Threads of Eternity (Sign UP)

Pristine Dark

Supreme Cookie Overlord
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Embers rise quickly into the air as your breath fogs before you. Glancing back, the sight of shadowy figures roaming through your burning hometown scorch your eyes. The screams of those less fortunate than your self hang heavily in the air. You want to help, to ride in upon your stead with sword in hand, slaying anything that stands before you. Perhaps for a moment, your hands even tense around the reigns…that is until you see the women in black. Her fingers wistfully play through a frightened young girls hair. Her lips moving slowly as she issues further orders to her shadowy minions mere moments before they slaughter your friends, family and neighbors. The god-queen of death herself had come; your old life merely another casualty in her crusade against all that still draw breath. With the woods before you, you command your stead away from the most recent settlement to be marked as ‘fallen’. At the moment, you are but an insignificant peon before the Lady Ashura, but her conquest has garnered her much enmity. You swear you will have your revenge…one way or another. While this may not actually be your story, you no doubt have a similar one. For the past century, the goddess of death has spread her craft across the ring world Sarkana. Outer Side has already fallen completely before her might and now she turns her cold eye upon us. Regardless of your history, one way or another you have found yourself in the infamous ‘kettle’. A place where lives are made or lost, the kettle is an arena nestled inside the Fringe and you…are nothing more than the next amusing show. Or at least, that was how it was supposed to be… To all those who waited patiently for me to release this, I certainly hope that you enjoy the story. Sorry there isn't a bit more meat to the sign up that I took so very long producing.

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The Inner Side has a variable environment ranging from frozen tundras at the farthest points from Eos, to arid deserts at the closest. All goodly races dwell upon the Inner Side at some point or another. The Outer Side as legend holds was once every bit as vibrant and fertile as the Inner Side. That all changed however during the God-queen’s rise to power. What once held many thriving metropolises’ now rests in ruins and wastelands, the majority of which are infested with her shade and undead armies. Though travel there is still possible though The Fringe or the Thought Sea, to visit is to invite almost certain death.
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The single thin band that makes up one of the sides of the ring world Sarkana. It is a place of thought and memory, magic and lore. It is a barren land with only rare bits of solid material exist. The souls of all recently deceased inexorably make their way through The Fringe on their journey to whatever afterlife awaits them. For all intents and purposes, The Fringe is the equivalent of the Astral Plane in a standard campaign setting. A massive ocean that extends off of one edge Sarkana. While its surface on either side of the ring is just ordinary water, underneath their depths roils boundless possibility and potential. While one can enter the Thought Sea directly by braving the miles of water above it, it actually extends around nearly all of the ring world invisibly. For all intents and purposes, the Thought Sea is the equivalent of the Ethereal Plane in a standard campaign setting.

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Simultaneously the source of all magic and the ‘sun’ of the Ring World, Eos is an important element to life on Sarkana. As it rests inside the actual ring of the ring world, the Outer Side of Sarkana is in a state of perpetual night. Inner Side however enjoys both day, and two six hour nights due to the movements of its two moons (Miir and Cluuth) The ring of Sarkana is actually an elliptical rather than a true circle. Owing to this fact and the world’s unique shape, temperature fluctuations along Sarkana can produce exceedingly unusual effects. In some extreme cases, the first morning of the day (firstmorn) might greet Sarkana’s inhabitants with coastal like temperatures, while the first evening (firsteve) may present the same inhabitants with snow. The points farthest from Eos suffer frigid temperatures year round, while the points closest have the exact opposite issue. The Outer Side is noticeably cooler than Inner Side, facing winter-like environments year long in even the closest areas to Eos, and disastrously cold environments at the ‘poles’.

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Originally a lesser deity of death and ice, Ashura quickly rose to power with her cunning betrayal of her prior mentor Nerull. When all was said and done, she had not only stolen the entirety of his power well, but banished the still living (in a manor of speaking) god to The Fringe in a prison of his own mummified flesh. Thinking her satisfied with her new station and elevated powers, the other deities turned a blind eye to his defeat. It was not until the death of two other prominent deities at her hands that the gods at large realized there was any threat at all. By the time her true danger had been noticed, Ashura had already advanced to something altogether greater in power than even a Greater Deity, a supreme entity that they refer to as a God-Queen. One by one she killed and absorbed the power of every deity living upon the Outer Side before finally ceasing her god slaying and turning her eyes to conquering the mortal races.

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God-modding Clearly not as large an issue in a D&D Campaign such as this, however this will be stated for the record in either case. God-modding during the more RP portions of the campaign will result in stiff penalties or expulsion.
My World This is NOT the Forgotten Realms, nor Eberron, nor any other campaign setting besides Sarkana. It is large and exceedingly fleshed out, and so I do not wish to hear 'this isn't what lore says'. Quite frankly, I DON'T world has its own lore.
Final Say I get final say in any and all disputes PERIOD. Don't like it, do what another RPer did in another thread and tank the thread score or leave. That said, I am not unfair and will be willing to listen to any and all dispute claims...just know you WILL have to explain your actions in a way that I agree with before any rulings will be overturned
Romance I have nothing against romance springing up anywhere in the thread, whether it be player w/ player or player w/ NPC. That said, sexual content will fade to black.
RP Nation Rules Follow the site rules at all times. Not only will infractions result in penalties in campaign, but I will of course report them.
​ Literacy This is not one of those despised one-liner threads. I'm not asking for books, and I don't expect combat sequences to be exceedingly long...but I want substance. If you've got nothing to write at the moment, pause and think before you do.
Reserved_Rights You may not use material from this campaign setting elsewhere without the explicit WRITTEN consent of the author (myself: Pristine Dark). All section images used upon the thread are the property of their creator (myself: PristineDark). The images and resources used to produce the image of the God-Queen Ashura are the property of their perspective authors who have not left contact information, however, the current version of the image is the property of their creator (myself: PristineDark) Many of the creatures, class material, feat information, skill information, and monster information are used under the Open Gaming License, and the licenses afforded to those who purchase WoTC material.
Cheating All those discovered cheating in some manner will face stiff penalties or expulsion from the campaign
Material All material is accepted by me prior to entry into the campaign. I however reserve the ability to disallow any material or combination of materials I desire or find unbalancing, even if they were previously allowed.

