@Ultimus. Your character. First let me start by saying this is how I would might write the character, and other's advice will be how they would write it. Don't feel you have to take all advice verbatim. Pick the parts that fit with the image you have, and feel free to change anything that doesn't quite mesh. The key phrase to remember is "show, don't tell". As @Saccharine Cyanide suggests, use details from people you know to build your library of expressions, body language etc that convey certain emotions, or personalities. Don't feel you have to copy a person entirely, just pick the parts that work for your character.
You say he's a hard worker, and depending on the kind of work this conjures certain images to my mind. If he works in an office job I see a simple suit, nothing fancy so no pin stripes or glossy sheen. I don't see him wearing a tie, and I see him rolling his sleeves up as a kind of mental preparation. If he's more of a manual worker I see callused hands, sweat on his brow. Either way I don't see them shirking away from hard work, or complaining about it to others.
In either example I imagine someone who strides more than walks. I don't see your character as someone who's indecisive, even if he makes a poor choice. Once he's made it I see him moving quickly to carry out his intended actions. Perhaps without thinking or questioning further, I don't see him as someone who suffers with self-doubt which can be a strength or weakness depending on the situation.
The show don't tell applies to how you describe their appearance too. The no nonsense, hard worker could be lean and sinewy. I'm reminded of my father who is very much this kind of person, and sometimes when he gets involved in a project he forgets to eat. You could go the other way too. Working long hours doesn't leave much time to cook wholesome meals and make you more reliant on junky, convenience food. You say they're athletic so I suspect not this, but depending on their age they could be getting the start of middle aged spread.
I don't imagine a particularly joyful person. He seems like someone who doesn't smile much so I'd describe a face that's pretty wrinkle free (no laughter lines).
The show don't tell can apply to what they say and do too. Rather than tell us that he's irritated by someone making excuses, show us in him cutting them off abruptly or by him simply turning around and walking away. The confidence too. I've already said I see him making a decision and carrying it out. When he speaks I see him stating opinions fairly bluntly, I don't imagine him looking for the opinions of others too often, or liking others disagreeing with him.
Your examples of him feeding animals/doing origami are examples of showing not telling so you're already on the right track. Just trust your readers to pick up the meaning without you having to beat them over the head with explanation and they'll love you for not treating them like idiots.
You say he's a hard worker, and depending on the kind of work this conjures certain images to my mind. If he works in an office job I see a simple suit, nothing fancy so no pin stripes or glossy sheen. I don't see him wearing a tie, and I see him rolling his sleeves up as a kind of mental preparation. If he's more of a manual worker I see callused hands, sweat on his brow. Either way I don't see them shirking away from hard work, or complaining about it to others.
In either example I imagine someone who strides more than walks. I don't see your character as someone who's indecisive, even if he makes a poor choice. Once he's made it I see him moving quickly to carry out his intended actions. Perhaps without thinking or questioning further, I don't see him as someone who suffers with self-doubt which can be a strength or weakness depending on the situation.
The show don't tell applies to how you describe their appearance too. The no nonsense, hard worker could be lean and sinewy. I'm reminded of my father who is very much this kind of person, and sometimes when he gets involved in a project he forgets to eat. You could go the other way too. Working long hours doesn't leave much time to cook wholesome meals and make you more reliant on junky, convenience food. You say they're athletic so I suspect not this, but depending on their age they could be getting the start of middle aged spread.
I don't imagine a particularly joyful person. He seems like someone who doesn't smile much so I'd describe a face that's pretty wrinkle free (no laughter lines).
The show don't tell can apply to what they say and do too. Rather than tell us that he's irritated by someone making excuses, show us in him cutting them off abruptly or by him simply turning around and walking away. The confidence too. I've already said I see him making a decision and carrying it out. When he speaks I see him stating opinions fairly bluntly, I don't imagine him looking for the opinions of others too often, or liking others disagreeing with him.
Your examples of him feeding animals/doing origami are examples of showing not telling so you're already on the right track. Just trust your readers to pick up the meaning without you having to beat them over the head with explanation and they'll love you for not treating them like idiots.