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Realistic or Modern Through the Looking Glass


My mom said no.

Check Overview for CS

Will not give warnings

If liked then accepted

Setting: Yonder, California

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Reina De Corazones

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/cebfbefea25e2854021150f41fc7191e.jpg.712bf7554b9c16ccf99e803eff3eb6b9.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="119614" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/cebfbefea25e2854021150f41fc7191e.jpg.712bf7554b9c16ccf99e803eff3eb6b9.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Queen of Hearts


Name: Reina De Corazones

Age: 23

Sexuality: Pansexual

Gender: Female

Side: Queen of Hearts

Role: Queen of Hearts


Appearance Description: Reina is strikingly beautiful but did you expect anything less from a queen? She had golden skin and long thick black hair that curls to the mid of her back. Standing at 5'3" Reina is on the shorter side and has some curve but her personality makes up for the lack of height. Normally sporting a red lip and gold hoops Reina is always ready for the front cover. Besides the lips and hoops Reina wears a golden braclet with a heart shaped charm, never daring to take it off. She likes to describe herself as effortlessly classy.


Stengths: Intelligent, Manipulative, Cunning

Weaknesses: Hard time controlling emotion, Brash, Over thinks things

Likes: Red Roses, Playing cards, Playing Croquet, Color Red, Horror Movies

Dislikes: White Queen, The Court, White Roses, Not getting her way, Being Insulted, Chick Flicks

Personality: In one word to describe her, psychotic. Though all the residents of Yonder are somewhat mad (insane), but the Queen of Hearts is the most dangerous of them, having the most power. Like any mad person, she has huge mood swings, from content to enraged at a moment’s notice. Her solution to every problem is to kill, whether her roses have been planted white, she misses a shot in croquet, or feels insulted in any way.

(<3)Digging Deeper(<3)

History: Reina grew up in the projects of Yonder. Learning at a young age that you can't trust anyone but yourself. When she was 17 her father was shot dead, one week before Reina's graduation. Her father, Rey De Corazones what one of the biggest cartel suppliers on the west coast. Instead of going to college Reina took over her father's business. Vowing to make her father proud of her by creating a De Corazones empire.

Not long after Reina met her other half and together they created a drug that could top all the big drugs. This was her big break, her time to shine and nobody, not even the White Queen was going to get in her way. For too long she sat in the shadows, now it's her time.

we're all mad here



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First image here (Realistic Art or Anime Preferred)


Age (17-30)

Gender Sexual and romantic orientations

Side (Queen of Hearts or White Queen)


Physical description (height, body type, etc)


3 dislikes

3 strengths

3 weaknesses


Biography 2+ paragraphs

Other info

First image here (Realistic Art or Anime Preferred)


Age (17-30)

Gender Sexual and romantic orientations

Side (Queen of Hearts or White Queen)


Physical description (height, body type, etc)


3 dislikes

3 strengths

3 weaknesses


Biography 2+ paragraphs

Other info

Alistair Little

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/cd6a3669b80cb2a22a841ed2de156aa6.jpg.e76624ce9c7918697b29ad7300bb078e.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="120159" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/cd6a3669b80cb2a22a841ed2de156aa6.jpg.e76624ce9c7918697b29ad7300bb078e.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

An Alice


Name: Alistair Little

Age: 21

Sexuality: Bisexual

Gender: Male

Role: An Alice


Appearance Description: Alistair is 5'9" with a thin build, giving him a wiry appearance. His face hollowed, with dark circles under his eyes, giving him physical scars of the battle that goes on inside. His blond hair shaggy as it falls into his eyes from time to time though normally he ties it up in a short ponytail. His normally bright blue eyes are dull and his face covered in patches to hide his most recent fights. His clothes baggy due to the weight loss from the drug.


Strengths: Kind, Caring, Selfless

Weaknesses: Hot Tempered, Blinded by the Drug, Trusting the wrong crowd

Likes: The 'Mad Hatter', Being alone, Night time, Parties

Dislikes: Surprises, Withdrawals, Hot days, Sarcastic people

Personality: Alistair loves a good riddle and is very witty. Sometimes he can get a bit overconfident with himself, calling himself a 'riddle master'. He used to be a sweet kid but ever since the drug has taken hold he has become paranoid and reclusive from everyone he's known and loved. It started with pickpocketing to make a little extra cash so he could pay for his habits but now it has escalated to daily fights. The once sweet boy lost in a sea of madness.

