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Fantasy Throne of Heaven


Turn 5 - Outskirts of Akthubit

Harnald, Salvatore, and Ricardo returned to camp earlier than expected after their rendezvous with Kiyan and her forces fell through. They had camped out overnight but their contact never showed. Salvatore, a master tracker, could pick up no signs of their comings and goings so they opted to return to camp. Arriving the following evening, Seaghan looked up from the campfire as they approached, surprised to see them back so soon.

"Back already? We thought you'd be gone for days," Seaghan remarked, his curiosity piqued by the unexpected development.

"We waited and waited, but no one showed," Harnald explained, shrugging his shoulders. "No sense wasting more time there. Have you heard anything from Akthubit?"

Seaghan shook his head. "No, sir. Nothing."


During their absence, Seaghan, Yishai, and Whiliyamu had been running bilateral military exercises with Akthubit's forces. Harnald glanced around the camp, noting the activity. "How are the exercises going?" he inquired.

Seaghan, the youngest of Harnald's lieutenants, spoke up. "They're going well. It's clear we're the superior force, but I think we might pick up a few new things."

Yishai couldn't resist making a snide remark. "Superior? That's an understatement. You might learn a thing or two, greenhorn, but the rest of us we’re leagues ahead." Whiliyamu, who was standing by Yishai, nodded his head in agreement.

"There is always room for improvement, Yishai." Harnald replied.

"Yeah, even diamonds have the flaws." Ricardo chimed in. "Although calling someone of your "manner," shall we say, a diamond might be a stretch."

Yishai looked daggers at Ricardo and snarled.

As they spoke, a messenger from Akthubit approached, handing Harnald a letter marked with the royal seal. Harnald opened it and read the contents, his expression remaining calm despite the surprising news. "Following the military exercises, they’re terminating our contract," he announced. "No reason given."

Yishai's temper flared. "What? After all we’ve done for them, they just let us go?"

Harnald raised a hand to calm him. "Relax, Yishai. Getting angry won't help."

Despite his calm exterior, the abrupt termination left the Company of the Oak in a precarious situation and Harnald retreated to his tent to contemplate their next move. As he entered, Rati, who was sitting on his shoulder, began sniffing the air then pointed towards his desk. Noticing another letter sitting there, Harnald opened it and found an offer of employment from Caolin. With a sense of relief, Harnald sat down and immediately began penning a response...

1: The Company of the Oak will travel to Caolin to finalise details of their new contract. (Use both actions if necessary)
2: After a long march, allow the men some R&R before the start of their new contract.
Turn 5
Trektek Trektek


Inziim takes the notes he had made with Cora and Nomolos and puts them to work making his own golems. It was not as refined [or remotely as expensive] as the golem they created together, but it could be 'mass' produced as all it took was death magic and copious amounts of dead bodies, both were readily available if someone went out into the ashlands and started digging. The golems are about the size of an ogre, being fairly large and robust as they seem to be able to ignore more damage until they've been hacked and crushed to bits. They lack any intelligence, and although Inziim may be able to grant it intelligence, the question remained if 'it' would have true intellect or if it would have the minds of dozens all trapped in one body... It would certainly be a question that Inziim may not want an answer to. The golems are undoubtedly hideous to look at though as slapping together a bunch of bones didn't quite come out with a smooth and polished finish as some may have wanted, but they were undoubtedly very effective.

Gain Unit Type: Bone Golems
Bone Golems are Monstrous Infantry, they are mindless so require a mage to lead them. They are durable and hit hard but are not particularly fast or quick. They have medium armor, cause Fear and ignore damage on a 6 [in major battles].

Gain the Spell: Create Bone Golem, Level 4 Conjuration - Death Mana 2
Targeting a battalion of Skeletons, or large amount of bodies, the wizard fuses together the bones to create bone golems.

