Through Thick and Thin, an Unchanging Friendship~Kyrie and StarDust~


Cupcake Fairy
My character:

Serenity Cyria, 20 years of age.

~She is studying in the medical science field looking to become a medical lab technician at Harrison University. She just moved to the town of Harrison, and is living in a cozy one bedroom apartment that is as clean and organized as her life. She has shelves full of books, mostly classics and scifi. She is a very mellow and super organized person. she has a high IQ for her age and is knowledgeable beyond her field of study. She always keeps her emotions in check, so far as to not show many at all. she only opens up around the people she trusts, and even very little to them. she had a friend who was the exception to her emotional introversion, however he moved away during her middle school years. who knew she would be meeting up with him so unexpectedly...?

Appearance:View attachment 11348+her eyes are blue

Serenity let out a small yawn as she walked to her bathroom. she had just finished her move the day before, so her house was already completely organized. she had her bedroom walls lined with bookshelves full of classic and science fiction literature. it was like her own personal library. She was constantly reading, however with the huge number of books she owned she had only managed to read about half of them. often times she would re-read old favorites just to be sure that she didnt finish reading everything in her collection too early.

Serenity woke herself up with a hot shower and dressed in a casual maroon long sleeved dress. the color matched the changing leaves outside and the long sleeves made it perfect for fall. she made herself a quick breakfast of scrambled eggs before gathering her things for class. she had a lot of different biology and medical technology classes, so her books were rather big. she carried them all in a messenger style book bag that weighed as heavily on her shoulder as it appeared to. just before she left the house she went to her room and picked her old worn copy of War of the Worlds off the shelf. The book was her favorite science fiction novel and a gift from her close friend back in middle school. she had read it more times that any of the books on the shelves in her room.

She tucked the book into her bag, slipped on her maroon flats and headed out the door. she did own a car, however she preferred to walk if any place was a reasonable distance away. Serenity knew she would have a long day ahead of her, she would have lots of opening homework and reviews since it was the first day of University classes. She also had a job interview at a local book store later in the evening, she had rent to pay after all. As the chilly autumn wind nipped her cheeks, she saw the campus of her university come into view. there were students in jackets, sweaters and a few who were adjusted to the Minnesota fall weather like herself even dared to wear their casual dresses or shorts and short sleeves. Serenitys icy blue eyes scanned the campus, not particularly looking for anything, but more like analyzing her surroundings.

[MENTION=2980]Kyrie[/MENTION], hope you dont mind the RP title. :)
:: Alessa Bliss Skylar::

Role: The current girlfriend

Age: 20 years old

Height: 5'3"

About her: Gentle= Graceful= Caring

She is called the ‘Princess’ by the students all over the university because of her gracefulness and delicate looking features. Aside from being the heir of a well-known business magnate, Alessa exudes an aura of gentle and mature confidence.


::Elijah Claymore::

Role: The childhood friend

Age: 20 years old

Height: 5'5"

About him: Happy-go-lucky = Kind = Thoughtful

Elijah can be best described as carefree. He always greets people with a smile regardless whether he personally knew them or not: several times some strangers return the warm response as well while others tend to stare at him weirdly being unable to make a reasonable response whenever he does this. You would easily mistake him as a problem-free guy with how extremely optimistic he is but that is not the case. He just tries his hardest to never let the stress and pressure burden him. Elijah is humble and kind. He is always ready to help people who are in need. He is sensitive to others feelings and will try his best to make them feel welcomed in his presence.

Despite these attitudes though, Elijah had the habit of zoning off. He can be air-headed and will probably the first person to get lost in a daydream whenever in class. His attention can be easily distracted by the simple things around him.

His kindness can also be easily taken for granted; after all he will do and help until he can to the best of his abilities.

Elijah is currently studying Computer Science, Major in Programming at Harrison University. He is living with his sister in an apartment near the campus.

“I’m never going to get you”, a black-haired man commented, torn between amusement and confusion, as he looked at his openly smiling brown-haired friend. Said friend was waving happily to his girlfriend as she walked towards the medical building of Harrison University on the way for the morning class. “You call each other seriously dating when I bet you guys haven’t even passed the holding hands state yet. For two years!” He continued as they moved forward to their own class and threw him a teasing look. “You guys don’t look romantic!”

“I care for Miss Alessa very much, Ron”, Elijah, the brown-haired man answered good-naturedly to his friend’s teasing, an obvious fond and adoring lilt in his tone as he remembered his girlfriend. He then smiled at him and shrugged noncommittally before he added, “And I like to think that we can be romantic… I guess we just show it in a different way than others do?” Chronicle, or Ron as he was called immediately stopped walking and he indignantly turned to Elijah who instinctively stopped walking too. “Eli! You guys should have some intimacy, or sparks, or romance… or, or something ---whatever that is! I think it’ll grow into a boring relationship if both of you kept up with this pace!” The disbelief was clearly painted in his features but Elijah brushed it off with a carefree laugh and he sheepishly scratched his head.