Digging Deeper

History: Alistair grew up just outside of Yonder, a house in the suburbs his life was pretty normal until he met a girl named March O'Hare. She became his world and with it she took his sanity. She was the one who introduced him to the 'Mad Hatter' never thinking twice on what it could do to him in the long run. They were young and in love, Alistair's parents kicking him out when he became too much.

Alistair thought he could make a life with March when they moved to Yonder, thinking this was the life he wanted but then she was gone without warning. Moving on to the next helpless soul that found his self in her clutches. Alistair found himself spiraling out of control until he hit rock bottom. With nothing to live for he find's himself missing days and even weeks all because of the 'Mad Hatter'.

we're all mad here



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One pill makes you larger and one pill makes you small, and the ones that mother gives you don't do anything at all.
Jefferson Airplane, White Rabbit




Name:Janis Cameron (alias is Maia Cheshire)

Age: 23

Gender: Female

Sexual Orientation: Lesbian

Side: Queen of Hearts

Role: White Rabbit


Height: 5'10

Weight: 130

Eye Color: Grey

Hair Color: Blonde

Build: Slender



Personality: Janis is quite manipulative, and likes being in control. She is often found working in groups, as she likes having a support system to fall back on when things go sour. She is more of a follower than a leader, since she finds dirty work to be thrilling.

Likes: The Queen, money, control

Dislikes: Being watched, authority figures, stupid questions.

Virtues: Janis is intelligent, attractive, and quick-witted.

Vices: Janis is manipulative, greedy, and very lustful.

Love Interest: TBD

History: As a child, Janis was a lover of books, and her favorite was Alice in Wonderland. She had the best possible childhood, and couldn't ask for more. But, Janis ran away from home at 17, and found Reina. After hearing about her father, she vowed to support her, acting as a guard, and promising to take the fall for it if necessary.

At the work facility, and when going out to do deals, she uses the alias "Maia Cheshire," after the Cheshire Cat. She is quick and agile, and has never been caught. She uses her intelligence to her advantage, though, as she has a perfect story to throw off cops if she ever was caught.

Other info: Janis loves music, her favorite bands/artists being Queen, Led Zeppelin, The Beatles, Jefferson Airplane, X-Ray Spex, Janis Joplin, Blondie, The Ramones, and Black Sabbath.


(sorry for not posting this. i'm sick, and i have bad allergies, AND i just got my period. so, i'm a trainwrecl)

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Name: Yui Hinata


Crush: Alister Little

personality: shy,nice,protective of the ones she love

is the white rabbits neace



Queen "IF" Warner








White Queen



Physical description


Red, reaches her chest. Usually tied up.






Modest curves



Normal clothing



Napping, Working, Caffeine, Etc.


Drugs, Alcohol, Riddles, Etc.


Weapon expert, Caring, Actress


Drugs, Doubtful, Keeps everything to herself


Queen is a nice person in general. She isn't exactly a saint nor is she an angel. She is rather mean and sarcastic and times but she will gladly lend a helping hand when needed. She takes her job seriously. She usually is quite the clown but that side completely disappears when she knows it's not the right moment. She is great at keeping her composure and a calm, cool facade. Her mask seems to be almost flawless.

There are some bad traits to her. Queen is a pessimist. She can see something go wrong even if it seems to be a happy moment. It seems like it's her talent to see the error or loophole of a situation. She also constantly second guess things, earning her nickname, "IF". She also keeps a lot of secrets. She doesn't trust anyone actually. The highest you can get is her respect but it's almost impossible to gain her trust. But that doesn't mean she'll act all hostile with you. She will still treat you the same because she's a wonderful actress.


Not much is known about her earlier life but she used to be an addict. Only a few years ago did she stop and months later decided to become a 'Court'. It seems she absolutely cannot inhale or taste drugs. It's still hard for her to be stable. She didn't want to know what would happen if she caught a wiff of the cursed thing. Since she was able to change albeit with difficulty, she decided to take on this case despite her... Condition.

Another thing that is known is that Queen had live alone for more than ten years. Of course, no one knows why but they could figure this was the reason for her trust and drug issue. She was willing to say that her mother left her in the hands of her father and disaappeared. Her father took care of her at first but something happened. Queen would never tell had exactly happen. Only giving a coy smile.

