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Fantasy TЊË RåÑʥØm ЊØTËL (A Walk-in RP)

  • JasonWalker.png
    It felt like it's been hours, now. And when he finally made the last turn that, hopefully, would lead to the room he was after...

    ... he found himself back inside the Main Lobby.

    With a frustrated sigh, he shook his head and placed his hands onto his waist. "Sonofabitch..." He then looked up and noticed a new figure standing inside the room... a tall Cervitaur Male, if his notes were anything to go by.

    "Hmm... you a regular here, bud?" he asked the tall figure, while heading towards the lounge area in the room.
Aran Storm-Blood

Current Activity-Haha, 'head branches'
Mentions- Justin93Daniels Justin93Daniels

Storm's ears perked up, noticing quickly that he was being spoken to. As he turned his head to look at the source, his left antler nearly bumped something on the wall. In a tribal setting, these things were a blessing, but anywhere else and he wished someone would come saw the damn things off.
He gave the stranger a friendly grin, "Can't say that I am, just here to take care of a few things." He glanced over his shoulder and stepped away from the front doors and further into the lobby. He was glad to note that there weren't many others in the room, which meant he'd be less likely to knock anyone out with his massive head branches. He snorted to himself.
Turning his head back in the direction of the stranger, he spoke again, voice calm now that he had distanced himself from any hanging objects. "I assume you haven't been to this place before either, considering your attire. Not that I find anything wrong with the way you dress, it just seems like your visit was rather sudden."

Nuri Unauk

Nuri smiled as she took the key from the robot maid. “Thank 'ye kindly," she bubbled, pocketing the key. She thought for a moment on the question that was posed to her. She knew she was used to living with furniture much smaller than that of most races. However, at the same time thought it would be nose to sleep in a grand bed. “As for the furniture, I think what is there will be just fine. Though, if I could have a kotatsu, I would like that. If it is some thing that can be done. It does not have to be adjusted.”

She patted Nim's head and bowed respectfully to the robot maid, thanking for her service. Now curious to explore this new world, Nuri took a full circle to look at her surroundings. “This is quite some place..."

((I’m sorry this took so long. I was out longer than I thought I’d be, and my type function is messed up rn))
SachiGrl SachiGrl
Aran Storm-Blood

Current Activity-Haha, 'head branches'
Mentions- Justin93Daniels Justin93Daniels

Storm's ears perked up, noticing quickly that he was being spoken to. As he turned his head to look at the source, his left antler nearly bumped something on the wall. In a tribal setting, these things were a blessing, but anywhere else and he wished someone would come saw the damn things off.
He gave the stranger a friendly grin, "Can't say that I am, just here to take care of a few things." He glanced over his shoulder and stepped away from the front doors and further into the lobby. He was glad to note that there weren't many others in the room, which meant he'd be less likely to knock anyone out with his massive head branches. He snorted to himself.
Turning his head back in the direction of the stranger, he spoke again, voice calm now that he had distanced himself from any hanging objects. "I assume you haven't been to this place before either, considering your attire. Not that I find anything wrong with the way you dress, it just seems like your visit was rather sudden."
  • JasonWalker.png
    He nodded his head, listening to the figure with a fair bit of interest.

    When the figure finished speaking, Jason sighed, nodding his head. "Sudden visit? Hell, you can say that again... was out hunting a few Wendigoes when suddenly, the door appeared out of nowhere, and I was shoved through it. Got a good shot from it, too, before the damn thing could get through. Was right in mid-air, and everything. Then I closed the door, turned around, and lo and behold... portal... again."

    He sighed at the last part, having already been dragged through so many portals. However, his lips formed into a small smile. "At least here, I might be able to take a good, long vacation before headin' back to work, though. Time doesn't seem to be affected here, so we can all stay as long as we need to... or rather, it's what Fetch said... one of the employees that work here."

