• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.


There doesn't need to be a particular order in which we post, but I figure at least wait for one other person to post first before you post something else.
I might do some art doodles of the sisters together at some point XD maybe tonight since I have to stay up to make a dnd character, anyone wanna pitch a few scenes that I could make? SapphireSkylines SapphireSkylines monochromegalaxy monochromegalaxy
Julius sobbing uncontrollably because he fell down and hurt himself, Soleil looking down at him in disapproval and crossing her arms, Maria smiling at herself in a fancy looking mirror, Eve in a pretty dress while fanning herself with her talisman, and Ellise giving Julius a hug trying to make him all better? Yes. lol
Aw, Soleil isnt that mean XD She'd definitely preach about safety or remind him to be careful but not outright scold all the time. Maybe grabbing a moist cloth to clean up wounds would be her most likely reaction?
XD I will defiantly try and work on that but let me let you know I'm currently JUST learning how to us a graphic tablet from being a traditional artist so things may be a tad eh- strange XD
It's just a quick little thingy based on a different rp friends artwork
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A sketch of Soleil during her "thug life" years featuring one of her lackeys. A classy as hell thug, may I add XDDD (I'm too lazy to draw two eyes eeCCCKK).

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so amazing!! Yeesh, XD I just can't digital art yet lool- this is while I do traditional in my major at highs school

I started design this year and we pretty much sit in front of a computer all day. I kinda miss using paint and clay, tbh :/ Of course, the undo option keeps winning me over ppFFF

PS thank you! ^^

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