Queen had only worked for a year and a half.

"We're all mad here"

Other info

Allergic to alcohol

Scared of dolls

Likes to take naps


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Gunhilda "Gunny" Odinsson

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we're all mad here.

a l c h e m i s t


b a s i c

[Name] Ivan Gregory Archer

[Nick] Alchemist

[Age] 21

[Gender] Male

[sexuality] Pansexual

[Physical Description] Alchemist is 6'1, with a lean yet muscular body. He weights around 82 Kg

[Personality] Alchemist is extremely reserved when it comes to anything that concerns his persona, and extremely curious when it comes to learning other's secrets. The man also enjoys to manipulate people into doing anything he wants them to. He is also quite sarcastic and classist, trait which he tries to keep hidden. A very calculating liar

a d v a n c e d

[Loyal To] Queen Of Hearts

[Role] Cheshire Cat

[Likes] Money, Art, Alcohol, Cigarettes

[Dislikes] Methamphetamine, Gullible people, Cops

[strenghts] Alchemy, Extremely photographic memory, Lying

[Weaknesses] Judgeful, Intolerant, Violent

[biography] Ivan was born in a rich and aristocratic russian family, which owned many pharmaceutical industries. That is when, as a kid, Ivan first came in contact with chemistry. Neglected by his four brothers and parents as a teen Ivan was rebellious, even joining in little crimes and creating troubles into his private school. His life took an extremely negative turn when he met Nicolai, older than him and interested in his capabilities in chemistry. Along with him Ivan made methamphetamine, and his was of such a good quality that it quickly became highly requested in his city. But then Nicolai was arrested and Ivan, who's family refused to aid him, fled from the country. In USA he survived as a little drug dealer until he came in contact with the Queen of Hearts, and now he produces the 'Mad Hatter' for her.

[Other Info] Always wears metallic brass knuckles, and also uses a gun for defense.

His tattoos, following russian's tradition, each hold a significate. (Ex: The one under his eye and on his ear represents his involvement in drug dealing, while the eight pointed stars on both his elbows and the star along with the cyrillic writing, which reads 'death to trash' indicating the police, his contrast with the law).

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Manuel "Manny" Ortega

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- I need help

we're all mad here

Ian Dermstrong





Addiction started being a big part in Ian's life when he turned sixteen, before that as a child and a preteen he had passed from a foster home to another, each set of "parents" refusing him because of his iper activity. Said urge to constantly do something had him try heroine for the first time at sixteen, and it took him two years to stop. At age 18 he found a job as a bartender, and everything went smoothly until one day a client, a Cheshire Cat, invited him to try the Mad Hatter.

From that moment on Ian lives in a world of his own, often seeing and hearing things that aren't there. He actually hates the drug and wishes he could stop, especially after having overdosed, but he simply can't.

Desperate by the fact that even with the overdose and so in fact having hit rock bottom he is unable to stop, Ian commits small thefts to pay the Mad Hatter and sometimes deals heroin.


Sometimes maybe when the Mad Hatter is over and he has one rare moment of sanity Ian manages to be sweet and caring, but with the blood in circle he is often egoistic and childish, turning violent if his visions are particularly strong.


Before heroin and Mad hatter Ian had a modest but lean build, but now he is simply thin, with deep bags under his green eyes.

His brown hair is uncut and reaches the back of his neck.

His once vivid skin now it's ghostly pale and full of scars.​

Elizabeth Délauge

Age: Twenty-Two

Sexuality: Straight

Gender: Female

Side: The White Queen

Role: The White Queen

Appearance: Elizabeth is quite beautiful being so young. With a hourglass-like body and curves in the right places, she looks like an angel. Her milky skin so smooth and clear and her long blonde waves which reach upto her waist. Her aqua, upturned eyes have such thick eyelashes hugging them and her nose, so small like a button. Her plump lips the colour of honey, they hide her pearly teeth. She walks with such a stride, she truly seems like a queen. Only she is not, yet, but she plans to be.

Strengths: Her innocence and her spell-binding smile allows her to win over people and she has a leader's quality of solving situations using a lawful and just method. Being ever so friendly allows her to possess quite a few friends.

Weaknesses: Elizabeth can not win an argument, she gives up and stays silent. She is also not very demanding, if a mistake has been made in her meal or personally-tailored attire, she keeps quiet and pretends as if everything is fine, when it is not, at all.

