
"You better not have any plans for doing that, I swear to God......"

She grumbled, following him outside the transport. Selina's mind found it observing the position he had previously held, tall, leaning against the elevator doors. Something was off about him, she just couldn't quite put her finger on it. With his breathy laugh and deeply set eyes, he displayed a perplexing example of a peculiar type of person.

What were his motives?

What was he to gain from this?

There had to be SOMETHING. Otherwise, why would he be so casual about it?

“Are you alright?”

Selina chose to ignore his question, instead exiting that metal deathtrap the moment it opened. She couldn't help but wonder how he would really react when the entire situation developed further. Isaak seemed so....so.....not carefree, that was an incorrect term.

More like he was......

Well, accepting it.

It was still hard to believe she would now have to move her operations to Russia, of all places. How that would work out with her superiors was beyond her.

“I’ll pass to you.”

She vented a tiny sigh, looking over to the dark-haired registry officer. The female was giving Isaak a funny look, as though she was surprised but not surprised to see him.

"Selina. Selina Adare." Her name was repeated by the girl as she set it into her holographic files. Batting her eyelashes, she then turned to the Russian once more. With a smile, she entered his name as well as proceeded to recover two separate chips from the monitor itself. However, Selina caught a disgusted glance from the officer.

Great, even the officials at the register were against "mixed-relations". Not that she really cared, but Selina still found it obnoxious to be looked down as a commoner. In fact it made her furious. But she just swallowed her pride and kept a straight face as she was handed the small device. As she had practiced before, the girl then clipped it onto the back of her collar with a pained look in her eyes and the clenching of her jaws. With a tiny, significant beep, it latched onto the bands. The officer offered Isaak his, one of the exact same form, holding it out with her hand.
It was awfully quiet on his way towards the HQ, but Josef didn't mind it, nor did he try to look back. He was pretty sure the tall woman was still following him around, staring at everything and everyone as they go. He got the impression that she was "new" to the area, since he saw her unusually ecstatic atmosphere in the balcony. As he walked past the front door, the scent of meat invaded his nostrils, as well as that of a fruity smell.

Are they having a party or something?

"Hey Joe! Come join us! Liza did something very feminine for the first time and cooked us some meat!" Mak was laughing along with the crew, while stuffing food in his mouth in lightning speed. At the very center of the station was a huge, wooden table that they must have lifted from the office. On it were a jumbled mess of plastic cups, soiled napkins, half empty paper plates, bowls of sliced pineapples, junk food, and a huge, steamy platter of grilled meat. Josef's stomach grumbled quietly as he took a seat and began helping himself to officer Liza's cooking.

"So Joe," Mak said between mouthfuls of pineapple, "wadduyou get?" Josef stared at Markus, unsure of whether to answer him or not. "Ya gatta mermaid, a fish, a loose collar, or a tight one?" Mak continued, unaware that Josef had never heard of those terms before in his life. Keichi, upon witnessing Josef's puzzled gaze, cleared his throat and smacked Mak on the head. "Baka. Only perverted people like you can understand that," Keichi replied. "He meant mermaid if you got a girl with a pretty face, but the body isn't too attractive, or vice versa for a fish. A loose collar if she's perfect, and a tight one if she's not." Josef nodded his head slowly upon each explanation, currently wondering why on earth did Mak make that kind of classification. "Oh really now Kei? Perverted you say? Then how did you know all about that?" Markus countered with a triumphant grin. Keichi simply shook his head, not willing to explain that all Mak ever talked about are of girls and their classification for a dozen times.

"Mak here got what he wanted and so did I," Keichi added, hoping to end the topic, but Markus would have none of it. "How about you Joe? What did you get?" Josef simply shook his head and refilled his plate. "Why don't you go see for yourself?" He replied in a defeated tone. Markus quickly hopped on his feet and dashed towards the entrance. After a few minutes, he returned with a puzzled expression on his face. "What? No insults?" Josef asked quietly. Markus simply shook his head. "There's no one there."


Where the hell is she?

Josef ran through the streets, retracing his steps from earlier. Where did she go off to? Surely, she wouldn't be too hard to miss because of her massive height, but looking around, he can't see her blonde hair anywhere. He simply decided to go back to the Love Harvest, just in time to see Gloria's weeping form. Josef stopped on his tracks, and let out his breath that he didn't even know he was holding. As he walked closer to her, he can hear her mumble about something, as she stood up and wiped her tears.

