Those Lost in Starlight [A Fairy Tail Guild]


Bringer of Nothingness



Given Title:






Hair Color:

Eye Color:

Skin Color:

Race: (What race are you? Human, Exceeds, Half-Breed (Pick One) -Not Mythical. Only Beasts)

Personal Strength:

Personal Weakness:






Guild: (I will put the Guilds Below and add Custom Guilds as well)

Rank: (They are also Below)

Guild Mark Location:

Guild Mark Color:


Dragon Slayer Magic: (If you are not a Dragon Slayer then erase this part)

God Slayer Magic: (If you are not a God Slayer then erase this part)

Magic Style 1: (Will all be put in the Update)

Magic's Strength:

Magic's Weakness:

Magic's Taboo:

Magic Style 2: (Your Secondary Magic)

Magic's Strength:

Magic's Weakness:

Magic's Taboo:


Magical Items: (This is for Celestial Key Holders)

Magical Weapons:

Magical Clothing:



Fire Dragon Slayer : Igneel

Water Dragon Slayer :Kinesthetics

Iron Dragon Slayer :

Air Dragon Slayer :Lexielai

Earth Dragon Slayer :Refaulted

Lightning Dragon Slayer :

Ice Dragon Slayer : David Van Aken

Poison Dragon Slayer : BLUR

Light Dragon Slayer : Orion

Shadow Dragon Slayer :MythsAreRealLoveGem


Fire God Slayer :

Water God Slayer : Mmmischief Banished

Iron God Slayer :

Air God Slayer :RebelliousTeddyBear

Earth God Slayer :

Lightning God Slayer : MemoriesofXemnas

Ice God Slayer : Infinties Lover

Poison God Slayer :

Light God Slayer :Tj Pomroy

Shadow God Slayer : Kyd Jhesus



Fairy Tail Aces:


David Van Aken

Sabertooth Aces:



Raven Tail Aces:

Tj Pomroy

Liir Ko

Lamia Scales Aces:



Blue Pegausus Aces:



Mermaid Heel Aces:



Phantom Lord Aces:



Cait Shelter Aces:




Fairy Tail Master


Sabertooth Master

gilwaybetternow (Page 3)

Raven Tail Master


Lamia Scales Master


Mermaid Hell Master


Blue Pegasus Master



Grimoire Heart Master


Tartarus Master


Death's Head Caucas Master


Succubus Eye Master


Neo Oracion Seis Master



Dark Matter Master


Organization Master


Tech Demon Master


Soul Noir Master


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Name: Lukas Alarus

Given Title: 'Archangel of Fiore'

Nickname: 'Goldie' or 'Angel'

Age: 19

Gender: Male

Height: 6'3"

Weight: 165lbs

Hair Color: Golden

Eye Color: Green

Skin Color: Tan

Race: Human

Personal Strength: Enourmous Magical Strength

Personal Weakness: Physical Hand to Hand Combat

Personality: Very calm and clear sighted man (angel). Justice is very important, in the sense of doing what is right over doing what is told.

Likes: Justice, Doing what is right, Helping people, Magic

Dislikes: Demons, Dark Guilds, Crime

Biography: Very little is known of Lukas's early life, given that he is a very secretive person about his past. However, what is known is that as a baby, his parents emplaced a Lacrima within him containing a large amount of pure magical energy. They did this so that he would be able to use and manipulate his lost magic. However, the Lacrima was not enough. His parents knew that the lacrima would not activate alone . So they waited till he was older and when they thought the time was right, they took him to a Wizard Guild and spoke with the master there. The Master was a user of the Arc of Time magic and Lukas was forced to undergo the excruatingly painful process of unlocking his Second Origin. Upon the unlocking of this, the Lacrima within him activated as well. After the activation of his Lacrima, his parents left him with the Guild to train. He spent the next few years, with them learning how to use his magic, and train his body and mind. While there he developed close bonds with the memebers of the guild. He learned how magic was supposed to be used, to help others. When his training was complete he returned home, expecting to live a happy care-free life like he had with the guild.

