Those Lost in Starlight [A Fairy Tail Guild]


Name: Lex Kaito

Given Title: The Magician

Nickname: Kaito



Height:174 cm (5'8") tall

Weight: 58 kg (128 lbs)

Hair Color: brown

Eye Color: brown

Skin Color: see pic

Race: Human

Personal Strength: He is very intelligent

Personal Weakness: He is just a sucker for those female bouncy things xD

Personality: Kaito has always loved magic, that why he classes himself as a magician. He is very mature and is a master at chess and

monopoly. However he can come off to be very strong but his oneweakness is that he loves women and their bouncy things. No matter what it comes down to he would never fight a women... he would rather die a painful death.. unless the woman was ugly then he might fight.

Likes: Women, fighting and chess

Dislikes: ugly women and long missions

Biography: Kaito grew up learning magic from his father however one day his father disappeared leaving only a note saying 'i wish you a long and happy life' Kaito being very angry at his father for leaving suddenly and he trained his magic growing stronger and stronger by the day he eventually was invited to the guild Sabertooth .... unfortunately he doesnt go out on long missions by himself he prefers to help other people out specially the ladies.

Guild: Sabertooth

Class: Guild Ace (if not just tell me to change :P )

Guild Mark Location: Right side of his back

Guild Mark Colour: Blue

Dragon Slayer: Lightening

Magic Style: one million volt lightening canon

Magic's Strength: it is very powerful and reaches large distances

weakness: unknown..... try and dodge it

Magic's Taboo: None

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: Skylar Hawkins

Given Title: Angel of Heaven

Nickname: Sky

Age: 15

Gender: Female

Height: 5'2

Weight: 101lbs

Hair Color: White

Eye Color: Purple

Skin Color: Fair

Race: Human

Personal Strength: god slayer and healing magic

Personal Weakness: terribly useless in hand-to-hand combat and weapons.


Skylar is usually cheerful, kind and caring person who always like to help other people. She's very stubborn, when fighting, and strong will girl who never give up no matter what, she always wants to reach her goal and will do whatever it take to get past the things that's in her way. But on the other hand, she quiet clumsy, in her own way.


friends, food, traveling—she love seeing new places.


dark guilds, liars, magic council—she doesn't like the rules that much, clowns—she's terribly afraid of clowns and thunderstorm.


Skye was born into a family that hate magic.She never really have any interest in magic, so when her parents told her that she can't learn any magic, it was fine. Well it was, until she stumbles across a book in the library, she took interest in reading about magic. Skye always loves book and when she pick up a book, she can never put it back down. From the on she start learning about Air God slayer magic and practice it for years, and she love it. She would always go out in the forest from the back of her house and practice it in secret, hoping that her parents won't catch her practicing magic. But it was useless. One day her parents followed her into the woods and saw her practicing magic, they kicked her out and told her never to come back again.

Skye was shocked, but she knew that this was the consequence from not obeying her parents. Not long after she left the house, she joined Sabertooth, a legal guild for mages, and that's how her magical journey started.


Guild: Sabertooth

Rank: A-Class (Ace)

Guild Mark Location: back of right hand

Guild Mark Color: light blue


God Slayer Magic Style:

Air God Slayer

Magic Style 1:

Air Magic

Magic's Strength:

Able to control air in the surrounding area and able to drop the air level in the area.

Magic's Weakness:

She doesn't know yet

Magic's Taboo: none


Magical Items:

* healing bracelet - able to heal physical wounds[wears it on her left hand]

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_07/image.jpg.d8eac0866fc9d7d5dda455380e871fce.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="21948" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_07/image.jpg.d8eac0866fc9d7d5dda455380e871fce.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Magical Weapons: none

Magical Clothing: none



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Sora, the Windrunner:



Age: 19

Gender: Female

Height: 5'6"

Weight: 122 lbs.

Hair Color: Lush, Sage green

Eye Color: Emerald

Skin Color: Mild, light Caucasian

Race: Human

Character Bio:


At first glance, Sora is the epitome of apathy. Her expression is emotionless, and her blank, emerald eyes show no care for the world. Indeed, only those who know her well (a number that can be counted on one hand) realize that there’s more to her than just an ice queen exterior. Unconsciously, Sora defaults to the blank mask that she’s most familiar with. For nearly half her life, Sora never smiled, grinned, or laughed. Anything positive is new to her and a refreshing experience. Inside those malleable green orbs lies a lingering curiosity for the rest of the world. Sora is always interested and takes joy in exploring new things, whether that be different foods or the strange environments of the world.

While her blank expression is fake, her calm disposition is certainly not. There are few things that can really tip off or upset Sora. Mostly, she just doesn't pay much attention to things that would bother other people; however, when someone really does push her few buttons, that’s when the strength of her emotion comes full force. Sora’s moods don’t shift easily, but when she does it is fierce and intense. The different between two of her moods is like night and day, like clears skies and a raging thunderstorm. Combined with strong will and determination, not many would dare stand in Sora’s way when she is pissed.

If there’s one thing that is constant among her emotions and intentions, it is sincerity. If Sora shows a rare emotion on her face then it’s almost definitely true. Perhaps both a good and bad thing, but Sora couldn’t lie to save her life. She’s too honest for that, and it sometimes gets her into trouble. Being a bit lacking in subtlety and communication, Sora favors blunt and curt, sometimes harsh, responses. When it’s with someone she respects she’s polite, but there’s no way she can fake anything but apathy to anyone. If she doesn’t like them, they will probably know.

Fortunately Sora doesn’t dislike most people. On the contrary she’s quite protective of innocents. As far as she’s concerned, it doesn’t matter who they are or what they look like — as long as they are good people, she’ll definitely protect them. Sora’s nature makes it difficult for her to spar with allies, even when it’s just a friendly match. She’s harmed a friend before, and for fear of a repeat, Sora refuses to fight anyone that she does not consider an enemy. However, with those that she does consider evil, it’s a much different story.

Sora is not particularly bound by legal rules or morals when faced with her enemy. She will kill entire dark guilds without a second thought if she got the chance. Perhaps her morals are a bit skewed and quite gray, but she really does have a heart of gold. It’s just unfortunate that her circumstances growing up stained that heart with a thick layer of black dust.

Nonetheless, Sora’s greatest treasure will always be her friends. So precious to her that she refuses to make any, for fear of losing them. As a result of pain and tragedy in her past, Sora is afraid to make friends despite her longing for them. She is terrified that because of her ambitions, any friends she made would be targeted and killed by the enemy. Or worse...herself.

Afraid and protective all at once, Sora goes as far to disguise her guild mark to protect her allies. She even plays the villain sometimes, spreading lies with her actions rather than words. Her twisted logic believes that, if she has no bonds to attach herself to, then there would be no one for the enemy to attack. She stubbornly shoulders the burden of her dream and war alone. Sora is willing to persist until the very end to fulfill her dream and defeat the dark guilds. Every day she struggles with the impossibility and fruitlessness of her ambition, but her foreboding is always overshadowed by her complete trust in her late friend. The same one that entrusted Sora with his legacy and believed she could change the world.

Yet, despite her severe case of hero-complex, there’s still a human behind those masks and dreams. One who has a dry wit and fascination with romance. A young, tormented woman who wants nothing more than the acceptance and love of her friends. A hopeful girl, who keeps up with the latest fashions and newest trends to impress people for reasons she doesn’t understand. An insecure woman that punishes herself with daydreams of just being a normal girl for once-- someone that grows up, has fun, makes friends, falls in love, and lives a happy life.