"Hey wait," he called out, just after a hovercraft settled down in front of Gloria.

"She's coming with me."

Grabbing her hand for the second time, he pulled her away from the vehicle. "Look, I'm... I'm sorry okay?" Josef averted his eyes and began rubbing the back of his neck, as his usual self when trying to apologize for something he'd done. "Whatever I did, I didn't mean it. I'll make it up to you. If you want anything, just ask, and I'll do it." Bargaining wasn't one of his most favorite things to do, but he doesn't want to look like a jerk in front of her, especially out in the open. He waited for Gloria to settle down, standing there awkwardly while people pass by.
After a few tries, a hovercraft finally settled down for Gloria. Looking up, Gloria gave the hovercraft driver a sad smile and was about to step into the hovercraft when-

"Hey wait," Josef called out, just after a hovercraft settled down in front of Gloria. "She's coming with me."

Gloria watched in shock as he grabbed her hand and pulled her away from the vehicle. "Look, I'm... I'm sorry okay?" Gloria stared down at the man, still trying to process what was happening in her brain. Whatever I did, I didn't mean it. I'll make it up to you. If you want anything, just ask, and I'll do it."

Hearing the man say what he just said made Gloria begin to cry again. Wrapping her arms around Josef, Gloria held her partner in a tight hug. "You didn't do anything." Gloria's tears fell from her face and onto the ground, narrowly missing Josef.

"He actually came back for me." Gloria didn't know why she was crying and let go of Josef, quickly wiping away her tears, remembering that Josef told her not to cry. "I'm sorry. I didn't know you had left." Gloria bowed her head, a small frown formed on her lips.

Gloria looked at the man and decided to be bold. "Hold my hand," Gloria said with a bright smile, her eyes still red from crying. "Please?"

Gloria wanted to walk away from the Love Harvest holding her partners hand, just like everyone else did. Call her a hopeless romantic, but that's what Gloria really wanted. Not a kiss. Not an apology. Just for someone to hold her hand.

Holding her hand out to Josef, Gloria gave him a pleading look, sticking out her bottom lip a little. Taking Josef's hand in her own, Gloria began swinging them back and forth, a cheerful smile on her face.

Looking up at the skies, Gloria thanked the heavens. "Thank you, maman.." Gloria let one more tears escape from her eyes. "Thank you for bringing me the sweet man next to me." Gloria wiped her tear with her free hand and glanced down at Josef.

"If I may ask," Gloria inquired politely. "Where are we going?" Were they going home like what happens after the Love Harvest? Usually the woman comes to live with the man after meeting each other. "Wait. That means I won't be going home to papa..." Gloria frowned. "I didn't even say goodbye to him." Sure, her father may have wanted Gloria to be something else, but he still showed love to her, and Gloria still loved her father back. "Maybe...I'll get to see him one day." Gloria thought positively. "After all, I will be inheriting the company soon."

Gloria glanced down at Josef with a tiny smile on her face. Leaning down, Gloria place a small kiss on Josef's cheek. "Thank you." Gloria's cheeks were dusted over with a light pink blush as she pulled away from the man and stood up properly.

They were an odd couple. The man was only up to the woman's chin. And they were holding hands. Somehow, the onlookers found it a little cute and secretly wished the couple a good future.
From a bird's eye-view it was a bizarre spectacle. Beneath the cathedral style structure known as Capital city, an organize river of people proceed in a uniform stride.Suddenly, the blind beckoning of their collars disperse the groups in a thronging free for all. To Victor he was outside of himself as he was highly amused by the spectacle.

In fact he somewhat smirks to himself while witnessing a young female magically fall over nothing while landing in the arms of a stranger and bashfully apologize. without warning, Victor's collar buzzes and vibrates like a high powered dental drill shaking up his very core, the alarm is set in sync with the female who just landed in the arms of the stranger, and she is approaching in his direction. "Oh, this is rich!" Victor thinks to himself as he devises a plan to tease his future espoused.