    "Well anyways, if ya need an extra pair of eyes, just lemme know... though fair warning, I'm... not entirely sure which way's to the room I've rented... but I'll keep my eyes open for whoever it is you're after, and send 'em your way."
Mr. V looked at Aran and Fawna and sighed. "No point in trying to explain everything that's going on, so I'll just put it to you this way. I tried to kill her because my soul was tied to a contract made up by some rather bad people. But I cheated, I killed a clone of Ms. Mae as a means of cheating on that contract, though I couldn't explain any of this to her because I had to make it look authentic. Ms. Mae, I apologize for scaring you that, and if you want to have me thrown out, I won't hold it against you. Now you, Mr. Winter-Eve, I am giving you fair warning. Should you attack me, I will defend myself, and while I won't kill you, it will not end well either."
SachiGrl SachiGrl
Sea Jay Sea Jay
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Aran Storm-Blood

Current Activity-Thinking
Mentions- Justin93Daniels Justin93Daniels Open for interaction

Storm listened intently as the stranger spoke, noting the mention of Wendigos and, more noticeably, hunters. He couldn't help but chuckle a bit as he mentioned his various encounters with portals, it was certainly humorous when it wasn't happening the yourself.
He also noted his mention of time, how it was unaffected by time spent at the hotel, visibly relieved. "Ah, that's pretty convenient, I won't have to rush out right away, then." With a light chuckle his gaze once again wandered to the hall and back as the man continued speaking.
Though the offer was very thoughtful, he doubted the hunter could get Eve to return to him. "Heh, if you were able to, it'd be highly appreciated." He hummed quietly to himself, "I followed my younger brother here, he's a good kid... Pain in the ass though." He sighed, though clearly finding humor in it, he couldn't help but worry this would be a difficult task.
At least this place seemed somewhat peaceful, he'd certainly found himself in worse places than a hotel.
The cervitaur's grey eyes were eclipsed by thick, pale eyelashes as he let his gaze fall to the floor beneath him. He couldn't help but notice this place felt somewhat off, despite the calm that hung in the air, or perhaps because of it. He couldn't quite place a particular scent hanging in the room and actively tried to block it out. The oddities of this place were not his main concern at this time. His skin twitched at the familiar chill that the whole situation induced, but again he forced it from his mind.
Nuri Unauk

Nuri's attention was suddenly caught when she hear a hunter (Jason) mention that time did not move here. This caught her intrigue, as that would make her stay here that much more relaxing. She could stay and get a good resting, and then head right back to to defending her people with out missing so much as a beat.

She didn’t mean to walk away from the maid so rudely, but she turned in the detection of the voice who had mentioned the time thing. Interesting,” she thought. There was an elkman (Aran) not too far from her, and she could tell he was also easedropping. Suddenly he had her attention even more so. She slipped to stand beside the manelk (well, he looked like an elk and a man, and she had never seen one of him before) unnoticed, and listened in with him, curious as to what he was thinking.

Sea Jay Sea Jay
Aran Storm-Blood

Current Activity-*Thinking intensifies*
Mentions- Elise Ebele Elise Ebele

Another scent entered the mix, steadily growing stronger, as if it's source was approaching. The sudden change snapped him out of his trance, and his eyes fluttered open, regaining focus on the world around him.
A quick scan of the area yielded no results, oddly enough. He glanced over at the hunter once more before seemingly considering another option. Leaning ever so slightly, he glanced down, and to his surprise he found a particularly petite woman not far from where he stood. His eyebrows creased for a moment.
This stranger had piqued his curiosity by her mere presence, he had met many dwarves in his travels, but he could see a clear difference.
Quickly regaining his even posture, he wandered through his memory in case he knew anything, finding that he simply did not. He let out a quiet "Huh..." upon discovering that despite his experience, there was likely to be quite a few members of species he had yet to encounter. Storm mouthed his thoughts to himself, the names of the different races he was familiar with, Minotaur, Satyr, Sphinx... The list seemed to go on and on, until he finally stopped, waving his hand as if to dismiss his thoughts, the index finger and thumb on his other hand cradling his chin in a thoughtful manner.
  • JasonWalker.png
    "Pain in the ass Little Brother... good to know. Well, I best head to the restroom, right quick, before I start searching... can't ask a Wendigo to let you take a quick piss in the middle of a fight, after all." he mentioned with a light chuckle, before waving his hand good-bye to them. He then made his way over towards the Men's Room which, thankfully, he was able to find.

Bastion stands up and is brought to attention by a map that leads to a location. He turns to it's direction and begins to walk towards it.

...Three hours later...

Bastion gets to the edge of a forest. The hotel is in his sights. The destination IS the hotel. He begins to walk in the direction of the building. Bastion only makes it a few steps before his foot hits something hard. It is metal. He turns to look at it and sees a DEAD bastion. Looking around him he notices more and more of his kind who are all dead. His eye turns red and he stands up straight. He extends his right 'arm' and loads it. Then he begins to slowly and lifelessly WALK towards the hotel.