Action 2

The journey into Talirus was uneventful as they arrived to the large walled manner of the Senator. There were no guards outside, but the door was ajar. As they approached the manner, they occasionally saw curtains opening and quickly closing and shadows pass behind the windows, but no figure could be made out. As they knocked on the door, it simply swung open and allowed them entrance.​
Gofrit - Turn 4: The Awakening
In a small opening, a quiet serenity filled the air as a peaceful, clear lagoon nestled in the midst of this oddly clear patch of grassland in the otherwise marshy region of Ditmarsh. The lagoon's crystalline waters, a mirror to the azure sky above, glistened in the sunlight like a gem hidden away in the marshes of Ditmarsh. In this idyllic haven, time seemed to slow, and worries dissolved into the ether, carried away by the soft caress of an ocean breeze. Yet, the peaceful, silent lagoon suddenly was interrupted by a rumbling... the unmistakable rumble of snoring. A kobold exploded out of a nearby bush.

"Mi lord! Mi lord!" it squeaked in excitement.

A man clad in furs jerked and stirred from his peaceful slumber by the lagoon. "Corporal Stepses found mi lord!" The kobold shouted in joy. "What do you want Corporal Steps?" The man grunted as he rubbed his eyes. "I just went for a short walk to patrol the coastline." "Mi lord has been missing for months!" Season is almost over!" Gofrit looked at Corporal Steps with an incredulous look before he looked around the clearing. The season was clearly changing. Where had Gofrit been all this time? It was almost like a power beyond him had put him to a long slumber. Yet, Gofrit felt a well of panic begin to pool within him. How could he have been asleep for so long? He had so much work to do and so little time to accomplish it. "Damn it Corporal Steps. You couldn't have found me a month earlier? Come now! We must return to the manor." "Lady Seer in charge! Build giant silk building! You see, you see!" Corporal Steps gleefully yelled as it hurried to follow Gofrit with its short kobold legs.


Action 1: In connection with a trade agreement with Chepura, Gofrit began construction of a textile mill that would focus on the weaving of Arachyaw textiles to be used to make bows (strings), silk clothes, and light armor. Per the agreement, Gofrit would construct the mill while Chepura would provide a minimum of 1 Unit of Archyaw Silk a turn (more if the rest of the silk was not used in a turn). Gofrit would have first dibs on the first batches of silk production to provide armor and arms to his fledgling military. Once his men were equipped, the silk textiles and products would be sold/exported to the broader market where profits would be evenly split between Gofrit and Chepura where Gofrit would act as the face of this joint business venture due to... rather obvious and visible reasons.

Resources and Labor/Skills Available for this Project:

1 EP
2 Units of Ironbark
Minimum 1 Unit of Archyaw Silk per turn
A lot of Beaver Pelts
2 Units of Wasp Poison
Zaru - Earth 4, Death 2 [Earth Breaker]
1 Earth Gem

Action 2: Search for an astral site of power! Need them astral pearls.
Gofrit Astral 4
Nithael and Mitra - Gofrit's hype men/Guardian Angels
Amagê - Sarmatian Seer/Astral Lady
Lily - Scout extraordinaire

Action 3: Graveyard of Ancients - The swamp that Ditmarsh sits on, long ago, was home to an ancient civilization believed to be the Vanir, or at least, one of their many lands and fell into ruin during the first war against the Fomorians... Ruins litter the land that can be searched for unqiue things. Every turn, you can decide to explore it as a free action. Exploring could unlock dungeons to explore, grant items or even gems... or may unleash ancient foes into your lands that will need to be defeated. There are some whispers that an entrance into Agartha lays somewhere within.


Other rolls:

Refuge of the Unwanted - Every turn, there will be a roll to see who joins the nation of castoffs. Sometimes, it will be nothing important, lepers, mutants, or some of the more undesirable creatures like Bullywugs or Slinks, hardly worth noting down, other times it will be extremely dangerous people and creatures that could prove a boon or a curse upon Ditmarsh while, very rarely, someone or something truly wonderous may show up.
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Han Liuyang
Turn 5
ThatWhichShouldBe ThatWhichShouldBe

It was strange to think of what would happen because of this training. Amon would attempt to assassinate Thrassax, and fail, his body left in the ruins that tried to keep the training a secret in. Farator, would stick to his sense of honor, and inform Lucia of the truth when asked and Valin and the Ryu would, in turn, force the hand of Han. Han would hunt down Thrassax and bring him to them, alive... Which he did. The unconscious form of Thrassax was handed over to the Wave Priestess who no doubt had many means to keep a mage from casting spells.. And that was the last Han, or anyone, saw of Thrassax as he was carried into the temple of the waves and never seen again.

