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Thread Bans

I dont touch those threads with a 50 foot pole my friend, I come here to chat with my friends and roleplay, and occasionally make people smile with random cookie posts
Honestly if people are gonna argue, why not just ban sensitive topics in general on the site? I loved that after the election RPN made it known that you weren't allowed to talk about the election or your political beliefs, and those that did were reprimanded. 

We have on occasion, but we really prefer to let users discuss what they wish so long as the discussions don't break any other rules. We banned political discussion in the days after the election because of the volume of comments that were breaking those rules. Whether gloating or weeping, the sheer drama was overwhelming and Staff chose to give everyone time to cool off. (I should clarify that politics is permitted now; however, the discussions WILL remain within the rules or we'll take action.)

It seems to me that what's being asked for is a temporary, limited ban against those who have broken the rules and thus would be subject to warnings, warning points, or sitewide bans anyway. That seems a little redundant to me. We'll add this to the list of suggestions, but in the meantime, just report any rulebreaking posts and we'll handle it from there.
I have not read through the entire thread myself to view everyone perspective on the subject but I would like to add my two cents:

RpNation is a public forum.  Users who decide to post content must understand that anyone from the world may read their posts.  It does not matter whether you have an account.  Topics are automatically born as public discussions.  There are no two ways about that.  Banning selected people from a specific thread would completely destroy this idea.

If you want to have a discussion with a select group of people, send a group message.  If someone is violating a courtesy rule, report them to the staff team.  As moderators, we can take away a user's privilege to post on the site entirely.  But the task of narrowing that system down to water molecules sounds incredibly daunting.

To repeat, you should A) create a private message with your friends if you want to continue a part of the discussion separate from the public forums, or B) report a user if you believe that they are breaking any of our courtesy rules.  I feel that these two solutions give users enough power to control their experience on the site and create an easier environment for the staff to moderate.

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