Her principles are strong, but in the end she’s still just an arrogant moron that tries to shoulder the weight of the whole world by herself. Sora may think otherwise, but her heart’s inner desire calls for support and help. She has struggled to walk her own path for so long that she has started to trip on her own two feet. Will she finally collapse under the pressure of her own weight, or will there be someone that will smile and pick her up when she falls?


Sora, a young orphan taken (quite literally) under the wing of the dragon Matris, was raised to become the Sky Dragon Slayer. Similar to her counterparts, Matris acted as a foster parent to her, teaching Sora the intricacies of culture, language, and behavior. However, what most fascinated Sora were the extravagant stories her dragon told of just about everything: adventure, romance, mystery, tragedy, battle, and more! Sora soon became completely enamored to these tales, addicted even — she would often stay up late just to hear more of what her wise dragon had to say. Her favorite of all these were the stories of the heroic human wizards who fought to protect with all their might, even against the impossible odds of powerful dragons and gods. Learning, training, and listening, Sora's life was about as happy as could be. Unfortunately, it wouldn't last.

One day, her dragon disappeared without a trace, and Sora was left alone for the first time in her short life. She searched far and wide throughout the nearby forest, but found no trace of her adopted mother. She cried for a time. Long enough for the master of an infamous dark guild to notice her. In her emotional state, Sora really couldn't restrain the magical power she pent up within and unleashed her inner fury upon the surroundings. At first, the sight made the master apprehensive, then curious. One of the ambitions of this master was a loyal servant to help him achieve evil goals. He considered that perhaps this powerful girl could be used. With glee, he set a test for her magical powers and set up an attack. Whether it be in Sora’s nature, or because of her sorrow, or perhaps both, she adapted her magic to coalesce into her body and struck the master far more powerfully than he expected. Lost Dragon Slayer Magic definitely interested the man and sealed the deal for him, more so with the revealed potential capabilities of this girl. Soon, Sora's life became hell.

Captured and tortured to her limits, Sora's will was quickly destroyed. Considering her already disoriented and heartbroken mind, she easily shattered under the view of the dark master. Soon, through a combination of memory magic, indoctrination techniques, and her mind trying to protect itself, Sora grew to remember nothing of her past; only details of her loyalty to a dark guild remained. It was easy to convince the brainwashed girl to believe her only purpose in life was to serve the dark master. With her memories forgotten, the girl became machine-like, never to remember the source of all her magical teachings. Or at least, that's what her captors believed. The truth is: Sora has, was, and always will be a strong-willed girl. While it didn't change her circumstances, that desire desperately clung on, and in the dark recesses of her mind, Sora did remember. Those faint, locked-up memories would stay with her, unknown to everyone, even herself, for over a decade to come.

Nobody expected this young, soon teenage girl, to be a trained killer until Sora’s blade had already slit their throat. As a machine, the girl was no good at any autonomous work, but her dark master quickly found her useful in eliminating the opposition. He made sure to train her well, ruthlessly pushing Sora's body to its limits and beyond. She didn't mind much considering that, in her belief, serving the darkness was her only purpose in life. She believed that if she ever failed a mission, she was like an obsolete weapon— useless. That terrified her more than any torture, punishment, or brutality she was put through.

However, one day that all changed. Returning from a mission, Sora wound up encountering someone that would change her life. It was a young man, only just a few years older than herself. Handsome to some, immensely powerful to others, but to everyone that he met, this man could only be universally described as a friend. His name: Ren.

The first time they met would be in battle. Sora saw him as a threat who had found the dark guild's secret location and sought to eliminate him. Their battle was short, yet hard-fought, but in the end the man arose victorious and knocked her out. To her displeasure, Sora later woke up to this curious man staring at her prone body. Her immediate reaction was to attack again, but found the injuries she had sustained far too much to handle. Confused and humiliated, eventually Sora's logical side sorted itself out. Over the course of their week-long encounter, Ren perplexed her to no end. Not only did he not kill her, but the man even showed enough mercy to heal her injuries and watch over her until she recovered. Hell, he even started talking with her and tried to make conversation. She wanted to be as aloof as possible, but there was something about this man that just puzzled her so.

No one had ever treated her like this man did. No one took care of her, nor did anyone ever talk to her like Ren did. Everyone else stared at her with disgust, fear, or cruelty; she did not remember anyone that had ever looked at her with a smile and kindness in their eyes. No matter how hard she tried to plan an escape and kill Ren, something had sprung up within her unlike anything she felt before. It was warm...yet familiar. Perhaps if their circumstance had been just this, they would have parted ways and Sora would ignore these feelings forever.Fortunately for her, she had a lucky break when fate had other plans.

To pass the time Ren told her a story. Then another. And then another. And until he ran out of stories to tell, Sora only ever replied with one phrase to the man: “Please…tell me more.” Even Sora didn't understand why she had this kind of reaction. All she knew was that something in her didn't want Ren to stop. Something old, deep in the recesses of her mind, that reminded her of fond feelings and warm memories, even if she didn’t understand ‘what’ or ‘why’. Sora was later disappointed to learn Ren no longer had any tales to tell...that is, until he showed her something amazing. It was a mass of paper, bound together with string and surrounded by a case of leather. Inside it held unimaginable treasures, priceless and with ancient value. She soon discovered more of these incredible jewels when Ren revealed an entire bag of them, aged and worn through years of usage. They rapidly became a source of fascination to her, a guilty pleasure that she never expected.

They were called books.

Each book she read held tale after tale, story after story, filled with adventure, romance, mystery, tragedy, battle, and more! She didn’t understand why, but a part of her knew that she wanted more of these ‘books’— so much that she later arranged to meet Ren again and again to deliver her more stories within these books, and the recounting of Ren’s latest adventures. She was surprised to learn about the legal guilds in the world, those unaffiliated with the darkness. Even more so when Ren turned out to be a member of one these guilds.

In secret, Sora and Ren continued to meet every week after that. Each time Ren allowed Sora to read more and more books from the outside world in exchange for her help with training in magic. Over time they opened up to each other, exploring the other’s past and gradually understanding one another. While Sora didn’t remember anything from before her kidnapping, the stories she told of dark service appalled Ren; however, it was not Sora herself that disgusted him, but the knowledge that a dark guild would do such a thing to this girl. Unbeknownst to Sora, it was the day she revealed this that Ren vowed to release his new friend from the dark guild’s control, no matter the cost. However, it was not only Sora’s past that was revealed. Along with it came the life of Ren, a young boy who grew up determined to become the most powerful wizard in Fiore to protect his friends with all his might. For the first time in years, Sora understood another to the point that they could be considered friends.

Months passed by until the fateful day that shaped both Ren and Sora’s futures; the very same day when Ren finally decided to commit to his vow with his life. Ren was no mere rank-and-file grunt— he was already one of the strongest wizards in Fiore and a high-ranking member of his guild. With ease he busted into the home of Sora’s dark guild, blasting through dark mages left and right to confront the dark master. Yet, despite how powerful Ren was, and even though he managed to defeat almost every other wizard in that dark guild, he couldn’t beat the dark master. Too exhausted and expended from his previous fights, he fought a close battle with his foe, but found the opponent to be even stronger than himself. Yet, when the tides were beginning to turn in Ren’s favor and victory seemed possible, the unexpected happened.

