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Fantasy TЊË RåÑʥØm ЊØTËL (A Walk-in RP)




She gave a nod of her head. “Yes, she still works here. Strangely, she hasn’t been working for a few days. I believe it may be because of her new found lover in room 507.” The deer woman yawned and placed her hand over her mouth. “Maid 0506 please take over for me,” the robot whirred it’s way behind the front desk. “I had a long day. If you want an appointment with me, send me an email or just ask Maid 0506. She may be able to answer your questions.” With that said, she left and went to her room to sleep.
Sir Fungus Sir Fungus
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Shivers continued to run rampant throughout her body, causing goosebumps to form. The male before her clearly understood what he was doing as his hand trailed along her tentacle. Even though she now wore the strange clothes of these people, she could still feel his light touch on her upper body. Quickly, but gently, she took a hold of his hand. Her voice was soft and a little shaky, "I-I'm not certain how I feel about this. Although my body may be responding, all of this is very foreign to me. And, forgive me for saying, but based on the scent of your breath, I'm not certain you're in the most sound of mind state." She anxiously looked up at him, her blue skin tainted a deeper color.
SachiGrl SachiGrl

Mademoiselle Mim

Mim gave a nod at the mention of his fruity breath with a hint of alcohol. The man nearly forgotten what he was mourning over; this is all thanks to Aurelia. "Oui, I've had perhaps too much de l'alcool," he continued to nod while she sweetly held on to his wrists to prevent his invasive hands to further venture the blue woman's body. "Let me at least..." he, now, took hold of her hand and kissed it, "bon nuit. I'll be heading to my chambres. It is late." He had his last kiss and walked off cheerily to his room. Slowly, he regained his true form. His hair grew to his mid-back and breasts began to form. Mademoiselle Mim found herself lazily walking herself to her room until she collapsed onto her bed. Translation: Yes, I've had perhaps too much alcohol. Let me at least... good night. I'll be heading to my chambers. It is late.
Deadly Darkness Deadly Darkness

It was dark and cloudy outside. Silence filled the air until a hot mist seeped past the crevices of The Random Hotel's door. Whining could be heard behind it. "Puteh ye backs intoe eht," the voice was high pitch and muffled before the door slammed open, "toe ye baellram, I taell ye!" A small red demon ordered larger several large ogres that carried a slot machine under each arm. "Where'yeh ehs dat ownah? Eh, sheh alreadeh know'ye comin'. Go on! Go on'ye!" The small demon continued to yell, practically causing a whole commotion as the ogres walked in the direction of the ballroom to place the slot machines and gambling tables.

"Oh Dayanthor, would you shut your trap?" said a curvaceous female demon, "They know what they're doing." With a roll of her eyes, she walked past the small demon with a annoyed scoff. "Don'ye scoff aet meh, missy! Ye beauteh ain't gonna fool meh. I ne'er lehsen toe ye! Ne'er!" Maylizsha was already way ahead of him within the ballroom, "Oii!! Lehsen toe meh!! Ye canno talk crap an walk on, laedeh!" His tail waddled annoyingly behind him as he tried to catch up.

"Brother," said a sincere and calm voice, "Do not cause a negative air. We need to allure guests not alarm." His pace was firm yet graceful, but his long legs enabled him to catch up to the tiny demon, Dayanthor. "Ye alwaehs haftah butt ehn, eh?" the little demon wilted defeatedly, "Alriegh... alriegh.. I'll keep meh mouth mildly shut." "Good, let us entertain," responded Maxvicclaus.