He was used to Chronicle getting on tirades like this. The poor guy had been repeatedly warning him about his relationship with Miss Alessa. With his eyes twinkling in amusement, he placed his right hand under his chin as he tried to think of a reply. While it was true that his and his girlfriend's relationship was not that as romantic or physical as normal couples do, he was certain that they were going fine with it. He enjoyed being with Miss Alessa and her, the same. Instead of the usual lovey-dovey stuff that he sees from others, he was happy with just being to spend time with her. He had always told Ron about this but he still can't believe it. After a small while, he then settled for the simplest answer, “I’m sure Miss Alessa and I’s relationship is not that boring, Chronicle. We've been together for quite a few years now and if anything, we've never had a dull moment.” They continued walking, intent on reaching the classroom before the bell rings.

“You say that now, Eli… but I tell you, I know a successful relationship when I see one and I can see that while you and the Princess don’t fight, you guys don’t have enough chemistry either! Once you encounter that type of relationship, the one with sparks and fireworks and all that jazz, what you've had for years won’t ever compare a candle to that one.” Chronicle declared passionately and he pointed a forefinger in front of his friend’s face. “Just wait, my dear friend, you just wait!” The seriousness and the way he fervently declared his words were too much for Elijah to handle and he couldn't help but laugh when they took a stop in front of their campus building, just a few steps away from the reception’s area. He shook his head before ending the conversation with a cheerful, “we’ll just see.”
Serenity headed towards the medical building of the large university. she spotted a brunette guy, probably about her age, waving at a girl who was nearly into the building already. she figured the two must be dating, or really good friends. she gave a sigh, tinted with just the slightest bit of loneliness. since her friend had moved all those years ago she had trouble making new ones. she was too good a judge of character, and was often the target of false friendships. she had quickly ended friendships each time she saw things going wrong.

She gave one last glance at the guy, feeling like she had seen him somewhere but unable to put her finger on it. she gave a small shrug before heading into the building. the halls werent as crowded as she had expected them to be, so getting to class was easy. she found an empty spot near on of the windows and took a seat, pulling out her book.she ran a finger along its worn spine, wondering if her old friend still remembered her. she was never one to be very expressive, however around him she was.not only had they been friends, but she had really liked him. she had never understood why, and she couldnt be sure she even liked him still, however she knew if she ever met him again she would know. she flipped open the book and read a few pages while she waited for class to star.
"What are you doing there? Come on, let's buy our lunch!" Chronicle stopped walking and turned to his brown-haired companion. They were just about to go to the school cafeteria when Elijah had suddenly stopped walking a few distances away from it. "You can go ahead Ron, I'll just wait for Miss Alessa here", Elijah replied before taking a seat on the nearby benches. He placed his bag down on the side and looked to the direction of the medical building.

Ron incredulously stared at his best friend and partner in networking class. His red-colored eyes widening like saucers in disbelief. "Are you sure you'll be able to make it in time, Eli?" He finally asked after opening and closing his mouth in synchronization. Both he and Elijah had an activity due later that day. This particular case study was about forty percent of their major exams and they can't afford to fail this one. He was hoping to grab a quick lunch and then continue straight away with solving the rest of the questions before break time ends. He was quite well aware that the Princess takes her lunch later than most students do. Being part of the student council as the secretary, Alessa would always get sidetracked on the way to the school canteen. He had tried forcing Eli to eat with him ahead of the Princess but the man had always declined. He would always smile that stupid carefree smile of his and just stand in the corner and wait for her. ‘Figured he’d wait for the Princess!’ Even now, staring at the innocent looking face of his brown-haired friend waving goodbye at him, he couldn't help but feel the faint stirrings of irritation coming up. Eli was just too complacent for his liking.

“Don’t worry, I’ll be able to help for the case study”, Elijah added, he sounded assuring, as if that statement could do enough to placate his friend about worrying for their grade. They still had a long way to go with the activity and Ron feared that spending half an hour or so would not be enough to finish it. Offering no reply, he just gave him a warning stare before he started walking away to the cafeteria. It was no use worrying over it. Besides, no matter how much he panicked himself over it, Eli wouldn't budge. The man can be stubborn as mule if he wanted to be.