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Name This much is obvious. Enter your name (Full Names please, names may be rejected if they aren't close enough to the feel I would like to produce for the no Bob's
Age Your character age, please note that age will effect character size. I am not as strict on starting ages for classes
History Enter your history. Obviously I have not released world maps and so I understand the lack of city names OR even the creation of city names (which will appear upon the map when/if it is produced). If a name is produced for your history, allowing me the rites to use that name for the purposes of this campaign setting forevermore.
Appearance Enter character appearance here
Assistance If you believe you'll require assistance to produce your character sheet for the campaign, please state so.
Class Your intended class in the story
Race ​Your intended race in the story.
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During point buy, all base attributes [str, Dex, Con, Int, Wis, and Cha] start at 8. You then spend a number of points each time you increase a single stat once as defined in the chart above. No base stat may exceed 18 or dip below 8 during the point buy process, however racial stat adjustments may still cause stats exceeding the normal limitations. This campaign will be allotting a total of 28 points to distribute
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This is a list of materials that have been accepted on a very general basis. What I mean by this, is that these books likely do not possess very many conflicts or excluded material, but still may. As stated in the material segment under the rules section, any and all material that is accepted may become rejected at the discretion of the author (Myself: PristineDark). Material from sources not listed here may still be accepted with permission from the DM.

Arms and Equipment Guide Complete Adventurer Complete Arcane
Complete Divine Complete Mage Complete Psionic
Complete Scoundrel Complete Warrior Drow of the Underdark
Dungeon Master's Guide I Dungeon Master's Guide II Expanded Psionics Handbook
Fiendish Codex I Fiendish Codex II Libris Mortis
Lords of Madness Magic Item Compendium Magic of Faerun
Monster manual I Monster Manual II Monster Manual III
Monster Manual IV Monster Manual V Netbook of Feats v12
Planar handbook Players Handbook I Players Handbook II
Spell Compendium Underdark