The female looks up at Victor meekly while sticking her hand out in a warm gesture stating her name clearly as "Elizabeth". The males posture is that of a straight forward power stance a little more then shoulder width apart. He stands a bit askew to the female with his finger's compressed together palms apart. Strands of disheveled locks frame Victor's face, he raises a single sharp eyebrow. During this simultaneous occurrence, the males eyes pierce sharply into Elizabeth. His lips are pursed and to one side in a haughty display of suspicion. "MMhmm.." Responds Victor deliberately and slowly as his glance trails to the other male she had earlier ran into...then Victor continues his response, "Are you sure you got the right guy this time? or perhaps you ran into him on purpose so you could avoid being with me?" Victor looks away slowly with his forefinger and thumb cupping his chin in a thinking manner, then just as slowly as he looked away he looks back at her with a devilish half-smirk as if to say "I got you!"

His eyes flash with specks of caramel gold and mischief as he clasps Elizabeth's out stretched fingers gently in his palm with his thumb tracing across her knuckles. He flips her hands palm down, and in a partial genuflect with his left knee up, and his right folding behind him he lowers himself to her eye level and slowly raise s her knuckles to his lips. With the warmth of his breath on the back of her hand he again flashes the same devilish smile "I am Victor Fortescue, my lovely Mrs. Elizabeth Fortescue. You should know, Elizabeth that no matter what difficulties you once had; the Fortescue family heritage and crest commands affluence, influence and power over many social circles. Just as you now do as one of us." he slowly lowers his lips to her knuckles savoring what seems to be a timeless moment.

"Now let us get registered, for the day is yet early and the night holds it's own enchantments... I must first ask is their family you have in the immediate vicinity that you should wish to invite to our reception? if so let me know so that I can arrange to have them picked up and chauffeured to our reception and dinner tomorrow evening. I just need a number, for room, dinner supplies and also if they should need clothing attire...I know this is a bit abrupt, but don't fear, if your folks or dearly beloved should not make the first event...I have another planned before the end of the month...Before our honeymoon...or our vacation if it is more comfortable for you to look at it in that manner." states Victor in a matter of fact tone.
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Isaak’s eyes had caught her staring at him with a confused glance, like he was a puzzle she just couldn’t figure out. He hadn’t ever really thought of himself as a complex guy. Just a simple guy, with simple motives… right?

He shrugged off his own confusion as well as hers. It didn’t really matter, after all. He met her gaze with a smirk of sorts. She was a strange girl, true, but he found her relatable, really. He felt like was like seeing himself from years ago, but more intuitive, more sure, more engaged and a hell of a lot better looking. Or perhaps that last bit was just from the chemicals? Granted, she had more of a shield. But do I have a shield now? He found himself suddenly asking.

A loud whirr of the elevator heading down to get another couple jolted him into being attentive. Now, more focused, Isaak’s eyes flickered between the two girls as he listened to his partner’s name. Selena Adare.

Isaak’s brow furrowed as he began thinking aloud.

“Adare? That’s Irish, if I’m not mistaken. I’ve not heard it many times. I know of one more.” He thought back to the upperclass man he’d only really heard the name of.

“It could be common in America.”

Isaak glanced at the holographic file with curiosity and slight fear. Out of the corner of his eyes, he caught the officer trying to show off the feminine charms that she mostly lacked. He also saw a glare from the girl aimed towards Selina, yet he wasn’t faced towards the officer enough to really tell whether it was just a play of his eyes. Isaak supposed he’d give her benefit of the doubt, really. Still, he thought with a smirk, the timing would be perfect. He knew he’d have to show his partner that he could lie eventually. After all, he doubted he’d ever have to really use it in front of her, but it was something she should know about. Doing that could either make her doubt everything he’d ever said, or trust him more for letting her know he had the ability. Really, it was better not to leave her in the dark, even if he would hate him. Better here than in Russia, where everyone knew everyone.

He took the chip, feigning curiosity.

“Why didn’t you ask my name too?”

The officer looked rather confused at the question, fidgeting awkwardly. Was she supposed to say that she knew him already?

“B-Because I knew…” She trailed off into a mumble.

“And you didn’t know Selina?” He asked, eyes widening.

The officer shook her head, panicking somewhat. Wasn’t the girl just a commoner?

