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Fantasy TЊË RåÑʥØm ЊØTËL (A Walk-in RP)



<< Self-Assigned Task: Check on Ms. Mae [Complete] || Mood: Relieved and Thoughtful || Tags: Moomba Moomba , SachiGrl SachiGrl , PlanetGarbo PlanetGarbo and Zackrilmon Zackrilmon >>
<< Location: The cabana room >>

"I... I have no idea.", the cat-girl had deflated slightly, "I might or might not have torn through the box completely before actually reading it"

Nat had let out a soft, nervous laugh. It was clear now that the information in the medicine's box had probably been important to have in mind but said object was now nothing more than ripped strands of paper over Ms. Mae's bed. Welp, she had really messed that one up...

"You can do it!", she had instantly replied in a sudden outburst, "I don't trust myself with things that require this much precision or... That may put someone's life at risk, too much responsibility."

When the man approached to execute the task the cat-girl had shifted away from the owner in the bed, granting him enough space to work. The sight of the needle made her uncomfortable so she had looked away until Sig said that he was done. It took her a while to realize that a new individual was by the door, yet again:

"Ovesh?!", Nat perked up calling her hydra friend's name, before turning back at the man with a slight bow of her head, "Thanks for the help Sig, I really appreciate it."

"Everyone.", the cat-girl started, getting up from the owner's bed at last, "I know you all want to check on Ms. Mae as well, but I think we should all softly retreat and let her rest now. Thank you for your concern."

After a bow towards the door-dwellers, Natalie began picking up the objects she had brought to take them back outside once she left.
-trying to hold back his blood filled coughs, Ovesh tried to ask for help from Sigzil- S-sigzil?..-cough-.. C-can you help me please. -cough-. I-I know you may be b-busy but please...l-look at me -he was barely standing. His body covered in deep slashes and his head failing to grow back. Its neck lay limp and his eyes had a gray orange shade. He had lost alot of blood down stairs and on the way up, but it had gotten to the point where blood barley streamed down his side-
Moomba Moomba
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"Hmm, Do you have any healing power of your own? I don't know much about dragon physiology." Sigzil kneeled by the wound "I can't fix this but, I know who can. Dwig has studied all types of magic extensively" As if on cue, Dwig came barreling down the hallway. "Oh, Sig good. I need you." Sigzil put his hands on Dwig's shoulders "Dwig, you haven't been yourself lately. You need to calm down. I want you to help yourself by helping this dragon" Dwig looked over at the dragon "I guess I could do that. It's not too hard" Dwig kneeled and pulled out some chalk. He began to draw. A few minutes later, he had drawn a large circle and written runes around the outside. "all you need to do is step inside"
I-I have the same power as all hydra have. T-The ability to regrow our heads when cut or torn off -He slowly limped into the circle and finally collapsed in the circle. His breathing began to slow and his eyes began to close. The crystal in his chest began to fade-
Moomba Moomba
Celica and Mercury
A strong tang filled Celica's nose "Yikes!" She yelped. She recognized the smell. It was slightly different but the base was still the same "Mercury, is that-"
"Yes, I believe it is."
"Someone is bleeding. Bad." She said, suddenly very serious "Come on, Mercury!" She turned and quickly took off running down the hallway
"Right away!" Scooping up Celica in her larger arms, Mercury's legs suddenly morphed into jets which quickly accelerated them towards the sent.
"I think they must be in the lobby!" Celica yelled "Hurry Mercury!" The two rocketed through the halls as fast as Mercury could manage, hoping they could get there in time for Celica to tend to the injured.
Zackrilmon Zackrilmon
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-Ovesh lay lifeless on the floor, his eyes completely shut, and his body limp. He didnt want to end like this. In a deaperate attempt to keep himself awake, he lifted his front legs and pushed himself up. As he did he expected an onslaught of excruciating pain but he felt nothing. He was in such shock that his body gave up on pain. He could feel the touch of a hang, the piercing sting of an arrow, or the shot of a gun. He felt like he was slowly falling, like a tumbling leaf in the wind. He slowly dragged himself twoards the entrance doors where he good pass without ruining the the mood of the hotel- Captain Sweatpants Captain Sweatpants
Celica and Mercury
"Looks like we found our patient!" Celica exclaimed as her and Mercury blasted around the corner into the lobby "He's a bit bigger than I expected!" She added, examining the size of the hydra "Damage is pretty extensive but it's not untreatable."
"Are you sure? You've never operated on a hydra before." Mercury questioned
Celica scoffed "You underestimate me! Come on!" she called, jumping out of Mercury's arms and running towards the large creature sulking towards the door "Hey! Big guy!" She called up to him "If you want help then that's what i'm here for! But i'm gonna need you to stop moving!" Zackrilmon Zackrilmon
-Ovesh slowly came to a stop and looked up. He saw two blurs but he decided that they where here to help. He tried to show his wounds and that his head that had not regrown back yet. He back to wimper softly as the pain slowly started coming back-
Captain Sweatpants Captain Sweatpants
Celica and Mercury
"There ya go big fella. You just leave everything to me." Celica gently caressed one of the Hydra's heads. "Funny" She thought "I thought hydra had extremely potent regenerative capabilities." She walked around it's body until she reached the wound "It's infected. That's must be what's preventing his regeneration. If I can just..." Celica extended a hand to the large gash in the beasts underbelly. A light green aura began to sparkle around her fingers, it's light casting a warm glow over the area.
"Her magic has gotten even stronger than last time. It's so bright, I almost can't look at it." Mercury thought to herself.
The aura extended from Celica's hand and flowed into the wound. Soon, the green light was coursing through the Hydra's veins as it filled it's body Celica whispered a single word "Esuna." The Hydra's body exploded with blinding light as the magic the filled his body purified his bloodstream, eradicating the infection.