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[Teleportation] Descriptor
Any spell or power that causes you to instantly travel across some distance within the world of Sarkana, or another plane of existence is a [Teleportation] spell. These spells generally do not achieve this by using planer shortcuts and are unaffected by having any particular plane cut off from a particular area. A [Teleportation] effect can only transport a target to a specific location within long range or a location that has been “anchored”. An anchored location may be one with an anchor sigil (in the case of arcane teleportation), it may be a location with a sufficiently similar object as the location you are starting at (in the case of drudic teleportation via plants), or it may simply be a location suffused with divine magic and faith (in the case of divine teleportation via word of recall). The teleportation sub-school no longer serves any meaningful purpose and all spells that were previously of this sub-school lose this classification. Maze and Plane Shift are exceptions as well as spells that do not stay within planer boundaries, and as such do not gain this descriptor.
Anchor Sigils
Anchor sigils are arcane markings at a fixed location that allow for direct and error free travel to their location. They are unique symbols that are determined by their creator, their location, and the ambient magical conditions at the time of their creation. They can be located anywhere a creature would have remained long enough to complete the process, be it on land, in mid-air, underwater, and so on. They are visible to anyone with the ability to detect magic. Most anchor sigils are copied into a notebook to be referenced during casting as the sigil must be properly visualized to transport a target to it.
Learning New Anchor Sigils
Because they serve to funnel new arrivals into a specific area, many establishments (as big as cities and as small as shops) have public and well known anchor sigils. They are generally printed or posted in a public place; some may even be drown on the ground in the location that they anchor. Map vendors can be found across Sarkana selling maps that correspond with anchor sigils depicted near popular or exclusive locations. Detect Magic will also reveal an anchor sigil in an area, even while scrying. Any spell caster with access to an area may just look around to find existing anchor sigils.
Creating Anchor Sigils
Creating an anchor sigil is a simple ritual; knowledge of a [Teleportation] spell is not required to create these sigils, but knowledge of such a spell automatically confers knowledge of the ritual. The process requires a gemstone valued at 100gp or greater to serve as a focus that is not expended. Making an anchor sigil requires four successful DC 20 knowledge (arcana) checks. The first check is made 15 minutes after the beginning of the ritual, with another check made every 15 minutes until you have the required four successes. Anchor sigils are unique, as much a product of their location as creator, and some special or magically unique areas may require difficult checks, a greater number of successful checks, allow a set number of failures before the process must be restarted, or be entirely unanchorable. Many areas deep underground are in that last particular category. Anchor sigils may also be strengthened, becoming more difficult and time consuming to remove. Each layer of strengthening requires two additional successful checks, each at a DC equal to the previous DC to create or strengthen the sigil +2. Anchor sigils can be strengthened in this fashion up to ten additional times. The strength of an anchor sigil is obvious to anyone viewing it with detect magic. Strengthening is generally performed on public anchors to make them resistant to pranksters removing them, since a sigil strengthened 10 times requires almost two hours to remove. It is far less common on private sigils. If an anchor sigil is ever removed, it can be remade on the same location using the standard creation above. Remade sigils are generally similar, but not identical to the old sigil, and thus cannot be reached without knowledge of the updated sigil. Someone attempting to recreate the old sigil can do so, but must have a copy of the original sigil available for reference. This adds a +5 penalty to the DC for the initial re-creation of the anchor sigil, but this DC penalty does not apply to later strengthening attempts.
Destroying Anchor Sigils
Once made, anchor sigils are not especially difficult to remove. Permanently destroying an anchor sigil requires a number of knowledge (arcana) checks equal to the level of strengthening plus +1. Each check to weaken an anchor sigil requires 15 minutes and a gemstone valued at 100gp or greater to serve as a focus that is not destroyed in the attempt. The DC for these checks begins at 15, plus another 2 for each level of strengthening that the anchor sigil has received. If you succeed at the check, one layer of strengthening is removed and the DC is reduced by 2. When the DC has been reduced to 15, a successful check destroys the anchor sigil. You receive a +3 bonus to these checks if you created the sigil yourself.
Anchor Sigils and Divination
Somewhat oddly, anchor sigils can be located via divination spells and abilities as if they were creatures under the right conditions. While all sigils will respond to detect magic, they do not respond to any other divination spells unless the diviner already knows the sigil. Knowledge of the sigil grants the diviner first hand knowledge of it for purposes of the spell. If the diviner created the sigil, they are instead considered to be very familiar with the subject. Thus anyone in position of a sigil’s representation can attempt to determine it’s location via ‘locate creature’ and view what is occurring at the sigil with ‘scrying’ or similar abilities. Anchor sigils resist these divination attempts however, and have a will save bonus equal to 5, + another 1 per level of strengthening.
Waveslide Universal [Teleportation] Level: Sorcerer/Wizard 4, Travel 5 Components: V, S Casting Time: 1 Standard Action Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels) Area: Up to 10 ft. Radius, 20 ft tall column burst Duration: Instantaneous Saving Throw: Harmless (Will Negates) Spell Resistance: Yes _____________________________ This spell transports all creatures and unattached objects within the area of effect to an anchor sigil (a magical sigil tied to a fixed point) up to 250 miles per caster level away after a short delay. The anchor sigil must be one that the caster of the spell knows, either because they created it themselves, discovered it, or learned of it’s shape through another method (purchase, research, etc.). Interplaner travel is not possible with this spell. The affected area is a column up to 10 feet in radius and 20 feet in height. The exact dimensions are selected by the caster at the time of casting. The height is always along the same direction as the subjective gravity of the caster. Areas under the effect of a waveslide radiate magic during the time between when casting is complete and when the transport occurs, but otherwise gives no clue to it’s destination. There is a delay between completion of spell casting and actual transport of 1d3+2 rounds with the actual transport happening on the caster’s initiative after this delay. The caster is unaware of the exact amount of time this delay will take. Only creatures and objects that are fully contained and unattached to or restrained by anything outside of the area after this delay are transported; the caster of the spell need not be among them. There is otherwise no weight limit or targeting restrictions for this spell. Casting this spell in a forest will thus bring a fair amount of leaves and detritus with the travelers, but will not sever twigs from trees that happen to fall within the area of effect. The creatures and objects transported will arrive as close to the anchor sigil as conditions at the anchor sigil allow, but never more than 50 feet away from it. This spell never places individuals into solid objects, but it may place individuals around solid objects if it can do so in such a way as to fit all travelers more closely to the anchor sigil. The relative spacing and orientation of travelers is generally retrained during the transit, minor adjustments for elevation and spacing may be made. In this way, two waveslide travelers who had nothing between them when the spell took effect may find themselves standing on stairs at different heights or with a a wall, or ever other people, between them when they arrive. While the spell may not place travelers in trees, rocks, or other solid objects, it may place them miles out to sea over water, underwater, inside a pool of acid, several hundred feet above Sarkana or basically anywhere someone could have maintained their position long enough to anchor the location. If the selected anchor sigil no longer exists or is rendered non-functional, the spell fails immediately after casting. Similarly, if it is not possible to place the entire group within range of the anchor sigil due to spacial limitations or obstructing objects at the anchor sigil, the spell simply fails after the delay. The caster is aware of any cause of failure.
Greater Waveslide Universal [Teleportation] Level:Sorcerer/Wizard 6, Travel 7 Components:V, S Casting Time: 1 Standard Action Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft. /2 levels) Area: Up to 10 foot radius, 20 foot tall column burst Duration: Instantaneous Saving Throw:Harmless (Will Negates) Spell Resistance: Yes This spell function as Waveslide, except as follows:
  • There is no maximum range for the selected anchor point. The spell still does not allow interplaner travel however.
  • The delay between spell casting and transport is only 1d3 rounds.
Wavepool Universal [Teleportation] Level: Sorcerer/Wizard 9, Rune 9 Components: V, M Casting Time: 10 minutes Range: 0 ft. Effect: 5 ft. Radius, 10 ft. Tall column that Waveslides those who enter it. Duration: 1 day (D) Saving Throw: None Spell Resistance: Yes You create a circle on a surface that transports any creature or object that fully enters it to a designated anchor point, as if they had been transported via Waveslide without the normal delay. A creature or object must fully enter the circle to be transported in this fashion, if any part of a creature remains outside the circle, or they are restrained to an object not inside the circle, they will not be transported. Fully covering the circle with an object that exceeds the dimensions of the circle, such as a large carpet, suppresses the effect of the circle for as long as it is covered. You designate the anchor point for the circle when you cast the spell, and it may not change afterwords. If the anchor point is invalid, the spell fails. Similarly, the spell immediately ends if the destination becomes unanchored during the duration. The Wavepool spell can be made permanent through use of the permanency spell. A permanent wavepool is merely rendered inactive for 10 minutes whenever it is disabled or dispelled, and can be used normally thereafter. A wavepool is difficult to detect and disable once cast. Unless clearly marked out, only characters with the Trapfinding ability can find the circle without accidentally triggering it. Whether it is marked or not, the Trapfinding ability is also required to disable the circle via non-spell means. Material Component: Amber dust to cover the area of the circle worth 1,000 Gp.
Analyze Teleportation Divination Level: Sorcerer/Wizard 5 Components: V, S Casting Time: 1 Standard Action Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft. /2 levels) Effect: Learn details of one [Teleportation] spell within range Duration: Instantanious Saving Throw: None Spell Resistance: No You learn the starting location, level, and approximate distance traveled of all [Teleportation] effects that have occurred within range in the last minute. You do not learn the direction of any effect, however. Of these effects, you may select one to learn the spell name of. If the spell involved travel to an anchor sigil (not just an anchored location), you may learn the anchor sigil if you succeed on a caster level check, DC 8 + 2 per round since the spell was cast.
Improved Dimension Door Conjuration [Teleportation] Level: Bard 5, Sorcerer/Wizard 5 Components: V Casting time: 1 standard action Range: Long (400 ft. + 40 ft./level) Target: You and touched objects or other touched willing creatures Duration: Instantaneous Saving Throw: None and Will negates (object) Spell Resistance: No and Yes (object) This spell functions as dimension door, except that you may take actions immediately after casting the spell.
Pursue Waveslide Universal [Teleportation] Level: Sorcerer/Wizard 4 Components: V, S Casting time: 1 standard action Range: Up to 10 ft. Area: Up to 10 ft. radius, 20' tall column burst Duration: Instantaneous Saving Throw: Harmless (Will negates) Spell Resistance: Yes This spell transports the caster and selected targets to the destination of a recently cast [Teleportation] effect, as if they had been transported there via waveslide. The teleportation to be pursued must have occurred within 100 feet of the casting of this spell, and it must have been to an anchored destination. When used to follow an arcane spell, the participants will travel to the selected anchor sigil, and to the selected location or related object (as specified in their updated descriptions) when used to follow a divine spell. This spell will not follow a [Teleportation] effect that was not anchored, such as dimension door. There is no maximum distance for this tag-along style waveslide, as the magic is essentially using the path laid out by the previous spell. Unlike a standard waveslide, there is no delay with this spell and transit occurs as soon as the casting is complete. There is a chance the pursuit will fail, however, as the waveslide trail dissipates with time. To successfully pursue a waveslide, the caster of pursue waveslide must succeed on a caster level check. The DC of this check is 8, +2 for each full round that has passed since the waveslide took effect. If the result is a failure then the spell fails and is wasted. If the result is a success, the pursuit functions normally. A successfully pursued waveslide counts as a waveslide itself, and may be pursued more easily than the original waveslide it followed. The affected area is a column up to 10 feet in radius and 20 feet in height, and centered on the caster. The exact dimensions are selected by the caster at the time of casting. The height is always along the same direction as the subjective gravity of the caster. Only creatures and objects that are fully contained and unattached to or restrained by anything outside of the area after this delay are transported; the caster of the spell need not be among them. There is otherwise no weight limit or targeting restrictions for this spell. Casting this spell in a forest will thus bring a fair amount of leaves and detritus with the travelers, but it will not sever twigs from trees that happen to fall within the area of effect. The creatures and objects transported will arrive as close to the anchor sigil as conditions at the anchor sigil allow, but never more than 50 feet away from it. This spell never places individuals into solid objects, but it may place individuals around solid objects if it can do so in such as way as to fit all travelers more closely to the anchor sigil. The relative spacing and orientation of travelers is generally retained during their transit, minor adjustments for elevation and spacing may be made. In this way, two waveslide travelers who had nothing between them when the spell took effect may find themselves standing on stairs at different heights or with a wall, or other people, between them when they arrive. While the spell may not place travelers in trees, rocks, or other solid objects, it may place them miles out to sea over water, underwater, inside a pool of acid, several hundred feet above Sarkana or basically anywhere someone could have maintained their position long enough to anchor the location. If the selected anchor sigil no longer exists or functions, the spell fails immediately after casting. Similarly, if it is not possible to place the entire group within range of the anchor sigil due to spatial limitations or obstructing objects at the anchor sigil, the spell simply fails after the delay. The caster is aware of any cause of failure. Note: Pursue waveslide is technically a misnomer, as the spell is also used to pursue divine [Teleportation] effects.