There were times that he questioned how he can tolerate such overly optimistic person for a friend. Not more than once, people have always asked him how he and Elijah can stay as best friends for the past year and still counting. People would tell him that one look at him and at the beaming face of the brown-haired man and they could instantly see the grave differences between them. He, the ever perpetual worrier and him, the always happy-go-lucky guy didn't seem to connect like most friendship does. They just can’t understand it and it looked like neither did he. But they are friends despite of their differences in how they handle things. Somehow, despite him always fretting about everything else, and despite Eli’s easy going nature, more often than not, they do well on partnered exercises. They would excel their projects and would be able to make the most excellent results.

Which brings us back to the original discussion… how the hell do Elijah planned to finish that stupid case study in time? Deciding to leave the frustrating thoughts, Chronicle then proceeded to order his lunch once he reached the canteen. Just like what Eli had always said, everything will be OK…. He hoped.

Serenity had enjoyed her first few classes of the day, one being a Medical Terminology class that almost made her feel like a diagnostic expert rather then a Lab Tech. she packed away her books, including her novel, and left for lunch. she took a peek at the arrows on the wall so she would know which direction the canteen was, then went on her way. the halls were rather noisy, a bit more then she would have liked, but it was a large college so it was understandable.

As she neared the canteen, a large and rather rowdy passed through, one of them bumping into her. her novel slipped out of her messenger bag without her noticing. she gave an unpleasant glance at the group before spotting the guy from earlier. she still had the feeling he was somehow familiar. "excuse me, by any chance do i know you? i apologize if i dont remember, but my memory is terrible, always has been." her expression didnt change much, save a small polite smile.
"Today is such a pleasant day!" Elijah declared after stretching his arms high above his head. Resting his neck into the bench, he looked up and stared at the clear blue sky. Despite having tons of assignments left to do, nothing could deter him from his cloud of euphoria. Smiling at a passing couple, someone who he'd met briefly during the acquaintance party held just a year ago, he turned to look around. Miss Alessa won't be here for another ten minutes or so and for that he had time to spare. While he was feeling quite hungry, he still decided to continue waiting for her. He figured lunch won't be the same without her. Ever since they started going out and several months before that, the two of them had always eaten together on the rooftops. Call it a tradition or something but having lunch was one of the things that they religiously did together. No matter how late one of them gets, they would still find a way to continue doing so.

He was looking around when he noticed her. Waving another friendly greeting to a passing group of basketball players, he was surprised to see a book drop in the ground. He immediately stood up and went towards it. He picked up the book and found himself staring at a brown-haired girl. She distinctively looked familiar and based on her uniform; he can tell that she's a medical student. Then she started speaking, talking to him with that small polite smile that seemed to light something in his memory. "Excuse me; by any chance do I know you? I apologize if I don’t remember, but my memory is terrible, always has been."

"Hey, I do know you! Hello, Serenity!" He suddenly stated with the excitement and wonder obvious in his tone and her name coming back to him just as easy when he had properly seen her. Beaming he looked at her and stared at the direction of the medical building. "I never knew that you're also studying here! How are you?" He continued to ask, the smile never leaving his face as he looked at his childhood friend. It had been years since they last saw each other but he never forgot her. She still had the same old shade of brown-colored hair and that same beautiful blue eyes encased behind the thick glasses.

He then noticed the book in his hand when he was about to scratch the back of his head in reflex. “Is this book yours?” He gestured to the book and smiled at her again.
All the ruckus on campus around Serenity seemed to pause a moment as he said her name in a voice she would've never forgotten. she stared at him, a huge grin spreading across her face, "Elijah, as in, Elijah Claymore??" she asked as her heart did a little back flip. "holy crap Eli! how many years has it been? you dont know how lonely i was!" she gave him an impulse hug, then pulled back, "sorry about that." she said with an embarrassed look. after a moment she even noticed that she wasnt looking straight at him the way she did when they were kids, she was look up! "wow Eli, when did you get so tall?" she said, locking her gaze with the warm brown eyes she had missed all those years. when he held out the book she chuckled, "of course its mine" she said flipping it to show the front cover, "you gave this to me as a gift just before you moved. if read it countless times already." she said with a more calm and sentimental smile.

She could feel it, those small feelings she had as a child were growing, they werent gone even after the year had passed. her smile shrank for a moment, remembering the rather pretty girl from earlier. it wouldnt surprise her if Eli had gotten a girlfriend, he was an amazing guy, kind and easy going. she fell a slight prick in her chest at the thought, but shoved it aside. she had never been the jealous type, so as long as the girl really made him happy, Serenity would have no choice but to put her own feelings aside. she took the book and tucked it carefully in her bag, her usual calm and content expression in place. "its really nice to see you again." she said happily.