Zackrilmon Zackrilmon
Dwig scratched his chin in thought "You're right Sig, I feel better after helping someone. This place is strange. Dwig walked over to the lobby and sat down "I've barely tapped since I got here." Dwig pushed most of the chairs out of the way "There are so many strange people here. I need to interview them" Dwig's eyes shone with excitement. once all the chairs were out of the way, Dwig traced a symbol in the air and a table coalesced out of mist. The table was covered with sheets of paper and bound books as well as a fine selection of pens and pencils. "Let's get to work" Dwig opened a book and grabbed a pen.
-He slowly opened his eyes. His head and began to grow back and his wounds began to heal. Ovesh winced as his wounds healed. Large wounds and grown a head back was painful but he was used to it. His crystal slowly regain its bright orange glow and his wings healed, scales regrew and his blood flowed like he had never lost a drop. He slowly stood up and looked at his body. He was glad that he was ok but he feared of something worse. His brother. He looked at his two saviors and bowed his heads down to their feet. Praise the elder dragons, Thank you! I am forever in your debut. Please if their is anything you need, please come to me

Captain Sweatpants Captain Sweatpants
Weather Forecast



Fawna heard and felt nothing as she slept, but while people were in the room with her, she sweated and wore an uncomfortable expression. Once Sigzil injected the pain-relief medication, her scrounged up expressed lightened. Finally, she rested more peacefully with a serene face. Many hours later, slowly, her eyes fluttered open and she sat herself up in the bed. She was still in her uniform from yesterday. She doesn't remember any recent events.

As she stood on her hooves, she wobbled a bit at first, but quickly got a hold of herself and went to cleanse herself and find a new pair of clothes. She had a minor headache, but nothing like before. She seemed fine, just on the weaker side. She stepped out of her room and called for Indigo softly. She didn't want to much too much attention to herself.
Celica and Mercury
"Ah! You're all better! Yaatta!" Celica hopped side to side, absolutely giddy "Don't mention it big fella! It was my pleasure!" Celica called joyously, a huge smile spreading across her face "I just happen to be near by so I figured i'd do what I could to help out!" She clapped her hands together, still so proud of herself "If you really want to thank me then you'll keep away from whatever gave ya that nasty infection! It's gotta be pretty serious to have stopped your regeneration!" Zackrilmon Zackrilmon
Indigo Midna
From somewhere else in the hotel, Indigo heard someone softly call her name. In an instant she had vanished from the front desk and appeared at the source of the noise, Miss Mae's room. Indigo bowed her head slightly upon seeing her and asked in a mellow voice "You called miss Mae?" Indigo looked over Fawna, measuring the extent of her injuries. They were most likely non-mortal. Meaning she could recover. Indigo didn't entertain this thought for long. There was always the chance of the opposite, no matter how it seemed at a glance SachiGrl SachiGrl
I need your help please! If i dont find my brothers egg, im dead and this place may be destroyed. -His eyes were filled with panic as he rushed toward the door,his metal claws digging into the floor as he bolted out the door. It was too late. He could already see the clouds beginning to form as he began to fly twoard the source. As he flew he could see the lightning setting the area around the cave on fire. He could feel a strong precence as he neared closer. He landed and a hill and walked closely twoards the cave-
Captain Sweatpants Captain Sweatpants
Dwig looked up "did he just say what a I think he said? I need to go after him." Dwig imdietly became a blur and shot out the door after Ovesh "HEY BIG GUY, WHATS GOING ON HERE" Dwig shouted as he bounded after the hydra and landed next to him
Zackrilmon Zackrilmon