Psionic Waveslide Level: Nomad 3 Display: Visual Manifesting Time: 1 standard action Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels) Area: Up to 10 ft. Radius, 20 ft tall column burst Duration: Instantaneous Saving Throw: Harmless (Will Negates) Power Resistance: Yes Power Points: 5 As the Waveslide spell, except as noted here.
Greater Psionic Waveslide Level: Nomad 5 Display: Visual Manifesting Time: 1 standard action Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels) Area: Up to 10 ft. Radius, 20 ft tall column burst Duration: Instantaneous Saving Throw: Harmless (Will Negates) Power Resistance: Yes Power Points: 9 As Greater Waveslide, except as noted here.
Psionic Wavepool Level: Nomad 8 Display: Visual Manifesting Time: 10 minutes Range: 0 ft. Effect: 5 ft. Radius, 10 ft. Tall column that Waveslides those who enter it. Duration: 1 day (D) Saving Throw: None Power Resistance: Yes Power Points: 15 As the Wavepool spell, except as noted here

Spell / Power Name Spell / Power Level Edits
Dimensional Anchor Cleric 4, Sorc/Wiz 4, Nomad 4 The target of the spell is unable to perform or be the target of any sort of [Teleportation] effect for the duration. This spell also cuts them off from all pocket dimensions, so they they may not enter a rope trick or use a bag of holding.
Dimensional Lock Cleric 8, Sorc/Wiz 8, Targets within the area of this spell are unable to perform or be the target of any sort of extradimensional travel or [Teleportation] effects. All other extradimensional effects, such as rope trick or a bag of holding, are non-functional within the area of this spell as well.
Hallow/Unhallow Cleric 5, Druid 5 This spell gains an additional preparation option. It may be cast in such a way that it is an anchored location for word of recall. This divine anchor is considered a 4th level spell effect, and acts as the spell tied to the hallow/unhallow effect. A creature may only have one of these style hallow/unhallow spells in effect at any time. If another one is created, the original loses its anchor even though the hallow/unhallow effect continues normally.
Refuge Cleric 6, Sorc/Wiz 8, Community7, Liberation 7 This spell gains the [Teleportation] descriptor. When cast as a domain spell, the spell does not require an expensive material component. The destination of the spell is set when it is cast. Divine casters are limited to suitably sacred destinations, as if they had cast word of recall. Arcane casters may select any anchor point they know as the destination when they prepare the spell. If the intended location becomes unanchored, the spell will fail when triggered.
Transport Via Plants Druid 6 This spell gains the [Teleportation] descriptor. Any location with a plant of the same type and as the one that you entered, that is also large enough for you to fit within it, is considered an anchored location for the spell.
Tree Slide Druid 5, Ranger 4 This spell gains the [Teleportation] descriptor. Any location with a plant of the same type and as the one that you entered, that is also large enough for you to fit within it, is considered an anchored location for the spell.
Word of Recall Cleric 4, Druid 6 This spell gains the [Teleportation] descriptor. You do not need to designate a sanctuary when you prepare the spell. Instead, when you cast word of recall you may target a divinely anchored location (as indicated in the hallowed and unhallowed changes above) that you are aware of. You need not have created the anchor yourself, but it must belong to a compatible faith. As a result of this limitation, clerics may not use the anchored locations of their deity's enemies, and clerics and druids generally can not use the hallowed areas of each other.

Prestige classes are leveled independently of standard class levels, and have their own separate experience bars. When determining Attack bonus and Saving throws, the character uses the better between their standard class levels and their prestige class levels rather than adding the two together. For instance, a level 2 Druid gains a fortitude save bonus of +3, whereas a level 2 Loremaster has a fortitude save bonus of +1. Rather than adding the two together as is normal, the character would simply take the +3 bonus given by their druid class levels. If the character continued to increase their Loremaster levels until they arrived at level 8 where they would have a +4 bonus, they would then use their Loremaster levels to determine Fortitude. The character’s effective Hit Dice counts as either their standard class levels or prestige class levels, whichever is higher. Prestige classes that increase caster or manifester levels do so only up to the characters effective HD. The character recieves normal hit points and skill points for their standard class and prestige class levels as they improve, with a maximum number of skill points allowed in each skill equal to their effective HD +3. Characters may possess only one prestige class, and no prestige class may be increased beyond 10th level.

View attachment 12218
This section was created only due to the wild differences between how each person seemed to go about making their character and the sign up process in general. Listed below is how I would like each sign up to be completed.
  1. Read the various materials, especially the rules; Infractions against them harbor exp penalties at the best...don't make such mistakes...I didn't write it all for my health.
  2. Fill out your Character Skeleton (it has a section all to itself). It's here that i'll find out who needs help making their in game character sheets and who doesn't. This is an RP also afterall....just the same as anywhere else.
  3. Begin creating your D&D 3.5 Character sheet. You may produce it on either the CharSheet program (which you can download by clicking CharSheetZip at the bottom of this post and attached to the character sheet area), or you may use the template code I have provided (found where the accepted character sheets are, link at the bottom of the page). I PREFER you use CharSheet however. If you asked for assistance, i'll be trying my best to help you during the process, but obviously I cannot hand hold you through the entire process. I would recommend reading the basics of character creation HERE.
  4. Present your character sheet to me. If you used the template, place it in a spoiler in your post BENEATH the sign up skeleton. PLEASE do NOT make extra posts!
  5. ​If errors persist, or material used is disallowed, you will be notified to change the material.
To attach the D&D file to your post, you will need to place it into a ZIP file first; tis the only way the forum will allow it as an attachment...alternatively you may upload it somewhere else and provide a link