(He currently thinks that the hotel is responsible for his kind's death. THAT is why he is in war mode)
Nuri Unauk

Nuri looked up and smiled at the elkman once she had noticed she has his attention. From there, the encounter between the two of them remained rather silent. He slippped back in to thought, and she continued to stand there just beneinth him. It may not have been as obvious, but she was just as interested in him as he might have been in her. She didn’t even know what species he was.

She didn’t stare for too long. Eventually she turned her gaze forward and fell in to thought as well. This was an interesting place, and if no time would pass while she was here, it would be a great opportunity to explore. “You are a curious creature, elkman sir," she soon said,p in that soft, raspy voice of her's. She wasn’t even sure if he would understand her, but she said in any way.

Sea Jay Sea Jay
Aran Storm-Blood

Current Activity-Speaking with the small lady
Mentions- Elise Ebele Elise Ebele

His right ear flicked as the small stranger spoke, chuckling heartily at her observation. The weapons strapped on his back shook audibly, luckily they were secured tightly, merely tapping against eachother as they wiggled in place. "Am I, now?" His voice was a bit more quiet than usual, for fear of startling the poor thing. As he looked down at her, his antlers cast a wide shadow over the ground. "In my homeworld, the humans refer to my people as cervitaurs, as we tend to come across as deer-like creatures."
His muscles tensed as they shifted to keep him balanced, each very defined due to regular use. Without them he would topple over like like a weakened tower, and at his size, no one wanted that. The cervitaur glanced over at the hallway again in case his brother happened to walk back in, and much to his complete lack of surprise, he didn't. In his momentary distraction, he sighed, then regaining focus on the tiny woman before him, "In my world, we have dwarves... But I don't think you're a dwarf, they're quite different. Gruff and... Very loud." The centaur chuckled, suddenly glad this person was not like the dwarves from his homeworld... They didn't have great hearing, so they all yelled, and their voices were deep and scratchy, and since the popularization of taverns. half of the population was drunk most of the time. Sure, he'd met some outliers, but most of his encounters were with the former, and his ears didn't appreciate them as much as he did.




Just as Fawna had her dark little fingers on the door knob, she heard Mr. V's voice. He elaborated to Mr. Winter-Eve, although, she felt he didn't need so. Her head barely turned, eyes peering at him from her peripheral, "No one's throwing you out, Sir." Her response was short, but not one bit sweet. She opened the door to her room and with one hoove in, she said, "As long as you're here, you'll be my guest and I'll treat you so." Whether than man, who nearly scared her to death, decided to stay or leave, she didn't care. She was too tired to care. One of her newer guests approached her curiously, but her receptionist came to the rescue. She mouthed a 'Thank you' to her furry employee and dismissed herself for the night.

TheUnusualVisitor TheUnusualVisitor
Sea Jay Sea Jay

?Current Action: Asking for a map ii Mood: Determined and Adventurous ii Tags: Sea Jay Sea Jay ?
The front desk?

Saturday, Night-time

After a very awkward and difficult round of introductions, Sage came to learn the the girl's name was Y'shtola, which he thought was a very unique and slightly mystical sounding one. It had been difficult to reassure and calm her down enough to release his arm, with about 10 minutes more of the teen trying with all of the instruments in his disposition to explain her that he wouldn't be going anywhere. Eventually, despite her lack of English understanding, the message had reached. The boy could only sigh in relief and thank the gods as he was finally able to relax again, sliding the bracelet slightly up as a preventive measure.

Ooooookay, he had calmed her down, there was no longer risk of setting the hotel on fire and the girl seemed extremely dependent and attached to him now, which definitely meant that she'd stick along. Not that he had a problem with that, if anything, Sage had been glad of the company. He just had to decide what to do next and he couldn't just do whatever came to his mind, since he would be watching over Y'shtola... Oh, right! He had come down to photograph the map of the hotel near the reception! So he would definitely be doing that next... Uh, wait. Did his new companion even get a room yet?

