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Realistic or Modern Throwing this out because yolo

Soviet Panda

Red Panda Commanda.
Roleplay Type(s)
This just popped into my head, and I thought why not. Who is interested in being a part of a school of sorts that encourages and in fact mostly only trains people in performing electric music. Think skrillex, diplo, etc. This would mostly be a lot kf character interaction. And I mean a lot. No real idea where this will go, so feel free to flesh it all out and what not.
Oh, hello. Any questions you might have, feel free to ask.

Yes, you with the hand raised. Let me see, @Nico the handily placed name tag reads.
Ah, that explains a lot. Well thank you for showing your interest. Feel free to give some ideas.
Hey, do you anyone that may be interested in this? I want to see where this will go now. And I shall tag someone. @LifeNovel and one other one that I am going to have to search in previous rps to get the name right.

@Icefox11 I knew it but the list didn't pop down when I typed it down.

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