• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Realistic or Modern till death | applications



you’ve got me by the skin and bones

till death


application info.

full name.
date of birth.
date of death. (the dead)

distinguishing features.
faceclaim. (realistic only please)

vices. (5+)
virtues. (5+)
likes. (5+)
dislikes. (5+)

history. (2+ paragraphs)
how did they die? (the dead)
what is keeping them from moving on? (the dead)


the living


the living are quite literally the lifeblood of faywater. they keep the town moving and alive. they are integral to faywater. without them, the spirits would just be stuck. are they a resident of faywater? or just a tourist passing through? certainly everyone is welcome in faywater.

the dead


these are the unfortunate souls who find themselves stuck in faywater for one reason or another. maybe they have a message they need to pass along or maybe it’s a little more complicated than that. either way, they’re here and they’re not going anywhere anytime soon. their lives were cut short and some may find this to be a tough pill to swallow. and some may even stick around after they’ve done what they needed to do because they like it. they’re just as varied and vibrant as the living that inhabit faywater.

extra information.

application due date: march 23rd!

a few reminders: coding is nice, but applications do not need to be coded. once the due date passes. accepted characters will receive a pm from one of us. each player is allowed up to two characters, but only one dead and one living. please let us know if you have any questions!

♡coded by uxie♡
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no, i'm not afraid to disappear
the billboard said, "the end is near"

phoebe bridgers

the dead

佃 里奈

full name

rina tsukuda






january 12, 1976


july 23, 1998





i know the end

phoebe bridgers






127 lbs

hair c.


eye c.



ear piercings


face full of freckles


serena motola




impulsive, nosy, vengeful, blunt, impatient


creative, adventurous, tenacious, loyal, neat


film photography, lily of the valley, trying new things, astrology, movies, plants, looking at her family’s social media accounts, the beach, loud music, cute animals


dumb people, silence, not being able to talk to her family, pigeons, country music, the woods, velvety fabrics, stormy days, liars, flies


her family never getting closure, her landlord getting away with it, and honestly, pigeons


cracks her knuckles, furrows her brows when concentrating



rina was the second of three children born to taro and naomi tsukuda, japanese immigrants. rina had never minded being a middle child. maybe that's because rina was ten years younger than her, so she had her fill of being the baby, or maybe she was just happy to be an older sister. either way, she never felt ignored or forgotten.

rina was a very easygoing child. she seemed to just go with the flow and took all setbacks and changes in stride without complaint. she was quiet, but found a small, but solid group of friends that she would keep until the day she died. the three sisters were close, though that didn’t mean there weren’t screaming matches and conflict. many stemmed from the fact that hana had to share her room while her older sister had her own. hana would end up climbing into rina’s bed at night, which would drive her nuts (though now, she’d give anything to have that again).

rina didn’t have much motivation in school. she passed her classes, but she wasn’t earning stellar grades. she’d much prefer to spend her time at the skate park rather than studying. she wasn’t in a rush to figure out her life and go to college. she was young and assumed she had plenty of time for that. instead of college, she worked. her friend group was a mix of people, two of which did the same as her, so she wasn’t left behind.

rina was hoping to make her own name in the world of photography. she and her best friend decided to “find themselves” and moved out on their own, to the other side of the country. rina took a job as a bartender and her roommate was a barista. the two got by just fine.

it was a stormy night towards the end of july 1998 when everything went wrong. rina never came home from work. her roommate was worried because this wasn’t like her, but it was terrible weather and the pair didn’t have cell phones, so maybe she was just caught up waiting for the storm to pass. rina did walk to and from work, so it would make sense to avoid the weather. but when rina wasn’t home the next morning, her roommate knew something was wrong.

she called the bar rina worked at to ask about her. her stomach dropped when they had said rina left on time the night before, walking home like she usually had. she knew something happened. by the end of the night, her roommate filed a missing person’s report and rina’s family was on their way. despite several searches and an investigation, nothing turned up and the case went cold. to this day, rina is still considered missing.

rina is dead. she died that night and her body was dumped who-knows-where. since then, she’s been stuck. and she’s angry. angry that her life was cut short. angry that her murderer walks free. angry that she couldn’t make it back home for her little sister’s birthday. angry that nobody knows what happened to her except for her and her landlord.





naomi tsukuda

rina and her mother had a good relationship, though it could occasionally get tense. naomi worried about rina's direction in life, wanting her to have at least gone to college for photography rather than trying to make it on her own.

taro tsukuda

rina and her father were two peas in a pod. they were always joking and laughing together. taro always supported rina's plans, even though he worried just as much as her mother

miki tsukuda

rina and miki were typical sisters. they would tell each other everything and have each other's backs no matter what. however, they had their fair share of arguments and screaming matches. they'd steal each others clothes and makeup. but at the end of they day they were best friends.

hana tsukuda

hana is the baby of the family. rina always looked out for her baby sister and hana looked up to both of her older sisters, wanting to be just like them.




"i was murdered by my goddamn landlord of all people. he apparently was following me home from work. it was absolutely pouring and he offered me a ride. i was a moron and accepted it. in my defense, he shouldn't have been a murderer. i kind of knew who he was, so i thought it'd be okay. turns out i was wrong. i won't go too much into detail because i don't remember most of it. when i realized we weren't heading towards my place, he knocked me unconscious and i remember waking up at his house. from there, it all gets a bit fuzzy. i don't even know what he did with my body. nobody ever suspected him. the most fucked up thing is that i'm not even the only one he's killed and he's living a totally normal life. well, as normal as it can get for a murderer."