All three demons met in the back of the ballroom and organized the event. After much work, they quickly went to work in their designated positions once the ogres returned to their realm. Let the fun begin! All guests received an announcement in their room. Every guest obtains 50 life coins to play as courtesy from TRH. If they require more, please see an attendant.
*zach wakes up and cooks up a mushroom, onion and potato cream soup for the others, he chops the onion, adding cream and mushrooms, he sprinkles in pepper, onions, and potatos for flavor, and a bit of beef flavor*




Fawna's face was pressed against her pillow as her ears flickered attentively as yelling and marching could be heard out her door. She was mildly awake, but her eyes remained closed; they felt terribly heavy for the young deer woman. Finally, she mustered the energy to get out of bed as she heard someone outside her room asking for the 'owner.' She quickly put on a plaid dress and hurried out of her room. The smell of sweaty ogres mixed with mushrooms, onions and potatoes filled the air. Well, the ogre smell was temporary, thankfully, but the soup lured little Miss Mae into Zach's presence. "Smells good," she commented and gladly accepted his soup. She hired this security guard not too long ago, and she honestly wasn't expecting him to cook and make smoothies. The Random Hotel was truly surprising.

After her lovely meal, she walked off to the ballroom where the Gambling Event was already set up. She mouthed 'Wow' upon entering. Maid0237 automatically gave her 50 Life Coins. Fawna watched as the coins clattered with one another as they were placed on her palm. "Thank you, Maid0237," she said with a blank stare towards her hand then her robotic maid. A fairly tall curvaceous demon approached her with a smile, "Welcome to the Gambling Event, Miss Mae. Please enjoy yourself." The demon's hands gestured towards the machines bleeping noisily. "I am Maylizsha, I am in charge of the machines here. Maxvicclaus and Dayanthor are in the back handling more personal gambling games," Fawna nodded her head slowly as she was glancing in every direction Maylizsha referred to. "Okay," she responded after a moment or two, "Let me know if you need anything." "If customers ask for more coins, you need to create a contract," the deer twisted her lips to the side in distaste, "the more coins they desire, the longer their stay must be." Again, Fawna nodded her head slowly. Her hotel didn't have any gambling addicts, she hoped. She knew this event was popular in certain dimensions, but Mamaley had no such activities, so she knew she would be safe from this addiction or so she assumed she would be.

Cling! Cling! Cling! Fawna inserted 15 coins into the slot machine. Clung! Clung! Clang! Would you look at that! She lost her 15 coins. 35 coins were left in her hand. Cling! She decided to play only 5 coins this time. Clung! Clung! Clang! Hey! She got two matching 8s. She gained 10 coins. She now had 40. Quietly, she looked at the machine. Unsure as to continue to play or change the game.
zachie mel zachie mel
Mr. V. smiled as he entered the gambling hall, milling a coin between his fingers when he spotted Fawna sitting at a slot machine. "Never pegged you for a gambler, Ms. Mae." He said sitting down next to her and pulling out 10 of his coins from his pocket. "But I guess we learned new things every day." *He pulled the slot machine lever and watched the wheels spin.*




Her ears perked in Mr. V's direction as he casually spoke to her. "Oh!" was all she managed to say, her cheeks flustering as her mind remembered their last encounter. Their casual outing caused to upset her other guest, resulting in Mr. Winter-eve's admittance to admiring her. Still flustered, she glanced from the machine before her to Mr. V, now seated next to her. Fawna's ears flickered at the sound of the three wheels spinning. When they came to a stop, she peeked to see if he won. Her ears wilted at finding that he didn't. "Here," she handed him 10 coins, "take mine." Her cheeks were still flush. She struggled to even look him in the eye. When was she planning to apologize?
TheUnusualVisitor TheUnusualVisitor
Mr. V. chuckled in his usual, light-hearted manner at the gesture but refused. "It's alright, Ms. Mae, I've won and lost more fortunes gambling than I could count... I even believe I lost my head one time playing Duke Luis de la Muertos, though I can't quite remember. But that doesn't really matter now. And as for what happened over dinner, think nothing of it. I didn't want to intrude in someone else's private affairs." He loaded 10 more in and pulled the lever, watching the wheels spin again. Though, luck didn't seem to be in his favor tonight. "Well, 30 more to go I suppose."
SachiGrl SachiGrl