However, by the time of his return a Dark Guild alliance had moved into the town. They were lording over the town, using magics that the poeple just couldnt defend against. Lukas was sorely tempted to fight back against the Guilds, but his parents forced him not to, fearing waht would happen to him. They were convinces that Lukas, would one day raise his younger sister in their abscence. It wasnt until the people of the town finally decided to rise up against the Dark guilds that Lukas was forced to fight. In the conflict between the two sides, Lukas's parents were killed and their home set ablaze. Lukas escaped the fire, only to discover his parents had perished inside and his little sister was nowhere to be found.

Lukas mourned his parents loss, while searching desperately for his sister. He looked for weeks, but sadly he just could not find here or any trace of her. He was gripped with depression, but his sorrow soon gave way to the anger. And he joined the people of his town, in their rebellion. Together, with the very few mages in his town, Lukas fought and destroyed the Dark guild alliance. Once they had been crushed, the people became weary and suspicious of him and all the other mages of the village. Honestly he couldnt blame them for feeling that way. Everything that the Dark guild had done to the people of his home, had gone against what he was taught growing up. He decided that even though they may never trust magic again, he should try and show them the good side of it. Lukas helped to rebuild his town and then left to join Fairy Tail.

Guild: Fairy Tail

Rank: S-Class

Guild Mark Location: Back of Neck

Guild Mark Color: Black

Magic Style 1: Heavenly Body Magic

Magic's Strength: Usage of the stars and celestial energy for magical power

Magic's Weakness: Daytime weakens his magic

Magic's Taboo: Disobeying the will of the stars

Magic Style 2: Magical Staves

Magic's Strength: Usage of magical staffs and artifacts for strength

Magic's Weakness: Lack of artifacts

Magic's Taboo: None

Magical Weapons: Wyvern Staff- Powerful magical staff that has several lacrimas embedded into it to provide it with different magical elements


Name: Yumi Moon

Given Title: Remembrance.

Nickname: Little miss one eyed

Age: 18

Gender: Female

Height: 5'5

Weight: 113 LBS

Hair Color: White

Eye Color: Red

Skin Color: lightly Tanned.

Race: Human

Personal Strength: Immense Magic Power even by S-Class Mage standards, Yumi has been known to possess an immense amount of Magic Power which she can release as a thick, potent aura around her. People in the immediate vicinity can be brought to their knees by its power, even S-Class Mages, and its force can be felt at great distances.

Personal Weakness: Can't see out of her Right eye.

Personality: Yumi often displays herself as a cool-headed, though lazy and bored individual. she is described as being rather depressing, showing dislike in many things yet little interest in activities that she does enjoy or even her own future. Furthermore, Yumi has shown that she is a pessimistic, believing that "heroes" do not exist; rather, she believes that surviving in the world would only come out of the individual's own power. she is quite intelligent. Yumi can often be far more twisted then she leads others to believe. she is cruel when she wants to be. During battle, Yumi often sports a wide grin and a tendency to laugh giddily about the dangerous event. Nevertheless, Yumi retains a carefree attitude during battle.

Likes: Don't seem to like anything

Dislikes: Don't seem to dislike anything

Biography: Yumi was born into a family with no magical talent but she was different and it could be seen from a young age. Yumi took a massive interest in magic so her parents got her a teacher at this point he was eight. After Six years of teaching Yumi her teacher vanished but not before killing her parents and almost killing Yumi because of this Yumi had to have her eye taken out. After the death of her parents Yumi went and joined a guild it was fairy tail where the guild master offered her a chance to have a second eye again but she turned it down. Withing one year of joining fairy tail she made it to S class and within three years has impressed the magic council on many accounts so much so that they have questioned if she should become a wizard saint or not but this is still being decided.

Guild: Fairy Tail

Rank: S-class and Guild Ace

Guild Mark Location: Eye patch and Left wrist

Guild Mark Color: Red

Magic Style 1: Memory-Make

Magic's Strength: Can create new magic from seeing other magicians in action or from reading books, can make others "forget" magic attacks she has seen.

Magic's Weakness: It takes time to get used to new magic, sometimes she can't keep up with the opponents magic.

Magic's Taboo: Unknown.