Likes: Elizabeth loves beauty, she thinks of it as a gift. Books is another favourite, they give you useful knowledge and also white roses, so pure and precious, with no trace of impurity.

Dislikes: Demanding people can intimidate her, and shouting, two things which her sister does best. She also dislikes vile smells, it causes her discomfort. (By vile smells I mean cigarettes, stale food and anything which is in the process of decaying and becoming compost).

Personality: Elizabeth is quite sweet to those who are polite to her, they hardly ever see her lose her cool. She may not be as confident as she seems and is quite sensitive about critism. She is a hard-worker and knows all of her late nights to keep the place safe and secure will pay off with a kingdom, but she wonders when that time will come.

Digging Deaper: Elizabeth is the youngest of the two siblings, but has always been the secret favourite. She grew up quite well-mannered and polite, agreeing to everything and getting along with everyone. That is everyone apart from her sister, no she did not despise Reina, why never! But she felt as if Reina held a few grudges here and there and that led to many occasions where they grew apart. She would try and be kind, but would often get rejected and this would land her sister in a bit of trouble, trouble which she was always blamed for. The blonde did not mean any of this to happen, she did not even know what the hell she did wrong but all she knows is that nobody wins over Reina.

Elizabeth now wishes to save her sister and guide her, but cannot reach out to her if she cannot step out of her zone, and she cannot, she would probably get her head chopped off. Elizabeth now knows that this kingdom is hers, she deserves it as Reina, the eldest mistreats most, and practically everything. But she is terrified, what if she cannot keep anybody in order like her sister?

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First image here:

Name: Coconut McFarland

Age: 17

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Pansexual Panromantic

Side: Red Queen

Role: Tweedle Dee

Physical description: short and chubby, Coconut somewhat resembles a coconut. She has short brown hair and milky white skin. Her eyes are dark brown. She's hopelessly clumsy and is usually covered in small bruises from her tripping.



Gymnastics (includes cartwheels, hanging upside down, stuff like that)

Entertaining people


Serious things


having to sit still








Easily distracted


Coconut is the embodiment of energy. She likes to jump around and play. The only issue she has in her focus. She has no focus. None at all. So, even though she is the muscle of the Queen's bidding, Coconut tends to disappoint. She acts as a child does, and barely takes anything seriously.

Coconut likes to make fun of people. There is no leash on her humor. She pokes at everyone, even the Queen sometimes. This gets her in trouble of course, but Coconut doesn't take trouble seriously. She laughs life off a lot.

Biography 2+ paragraphs

Other info
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Mira Dale

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/poklonskaya.jpg.acdd9f009861ce131a269e48e59b0940.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="121932" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/poklonskaya.jpg.acdd9f009861ce131a269e48e59b0940.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Basic Info

Name: Mira Dale

Age: 24

Gender Sexual and romantic orientations: Straight

Side: White Queen

Role: White Knight

We’re all a little mad


Mira is a 5^10 woman, who is anything but frail, even if she has a pretty face. She has been briefly in the military, but have been granted with lean genetics so she never grew overly buff. She has always cut her hair short and it has become her personal look.

When she is not on duty she has a very casual look, and rarely stand out with the clothes she wears.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/jill.jpg.5732e49694f66d994e24fc28147f6812.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="121934" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/jill.jpg.5732e49694f66d994e24fc28147f6812.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


Mira is a character with her feet on the ground, she comes off as pretty serious most of the time, especially on duty. She cares so much for everyone around her, but to the point of feeling like she needs to protect them all the time. This is why she doesn’t goof around that much. The fact that she cares so much means that she will listen to anyone and try to help them out. She especially wants to protect any Alice, since she lost her brother to the "mad hatter" drug.


X - Cigarettes

X - Alices'

X - Training

3 dislikes

X - Anyone supporting the Red Queen

X - People who aren’t serious with their job

X - The "Mad Hatter” drug

3 strengths

X - Physical

X - Shooting

X - Listening

3 weaknesses

X - Rash in some situations

X - Cooking and housework in general

X - Formulating herself correctly

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/XII.jpg.6067fd08d955e82651d4ab23e87793d6.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="121935" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/XII.jpg.6067fd08d955e82651d4ab23e87793d6.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Background Story

She has been living with her little brother for almost 10 years already, after their parents died serving for the white queen. Unfortunately Mira worked too much to ensure that her brother wouldn’t hang out with the wrong crowd. He ended up on the “Mad Hatter” drug after a thrill with some friends, and one day he just didn’t come back home. Since then she has dedicated her life to help all the Alice she can find.