"sweet, sweet revenge. that asshole can continue on with his life like nothing happened when i miss out on everything? absolutely not. not to mention the pain my family has because they have no idea what happened to me. i'm not moving on until my body is found and that asshole pays for what he did. i don't know when or even how, but i want to personally get my revenge. aren't ghosts supposed to haunt people? why can't i do that?"

♡coded by uxie♡
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the world is full of magic things, patiently waiting for our senses to grow sharper.

w.b. yeats

the living


full name

cleo summers






october 31, 2002






z berg






135 lbs

hair c.


eye c.



one on her temple
from a car accident


ear piercings


curly mop of hair


caroline reuter




stubborn, emotional, spacey, picky, shy


warm, genuine, intuitive, responsible, selfless


warm blankets, hot tea, dried flowers, romance novels, candles, stargazing, tarot cards, peaches, journaling, fairy lights


the winter, spicy food, coffee, loud noises, being cold, phone calls, bad hair days, cinnamon gum, the dark, close minded people


the dark, claustrophobic, driving in wintery weather


bites lip, twists rings on her fingers, twirls her curls around her fingers



cleo summers is the only descendent of the original faywater witches that still live in faywater. her maternal ancestry can be tied to faywater all the way until her family came from europe. she grew up on stories that have been passed down from generation to generation. ones of magic and triumph. and they are all true. of course, they're all just stories now. the ability to practice magic as the original faywater witches did has died out in the generations since they have been gone, though the reverence and belief remain. now it's limited to tarot cards and the like. but, that doesn't matter to cleo. it's all in her blood and she will carry out those practices throughout the rest of her life.

cleo's story begins with maxwell and prudence summers. maxwell was a tourist from michigan that met prue on his vacation and he never left. prue says it was love at first sight, one of the most powerful forms of magic. they married four months after they met and moved in to an adorable cottage. on halloween of the next year, they welcomed cleo. they were smitten. it's truly unfair what happened next.

it was the first week of the new year and the summers were in michigan to visit maxwell's family. the family of three was on their way back from dinner with maxwell's sister when they hit a patch of ice. it was impossible to know it was there. the car skid and collided with a tree. maxwell died on impact. prudence had a broken arm and collarbone, but she was sure to make a full recovery. baby cleo was unharmed save for a cut on her temple, presumably from some sort of glass or debris. the most unfortunate thing of all was that the accident didn't happen in faywater, so prudence and cleo would have to wait to see maxwell again until they were gone themselves.

upon returning to faywater, athena, prudence's mother, moved into the cottage to help take care of cleo. cleo has no memory of her father, only being a few months old when the accident happened. the only reminder of the accident for her was the scar that lived on her temple. she's heard all the stories and it feels like she knows her father, but no matter how hard she tries, she cannot picture him in her head. she would have done anything for just a simple memory of him. a memory of her own because she has more than enough of everyone else's.

cleo, prudence, and athena are all considered a bit odd by the rest of the town. they take the stories seriously. they know the truth about faywater and its inhabitants. it's not just woo-woo nonsense to them. it is their history. however, the tourists love them. they own a witch shop that sells everything one needs to practice magic (or what's left of magic). both athena and prudence conduct readings for clients with tarot cards, palm reading, and tea leaves. they will go over your birth chart with you. the cat's eye is the place that keeps faywater's magical history alive.

cleo helps take care of the shop and will one day take it over once her grandmother and mother retire. she cares quite a bit about it and spends a good portion of her free time there making sure everything is running smoothly. she is rather forgiving of skeptics, but she will not accept people telling her that magic and her own history are fake.





prudence summers

prudence is cleo's rock. she always looks to her mother for guidance and support. when cleo is upset, prudence is often the first to notice and always brings her a cup of tea and a listening ear.

athena farwick

cleo is very close with her grandmother. athena is someone cleo looks up to and hopes she turns out half as wonderful as she is.




✿ collects candles, tarot decks, and rocks
✿ wears multiple rings
✿ dries out every flower she is given
✿ likes to do tarot readings for friends
✿ on clear nights, cleo likes to stargaze on the beach

♡coded by uxie♡
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the sun is.
full name. indra sage deva
nickname(s). dray, sage
age. twenty-one
date of birth. september eleventh
date of death. n/a
gender. cis-female (she/her)
sexuality. bisexual
role. the living

height. five foot six
hair. black
eyes. hazel
scars. has several small scars along her shoulders and thighs but nothing to note of. they're just from growing up
mods. has her ears pierced. but wants to get a tattoo at some point!
distinguishing features. countless of freckles, sharp jaw, pretty nose, contagious smile
faceclaim. tashi rodriguez

vices. selfish, jealousy, reckless, childish, impatient
virtues. courageous, truthful, caring, enthusiastic, creative
likes. late night, early mornings, all kinds of food, coffee, listening to a good playlist, reading
dislikes. boring people, freezing temps, soggy bread, chipped nail-polish, romantic movies
habits. picks at her nail-polish, chews on her bottom lip, stealing food from friends, drawing on herself
fears. dying alone, for someone to hate her, to be unloved

indra has had an easy, simple life. always living in faywater, she has grown up as the third oldest of a family of eight. so they are very well known. whether that's a good thing or not, that's for you to decide. the house is always crazy but that didn't stop her from having fun herself. she was constantly getting into some kind of trouble. always running around and pulling little pranks that caused no harm. she simply did it to make everyone laugh. she gets along with all of her siblings besides the oldest. not that they dislike each other, they just do not share the same opinions. her parents are the kindest beings on this planet and would simply do anything for any of their children. any friend indra brought home were considered to be family as well. which, she had plenty of friends. she was okay in school, did her homework when she needed to raise her grades. growing up in faywater, she has grown to love the beach. if she is not causing trouble in town, she's found soaking up the sun on the sand or playing on the pier. living to her wild card nature, she's probably had a "warning" or two about sneaking into places she shouldn't be. not to say she's super well known by the police but...there's always a few that recognize her. even with being a little childish, everyone likes her and she always likes everyone. never has she met someone she didn't like. she has one single wish, to be friends with everyone, no matter how different.

and if she really likes you, she brings you the seashells she finds at the edge of the water.
mood: comfortable
location: the beach
in love with the moon.