Still, the training, itself, went well as it had for everyone.

Ki Healing Advances, may heal Others now.

Ki Points Gained: 3

Pick Specialization

[Suitably long for the wuxia vibes]
The Heavenly Blow That Sundered The Gates Of Hell
The Roaring Light That Shatters The Mortal Coil

While in Kozen, Han finds an old book that chronicles the adventures of Sir Ansul the Bold, a Loris folkhero.. Yet as Han flips through it, he cannot shake the feeling that many of the fights in this book seem very... real and the technique quite applicable. Perhaps if he finds someone who could help him look through this cough Nomolos cough he could learn the truth of this Ansul.​
Turn 5
deer deer

Siofra did quite a bit of traveling this season. From her homeland far to the north, to the other side of the known world, the lush river delta of the Great Akula and the Silver City that sat at the 'gateway' to these lands to the mountains and rolling hills of Gil-Galit and its grand university that was quickly becoming the center of formal education in the south. Whilst Siofra trained in martial arts, trying to unlock 'Ki' under Farator, a being who her dragons took a genuine liking too immediately, tutelage... Of course, that was the high point in that endeavor as, afterwards, Siofra got news that Thrassax, the strange squid creature that her friend Sylvie was fond of, was seemingly responsible for mass deaths in the human city realm of Valin... and they were not too happy with Han Liuyang for breaking bread with their foe. While Siofra trained under Thrassax to expand her astral powers, she was not as indebted to him or as attached to him as Sylvie was, and so allowed Han to enter her lands to correct his mistake....

Sylvie attempted to hide Thrassax, but it wasn't enough and Thrassax was taken. What that means for their relationship is anyone's guess, but the house odds are on 'Not good'. It was far from the last of her woes, as while Siofra was gone, preparing for a mission against 'Meilin', a mission that never actually happened, her forces marched to bring order to the first city and, in the battle against hordes of ghouls, her hobbits were nearly massacred to a hobbit.. Very few survivors managed to escape. They fought and died in foreign lands for foreign ambitions and Siofra was not there when they needed her most. Something one of the surviving hobbits, a brutally scared and maimed woman, had no qualms in hiding.

Still the training in the Silver City, despite its fallout, was successful.

Silver City Training
Gain +2 Astral [Setting to Astral 3]

Gain Ki Healing and Advanced Ki Healing [Ability to use Ki Healing to heal others]


In Gil-Galit, she causes quite a stir in the university as a Fae is not exactly a common sight, especially one that seems to have young dragons around her... It is something that, well, stands out. Any wouldbe suitors among Gil-Galit are scared off by dragons that, while small, are still dragons and don't seem fond of people taking her attention away, even for a moment, as that attention, rightfully, belongs to them [as everything did]. 'Harmless Pranks' skyrocket in Gil-Galit during her stay, caused by a certain blue dragon, and despite Melintalia's open admittance, the Watchers never seem to notice the dragons antics... Either the watchers were just blind to her or that dragon was incredibly sneaky.

Gil-Galit University Studying
+1 to Water, Earth and Fire [Setting those to 3, I believe {pre-season boost}]

While in Gil-Galit, she is often joined by Montague who seems insistent on helping her with her alchemical work, and by 'helping' it seemed he spent more time hyping her up, dancing behind her and throwing random glitter into anything she made then of actual help, but potions were made, nonetheless.

Turn Herbalist into Alchemist

Potions Created
Gain 2 Potions of Resistance [Mental], 1 Potion of False Life and 1 Potion of Quickness.

Pick Four Potions [of any combination]
Alchemical Fire
Potion of Quickness
Potion of Resistance [Pick Resistance Type]
Potion of the Mistwalker
Tonic of the Living Wall
Potion of Flight
Thunder Draught
Frost Kiss Tonic

Before she left Gil-Galit, Montague ushered her into a larger chamber...



"Surprise, darling~!" Blue glitter and confetti rains from above as Siofra looks into one of the countless overly embellished rooms of La Maison du Marionnettiste during her stay in Caolin. Yet, instead of art on display, the room is full of a dozen large beasts, each one head and shoulders larger than a horse. Gryphons- half eagle, half lion- and each one has a large glitter covered blue ribbon ending in a bow hanging loosely around their neck.