Magical Items: None

Magical Weapons: None

Magical Clothing: None
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Name: Ajax Wellington

Given Title: Frostbitten Prince

Nickname: Skadi

Age: 19

Gender: Male

Height: 5'8"

Weight: 145lbs

Hair Color: Dark Blue

Eye Color: Brown

Skin Color: Deathly Pale

Race: Human

Personal Strength: Nimble and strong

Personal Weakness: Doesn't place trust in anything easily, short tempered, puts too much effort into his appearance.

Personality: He's usually pleasant to be around, but gets way too into arguments and competition. He is somewhat sassy, and loves to outwit people. He puts time into researching the arcane, and he can't stand wizards who just fight and do nothing to advance their magic in a significant way. Likes to dress stylishly. He loves beauty to an obsessive point.

Likes: Beautiful magic of any kind, competition, dressing stylishly, tabletop RPGs, and magical research.

Dislikes: Battling fire wizards, losing, celestial and ring wizards, and wizards who lack intelligence.

Biography: When he was young, he grew up as the adopted son of his mother, Degris, a frost dragon. They grew up on a mountaintop where Ajax learned the very basics of his talents and developed an extreme resistance to cold. One day, Degris left him without even saying a word. Needless to say, Ajax was crushed. After a few days, a six year old Ajax was forced to leave the mountaintop and go down into the town below. He stole some fine dyed clothes from a railing outside of a house. He fell instantly in love with them, he remembers these clothes fondly, because he has never worn more than tattered rags before that. He wandered into town and some strangers treated him to some hot food, another first for him. A local man named Auroron Turtlehart took him into his care, and taught Ajax ice magic and of its natural beauty. He also taught Ajax about the hidden beauty of all magics and the important of researching. Auroron is a member of Fairy Tail and brought Ajax in as a member when he was still six years old. He grew up in the Fairy Tail Guild, training as an ice dragon slayer. Over time he has earned a reputation for being hot headed, a brawler, and a skilled researcher.

Recently, he has proved his aptitude in magical skill by hands down winning the magical beauty portion in the Grand Magic Games. Because of this he was also featured with a full body shot and bio in the magazine, "Sorcerer". He now has legions of fans that are constantly trying to see his beautiful appearance and magic. (Think of it like a legion of modern fangirls).

Guild: Fairy Tail

Rank: A-Class (Guild Ace)

Guild Mark Location: Right Palm

Guild Mark Color: Teal

Dragon Slayer Magic: Ice

Magic Style: Ice

Magic's Strength:
Beautiful ice-make magic which has a large variety of forms, primarily used in hand to hand combat or with a weapon made of ice. His ice is difficult to melt as well.

Magic's Weakness: His strength is in close range combat. He knows some ranged spells, but he is not nearly as strong at a range than he is when he's close to his enemy. Works too hard on the beauty of his magic, even in a fight.

Magic's Taboo: None known

Magical Weapons: None

Magical Clothing: His cloak gives him a very small resistance to all magic (allegedly, he's never noticed the cloak help him in that respect) and it gives him a noticeable, moderate resistance to fire magic when it hits the cloak before it hits him.
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Name: Lara Everlast

Given Title: The reaper

Nickname: ((none))

Age: 18

Gender: Female

Height: 5"6


Hair Color,Eye Color,Skin Color:

Race: (What race are you? Human, Exceeds, Half-Breed (Pick One) -Not Mythical. Only Beasts) human

Personal Strength: will protect those that are dear to her and will get enraged when friends are hurt

Personal Weakness: ((trying ti decide))

Personality:((will find out in rp))

Likes: friends, kind people, sweet and apples

Dislikes: dark guilds and magic council people.

Biography: Lara parents were kill by dark guild members who were raiding her village, for an unknown reason. Her parents tried to protect her during the raid and ended up getting killed in the process. When she saw the life draining from them she got enraged and her magic powers lifted all the weapons in the room and was thrown at the members who ended up killing them. She cried over her parents death for few hours and decided to leave the village and travel for a bit.

During her travels she heard about a man name jimbi who was a retired wizard and was known to be a good fighter. She went up to him and asked him to become her teacher. He refused at first but after aboit a weak of persistence. He finally gave in and trained her for about 10 to 11 years. After that he said he had nothing to teach her and that she will get stronger if she joined a guild she'll get stronger.