Fawna smiled shyly as Mr. V refused her coins. She then watched him from the corner of her eyes while he continued on about his previous experiences. "Duke Luis De La Muertos..." she repeatedly quietly to herself. The name itself gave her chills; she nearly missed his comment regarding losing his head over a bet. "He believed we were having... an affair," she said almost in a whisper then letting a sheepish laugh escape her lips. Cling! Cling! She heard him put more coins into his slot. She decided to play 10 more coins as well. The deer woman was planning to gift them to him anyway; might as well play those coins. Clang! Clang! Clung! Hmmm... defeat. Now, she had 30 coins left.
TheUnusualVisitor TheUnusualVisitor
"An affair... How strange." Mr. V. said, loading five coins into the machine instead of ten. "Though highly inaccurate, while I do find that there is something attractive about both your looks and personality, I'm afraid it does not go past that of friendship." As if to punctuate the sentence, he gave the lever a rather hard pull as the wheels continued spinning around and around. "I do hope I did not cause any trouble between the two of you. If I did, I sincerely apologize."
SachiGrl SachiGrl




The deer woman gave a great nod of agreement at the mention of their ‘affair’ being strange; her ears bounced forward slightly with the movement. As Mr. V continued on, she found her dark-fingered hand cover her cheek bashfully. “Th-Thank you, Mr. V,” She stammered innocently, “and y-you were no trouble at all.. I’m just sad that we didn’t finish... anything.. our food.. conversation..” Clang! Clang! Clung! Hmmm... that’s peculiar.. Fawna thought to herself. His machine may be broken. There are only supposed to be 13 faces, but his screen displayed the number 15. She looked around for the red demon in charge of the section; her ears wiggling about as she did. “Oh! Miss Maylizsha, I believe he requires a refund. His machine is malfunctioning,” the female demon cringed at the word ‘refund.’ “Yes... Miss Mae,” like magic, the demon’s hand suddenly hand coins and she handed him his bets plus an extra 20. Now, Mr. V had 70 coins. “Do you guys mind shifting over, so I can see to this... malfunctioning,” asked Maylizsha patiently; her annoyed expression suddenly dismissed.
TheUnusualVisitor TheUnusualVisitor
Mr. V took the coins and found himself surprised he was thanking a demon of all things for it's generosity. "Well, that is something you don't see every day." He mumbled to himself as he sat on the other side of Ms. Mae and continued playing. "Well, we could continue, though let's make things a little interesting. Let's call it 20 questions with a twist. You'll ask me a question about anything regarding myself and all I'm allowed to give is a simple yes or no, and should you get more questions answered yes than no, I'll buy you dinner, and vice versa." He said, putting the extra 20 coins the machine and pulled the lever.
SachiGrl SachiGrl




When Mr. V shifted over to her opposite side, the red demon whispered in Fawna's ear, "I did my part. Don't forget to do yours." Her ears fell back unhappily, but her expression seemed to say 'I'm focusing on him.' She really hoped he wasn't the gambling type, but according to his history, he just might be. To her dismay, probably most of her guests liked to gamble not just Mr. V. After a brief pause, Fawna responded to his 21 questions 'game' offer, "That sounds really unfair and quite unreasonable. When I asked if you were human, you couldn't even give me a yes or no." She let out a small laugh. "Also, you can't buy me dinner," it must be so common for folks to pay for their food that despite there being no currency in the hotel, people still believe they're paying. Well, they were, but not with currency... "But, I'll happily eat dinner with you again," she said with a warm smile. Cling! She slipped 5 coins into the machine. Clang! Clang! Clung! Of course, to lose again just like Mr. V.