The young man had shown her his room's key and through even more gestures and charades asked her if she had anything similar. It didn't take long for him to realize by her reactions that the girl had probably never seen a key before. Oh well, here goes nothing. Fifteen minutes and a lot of unreached messages and misunderstandings later, he had somehow convinced her to stay behind for a while. He felt awful having to tell Y'shtola after convincing her which such a conviction that he wouldn't be going anywhere without her, only to still do so afterwards. But, the receptionist was an anthropomorphic dog and she was part cat. You didn't have to be an expert to deduce that having one meet the other wasn't a good idea, especially with how nervous and anxious the girl was.
After reiterating that he'd definitely, with a hundred percent certain, be back, Sage had gone towards the reception, where he came to learn the name of the cheerful receptionist canine, Fetch Wigglebottom. Very, very intriguing name. He had assumed that wherever the dog person had come from, those were completely normal naming conventions.

The teen had explained the receptionist the situation with Y'shtola and in he, in a very understanding and helpful mood, had been more than happy to assist. Sage had then signed up for a room on the cat-girl's behalf, letting Fetch choose it for him instead of picking one, since he had no idea of what the other's preferences were. When he had glanced at the receive key's number, he had a rather interesting and pleasant surprise. Y'shtola's room number was 430.
In numerology, 4 represented order, stability and justice, but also integrity, truth, aspirations and dependability, it was the representation of working to achieve one's goals. Then there was the number 3, the same one from his room's number, the number of rebirth, making important decisions and having spiritual guidance while doing so, inspiring courage and growth. These two had been already quite the combo, but the presence of zero made it all the more interesting. Zero was the true mystical number, it gave a boost to the attributes of the number before it and represented the start of a journey, the continuity of cycles and one's sense of wholeness. Sage has stared at the key completely still for a while, before glancing back at the cat-girl that was eagerly waiting for him to return. He had the feeling that once their communication issues were less of an issue, he'd come to discover a lot more about Y'shtola than met the eye...

Snapping back from his spiritual introspection, the boy had then taken a picture of the map and gone back to the girl's location. She had once again glued on him, showing how much the separation had brought her apprehension. Sage had pat her head softly and after Y'shtola had let his arm go, both of them had left the front desk to further explore the hotel. Well, she had mostly tagged along in need more than actually exploring.
They had time to discover both the restaurant and the pool locations before the girl seemed to get drowsy with sleep. It was no surprise that she'd be spent after all of the crying and panicking she had been doing tonight, though the teen had thought that had been rather soon since they had only been able to wander for about one hour.

Sage had then promptly taken Y'shtola to her room, the number 430. After showing her some of the strange objects and what they were for he had been ready to leave, letting her rest in peace but the cat-girl had held his jacket's sleeve, impeding his movement. With a soft smile, though very embarrassed and slightly uncomfortable, the young man had stayed in the room with her, sitting somewhere on the floor against a wall. While he played a silly game about matching chemical elements on his phone, Sage and Y'shtola had chatted for a while, still with the same language barrier that he had grown so accustomed to at this point.

Once she had finally fallen asleep, the teen had, very carefully opened the door and stepped outside, leaving behind the cat-girl sleeping peacefully. Then he had done a little more exploring by himself before heading to his room to sleep as well.

Current Day

Slightly surprised to find a socket in the room, Sage plugged his cellphone's charger in, watching the screen spring to life at the imput of electricity. Welp, he had forgotten to charge it yesterday and due to fiddling with it during his stay at Y'shtola's room the battery was now dead... Oh well, now he had to travel to the lobby and ask for a physical map. No big deal, really.

He got up from the floor and turned around seeing the clock on top of the bedstand... 9 AM. Eh, better. It was three days later and the young man still had not figured out this dimension's time. His biological clock kept having him awake too early and then crashing by the afternoon... That was likely why he hadn't caught sight of the cat-girl during his explorations of the hotel yet, not even once since their first meeting. Sage had been probably sleeping at the times she was up and vice versa. Maybe today he would finally run into her again?

Making a mental note to set his cellphone to this dimension's time once the device is charged, the teenager put on his blue jacket and started moving towards the door. Passing in front of the wall's mirror made him come up with another mental note: clothing. Since he had arrived at the hotel from college the only piece of clothing he had was the one he was wearing already... Someone would eventually realize that the brown cargo pants, red shirt and jacket combo were always the same, not to mention how unhealthy and unhygienic it would inevitably get. Maybe this hotel had a clothing shop? Only one way to find out!!