In the center of them stands the one and only Montague Navarro, smile as bright as the sun across his face. "Mind the floating kobolds on confetti duty, darling, but I had thought to give you a gift- a bit of light in these dark times," he pauses, before ending with, "And yes, my darling, they do all need names." LucasGhost LucasGhost

Maelúir Síocháin unlocks Gryphon Mounts. Every Hero may take a Gryphon Mount if they wish. When buying generic commanders for battle, you may pay extra to mount them on a Gryphon turning them into a 'Monster'. [Sidhe Lords on them will be extremely expensive but very potent]


Cora agrees to help Siofra summon a Black Dragon. Cora doubts it will work as summoning a Dragon is something that would require magic beyond the likes they have, but the Fae does have.. a lot, so maybe Siofra just knows something no one else does or has some trick or secret? Either way, Cora agrees to help with the ritual, and a death gem is consumed as the spell is chanted...

Nothing happens. No dragon emerges from a door or flies in, it is.. disappointing.

At night, when Siofra has retired for the evening in the personal chambers that had been 'gifted' to her by Gil-Galit for her stay [as was common to do with diplomatic guest and visitors], there is a shuddering in the air as a black talon reaches out from the nothingness of her room and tears reality. The sunder in reality leaks a grey fog that smells of decay and rotting flesh, hardly the match for the pleasant candle lit room Siofra had been enjoying before, and from it emerges a dragon with obsidian scales. Black with purple streaks as a dragon, no larger then Gofrit, steps into her room as the tear in reality mends itself behind it.

The dark dragon has abyssal eyes, black voids that draw anyone looking in, it slowly spreads its great wings that barely fit when fully extended in this small room... and then it pounces. Leaps onto the bed and lunges at Siofra, its claws wrap around her waist as it buries its heads into her stomach and clutches onto her as if it was going to drown if it let go. The dragon stays like that, latched onto her for a good hour before it lifts its head to look up at her.

The dragon is called Aldrrays, and he, Siofra finds out, is very soft spoken. A shy dragon was not exactly what the Fae had ever expected to see... ever, in any realm of existence, but that is Aldrrays. It takes several weeks before the black dragon is even tempted into playing with the others, and a very unlikely friendship between Aldrrays and Vetzafira as Aldrrays seems to have the patience and even inclination to put up with the young Princess.

Gain Aldrrays
Martial 4, Death 3
[Dragon] [Withering Breath] [Stygian Wayfinder]

Important Note:
As a Black Dragon, Aldrrays can take a small group with him whenever he wishes into Hades, the realm of the dead. Be Warned, Hades is a very dangerous place, especially for the living.


Site Searching

[Pick ONE]
Angelic Statues

Within a quiet grove are two beautiful statues.. Both seem to be angels, their great wings resplendent as each feather is painstakingly carved and detailed as if they will spring to life at any moment. One angel is a woman, so beautiful that the very breath is stolen from the lungs of any who gaze upon her, she is on her hands and knees, seemingly weeping, her eight wings furled around her like a great gown. Standing above her is a male angel, at least, Siofra assumes it is male. Covered head to toe in intricate plate armor, in the right hand of the great angel is an immense sword that is has raised as if to strike down the beautiful angel at his feet. When Bea sees the statues, she falls to her haunches and lowers her head to the ground and begins to mumble something, almost a prayer, but she will not say why. Any who visit cannot help the feeling that both angels are watching them.. Judging them.

Each turn, you may approach the Warrior or the Maiden and receive a gift. From the Maiden, from her tears, either a Water Gem or a Nature Gem will manifest [You roll, d2, 1 water, 2 Nature]. From the Warrior, a Fire Gem or an Astral Pearl will form in their free hand [You roll, d2, 1 Fire, 2 Astral]. You may only pick one angel a turn to get a gift from, but each time you do, Siofra can feel their gaze becoming more intense. Keep track of whom you took from and how many times.