Serenities expression normally remained flat, or calm and collected. in all her four years of highschool she had never found another reason to so openly exprexx herself. now that she could see Eli again, she felt that perhaps she could express herself more, she already had. her outburst upon realizing who he was was more expression then she would show in a month. she tended to keep to herself because she was easily annoyed. only Eli knew about her temper, and her sharp tongue. get on her bad side and you were sure to get a near literal tongue lashing. most people didnt know because she refrained from expressing herself or otherwise removing herself from situations that didnt concern her. while she could outwardly appear to be a prime and proper lady, as she wanted, inside she could have a rather short fuze.
“Omph!” Elijah teasingly remarked when Serenity had surprisingly hugged him. He returned the hug just before she pulled back and placed his hand on the back of his head sheepishly. “It’s OK, Sere, and no harm done!” He chirped happily. He was about to ask her about her life in the campus when she lightly commented about their height difference. Hearing how she said he became taller, he couldn't help but pout in disappointment. “I’m quite short compared to the other guys in the Uni, Serenity.” He answered with woeful eyes. “Even Miss Alessa is almost reaching me!” He added chuckling a little when he remembered that particular detail. It was something that Chronicle had always teased him about his unusual relationship with the student council secretary, among other things that is.

He smiled at the brown-haired girl and waited for her next actions. It seemed like she haven't changed that much. He lightly noted watching as she reached for the book. He let it go out of his hands into hers.
"You gave this to me as a gift just before you moved. I've read it countless times already." She flipped through it and showed him the cover. “Hey, I remember this little guy!” He exclaimed excitedly and almost reached for the book. “You still have it!” He stared at it with eyes shining and recalled the memories associated with the said day. "How long has it been?" He asked. Leaving their hometown was one of the saddest and yet memorable day of his life. He had thrown one of those rare temper tantrums because of his sister's untimely plan to leave. He dished arguments after arguments, with various reasons on why they shouldn't go on with the moving but it was all in vain. While his parents had been totally on his side about not leaving, his sister was adamant. With a solid decision, she urged them to leave in such a short notice that he had been almost unable to say goodbye to his childhood friend. “I really missed you Serenity” He said as a reply and cast a nostalgic smile at her.

“Did you eat lunch already?” He suddenly recalled after a moment of silence when he noticed the nearby cafeteria. They still have a lot of time before the break ends and he supposed that Miss Alessa wouldn't mind if he waited for her inside the cafeteria. He just planned on texting her in advance so she wouldn't wonder. “I’m still waiting for Miss Alessa so if you don’t mind, I’ll accompany you.” He gestured for the noisy canteen and waited for her answer, figuring that she hadn't eaten her lunch yet. Looking at his brown-haired childhood friend, he decided that he wanted to know more her again. While it had been years since they last saw each other, she was one of those special people in that made a great impact in his life.
Serenity shook her head, "i was just on my way to get lunch. looks like i wont have to eat alone" she gave another small smile. "its been way too long Eli, i could probably talk your ear off about the past years, and im not even that chatty." she followed him towards the noisy canteen. Serenity had always eaten either outside or in a quieter part of the school when she was in highschool because she never cared for the noise.

She thought about the girl Eli was talking about. "so is Miss Alessa your girlfriend?" she thought a moment about the name. "why dont you just call her Alessa?" she knew that she spoke formally, however only to the point of using peoples full names. Eli was the exception because he was her friend.
“Great!” Eli exclaimed happily. He grinned at her and went to the bench to get his bag. “I’ll be glad if you do that, Sere.” He added with a wistful tone in his voice. “I’m definitely interested to what you’ve been to after all those years.” He led the way to the cafeteria, waving as they passed by people he knew. The canteen was noisy to the point that it became unbearable and this was one of the reasons why he and his girlfriend always ate at the rooftop. He took his phone out and started texting Miss Alessa. She might probably in another impromptu meeting and so he was hoping that he didn’t disturb her that much. He knew how strict Mr. Andrew, the student council president, was.

After a few moments, to his surprise Miss Alessa quickly replied.
“You should eat ahead Eli, the president asked us to eat in the office because the meeting took longer than usual.” He smiled when he saw the sad smiley accompanying the message showing how unhappy she was. He texted back, reminding her to eat a lot and closed his cell phone afterwards. ‘Looks like we won’t be able to eat together today,’ he thought, slightly saddened and yet still understanding about it. Things like these are bound to happen and he just let it be, after all he knew how hectic Miss Alessa’s schedule was.

"so is Miss Alessa your girlfriend?" He then heard his childhood friend ask and he hummed a confirmation in response. Smiling briefly at her, he replied, “Yes she is. You should meet her sometime!”

