Those Who Remain [Inactive]

Black Jack lets out a sigh, holding up the leader's necklace as he speaks. "The real Black Jack was contacted by the Arbit... whatever... to get this. Its called the 'Shatterkey' from his notes, and they told him it was extremely important that they get it to him, he already figured out where it was and he was on his way to them when it happened." He looks a little saddened again, tying the necklace up around his neck before speaking again. "So Black Jack wasn't contracted to kill them, he was on their side, and someone made possibly the five most powerful people on Ebon disappear so that they didn't get this. But... they didn't think that Black Jack had a son... so I kinda took a look over his notes and figured I should get this... and you guys were all on his contract list, so I figured you would be dangerous and scary and stuff so you could help me out..." His voice trails off, it was a victory that they got the Shatterkey, but it didn't answer many of the questions that the group had. "But, if we find out what this is for, then we should be able to find them all, right?" He sounded hopeful, but it seemed like a fairly vague lead.
I sighed. "It's the biggest lead we've had all year no doubt, which shows we have had HORRIBLE leads, but we'll make do." I stepped forward. I will help you as much as I am able." I stared at him, stern, and responsible. Family first. "But I can't help much. I have two sisters who are much too young to be in the Deeper Downs by themselves. I was lucky I even convinced Harry-don't ask- to take them for the night. I don't think I could find a permanent baby sitter, my family being human and lower than the low. So unless you know a good adult to watch them, I can only help a little." I explained. No way was I letting THIS get in the way of the two most important people to me. Lily and Katie would be safe, and away from this mess.
Sure, Black Jack's words weren't exactly the ones she was hoping for, but she wouldn't pry. It was obvious he was just as upset about it as she was, and giving him issues wouldn't solve anything. In fact, she felt really bad for the guy, having experienced family death several times herself she knew that it wasn't fun at all, and the pain of it never really went away. Perhaps that was why she was so rude, but she wouldn't admit it. She lost her father at a young age, but she never really knew him. For Black Jack that was a different story. Not only did he know his father but he also had to live up to his legend, which put an undeniable pressure on his shoulders no doubt. Mentally she saluted Black Jack, praising him for his efforts to continue in his fathers footsteps. With a sigh Hannah adjusted her pilot hat, moving the goggles that threatened to fall forward on her face as she watched him speak, swallowing down her thoughts in an audible gulp. A moment passed after his speaking, and finally she allowed her agreement to slip off of her tongue, and she wasn't sure if she was going to regret it later.

"I'm in."
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Adin thought for a moment before nodding her head. She wanted to help, even though the only lead she had was a boy. But who know? They could get by with her and the others. "I'm in."

