Those Who Remain [Inactive]

Deron watched this transpire in silence, a child had left a note. He was asked to come here by a child? He rolled his eyes, he was more interested in what happened to the old Black Jack and did everything he could to stop himself from turning the child into putty.
The Outsider shook her head and smirked. "Who else could he be?" She motioned to Black Jack's apparel. "Anywho, why did you send us here. There's so many stories about you... I'm not sure which one to believe." Adin tilted her head slightly as she waited for an answer, trying to act serious in front of the child. She didn't want to hurt his feelings. Her hopes had been risen, but they were shattered down when Black Jack turned out to be a mere child.
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"Labelling by my hair colour. Ouch." Hannah remarked, turning to Black Jack as she brushed a nervous hand through her thick hair, his pained tone making her feel bad. "Listen, I didn't mean to hurt your feelings, kiddo, it's just I expected a lot more." she admitted, an uneasy smile spreading across her lips. She had no idea how old this Black Jack was, but she assumed he was younger than her. "I just have issues believing that you really know what you're doing, is all." she finished finally, gesturing toward his childish behaviour and immature demeanour.
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Black Jack almost has to tilt his head completely upwards to see the Outsider's face. "Well, most of them are true, and though I'd love to stay around and tell you all the stories, we unfortunately don't have very much time." He turns to the red-head with a vicious stare "So I'll say whats important, so you can survive." He scratches the side of his nose with one hand, and points to the door with his other hand. "You probably know, but the Compass warehouse is one of the bases of the Wayfarers... you know, that gang that runs most of the deeper downs? They travel alot from base to base, but their leader has a little trinket he THINKS is just a family thingy, and they should be here any moment. If you guys help me get that, I'll tell you everything you want" He certainly may have seemed incompetent before, but he basically revealed he had all the cards in his hands, so to speak.
Adin scrunched up her eyes and leaned down to get on Black Jack's level. She looked directly in his eyes for a moment, thinking for a second, before speaking. "How do you think we're going to defend ourselves? I mean sure, I've got my talons, but not everyone here came prepared. What are we to expect when they get here? Will they fight us? Little dude, I'm not sure now is a good time for this," She tilted her head to the other side and patted the top of Black Jack's head with her large paw-like hands. "You know, there is a reason that the Wayfarers are the ones that run the Deeper Downs." She stood back up so she was towering over everyone and began to walk over to the exit, her hopes of meeting the real Black Jack crushed.
"Guys, we really don't have much of a choice. I don't know about the rest of you, but I want to know what happened to the Arboration. I'M going to help him." I stated, turning on my heel to face Black Jack once again. "What's the plan?" I asked with a warm smile. I knew kids hates not being taken seriously, and I knew despite their sizeand age, they were smart
Seeing the Outsider upset made him a little sad, but he didn't let up. "You all came here thinking you were going to meet Black Jack, if you didn't come prepared to face one of Ebon's most deadly assassins then you're super silly." He says definitively, though he was happy at least one of the group was prepared to listen to him. "I've got traps that... the real Black Jack taught me... set up all around the place, so even though this is their place, we should have the advantage. The plan is just make them walk into the traps so they BOOM. You might not even have to shoot if we do it well enough." He looks really happy as he relays his plan, as though he put alot of work into it, though the happiness is wiped off his face as he hears the laughter of the Wayfarers approaching the door.
Adin thought for a moment before nodding your head. "Alright." And as soon as those words escaped her mouth she heard voices behind the door. Her body stiffened as she heard them. One of them sounded so... familiar. She slowly backed away from the door and crouched down into the shadows, as if hiding. The fear was evident on her face. It paralyzed her in that corner.

The voice... A flashback popped up into the back of her mind: Booming gunfire, explosions, the smell of gunfire in the air. This isn't what Adin wanted when she moved away from her home. The peaceful lands and grasses of her mother planet sounded nice... this is not where she wanted to be. Her mother held her tightly to her breast as she ran away from the fires, screaming, yelling. "It'll be okay," Her mother would whisper, her breath shaky and uneven.

But everything was not alright.

A loud cannon
boom-ed and her mother fell to the ground, still holding onto Adin. "It's okay my child," Her mother whispered as her eyes slowly closed. "It'll all be alri-" But her mother's voice never finished her sentence. She hid underneath her still warm mother. And then she heard the laughing. First it was faint, but as it got closer, it became more harsh. It got closer and closer, until a foot nudged the mother's body. "Another Outsider dead. Good riddance." And he continued to laugh.