Sora had returned to a devastated home.

Taking advantage of the confusion, chaos, and Ren’s brief hesitation when the young man met Sora’s betrayed eyes, the dark master activated a magical contingency imprinted into Sora. One that turned her in a machine completely obedient to his orders and would kill without hesitation. Ren rapidly found his advantage eroded upon Sora’s addition to the battle. He tried everything he could to break the indoctrination magic on Sora, but couldn’t stick to her long enough for the task. Being as intelligent and experienced as he was, Ren figured out a method to break the mind control, but it required full contact between himself and Sora for several seconds. There was no way she would’ve allowed that in her state, considering she was trying to kill him and all. However, with no options left and backed into a corner, Ren recognized the impossibility to defeat the dark master in such circumstances, but found himself determined to protect his friend— no matter the cost.

Ren then proceeded to do one of the most hare-brained, moronic, selfless, and heroic acts he had ever done.

To put it simply, he purposely allowed Sora to come close. He allowed her to bypass his defenses and strike with a powerful attack. He allowed her to score a lethal wound near his heart. In doing so, for a brief moment, Ren capitalized on an opportunity to hug her with all the power he managed to muster. With full contact and an iron grip connecting their bodies, Ren was successfully able to merge his aura with hers to overpower the indoctrination magic and release her from the dark master’s the cost of his life.

Surprise, grief, and understanding all filtered through Sora when the binding was broken. She had been very aware of her actions while under the dark master’s control but no matter what she willed, her body would not listen. Unrivaled sorrow poured out of her soul through the windows in her eyes and painfully dripped downwards, as if her lifeblood itself fell onto the dying body of her best friend. His last words haunted her that day, creating a seemingly impossible legacy that would give birth to a legend.

“Heh- looks like I’m not the strongest after all, eh? Sora, don’t cry. You know that I’ll protect my friends no matter what. That’s just how I am. Yes, we may not have known each other very long,” he said, choking on the blood drowning his lungs, “but I prize you just as much as anyone else close to me. You are my friend, Sora.”

Tears glistened in the corner of his eyes, his face struggling to wear its characteristic grin as he spoke to her for the last time. “ Live and grow strong. Strong enough to surpass me! I never achieved my dream, did I? To be the strongest wizard of them all. But I know you can, Sora. So live. Make more friends than just little ol’ me, and grow strong enough to protect them all when I could not!”

Finally his pulse slowed, his breathing labored, and Ren exerted everything he had for a few more seconds of life. A smile of bliss crossed his face as he spoke for the last time, “ least I was able to protect one treasure, right? I love you, Sora— I’m glad that my life was spent to protect you.”

At that same moment the dark master had recognized the loss of his prized tool; accepting these losses and injuries, the dark guild’s lord had retreated to fight another day just as Ren’s breathing stopped. Isolated from the world in the destroyed remains of a dark guild hall, Ren passed away with joy inside his mourning friend’s arms. Just as they had met and fought, so too would they part as a result of bittersweet battle.

Three years have passed since that day. In those three years, Sora grew to adopt that same stubborn determination of her late friend. It wasn’t perfect, and Sora couldn’t do everything that her friend sought, but she managed to move on. With passion in her heart, Sora swore to fulfill Ren’s legacy and become the strongest wizard in Fiore to protect the innocent — as well as those non-existent friends she was afraid to make and love. She is now a criminal, wanted for the murder of the wizard Ren of Fairy Tail, and a member of the independent guild ‘Crime Sorcière,’ a community comprised of people hoping to repent for their past.

She still doesn’t remember anything about dragon slayers or Matris’ powerful magic, but Sora hopes to one day recover the memories of who she really was and explore everything Earthland has to offer...friends and all.

Personal Strength(s):

Martial Arts Specialist: Sora is a highly-trained and dangerous master of close-quarters combat in any environment. She is an experienced fighter, and her repertoire of fighting styles allow her to deal with weapons, magic, and her opponent’s secrets alike. However, she favors a unique kicking style that takes full advantage of her natural strengths and enchantments.

Adept Acrobat: Being natural flexible, Sora has refined her gymnastic abilities to a level that would put professionals to shame. And awe. Probably both.

Supah-Speedy: Even without her enchantments, Sora is considered a fast and nimble fighter that can deftly dodge and outmaneuver the average wizard. When she does utilize them though, Sora convincingly earns her place among the ranks of Earthland’s speed demons.

Strong Will: Sora was born with strong will. There was always a burning, emerald fire within her, one that would do anything no matter the odds. Even dimmed, her spirit remained strong. Strong enough to resist mind control and memory erasure; tenacious enough to become the strongest and protect all. She has no yet tapped into the full potential of her strength, and has yet to realize that she does not possess a lake, but rather an ocean of willpower.

Personal Weakness(es):

Awkward: Due to her unfortunate circumstances, Sora is by no means an expert at communication or people-management. As far as she’s concerned, ‘subtlety’ is not in her vocabulary, and has an annoying habit of bluntly speaking the unpleasant truth.

Can’t Lie for S***: Anyone that tries to put Sora on an infiltration mission is a moron. The second she starts telling a lie, her face lights up, she gets nervous ticks in her eyes and the corner of her mouth starts twitching like crazy. At this point, she doesn’t even try.

Vulnerability: It’s not a commonly known, but Sora is often most vulnerable when she’s sleeping. Not necessarily in the attacking sense, but more in that she tends to spill secrets while she’s having pleasant dreams.

No Restraint: She may look self-controlled and uncaring, but the moment someone pushes her, admittedly few, buttons, Sora’s unstable emotions are furiously released upon her enemy. Often with extreme prejudice.


Friends: Personally, Sora has not had much in the way of friends throughout her life. But there is one thing that’s certain: her brief, yet memorable experience with a friend has made them the most valued treasure of her life — so precious that she is afraid to have them, in fear of losing them like she did before.

Books: There was no logical explanation or sensible reason why, as least according to her own known memories, that Sora would love stories and fairy tales. Nonetheless, they inexplicably fascinated her, and books were a fantastic medium for those priceless fables.

Cakes: Sora was certain she had never tasted something so sweet her entire life when she first chewed on a small piece of cheesecake, but she’s been hooked ever since. It’s not a fact that she likes to make public, but cakes are a particularly easy way to bribe Sora into complying with whatever mischievous machinations anyone might desire.

Training: Becoming the strongest is no easy road, but Sora is up to the task. She often trains to become faster, stronger, and more powerful, slowly pushing past her limits to achieve more. However, it's a difficult path to take, and with an incomplete magic it seems impossible. With determination in her eyes, Sora nonetheless strives for strength and has proven her tenacity to reach the level of what she is now...with only a fraction of her Dragon Slayer potential.

Daydreaming: Reading hundreds of stories tends to make a person want to create their own, and Sora is no exception. She doesn't really consider herself a writer, and probably doesn't have the calligraphy to even think about it, but her imagination is both creative, amusing, and disturbing at the same time. Instead she's content with staring at the clouds, imagining all the cheeky romance stories she could write.