Isaak then displayed expressions from the range of shock into doubt, and used the body language his father had taught him for similar lies. He hadn’t thought as far as to how she’d be famous or important, so he stalled by repeating her name several times and asking the girl if she was sure she’d never heard of Selina. The officer was looking terrified of the possibility of upsetting someone important. Oh, I’ve gat it! Thought Isaak finally. He took in the officer, and based on her age and position, guessed she was new to the job. He could use that.

“The higher ups haven’t told you about the social relations program? Deputies are sent in to large social situations to report of any misconduct or unprofessional behavior between social classes. The program’s slogan is,‘Breaking the Social Barrier and Uniting the Peoples’. It’s meant to make sure each person is being respectful, and is targeted on making sure that the higher class doesn’t discriminate against the lower class, and punish those who do.”

Isaak turned and gestured to Selina.

“She’s a now mostly retired deputy. Her identity recently got out, so this is her last mission. She’s gotten plenty of reports, seeing how today is such a big event and people are still being disrespectful. Oh well, they’ll get their just punishment. Anyways, I’m sorry for blabbering. I’m quite shocked an official hasn’t heard about the most famous deputy!”

Isaak put the chip in, and cringed from the shock, but he could see how horrified the officer was. He supposed she’d already broken plenty of ‘rules’. He motioned for Selina to leave with him, smirking at her once out of range of the officer, to show he hadn’t believe a thing he’d said.
Watching the male's face attentively, Elizabeth felt a bit uneasy the way he looked down to her. Was he already judging her by her appearance? Was he already disgusted with her compare to the rest of the statuesque beauties he could have been with instead? She briefly followed her gaze towards the other guy that she clumsily landed on. "Oh! No, no! I'm just really clumsy and-." She quickly objected and tried to explain to him before seeing his smirk. She blinked in confusion before realizing that he was poking fun at her.

Elizabeth didn't find it amusing to play with her nerves but she couldn't let that deemed her thoughts as he took her hand so graciously, his eyes sparkling towards her as he plays off the smirk that he gave her just a moment ago. She felt mesmerized by his charms for only a moment before he introduced himself. She knew who he was, who his family was as well, but she didn't let that get to her, yet. She curtsied as his warm, soft lips caressed her knuckled ever so delicately. "It's very nice to meet you, Mr. Victor Fortescue." She said, her voice soft and gentle.

As he began to talk about their upcoming life together, she listened with as much attention as she could, but her head only spun. "Uh... Yes. My family is currently staying somewhere close to here ." She responded to him about her family wise, but she didn't know what she really wanted to call the 'honeymoon' yet. She didn't know much about him, but he seemed kind enough, aside from his jester acts.
Victor's personality was anything but simple, his plan was to marry whoever the Harvest paired him with and obtain the loan that his father promised at the moment of his marriage. After rebuilding his crime business he was planning to file for Initiative 969, this was a little known exempt protocol that required two individuals of a failing union to partake of a "Reformation training".

You see in 2439 CE there was no longer an aspect of 'separation' and 'divorce' entitlements such as that held in traditional marriage. Instead the reformation program was a grueling battery of 'mental' and 'physical' tests that required both couples to solve problems in an isolated colony simulation. This option was a crazy alternative to obtain annulment just so a couple could disband. Only by failing the simulation was there allowance for a divorce penalty fine; this fine did not include alimony payments which required that the supporting spouse to pay half of the other spouse their estate and earnings. After which both spouses would have to re-file for another 'Love Harvest' pairing. In this way the protocol 14.5 had all but eliminated the legal option of divorce with an impressive .02% divorce rate and declining.

The simulation was designed to reflect an individual's own short-comings, showing that divorce was a product of two people's failure instead singling out a person. It was also normally full-proof, as when a person reflected on their own short coming it reflected that these traits would carry into a second failing marriage chosen by the harvest. Since Victor's father was a genetisits on the sydicate's board, Victor had privilege access to the 'Reformation programs' files by illegal means.

With the right influence he could manipulate and coach his new spouse into beating the program. Except William, 'Victor's father' was keen to Victor's plan, and set the loan payments in a series of installments on five provision's being met by Victor. The first provision had two parts which included meeting Victor's new spouse and her family. No Victor was indeed anything but simple, although his character was far from the same character as his father's they shared one thing, they where both intellectual competitors. There was another facet about Elizabeth, that intrigued Victor.

