I'm looking forward to seeing where our little adventure takes us. Thank you!

Kaerri, you're just the best, most wholesome person, hands-down. It's as simple as that. Even before I really knew you, you just had this warm, positive glow about you. Heaven knows you're endlessly patient with everyone around you, and you've also shown so much care and support for me during hard times. It may not seem like it made a big difference, but your prayers and well wishes meant a lot to me, and if there's anything I can possibly do in return, let me know right away. Thank you also for helping me figure out a few of the ropes of my new duties here on RpNation! You've never made me feel like my ceaseless questions have been a bother or anything, and that makes things so much easier for me to break into. I hope maybe someday I can be as warm and welcoming as you are! Thank you so much!
I know we don't talk a whole lot anymore, but still, I think a thank-you is in order for some of the great moments in the roleplay. This is the first OC ship I've ever actually done, so it greatly pleases me to hear that you've loved it just as much as I am! And darnit, it was just nice to have someone to fangirl with over the smallest of things. Even though things have changed exponentially since we first started, those memories of our characters slowly developing a relationship are memories that are going to stick with me for years to come. You've been a great RPer and I've seen firsthand how much passion you flood into your posts! If you ever need a friend to talk to, I'm open for it, be it months or years down the line. Thank you for everything!

Finally, a big thank-you to Idea for hosting this thread in the first place. We can all agree that the world needs a touch of happiness at the moment, and every little step in that direction counts for something. Thanks, man! :)

Now, for a few extra notes.

First, I only do one of these threads once in a while, but I do think it is nice to offer our thanks to the staff, whose painstaking work is a major help to keep this community and site afloat, be it their work in their community, helping us commoners directly, bringing us updates, new features, maintenance, and dealing with all the burocracies I'm sure are involved in managing a site. So thank you very much for all your hard work!

Second, I know a lot of people here on RPN are aspiring writers in one way or another. Whether you want to make a career out of it, just like doing it as a hobby, or in any other form. For the first in particular there is currently this thread on roleplay discussion which I really think you should check out. It's by no means a guarantee of your success, but if you do choose to try to pursue writing further, then I have no doubt the very informative thread by @AEONmeteorite , link here, will no doubt prove to be an excellent resource to learn about the industry and some of its practices. I highly recommend you check it out!

Lastly, though it's been I think something like a week since then, but the attack on Kiyoto animation's studio is still quite on my mind. So I'm sending thoughts and prayers for it.

Alright, let's wrap this up before I embarass myself any further. Thank you for reading, and thank you for following me!