Leaving room 333, Sage had a determined look on his face as he walked down the corridors and stairs until the lobby. He waved everyone in the vicinity a quick 'Good Morning' as he passed by too focused on the task to effectively acknowledge anyone, only stopping once in the front of the reception desk:

"Hey, uh, is there a physical map around that I can take with me? I took a photo of the big one behind you, but my phone is charging now.", the boy had asked, letting out a soft awkward laugh after the last sentence.
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Mr. Fetch A. Wigglebottom

Current Position- Reception Location- Front Desk Mentions- Captain Sweatpants Captain Sweatpants Necessity4Fun Necessity4Fun

Fetch had been distracted by the commotion in the lobby, though now that it had calmed down he had begun to consider checking other areas of the hotel to see if he was needed elsewhere. That was, until a familiar scent blew in to mingle with the others, and he easily picked it out as one of the guests he had checked in at an earlier time.
Straightening his posture with a bit of a wiggle in his seat, he watched as the guest approached the front desk, floppy gold ears standing at attention. "Hello again, Mr.Kaelber~! I hope that your friend got to her room safely and was able to relax~" He had noticed Sage's efforts to keep himself and the other guest seperated, and though he felt it unnecessary, he knew it was only a precaution, all things considered.
He cocked his head as Sage spoke, paws sitting neatly atop the desk. Map, map... He ducked his head down and pulled open a drawer, it's tiny wheels rumbling down their tracks. A delicate claw ran over the files before reaching the one he was looking for, his soft paw pads pressing lightly on a sheet of paper and sliding it out before pushing the drawer back in.
"Luckily, we do have maps printed for such an occasion~" a bright smile pushed his cheeks upwards, and his fluffy tail wagged happily, knowing that he had some means of assisting.
"I hope you are enjoying your stay~!" A soft giggle followed his words, "Will you be needing anything else, Mr.Kaelber?" Both ears flopped in the other directions as he tilted his head again.
If he had to pick a word to describe the few days he had spent in this place, Ness would have chosen boring above all others. It had been a while since his chat with that girl in the lounge. What was her name again? Ane-something? Was it just Ann? I think it was just Ann.
Ness was lounging around the lobby, hoping something interesting would happen if he just stayed here long enough. This however, did not seem to be the case. "I've been sittin here for hours now and all i've gotten t'see is dog boy over there is like his paws and chase his own tail." He muttered to himself "Not that watchin that wasn't entertaining for a time but come on, he isn't that old, learn some new tricks." Ness looked at his wrist and a translucent blue watch appeared there as he did so. This wasn't a normal watch though. It's face had an astonishing 13 hands going in all directions and all varying wildly in length. What such a watch was used for, who knows. Ness examined it for a moment before sighing "Maybe it's bout time I keep rollin along." He said aloud. Just as he was thinking that, he noticed a familiar face begin talking to the receptionist. It was that kid he'd met a few days back. Ness laughed to himself as he remembered their encounter. The kid had thought that the hotel was some kind of temple, then freaked out when Ness had started talking. By know though, he could tell the kid had figured out the nature of this place.

?Current Action: Still asking questions ii Mood: Chatty, Forgiving and Nervous ii Tags: Sea Jay Sea Jay and Captain Sweatpants Captain Sweatpants ?
The front desk?

Sage was impressed with the fact that the dog receptionist had recalled his situation with Y'shtola a couple days ago. It made sense given the canine's profession but with such a big building and a large number of guests it was probably difficult to remember so many names already. Now remembering certain events like that? He had to give Fetch his kudos for having a good memory:

"Oh, yeah she did, there's nothing to worry about! We explored a bit, then I took her to her room and she fell asleep not that long afterwards. She must have had a very tiring day...", he had replied with a gentle, sympathetic smile as he had looked back on the events of Saturday, "Showing up at this place out of nowhere it's quite the disorientating situation, if I know it!"

He had laughed again, this time more over his own silly joke. Running into Ness and then napping on a bench in the lobby had certainly been odd and confusing at the time, but now he could recognize how silly he had been in assuming things and going with them instead of just, making questions. Though the black haired man would have been of no help in that regard as well. The more Sage thought about that one meeting, the more he grew the suspicion that the other guest had been playing around on purpose...

The young man watched as Fetch ducked under the table, presumably reaching for a drawer. Slightly curious he had tried peeking over the receptionist's shoulder but obviously couldn't make sense of all the folder and documents he saw, soon returning to a straight stance as he waiting the other finish. There was the light 'whirr' of the drawer being pushed back in and a tiny 'blam' once it finally closed. The canine looked back up holding a piece of paper filled with forms and colors:

"Luckily, we do have maps printed for such an occasion~"

"That's awesome! Thanks!", Sage had replied taking the map in his hands and giving it a quick look, "Uh, would I need to return this later?"