"why dont you just call her Alessa?" When she continued her question and asked him that, he couldn’t help but smile sheepishly and scratch the back of his head instinctively. “It just grew on me, I guess.” He answered lightly, remembering the first time he met Miss Alessa. “I have always addressed her as such and I think I got used to it.” He continued and he looked at her straight in the eyes. “She’s a great girl and I’m sure both of you will get along, Sere!” While he knew how shy Serenity was, he was sure that she and Miss Alessa could truly get along.

When the noise grew louder, he knew that they finally reached the canteen. He let her enter first being the ever-gentleman before following inside and making way towards the selection of meals. “What do you want to eat, Sere? And do you have a particular place to eat lunch?” He was planning to show the rooftop to Serenity, she’ll surely like it. It was peaceful and the view was undeniably amazing from up there.
Serenity nodded with a quiet mhmm as he mentioned what she had been up to since the parted. she wasnt sure her story would be very interesting though. she had trouble making friends after he left, and spent the majority of her high school days studying and reading. She felt a slight pinch in her chest when she saw Eli talking to fondley of Miss Alessa, but her smile remianed in place. she had been out of his life for many years, and given what a good person he was Serenity was sure he had picked a very good girl. still, she could help but wonder what it would be like if it was her instead.

Serenity pushed the thought aside as he mentioned what and where to eat. "im probably going to stick with a salad and some fruit, im not very hungry today." Serenity had always been a healthy eater, and she loved fruit. "as for where....somewhere a bit more quiet? im not fond of all this noise." she said. she was pleasently surprised when he said 'Sere', as she had not heard that nickname in many years. "its nice not to be treated so formally. no one has called me Sere in years." she said with a refreshed expression.
"Salad?!" Elijah asked nonplussed. He looked towards the selection of foods and decided that Serenity should eat more than mere salad and a couple of fruits. He turned to his childhood friend and noted her slender physique. "You should eat more foods with nutrients, Sere", he concluded in a fond tone, deciding from there on that he'll make sure she eats more than salad. "I think you should try the pasta or something." He smiled encouragingly at her and gestured towards the food. Chronicle always laughed at him for being such a glutton but he couldn't help it. A few servings of salad or fruits can't be considered healthy and enough in his case. He had always enjoyed eating and had made it a point to eat more. He took two trays and began stuffing one, handing the other to Serenity. He got a sandwich, spaghetti, a couple of salad along with two bananas and a bottle of pineapple juice. He was thinking of what to eat for desert when he saw a chocolate bar nearby. Beaming at Serenity, he then nudged her to choose after adding the chocolate in his tray. "Come on, choose your meal Sere. It'll be my treat!"

He smiled widely when he heard her comment about his nickname for her. "It's really great to meet you again, Sere! You have to get used to hearing that nickname because I'll spend time with you as much as I can." He took out his wallet and paid for their meal, asking to have it wrapped up. "I'll show you to some of my friends. Though Chronicle can be a... little anti-social at times, he's really a good guy underneath." He then gestured towards the direction of the rooftop and said, "Are you fine with eating on the rooftop?"

He looked at Serenity and continued, "Our building has an amazing open place on the sixth floor. You'd almost be able to see the whole school from up there." He was about to walk towards the exit when his best friend suddenly approached him. “What a surprise. I thought you’re never going to leave that bench, Eli?” He teasingly mocked Elijah, his voice dripping with sarcasm and the brown-haired man couldn't help but laugh sheepishly. Chronicle stared at his best friend and his companion. “Where is Alessa?” He added, really surprised that Eli went to grab lunch without his girlfriend. “Who are you?” He continued in a bland tone.
Serenity gave a sigh as Eli reminded her to eat more. "you havent changed much have you? fine, i will have a little something extra with my meal." she smiled. looked at her options, grabbing her salad, two peaches adding a half a sandwich to the mix. she grabbed a bottle of grape juice and looked at the desserts. at first se was going to decide against having anything sweet, but there was a peice carrot cake right near the center of the desert medley. she grabbed it with a guilty smile, and followed after Eli. Carrot cake was one of her few food weaknesses, she absolutely loved it.

"the roof? sounds nice, i could use some fresh air, this building gets a bit stuffy after awhile." she said with a nod. Sere felt a bit sad when he mentioned his friend. she hadnt had any luck making friends since he had moved away. as a young man approached them Serenity knew right away that this was the friend he was talking about. Serenitys expression flattened a bit, her attitude a bit more polite. "you must be Elis friend, yes? I'm Serenity, Eli is my close childhood friend." she gave a small greeting smile, the bit of her true happiness that showed was a small glint in her bright blue eyes.
Elijah looked at Serenity with a fond smile. Though a long time has passed since they last saw each other, it seemed like nothing much has changed. Serenity and her inherent shyness are still as adorable as it was years ago.