Idea's tags:
Followers: @-_Princely_- @. l e m o n c h i l d . @.NeverStop. @03WillowTree30 @1234 @3811435 161815165182025 @431101134 @54160 @9forgotten @A M O R E @Aato @Abbie Kingsley @Abella @ABetterNickname @abnormal @Abyssal General @Acilina @ado-ra @Adorable Monster @AdventureAlwaysAwaits @Adzel @Aether1 @Agent23 @AgentOklahomaRvB @akumashioni @Alamode @Alba Teno @Alessa Nightingale @alexplays21 AliceNWeb AliceNWeb @Almondiah @Alphaone @Alwaysone @Alyska @Alyssas @Amaya Himura @AmberTheAlbedo @AMedStudentRevolutionary @Amorentia-Quibble @Amyleii @Anaxileah @Andrew Arkinson2.0 @Ania @animagemed @Anna Vish @ANTIOPTIS3 @Anxiety @Apis @Aquarious @Arcana_Maxima @Archdemon @Archene @Archie @Archtoddler @arkadia @Ariel @Armelle @Arne @Arthur Morgan @As is babe @Ashlee Colt @ashthelame @Astraeus @Astralworks @AtomH720 @Atraxaisbae @auj-blake @Aya Takamitsu @Azuri BackSet BackSet @Ballerina @BandTaku @Bastet Beebasaur Beebasaur @beehsknees @Beelzbub @Benjamiin @Better_Than_Hawkeye @Bill Nein @billthesomething @BlackWaterDragon @Blackwind @Blu3 @Blue june @Bluette Raven @BoltBeam @BomBoi @Bonsaiz @Bookerdewitt @Bored-Tigecko @Brendanfp Bright Bright @BriiAngelic @Bubbly Kitsune @bumblebee autobot human @BunnyBear0626 @byan @C r y s t a l s @C.C. @CabalAnomicPotato @Caeli13 @CagedBirdy @CalahGalaxy @Canaan @CandleQueenForU @Captain Gensokyo @Captain Oliver @Captain Sweatpants @CaptainRustbolt21 @castaway @Castiel_Novak @Catharsis @Ceemuhrie CelticHero37 CelticHero37 @CeltyS @cfloyd @Chai Tea @Charene @Chen Gong @chesirekitten @Chicken Pot Pie @chimmychimjimin @Chizuko Fujikawa @Cinder_Rabbit @coffeebeancat @constellation @Coreonysis @Corvin the Crow @cream_puff_bunny @CrewlessCaptain @Crispycactus @Cristina_Cavendish @CrunchyNut @CrunchyNutT @CStichter0204 @daesung @DailyRoLord @dainty baby @Daisy the princess @Dakota_Natsu_Dragneel @Dalamus Ulom @Damafaud @Damon @DaniBot @DarkDaydreams @DarkDecember @Darkiplier @DarkRumours @Darth Corvus @Datbrony @Daunting_Doggo @DawnieDragon @Death Queen @Delzmore @DemetrioMachete @demnkiller @Derpy Dev @Destructus Kloud @Devil Princess @Devil_boy @Devious Dilbert @DevonWrites @Dex118 @diogenes_ @Dionysius @DisgracedBeast @disturbedchild @DisneyGirl @Divine_Stalker @DollarBill @dooderhead @Doodle_D_Dog @DragonessWithin @dragonqueen3 @dragonsfire @Drexion @Ducky_Princess @Dullahan Shinigami @Dyl4nL33 @E60656 @Early @Ebiliabere @ecceimpace @Echo Frisk @Edgeout @Edgy Kitten @eggo-el @Eilish Elemento Neutralis Elemento Neutralis @Elephantom @Emperor Of Embers @Enkye @enzerubebii @epicstar @EricSings @ErikaAkaLuna @Error404RealityFailed @Esdeath @Esha.Garrett @Esme Levesque @Esper Alucard @EternalLight777 @eu plia @Evan @EvelynWilsh19 @ewitches @F35H @FabulousTrash @Fae13 @Faith Rosepetal @FanOfSiriusBlack @Faustus Schuster @Feifei @Figment @Figuratively @FionaTheWhiteLion @Flame Demon @Fleur @Fluffy_marshmallow FoolsErin FoolsErin @ForgottenName @Forgotten_by_light @ForTheLoveOfSwanQueen @Fox Mulder @FoxyPlayGamer435 @FrazzledFox @French Fries @Freyja @Frithoe @Fungus_507 @Gabriel Forfax @GabrielTrickster24 @Gamerpurgatory @Gattoblu @GayYaoiWes2 @General Deth Glitch @Gentle @ghxstfreak @GingerBelle @Girl in a Bottle @girl_on_fire @Gizaira @Golden flame dragon @Golden Slumbers @goldleaf @GreatDoggo @H8becomesyou @Hailey @Haileysdaddy @HeathertheGamer @HeidenShayde @hellish child @Hello @Hengleford @Her @High Moon @hikarigu @Hiri @Hiro_mi21 @hmphq @hollow.moon @Hollycrest @honey_bear @Hopeless Wanderer @hostage @HotshotXXV @humourously @Huntertabbysandshark3 @Iceywolf @IdeaLover @idiosyncratic @idkguk @IkutoForever2222 @Ila @Illusionus @imawarriornow123 @Im_just_here @InfinitelyCreative @Infuriated Infant Inheritance Inheritance @Insane-Roleplayer @insomniax @Interest @InvaderLynx @IvyTempest @I_love_my_Ocs @Jailbird @Jay Wolf @Jean Otus @Jel.XP @JEMdice @jesse ridgway @JessicaRabbit2021 @Jicanni @Jin Liyang @JKai @Joanna Matilda Barlow @Judeauofaltrades @junko_enoshi @just hannah @k a l l i s t o @Kagome-chan @Kaitheroleplayer @Kali Jensen @Kanna Kamui @Karamatsu @KaraRPMikaelsonFray @kasigi @Kassandra Rose @KatIsHere @Kato_Danzo @KatrinaPride @kavinsky @Kemukujara @Kerushi @KikoDiaz @Killigrew @Kimi_Oma @Kimmi-Chan @Kingfisher @Kinnga @Kipsy @Kira Dweller @kirsa @Kisaki @Kishchigo Sennem @Kitsu @KittenJoe @Kiyoko Tomoe @Koinu @Kojuen @KolourfulNeco @Kon @KookiesBabe3 @Koolcat113 @krxwley @Kumii @Kyza_otaski @L u k e w a r m @L0ck0n @LadybirdMooch @Lady_Feonis_of_Fairhaven @Lafayette444 @Larry @Laughing Jack/MTMM @Laughing_Fruit @Laverna @Leah_Kitten @Leavant Carver @Leeah @LegoLad659 @Lemon jello @Lemonl @lemonssaltt @Lenny2000 @Leovonis @Lettuce @Light @lilithisaunicorn @Lilliana2 @LittleChinaDoll @LMD1999 @LockedInPlace @loftilyhonest @Loli @Lord-Inquisitor Garner @louist90 @LoveBug98 @LRMacbeth @Lucid @LucidSol @Luminous @Lunar @lyrathemute @Lyra_Kranda @Maddie jay @Mag2k @Maj @Malikai @Malina @Malkav @mallorypapes @man.of.many.names @Mashamellow @Master of the House @MasterMalefica @MaxineClairmount16 @Mcsexecutioner @MDreams @Melodia @Mena @MercysHopeIsDead @MermaidShireen @merrily.birch @mewbot5408 @Me_But_Not_Me @Midnight2902 @Minako @Miniapollo17 @Miss-Keruberosu @MissCapricorn @mister_fawx @Moka todo @MoonFlare427 @Moonie @moonlight-mist @Moonsie @Moonstreet @Mother Nature @MrNeko @Mr_Nekoshu @MsPolite @Musik Addikt @Myla @Nakamora @Nandor_Fodor @narcissisticnugget @NaruMugiNWShad @Natealie @Necessity4Fun @NekoQueen49 @Nenma Takashi @Neon Jelly @newcents @Newty Tewt @Nick36545 @Nightfire14 @NijiminSTAR @Nikaia @NikiVfox @Nioioo @nnrox52 @Noble Scion @Nolseph @NotYourTypicalFanBoy35 @Numens @NyxParanorr @O Scarletta o @Oakleaf @Ocean123 @Olivia_123 @On A Whim @Onee-chan @Optimus prime @Orilena @Oswald_Abbott @Pancakee @PandorasBox101 @Panic at the Fandoms PanOtterPus PanOtterPus @Parsity @Peacegirl @PeachesNCream @Peculiar3 @Persona @PeteTheWitcher @petite-etoile-litteraire @Phadia @Pie555 @Pip Pip Hurray @Pixie Horne @Poppy Lemon @Prankster Pi @Prayforthewickedeveryday @PrincessAurora00 @PrincessMuk @Psyche @PurpleMeeks @purple_flamingo_ @Pwncakes @pxrvis @PyroSans @Quillicious @Quinlan63 @r a m u n e @Rage @Rainbow Knight @RandomBlobMan @Ranguva @Raven Wolfie @ravenclawesome @Ravendash @RavenWing13 @RedtheRoyalGuard @Reiia silver @Rhakun @RhythmWolf Rocky @RibsBoi @Riolux @Rock And Roll Boy @RojoTiger @Roleplayerforfun @RoleplayersChild @Romeo McAllister @Ropekitty @Rose-Chan @roxas xvii-v @RunawayGirl @Rxsey @Ryanblorpblorp @Ryoko Lee @Ryukaa Miura @sad angel @SaeliaPerali @Samdragonx @Sammv @Sano Sauro @SarahFaded510 @Sarathryn @Satanicbible666 @ScatteredStars @ScreamingAtLightningBugs @Sera_Blade @Serein @sethyboy ShadowHounder ShadowHounder @Shammy the Shamrock @SheepOfSmall @Shida Ingaza @ShiftingSoul666 @Shinobu the vampire-puppy @Shog @shootingforthestars @Sig @Sign @SilentSongAtDawn @silverwind Simon_Hawk Simon_Hawk @SippingSnowflakes @Sizniche @Sjhall2011 @Skeletonjack @Skorge @Skrambles @skunkeh @SkyChild @Sleepless Dreamer @SleepyKun @SlySilvie @SmolKutie @SnuggleThisMuggle @SocialBucket @Solar Union @sorenanguis @Soul Stealer @Sownya @spacefireking @Sparkle-Soda @Spellbound-Stargazer @Spencarian @SpicyBoi @spicymcyiken @Spoiled Bread @sprixx @sprouhtt @Srion Receno @Sshortcakez @Stickermans50 @Storm Guardian @Strawberry Ink @StriderBro @SugarBlue @Sugary_Paragraphs @Summer Breeze @SuperTurtle @surfer @TableCloth @TaintedSiren @Tango @Taraninja16 @TeamRocketsJessie @TerrinX @TF81 @Thalia_Neko @That Guy Over There @the fixed broken @The Golden Lion @The Lost Soul @The Mechanist @The One-Sided Coin @The Outcast @The Prophet @The Son @TheCrawlingMadness @TheDailyNiffler @TheEastWindBlows @TheFalconSinOfLies @TheHappyPikachu @TheHufflepuffRabbit @TheLemonTree @TheNuggetKitty @TheRockInception @TheSauceMane @TheSilverBullet The_Omega_Effect The_Omega_Effect @ThistledownDaydreams @Tohoak @Toivoajarakkaus @TracerBae @tradeplaces @Tricktron @Trombone @True Blue Flannel @Tsukiyomi @Tsutarji @turanga_blazing @Twenty-Fifth Baam @Twinkle_Fingers @TwystedPhoenix @Tyrell-Chan @Uber @uncanny wanderer @undefined @Unlimiter @Vagabond Spectre @VectorPoint @Vee_Derp @Ven Hopeful Youth @Veradana @Veyd Sahvoz @Via_Barrett @Vincentarmani @Vintage Geek @Violet01 @VioletTenshi @W A N D E R L U S T @W. Sharp @WaitingCynicism @warfareunknown @Webkit @Weissplus @Wheatzilla @Willowbrook234 @WlfSamurai @Wolfbane355 @Wolfblood-287 @Wyatt @Xanthos @Xardas @Xavier300 @xCelestex @xeliara @Xena @Xenoblade @Xherini @Xindness @xo.kenz @xXDADDYHUNTER69Xx @Xx_AceaFire @Xydibos @YaddaYadda @Yoki @YoungX @yuckeroni @Zachy1993 @Zackrilmon @ZappiestAbyss @Ziggy @_bill_cypher_ @_KoKo_ @_luna_ @_Sky_ | Non-Follower Staff: @AgWordSmith @Alteras @ApfelSeine @Daisie @DergTheDergon @Fyuri @Ghan @Gilzar @Kaerri @KamiKahzy @kibou @Lyro @Meredith @Onmyoji @StoneWolf18 The Dark Wizard The Dark Wizard
Jesus christ
I actually feel really special because I've not been listed as staff xD

You two are beautiful people and I love you both deeply <3
Wow I have a notification for something other than a newsletter AND it's a personal shoutout - very cool thank you! <3 And yes it was from personal welcomes to the site
I actually feel really special because I've not been listed as staff xD
You are very special mamma otter, and I hope ya're kid's doing well too <3

You two are beautiful people and I love you both deeply <3
You too!

Hug Pko mygiphy47.gif

Wow I have a notification for something other than a newsletter AND it's a personal shoutout - very cool thank you! <3 And yes it was from personal welcomes to the site
You sound lonely. You're welcome to come chat anytime if you'd like!

Oh and sending hugs!

monika virtual hug.gif

have you officially tagged every fucking person on the website?
Of course not, even I have people in my ignore list :P

Hows it going, Idea?
Pretty alright, and with ya'reself?

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