News Thread Tags

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The Dark Wizard

Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
Hey All,

Thread Tags (which has been refereed by me and other staff members in the past as the RP filter) is finally here!

Allow me to explain how it works.

Certain sections on the site will have a new section when creating a new thread and it will ask you to tags(You may insert up to five)

As showncase in this image:


You can see that I used demons, Japanese lore, slice of life(this one being my subgenre, which at least one is required)

Clicking on any of these tags will show all threads with those tags


If you making a new RP, it must have at least ONE subgenre, in the first image above, I used Slice of Life, this can be anything like adventure, horror, romance, what ever you want. You can find official site rules governing tags here.

Tags will be required(Minimum of 1) in the following sections:

Roleplays (This does not Include OOC, Extra Tabs, Hosted Projects). So only the main (In Character RP tab) gets tags.

Site Questions & Information

Prose & Poems



Roleplay Discussion

Entertainment Discussion

And very importantly, apart from being able to see tags at the top of the threads in those sections, you can also search by them over at the master search page.


If you have any questions or concerns/feedback please post below :) !
Amazing! Can they be retroactively added to older threads?
I'm glad these don't look bad compared to the previous tag system. I'm glad we get to utilize tags now. :)
Auren said:
I'm glad these don't look bad compared to the previous tag system. I'm glad we get the utilize tags now. :)
I'm glad these don't look bad compared to the previous tag system. I'm glad we get to utilize tags now. :)
That is actually the site's attempt at trying to display them out of the box. I'm going to try to make them to look like little ribbons/tags and stuff and actually look pretty ontop of every thread, but yeah.
[QUOTE="The Dark Wizard]That is actually the site's attempt at trying to display them out of the box. I'm going to try to make them to look like little ribbons/tags and stuff and actually look pretty ontop of every thread, but yeah.

Just as long as they stay discrete on the actual rp page, such as being gray or such, I don't care what they look like. xD
//heavy breathing

Oh man, first I wake up to news about me getting my apartment AND NOW WE HAVE TAGS.

Yuuki is beyond excite.

Please get a defibrillator ready.
I feel there should be a system that allows you or a site moderator to appoint a moderator to your RP, and to do an action(s) thus regarding the RP or changes to it, they require admin's ( RP creator's) permission to do such a change or tweak to the RP.
Morbuskid said:
I feel there should be a system that allows you or a site moderator to appoint a moderator to your RP, and to do an action(s) thus regarding the RP or changes to it, they require admin's ( RP creator's) permission to do such a change or tweak to the RP.
There is a system like this: Hosted Projects.

It wouldn't work to implement a system like this for every single tabbed roleplay.
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