A facet that was hardwired into his psyche, at the moment of seeing her approach him, a wave of lost emotions washed over Victor. Although Elizabeth had never met Victor before the 'Harvest' there is a deep seated familiarity about her that played havoc with his emotions. This enigma was one for Elizabeth to unravel dealing with the Fortescue past.

Victor took a mental note at Elizabeth's irritation to his prank, it was a mental assessment on the female to test her stress coping abilities, as well as how she reacted to his confrontation. He made a note of how passive she was and coercion would work better as a mentor to student situation instead of bringing out action by confrontation. This dark form of psychology was one that would be employed more by a sociopath instead of a clinical psychologist. At the same time Elizabeth's youth and innocence brought out a deep seated passion with in Victor, she was very different from the women he had met in his underground world. 
Snapping back to the present Victor responds to Elizabeth's last statement, "Very well, I shall make arrangements for your family right away."

Holding his right elbow out for Elizabeth to grab on to "Shall we?",Victor turns his head motioning towards the elevator capsules and leads his new spouse to the West registry. The probe that he leads her to says 'clearance required' in which the familiar grid type of scanner, creates a light web over Victor's full body and retina.

A virtual voice attends to Victor's presence, "Good afternoon, Victor Fortescue." in which the male responds promptly, "Declaration; Victor Fortescue plus one, Mrs. Elizabeth Fortescue, spouse, to immediate memory upon declaration."

The same web scanner creates a telemtry reading over Elizabeth, and responds, "Welcome Elizabeth Fortescue, clearance admittance final, future admittance final. Enjoy your transport."

Upon entering the capsule there is a cylindrical device in the center from the floor to the capsule ceiling, including aligned ion form fitting, memory cushions and a vending machine.

Victor smiles warmly while giving an informative speech, "This is not a privileged transport, Mrs. Fortescue, merely a prototype. Soon all of the transports shall be like this one Elizabeth. The device in the center creates an inertia field that prevents motion sickness by working against G-forces (Gravitational pull). Part of the reason all capsules are not like this one in Capital city yet is due to the fact that tests have proven that the inertia field affects blood pressure.

Symptoms include dizziness, passing out, to outright embolism or stroke, so you cans see how it could be dangerous to the elderly. The syndicates are installing health diagnostics programs to ensure safety for the public and preventing complications. Many people use the term elevator, when in truth these capsules use electromagnetic propulsion. With the correct oscillation beacons these transports may even move sideways on any predesignated track..."

Victor listening to himself decides to change the subject as he is even starting to bore himself.

"Have you eaten yet? I tell you what when we are finished registering, I know of this nice place a few quadrants down by public transport. They serve espresso, Italian sodas and the best homemade ice creams. They are a split shop that features a Ramen Bento bar with Mongolian style toppings, for whatever you want on your Ramen."
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“Adare? That’s Irish, if I’m not mistaken. I’ve not heard it many times. I know of one more.” He thought back to the upperclass man he’d only really heard the name of.

“It could be common in America.”

Her gaze alligned with Isaak's toward the holographic file, noting his expression of curiosity and potential fear. He was correct about that, her last name did have Irish decent. She couldn't help but notice his sideways glance to the very same oficer who had provided Selina one seconds before. What happened next, however, completely surprised her. Like she had before him, Isaak took the chip.

“Why didn’t you ask my name too?”

The officer appeard to be perplexed by the inquiry, making awkward motions in accordance. Selina raised a brow. Wasn't it obvious? She already knew who he was. But, then again, maybe he just enjoyed toying with this female. That would be.....unexpected, to say in the least. Selina hadn't pegged him to be the manipulative type. Still, the girl wanted to see how this would play out.

“B-Because I knew…” The female trailed off into a soft, muttering tone.

“And you didn’t know Selina?” He asked in return, taking on a wide-eyed expression. What was he playing at?

The officer shook her head, clearly distraught.

Isaak then displayed expressions from the range of shock into doubt, and was using skillful motions within his movements. For some reason, he continually repeated Selina's name followed by inquiry regarding her position. The officer was began taking on a look of absolute horror. Odd. Odd. Odd.