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Name Aaralyn M. Kierce
Age 20
History Despite Aaralyn’s young age she’s been through a lot in her life, starting when her mother died giving birth to her. Complications in the birth process that left the child solely with her father, who didn’t deserve the name. Negligent in his upbringing, she was left to fend for herself most of the time and what she learned in manners and etiquette were in scolding from other parents. She was quick to find the freedom in this lifestyle though, with no one to watch over her, she was able to adventure. At first she kept her explorative tendencies inside the limits of her village but it wasn’t too long until she ventured out. Ten years old was the first time she entered the forests outside Cordia, and it was not 20 feet away that the young girl was attacked. It was a beast in the eyes of a ten-year-old and it would have taken her life if a ranger had not taken its. Carys, the woman that saved her that day, was a master in her own right, with a sure shot and a quick draw. Someone she idolized at her age, and it was this fascination that drew the young Aaralyn to archery. It was the only thing she ever asked her father, to let her study under the woman. The man was the easier part, Carys insisted she wait a few more years, and at least have some basic knowledge of archery before asking again. Aaralyn lasted all of two years until she once again found the woman, already calling her a mentor. It was probably this bothersome quality that had her eventually accepted under Carys’ tutelage. Her elven mentor taught her everything she knows, and even brought her along n her nomadic journey. When Carys could teach her no longer, she left without a word to the girl, not one for goodbyes.
Assistance Most likely.
Class Ranger // Scout
Race ​Human
Name Daies Rythiaes
Age 135
History Born in a small town with his Elven parents Daies had lived a normal child hood, his parents where of wealthy origin so he was well educated during his child hood although he didn't put it to good use for once he became an adult his parents had died, so he was left to fend for himself and the family fortune was all but gone. So to keep the house he had to steal, he learned quickly starting off as a measly pickpocket bumping into people stealing their valuables whilst they weren't paying attention and before he knew it he was breaking into houses stealing a bountyful amount of loot and jewels all the while avading the authorities. He'd became rather wealthy but not as wealthy as his family was during his childhood, around the local area his name had became to known by the authorities so he had moved away to another far away town and settled down with his riches there for the time being.
Appearance Medium length silver hair, blue eyes. Rigid nose and large ears. He stands at 6 foot and weighs 197 pounds, his nails are of normal size and are cut to certain standards, he has slightly large feet and has small lips.
Assistance Yes, I will probably reqiuire a lot of assitance
Class Rogue
Race ​Elf
Annalisa Faln Korin

Age: 17

Race: phrenic human (d20)

Intended Class: Paladin of Freedom (Variant Classes:

Her life as she was growing up had been, for lack of a better term, magical. The village that she had lived in had been quite quaint and friendly; the sort of place where everyone knew and got along well with everyone. A kind-hearted, playful cleric of the gnome god Garl Glittergold had been the source of this temperament. This cleric, a woman by the name of Jehtiana Travin Korin, was a retired adventurer capable of casting divine magicks of the highest obtainable level. From this woman who had been both her mother and role model, Faln had inherited her audacious spirit and her respect for religion.

Sadly, this fairytale childhood drew to an abrupt halt as the raiders of the much feared God Queen laid waste to the peaceful settlement. In an attempt to save her child and protect her neighbors the once renowned Jehti had stayed behind. Passing her off to one of their former neighbors, Faln’s stepfather had also turned back in a desperate attempt to offer his pitchfork and his life in the defense of his heroic love. She never saw either of them again after her successful escape . . .

At the young age of 14, Faln came up with a rather colorful strategy to combat her grief at the loss of her hero. Using a plan rather reminiscent of something her assumedly late mother would have come up with, the orphaned child ran off with a group of wandering performers. Her strangely charismatic nature made her an almost instant member of the troop and she traveled with them for some time.

Never once in her time with them did she ever let a single member find out about her true reasons for traveling with them. Always, however, she kept her ears open for any information that might offer her assistance against the minions of the God Queen. With her natural ability to act and lie it was quite easy to keep them convinced that she was just another member of their little group. In truth, she was just biding her time as she fished for information. Uncertain yet as to how she was going to accomplish it, she never did doubt that one day she would have revenge against the evil deity who had stolen so much from her.

Appearance: Her hair falls down to her shoulder blades in a rich, reddish-gold mess of frizzy tangles. Most of the time she leaves it like this as she likes the whimsical look it affords her. Other times it can be found in either a crown braid or pigtails. The color of her eyes is a warm and vibrant brown. The eyes themselves are wide and curious, bearing an odd sort of innocence. She has fair skin and a warm glow to her cheeks. Her form is lithe and small. She has some minor curves but is mostly average as far as a dramatic silhouette would go. A few forgotten freckles kiss her cheeks just below her eyes. She has light scarring on her hands from burns and small cuts obtained during misadventures with her extremely poor cooking ability. (Yeah . . . commit suicide by trying this crap . . . I dare you!) Also, she has a small scar bisecting her left eyebrow near the outer edge of it from a spill she took off of the table when she was doing the adventurous child thing.

Height: 5’3”

Weight: 106lbs (48kg)

View attachment 11914
Name: Quarra Guld

Age: 27

History: Quarra Guld was born to a tribe of Tiefling barbarians in the Kree Lands,also known as the Bockrath Wastes,a massive landlocked region of barren canyons,ravines,and mountains. Stone replaced soil. Sand replaced dirt. If the scorching heat which cracked the stone wasn't punishing your existence here,it was the drake-skinning sandstorms,and the wasteland is host to numerous savage creatures,most notably the Kree of which the region is named. It is here that many of Sarkana's Tieflings have gathered,as far away from the civilizations that reject them as possible. Here,out of necessity,they have united into tribes in order to survive the harshness of the land and it's occupants. When the God-Queen Ashura began her march on the mortal races of Sarkana,the Bockrath Wastes was ground zero. The Tiefling tribes were faced with dissolution or oblivion. Many that stayed were slaughtered by the now awakened Kree or the God-Queen's forces,and many of those that fled were killed by the same things,or the unforgiving terrain and weather. The ones that survived scattered to the far corners of Sarkana,looking to start anew,or to reclaim their home. Quarra doesn't know what she wants. She's torn between the prospects of simply starting over and taking back the land that she knew as home for her life. And now,she's met such odd and interesting people...

View attachment 11998

She stands seven foot five and weighs 340 pounds. Her eyes are glowing crimson,and tattoos much like the one on the image's face,coloured olive,run up her arms,neck,and torso,as well as the lower portion of her face. Replace that ludicrous chest wrap with an actual breastplate,made of the same material as the rest of her armour.

Assistance is required!

Class: Barbarian

Race: Tiefling
*Editted to remove previous template and will edit in the appropriate template once I'm at home and able to do so* ^^
I would love to reserve a spot here!~~since i'm still trying to think about a class for my character...still the same weapons, but much powerful than it is in <IPAD>..