Adin took a deep breath in and realized she had become absorbed in her daydreaming. She wiped a tear from her eye and stood up in the darkness, ready to pounce.
I unshiethed my daggers. "Lead the way Jack." I said. We had to get this plan moving, or we would be dead. I would normally stand up to them, but I had Lily and Katie to worry about
Black Jack points to the balcony where he was waiting for them only a few moments ago. "Here's the plan, you guys can get them all sneakily from there, where we can see them but they can't see us. I'm going to wait here so theyll come for me, and once they trigger the traps, you can come in and clean up." Just as he says that, the silhouettes of the thugs begin to show up around the door, and the talking and laughter is actually legible in the distance. "Go on." he says, ushering them towards a nearby staircase.
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"I dont like the balcony i will find my own hiding place, thank you very much"Axel said after looking around the place."One within reach of you, Black. "

He climbed one of the walls moving his body in a manner which cannot be described as human, eventual founding his way on a dark part of a beam running horizontally near the roof. In quick jumping movement, he was balancing on a beam on top of Black and waved down.
Adin nodded her head and crept over to the staircase. She didn't mind listening to a child as long as it saved her life. She had wished that other man had listened to Black Jack, though.

The balcony appeared in front of her and she waited for a sign from Black Jack or for something to happen.
I followed the outsider up the dark staircase, silent, daggers at the ready. I was soon hiding in a shadow on the balcony, waiting for Jack to lure the enemy's out. I would like this! Finally, I get to do something I've wanted to do for ages, I thought. I got to kick the butts of the people who took all my money.
The idea seemed iffy. Hell, everything about this ordeal seemed iffy, but she obliged none the less. She was a bit confused as how she could be useful to Black Jack. What was she going to do? Summon the rats and pigeons that resided in the city? Call on Malice to assist her? Use the weather to his advantage? Sure Black Jack didn't expect this from her? She shook her head, sighing slightly. She was bombarding her mind with questions, and it stressed her out slightly. Outside another crack of thunder snapped, shaking the warehouse and rippling in a loud echo that set out across the city. Hannah, though outside she caused a riot, kept quiet as she awaited the opportunity to strike, planning her delicate attack and laying out plans in her mind.
"Alright, suit yourself." He says to Axel, a little unnerved by his hostility. He sits on the floor as the others retreat into their hiding places, just in time for the first of the Wayfarers to notice him, at a glance his size wasn't particularly taken into account due to him sitting, but the black and red jester hat was a widely known symbol, so the thug quickly turns and gets out of there to tell the others. Cautiously, the others look around the corner to get a better look of him, though it was only a matter of time before they realized he was a child. As the Wayfarer's boss looks around the corner and sees him, he immediately gives the nearest thug a punch in the face and a booming voice. "You f*ckin' idiot, thats just a kid dressed up for Halloween or sumthin'. Git 'im!" With that, the other Wayfarers take out their weapons without question and walk menacingly over to Black Jack in a single group. Black Jack couldn't help but smile, he always wanted to see what happened when you threw a grenade into a large group of people.