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Tyler Dale

Basic Info

Name: Tyler Dale

Age: 20

Gender Sexual and romantic orientations: Homosexual

Role: An Alice

Biography here.

Tyler is 5^11, a little taller than his sister, and has dark hair. He often wears baggy shirts and jeans, but like his sister he doesn’t stand out much in clothing style. He has a lean build and is practically harmless when it comes to strength. He is a very fast runner, but he is often at a disadvantage in a fist-fight.


Tyler is the kind of person who can walk into a room and get noticed just by his presence. He often gets into trouble because he can’t keep his mouth shut. He speaks his mind, and his mind is not always too filtered. He has always been social, but it tipped over to become a character flaw when he started doing the ‘mad hatter’ drug. He never harms a fly, but his mouth often get him harmed the other way around. He has been beaten up countless times for speaking too loudly to people twice his size.


X - Mad Hatter drug

X - Deep discussions and conversations

X - Food. He will practically eat anything edible at all, since he often don’t have much money. It’s the ultimate bribe.

3 dislikes

X - People who try to get him off drugs

X - The cold

X - Yelling

3 strengths

X - Intelligent, he has vast amounts of ‘facts’

X - Quick

X - Emphathy

3 weaknesses

X - Lacks judgment of what people wants to hear

X - An addict

X - curiosity


Tyler practically saw his sister as a parent for most of his life, and they were very close. As he grew up she had to work more and more though. He started hanging out with the wrong crowd to pass the time, and one of the boys was his crush. His brush made him get into drugs, and specifically the “Mad Hatter” drug, which completely took over his entire life. He started using the money his sister had laid out for him on drugs, and she only found out by how thin he started to become.

He knew he couldn’t stay, so one day he just packed his things and moved out without a word. He jumped around some friend’s couches until he found himself a crummy apartment and a lousy job.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/ico_by_kr0npr1nz-d5tob9a.jpg.275176fb62e0ca7f707c66884290719b.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="121956" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/ico_by_kr0npr1nz-d5tob9a.jpg.275176fb62e0ca7f707c66884290719b.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

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Ainsley Reid


Basic Info


Biromantic Demisexual

Queen of Hearts

Cheshire Cat

Physical Description
Ainsley is super tiny and thin and pretty much can't build muscle no matter how hard he tries. He stands at 5'8 and weights no more than 120 lb. His brown hair is awkwardly trimmed and he is constantly pushing it out of his face. Even though it looks ridiculous, he really does believe it makes him look cool. Most of the clothes he wears consist of clothing that is leather or looks like it. He's attractive, but in a tries-too-hard-to-be-a-bad-boy way. At certain points, after not sleeping for days, he will roll into the lab in a hoodie with an awkward pun about chemistry on it, sweatpants, and awkward glasses. He also usually has a deck of cards on him as a force of habit from all the card games he played when his father was sick. Typically, if his hands aren't otherwise occupied, he'll be sitting around fiddling with the cards.



mid-day naps


non-caffeinated beverages (just what's the point???)

overcooked food



ridiculously intelligent





large amounts of insecurity

scared easily

crumbles instantly when someone tries to fight him physically

Ainsley is a giant nerd who tries way too hard to seem cool. He's very insecure about the fact that his background is completely different than everyone else's. He feels like he doesn't fit in with his coworkers, but he has never felt like he fits in anywhere. A lot of his insecurity comes from the fact that he has a feminine name and he's fairly small for a man. Ainsley is a really passionate person, and once you get him started on something he's interested in, he won't stop talking. His biggest strength is his determination and his intelligence, although he's unaware of this. If you get him to feel comfortable with his surroundings (which is typically in his home or in the lab), he's all smiles and chatter. His expression most of the time looks blank or like he's glaring so many people who first meet him find him off-putting and weird, but those expressions are usually a result of his spacing out or being deep in thought.
Ainsley is a bit of an outsider, and his story is a lot different than most of the people that work for the Queen of Hearts. He graduated from a good university with an degree in chemistry and was planning on potentially going to graduate school. For a long time, he'd held a position at a well known chemical company and was saving up money for school, but then his father and only living family member got seriously ill. Suddenly, all of Ainsley's money went to hospital expenses. Not only was graduate school no longer in the picture, but Ainsley was finding it hard to feed himself and his dad. He ended up having to move out of his apartment into a smaller one, but even that didn't help with the money. He felt like he was being backed into a corner.