((don't even dare to delete or edit this thread coz YDK what i'm gonna do to you.. :notrust:
Name Marvyre Loyalar
Age 22
History Marvye was born to a human father and Elven mother, but she does not remember much about her mother. She perished when Marvye was still a toddler and so her memories of her are fuzzy at best. She does remember her mother telling her stories of great heroes and how one day she could be great as well. Marvye was brought up by her father and lived with her older brother Daren in the small desert town of Iosis. Since her brother was a good five years older, he spent most of his time either working or talking care of the house when their father was working. When Marvye was nine, her father went missing after going to check out something in the nearby desert with a few others. He was gone for ten months and by time he returned, Marvye and her brother had given up all hope. They had plans to move to another place and leave the desert behind. Marvye never questioned it, but something felt off about her father upon his return. He seemed to be more zombie-like and her brother had to pick up a lot of the slack. What they didn't know was that their father had witness the slaughter of his friends. He had thought he was free, but then a darkness fell over him and he became like this. When she asked about it, her brother would hush her and tell her to go play. Marvye spent most of her play time learning how to fight. She was inspired by the heroes in her mother's tales. Upon her sixteenth birthday, she was given money by her brother to leave the desert. At first she did not want to leave her family, especially her father who seemed to be sick all the time. But she was eventually convinced to go. She left, aspiring to follow her mother's words to be great. What Marvye didn't realize was that things were about to get bad in Iosis. Her father was meant to be a ticking time bomb and a few months after she left, the town got destroyed. He ended up killing tons of people, poisoning the water supply and setting fire to houses. He was eventually killed but not before "infecting" others who had to be killed. Marvye had planned to return, but a letter from her still alive brother warned her away. He sent her a letter three months back saying that they are almost finish rebuilding the town.
Assistance Not required.
Class Fighter
Race Half-elf
Name Cloude Cole Cross (C.)
Age 27
History (do it soon)
Class Sorcerer
Race ?Aasimar
Name Torvald the Grey
Age 20
History Standing at a massive 8'4" and weighing in at 371lbs, Torvald is an asset to any force in which he joins. That isn't what led to him doing what he does, however. What led to him becoming a man-at-arms is in his past. Several years back, Torvald was nothing but a laborer for a large mercenary force known as the Ironblade Brotherhood. The mighty young man would carry gear, move heavy loads, help build structures, and anything else the band could think for him to do. He resented that he did all the work while they got to go fight, but rationalized that they were just trying to keep him safe because he was young. Well, he was wrong. To them he was just a slave, as Torvald would find out later. Not three years ago, when he reached the human age of adulthood, Torvald said to one of the captains that he wanted to go fight with the rest of the band. He was laughed at and told to go back to building the new watchtower. Begrudgingly, Torvald backed down and returned to his job. But all was about to change as an alert message was delivered to that same captain, requesting the bulk of the Ironblade Mercs to be dispatched to a nearby border conflict between two warring nobles. The captain couldn't turn away such an amount of coin, and so left only a few of his lesser soldiers in the camp to tear it down and move it while the rest rushed off to the field. Torvald seized this opportunity and used the sledgehammer he was using to pound posts into the ground as a weapon to kill the weaker soldiers and escape his bondage. It's now been two years since he has since struck out on his own and become a man at arms. Changing the name by which he is known so as to throw off his potential pursuers and enemies from his time with the Ironblades. Now armed with a massive Greatsword that his large frame allows him to swing with a single hand, a solid metal shield to bolster his defenses, and a thick suit of Banded Mail armor to protect his vitals... Torvald is making a name for himself in the field of mercenary work. It's his hope that one day he can bring some kind of normalcy to the corrupt 'justice' that many lands deal with... but he also knows he will likely have to break a few laws and/or faces to do it.
Appearance View attachment 12082
Assistance Likely will need assistance, as Coding is not my strong suit
Class Fighter
Race ​Orog +6 STR, -2 DEX, -2 WIS, +2 CHA Medium-size Orog base speed is 30 feet +2 natural armor bonus to AC Darkvision: Orogs can see in the dark up to 60 feet Powerful Build
Name: Aren Cross Vurrein
Class: Psion
Race: Human
Level: 1
Player: Ixidor92
Campaign: Threads of Eternity
Experience 0
To_Next_Level: 1000
Alignment Neutral
View attachment 12210
Size: Medium
Gender: Male
Age: 19
Height: 5' 3''
Weight: 123 lbs.
Eye Color: Green
Hair Color: White
Skin Color: White
Deity: None

Ability Name Ability Score Ability Modifier Temporary Score Temporary Modifier
Strength 8 -1 - -
Dexterity 14 +2 - -
Constitution 10 0 - -
Intelligence 18 +4 - -
Wisdom 9 -1 - -
Charisma 11 0 - -
Max HP: 8 Current HP: 8 Non-lethal Damage: 0
14 = 10 +2 0 +2 0 0 0 0
Total AC Base Armor Bonus Shield Bonus Dex Mod Size Mod Nat. Armor Deflect. Mod Misc Mod
Touch AC: 12 Flat-Footed AC: 12
Speed: 30 ft Damage Reduction: 0
Initiative Modifier +6 Spell Resistance: 0
Saving Throws Total Base Save Ability Mod Magic Mod Misc Mod Temp Mod
Fort: 0 0 0
Ref: +2 0 +2
Will: +1 2 -1
Conditional Modifiers to Saving Throws
1st 2nd 3rd 4th
Base Attack Bonus: +0
Grapple: -1 = 0 + -1 + +
Total BAB Str Mod Size Mod Misc Mod
Quick Reference Melee Attack Bonus:
Quick Reference Ranged Attack Bonus:
Attack Attack Bonus Damage Critical
Dagger -1 Melee or +2 ranged d4-1 19-20
Range Type Special Notes and Enchantments
10 ft. s/p
Attack Attack Bonus Damage Critical
Range Type Special Notes and Enchantments
Attack Attack Bonus Damage Critical
Range Type Special Notes and Enchantments
CS Skill Name Key Ability Skill Mod Ability Mod Ranks Misc Mod
* *Autohypnosis Wis +3 -1 4
Appraise Int
Balance Dex
Bluff Cha
Climb Str
* Concentration Con +4 0 4
* Craft Int
Decipher Script Int +5 +4 1
Diplomacy Cha
* Disable Device Int
Disguise Cha
Escape Artist Dex
Forgery Int
Gather_Information Cha
Handle Animal Cha
Heal Wis
Hide Dex
* Intimidate Cha +4 0 4
Jump Str
* Knowledge Arcana Int +5 +4 1
* Knowledge History Int +5 +4 1
* *Knowledge Psionics Int +6 +4 2
Listen Wis +1 -1 2
Move Silently Dex
Open Lock Dex
Perform Cha
* Profession Wis
* *Psicraft Int +6 +4 2
Ride Dex
Search Int +5 +4 1
Sense Motive Wis
Sleight of Hand Dex
Spellcraft Int +5 +4 1
Spot Wis +1 -1 2
Survival Wis
Swim Str
Tumble Dex
Use_Magic_Device Cha
Use Rope Dex
*New skills described in "Expanded Psionics Handbook
Armor, Shields, and Protective Items
Armor/Protective Item Type AC Bonus Max Dex
Leather Armor +2 +6
Check Penalty Spell Failure Speed Weight Special Properties
0 10% 30ft 15 lb. none
Shield/Protective Item Type AC Bonus Max Dex
Check Penalty Spell Failure Speed Weight Special Properties
Magical Protective Item Type AC Bonus Max Dex
Check Penalty Spell Failure Speed Weight Special Properties