Hearing his best friend’s bland tone he turned to Ron and noted him as he curiously studied Sere. While his actions may appear rude, Eli is quite used to his friend’s unusual greeting. He sincerely hoped that his childhood friend will not get offended by his best bud. Nonchalance and a gesture bordering on boredom was how Chronicle usually greets the new people he meets. “I am”, the black-haired boy replied, a little polite this time. “It’s nice meeting you”, he added. Ron glanced at Eli before looking around and asking out loud, “Are you going to eat lunch?” He was not really specifically addressing anyone but it was evident to whom he was talking to.

“We are, Ron. Eat with us!” Elijah merrily replied, his eyes twinkling with mirth. It seemed like his best friend was embarrassed with the way he treated Sere. His ears were tinted red and he was trying to hide his face. “Can I come with you guys?” He asked, this time he was addressing his brown-haired childhood friend. Ron was definitely interested with Serenity. Not only did he adopt that polite and yet slightly amiable tone, but he also willingly let himself be in their company for a prolonged period of time. Eli can’t blame him though. Not only is she someone Ron haven’t met yet but it Sere acted differently. She was not overbearing. She was meek and polite, yet she was someone whom you wouldn't mess with.

"It'll be fine right, Sere? Let's go?" Elijah asked and grinned, quite sure that Sere will be fine with Chronicle eating with them. "We'll be eating at the rooftop, Ron. Did you have your lunch already?" He turned to his best friend with a teasing smile in his face. "I already have, Eli". The black-haired boy replied, glaring nastily at the smiling brown-haired boy.
Serenity smiled a bit brighter. she didnt normally express herself much with anyone but Eli, but a friend of Elis was a friend of hers, or so she hoped. she had never been good at making friends. "oh i dont mind, it would be nice having someone else to talk to." she noticed Rons ears grew a slight shade of red, but chocked it up to him being embarrassed about his blatant greeting. as smart as Serenity was, she was terrible at reading people.

Serenity was starting to feel good about her university life. she had worried that she would spend as alone as highschool, however by a stroke of luck she had met up with her closest friend after many years apart and things seemed to be turning out. she had a bright outlook on the future, even if it meant still hanging on to a one sided love.
Chronicle blushed once again when he heard Serenity’s reply. Seeing this, Elijah couldn't help the teasing smile off his face. It was rare that Chronicle grew interested to someone, Eli thought in wonder. It was amusing to see that his very much so anti-social best bud would get so flustered in front of the sweet and shy Sere. He nodded agreeably to no one in particular before ushering both of them out of the cafeteria. “Come on then, kiddies, let’s go eat!” He repeated cheerily, raising an arm enthusiastically. The smile never leaving his face as he discreetly pushed Chronicle towards Sere.

“What course are you studying?” Chronicle suddenly asked out of the blue just before they started walking. The black-haired boy stared curiously at the brown-haired girl and waited for her reply. Based on Serenity’s uniform, he can guess that she came from the medical college but he was curious at what course she’s taking. Alessa, just like her was from the Medical school after all. It was unusual that Eli have a friend studying in this school. From what he heard from Eli, he came from a town far away from this district. Their family moved because of his sister’s job. “How long have you known each other? I thought Eli lived miles away from here? Why did you study here at Harrison University--”

He then abruptly stopped. His eyes widened in mortification as he noticed himself dishing out questions after questions. It wasn't like him to be this inquisitive and talkative. ‘What the hell is happening to me?’ Chronicle thought in distress. He sighed in exasperation and ran a hand through his hair. He needed to watch himself, else he would look more idiotic today.

Elijah tried to control his laughter as he watched Chronicle’s face reddening yet again. “Calm down, Ron”, he egged on with a teasing and yet fond smile as they waited for Sere’s reaction. The said guy glared at him in warning before staring at Serenity.
Serenity chuckled at Eli and Rons interactions. Chronicle seemed like a nice enoug guy, if not a bit similar to Serenity. she didnt spend much time around others and when they annoyed her she could sometimes show a bit of a cold side. right now, however, was different. she was far to happy to being seeing Eli again to find herself annoyed with anything.

"courses?" Serenity echoed part of Chronicles question, "im currently studying Medical Sciences. im hoping that some day i will be able to work in a nice hospital lab. i will most likely be the one looking over any samples the doctors take in order to help make diagnoses." she answered, a particaular fascination sparkled in her blue eyes.

"as far as Eli and i.....i think we've been friend since we were about...3." she said with a thoughtful expression. "i was quite surprised when Eli moved away, however there was not much that could be done. i was never informed of where he went, and i merely came here for the fantastic Medical Science program. it seems that meeting up with Eli today must have been some coincidence or miracle i suppose." she smiled happily.
“I see”, Chronicle simply said, with a small smile painted in his lips. “Harrison Uni is really famous for its Medical science program and I commend you for choosing this school.” Ron looked at Eli for confirmation and the guy nodded in agreement. “I hope you’re faring well in here”, he continued studying the brown-haired girl.