Her ears perked at Indigo's sudden appearance, but her face remained calm. "Wh-what... time is it?" she looked around. The sun was seemingly up. She had her arm's crossed in insecurity from all the confusion. She was hoping Ms. Midna would brief her on the most recent events. Last night, she recalled speaking to Ms. Kassell, but that was also a blur. Suddenly, she felt light headed again and found herself swaying slightly until her body naturally leaned against the wall. "Can you brief me on the most recent events including how I acquired my injury?"
-he stared at the cave as the clouds grew larger- Its a rebirth... -claws dug into the ground as he walked twoard the entrance of the cave his three other heads snarly as they neared closer. Then it happened. The ground shook for a moment then silence- He hatched...prepare yourself -he got into a offensive position and waited-

Moomba Moomba
Dwig held out his hand and summoned his sword "Will he be agresive?" The sword was dangeros looking. Five feet long, with a large crossgaurd and silvery runes down the center.
Indigo Midna
"Certainly Ms.Mae, Yesterday afternoon, a thunderstorm moved in and caused the robotic maids to malfunction as it usually does. After leaving your meeting, you were stuck in the head by a maid carrying a wooden leg and passed out immediately. I noticed a change in your vitals and came to check on you. After finding you in such a condition, I had Mr.Dwig rush you here where that young girl, Natalie I believe her name is, and Dwig's assistant tended to your wounds." Indigo went over everything that had happened since the previous day including any new guests "I trust that will suffice?" Indigo asked when she had finished SachiGrl SachiGrl
Sigzil wandered over then "I'm not Dwig's assistant, I'm his partner. Where is he anyway?"
507 blinked, looking around for indigo before shrugging off and wandering the hotel by himself.

Very. We cant harm him or the rebirth will fail and he'll
die. -Then in a massive explosion of dirt, and obsidian shard, Zackrilmon flew into the air and crashed down, his new form was massive. He was a Shadow Hyrda, the strongest of its kind, its wings blended in with its body so it looked like a snake, he had huge legs and his claws a glowing dark purple. He had six heads, each had oozing purple saliva, dripping from their mouths. Zackrilmon looked at Ovesh, and in an instant takled him at full force, both of them flying backwards into the mountain face, craking the ground in a halfmile radius-

Moomba Moomba
"Damn, I could use some Shardplate about now" Then, peice by peice, glowing slate gray Shardplate appeared on Dwig. "Wonderful, now I can help." Dwig dropped a coin and shot up near one of Zackrilmon's heads. Then he punched the hydra across the face. The blow didn't do much but it did get his attention.
-The two hyrdas where locked onto each other. They slashed at each other leaving a trail of blood wherever they went. Dwig's punch only caught the
attention of the head he punched while the other five fought Ovesh. It was a battle not for the weak stomached. Hyrda heads of both Zackrilmon and Ovesh
lay on the ground, but because of the regenerative ability hydras had, it was no bid deal. Ovesh tried to face the opposite way of the hotel but Zackrilmon
pushed him back. As Ovesh slid back he looked up. Zackrilmon had his heads curled back like a snake ready to strike. Ovesh did the same. With great force,
they both unleashed a massive wall of flame, Zackrilmon's purple and Ovesh's orange. When the flames collided it sent out a shock wave across the ground and in the air.-
Moomba Moomba

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