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Eugene Kim

Gene, Genie

date of birth

June 1st.
place of birth

Atlanta, Georgia

The Living.

local cafe employee, camp counselor in the summertime.

Dropped out of high school.


English, a little Korean.

Atheist, raised Christian.

Twitter Username




130 lbs.


Golden brown and straight, fashionably styled. He's very proud of it.


Black irises that glitter with a warm brown undertone.

body type

Skinny, with a perpetual weak slightly-slouched posture. His upbeat energy can't hide the fact that his body has been through more than its fair share of hardship.

body mods

None, unless the burn scar from a clothing iron counts as a "body mod."

face claim

Byun Baekhyun.

personality type - ESFP-T
Positive traits


Negative traits


"I'll tell you the truth if you let me try."

Alternative and indie-pop music.
Sour candy.
Bad movies.
Graphic novels.
The ocean.
Spontaneous adventures.


Dairy (allergic.)
Feeling nauseous.
Emotional conversations.
Weddings, funerals, and other large formal gatherings.

Brain Cancer/Anaplastic Astrocytoma (1 year in remission), dairy allergy.

Finger-guns and other enthusiastic hand gestures, repeating himself under his breath if he's not sure of what he just said, cracking his knuckles, mild caffeine addiction.

little more
The first few years.

Junie and Eugene Kim shared a lot in common. The same awful taste in movies, the same freckle behind their left ear, the same laugh... and the same brain cancer.

When Eugene was thirteen, he began showing odd symptoms. The first thing his parents noticed was a persistent twitch in his right eye, followed by forgetfulness and brain fog that seemed to get worse and worse over time. The forgetfulness turned into memory loss, memory loss turned into blackouts, blackouts turned into seizures...
The diagnosis hung like a dark cloud over the family. An aggressive malignant brain tumor was nothing a young teen should have to be worrying about. He should be at home pranking his sister and messing around with his friends, not wondering if he'd still be alive in a year's time. Luckily, he didn't have to suffer alone. Unluckily, the reason he wasn't alone is that two years later, his little sister would join him in the pediatric oncology ward with a similar brain tumor.

The two siblings became known in the hospitals as spirited and optimistic young kids, always cracking jokes and making new friends despite the ongoing treatments that seemed to be sucking the life out of them just as much as their illness was. Constant rounds of chemotherapy and radiation left the two of them nauseous and weak, leaving them with barely enough energy to think straight. How they managed to keep their heads up throughout all of this, who can say-- but neither one of them let the threat of death keep them from living. At least, not at first.

While Eugene's condition seemed to stay fairly stable for that time, Junie began to rapidly decline a year after her initial diagnosis. Her tumor hadn't responded to chemo the same way her brother's had, and over the course of a few months, the disease progressed to stage four and metastasized into other parts of her body.


After two long hard years of fighting for her life, Junie Kim died at Piedmont Atlanta Hospital a few months after her 12th birthday. She was buried in a cemetery near the family house after a small funeral attended by those that loved her.
It would be the first funeral Eugene ever attended, and the day that he learned to hate funerals. He swore the next one he attended would be his own, still thinking at the time that he would be the next in his family to die.

Wracked with grief and desperate to save their only surviving child, who was still fighting the same illness that killed their daughter, Eugene's parents decided to move all the way up north to Rhode Island to try a more aggressive experimental treatment offered at a hospital near the town of Faywood.

Throughout the hospital stays, the support groups, and eventually choosing to drop out of high school to conserve what little energy he had, Eugene quickly noticed how no one ever seemed to die in this town. He had grown used to death as a constant in the Atlanta hospitals, but the kids he met here seemed firmly rooted in the world of the living no matter how grave their diseases became.
Must just be better hospitals up in Rhode Island.

Finally, after five years, Eugene was pronounced cancer-free. Though the possibility of a recurrence of the disease would have to haunt him for the rest of his life, he felt as though he'd been released from a prison. He could finally live a normal life. He'd lost most of his teen years to cancer, growing up in and out of the hospital, and lost his own sister along the way... so much of the life he'd lived before had been ripped to shreds, and now he was left to rebuild something new, to start fresh and learn how to live again.

Even Later...

A year later, Eugene's parents decided to move back to Atlanta, but Eugene instead chose to rent his own apartment in Faywood, deciding it was time for him to be independent and having grown strangely attached to the town in his time there.

The possibility of returning to school after dropping out of high school seemed too daunting to him, so instead of hunting for universities in the area, he began applying for jobs, eventually becoming a loyal employee of one of Faywood's more popular cafes. He thought he could make a life for himself in this little town, learn to call it home. Make some friends, perhaps. Maybe even find an adventure.

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© weldherwings.
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    "I'm a photographer, I photograph things. It's not the most pleasant job but it makes me feel cool when I tell people."