Elijah hid a smile when they heard Serenity chuckle. It was not often that his childhood friend gets comfortable enough to laugh freely at the presence of others. She was shy, that he was certain, but Serenity is a kind soul. Staring alternately at both of his friends, he took the lead and ushered them towards the rooftop. He really hoped that they will become close. Both of them are somewhat anti-social but he knew they are one of the nicest persons out there. It was only their inherent shyness and avoidance of public that causes them to be… a little awkward when they are with others.

“Let’s go?” He asked again, smiling as he gestured towards the rooftop. While they have plenty of time for lunch, he was sure that Ron and he needed more time to prepare for the case study they have due later that day. A panicky Chronicle, while amusing, was not really something that he was looking forward to seeing. Especially since he knew how his best friend aimed to ace that particular subject. He was also worried about Serenity, he didn't know her schedule yet, and because of that he figured that they should leave now. The black-haired boy silently agreed and he walked towards the rooftop in a leisurely pace. Elijah followed soon after in a much slower manner as he waited for Serenity.

Today will surely be a nice lunch. He had a lot of things to ask her and he was really excited to know what Serenity had been doing for the past years.
Serenity gave a nod as the continued walking. "so...what program are you in then...?" Serenity asked Ron, trying to keep the conversation going. Eli directed them towards the roof. it was such a nice day out, she thought about how nice it was to read on days like this and her blue eyes sparkled behind her lenses.

"hey Chronicle, how long have you known Eli? you two seem pretty close." She could tell despite Rons personality that he was a good friend to Eli, so she found herself a bit curious. she juggled her food and her bag, and stumbled forward a bit.

((im sorry this is brief, i wasnt sure what to post))
“We’re both taking major in computer engineering”, the black-haired man answered, his eyes looking straight ahead as they walked. He had almost forgotten about the case study and he was thankful that Eli had thoughtfully reminded him about it. He was so absorbed with studying Eli’s childhood friend that he got uncharacteristically sidetracked. Minutes after, he saw their familiar six story building and he stared at the rooftop. He only hoped that no one was using it today. He knew that Eli and his girlfriend, Alessa loved to eat there during lunch. But he always wondered how they can have the place to themselves. He knew how the different clubs of their college use the rooftop for their various activities. While he did not hate other’s company, Chronicle would just rather not subject his self to the noise, a large group of people usually creates.

"hey Chronicle, how long have you known Eli? you two seem pretty close." Eli and Ron heard Serenity asking and both of them couldn't help but smile at the question. Such inquiry was nothing new to them. Being of total opposites, people usually ask them why they were such good friends. “ We've been classmates ever since Elijah moved here”, Chronicle briefly answered, knowing that would explain all. “And I don’t think we’re that close, I just tolerate this idiot’s weirdness”, he added, pointing at his best bud teasingly.

Said man smiled sheepishly, shrugging at Ron and grinning at Sere. “Ron and I have always been partnered during case studies and projects and because of that I guess we just got used to each other.” Elijah added in turn. His eyes twinkled with mirth as he recalled his first meeting with Ron. He noticed Serenity having trouble with her things and offered to help her. “Let me help you, Sere”. He encouragingly smiled at her.

After walking upstairs, they finally reached the rooftop. Ron opened the door and looked around.
‘Good, no one’s here’, he thought satisfied. He was quite happy there was no one else in there.

((We can have a timeskip soon after this if you want! I’m also running out of things to type.
xD Let's just say they ate and got reacquainted and all that jazz))
((sorry ive taken so long to reply, i like to put exrat time and effort into this RP so its been on the backburner after all my more simple RPs, and between work and classes posting has been difficult. as far as the timeskip goes, i will do it right now~))

Serenitys cheeks pinked a little when her friend helped her. Eli had always been such a helpful person, it made her happy to see that had not changed. "ah, thanks Eli." she took in a deep breath of the crisp fall air. the temperature had been gradually dropping over the past few weeks and the colorful leaves were begining to drop. "the view from up here is quite something..." she said, as a gentle smile graced her features.