So she traveled around and looked at different guilds and so far she didn't like any of them. During her travel she went around destroying dark guilds which gave her the title ' the reaper'. In one of those dark guild she saved a talking black cat. Now she is in fiore looking for a guild

Magic type 1: re-equip (only weapons)

Weaknesses: takes a few seconds to change weapons

Strengths: increases power and defense depending on weapon

Magic type 2: elemental close combat magic

Weaknesses: magic consumption when using magic circles attacks

Strengths ((explanation))

She can only use wind, light, fire and lightening

Fire: burns and hurt people and has a lot of power. She can use a magic cirlce and punch it and a pillar and shoot a pillar of fire a someone or she can make a pillar of fire appear from right under someone by creating a magic circle on the ground and punching it. She can also coated her hands a feet in the flame and fire

Lightning: paralyzes people and hurt people. Can use a magic cirlce appeared above her and punch it. Lightning with attack the enemy. She can coat her hand and feet and fight

Wind: increases speed and lowers power. Can created a magic circle in front of her and punch it and a tornado come towards the person. Can coated her hands and feet and fight.

Light: heals, increases speed and power. She can makes a magic circle appear in front of her and punches it and shoots a laser at the person, can make one appear in front of her and punches it and multiple lasers shoot down at the person. Can coated hand and feet and fights.

Karen Van Bakker,

The Exasperating Swordsman









103 lbs.

Hair Color:


Eye Color:


Skin Color:




Personal Strength:

- A stellar swordsman

-Highly acrobatic and flexible

-High endurance and agility

-Well armoured against magic and melee attack

Personal Weakness:

-Low magical ability, prefers cutting and stabbing

-Low Charisma

-Hindering Constitution

-Quick to loose temper

-She is a loose cannon


You see, Karen doesn't exactly fit the average view of a girl. She isn't nice, she isn't sweet, and dare I say it, she is very much the opposite. Her personality does quite live up to her title.

Karen is loud, outspoken and extremely Sassy. She never treats anyone with respect, even those she does hold dear. She is always the first to fight back and never strategizes before a fight and just usually cuts things up and gets done with it. She is also very impatient, and hates to be kept waiting, so much so that she will leave in a pit of rage if someone arrives late. She is narcisitic and only cares about herself and lives to manipulate people with her good looks. However, deep down she is envious, she wishes she could be a normal, caring person, she just can't be.


Candy, Swords, fighting, corny romance novels, flowers, snakes, spiders and milk


Other people, magic, sour or salty things, cowards and love


"You incompetent fool, I never wanted you as a daughter!"

Words, oh so familiar to the mind of Karen's. You see her father was an accomplished wizard, he was a specular magic user, one of the best of his era. He was the epitome of Karen's envy, she only wished she could be like him, why did her magic have to be so shoddy? Sure she was good with a blade, but did that mean to her father? No matter how many flips she could do, her father didn't even shed an inch of impressment, she was little more than a failure with some fancy moves in his eyes.

The day finally came, it never surprise Karen it happened, her father abused her and called her useless, she was fed up with it! She stormed out of the house one day, unannounced and her father didn't even bother to stop her, what did her care? She would show him, she would show everyone what she was made of! She would join the fairy tail guild and be the best swordsman around, she didn't need no magic!

Guild: Fairy Tail

Rank: A

Guild Mark Location: Her eye lid

Guild Mark Color: Blue

Magic Style 1:


Magic's Strength: Allows for Karen to change into multiple classes, including:

Sniper: A sharpshooter with an expert shot. She now wears a cloak and a telescope like object over here right eye. Weapon: Long bow (Normal and poison tipped arrows)

Tank: A heavily armoured class, hard to penetrate but extremely slow moving. Weapon: Polaxe

Myrmidon: A lightweight swordsmen built for speed and endurance. She now wears a colourful, lightrobe and uses light katana's.

Standard (As seen on picture): A lightly armoured foot soldier that uses a broad sword and a shield.

Ariel support: An angel like class, gets a long wedding like dress and long white wings. Weapons: A long lance and 3 spears.