(Sorry about the short post, a bit of WB)
Eve nodded. "I'm in too," then a realization struck her, "Your sisters can stay at my place. My aunt is staying over for a while and both my mom and my sister adore children. Also since the Arbiters went missing, security at my place has gotten extremely tight, so they wouldn't be in harm's way at all." She could only stare at the Shatterkey. It was odd and she wanted to know why her father and the others had wanted it. The coincidence that brought us all together... she thought. "We would have to get your sisters then go to my place right now though. My mom has a really strict curfew, and I was only able to escape by bribing a few of the guards that don't usually accept bribes..." Eve continued to stare at the Shatterkey as she sat on the floor and sighed. And to think that our real journey hasn't even started yet... she thought.
I thought about the offer she was giving me. I wouldn't like letting Lily and Katie being away from me, but this was big.... if we could find the arboration, we might not have to live in an abandoned home. We may still have to live in deeper downs, but we could get a real apartment.... I gave the girl a stiff nod. "Ok then, let's go get them."
Black Jack's smile was hidden by his face mask, but you could tell he was grinning from ear to ear. "Awesome! Well, if you get your sisters to Eve's place, then we can start looking around for information and stuff." He stuffs the necklace under his shirt so it wasn't openly visible, and then scratches the side of his head to realize that he lost a little part of his hat in the fight with the Wayfarers. "Oh, that reminds me, try and steer clear of any of the Wayfarers... more than you did before, anyway. They aren't gonna be happy when they see this, and they might recognize some of the stuff you used." He points towards Malice who was standing by the door. "That's a big dog..." He shakes his head, needing to get back on track "While Eve and Sarah get her sisters to safety, does anyone have any ideas where we can find more about the Shatterkey? The other Black Jack's notes were vague, it could take a little bit of time to find out." He looks toward Eve "Do you think your father would have anything on it?"
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Malice huffed, grumbling at the man's words, as if actually hurt by them. "You're such a suck." Hannah called teasingly towards the beast, shaking her head slightly as she pointed a finger towards the doors. "If I need you I'll call." she murmured silently as she walked up to the creature, scratching gently under it's large jaw. A low, purr like sound erupted from it's stomach, before it finally begun waddling out the door, content with the attention he had received. Once out of sight, Hannah allowed her wind to shut the doors once again, before turning towards the group who had stuck around. Her dull gaze searched the remaining few as she shook her head, having no idea of how she could help them. All she had was her abilities, but no knowledge that would be useful to Black Jack. Of course, her father probably would have held some answers, but he was long gone, along with everything he was known for, sealing the information needed deep into the soil where his grave lay. If Hannah had any information she would have spilled it by now, but the sad reality was she didn't, which deemed her useless.
"If he did then it would be locked in his study at my house. I can check while we drop off ...Sarah's sisters," Eve replied. "My mom has the key to the study in her own room, but it's locked in a drawer. So Sarah is going to have to distract my mom and aunt while I grab the key to the study. It shouldn't be too hard since they love children so much."
"Great, we have a plan then. I'm going to go back to our... my hideout to see if the other Black Jack has any more notes on this, we should be able to meet back here tomorrow and exchange what we know. Any information is valuable, so try book-places or anything you can think of." With that, Black Jack launches himself off the body of the leader, gives a little salute to the group, and walks back towards the balcony, but turns around just before he reaches the corner. "No following! Super secret!" he shouts behind him before walking out of sight. Of course, it would be easy to follow him, but in his mind the group were completely trustworthy.
I sighed. "Lets get going then Eve." I said without looking back as I headed for the door. "We need to go to the Deeper Downs and go to a man named Harry Chook. He has the girls right now." I explained, swinging one of the tall doors open, letting the cold, biting wind rush in
As the door opened, Hannah noticed how strong her winds were becoming, and ceased power until it was simply a gentle breeze so the others could travel home comfortably. The door slowly swung shut, loudly latching as it closed. She stood, staring gratifyingly at the massive doors that would be the barrier between leaving, doing as she was told and not returning until the following day, or staying, defying Black Jack's instructions and letting her ever-growing curiosity get the best of her. She didn't really have a reason to go home. She had long awaited the letter from Black Jack, only to find a child in his place, but perhaps there was more to him then met the eye? She agreed to help him because she saw the potential in him, though her common-sense thought otherwise, and yet she had nothing to offer. Instead, once Black Jack had disappeared into his so called 'super secret' room beyond the corners, she propped herself up against one of the walls in the warehouse, pulling her knees to her chest as she sat, her back pressed against the wall as her dull gaze surveyed the warehouse Black Jack had found residence in.
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TimeSplitter updated Those Who Remain with a new update entry:

Scene Skip

Hey guys!
I'm thinking of making a time-skip of sorts just so we can keep everyone involved in the RP, no offence to @Susylue Faye or @Skyler Anthum but it would be a little unfair for the other people if you two kinda had a little episode getting Sarah's sisters to Eve's place while everyone else just had to wait around until you were done. Though if your still keen to do it maybe you could go through it in a private chat or RP I guess. :tongue:

Read the rest of this update entry... 
Black Jack twiddles the necklace between his fingers as he stares at the scraps of paper on his desk. Since the others had moved out he made some effort to get rid of the stinking bodies of the Wayfarers, though he wasn't particularly strong he was only able to move most of them outside to make them stop stinking up the place, he had a feeling that moving the bodies should probably bother him more than it did. The leader was still there though, he was much too big to even shift, he gets an idea that maybe Malice would like to eat him or something, though he didn't even know what Malice WAS let alone what he ate.

He returns to his notes after having a brief look at the door to the warehouse after seeing only the darkness of the night, and no sign of his newest friends, though he had to keep convincing himself they would show up again, much like the first time he called them. The notes on the desk held a bunch of diagrams about the uses of the Shatterkey, and gave a few rough directions how to use it and where, though he would wait until his friends showed up before spilling his information.
A roar erupted from just outside the warehouse. Hannah had stuck around, and was now tasseling with her beast, play fighting with the creature as a pastime before she figured it would be a good time to greet Black Jack. Malice growled playfully and rolled around on his back, demanding attention as she showed of his belly to the girl, wanting some rubs. Of course, as much as Hannah didn't want to, she was sucked into his sucky behaviour and ended up scratching the surprisingly soft underbelly of the beast. After several moments of affections, Hannah decided it was time to speak with Black Jack, and sent Malice off before stepping towards the structure.

A gentle breeze blew the surrounding trees, rustling the living leaves, and blowing the fallen ones around on the ground. The girl stepped hesitantly toward the warehouse, her strides slow as she made her way towards the doors. Once she reached the entrance that held the massive doors that seemed to tower over her fragile figure she sighed, before raising a fist and knocking hard against the door. She could hear her knocks echoing within the warehouse, but no noise beyond that, and that lead her to believe that perhaps Black Jack wasn't even there.
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