Then one day he was approached by the Queen of Hearts. By this point, he had been living in a sketchy neighborhood. After a few White Rabbits tried to sell him some Mad Hatter (and failed), higher ups in the organization began to catch wind of the chemist. The Queen of Hearts approached him with a huge amount of money to perfect her drug. It wasn't something that Ainsley could turn down and that is how he found himself working for a drug ring. Suddenly, he had more than enough money to pay his dad's medical bill and keep food on the table.

None of that mattered because two months after he started working for the Queen of Hearts, his father passed away from sudden complications. But he money was too good for Ainsley to quit and return to his old job. Ultimately, as long as Ainsley was behind a lab bench synthesizing chemicals, he was happy. And, once he got past the fact that they were drugging people, Ainsley found that his job was pretty nice. It wasn't like there was anyone left who'd cared about the direction that his life went anyway.


we're all mad here

amoleofmonsters said:

Ainsley Reid


Basic Info


Biromantic Demisexual

Queen of Hearts

Cheshire Cat

Physical Description
Ainsley is super tiny and thin and pretty much can't build muscle no matter how hard he tries. He stands at 5'8 and weights no more than 120 lb. His brown hair is awkwardly trimmed and he is constantly pushing it out of his face. Even though it looks ridiculous, he really does believe it makes him look cool. Most of the clothes he wears consist of clothing that is leather or looks like it. He's attractive, but in a tries-too-hard-to-be-a-bad-boy way. At certain points, after not sleeping for days, he will roll into the lab in a hoodie with an awkward pun about chemistry on it, sweatpants, and awkward glasses. He also usually has a deck of cards on him as a force of habit from all the card games he played when his father was sick. Typically, if his hands aren't otherwise occupied, he'll be sitting around fiddling with the cards.



mid-day naps


non-caffeinated beverages (just what's the point???)

overcooked food



ridiculously intelligent





large amounts of insecurity

scared easily

crumbles instantly when someone tries to fight him physically

Ainsley is a giant nerd who tries way too hard to seem cool. He's very insecure about the fact that his background is completely different than everyone else's. He feels like he doesn't fit in with his coworkers, but he has never felt like he fits in anywhere. A lot of his insecurity comes from the fact that he has a feminine name and he's fairly small for a man. Ainsley is a really passionate person, and once you get him started on something he's interested in, he won't stop talking. His biggest strength is his determination and his intelligence, although he's unaware of this. If you get him to feel comfortable with his surroundings (which is typically in his home or in the lab), he's all smiles and chatter. His expression most of the time looks blank or like he's glaring so many people who first meet him find him off-putting and weird, but those expressions are usually a result of his spacing out or being deep in thought.
Ainsley is a bit of an outsider, and his story is a lot different than most of the people that work for the Queen of Hearts. He graduated from a good university with an degree in chemistry and was planning on potentially going to graduate school. For a long time, he'd held a position at a well known chemical company and was saving up money for school, but then his father and only living family member got seriously ill. Suddenly, all of Ainsley's money went to hospital expenses. Not only was graduate school no longer in the picture, but Ainsley was finding it hard to feed himself and his dad. He ended up having to move out of his apartment into a smaller one, but even that didn't help with the money. He felt like he was being backed into a corner.

Then one day he was approached by the Queen of Hearts. By this point, he had been living in a sketchy neighborhood. After a few White Rabbits tried to sell him some Mad Hatter (and failed), higher ups in the organization began to catch wind of the chemist. The Queen of Hearts approached him with a huge amount of money to perfect her drug. It wasn't something that Ainsley could turn down and that is how he found himself working for a drug ring. Suddenly, he had more than enough money to pay his dad's medical bill and keep food on the table.