Magic's Weakness: Each transformation takes 10 seconds and during that time she is blind and cannot move. If she is hit during the transformation she then cannot re-equip for another 24 hours. This contact could simply be throwing a rock at her.

Magic's Taboo: None

Magic Style 2:

Circus act

Magic's Strength: Allows for inhuman movement normally not capable. She can run up walls and tread on water for a short amount of time.

Magic's Weakness: If she falls or looses footing it can be the end of her.

Magic's Taboo: none


- A poison tipped blade, spider venom used (as seen on picture)

- A Long bow, also poison tipped with snake venom

- A shield, capable of blocking some magical attacks, but very breakable against other weapons

Magical clothing: A sturdy piece of metal specifically built to be strong againist magic attacks. However unlike her shield it is strong and durable and will take sword attacks.

(Sorry, I have only watched up to 50 episodes of this show
:P . So my knowledge may not be the best, which is why I went for more of a melee character.)

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Isanna Calwyn

Given Title

Ice Maiden











Hair Color


Eye Color

Ice Blue

Skin Color

Pale yet creamy white



Personal Strength

Extremely loyal and will do anything to protect her friends and family

Personal Weakness

Has a bit of a mouth that can get her into bad situations after her self-sacrificing acts


Isa can come off as a calm and cut off type of girl, but she really isn't, it's just a defense mechanism. She can act that way, but she really is a kind and caring girl who loves adventure and can be quite sarcastic and silly. She's brave and loyal and isn't afraid to get her hands dirty. Isa enjoys hanging around the guild messing with her friends, and just living, but she also enjoys the adventure when going out on a dangerous job. When angered, she has a dangerous temper that makes her into a bit of a hothead, even if she does use Ice Magic.


Nighttime Stars Friends Food Cold Fighting Adventure Animals


× Bugs × Idiots × Jerks × Extreme Heat × Dry Air × Dark Guilds × Crime


Isa was born into a lower upper class family who hated the idea of magic and cast out anyone who either supported the idea or practiced it. The Calwyn's were a medium sized family and Isa's direct family was the Head. Being the only child born to the Head of the family, Isanna was the heir.

For five years, everything in Isa's life was normal. Planned to the letter, but normal. Though it went down hill when she was wandering in the library and found a few dusty old forgotten books. Isa was always intelligent and at five years old she didn't properly understand, but she kept the books hidden, and ended up forgetting about them, until she was ten. Upon finding the books again, Isa was finally able to read and understand what the books said.

Isa had already been aware of her families strange hate towards those with magic and was shocked to find that the books were able to teach it to her. For the next two years Isa studied the texts, secretly learning Ice God Slaying Magic. Though upon reaching her twelfth birthday, she was thrown out.

Her mother had found her texts and forced Isa to reveal her new abilities. Outraged, the whole family threw out the heir and pretty much left her for dead. Wandering, Isa stumbled her way into Magnolia where she was found by Makarov who brought her to Fairy Tail. She's been there ever since, actually enjoying her life and having fun while trying to make a difference.

Isa actually has the power and strength to take the S-Class trials, but Master hasn't felt that she had enough maturity yet to take it seriously, so she's currently waiting for the next test to take place.


Fairy Tail



Guild Mark Location

Outside of right thigh

Guild Mark Color

Ice Blue

God Slayer Magic

Ice God Slayer

Magic's Strength

Ice is as solid as a diamond, and unable to crack, freezing anything in it's way

Magic's Weakness

While it can freeze fire, the ice can still be melted, but depending on the strength of the fire, it'll take some time

Magic's Taboo

Khione's Frozen Storm

This move
freezes the user and pushes ice and snow from the frozen body, creating intense icy attacks and freezing the whole area. The frozen user's body will regenerate constantly though the price is always changing. The longer the attack is used, the more life it drains away from the user

Magical Weapons

None at the moment

Magical Clothing

The beads tied into her hair and on the fabric of her dress help her focus and form ice from anywhere in the world, even in dry places

Her white and blue dress is designed to keep her cool, so she has no problem using her magic





Name: Michael Verten Whithand

Given Title: 'The Stranger'

Nickname: 'Sky', 'Milky', 'Mikey'.