Rainbows: The day after her liberation, Sora journeyed to the nearby mountain top for a better view of her surroundings. What she saw astounded her. In the distance, a magnificent, beautiful waterfall intersected with the wide, never-ending green all around. And above it all stood stunning visage of a shining rainbow, its marvelous colors reflecting joy into the clear blue skies. Sora had realized then that freedom was the most beautiful thing she had ever seen in her entire life.


Dark Guilds: Kidnapped at a young age, Sora was morphed into a tool to be used by a dark guild. Now the tides have turned, and the weapon used by the dark guilds is poised to slit her former master's throat. In her opinion, dark guilds are composed of the lowest scum of Earthland. Sora's revenge is at hand.

Sora's experience with the aforementioned indoctrination has given her a distaste for manipulation, particularly the practice of slavery. She hates slavers, and they are one of the few things that can set her off.

Embarrassing Situations:
She may be a trained killer, a powerful wizard, and an angst-y hero, but Sora is still just a teenage girl. She has a reputation to worry about you know!

There's nothing she hates more than a traitor. If anyone sees no value in his/her friends and turns his/her back on them, she will not hesitate to beat them down. A wise Ninja once said, "Those who break the rules are trash, but those who abandon their comrades are worse than trash!"


Sleeps in Odd Places: Sora has not had the luxury of sleeping in a bed for the majority of her life. Often sleep-deprived, she tried to nap as much as she could, wherever she could. Nowadays exhaustion and sleep needs aren't really a problem for her, but she kept the habit out of familiarity. So, if she’s not sleeping at home, there’s a good chance she can be found sleeping on someone’s roof. Or a fence. Or a tree. Possibly upside-down, hanging from the balcony of a tall building. Hell, people have even seen her taking a nap on the back of some fearsome magical beasts, so why not?

Book-Thief: In the early days after her liberation and before she had any money, Sora was so desperate to satisfy her book addiction that she started stealing them from locals. It’s been a while since then, and while she makes some money with her guild, it’s usually only just enough for food and sometimes rent. Of course, she’ll profusely deny her involvement with these sorts of illegal activities, but the fact remains true. In the end, Sora is just a naughty, naughty, book-stealing kleptomaniac.

Solitary Performer: Sometimes Sora would just like to be a normal girl. To be able to just worry about impressing men with her attractiveness. At that time was about when her hormonal pressure was really starting to burst after years of stagnation in a dark guild, so her next actions were somewhat understandable. In her panic, Sora frantically noted that she had no attractive traits whatsoever(despite being very pretty) so she couldn’t be friends with anyone and no one would like her and then she would be by herself and everyone would laugh at her and she would cry all alone in a corner until she died a wrinkled old woman without a husband or children and be useless and- WUAAAAAAHH!!!!

To do this day she will swear up and down that she doesn’t practice singing and dancing when she’s alone, nor does she do it to show a man how attractive she is one day. No way, no how. Anyway, if someone ever walked in on her she would probably die of embarrassment. Then the perpetrator would probably also die a much, much more horrible death.


Strongest Wizard in Fiore! Since the death of Ren, Sora has vowed to complete her late friend's legacy by becoming the strongest wizard in Fiore. She believes that being the strongest means she can finally make friends and protect them all, so Sora eagerly awaits and trains for the day when she will (hopefully) reach the top!

Kick Dark Guild A**:
Sora has always hated dark guilds for what they did to her. From liberation day and on, Sora has always had an ambition to find her revenge and destroy every dark guild; she hopes that this way, no one will suffer like she did before.

Recover Her Memories:
Still with a mild case of amnesia, Sora consciously remembers absolutely nothing about her Dragon Slayer training. It's a small goal, but even if her early years are still a complete blank, Sora desires to one day discover who she really is and where she came from.

Make Friends:
Perhaps the most delayed dream of them all because Sora has a principle of not making any friends in case she would be targeted by dark guilds. However, despite this, her inner desire for companionship has already started to leak through her tough exterior. Perhaps, with a small push and tenacity, someone would be able to break down Sora's walls.

Apologize: Sora still wishes to repent and make up for her crime...the murder of Ren, her best friend. If even she knew it wasn't her fault, she just can't shake the guilt that's built up for years. Guilt so strong that she couldn't bring herself to apologize to his guild: Fairy Tail. She only dropped off the body with Fairy Tail's master, the only one who knew her true circumstances. For right now, she's fine with being the villain, the evil murderer of Ren. In that case, Fairy Tail wouldn't have foolhardily charge into this battle for revenge. But that guilt nags away at her all the time. Sooner or later, she wants to apologize.

Guild Info:

Guild: Crime Sorcière

Rank: A-Class

Guild Mark Location: Just below her neck, intersecting with the collarbone.

Guild Mark Color: Stark white

Magic Statistics:

Dragon Slayer Magic: Air Dragon Slayer

Magic's Strength(s):

Enchantment: Manipulates air pressure within the magical aura of the user to increase the speed, strength, and agility of target. Effects range from mild to dramatic improvements, depending on how close the target is to the user and the amount of magic expended. All enchantments applied to the user will be significantly more powerful, and have the additional effect of reinforcing his or her body with a protective coating of magical energy.

Air Cannon: Compresses air into a specified shape, ranging from a sharp and narrow bullet to a broad, ball-like structure. This technique allows the user to fire these pressurized air particles like a projectile from bodily joints encompassed by the user’s magical aura. Most commonly used in conjunction with punches or kicks for unexpectedly ranged attacks.

Healing: Allows the user to heal any other living being but the user with magical energy. The more severe the wound, the more magic is required, increasing exponentially from minor to lethal wounds. Also allows for the curing of certain bodily conditions such as motion sickness or poisoning.

Dragon Slaying Magic: The user of this magic is able to collect magical energy from the surrounding air and manipulate it into heavy attacks designed to deal with dragons.

Magic's Weakness(es):

Close-Range Limitation: The nature of this particular magic's enchantment and air abilities are primarily focused on hand-to-hand and close-range combat, thereby exposing to the user to mid-/long-ranged attacks.

Weak Healing: Long-term focus on developing unique combat capabilities have rendered the healing abilities of this user weak. Therefore, curing wounds takes multitudes more magic energy; as an extension, the user is also extremely vulnerable while healing, and repairing of a lethal wound will result in complete depletion of the user's magic. Nonetheless, it is remarkable that this user has trained her healing ability up to this level, considering that just three years ago her healing was practically nonexistent.

Impure Air: Consuming and using impure or polluted air noticeably reduces the effectiveness of the user’s magic and recovery.

Memory-Impaired: Although she is the Sky Dragon Slayer, this user has unfortunate memory gaps as a result of powerful magic used to seal her memories. Thus, she has only trained with and remembers the most basic of her Dragon Slayer heritage. However, while she does not possess the full might of her potential, this user has certainly learned to be powerful in her own right.

Magic's Taboo:

Windrunner: This user's ultimate enhancement technique. Utilizing an outrageous amount of magical energy, the user requires an immense build-up of power into their legs and surroundings over a period of twenty-seconds. When released, the user is propelled like a rocket at supersonic speeds. Characterized by it's sonic boom, this technique literally allows the user to break the sonic barrier and strike with incredible power and strength. However, the user will be exhausted completely after usage, and without proper bodily reinforcement beforehand their body will sustain lethal injuries from the stress of travelling at such speeds.