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Name: Waylen Michael Hansley

Nickname(s): Len

Age: 22 y/o

D.O.B.: September 20th

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Demisexual

Role: Living

Height: 5'9"

Hair: Dark brown

Eyes: Brown

Scars: Acne scars along his cheeks

Mods: Has one tattoo on his left forearm of a Chinese dragon

Distinguishing Features: Has a prominent nose and sunken eyes

FC: Herman Tommeraas

+Open minded


History: Waylen was born in Bangor, Maine on September 20th by two unknown people. He was put up for adoption and lived in foster care until he was 4 years old, where he was finally adopted by his fathers, William and Alexander. They cared for two other kids- twins Heidi and Max, and it wasn't long before they bonded and became best friends. The kids did everything together, although they did all have their separate interests. Once Waylen was ten, he was gifted his first camera. He had shown interest in bugs particularly and would often catch them to show his fathers. Eventually they got tired of Waylen keeping the bugs around the house as "pets", so instead they bought him the camera so he could look at them without doing much harm.

Throughout high school Waylen's photography interests took off. He began posting pictures on social media, where his work quickly became liked. He was mentioned in a few newspapers and eventually took it upon himself to travel for the first time in his Junior year of college. He figured there was more to see than just the confines of his little hometown, and he wanted to show his following all there was. His first stop would be to Faywater, Rhode Island. While he travels, he keeps a little beetle charm in his pocket for good luck and a small reminder of how he started.

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© weldherwings.


Dorian Norwood

The Dead

  • Basic Info

    full name. Dorian Norwood
    nickname(s). Dory, Rian
    age. 19
    date of birth. 18th of March, 20XX
    date of death. 17th of March, 2022
    gender. cis male
    sexuality. (closeted) homosexual
    role. the dead

♡design by animegenork, coded by uxie♡

— *☽ selene fjelstad

  • req.


    * nicknames
    selly, cece, moony
    * age
    * d.o.b.
    february 15th, 1947
    * d.o.d.
    april 14th, 1969





    * height
    five feet, three inches
    * hair
    light blonde, nearly white; chopped with a pair of dull scissors into a messy chin-length bob. a large portion was left long and falls to her chest. she cut it herself back in 1969.
    * eyes
    * scars
    countless small cuts all along her fingers from gardening and scars upon her feet from running barefoot
    * mods
    pierced ears and nothing else of note
    * features
    fairy-like features, large blank eyes, a perpetual gentle smile
    * faceclaim
    aurora aksnes





♡coded by uxie♡

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Heaven's Gate (Sad & Sober)

The Wonder Years

Patrick Odell



full name

Patrick Adam Odell


Pat, Patty



date of birth

November 5, 1998

date of death

May 10, 2021


Cis-Male (he/him)




The Dead






Medium length, thick and black, cut shorter on the sides and left longer on the top.


Hazel, though mostly light brown, with flecks of green closer to the irises.


Patrick has plenty of scars from growing up, almost all of which are the handiwork of one of his brothers. He has a rather noticeable one beneath his right eye, which was the result of pairing a mishandled pellet gun with an unwilling target.



distinguishing features

Patrick has a long nose and a pointed chin. While his smiles and frowns tend to be small and subtle, his eyebrows are thick, dark, and expressive.

face claim

Milo Ventimiglia




Patrick holds his cards close to his chest, and his reserved nature has always served to set him out on the sidelines. While he has genuine interests, he keeps them to himself, and he’s been described as boring more than once by more outgoing individuals. Over the years, he’s developed the appearance of having a thick skin, and most would assume that there isn’t much that gets under his skin.

He keeps his hands in his pockets, a book balanced on his knee, one brow quirked in what could be judgment, annoyance, or amusement, depending on his mood. He holds grudges, and he has a habit of harboring resentment, which contributes to his tendency of coldness. He’s fond of sarcasm and eye rolls, and patience is something that he proves to run out of quicker than most. His moodiness makes him inclined to snap, even if he tends to regret it later.

Despite his aloof disposition, he’s not completely without a sense of humor, especially around those who know how to crack him. He has a quick tongue, and he’s learned well enough to hold his own in situations that call for it. He’s more empathetic than he cares to admit, and the harder he’s pretending not to care, the more he probably does.


condescending - stubborn - buzzkill - reclusive - cynical - calculating - secretive


curious - clever - protective - caring - thoughtful - independent


studying history - classic literature - cats - dark liquor - sugary coffee - sunrises - comfortable silences


sports - bad jokes - hot weather - aggressive personalities - loud noises - crowds


clicking pens - leaving books lying open - pacing or wandering around - writing his name on stray papers and book pages


busy streets - vulnerability - being deceived - large birds - being forgotten



Even though Patrick was born the youngest, it seemed as though the Odell family considered themselves complete before he even showed up. With four big brothers before him, he found himself born into an already crowded pack at the low end of the pecking order. Whatever it was that made each Odell boy even bigger and louder than the last was not inherited by Patrick, which was quite clear even from the beginning.

Patrick’s parents, who struggled to provide and make a home for their five young kids, developed a habit of relocation in pursuit of their white-picket fence. While the family rarely stayed in one place for longer than two or maybe three years at the most, one thing remained constant: no matter the place or the school, the Odell pack always dominated the sports scene. That is, save for Patrick.

Whereas his brothers were all chipped teeth and red knuckles, Patrick was made out of a quick tongue and ink-stained fingers. He was considerably smaller than the rest of them, with bony knees in contrast to their broad shoulders. While the football field became the natural habitat for the rest of the brothers, Patrick found no home there. Instead, he turned inward, finding an interest in history and literature, spending his time in empty parks and between the bookshelves in libraries. To Patrick, his brothers seemed to share a language that he had no ear for, spoken by people who had no interest in teaching it to him. He didn’t get their jokes, nor did they understand his, and despite their shared blood, the youngest Odell seemed to be naturally at odds with the rest of his kin. For the four oldest siblings, this meant that their little brother, who was always around yet somehow also always alone, was fair game for whatever pranks or punishments they felt the desire to dole out. Unfortunately for Patrick, he was invariably outnumbered.