Age: 23

Gender: Male

Height: 6'2

Weight: 160

Hair Color: Blue

Eye Color: Blue

Skin Color: Pale white

Race: Human

Personal Strength: Smart at battles

Personal Weakness: Taste for chaotic situations

Personality: Michael is curious and a student of all the arts and subjects. He likes to tell tales, paraboles and paradoxes to analyze people responses and see if something about it surprises him. He tries his best to not annoy people with all his questions and dark humour. Sometimes he likes to create slightly chaotic situations to amuse himself with, or tell people wrong life lessons to see if they would follow the things as he said.

Likes: Milk, Swords, Science, Studies of Magic, Stars and Trouble.

Dislikes: Alcohol, Richness, Plans that work, Honey, Love.

Biography: Michael was always his parents little boy, and a prodigy. His parents were rich, his grades on school were always great, the girls always thought he was beautiful and clever. He never had to work to get money or anything on his life, but that somehow made him wonder how would he be if he hadn't been born on that family. In his teenage years, he had all the girls he wanted, started to write books about the uses and advances in magic, but all the praising, money and lust didn't satisfied him. He always felt like he was being overvalued, and that people reactions to him were mechanical and the only reason to why he was so highly praised by everyone was the name of his family. He decided be a more rebel like teenager and study the reactions of the people around him. He tried to use magic to develop drugs (unsuccessfully), used his charm to seduce married women, helped a few friends to rob a bank and got himself in a lot of mess. He got arrested many times, but always freed himself using his family lawyer and name. People started to say how much of a shame he was to his family, and that he should be the "good boy" he was before. Michael accepted this. However, he remembered that he felt some weird pleasure everytime he put himself in some of those chaotic situations. The thrill of chasing and being chased, of doing something wrong and fearing to be caught. He decided to pull out one last scam, making the mistake of trying to pull it on one of the others famous rich families of his country (far off the peninsula where Fiore is located). He got caught and was arrested, and to free him, his family had to pay an enormous ammount of money, more money than they have ever spent. They kicked him out and said that he was on his own now. He took his remaining cash and set sail to Fiore, where he had heard of the mages jobs and guilds, and was interested to be a part of it with what he knew of Lightning Magic and sword skills. He is on his way to Sabertooth, expecting to be accepted on the guild.

Guild: Sabertooth

Rank: N/A

Guild Mark Location: Back of the neck

Guild Mark Color: Black

Magic Style: Lightning Magic (Caster)

Magic's Strength: Destructive and fast.

Magic's Weakness: Fails against enemies using certain kinds of armour and gets weaker/stronger depending on the climate and location.

Magic's Taboo: None



Shiro Shinsetsu

"The Frozen Pyromaniac"

[he is called the frozen pyromaniac because his name roughly translates into White Fresh Snow]











Hair Color:

A bluish-black type of colour.

Eye Color:


Skin Color:

Somewhere between tan and pale. He likes to think he's pretty tan, though.



Personal Strength:

Has incredible speed and endurance.

He is able to withstand the hottest of flames.

Personal Weakness:

He can't stand the cold.

Is rather incompetent with weapons and such.


Shiro is a huge extrovert, loving the presence of other people. He has the habit of stopping to talk to a stranger, even when out on a mission. This is sometimes why he is always so late on coming back to the guild. He is also extremely temperamental and get get angry very easily. Despite this, he is depicted as one of the most charismatic members of the guild and tends to always look on the bright side of things, despite how ridiculous it may sound.





Cats (Exceeds)!







Spicy food (ironic, being a fire mage).


The first few parts of Shiro's life was a calm one, although one he can't remember very well. The thing was, he was part of the Rosemary Village disaster, which consisted of kidnappers taking children to work on a tower which he didn't know the name of. All the parents/adults were slaughtered, not leaving out his own, and it seemed like nobody in his village knew the principles of magic. While he managed to escape this disaster, it didn't help that he was then orphaned and left to his own devices. Unfortunately, he couldn't find any other child survivors, which meant he had no company.