Being a such a huge establishment, it was probable that this wasn't their only copy of the map brochure. Still, it never hurt to ask, so he did exactly that. The cheerful anthropomorphic dog kept making him questions faster than he could reply to them. Instead he chose to focus on the last one: Did he need anything else? Sage had leaned slight over the desk, supporting his head in thought... And then he remembered something else, instantly getting back up:

"I do, actually! There was an announcement earlier, about an event? I was too tired so I can't remember much, uh, would it too much trouble to explain me how it works?", the young man scratched at his cheek a little embarrassed, "I'm yet to get used to this, well, I guess it's like a timezone..."

Just as he was finishing talking, Sage took notice of a laughter in the background, one with a similar voice. The teen turned in the direction of the source and lo and behold!... It was Ness. He froze, at first wondering how he should acknowledge the other. He wasn't angry at the man, and if even if he were, there was no point in holding a grudge for something like that. His home had taught him to forgive and forgive he would. Still... it was definitely odd to interact with him again:

"Y-yo...!", he had waved in greeting after an awkward amount of silence, "How- uh... I mean...", the boy cleared his throat and tried again, "So, what have you been up to?... P-Pal?"

Welp, at least an effort had been made. ...Very poorly, but still made.
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Nuri Unauk

The cervitaur's laughter was enough to evoke the same in Nuri. She had a loud, open-mouthed laugh, and her shoulders moved up and down a bit as she did. “You must forgive me!” she bubbled, looking up at the tall, strong creature. “I have never seen a cervitaur a day in my life, nor have I ever heard of one. To think such I creature exist.... it blows my mind, methinks.”

Nuri ran her hand over her head to move her hair from in from the of her eyes. “I myself am not very quiet,” she laughed. It was true, she was known for usually being the loudest one in the room. She was only keeping somewhat mellow because she was in a new place, and wanted to be mindful and respectful. In an hour, with some food in her gut, the story may be different. “I am a Harvin. We are the shortest statured race of the sky dwellers, but we are proud and intelligent,” she nodded, reaching out her little hand. “The name's Nuri. Nuri Unauk. I a man a warrior.”

Sea Jay Sea Jay
Dwig landed in the hotel's lobby "Always good to visit the floating islands of Homa Kevar."

Phyonna Blood

The door's of The Random Hotel opened silently as light footsteps stepped in followed by two pairs of very heavy footsteps. Phyonna Blood, the previous owner of The Random Hotel, stood confidently, one hand on a cocked hip just as she stepped dead center of the lobby. Her two henchmen, PauluiJul and Henfrajak, crossed their arms intimidatingly as they awaited commands from their leader. "Oh," she said with a smile, "How lovely." She caressed the chin of a dark-haired man adorned in glasses, "Thanks for visiting." Her tail whipped excitedly with all the clients occupying the lobby. The demon was not dressed in her usual attire, which generally consisted of armor and leather. In fact, she dressed more suitably as the owner she once was. In a black suit with a white button-down, and of course displaying the feminine line between her breasts, she greeted every single guest present while the two large demons behind her didn't move an inch.

"Hi, welcome to my hotel," she emphasized on the word 'my' as step stepped toward the first immediate customer past Mr. V, a blonde, seemingly human, woman. She twirled a blonde lock in her hand playfully and added, "Beautiful hair." With a wink, she transitioned to the humanoid dog. The red demon's eyes glanced at the receptionist behind the counter for only a moment then said, "Men. Ask the pup where's Miss Mae." The two very large figures, one who looked to be covered in flames and the other with six slits of golden eyes accompanied by a very large grin, approached the counter as ordered. "You heard the boss," embers escaped Pauluijul's mouth as he spoke with a deep grumbling voice. Henfrajak slammed his fist against the counter as they awaited Mr. Wigglebottom's answer.

Phyonna continued to play her role as the owner of the hotel, greeting the rest of her guests. "Wow, what a majestic man you are," she walked around the cervitaur, admiring his body. "Oh, and hello to you," she saw a very small female, barely meeting the height of her very own knees. The demon crouched over and gave the small being a sweet little wave, then her blood red eyes scanned a man not too far with his hair partly red and white. "You're not human, are you?" she asked rhetorically, her tail continuing to whip happily, "Would love to get to know you-" her claw-like finger pointed at him then the other people in the room, "-You! You! And you!" She pointed at Dwig even though she already knew he was her security; she was just being playful. After finishes her unexpectedly salutations, her hips swayed sensually as she walked towards Fawna's room, "Well, I have to go attend to my duties!" She waved then formed her hand into a fist ready to knock on Fawna's door.

