Ties That Bind [Inactive]


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Periwinkle submitted a new role play:

°·.¸.·°¯°·.¸.-> Ⓣⓘⓔⓢ Ⓣⓗⓐⓣ Ⓑⓘⓝⓓ <-.¸.·°¯°·.¸.·° - A Family RP



Everybody has one, whether they are biologically related, adopted, always around, never around, dead, or alive. This RP is all about family, well, it's actually about five {5} families. The...

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  • Anthony Mark Marrow

    14 ::: Single ::: Clothes

    Tagged ::: No One

    Anthony Looked around his room from where the teen was sitting on his bed. Running a hand through his crew-cut brown hair, Tony sighed out of boredom. Sliding off his bed, Anthony didn't pay much attention to the dark blue, plaid comforter that slid off the bed with him. That always happened and his parents were always telling him to clean up his room... the hazel-ish eyed teen always shrugged off the request, saying he would do it later. It was not to get on his parents nerves, Tony just didn't like cleaning up, the task was always so tedious. Walking over to his dresser, Anthony pulled out a typical t-shirt and shorts combo before quickly changing and grabbing his shoes as he headed out of his room and sat himself down on the tan couch in the small upstairs living area, smiling a bit over at his cat Tila, and her new kittens.
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Pen smiled as she climbed in the window of the spare attic room with practiced ease, her ponytail swinging behind her head as she did so. Well that was a nice sunrise for the day and she'd enjoyed sitting up on the roof again. She knew she wasn't supposed to but it never seemed to stop her since she did it most days really. Her blue eyes sparked with energy as Pen bounded down the stairs towards the upstairs living room before she proceeded to vault the back of the couch and land next to her little brother. "Hey bro" she said with a grin
  • Anthony Mark Marrow

    14 ::: Single ::: Clothes

    Tagged ::: Penelope

    Jumping slightly when his step-sister landed next to him, Anthony turned toward Penelope after a moment "Hey" he greeted "where'd you come from? I thought I was the only one up so far" he said, shrugging a bit as Rodeo trotted in and jumped up on the couch, next to Penelope. "Hi boy" Tony added after a few moments of waiting patiently for his sisters answer. Unlike most teenage guys, Anthony was really mellow and patient. He wasn't shy or anything, just didn't feel the need to waste his breath unnecessarily.
She laughed at his reaction to her appearance as she looked at him. "Have you not learnt after all these years Tony?" Pen responded jokingly "I was on the roof like always" she explained as she adjusted herself slightly to make room for Rodeo next to her. "You know sometimes I think it's a good thing I don't have any pets, there's enough in this house already I swear" Pen smiled at her brother

Kaylen squeezed his eyes shut trying to hold on to the dream he was having for as long as he could but,the sounds of the outside world were pouring in and in a matter of seconds,the dream was over and done.He sighed and looked up with his eyes halfway open as he yawned and ruffled his hair.He muttered and got up walking over to the door with his sweatpants and socks on opening it up"Mmf?"he asked,which meant 'huh?'."What-."he said and yawned."..is it?"he asked his brother walking out of his room and downstairs to the kitchen where he grabbed some cereal,milk,and a pour.Putting them all together,he grabbed a spoon and started to eat.Sometimes,getting up early really bothered Kaylen yet,he loved when the sun would rise up because,it reminded him of something happy.Chewing the crunchy cereal slowly,he looked out of the kitchen window at his parents who were always out there before the crack of dawn,something he would never do.Kayden put the empty bowl of cereal into the sink and stretch;at least he had gained a little bit of energy.He leaned on the table and drank the cup of orange juice he had in his hand with the blue bendy straw as well.He didn't want to do anything today but,he knew that his parents would probably get mad at him and force him to do it if he didn't.One thing he didn't need was his parents yelling at him at five in the morning.
Daria rolled over in bed, her eyes slowly opening at the sound of giggling. "Julie.." she groaned, even though her younger sister couldn't hear her through the mall. Now that she was awake, she couldn't go back to sleep, so Dari sat up, not wanting to leave the safety and warmth of her comforter. Throwing her legs over the side of the bed, she slid off, goosebumps instantly riding up and down her legs as she got used to the cold atmosphere that existed outside of her blankets.

Staggering to her dresser, Ria rifled through the many articles of clothing until she found an acceptable, comfortable outfit. She then got dressed, proceeding to attend to her nasty bed-head. After tangling with it, until her unruly hair collaborated with her, looking clean and well-kept, she headed out of her room, and downstairs. "Hi dad," she called as she passed him downstairs. She continued down the hallway and into the living room, flopping comfortably down on the couch.

Daria slid her phone out of her pocket, and decided she would send a text to Anthony. It was mid-morning, and she figured he must be awake at this time, right? So, she sent him a light good morning text;

Morning~ (:

An impulse watched over her, tempting her to send a heart instead of a smiley face, but she decided the smile was safer. Who knew what would come out of it if she had sent a heart. After sending the text, she returned the phone to it's original position in her pocket, and trekked into the kitchen, pouring herself a bowl of Froot Loops overflowing with milk. She then sat down at the ivory dinner table, the wood on the chair cold on her bare thighs. As she ate, she had her phone on the table as she waited for a buzz signaling a reply.

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