None of that mattered because two months after he started working for the Queen of Hearts, his father passed away from sudden complications. But he money was too good for Ainsley to quit and return to his old job. Ultimately, as long as Ainsley was behind a lab bench synthesizing chemicals, he was happy. And, once he got past the fact that they were drugging people, Ainsley found that his job was pretty nice. It wasn't like there was anyone left who'd cared about the direction that his life went anyway.


we're all mad here


Sorry, I just got happy because I fangirled over that guy for a full few weeks.
:( I wanted it to carry on but you can't have everything, I guess.


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/Horror-Anime-Manga-image-horror-anime-manga-36694792-539-770.jpg.af64a9522d9a8f32ffee22e5810191da.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="122445" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/Horror-Anime-Manga-image-horror-anime-manga-36694792-539-770.jpg.af64a9522d9a8f32ffee22e5810191da.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

All I bring is little escapes from reality.

Name: Matthew Reiner

Age: 22

Sexuality: Bisexual

Side: Red Queen

Role: White Rabbit

We’re All Mad Here

Describtion: Matthew is 5^8 and dyed purple/blue hair, but was naturally blonde, with blue eyes. He has a tattoo down his arm, but it is normally hidden by his jacket. He is pretty fit, since he swims and runs regularly, but never weight-lift. This doesn’t show on the picture, but he also usually wear gloves.

Likes: Money, running and writing

Dislikes: Heights, strong scents and filth

Strenghts: running, writing and dealing

Weaknesses: detaches easily, OCD, loner

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/koide_natsuno_by_tritonsan-d8lgh93.jpg.dc9a7f253064a2cfbb21bd5894fdc288.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="122448" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/koide_natsuno_by_tritonsan-d8lgh93.jpg.dc9a7f253064a2cfbb21bd5894fdc288.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Background story:

As a kid, Matthew’s OCD was almost taking over his life. He lived in a lower-middle class family, and his parents cleaned regularly, but everything always seemed filthy to him. He couldn’t shake people’s hands, let alone give anyone a hug. When he was in a crowd of people, he would be careful to not brush against anyone’s shoulder, and would flat out refuse to go to the mall if it was full, in case someone would touch him. He went to a lot of therapy, and even if his obsessive behaviors were still lingering, he was taught to control them as he grew older. He still likes to wear gloves though, there is just something about hands that he finds especially repulsing.

He moved into an apartment by himself, and he cleans every single morning before he can start his day, then he goes for a run and takes a shower. He never over-sleep. Besides this morning routine he functions fine in his daily life though. The fact that he ended up on the street has little to do with his disorder really, he simply didn’t like school. He got into the business of dealing by contacts. Matthew is quite the loner, so he didn’t have many loose ends, and the job paid well so he stuck with it.

“If you ever need to forget. Come find me. I got the perfect poison.”

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/a6f82b759e8b340234e0a72b1a6a181c.jpg.c3ded19fc613225f10d3e5a3ad3beb22.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="122453" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/a6f82b759e8b340234e0a72b1a6a181c.jpg.c3ded19fc613225f10d3e5a3ad3beb22.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p><p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/koide_natsuno_by_tritonsan-d8lgh93.jpg.65b7d16d88fb606bc3b29f7a6c746318.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="122455" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/koide_natsuno_by_tritonsan-d8lgh93.jpg.65b7d16d88fb606bc3b29f7a6c746318.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Chocoholique said:
Sorry, I just got happy because I fangirled over that guy for a full few weeks.
:( I wanted it to carry on but you can't have everything, I guess.
I've never actually played the amnesia game (mac user... :( ) but I think the character designs are really great and I use them a lot for my rp characters. I really really do wanna play the game someday though because otome games are my guilty pleasure haha.


Orion Lovell




Siding with The Red Queen

White Rabbit


Orion Lovell is a small, thin, and feminine male of around 5'6, unsuspecting in his appearance, with a friendly-looking face, sometimes almost ministerly in his preference of black and white clothing. He has long (mid-back) pale blonde hair he frequently ties up in a ponytail, or tucks into the collar of his coat and dark gold eyes. He normally wears a pressed, white collared shirt underneath a dark colored parka, dark pants, and with a small ivory rabbit on a necklace around his neck.