Magical Relics/Items:


Typical Outfit: Sora's standard attire is a revealing outfit made of magically enhanced leather for increased durability and flexibility. It consists of a black, modified sports bra that extends to surround her neck like a collar, similar to a turtleneck. Sora uses a firm, leather belt to encase her bust and keep it still, decorating the binding with a skull pin — just for fun! Both forearms and hands are also covered in resistant leather, acting as a fusion of both bracers and gloves; these are particularly useful when travelling at high speeds to reduce personal damage. Below her exposed midriff is a set of brown cargo shorts. An array of belts and pouches are aligned along her waist and thighs, creating the intricate network of equipment and grocery bags she keeps at all times. Most of her legs are bare and uncovered, but her feet and ankles are equipped with a set of dark boots designed for increased sticking potential on flat surfaces. They are secured to her legs by more leather, ensuring that they do not slip off in an emergency. A skull pin is attached to her waist-belt, as is another skull hair-pin used to decorate her luscious green hair. The following information is rare to come across, but because Sora purposely leaves her guild-mark covered up with her clothing, these skulls are coded markings that show her affiliation with the guild 'Crime Sorcière'.

Magical/Significant Items:

Mystery Key: For as long she remembers, Sora has owned this unique key her entire life. She has no idea what its purpose is, only that she feels hints of powerful magic within.


( Silver Key on the Left)

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Name: Sergei Huntlotar

Given Title: The Caveman

Nickname: Serg

Age: 43

Gender: Male

Height: 6'2

Weight: 187

Hair Color: No hair

Eye Color: Brown

Skin Color: Brown

Race: Human

Personal Strength: Great Leader

Personal Weakness: Thinks too much of himself

Personality: Sergei is a jolly folk, who likes to make many jokes at every second, but when it comes to the guild's work, he's always very proud and serious. He keeps everyone on Sabertooth on a straight up hard schedule, and he doesn't like when someone disobeys him.

Likes: Jokes, Drinking, Partying, To piss off his subordinates, Missions that get accomplished fast;

Dislikes: Boredom, Boring people, Spiders.

Biography: Sergei was born in a far off peninsula, very distant from Fiore, a desertic land called Manople. He grew up in a normal but very poor family. Living in a community in the desert was hard, and Sergei sometimes had to even steal food to survive. The use of magic was forbbiden all over the country. When he was nine, a book was delivered to his house. It was delivered to the wrong address, it was supposed to go to a mage from another country, but somehow it ended up on his hands. Sergei started to study it, and it was a book about "Arc of Time" magic. He got really good at it very fast, being able to make seeds grow in the desert and give tasteful fruits. Everybody in the community praised him as a god. The authorities soon heard about him and tried to arrest him, but he defended himself well using the magic, and stating that he was doing a good thing. Everybody agreed, and the authorities stopped going after him, seeing how much good he was doing. With time, his village got bigger and bigger and he got even better at Arc of Time, managing to control the time orbs like no one else. The leader of another village got jealous of his power, and declared war towards Sergei's village. In no time, the whole country was in a civil war: The people who agreed with the use of magic and were on Sergei side and the people who didn't. Sergei started in the war as soldier but by the end of it he was younger general in Manople. The war was won for the people that believed in the power of magic. Until he was twenty five, Sergei leaded his country as secretary of defense, but he was called to Fiore by the master of Sabertooth, who asked if him wished to be a part of the guild. Sergei accepted and left his country, praised by everyone. Five years later, the old master of Sabertooth died, and he rised as the new master. He's in charge for thirteen years already.

Magic Style 1: Arc of Time

Magic's Strength: Being able to restore inorganic things, like buildings and vehicles, and being able to stop certain things on time.

Magic's Weakness: Too much power required to use it in animals.

Magic's Taboo: Last Ages = The user can use his magic to turn back time, but this takes time from his own life and can be very harmful to him, since his body gets burned in the process.

Magic Style 2: Nullification Magic

Magic's Strength: Being able to disable all magic power with the touch of the user or with the launch of a spell.

Magic's Weakness: Temporary effect for the launched spell; need the touch of the user for everything else.

Magic's Taboo: N/A

Guild: Sabertooth

Rank: Master

Guild Mark Location: Back of right hand

Guild Mark Color: Green

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Name: Carrie Ulstream

Given Title: The Blue Pearl



Little Lady (Doesn't Mind)

Squirt (Hates)

Blue (Likes)

Age: 15

Gender: Female

Height: 5'4"

Weight: 135

Hair Color: Light Blue

Eye Color: Blue

Skin Color: White; with a tinge of blue.

Race: Human

Personal Strength:

Burning desire to protect her friends and those cared for. Though warming up to somebody takes time, once she has, she will do all that she can to defend, protect, and help that person with whatever they're going through.

Personal Weakness:

Tires out quickly if she's low on water. Doesn't have the heart to kill anything or anyone.


Carrie is a playful young girl who doesn't like to take things too seriously. If she has to, she will, just don't expect her to keep a straight face after a prolonged period of time. Due to the influence of her aquatic nature, as well as spending lots of time around the Water Dragon Sealakeena, Carrie is generally not too fond of violence and confrontation, but instead prefers to just go with the flow.


Staying Hydrated, Swimming, Diving, Snorkeling, Skinny-dipping, Fruit Drinks, Sleeping at the bottom of lakes, Being carried around by other people.


Extreme heat, walking on dry land, not having water around, being serious for too long, unneeded violence, harm coming to her fellow water creatures.


Carrie never had the opportunity of knowing who her real parents were, the only thing she can remember, is the shape of their faces. In her dreams, all she could make out are their silhouettes, but never anything more. As a young child, Carrie was saved from death by drowning, in the middle of the ocean, by the powerful Water Dragon Sealakeena. Unbeknownst to her, it was Carrie's parents that asked the Dragon to spare her life. A few hours before, while on a cruise, the boat was hit by stray blast of magic from a battle happening above, tearing the ocean-liner in two.

Distraught at the idea of their daughter's life being cut short, and so soon after she was born, her parents decided to do all they could to save her, clasping hands and combining their two magics to perform a Unison Raid. Her father used his magic to send out a telepathic message to any magical being in the area to save his daughter, while her mother used her magic to amplify the signal and send it further out into the depths of the ocean. As they were dragged down into the water by the pull of the sinking ship, in their last moments, they witnessed the Sea Dragon holding the collar of Carrie's shirt in its mouth, taking her deeper and deeper into the abyss.

After 11 years of training and being raised by her foster mother Sealakeena, she suddenly disappeared, leaving the young girl once again stranded and alone in the middle of the ocean. However, Carrie was a completely different person, than from when it happened the first time. This time, she was older, wiser, and more capable of taking care of herself; and that's exactly what she did. Watching over her own back , and making friends with the many creatures of sea, was her normal routine, until it was interrupted by a strange looking man thrown off his boat, while fishing in the water during a storm. After noticing he didn't know how to swim, she paddled over, pulling him up out of the water and waiting there on the shore till he caught his breath. All the while this was happening, her eyes were fixated on a strange mark covering the man's right shoulder: it was in the shape of a mermaid.

"So you are a friend of the ocean," she asked him, to which he replied, "yeah, you could say that." After staring at his mark for what seemed like forever, he finally asked the question that changed her life from that moment on: "Say, would you like to join our guild?" Carrie wasn't quite sure what a guild was, but if she could meet more friends of the ocean, then it couldn't be all that bad right? So she answered, "Yes land-dweller, I would love to join."