It was the start of his junior year of high school that Patrick found himself in Faywater, which would be the last town on the long list of places he’s inhabited. By then, he was a quiet, unassuming teenager, armed with sarcasm and wandering feet, prone to melancholy and partial to long silences spent between worn pages. His brothers kept themselves busy with football and parties, and while the entirety of the Odell clan had picked up drinking at this point, Patrick did it alone, sometimes during the day. When he first arrived in Faywater, he knew that it was different. He liked history, and this place had it. It existed far beyond him, and there were quiet corners there, too, ones that he spent his time seeking out. In a way, he’d begun to haunt the town, even years before he had yet to die.

After high school, having finally left behind the crowded halls and senior pranks, Patrick got his own place, found a steady job as a librarian, and began musing about college. And then came Taylor. She seemed to appear out of nowhere, and though Patrick hadn’t planned it, she won him over completely. He then realized that, maybe, he really had been lonely after all.

It lasted for a year, and by then, he was serious. The one day he walked by Taylor’s place unannounced was when he caught her and his brother together. It had been going on for some time by then, he’d learned. Whether he wanted to see some remorse from Taylor or his brother more, he wasn’t sure. As it turned out, he didn’t end up getting much from either, anyway.

Patrick walked around Faywater for the rest of the night, until the early morning hours, when by then, he was a little drunk, a little delirious. The car came out of nowhere, and it didn’t slow down when it hit him, or even after. He died instantly, without warning, alone on the side of the road.

The driver was never identified. Besides, it was dark, Patrick was drunk, and no one was particularly determined to bring him any justice. So, the case was effectively closed.

For Patrick, closure hasn’t come as easily. He believes that there’s too many people to blame–his family, Taylor, and the driver, who he is sure that he can still find in Faywater. He can avoid acknowledging that he was truly hurt if he can stay angry and hold a grudge, which keeps him from moving on. Until then, he still spends his time with a book, now hanging around his own grave and chasing stray cats away from the roads. Perhaps subconsciously, he’s also not ready to leave the town that, for the first time in what has proven to be his short life, has actually felt like home. His family has long since left town, and Patrick has decided that if there’s no left around to grieve him, he’s going to have to do it himself.



♡coded by uxie♡
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bae ryu


Bae Ryu (배류)




Twenty years old


10th January 2001


13th July 2021


Male (He/Him)




The Dead


1.78 m

Naturally black soft hair cut to a medium length with a middle parting.

Black monolid almond shaped eyes

Ectomorph: Lean and long, with difficulty building muscle - however has forming muscles from hiking every weekend.

Dimples on his cheeks which form when he smiles.

FC: Kim Jun Kyu


Personality type - ISTP – T – Viruoso

Virtuosos love to explore with their hands and their eyes, touching and examining the world around them with cool rationalism and spirited cusiosity. People with this personality type are natural Makers, moving from project to project, building the useful and the superfluous for the fun of it, and learning from their environment as they go.


Spontaneous Ryu takes a logical approach to life. He can look at situations, calculate best practices, and then create plans which can be implemented to generate results. Because of this focus, he also likes to create variety in his life sometimes by being spontaneous. This trait allows him to flip his mindset in the middle of a situation without any effort. This makes him versatile and flexible in any situation.

Practical approach to creativity He loves to engage his imagination. You won’t find him pursuing goals that are unrealistic, however, because he prefers to take a practical approach to life. He loves to use his hands to create things.

Offers a calming influence He handles a crisis situation very well. Ryu will see a situation through a practical and creative approach. This allows him to make decisions quickly and to stay calm under pressure. He also likes to prevent crisis situations proactively by rolling up their sleeves to work with others. Whatever a problematic situation calls for, he will find a way to provide the necessary resources, so that a positive conclusion can be reached.

Very organized Ryu will organize his daily to-do lists in a way that prioritizes his most important tasks. You’ll find him using lists all the time, from the grocery store to their job duties. He uses calendars, messaging apps, and anything else that will help him stay organized.

Tends to live in the moment He will always try to live in the present moment. Ryu will learn from the mistakes that he has made, then forgive himself and move on. He doesn’t worry about the future because it is yet to arrive. He focuses his time and energy on making sure that everyone has the best possible opportunity to find success right now. Even in stressful situations, he’s able to stay relaxed because of the focus on what needs to be done instead of the emotions of the situation.


Perceived as being arrogant Ryu’s focus is on a logical process which will guide him towards each decision which he makes. He tries to set aside emotions to focus on the processes that are needed to get the work done. However, what he sees as logical, is what others may see as impersonal or arrogant.

Sometimes he likes to be manipulative He often struggles with the emotions of others that are directed towards him. He would rather focus on what can happy right now which can lead to pushing some boundaries for their moral beliefs and stances, just to see how far he can go or how far he can push others. He might escalate a conflict on purpose because it gives him a laugh. Instead of thinking about everyone, he tends to think about himself over others.

Stubborn On an average day, Ryu tends to be a “live and let live” type of person. There are many times when he’ll just let himself flow with whatever situation happens to be near. However, there are also times where he will blow up the status quo because he would rather prefer a different course of action. He rarely apologizes and can be stubborn, not caring how others think or feel. When confronted with his stubbornness, it only reinforces how he think or feel. You’re going to hear about it is Ryu is irritated with you

Will try to avoid long-term commitments He would rather prefer to take situations moment-by-moment. This approach applies to crisis situations, personal relationships, and even his employment opportunities. If there is one thing that he hates, it’s being forced into a long-term contract of situation. He wants to feel the freedom of choice so he can avoid situations where it feels like he is being locked up into a commitment. From a romantical standpoint, it can be very difficult to find love from his point of view.