About Orion

Likes: Books, empty libraries and coffee

Dislikes: Rain, being up early, damaged books

Strengths: Quick and agile, charismatic, keen observation skills

Weaknesses: Easily injured, small frame, fear of thunder

Orion is a quiet, easily adaptive man who usually knows the right things to say and when to say them. Alternatively, he knows when it's better to act rather then waste time talking. The male has an uncanny knack for knowing how to please people and doesn't seem to have a problem sweet talking anyone. He has a rather profound love of books, literature, and puzzles. He hates the newspaper on the grounds that it's poor writing and brings nothing but unpleasant news, but reads it religiously everyday. He would sleep for centuries if not awoken by particularly noisy alarm clocks. He has a cat named Clover and loves it more than most people.



Orion Lovell grew up
Lucas Lovell in a small town as the only son of a single father, who owned a library. As a child Lucas grew up surrounded by books, and grew to love them. He escaped reality through the pages of the books his father read to him every night and became a quiet, introverted kid. Upon entering highschool, Lucas became more open and sociable, and quickly rose to top of his class grades-wise, and became liked by his peers for his "kind-hearted and passionate" nature.

Lucas used his top-scoring grades and good reputation as a shield for his more distasteful occupation as his small town's leading supplier of meth and heroin, a job he'd picked up to help support his father. Upon graduation, Lucas realized that he'd gotten quite skilled at his job and that selling to his small town locals wouldn't provide as big as a profit as a larger city would, and moved to Yonder to begin peddling "Mad Hatter" under "The Red Queen". In the process, he changed his name to
Orion Lovell, and continued his pursuit of collecting money to support his father back home and himself.

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<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/57a8c9a8bf435_...............jpg.8c62139dbb7382d185fd9c07ab70a895.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="123336" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/57a8c9a8bf435_...............jpg.8c62139dbb7382d185fd9c07ab70a895.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


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| Goes by Suzy or Miss A |



Gender Sexual and romantic orientations







<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/tumblr_nuu0w9vOwc1r3ssjeo2_540.gif.c08435cc6d4d3d1916426026f35d153e.gif" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="123339" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/tumblr_nuu0w9vOwc1r3ssjeo2_540.gif.c08435cc6d4d3d1916426026f35d153e.gif" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>
















5 ' 3


56 kg or 119 pounds


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/57a8c9a8e3661_.jpg.8411963a51764d655e6c9edac2bd02bd.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="123340" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/57a8c9a8e3661_.jpg.8411963a51764d655e6c9edac2bd02bd.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>







3 dislikes






3 strengths




3 weaknesses







<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/cbf5c1460eba62008458ed65b6199140.jpg.7b9c7ccaedd0c697a14197fc2f5fba91.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="123349" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/cbf5c1460eba62008458ed65b6199140.jpg.7b9c7ccaedd0c697a14197fc2f5fba91.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


Suzy at first glance is full of womanly charms ,

a dreamer always in her own little world . Suzy is rarely jealous but she is easily hurt , for she is very emotional.

She is highly imaginative and tends to always have a happy disposition . Tolerant is a trait she carries all the time , most admire her for how well she deals with communication .

Suzy warm and gentle personality makes most people relax around her .

When angered she is like most women .

Suzy is very fragile both physical and mentally , she is highly emotional ,her feelings will be over the place .

She is very vulnerable , most just want to run up and protect her from harms way , Loving to be surround by people , she will most likely be laughing with people .

Suzy is very extravagant , she is wastrel what ever she does she does not know the list herself she is very intelligent spending most of her time studying she catches peoples eye with her knowledge , very hard working.

Suzy is honest , and responsible weather in professional life or personal she will never disappoint you.


Growing up in an orphanage was hard , Suzy was constantly bullied , and forgotten by most of the teachers there.

As she progressed , time took it's tole on Suzy , her beauty increased , and so did her knowledge .

Her passion was books , she read all the time even as a child , many were impressed such a small child had so much knowledge .

At the age of 18 she had been old enough to leave the orphanage , jobless she was stranded with no where to go.

Suzy came upon a newspaper , it had talked about a drug .

This drug fascinated her in many ways , spending 1 year researching the drug , and as she did she became more and more interested

it had been almost half a year , when The White Queen found Suzy , and offered her a job.

This was Suzy's dream , she gladly accepted , taking on this big role wasn't going to be easy but she sincerely believed she could do it.

It as been only a year since that fateful day , and not much has happened .

( Sorry about the lame bio , I'll fix it later O.o ' )

Other info


~ plays with her hair

~ has a habit when sitting down her legs are crossed

( most of the time )

~ has a habit of jumping on people

~ loves to stand out in the rain




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