Wandering Fae
Zona watched as Alex began trying to track, seemingly bummed that he wasn't getting it right away. She blushed a little, flattered that he thought so highly of her experience but she wasn't sure if all of it was warranted, maybe she just wasn't used to having people around to praise her for things. She pointed to a tree with scratches on it left by blood beasts to mark their territory and walked up to it "It's fine, you'll get it." She said, placing her hand on his shoulder reassuringly, confident that her words were true and that he would get the hang of things eventually. She then started looking for more tracks and she could see some flower petals on the ground smooshed in the shape of prints that she pointed out to him just so he could get familiar with what he should look for when searching or, things to recognize to know they either are or have been in the area. Given how these flower petals seemingly fell almost constantly like light continuous snowfall. If she could still see the print on top of the petals then it means they had been there not too long ago.
"They were here recently it would seem. We should find them soon. Course there is a way to bring a blood beast to you if you don't want to go through the hassle of tracking them down. Blood beasts have that name for a reason, two reasons actually. The first being that they aren't...technically carnivores they're hematophages meaning they consume blood as a source of food. In simple terms they're vampiric. Of course, that won't stop them from trying to tear you apart to get to it. But I digress, the second reason is because they can smell blood from up to a quarter-mile away, the closer the blood is the stronger it smells to them, so you could use blood to draw them in." She explained "Of course this has drawbacks, for one depending on where you get the blood you kind of lose the element of surprise, I mean only if you're hardcore and use your own blood to draw them in. Then if they've already eaten their fill they might not even bother to show up, bringing me to the last drawback, having to wait for them to show up. That being said it's a completely valid option." She said seeing more tracks ahead and a few broken branches on the forest floor before showing them to him.