TheUnusualVisitor TheUnusualVisitor
"Quite true, Ms. Mae, but as I said, I am and I am not." Mr. V. said, before his pleasant demeanor faded as he stared at the token. "Though there is something I need to know from you, Ms. Mae. How is it that you run a hotel that has a connection to every world in the Multiverse, and not use any currency, nor accept any other currency. Tell me, Ms. Mae. What is the true cost of a stay at this hotel?"
A bird flies into the room and begins to tweet rapidly. It is yellow and orange. Soon after a large overgrown figure enters the room and extends its left hand (Its only hand) towards Fawna. In faded red military paint the designation E54 is seen on the side of it's metal chest; covered by mosses and grass. It looks into your eyes with its almost living blue rectangular 'eye' and goes, "Boop?"




Fawna’s expression mirrored Mr. V’s as he asked a common question which, she always had the same answer, “This Hotel was originally created as a safe haven for those in need,” She gave him smile to try to lighten the air between them, “now, we’ve opened the hotel for anyone, not just those in need.” A large metallic creature approached her, speaking mechanically. “Hello, I’m Ms. Mae,” she took his hand and shook it, assuming it was stretched out for that purpose, “We have a gambling event now. Please enjoy yourself!” She signaled one of her robotic maids to give him 50 Life Coins.
TheUnusualVisitor TheUnusualVisitor
Best Trekkie. Best Trekkie.
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“Boop?” It said. The 7 foot tall robot that was bastion turned his head and went, “Beep! Boop!” At the bird. The colorful winged animal flew to the bastion’s right shoulder where it sat in a nest previously unnoticed.


Eden slowly relaxed his grip on the demonic minotaur's skull, his cool gaze sliding from the infernal one's terrified face, and towards the warm-looking door that suddenly appeared in front of him. It was, for all intents and purposes, completely normal...yet, he could feel some sort of vague arcanic presence gravitating from it. Of course, there had to be magic involved - no average door suddenly appeared in the middle of an apocalyptic battlefield. It would make no sense. The only real explanation he could come up with was that another adventure was awaiting him, and this door was Father's way of leading him towards it. Or, it was simply a chance of luck. Regardless...

He returned his attention to the whimpering minotaur - the giant of a creature helpless and weak in the grip of the slightly shorter Fallen Angel. All around them, the dead and ashen corpses of countless demonic entities littered the charred soil, a testament to the genocidal battle that took place only moments before. Eden smiled - and this one wasn't one of his beautiful ones. "...Be sure to let Satan know that the current score is 1337 to zero." Before the demonic creature could even utter a muffled syllable, Eden flexed his power, and a sudden, blinding light exploded from his occupied hand, completely overwhelming his attacker. When it died down, the man was holding a dessicated corpse by the face, its massive, skeletal body already collapsing in on itself.

Dropping the body to the ground, Eden finally turned his full attention to the door. It was still sitting there, waiting. Such a patient entryway. He smiled again, this one significantly less intimidating.

"Alright, then. I'll heed your call of adventure..."

There was nothing left in this demonic world, after all...he made sure of that. His loose, pristine white clothing free of blood and soot, and his blackened wings carefully illusioned away, Eden stepped through the door, right into the unknown.


The slight nausea disappeared, and suddenly, in a flash of white light, Eden Neverine was standing in some sort of hotel lobby. In his plenty forays into human civilization, Eden experienced a multitude of different hotels - shitty ones with prostitutes throwing themselves at his feet, and lush ones with arrogant nobles and scheming criminals. This one...actually seemed nice. The air had a pleasant smell, and while there was magic sparking at the throes of his senses, it wasn't overt and thick like many other supernatural places. In spite of himself, Eden found a genuine smile forming on his lips, the Fallen Angel calmly making his way towards the empty front desk with long, graceful strides. The Hotel wasn't empty - he knew that for sure, so he was quite happy to wait patiently for admittance.

"How cute. They even have a little bell..." He tilted his head, eyes glinting in pleasant curiosity as he pressed a long, calloused finger against the top of the bell. A bright 'ping' swiftly broke the cool silence of the lobby. Eden chuckled, deep and melodious. What an interesting device.