Moonlit Fountain

In the center of the land, right next to the great Dairgéadach tree, a large ornate fountain appears. No one knows who put it there, or where, but it is beautiful with marble fish suspended mid jump as water is shot out of the center to gently rain back down over it. It is serene and those nearby feel themselves at calm and at peace as the gentle sounds of the water sooth them. But, once a season, on a full moon, the entire fountain glows with an ethereal light an the marble fish seem to come alive, swimming and splashing in the fountain.. When the fountain is approached, one of the fish will leap out into their arms.. Gain 1 Spirt Koi Each Turn, spirit koi is a unique resource, if not taken it is unlikely to appear in this RP again

Crystal Pool

In the middle of a forest grove, there is a small pool that seems to be made of solid crystal. Slowly, the pool will fill with clear water then, once a season, it will suddenly empty and in the center of the pool will be a water gem. Gain One Water Gem A Turn

[Pick ONE]
Sylph Grove

Within the ancient forest likes a grove where, every morning, the breeze coming down from the Jotunheim mountains will slip through the trees and create a beautiful ringing sound, as if the world itself is singing for all to hear. In this grove, Sylphs, Fae Nymphs who have been blessed by the spirits of Air, will dance, play and preform in this grove. It is incredibly beautiful and a wonder to behold. These Sylphs can be encouraged to join Siofra's service. Gain Sylphs, Air 3 Nymph Commanders.

Turbulent Window

Floating in the middle of the air is a tiny, hand mirror sized 'hole' in reality. This hole leads to the Elemental Realm of Air, and, each season, an Air Gem will crystalize from the raw power of the air realm leaking into this world and fall to the ground. It is possible, with strong enough air magic, that this hole could be expanded, perhaps, into a door or gateway. Gain 1 Air Gem Each Turn.

Lightning Cloven Tree

Within the forest there is a tree that has nearly been cut straight in half by a lightning bolt. The tree has been petrified by the bolt and is more akin to a giant rock now then wood, but within the middle of the cloven tree, an Air Gem will form each season. Gain 1 Air Gem each turn.

Turn 5
Twist Twist

Haefer is rather hard at working brewing, trying to create new and superior drinks, to spice up the Airag, to make drinks worthy of celebrating their victory over Loris, and does rather well in it, then again, making spirits and drinks was a life skill requirement for a people that loved to raid, drink and party as the Herde [especially the satuars]. The mixing of Airag with the Wine, along with a few other herbs, creates a rather... interesting series of drinks [You may make as much, or little, as you want so long as you pay the unit cost. This counts as a CRAFTING action and so you can do any other crafting if you have any in addition to this. Do more brewing in the future and I'll make Haefer a hero with the skill Brewmaster {and possibly a new unit type called Brewmares.}]

New Drinks
Blood Wine [1 unit of Lorisian wine + 1 unit of Bloodvine = 1 Unit of Blood Wine]
Mixing Bloodvine into Lorisian Wine creates a lovely tasting, but evil liquour that causes barbed vines to grow throughout the stomach and into the rest of the body, digging into the blood veins of the victim and, eventually, turning them into a bloody rose bush, their impaled corpse acting as fertilizer... Not recommended to drink but makes a powerful poison. If enough blood wine is made, and used on enough people, you may have a way to gain renewable Bloodvine from harvesting from these 'corpse bushes'.

Dreamy Creamy [Airag + 1 Unit of Dreamwheat]
A rather.. unfortunate name [Satuars are rascals] for a powerful drink. This alcoholic drink allows the consumer to catch a glimpse into the future, to see a prophetic vision.. This unit can be consumed to allow a character to catch a glimpse into their future or consumed by a battalion on the battlefield to allow them to have 'seen their death' and so giving them an 'Invulnerable save' to avoid incoming damage as they know when they are destined to die and it is not this day.

Flaming Milkers [1 Unit of Oil + 1 Unit of Airag]
This Airag is an orange color, although how that happened is unknown to the brewmares as neither the oil or airag are orange... This substance is extremely flammable and is a bit 'sticky', adhering to whatever it touches. Its taste is 'alright'. A bit like Airag that has gone a bit sour.

Fine Airag [1 Unit of Lorsian Wine + Airag]
This doesn't have any special abilities or powers but is surprisingly delicious and extremely potent. A highly valued trade good.

