That Guy
Book Jacket
Welcome to the world of Burn Legend. In brief, the setting is modern Earth with a fusion of the cosmologies of Kung fu, Buddhism, and Exalted. The common man has hints and clues that there is a larger supernatural martial arts world teeming under the thin veneer of normalcy, but most just ignore it and go about their business. There are the Mugen, spirited warriors of great puissance; Akuma, fighters tainted by the demon Yama Kings; Yamajin, those who have taken the techniques of the Yama Kings for themselves; The Okami, descendants of the moon spirit that protect life from the excesses of man; The Ryuujin, elementally empowered martial artists who protect the spirit realm; Tennin, warriors that have made a pact with the Shinma for the power to fight demons; and Shinigami, champions of death sent by the injured Earth to avenge its spiritual wounds; and of course preternaturally skilled mortals functioning without any higher spiritual power. Omicron has posted some great fiction for Burn Legend over at the Official WW forums, real evocative stuff that lines up with my view of Burn Legend.
Every four years the Burn Legend Tournament is held. Well, held isn't entirely the right term, it occurs. Fighters from around the globe are tapped, and given the name of another fighter that they are to defeat. The rumor is that the victor has a chance at immortality, but whether that is just an analogy for fame no one knows.
This is going to be a tournament held using the Burn Legend Rules presented in Shards of the Exalted Dream, if you are interested and do not have the book, we can see if we can work something out. Since this is a brand new system, no one is really proficient yet. This tournament would be as serious as a fighting game, so weird or jokey characters are cool. If you want to be Akuma Lady Gaga, Mugen David Beckham, or Yamajin Richard Nixon, by all means please. After the initial tournament helping us all familiarize ourselves with the setting and system we would most likely segue into a more traditional game.
I plan on experimenting with a travel system to determine fights, in lieu of a traditional bracket or round robin. Player's will be assigned another player's name, every round they will either Advance to their targets location by way of named background (for flavor mostly) or Stay put and let their pursuer come to them. I guess you could also move to some other location for a change of scenery or roleplay purposes. If multiple contestants locate one another simultaneously, multi-person combat may ensue. Once you defeat your target, your new target is your previous target's target. If you defeat your attacker, by way of magic their pursuer's card transforms to reveal you. So on and so forth until there is one contestant left standing. In the event that through the machinations of the travel mechanic someone would not fight a round, I will offer them a chance to change their selection to Advance so that they don't have to sit on their hands waiting for everyone else's fights to end. If they refuse, I will either let them sit a round out, or a mystery event will occur, like a car, or barrels, or something much more interesting.
Since I will have a horse in this race, as it were, whenever I compete the match will be refereed by a third party that is not involved in the contest. Actions will be PMed to the referee who then notifies the winner of primacy and or roll-off, giving them the green light to post in their thread. Also, since I will be participating and the temptation could prove too great, everyone's character sheets will be public.
Edit: removed the dice roll from the travel mechanic in order to cut back on non-events.