“The higher ups haven’t told you about the social relations program? Deputies are sent in to large social situations to report of any misconduct or unprofessional behavior between social classes. The program’s slogan is,‘Breaking the Social Barrier and Uniting the Peoples’. It’s meant to make sure each person is being respectful, and is targeted on making sure that the higher class doesn’t discriminate against the lower class, and punish those who do.”

Isaak turned and gestured to Selina. She only furrowed her brows, drumming her fingers across her elbow.

“She’s a now mostly retired deputy. Her identity recently got out, so this is her last mission. She’s gotten plenty of reports, seeing how today is such a big event and people are still being disrespectful. Oh well, they’ll get their just punishment. Anyways, I’m sorry for blabbering. I’m quite shocked an official hasn’t heard about the most famous deputy!”

.......This could be a respondent of one of three things:

A: He was so embarrassed at the thought of having a lowly commoner for a partner, he felt the sudden impulse to express an intricately placed, though absurd, lie.

B: He was a show off.

C: It was a combination of the options listed above.

She would put her money on C.

But even so, she hated to admit the fact was the was impressed. His ability to simply create such an avid form of dishonesty that quickly was truly an admirable trait. Well, it would be, if he wasn't in the Upper Class. That tone to a personality on a person with such power was a dangerous thing. Selina immediately knew that she must tread with caution. Yet the big thing was, despite all this......what past or current experiences caused Isaak to require such a skill?

Her partner then turned away, providing a motion to follow directly ater he added his own chip. He smirked that clever smirk of his.

She frowned.

"I didn't need you to do that for me, you know. Save your breath next time, alright? You aren't required to have my back, silver tongue." Selina grumbeled in aggitation, her voice soft enough to go unheard by the ears of the officer behind them but loud enough for the Russian to hear. They would now have to once again proceed to those accursed elevators. She nearly shuddered at the thought of getting into the confined space with him once again, even with this tiny shadow of intriguement that had sparked into her mind.

((Late post is late! I thought I had replied earlier, jeez, I'm so sorry. By the way, I had the diea that their would be a government funded "masquerade ball" to celebrate the Love Harvest the next day. You guys up for that?))
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OOT(((Sorry guys, I was gone for over a week on an island with little internet. I was only able to get on for 5 minutes. Will type up the post now))
Isaak cringed. She certainly didn’t look pleased. He slowly shook his head, brows furrowing and his smile shorting to only a small hint. He took one large step back, folding his arm neatly across themselves. Really now, he had many reasons for doing that.

Net, Net, such a cold glare makes me shiver like I’m back at home! I did what I did for a number of reasons. First off, I didn’t know how she was acting to you and what a way to know! She won’t be rude to anyone else, now, will she? Secondly, I had to show that I can lie, but away from home, where no one will get hurt.”

He gestured outwards to the officer, who was moving mechanically as she registered lowerclass people, occasionally looking up at them. Isaak shrugged it off. True, finding a middle ground was ideal, but better that than looking down at them. He had noticed that the lowerclass and upperclass looked down on one another. He didn’t really get it.

When he was younger, he had always wanted desperately to be as classy as the upperclass. But once he found his way into the upperclass, he’d made a realization. Someone’s gender, age, social status, race, job, whatever, didn’t matter. Everyone was just people. People naturally were all afraid of the same things; all indulged in the same joys, all thought the same way, and felt the same way. Isaak could have easily had the same personality and thought the same thoughts as this girl under the right circumstances.

To him, it didn’t really matter. Everyone had the same wiring in their blood when you got down to it, and every person could easily have turned out to be just like any other person. So why be harsh and judgmental to himself? People were a self-preserving species, and in the end, it was human nature to make more friends than enemies. Isaak had figured he should take advantage of that, and make all the friends he could in the short life he had.

Isaak reached out his hand to grab Selina by the wrist, but stopped midway, remembering her request. He’d have to respect that one, as much as he was drawn to her. Isaak’s boots clicked a few steps on the tile floor as he leaned against a wall and looked over at Selina with his dark, chocolate eyes.

“Hey,” His husky voice spoke, “We can go when you want to.”

He closed his eyes, waiting until she was ready. He was tired from all this. The time change as well as the overwhelming difference in atmosphere and the amount of people was exhausting. He would probably sit there, having a quick rest right up until he had to bolt to Selina behind closing elevator doors.

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