Into the Dark
The opening in the mine goes deep... Too deep. The third expedition finds strange ruins and buildings within and it keeps.. going. They walk for nearly two hours and it doesn't stop. Ruins of builds, massive new openings and cavities in the earth, until they hear something. The blowing of wind? In and out, the hot air blows, in and out. Smooth and steady. Rhythmic.. almost like breathing. But what could be so large that its mere breath is like wind? The thought makes the lead Stallion pull the expedition back assuming that following the breath is likely what led to the disappearance of the last two expeditions.. As they go, strange white worms begin to appear in great swarms, swimming over the Taurs, digging into their hides and flesh.. Taurs that fall, rise again, worms poking out of their skin as they turn on their brothers and sisters..

Of the third expedition into the mines, only a handful return with the stories..

There were things down there. And whatever that big thing was that could create wind with its breath and they weren't even sure how far away it was. Some advocate going in their and clearing it out, looting the valuables.. while others want to close the tunnel completely.. [If you go back in there ,it will be a pretty beefy scene! So consider bringing friends if you have any].

The survivors do bring back something, something they found that their leader considered valuable:

Pick One
1. Lump of Metal
2. Strange Egg Sack
3. Glowing Stone
Turn 5
Crocodile Crocodile

Not all of the Raven's Flight abandoned their deals with Nomolos, the organization, itself, had somewhat splintered with many of the assassins going off on their own to earn more coin doing what they did best failing to kill a squid, but some of the information ring held together. They were content to keep to the deal, but many of them were considering more. A sponsorship, something akin to what they had with amon, after all, it was free gold and provided them purpose. [Details will be sent in DMs]

Rituals and crafting are being done. [DM me or tag me in discord with what reagents/ingredients you have for potion making, if none, let me know]​
Turn 5
Scatterbrain Scatterbrain

Their contract with Akthubit had come to an end, while that end was inglorious, and lacked the great final conflict of the Dragon Emperor, it was still a long-term contract fulfilled. [Reputation Grows. Track this. Next reputation growth nets you a reward]

The trip to Caolin was an uneventful one, but it was certainly a long march. Across the great river, where a few of the lads relaxed by the shores only to quickly scramble away when large predators attempted to snap them up and drag them in {was later discovered that they made good eating}, through yet more desert as they were shadowed by Nurbellium riders the entire way as while their reputation was known to them, the Company of the Oak had been under the employ of their enemies and so they could never be too cautious. They passed through the desert, resupplying at small trade outpost and the occasional city until the desert gave way to rolling hills and jagged rocks. Marching over the hills and through the valleys, they came at last to Caolin, the City of Blue Walls. Nestled next to a small river, the city was large but not dominatingly so like some of the cities they passed by in Nurbellium. The city certainly had a lot of blue, even many of the houses were and it made the city stand out all the more against the lush rolling hills.

As the company approached, the gates swung open and a procession came out to meet them. Fire magic shot into the air to explode, cascading in glitter and sparks that spelled out a great 'Welcome' in the air, a parade of musicians playing a tune that sounded familiar but Harnald couldn't put the name to tongue filled the air as beautiful dancers came out to guide them into the city, twirling and weaving just beyond the occasional pawing of the mercenaries.. As with all things in Caolin, every moment was a chance to display its grandeur and love of all that glitters.

[Contract to be signed between players, let me know relevant details. Because you had to move two spaces, it was an action to make it this turn. However, I do feel a bit bad that you used an action just to move, so next turn, if you remember, note one of your actions as 'Primed and Ready to Go' for an additional bonus to show the Company is ready to get down to business]

Rest and relaxation in Caolin is certainly easy to come by. The city of arts was filled with things to do from street musicians, plays, to more intimate companionship both paid and not {it seems many people from Caolin were romantics who found some of the less scarred mercenaries dashing}. The largest hurdle that would have stood in their way, bumping into duelist in the streets, had already been taken care of through the strange partnership of Montague and the barbarians of the swamps. Although Harnald did feel uncomfortable in the city. Great statues stood vigil at certain parts and he couldn't shake the feeling that they were watching him, watching every moment, every movement, every thought.. His suspicions were confirmed when a pickpocket got zapped into blackened flesh by one.. Perhaps camping outside of the city would be best?

R&R in process. Pick what Harnald does while his troops rest up:
1. Recruit
2. Shop
3. Explore​

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