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Suggestion Threads


Paladin Highlord
Roleplay Type(s)
My Interest Check
I would suggest adding a link to Watched Threads, so you can easily reach them.
Unless there already is one like that, I haven't found it in that case >.>

Nevermind, I just found it... /shot

THEN, I would like to suggest being able to sort them in folders. So for example, I can put my RPs in a folder and my followed discussions in another folder. :D
Have you tried bookmarking the RPs? Making them a Quick Link adds them to the Bookmarks dropdown on the main menu bar. I use it for lots of stuff that I reference all the time.
Have you tried bookmarking the RPs? Making them a Quick Link adds them to the Bookmarks dropdown on the main menu bar. I use it for lots of stuff that I reference all the time.

If you don't mind me asking, how do you make it a quick link? I read the announcement awhile ago but got a bit confused by it. Sorry about that.
If you don't mind me asking, how do you make it a quick link? I read the announcement awhile ago but got a bit confused by it. Sorry about that.
Quick Links are different from Threadmarks. I can give you a rundown on those too if you want, but let's stick to just the first one. ^;3^

When you click the Bookmark button at the bottom of a post, you'll get a popup that looks something like this:

Both of those fillable fields are optional, unless you do a Quick Link, more on that later.

Public Bookmark means it will be on a Bookmarks tab on your profile. Check out mine to see what that looks like. (If you select No, no one can see that particular bookmark.)

Sticky means it stays at the top of your bookmarks list.

Quick Link: On the main menu bar at the top of the page/window, there's a Bookmarks tab. Clicking on this takes you to your Bookmarks page. Hovering over it gives a dropdown with all your Quick Links, if any. (Sorry, I don't know how it works on mobile!) You'll need to fill in the "Note to Self" field for a Quick Link, because that's what it uses as the text in the Bookmarks dropdown.

Note that whatever kind of Bookmark it is, it will always take you to the post you bookmarked, not the first one in the thread.
Thank you. If I already made something into a bookmark but didn't do the quick link, can I change it to one? Or would I bookmark it again and do so?
Yes, you can change it. If you go to your bookmarks page, there should be an Edit link at the bottom of each bookmark. Click on that, and it will give you a number of options and some checkboxes. Just check the box to the left of Quick Link and click Save.

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