Personal privacy It can be virtually impossible to get to know Ryu sometimes due to his introverted nature. He prefers to keep his personal matters to himself. Small talk is something that he absolutely hates, as he would prefer silence to meaningless conversation. He has no problem being left alone to his own devices, even if that means being alone for an extended time period. In his perspective, if you want to get to know him, then it’s up to you to make the first effort, not him.

Nature, hiking, exploring, moon-gazing, going swimming at the beach, Summer, sleeping in.

Fighting, being tired, the smell of grass, songs that annoy him, pointless texts, jealousy, when his friends and family are upset, the cold/snow

Absolutely petrified of heights despite going for hikes up rather large mountains. He's more scared of the concept of not being in control of his height (like taking an aeroplane)

Whenever he's stressed out or nervous, Ryu tends to have a habit of rubbing his neck or picking at the small hairs under his chin.


Bae Ryu was born into an okay living situation.

They weren’t extremely poor, but they also weren’t extremely rich. He went to an okay school, had okay meals and wore okay clothes. As I said, they weren’t poor, but they also weren’t rich. They basically had enough money to just get through life comfortably. Maybe they had the odd one or two times where they would have to try and squeeze every penny. Ryu was an okay student and got okay marks. Outdoor physical activity, however, was where he excelled the most in school.

When he was ten years old, his parents discovered that they would be expecting another child. Ji-Sung was brought into the world and all a sudden, that’s when the struggle came. They had to move from their apartment into a house in a lower economy location. All a sudden, they weren’t okay anymore. Their school wasn’t okay, nor were the meals or clothes they wore. Eventually, his parents had to seek loan sharks to start making payments because even with two working adults in the household, they weren’t making enough money for the bills.

Ryu would babysit Ji-Sung during the night so both of his parents could work two full-time jobs. He helped around the house and took pride and responsibility. Instead of going to university once he finished school, Ryu decided that it was best to join the workforce to help his parents. He became a deliveryman and would ride around Daegu on his bike delivering food and parcels to people. But even with that, it didn’t seem like enough. The debt was overpowering their small little family and there didn’t seem to be any light at the end of the tunnel.

how did they die?

Out of the complete blue, Ryu’s parents announced that they had won some sort of paid holiday vacation to Salem, Massachusetts. It must’ve been one of the most random things to ever had come out of his parents mouths. It seemed like some sort of fever dream, but within the week they were on their first aeroplane ride ever. They landed in America, jet-lagged but excited to be in another country for the very first time. Ryu constantly hammered his father, asking him how they managed to win such a competition. To which his father would simply reply “Must’ve been lucky”.

They spent the full week together as a family, exploring the town and learning about it’s rich history. Ryu couldn’t remember the last time he had seen his parents smile and laugh so much. However, one night as he got up to get a glass of water, Ryu found his parents discussing with each other in the kitchen about what was going on. As soon as their eldest son came into the room, they decided that it was time for him to know just how badly in debt they were. It seemed that no matter which moves they made, there was no way out of all the financial burden that was brought onto the family. And therefore, there was only one out.

Ryu wanted to scream and shout, and to fight against his parents. To tell them that they were being stupid and that they could do something else. But he had been raised under the influence of a Confucius concept and that idea stated that spouse and child exist as single-fate destiny around father; the financial crisis faced by the father will be recognized as the crisis of the whole family leading to a thought that there is no other choice than death to sustain their lives. And through the same idea claim, children are property of parents. Ryu wanted to respect his parents and didn’t want the family name to be tainted. And so, he eventually agreed to help. That tomorrow night, he would help them to murder his brother, commit suicide and, also, commit suicide himself.

His father kept on telling him about this spell he had heard that hovered over the town. That those who die here, don’t actually die. That their afterlife could be spent together as a family. He had overheard one of his co-workers talk about it a couple of weeks ago, and it was then that he decided that Salem would be the perfect place for them to stay as a family. Because even if this spell wasn’t real, then at least they’d have the memories of the last week together.

He didn’t want to do it. The whole time they were sealing off the house with alfoil and ensuring that there was no gap for any air to enter, Ryu just quietly cried to himself. He only wanted to make his parents proud but there were so much in life that he had wanted to do. He had wanted to get married and have children, to try and provide for his parents so they would never have to work a day in their life. He wanted to teach his younger brother how to throw a punch at bullies that would try to pick on him, all about dating and what to do on his first date and pass down all wisdom he had in life. But all of that would never come.

Ryu managed to convince his parents to grind down strong sleeping tablets into Ji-Sung’s dinner that night. The last thing he wanted was for his brother to survive, wake up in the middle of the night and witness everyone dead. So, after dinner, Ji-Sung and Ryu went to bed. Ryu went in with his brother to make sure he fell asleep. Once he was and showed no sign of being woken up, Ryu went out to his parents and told them that it was time.

His parents organized the charcoal grill in the bedroom and Ryu made sure that the room was completely sealed off. Once they had the fire going, the family laid down together and said their final good nights; knowing that tomorrow morning, none of them would be waking up. Ryu turned over to his younger brother and gave him a tight hug before silently crying himself to sleep. And then, thanks to the fumes of the burning charcoal in the sealed tight room, Bae Ryu and the rest of the Bae family never woke up ever again.

what is keeping them
from moving on?
The extreme guilt of knowing that he helped to participate in the murder of his younger brother who doesn't realise that he's dead.

the living dead

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© weldherwings.
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  • I'll answer any damn question you want. But don't be disappointed when the answer turns out to be I was hungry, I was tired, or I was bored.
    Esmee Philips
coded by natasha.