Hello and welcome to TRH, I am Maid0223. Here are your 50 coins to play at the gambling event. *She hands Bastian the coins* I am fluent in all languages. If you have any concerns please feel free to communicate with me.
((Please provide your translation, so my maid can understand you.))​
Best Trekkie. Best Trekkie.
Current Receptionist

Hello and welcome to TRH, I am the current receptionist. All our guest rooms are in the second floor and above. The first digit dictates the floor the room is on. If you require any accommodations, such as a coffin in place of a bed, please feel free to notify me. The owner is currently out. If you were interested in a job position, please fill out the form below and provide all necessary documents before turning it in. Master Fawna should return shortly. Feel free to wait in the lobby or interact with our guests while you wait for your interview. Thank you for staying at TRH.
Hiring Application


At the appearance and words of the robotic maid, Eden tilted his head, humming low in his throat as he idly glanced through the application. A job...did he really want a job? He was an 'explorer', first and foremost, so staying at this Hotel for any significant amount of time sounded pretty boring at this current moment. Then again, he also didn't age...so the concept of time itself was meaningless to him. What a dilemma. With a faux sigh, Eden turned his gaze away from the document, and gave the robot a polite incline of the head. She was probably some sort of AI, so it was doubtful that she would even acknowledge pleasantries. Regardless...

"Thank you for the application. I will be sitting nearby."

The lounge did look to be very comfortable, after all. He wasn't against social interaction, but after fighting an almost endless horde of demons for the past week, any sort of relaxation sounded absolutely heavenly...excuse the pun. Eden headed over to the lobby, almost immediately collapsing onto one of the many cushioned chairs. Propping his legs against the provided recliner, and leaning back into the softness, Eden sighed pleasurably and brought the document back up to his eyes. One whispered word later, and a pen was grasped firmly in his left hand.

"Let's see...security guard? Heh...no." Very possible, and easily done, but there was less than a one percent chance that any fighting here would interest him. He ignored the position.

"Receptionist...?" He didn't mind that one, actually. He rather enjoyed speaking with people, and learning more about their life and culture. Wait, but there was...

"Waiter, hm?" Last time he worked in a resteraunt was seven decades ago, in the Planet Zordeen. It was an alien planet, with rather...exotic foods, but the resteraunt and service itself was five stars, easily. He wouldn't mind doing it again, if only for a little while. A smile on his face, Eden circled 'Waiter', along with the 3rd Day Shift. CST resonated deeply within him, after all. Now, all that was needed was his name...Eden Neverine. Easy.

Application filled out, Eden set it aside and picked up a nearby magazine, idly glancing through the pages as he reclined backwards. The waiting game was on, then.
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“Bweep boop boop beep. Boop beep!” (Translation) “Ganymede! Welcome to our new home. Oh! Thanks I guess?” Bastion said to the female Omnic (robot).




Maid0605 rolled from behind the counter and notified the nearest robotic maid to transfer an important message. Maid0222 received the message regarding a recent guest considering employment from The Random Hotel. Hurriedly, the robot whirred its way to the deer woman. "Excuse, Miss Mae," the maid stood between Fawna and Mr. V, ", your presence is requested in the lobby area. You have a potential employee." Her lips formed into a shape of an 'o' at the surprising message, then she shifted her attention to Mr. V, she had to lean past the robot's body to see him, "This is pretty good news for me. We can play 21 questions later." The owner felt a little guilty having to leave her guest behind, but hiring new employees is always a priority over socializing.

Click. Clack. Click. Her hooves walked noisily as she approached the man analyzing the TRH application. She cleared her throat as she stood at the edge of the couch to capture the man's attention. "Hi," she started off, "I am Ms. Mae, the owner of this establishment." The deer wasn't necessarily dressed in her usual attire. Typically, she would have on a button-down shirt and some slacks or pencil skirt, but with the gambling event in effect, she decided to dress more casually.
TheUnusualVisitor TheUnusualVisitor
Wasted Ink Wasted Ink

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