Location: Lobby
@: TheUnusualVisitor TheUnusualVisitor Sea Jay Sea Jay Necessity4Fun Necessity4Fun Captain Sweatpants Captain Sweatpants Andrita Andrita Elise Ebele Elise Ebele Moomba Moomba

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Aran Storm-Blood

Current Activity-Being somewhat uncomfortable
Mentions- SachiGrl SachiGrl Elise Ebele Elise Ebele

A closed-mouthed laugh vibrated in the cervitaur's muscular chest, his gray eyes closing momentarily in amusement. "Ah, it's no problem, I have been in a fair amount of similar situations." He silently thanked his father for pushing him to travel.
Before he could properly great Nuri, however, a strong woman with horns and red skin slipped through the doors, effectively interrupting his casual thinking and bringing forth the question of whether or not he'd met one of her kind, not quite able to place his finger on a decisive answer.
He tensed up as she circled him, giving him the feeling of being hunted by sharks. Something about her, though her tone did not convey this in particular, was off-putting. Storm couldn't help but shiver slightly as he watched her move on.

Mr. Fetch A. Wigglebottom

Current Position- Reception
Location- Lobby
Mentions- SachiGrl SachiGrl

Just as Fetch parted his lips she entered, and as her two henchmen approached, his spine was forced into perfect posture. Though he didn't seem startled or intimidated, his mood had clearly changed, despite his unwavering cheerful behavior, "Ah, hello Madam, Miss Mae should be in her room~!" His tail wagged, an odd tension in it's movements, his nose had stopped it's energetic twitching as he pulled away from the stench of the creatures before him, making sure he portrayed calm and respect in his every action.
He watched as Phyonna strode up to Miss Mae's door, and couldn't quite help the tightening in his chest. If she was here and wanted Fawna, it couldn't mean anything good.
The pup did his best not to stare, and stepped out from behind the counter, "Ah! I believe I am needed elsewhere!" His claws scuffed the floor as he hurried away, directing a maid to take his place as he rushed down the hall nearby.
Dwig's eyebrow shot up as he followed Miss Blood to Fawna's room "So, is there a specific reason you are here?"

Phyonna Blood

Phyonna turned her head only slightly to meet Dwig's gaze, "Mhm." She hummed in response then added, "Just have a few problems I need to address." Her head slowly turned back to facing Fawna's door and she gave two light knocks, "Oh, and thank you, Mr. Wigglebottom." The tail behind her whipped more slowly as she waited, she deliberately ignored the pup running off seemingly for no reason.

Location: Lobby
@: Moomba Moomba Sea Jay Sea Jay

Nuri Unauk

It seemed the cervitaur was getting ready to make a statement before the the whole hotel was interrupted. There was a loud silence that fell over the lobby as the horned lady walked in. Nuri knew instantly that this woman meant trouble, tough she didn’t know just how. The woman was so bitter she could taste it in the air.

She held tightly to her bow as the horned woman came near her and the cervitaur. She greeted him warmly, as if they had known each other. “Friend of yours?” she whispered to the cervitaur, as the horned woman left.

Sea Jay Sea Jay
SachiGrl SachiGrl
Aran Storm-Blood

Current Activity-Nope nope nope
Mentions- Elise Ebele Elise Ebele SachiGrl SachiGrl

He stared for a few more seconds before ducking his head down towards the Harvin and speaking to her in a hushed voice, "No... I've never seen her before..." The feeling he got from the horned woman was akin to the feeling he got when approached by a predatory animal, but far worse, his stomach twisted out of sheer discomfort.
She was like something out of the tales of the tribe elders, or the myths created by the humans, or any multitude of other records of fantastical beasts and for once, he wasn't curious. A strong, rough hand reached over his shoulder to feel for his weapon, though he gained no relief with the reminder that it was there.
The kindly receptionist's abrupt retreat furthered his discomfort, behind his stoic face was a hint of fear that made his skin crawl. It was as if when she came through the doors, the lobby was suddenly taken over by foul insects, if insects were quite large enough to induce the twitch of his right shoulder, and the itch on his flank.

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