Possessions Feats Powers Known
# Item Cost Weight
1 dagger 2 gp 1 lb.
1 leather armor 10 gp 15 lb.
1 traveler's Outfit 1 gp 5 lb.
1 Hooded Lantern 7 gp 2 lb.
1 Research book 15 gp 3 lb.
1 Ink vial/quill 1 gp 1/10 lb.
Total: 47 gp 24 lb.
Lv Feat Name Source
1 Armor Proficiency (Light) Player's Handbook
1 Improved Initiative Player's Handbook
Bonus Feats
Acquired From Feat Name Source
Human racial bonus Combat Manifestation Expanded Psionics Handbook
lvl 1 psion Psionic Body Expanded Psionics Handbook
Special Abilities
Source Ability
​Domains / Specialized School
-Power Point Reserve-
~ First Level ~
Energy Ray, Hammer, Detect Psionics
~ Second Level ~
~ Third Level ~
~ Fourth Level ~
~ Fifth Level ~
~ Sixth Level ~
~ Seventh Level ~
~ Eight Level ~
~ Ninth Level ~
Money Languages Lifting Capacity
Platinum Gold Silver Copper
Common, Draconic, Elven, Infernal, Undercommon
Light Load Medium Load Heavy Load
26 lb. 53 lb. 80 lb.
Lift Over Head Lift Off Ground Push or Drag
80 lb. 160 lb. 400 lb.

History: A town bathed in chaos. The acrid smell of burning blood filling the air. The screams of a dying populace resounding throughout the stone. The light chuckle of a woman clad in black. These are the memories that Haunt Aren to this day. He was only eight when it happened, everything he had ever known and loved wiped from the face of existence in a single night. Home, family, friends, he had none left. He swore by the blood of his family and soil of their graves that he would never rest until the one responsible had suffered the same fate. Lacking the physical strength of his father and brother, he turned to another source . . . most flat-out refused to nurture his talent, seeing what his purpose in learning was. But he found power by himself, gleaning from older users and his own self-research. He continuously hunts power, every trip a chance, every enemy a stepping stone. All to accumulate the power necessary to kill the black ***** who destroyed his life.
You people are derps... the completed sheets go in the blog, not here. Get with the program.
Beginning Party Roster

Daies Rythiaes (Dino) <elf> Rogue
Annalisa Faln Korin (Chaotic) <human> Bard
Guarra Guld (Riddle) <tiefling> Barbarian
Marvyre Loyalar (Legendless) <half elf> Fighter
Torvald (Beta) <orog> Fighter
Aren Cross Vurrein (Ixidor) <human> Psion (kineticist)

Unknown/Unfinished Applicants

(Please Note: this RPs creator would like to launch by March 1st)

**Characters will move to the party roster as they are finished, submitted, and approved**

Neyra Alicia May Cayred (Icy) <elan> Psion (seer)
Cloude Cole Cross (Ember) <assamir> Sorcerer
Quinsable Corinth (Dago) <assamir> Sorcerer
Orridin "Orri" Aldferon (Nin) <forest gnome> Wizard
Aaralyn M. Kierce (Kagu) <human> Ranger//Scout
Unnamed (Carl) <?> Unknown
Name Leibas Ofbacca.
Age 120
History Leibas was raised in the streets. Both of his parents were elf rogues. They tried to teach him to be a rogue, but he didn't want to be one. He despised the cowardly ways of rogues and sought to learn a more honorable profession. He eventually left his parents to learn to wield magic. Eventually, not finding a place that would accept him, taught himself the art of sorcery. After learning magic, Leibas traveled outside the streets which he was raised in. He found a small village nearby and, not wanting to return to the streets again, went there to gather some supplies (they would probably be cheaper since they aren't stolen so much). While he was there, the village was attacked by some goblins. There were some fighters in the village and they were strong enough to defeat them, but Leibas wanted to kill some goblins too. During that small skirmish, his magic was proved to be insufficient, as he was only self-taught. He didn't defeat a single goblin during that raid. After the fighting was over, he found a magic item dropped by one of the goblins that could help him. However one of the fighters wouldn't allow him to have it, as he wasn't able to provide any help. During that conversation, a man in a dark robe watched them. He could sense his ability to use magic and called him over afterwards. He offered to teach Leibas sorcery so that he could hold his own (or at least that's what he said his motive was). Leibas, being desperate, accepted the man's offer and learned to handle magic properly. However, while the man was teaching him sorcery, another raid was happening. This time a variety of monsters attacked the city where he was raised. By the time he learned about it, and by the time he got there, it was just a giant pile of rubble. He remained in the village to complete his training. Afterwards, he left to become a mercenary.
Appearance View attachment 12315
Assistance Needs assistance
Class Sorcerer
Race Elf
Name: Cloude Cole Cross (C.)
Class: Sorcerer
Race: ?Aasimar
Level: 1
Player: Ember Bare
Campaign: Threads of Eternity
Experience 0
To_Next_Level: 1000
Alignment Neutral
Size: Medium
Gender: Male
Age: 27
Height: 6' 2''
Weight: 189 lbs.
Eye Color: Gold/yellow
Hair Color: Strawberry Blonde
Skin Color: White
Deity: None