Lamia Scale



Guild Mark Location:

Left Cheek

Guild Mark Color:



Dragon Slayer Magic:

Water Dragon Slayer

Magic Style 1:

Water Magic

Magic's Strength:

Easy to manipulate. Able to be used virtually anywhere. Excels at providing magical support.

Magic's Weakness:

Effectiveness is directly linked to how much water there is around. Very few spells that can actually kill a person.

Magic's Taboo:

Hurting Another Water Creature


Magical Weapons:

Aqua Marble:

In extreme cases, when one desperately needs water, this marble can be thrown down on the floor and broken, releasing a torrent of water into the surrounding area. The marble can't be recharged or repaired, unless the user performs a special ritual at an underwater spring, located at the very bottom of the ocean.


Magical Clothing:


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Name: Gerrant Ignacio

Given Title: Dragon Emperor


Age: 18

Gender: Male

Height: 5"7


Race: Human

Personal Strength:

Immense Physical Strength

Immense Magical Power

Skilled Combatant sword/hand to hand/tactics.

Well armored against magic and physical attacks

Highly Resistant to poisons

Personal Weakness:

Doesn't like team-work

Doesn't being around people

Constantly wanders off doing his own thing.

Refuses to take orders from someone unless certain circumstances fall.

Personality: Gerrant is a person who holds a strong sense of justice. Always doing what he sees as right. He abhor's crime which is why he doesn't like dark guilds. However, he doesn't around destroying them left and right. Otherwise, Gerrant is a very quiet person rarely talking to anyone and if he does it's normally short and straight to the point.

Likes: Peace, Quiet, Food, Ruins, Artifacts, Lore, books, poison glands.

Dislikes: Weak poison, People, Crime, betrayal, dark guilds.

Biography: Gerrant was raised by the light dragon whom he called Iona. They trained for years, one day Iona disappeared leaving only a magical necklace (seen in picture) behind. Gerrant soon left the dragon's den after putting it on (Age 12 Gerrant). Months had passed and he met a man named Karahan who claimed to be a dragon. Gerrant believed him but in reality he probably was just lying. Karahan taught Gerrant a great deal of using a sword and tons of other combat training methods allowing Gerrant to gain an abnormal amount of endurance, and durability, they also worked on polishing his reflexes, and speed. But, soon...the weird things began Karahan had one day brought a poisonous spider sac and told Gerrant to eat it.

Gerrant hesitated on this. He noted that it would probably kill him. Karahan shoved it in his mouth anyway saying "If this doesn't kill you it will only make you stronger." Gerrant swallowed it and indeed the poison did have a bad effect on him but it did not kill him as he thought. Everyday, would be rigorous training and the unfortunate snack that made him always want to keel over. Eventually he got used to the poison from spiders, to the point it didn't affect him. Soon Karahan would keep moving up the list of poisonous things as he got use to them granting him a great immunity to poisons. This horrible feast and the training would go on for the next 3 years. However, one day after the 3rd year Karahan disappeared much like his beloved dragon friend Iona. Leaving only the magical sword behind Gerrant took up the sword (seen in picture) promising to follow the path he thought was right forming his own sense of justice.

Guild: (No guild yet)


Guild Mark Location:

Guild Mark Color:

Light Dragon Slayer Magic

Magic Style 1: Light Dragon Slayer Magic

Magic's Strength: Allows the user to create powerful pure light magic that is stronger when there is light. It gets weaker in complete dark places but he's still capable of making it somewhat powerful.

Magic's Weakness: Magic is weakened in any place that is dark though gains some power if the place is slightly illuminated. Night time isn't a full disadvantage in some cases where the moon is out.

Magic's Taboo:

Magic Style 2: Chaos magic

Magic's Strength: Creating powerful spells or even scaling the power of his already powerful light magic, he can reinforce his hand with chaos magic allowing him to slap away magic or even stop melee attacks with the risk of his hand breaking if it is extremely powerful.

Magic's Weakness: The power brought forth by this magic has a chance of utter failure or exploding in the users face from time to time though rare. (excluding hand reinforcement)

Magic's Taboo:

Magical Weapons: Leviathan Sword: A sword that will harm anyone who touches it except Gerrant and the ones Gerrant allows to touch it. The sword is indestructible. Legend has it that countless souls of dragons and other mythical beings are trapped inside this wretched blade. (As seen in picture)

Magical Clothing: Amulet of Iona: This amulet cannot be removed or destroyed. The wearer is protected from lesser magic and curses. (As seen in picture)
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Name:Rae Luceme

Given Title:Fiore's Olympian






Hair Color:Blonde

Eye Color:Emerald Green

Skin Color:Pale

Race: Human

Personal Strength:Immense Magical Power Reserves

Personal Weakness:His friends and Family

Personality:Rae is such a fun loving and goofy guy. All the time he thinks of other's before himself and always tries to bring a smile to everyone's faces. He doesn't usually like to flaunt his strength around,only when deemed absolutely necessary and if he can avoid a fight he will. Rae is a huge flirt often charming the ladies or men into hooking up with him,but he always treats them well and makes sure that they get home. Bottom line Rae is a pretty great guy,However anger and or disrespect him and his personality flips a fiasco of which fiore has never seen before


Dislikes:Dark Guilds,Ignorance,Stupidity

Biography:Rae was born to the royal family of the kingdom of fire. The king made sure that he would be a suitable successor to the throne,And so forced Rae to go through crude and rigorous training even going so far as forcing the poor child to unlock his second origin.The king taught Rae his olympian magic and later on after the release of his second origin celestial magic (Not to be confused with celestial spirit magic). Throughout all of his training Rae had secretly been planning his escape. On the night of his 18th birthday Rae fled the castle and there wasn't anyone in the kingdom that could stop him,his ultimate goal was to join a guild and after months of searching he found none that suit him,and so he decided to become an independent made someday starting his own guild



Guild Mark Location:

Guild Mark Color:

Magic Style 1: Olympian Magic (A lost form of transformation magic,that allows the user to transform into the 12 greek olympian gods)

Magic's Strength:You have the powers of the 12 olympian gods

Magic's Weakness:It takes time to go from one god to the other

Magic's Taboo:Hade's Mode

Magic Style 2: Celestial Magic

Magic's Strength:Uses the stars and the heavens to draw energy

Magic's Weakness:Takes a great deal of concentration,and encantations

Magic's Taboo:Using the energy for malevolent purposes

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Name: Yami Yoro

Given Title: The Dark killer

Nickname: Yo-Yo


Gender: Female

Height: 5'7


Hair Color: Dark brown

Eye Color: Yellow

Skin Color: Pale-ish

Race: Human-Demon

Personal Strength: She has so much magical power, she uses her second origin too.

Personal Weakness: If someone harms a child, she would do anything to stop the person. Even maybe kill herself.

Personality: Yami is quiet, and doesn't have much friends. Only a few but she has been at Sabertooth since she was ten. She loves reading, drawings and painting. But she acts a little silly in front of her friends. And she craves affection but she lets no one notice that.

Likes: Sabertooth, Children, Saving people, helping people, helping friends, eating, cooking, drawing, painting and reading.