She sat down to eat with her childhood friend and his dark haired companion. for a moment things seemed a bit surreal to her, it had been so long since she had seen her friend yet they picked up and chatted like there was no distance at all. All the time she had spent alone in high school just seemed to melt away. she ate her food contently, chatting away and catching up with Eli, and learning about Chronicle as well. lunch flew by and before they knew it, class was starting up again. "i guess i had better go, i dont want to be late for class." Serenity said as she began to pick up her things.
Chronicle, also known as "Ron" to his close friends was not having a great day. While he and Elijah had passed their case study far ahead of the designated deadline, he still can't find a good reason to wipe of the condescending frown that was currently pasted in his face. Eyes darkening as he remembered the reason for his bad vibes, he could not help but glare at the thin air before him; it was really just not his afternoon. Looking around the throng of busy students rushing to get home, he stepped further back behind the tree near the school gates to hide away from the other's view. He tried to find a way to calm himself. It was probably best if he looked for Elijah since he had such a calming aura, but he was sure that the man was still with Alessa. They were probably smiling nonsensically at each other on the rooftop as what he had always seen them do, whenever he searched for him during dismissal.

He was debating if he should just leave, but something held him back. He leaned on the tree and took out his phone out. Staring at the time on the screen, he unlocked the black colored cellular device and seamed through the various unread messages he had. He had two messages from his mother and sister, and he promptly opened those. They were asking him if he would be home soon and he pressed the reply button to tell them to expect him in an hour. He was planning to drop by the bookstore later. He wanted to buy the newest volume of thriller novel from his favorite writer and he had agreed with Elijah that they would be buying it together. Sorting through more of his messages he found several from his mentor and found out that the older man was asking for an update of his progress. He inwardly cringed as he remembered his… delayed special project. It would be awhile until he finishes that program that he was assigned with. Since it wasn't part of the curriculum, he had unintentionally neglected it when he focused on the rush case studies almost all of their teachers loved to assign.

He wearily ran a hand through his hair and tucked his phone back in the pocket of his pants. He better wait for Elijah here. It was no use going to the rooftop seeing that he’d just end up staring at the two as they silently stole looks from one another.
Serenity had been through all of her classes for the day and gave a rather awkward goodbye to a girl who had kept her company through a few classes. oddly enough, upon first meeting the girl had been so incredibly shy Serenity had no idea how to react. somehow they had managed to squeeze out a few words here and there till they were relativaly comfortable, however Serenity still was no good with people.

she let out a tired sigh as she walked across the campus. there were a lot of people walking around, however Serenity managed to somehow read without running into anyone. a few trees dotted the area near the gate and she managed to avoid those too. she couldnt however avoid the large group of cross country athletes that ran by in uniform. One of the larger males bummed her just enough for her to stumble and trip over an old knotted tree root coming from an old oak. the runner shouted back a hasty apology, and the group vacated the campus.

"just my luck." she mumbled as she wiped her glasses. "now where did my book go? i cant lose that..." she continued to mutter to herself.
Ron was on the verge of leaving the shaded areas in the cluster of trees located near the gate when a book suddenly landed on the ground before him. He made his way towards it and was mildly surprised to see a familiar girl sitting on the dirty ground. It was Serenity, he noted as clearly saw her wiping the dirt off her glasses.

“Serenity?” He asked as he approached her when he was done retrieving the book. He held out a hand and motioned to for her to take it. He looked around them and searched for an explanation of her current predicament. “Are you alright?” He added quite belatedly as he waited for her to accept his help. It was almost half an hour since he had stayed in here, and thankfully only a number of students were passing by their place. He supposed that Elijah and Alessa would be here soon.


“Let’s go Eli?”Elijah turned and smiled warmly at the owner of the sweet voice. With her long brown hair cascading freely and a delicate feature painted on her face, Miss Alessa, no doubt was a very beautiful woman. Eli always felt blessed and thankful that they are together, despite their grave differences. “Yes”, he answered, the smile never leaving his face as he stood up and offered his hand to her. He looked at his watch and noted the time. He got surprised when he saw that they had been in the rooftop for more than an hour.

“I didn’t notice the time, Miss Alessa. Ron is probably waiting for us at the gates. We were planning to get that thriller book that I told you about.” He said, as he took his bag from the chair and wore on it. When he was done, he got his girlfriend’s bag and carried it too. “I hope he’s not angry with us”, Alessa softly stated as she too, checked her watch for the time. She patted her skirt, straightening off the creases and retrieved her books. “It’s ok, I can take these.” She told Eli, lightly shaking her head when he had gestured for the books in her hand. “I’d feel awful if I let you bring everything else again, Eli.”
Serenity heard a familiar voice as she finished cleaning the remaining dirt from the lenses of her glasses. she looked up to see Chronicle. "Chronicle? fine. just reading while i was walking, as usual." she took his hand and stood up, brushing off the skirt of her maroon dress. she also took her favorite copy of War of the Worlds, which he had kindly picked up for her. "Thanks. this is pretty common actually. i take my love of books to...i suppose you could say 'extreme levels'" she rubbed her arm bashfully, "anyway... are you perhaps waiting for Eli?" she asked.

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