Ability Name Ability Score Ability Modifier Temporary Score Temporary Modifier
Strength 13 +2 - -
Dexterity 13 +1 - -
Constitution 12 +1 - -
Intelligence 12 +1 - -
Wisdom 8 -1 - -
Charisma 18 +4 - -
Max HP: 8 Current HP: 8 Non-lethal Damage: 0
14 = 10 +2 0 +2 0 0 0 0
Total AC Base Armor Bonus Shield Bonus Dex Mod Size Mod Nat. Armor Deflect. Mod Misc Mod
Touch AC: 12 Flat-Footed AC: 12
Speed: 30 ft Damage Reduction: 0
Initiative Modifier +6 Spell Resistance: 0
Saving Throws Total Base Save Ability Mod Magic Mod Misc Mod Temp Mod
Fort: 0 0 0
Ref: +2 0 +2
Will: +1 2 -1
Conditional Modifiers to Saving Throws
1st 2nd 3rd 4th
Base Attack Bonus: +0
Grapple: -1 = 0 + -1 + +
Total BAB Str Mod Size Mod Misc Mod
Quick Reference Melee Attack Bonus:
Quick Reference Ranged Attack Bonus:
Attack Attack Bonus Damage Critical
Dagger -1 Melee or +2 ranged d4-1 19-20
Range Type Special Notes and Enchantments
10 ft. s/p
Attack Attack Bonus Damage Critical
Range Type Special Notes and Enchantments
Attack Attack Bonus Damage Critical
Range Type Special Notes and Enchantments
CS Skill Name Key Ability Skill Mod Ability Mod Ranks Misc Mod
*Autohypnosis Wis
Appraise ? Int
Balance? Dex?
Bluff? Cha
Climb? Str?
Concentration? Con
Craft? Int
Decipher Script Int
* Diplomacy? Cha
Disable Device Int
Disguise? Cha
Escape Artist? Dex?
Forgery? Int
Gather_Information? Cha
Handle Animal Cha
Heal? Wis
Hide? Dex?
Intimidate? Cha
Jump? Str?
* Knowledge Arcana Int
* Knowledge History Int
*Knowledge Psionics Int
Listen? Wis
Move Silently? Dex?
Open Lock Dex
Perform Cha
Profession Wis
*Psicraft Int
Ride? Dex
Search? Int +5 +4 1
Sense Motive? Wis
Sleight of Hand Dex?
Spellcraft Int +5 +4 1
Spot? Wis +1 -1 2
Survival? Wis
Swim? Str?
Tumble Dex?
Use_Magic_Device Cha
Use Rope? Dex
*New skills described in "Expanded Psionics Handbook
Armor, Shields, and Protective Items
Armor/Protective Item Type AC Bonus Max Dex
Leather Armor +2 +6
Check Penalty Spell Failure Speed Weight Special Properties
0 10% 30ft 15 lb. none
Shield/Protective Item Type AC Bonus Max Dex
Check Penalty Spell Failure Speed Weight Special Properties
Magical Protective Item Type AC Bonus Max Dex
Check Penalty Spell Failure Speed Weight Special Properties

Possessions Feats Powers Known
# Item Cost Weight
1 dagger 2 gp 1 lb.
1 leather armor 10 gp 15 lb.
1 traveler's Outfit 1 gp 5 lb.
1 Hooded Lantern 7 gp 2 lb.
1 Research book 15 gp 3 lb.
1 Ink vial/quill 1 gp 1/10 lb.
Total: 47 gp 24 lb.
Lv Feat Name Source
1 Armor Proficiency (Light) Player's Handbook
1 Improved Initiative Player's Handbook
Bonus Feats
Acquired From Feat Name Source
Human racial bonus Combat Manifestation Expanded Psionics Handbook
lvl 1 psion Psionic Body Expanded Psionics Handbook
Special Abilities
Source Ability
?Domains / Specialized School
-Power Point Reserve-
~ First Level ~
Energy Ray, Hammer, Detect Psionics
~ Second Level ~
~ Third Level ~
~ Fourth Level ~
~ Fifth Level ~
~ Sixth Level ~
~ Seventh Level ~
~ Eight Level ~
~ Ninth Level ~
Money Languages Lifting Capacity
Platinum Gold Silver Copper
Common, Draconic, Elven, Infernal, Undercommon
Light Load Medium Load Heavy Load
26 lb. 53 lb. 80 lb.
Lift Over Head Lift Off Ground Push or Drag
80 lb. 160 lb. 400 lb.
Name Deo Fictitio
Age 29
History He is no special man, just another looking for those greater than himself. As most men of these times, Deo was born under a cultural religion. While most would simply accept it and worship said god, but Deo found himself over thinking the power of these gods. More that he felt they did not deserve the amount of respect they received, of course Deo was never one to speak very openly about these thoughts. He simply went on with what he was taught. He was raised amongst nobles, and he was taught to think and be like them, but for the oddest reasons, he found himself resisting their teachings. He had a preference for thinking differently than them, and thinking critically simply to out match or sometimes just be different from them. His personal opinion of most of his fellow members of rank is that they are very snobbish and very similar to one another, in an annoying manner. He found himself counting the days he was to leave, now not in a stubborn manner, but simply planning a head, avoiding any reason to stay any longer than he would want. While there, he was taught of common knowledge, some history, some geography, until he moved onto training under knights. There he learned how to fend himself, as well as what was supposed as chivalry. He was quick to learn all these tactics, a natural he was called. Once he was old enough, he set out for the world. He left on the terms that he would become a knight errant, but he honestly left to seek out more knowledge of religion and power beyond the simple races of Sarkana. While not the smartest, he is quite insightful, as well he is not the strongest and sturdiest, but he can keep his own against any other. During his travels to temple to temple, he found the gods to be differently viewed upon in each temple. Not as in different gods that are worshiped, but things are not taught the same in different areas. Learning this and taking this into thought, he took it upon himself to seek out all the teachings he could and take in all the knowledge this world could offer. His journey was cut short by the God-Queen Ashura's invasion of the outer rim. Most of the temples he planned on visiting were there, and by what he has heard, they are barely standing. As well he realizes that his old home, where he was raised, was in the area that was eaten up by the invasion. While not particularly heart breaking, it was still a damper on his emotions. He would like to find out what happened to all his family members, as well as continue his journey. Still, he is in no hurry.
Appearance View attachment 12545
Assistance Most likely, I am not to experienced with doing this online. Also I've only actually played the classic version once or twice.
Class Ranger
Race ​Human

View attachment 12613
Tis for my own purposes....please ignore, wont be here long

Aaralyn M. Kierce Kagura Ranger
Daies Rythiaes Dino Rogue
Annalisa Faln Korin Chaotic Bard
Quarra Guld Riddle78 Barbarian
Torvald the Grey Beta Fighter
Aren Cross Vurrein Ixidor92 Psion [k]
Deo Fictitio Original Hylion Ranger
Name: Orridin 'Orri' Aldferon

Age: 80

Familiar: Tiny Snake


The Elderthorn Forest is the ancient refuge of the Forest Gnomes, it is located within the inner side and is protected by a thick border of gnarled, spindly trees, thick bramble bushes and iron like thorned vines. None but the friends of the Forest Gnomes would dare take a step within the forest for fear of getting utterly lost and dying. Only the forest gnomes and the Elderthorn's other inhabitants know its secret paths and ways. Betwixt its inhospitable borders there lies a lush green interior where all manor of life thrives, the forest gnomes prime among them.

Recently the introspective gnomes have noticed that their gods have become quiet but know not why and in response they have gathered three representatives of their tribe; a druid, a ranger and Orridin 'Orri' Aldferon who is a wizard. Wizards among the forest gnomes are rare but well received if their powers are used to help care for the green home. Orri however is not your typical flower loving forest gnome, he has an adventurous soul and has wanted to explore the world since he first learned of the lands beyond the forest from an Elf-friend. He has lived a cloistered life, educated only by his master and only on the mystic arts of the wizard.

Today, Orri has won the right to represent his clan and search out the reason for absence of their gods. A last farewell with his family and wizarding teacher. A curt nod to his fellow representatives and they set off for the nearest elven settlement where they would surely find some wise counsel or at least directions to someone who could help them.

Assistance: A lot, please? With cookies?



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