Dislikes: Herself, Her Past, Toads, Goons.

Biography:Yami was a lonely child growing up. She had no friends, no parents and just a orphanage. But the kids there made her life even more miserable. She was bullied and picked on and everybody thought she was weak. Until she began to study magic, and that lead her on the path of darkness. She killed ten children in the orphanage that day when she used dark force. She was trying to control her anger when suddenly a magic circle surrounded her and then an hour later ten kids were reported dead. She hated herself. She hated herself going on the wrong path. She ran away from the orphanage and found Sabertooth. A haven. Even though she has been there since she was ten, she never made lots of friends. Now she uses her magic when the time is right.

Guild: Sabertooth

Rank: S-Rank

Guild Mark Location: On the lower part of her back

Guild Mark Color: Black

Magic Style 1: Heavenly Body Magic

Magic Weakness: Daytime

Magic Strength: Uses the Stars and Celestial magic for even more power

Magic's Taboo: Disobeying the stars and celestial beings

Magic Style 2: Magic Staves

Magic's Strength: Her Magic Knives and sometimes Staffs

Magic's Weakness: If she has no knives or Staffs, no power

Magic's Taboo: None

Magical Weapons And Clothing: She has Magic Knifes with her at all times, and sometimes Staffs all of her magic knives and staffs have ancient magic circle engraved in them. She usually wears a long silky cloak to cover her clothing that enhances her Heavenly body magic.



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Name: Lance ((Archdemon)) Pyro

Given Title: the Generous One

Nickname:Archdemon or Arch

Age: 23

Gender: Male

Height: 6'6

Weight: 130lb

Race: (What race are you? Human, Exceeds, Half-Breed (Pick One) -Not Mythical. Only Beasts) Human

Personal Strength: His intelligence of practically anything including magic and his unbelievable strength, that's how he's able to wield the giant sword I'm calling Burning Steel

Personal Weakness: He can have flashbacks to his tormented past and these can happen anywhere at anytime

Personality: Lance ((he prefers to be called Archdemon)) is a nice guy who always thinks of others safety before his own. He's mostly quiet and is extremely smart. He's serious at times but he can also let loose once in awhile.

Likes: kids, animals, anybody kind and generous...

Dislikes: Anything evil and corrupt, people who pick on others ect......

Biography: Lance is a wonderer who helps people. When he was young he saw his entire family slaughtered like cattle before his very eyes. He was left homeless and without anyone to care for him. He was found near a forest by a wizard or something of the sorts and was raised in the ways of magic. When he was older he created his own type of magic that can only be used by him. He called it Dogin, it's a magic that can materialize into different forms of magic like fire but if it copies a magic like fireball it is much weaker than the actual spell itself and when the copied spell works the color is always purple. He left his fake father and wondered the world helping people so they don't have to feel the pain he has to suffer. When he left he made a weapon that had runes in it and those runes were purple like his magic Dogin, the weapon was two chains that can form into a sword on each hand but he hardly uses the weapon unless it's an emergency.

Magic: Dogin ((I pretty much explained it in the Bio)) and pyro magic ((fire))


Weapons: the chains on his picture and the sword in this pic: the sword has fire runes on it.
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Name: Sara Iskaris


Given Title: Miss Copycat

Nickname: Skar

Age: 24

Gender: Female

Height: 5'7"

Weight: 155

Hair Color: Blue

Eye Color: Black

Skin Color: Tan

Race: Human

Personal Strength: Quick thinking and mature. She is always focused on the task at hand. Completing the mission is always the first priority.

Personal Weakness: Reckless, aloof, and slightly insane.

Personality: Sara is slightly insane. Years of being mentally/physically abused as a child has left her a bit off the wall. Though she can be a bit bizzare at times, a majority of the time, she is stable and in control. Usually she can be found in a cool, calm, yet eerily peculiar state.

Likes: Relaxing, exercise, exploring mountains, traveling, bubble baths, and violating people's personal space..

Dislikes: Pushy men, women getting hurt, slow moving things, and bullies.

Biography: Sara grew up in an oppressive land. It was men who held all the power, insulting and abusing young girls and women who dared to stand out. At the age of 18, she decided to set out on her own, helping out ladies wherever she went. It was then she sought to do more for her sisters in a more stable way, eventually establishing the Guild Mermaid Heel.

Guild Info

Guild: Mermaid Heel

Rank: Guildmaster

Guild Mark Location: Under Collarbone

Guild Mark Color: Black

Magic Statistics

Magic Style 1: Teleportation Magic

Magic's Strength: Able to cover large distances.

Magic's Weakness: Limited to what can be physically seen.

Magic's Taboo: Can't be done 3 times in a row. The third time would leave the user with missing body parts.

Magic Style 2: Mimic Magic

Magic's Strength: Can copy others magic.

Magic's Weakness: Can only be activated by drinking the target's blood. Can't be held for too long as it puts enormous strain on the body. The stronger the copied magic, the more it damages the user.

Magic's Taboo: Copying two magic at once.

Magic Relics/Items

Magical Weapons: Two magic absorbing dragon daggers.


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Name: Rael Ashford

Given Title: Raitoningu

Nickname: Raij?

Age: 17


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_07/masked-anime-guy-1920x1080.jpg.61b7a8f6691d4ed3de41aeec4ed3e813.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="23042" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_07/masked-anime-guy-1920x1080.jpg.61b7a8f6691d4ed3de41aeec4ed3e813.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Height: 5'11


Hair Color: White/Silver

Eye Color: Gold

Skin Color: A deep caramel

Race: Human

Personal Strength: Has a leveled head in battle and has immense strength as well as agility.

Personal Weakness: Impatience gets the better of him in most cases and regularly bends the rules to fit his and others needs

Personality: Rael is a smart ass always allowing his mouth to get him in trouble in the best of times. He's always rambling on about something if not anything, but sometimes he likes to just stop talking all together and relax whenever he can.

Likes: Eating, talking, fighting, Ronon, and chilling

Dislikes: Loud places, following the rules, and rude people



Guild: Saber tooth

Rank: A-Rank

Guild Mark Location: Left bicep

Guild Mark Color: White


Second Gen Lightning Dragon Slayer

Magic Style 1: Lightning Dragon Slayer Magic

Magic's Strength: Allow Rael to manipulate lightning at the flick of his fingers that is stronger than what most normal lightning wizards can cast.

Magic's Weakness: any form of metal that can conduct electricity

Magic's Taboo:

Magical Weapons: The Kokury?