船井 蓮



trinkets, talons,
and temper.

  • requisite.

    full name















    5'10, 177cm


    Long, dark, and a garnish to Ren's androgyny. Pecan hair cascades past clavicles, and those that have an appeal in trying to play with the curtain will be met with a slap on the hand and a curt warning of, paws off.


    Only rich cocoa in direct sun, his eyes don a shade of Cimmerian ink. Almost impenetrable by light, there can even be a quality of opia to his stare: invasive and impassive. They emulate that which glitters in his grasp, but the lack of any complex thought behind those sooty-lashes? A well-hidden secret.


    Consequences of childhood delight and trying to pat something he shouldn’t: Ren has a bite scar on his leg. It was his grandmother's vicious Bichon Frise that latched on and delivered the blow. Being generally reckless, it’s surprising he’s not littered in further damage.


    Tattoos and piercings are nervously avoided.


    Ren’s natural expression radiates short-tempered disinterest and keeps most strangers from realising he’s a bumbling fucking idiot.
    There are androgynous attributes to Ren, something that often provokes whispers of, is that a tall woman, or a feminine man? Depending on what can give him an advantage, he will present as either.
    When happy, smug contentedness radiates from Ren. Smiley eyes that look too satisfied and the grin of a gleeful menace.
    Mere mention of valuables or food contorts those grumpy features into an avid listener. Breakfast? Lunch? Dinner? Swarovski crystals? He's interested, and suddenly in a very clingy mood.
    When Ren laughs, actually laughs, he snorts. To conceal this he has adopted the trick of putting a hand over his mouth and snickering.


    Rather than what is comfortable or warm, he is usually styled in clothes to win the favour of others. This grows hindersome during winter when his complaining dominates most conversations.

♡coded by uxie♡
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* & . THE DEAD

FULL NAME. Harrison Amar Oswalt.

NICKNAME(S). Harry, Oz.

AGE. Thirty-three years old (15th October).

GENDER. Cisgender male; he/him.

SEXUALITY. Aromantic pansexual.

ETHNICITY. His father is of African American descent; his mother is of Mauritanian descent.


HAIR. His thick, bouncy curls are cut short, the natural black colour untouched. Trimmed facial hair rests above his upper lip and chin.

EYES. Dark and pensive, letting slip the sensitivity inside him.

COMPLEXION. Regularly misjudged for being in his mid-twenties, Harrison has glossy dark brown skin, unwrinkled and youthful looking.

BUILD. A naturally slender and fit man—yet nothing remarkable—, Harrison stands at 6’3” (190cm) and weighs 176lbs (80kg)

BODY MODIFICATION(S). None; he has never had an interest in the ornamental nature of piercings and tattoos.

FACECLAIM. Mamoudou Athie.


POSITIVE TRAIT(S). Discreet, unassuming, self-contained, high-minded, composed, unflinching, soft-hearted, disciplined.

NEGATIVE TRAIT(S). Unconcerned, preoccupied, impudent, untrusting, dispirited, inflexible, nostalgic, weary.

LIKE(S). Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Morbi ipsum turpis, tincidunt quis blandit at, tempor ut neque. Phasellus at justo imperdiet, posuere nisi et, luctus lectus. Etiam nec mauris tellus. Maecenas molestie sem a nisl fringilla hendrerit. Vestibulum erat erat, bibendum vel pharetra sed, tempor in ex.

DISLIKE(S). Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Morbi ipsum turpis, tincidunt quis blandit at, tempor ut neque. Phasellus at justo imperdiet, posuere nisi et, luctus lectus. Etiam nec mauris tellus. Maecenas molestie sem a nisl fringilla hendrerit. Vestibulum erat erat, bibendum vel pharetra sed, tempor in ex.

HABIT(S). Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Morbi ipsum turpis, tincidunt quis blandit at, tempor ut neque. Phasellus at justo imperdiet, posuere nisi et, luctus lectus. Etiam nec mauris tellus. Maecenas molestie sem a nisl fringilla hendrerit. Vestibulum erat erat, bibendum vel pharetra sed, tempor in ex.

FEAR(S). The impenetrability of death leaves little to fear except for the prospect of eternally drifting upon a world not designed for you.


HISTORY. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Morbi ipsum turpis, tincidunt quis blandit at, tempor ut neque. Phasellus at justo imperdiet, posuere nisi et, luctus lectus. Etiam nec mauris tellus. Maecenas molestie sem a nisl fringilla hendrerit. Vestibulum erat erat, bibendum vel pharetra sed, tempor in ex.

RELATIONSHIP(S). Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Morbi ipsum turpis, tincidunt quis blandit at, tempor ut neque. Phasellus at justo imperdiet, posuere nisi et, luctus lectus. Etiam nec mauris tellus. Maecenas molestie sem a nisl fringilla hendrerit. Vestibulum erat erat, bibendum vel pharetra sed, tempor in ex.
Coded by Reveriee.
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The Dead

Rory Korlov


mood here




location here


interactions here


tags here

  • Full Name: Rory Marie Korlov
  • Nickname: Ro
  • Age: Twenty-two
  • Date of Birth: October 13th, 1998
  • Date of Death: September 25th, 2021
  • Gender: Female
  • Sexuality: Straight
  • Role: The dead

  • Height: 5'3
  • Weight: 104 lbs.
  • Hair: Medium length, blonde
  • Eyes: Blue
  • Scars: Several scars along her stomach and chest
  • Mods: Her ears are pierced
  • Distinguishable Features: The freckles dotting her face
  • FC: Elle Fanning