With a flick of his wrist, the traps around the thugs that were once idle became active, and they immediately wrought havoc. A net of concealed blades only meters from Axel's hiding spot rained down the thugs, many were skewered instantly, but as some turn tail and run, a mine that was placed behind them explodes, leaving a little crater in the ground and shredding the retreating bandits. A few of the tougher ones who were so afraid came towards Black Jack with a bloodthirsty vengeance, and even though they crossed a tripwire, a trap refused to activate, and Black Jack looks around with a fearful look in his eye. "Uhm, Guys? Now. Now Now Now!" he calls out quickly as he crawls away from his murderers, checking his pockets rapidly for any last tricks up his sleeve.
On the cue the massive warehouse doors slammed shut as a huge burst of wind blasted through structure. There was no possible way the thugs could leave, for outside the wind whipped so violently that the doors couldn't possibly re-open. Hannah slid her hand behind her, her fingers tracing gently against her vibrant bow. She pulled it away from the clasp that attached it to her jacket, pulling it over her head before and holding it out in front of her, drawing the string back and preparing an arrow. The arrow wasn't there at first, but seemed to form in her palm, first as a burning line of flame, but then becoming an object in which she could hold. She drew it back, brushing her hand past her cheek as she waited for the right moment to shoot. She aimed, awaiting the signal from Black Jack before she let her arrow fly. She didn't like killing, but she would if she was compelled.
Noticing the thugs confronting Jack, I pulled my pistol out of its holster, and shot 3 thug with frightening accuracy. More surrounded Jack. I shot againbut I didn't hear the expected bang as the bullet shot out of the gun. I just heard 'click click block's as I tried over and over again to shoot. "Dang!" I muttered. I had forgotten to reload before I had left home! I looked up at the forged, frantically trying to signal him
Black Jack continues to scramble backwards, thankful that three of his adversaries were down. Finally getting up, a trap triggers much too late and a saw-blade narrowly misses Black Jack's head, fortunately for him he was short. He continues backward before launching a throwing knife behind him, but his strength simply wasn't enough to pierce the bandit's armor, so it bounces off and tinkles on the ground, and the bandit's bloodthirsty look was hardly dissuaded. He sees a searing light in the corner of his eye to see Hannah preparing a shot, he tries to yell at her through the noise of the wind to shoot. "Fire! Shoot! Let go!"
His signal was obvious as he demanded her fire. She did as she was told, hand drawing back further as she prepared herself to let the arrow go, and as if time had stood still the arrow shot, the bow snapping forward with force. The arrow lashed forward when she let it go, slicing through her cheek as it spun in the air towards the bandits. Crimson liquid leaked from her flesh as she stared intensely at the bow, ignorant of the pain as she focused. Through the warehouse windows a breeze rolled in, causing the arrows to spin violently at her concentrated draft. On her mark she whispered something under her breath, and the arrow broke off into three separate projectiles, each flaming as they gained speed before making impact into each of the men's chests, guided by her wind as they begun burning through any armour the thugs had worn, and caused them to drop to the ground. There was no time for celebration as she prepared herself for another attack, looking to Black Jack for further instructions.
Black Jack couldn't be more happy with the results, though there was still one final obstacle they had to overcome. Near the closed pressured entrance of the warehouse, the leader of the Wayfarers had lagged behind and simply let his goons trigger all the traps for him. They were expendable in his eyes, and there were plenty more thugs to be ordered around living elsewhere in the Deeper Downs, but he still was keen for some bloodshed. "You'll bleed for that!" His yell echos around the warehouse. Black Jack takes in a audible gulp, the man was built like a giant and armored like a tank, and was almost as big as Adin, and she was an Outsider. He seemed like a freak of nature, but as though he couldn't get any more menacing, he starts playing around with a ball of lightning in his hand, and takes out a shield from behind his back that could have once passed off as a wall. With a bloodcurdling warcry, he charges forward like a bulldozer, and Black Jack bolts for the staircase.
Hannah's nervous gaze flickered, darting between those who stood around them. Was someone going to help? To deal the final blow? It didn't matter, for every second she waited someone's attack put Black Jack in more danger, and in turn put her in more danger. She needed those answers from him, and having him dead would prove to be an issue. She threw her bow to the ground, knowing very well it would be absolutely useless against this man who threatened the group. Instead, she placed both her index fingers in the corner of her mouth, sparing no time as she blew as hard as she could, her loud whistle echoing through the warehouse. A moment of uneasy silence passed and the Warehouse doors burst open, smashing loudly against the walls as a beast seemingly created of the earth they stood on bounded through the opening accompanied by the violent winds she had created. Again, of course, she needed to know if Black Jack actually wanted this man down or not. To keep him alive, or to send him to his grave? Mentally she instructed Malice, her beast of summon that towered in the opening of the door awaiting her command, to keep guard of the door until further instruction.
As the mobs of people came swarming inside, Adin swooped down and began to attack them. The others were already hacking away at the enemies and he heard a few gunshots being fired. She knocked down a couple people with jut one swipe of her paw, and they went down with a burst of blood. She turned around and saw a large creature standing near Black Jack. Adin's eyes widened as she realized what he could do to the boy. She quietly crouched down behind the monster and considered attacking it. Adin pounced on the top of the man, holding him down, but waited for Black Jack's signal. "What do you want me to do with this thing?"
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I jumped down, following the outsider. I started slicing any thug I could find, twirling, ducking, and jumping, gracefully moving through all the enemy's, killing them very quickly. I knocked one man out by hitting him in the head with the butt of my daggers, then thrust them back, stabbing another thug in the ribs as he tried to sneak up on me. I ducked as another one flew across the room, blown away by Red Head's wind, and jumped as another man tried to slice my legs. Soon the room was clear again, with no one but Jack, and the rest of the people who came to meet him
As the group weaved around the bandits, the leader himself even fell before Adin's talons and Sarah's daggers whilst Malice guarded any bandits from escaping. The leader lets out a small grunt as he collapses backwards to the floor with severe wounds showing through his armour. Satisfied that he was out of danger, Black Jack rushes back down the staircase before almost climbing the leader and stripping a small glowing necklace from around his neck, he grasps it in his hand as though it was the most valuable thing in the world before taking a seat on the --now dead-- man's chest. "I can't tell you how happy I am to have this... though now I think I owe some answers, so ask away." He says peacefully, the surrounding death seemed to hardly affect him, which was a bit unsettling due to him only being a child, but he seemed alot calmer now with whatever the prize was that he held in his hands.
Eve finally came out of the shadows. She wasn't very good in big fights and her powers didn't help anything, so she had just stayed in the shadows and watched things go on. "You said before that the 'super mean Black Jack' disappeared with the Arbiters," Eve said as she walked over to the red-head and healed her cheek. "So that means you haven't seen him for a year and have no idea what happened with the Arbiters, right?" She looked around the room to see if anyone, who weren't wayfarers, needed to be healed. Which would mean I wasted my sleeping time... Eve thought.

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