History: Centuries ago, at the end of a war, at the cost of hundreds of lives, the legendary black dragon flew off to never be seen again. Even after a battle with thousands of humans and dragons, that dragon was undefeated and unstoppable. But with the effort of all of them, they were able to remove a single jet black scale from its body. The scale was invulnerable, stronger and sharper then any sword or weapon that contacted against it. But the humans couldn't let something as valuable as a dragon scale go unchecked. So they gathered the best sword-smiths and forgers in the world. And they scorched and melted the scale in the flames of a volcano and reshaped it through the use of some of the strongest magics they could find. Over decades, the scale was reshaped and traveled through the world, being forged into a smaller and smaller shape. Until finally, they formed a sword. Blacker then the darkest night. Sharper then any other in existence. And stronger then any magic that was used against it. Any man who held a blade like that, believed himself to be invincible. And through the creation of a blade like that, the greed men had was shown throughout history.<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_07/masked-anime-guy-1920x1080.jpg.32b49206077c65c429f7ae8975341711.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="23043" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_07/masked-anime-guy-1920x1080.jpg.32b49206077c65c429f7ae8975341711.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p><p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_07/masked-anime-guy-1920x1080.jpg.2b08af1438655e3a7aee950b8c6cccdd.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="23044" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_07/masked-anime-guy-1920x1080.jpg.2b08af1438655e3a7aee950b8c6cccdd.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Name: Ronan Ashford

Given Title: The Tactician

Nickname: Zed (A name he often went by in their travels)

Age: 19

Gender: Male


Height: 6'7

Weight: 227

Hair Color:

Eye Color: White

Skin Color: Caramel

Race: Human

Personal Strength: A solid mind in almost any situations. Often merciless. Enhanced Strength/Durability/Senses/Speed

Personal Weakness: Hard headed, stubborn, doesn't tend to hold back no matter who the person is.

Personality: A very dark man in total, he has a dark sense of humor but enjoys a good laugh, he's extremely defensive and will attack or lash out at anyone as he see's as a threat to those close to him. Though the only person currently close to him is his brother. He isn't quick to trust and would rather it just be only him and his brother.

Likes: Eating Iron, Swordplay, Mind games, board games, Rael, fighting.

Dislikes: Thunder storms, energetic people, large groups, dark guilds, people who dislike his brother.

Biography: Ronan was a boy of not many things him and his younger brother Rael being orphaned at a young age due to rogue mage's killing most everyone in their village. Their parents would give them a large bag of food forcing them out the back door as the mage's attacked the village, Ronan's father telling him one thing. "Protect your brother, for he is your only remaining blood sibling." Ronan guided his brother making his way into the mountains close to his village. He'd come across a cavern that goes deep under the mountain thinking it a good place for them to take refuge and hide they traversed a good distance in taking up residence in the rocks. It wasn't too long until they discovered they weren't the only ones inside this cave. For there was a male iron dragon living deep in this mountain and unfortunately he came across them. Ronan went to stand infront of his brother in protection as the dragon threatened to kill him for trespassing. He told Ronan to move and would knock him away with considerable force only to see the eldest brother crawl back and stand up weakly to defend his younger brother. The dragon then took a liking to him for his stubbornness reminding the dragon of himself. He'd then take the boys under his wing gifting them both the lacrima he held. One being lacrima something the dragon acquired from traders who trespassed in his cave a good long time ago. This lacrima was of lightning dragon slayer magic, he'd implant the lacrima in Rael naturally giving him the magic powers. He'd then present Ronan with something he had been holding on to for some time now being a iron dragon lacrima, Ronan being as he was implanted it in himself wanting to be able to use magic. The dragon after seeing their instant interest in magic after the lacrima's implants would teach them both iron type magics, Ronan iron blood magic, and Rael iron make magic. They took to it naturally growing up being taught these skills by the dragon. The dragon also taught Ronan while Rael slept, or in private so he'd have a better understanding of Iron Dragon Slayer magic. This making Ronan a Third Generation Iron Dragon Slayer. Years passed until the boys turned the age of seventeen (Ronan) and fifteen (Rael) that they woke up one evening to see that the dragon had disappeared without a trace. The brothers being abandoned again decided it was time to move on and see the world as new people. They'd eventually come across the Sabertooth guild (unless full then I will change) quickly rising up in rankings as they were extremely skilled in their magics, Rael even learning how to combine his Dragon Slayer Magic with his Iron Make magic, creating devastating lightning attacks. Ronan himself was a great fighter and an even better tactician becoming renown not only for his dragon slayer magic but for his intellectual prowess.

Guild: Sabertooth (If not full)

Rank: S-rank

Guild Mark Location: His left foot.

Guild Mark Color: White.

Third Generation Iron Dragon Slayer

Magic Style 1: Iron Dragon Slayer Magic

Magic's Strength: Allows for manipulation of iron (steel by extension).

Magic's Weakness: Lighting as it is naturally brought to iron as iron is the conductor.

Magic's Taboo:
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Name:Lucian Grey

Given Title: Phoenix of Fiore

Nickname: Luci



Height: 5'8"

Weight:193 lbs

Hair Color:Jet Black

Eye Color: Crimson

Skin Color: Black

Race: Human

Personal Strength: Master Fire magician, high level of magic stamina, excellent hand to hand fighter

Personal Weakness: Reckless, incompetent at using weapons and items

Personality:Lucian is laidback to the point of being lazy. It takes a lot for him to feel like he needs to fight or go on missions. He is best known for his kindness and silent attitude

Likes: Exciting people, cats, food, fire, red hair, birds

Dislikes: Losing, water, injustice, losing, boring people, bugs....did I mention losing

Biography: Lucian was always pretty silent and grew up in a small village known for producing very skilled water mages. Lucian himself had no skill for it and ran away without telling anyone when he found he was a fire mage. Alone and starving, he found himself in a desolated forest that had been unnaturally burned down. There he met the fire god and learned to develop his magic until he was 17. Due to this, he has very little social skills and enjoys being around those who do.

Guild: Lamia Scales

Rank: Ace

Guild Mark Location: Right forearm

Guild Mark Color: Vermilion

God Slayer Magic: Fire God Slayer

Magic Style 1: Allows for manipulation of all fire magic

Magic's Strength: Quick casting, powerful

Magic's Weakness: weak against advanced forms of water magic

Magic's Taboo: Phoenix rising- body turns into black flames. Flames never die and are much more powerful. Extremely drains life force, if not released within 5 minutes, user dies and turns to ashes
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<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_08/6u62eit.jpg.dd9680b417ad0fbb504b899e3e730769.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="26179" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_08/6u62eit.jpg.dd9680b417ad0fbb504b899e3e730769.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


Name: Alexandra Neverlong

Given Title: (can't come up with one)

Nickname: Alex

Age: 16

Gender: Female

Height: 5'4

Weight: 115

Hair Color: Blonde

Eye Color: Grayish Blue

Skin Color: Pale

Race: Human

Personal Strength: Great Amount of Endurance and Strength

Personal Weakness: Way too Trusting and Vehicles.

Personality: Trusting, Very Calm in Battles, Shy When She is in a Crowd, Comes off as lazy but is very hard working when on missions, she is kind and funny when with friends, when she is angry be warned she will try to destroy you (i'm bad with personality so please help me fix if needed)

Likes: Friends, Food, Snow, Stars, Sleeping, and Adventure

Dislikes: Cocky People, Dark Guilds, Jerks, and Idiots.

Biography: (You will find out)


Guild: Lamia Scale

Rank: Ace

Guild Mark Location: Sholder

Guild Mark Color: Brown


God Slayer Magic: Earth God Slayer.

Magic's Strength: Able to Manipulate All Earth to a Point.

Magic's Weakness: Weakened When in the Sky or on the Ocean.

Magic's Taboo: Unknown.

Magic Style 2: Weapon Requip.

Magic's Strength: able to change or gain a weapon in 5 sec.

Magic's Weakness: Can Not Change Weapon for a Hour but is Able to Put Away.

Magic's Taboo: Unknown.


Magical Weapons: Weapons have Earth God Slayer Lacrima in Them.

Magical Clothing: Clothing Fit for All Climates.



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