  • Virtues
    • Curious
    • Optimistic
    • Loyal
    • Compassionate
    • Confident
  • Vices
    • Stubborn
    • Impulsive
    • Naive
    • Blunt
    • Secretive
  • Likes:
    • Autumn
    • Music
    • Coffee
    • Reading
    • Exploring the woods
  • Dislikes
    • The dark
    • Thunderstorms
    • September
    • Standing in one spot
    • Bugs
  • Fears
    • Never being able to find out who ended her life
    • Seeing her family again
  • Habits
    • She picks at her lips when nervous
    • If it's too quiet she hums whatever comes to her mind first
Born in the small town of Whitechapel, Maine, Rory wanted nothing more than to explore all the world had to offer in life. From a young age she spent her days climbing trees, exploring the woods, anything that got her out of her less than ideal home life. Her only memories of her parents were drunken fights at 3 am and lonely nights eating frozen dinners while they were out partying. It was after one particularly bad fight Rory decided she would do whatever it took to leave Whitechapel and her parents behind.

Rory was eleven years old, alone in the families small apartment when her parents stumbled in screaming at each other. It hadn't been any different from any other night, that's what Rory had initially thought. Just her alcoholic parents being their usual selves. Nothing could have ever prepared the young girl for the horrors that would take place that night. At first, she ignored the bickering, choosing to head to her room and read a book. It hadn't taken long for the shouting to escalate until nothing but screams filled the apartment. Rory had sprung from her bed, and threw open her door. That was the first time she had been introduced to death. At the age of eleven she saw her mother laying lifeless on the floor, blood pooling from a knife in her chest. The rest of the night had been a blur. Rory was acutely aware of the cops asking her questions, of her father walking away in handcuffs. But nothing else.

The next morning Rory was shipped off to the town of Faywater where she would stay with her aunt and cousin. From that point on life actually got better. Rory worked hard in school so she could get into college. After years of studying and taking mock exams her hard work paid off. Rory graduated top of her class with a full ride to the local university. She had decided long ago she would major in criminal psychology, she was determined to figure out why some people chose to harm others.

College life for the young woman was going perfectly. Rory was passionate about her major, she had plenty of friends. She even got a job at a small restaurant nearby her aunts home. Everything was perfect. Until once again it wasn't.

Rory had stayed later than normal to finish a paper, in the process, making her late for work. She had been in such a rush she hadn't noticed the man approaching her, hadn't heard what he was saying. Only when he grabbed her did she realize he had been there at all. Rory hadn't recognized him, maybe someone from class? They were rather large after all. Regardless of whether she knew who he was or not, he knew who she was. He had been watching her everyday on campus and developed an unhealthy obsession with the young woman. Rory turned down the mans advances and continued on her way to her job, not thinking anything more of the incident.

Work that day had been busy and Rory ended up not leaving until late in the night. It was okay though, Rory had walked the same path home that late before. It was nothing unusual. She hadn't noticed the figure lurking in the shadows, watching silently. Rory's aunt had still been at work when she got home, and her cousin was with a friend. She didn't mind though as she had been too tired to stay up and talk anyway.

The second time Rory was face to face with death was the night of September 25th, 2021. She was sound asleep when the man broke into her home armed with nothing but a kitchen knife. She hadn't heard the creak of the floorboards as he climbed the stairs and made his way to her room. Rory didn't know that the first strike of the knife would kill her instantly while she slept. When her body was found the next morning the police determined it a crime of passion. The young woman had been stabbed at least 20 times on her chest and stomach. Rory had woken up that morning unbearably cold. It hadn't clicked what had happened to her until she saw her body being carried away. Scars where she had been stabbed where a part of her now. A reminder that she would never wake up and make a life for herself again.

Rory never found out who killed her, and neither did the police. There just wasn't enough evidence to convict anyone. The police determined it a break-in gone wrong and left it at that.

Rory now spends her day wandering around the town of Faywater. She still attends the lectures at her old college, still hangs around her old job, still keeps a careful eye on her aunt and cousin, afraid they'll meet the same fate as her. She very rarely visits her grave, when she does though, she prays for some miracle, that a clue of who killed her will fall from the sky. Rory still hasn't found out of course, and so, she stays at Faywater, unsure of what to do next.

♡coded by uxie♡
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Full Name — Kairi Rina Shimizu
Nicknames — Kai, Ri-Ri
Age — 22 years old
Birthday — 9/28
Zodiac — Libra
P.O.B — Cape Elizabeth, Maine
Gender — Cis. Female
Pronouns — She/her
Sexuality — Homosexual
Role — The Living
Height — 5'8"
Build — Slender but not toned (hates working out)
Hair — Dark brown
Eyes — Brown
Mods — Ear piercings, tattoos
Scars — Just a few from childhood accidents
Distinguishing Features — Curly hair, freckles, pouty lips
Ethnicity — Japanese
Face Claim — Megumu
Vices — Impulsive, hotheaded, perfectionist, grudge-holder, stubborn
Virtues — Protective, determined, intelligent, organized, respectful

Likes — Sour fruits, mochi, mysteries, winning, doing well in school, instant ramen
Dislikes — Oberly ripe fruits, onions, loud people, crying, explaining herself, neon colors

Habits — Pulls on her hair when she's thinking, narrows eyes when people are speaking, cracks her neck and knuckles, swears a lot
Fears — Failing her family, airplanes, being stuck at a desk job her whole life
Background —
coded by cherry !! 🍒
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ghost — D.O.D 1979
“the light was put out far too early”

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