A few weeks of wandering around, Shiro's willpower and luck pushed him as far as then. He hadn't remembered how it made it so far; and he was very close to death. Everything around him back then was just a large daze. He knew he was on the brink of death when he passed out, and his willpower couldn't of dragged him any further if he wanted to. Things changed, however, when he was found by a dragon named Moeagaru.

Life went on from there.

[Wait for the roleplay, my friends!]


Fairy Tail!



Guild Mark Location:

Lower-right side of his stomach.

Guild Mark Color:



Fire Dragon Slayer

Magic's Strength:

Delivers extreme heat that is hard to freeze, albeit is still able to by strong wizards.

Magic's Weakness:

Sometimes the magic goes spiralling out of control.

Magic's Taboo:


Magical Clothing:

A pair of maroon-coloured goggles to help him see through any type of element, and he usually keeps them at the top of his head.

[no weapons]





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Name: Jake Battleborn

Given Title: Beast slayer

Nickname: Jay


Gender: Male

Height: 5 feet 1 inche

Weight: 120lbs

Hair Color: Snow White

Eye Color: Light Grey

Skin Color: Pale

Race: Human

Personal Strength: Extremely flexible with mold making, can form anything large and very complex and is also strong with close combat.

Personal Weakness: Easy to fool with a cute guy in distress

Personality: He is brave and strong-willed to those around him and would do whatever he can to show it instead of saying it, but he's very emotional towards those who've been betrayed.

Likes: chess, thinking, meditating, music, cooking, dirty magazines, and practising and learning magic.

Dislikes: betrayers, immature people, dominant people, fear of being alone, and left.

Biography: I was orphaned at the age of 6. Both my parents were killed my an unknown infiltrator assassin, because of him I hate all dark guilds. Because of them I had to grow up alone, until I was teen. When Alice and Kaiden found me, the two sweetest most intelligent people I know. They took me in and taught me magic, they've made me into the man I am now. But they left me like last weeks thrash when they found out I had planned on joining raven tail...

Guild: Raven Tails

Rank: Guild Ace!!!

Guild Mark Location: back of right hand

Guild Mark Color: white

Magic style 1: Mold making ice

Magic's Strength: water

Magic's Weakness: fire

Magic's Taboo:

Magic Style 2: water

Magic's Strength: fire

Magic's Weakness: ice and lightening

Magic's Taboo:


@Tj Pomroy

Name: Ryos Delmora

Given Title: The Toxic Dragon

Age: 19

Gender: Male

Height: 6'2

Weight: 170

Hair Color: Black

Eye Color: Purple

Skin Color: Peach

Race: Human

Personal Strength: Has large amount of latent power. Does well in the face of adversity. Very adaptable

Personal Weakness: Can be too arrogant in battle for his own good. Tends to underestimate those who are thought to be weaker than him. He tends to have a poorer showing against weaker opponents.

Personality: Typically, Ryos is a very irritable character. He is easily annoyed. This is due to his devotion to nothing but his training, and his goals. Because of his intense focus on becoming more powerful, Ryos tends to have a very arrogant demeanor in battle, unless he faces a highly-reputable opponent. He doesn't give out his respect often. Overall, he can come off as cold and apathetic to everyone else's problems if they are not similar to his own. He just gets his jobs done and thats that. On the contrary, however, Ryos harbors great care for his guild and his fellow Lamia Scale mages. He will often go shirtless to show off his guild mark, which he wears proudly. Ryos always carries with him a few vials of poison, which he drinks when thirsty. This comes off as strange to those who don't know him well.

Likes: Battle, challenges, guild mates.

Dislikes: Slackers, traitors, and anyone who hurts his guild in any way.

Biography: An orphan since infancy, Ryos, like most first generation dragon slayers, was raised by a dragon. More specifically, he was raised by the poison dragon Ventalia. Ryos learned his dragon-slayer abilities through tough training with Ventalia. But one day, he came home to find his dragon, who he considered a mother, missing. Instead of falling into a depression at the loss of his only friend, Ryos vowed to find Ventalia. Going West, Ryos realized he didn't have what it takes to bring his dragon home. He decided he would have to become much stronger, which brought him to Lamia Scale. Ryos trained hard all the time, and took the toughest jobs he could take, and slowly built a name for himself as one of Lamia Scale's top wizards. At the age of 14, Ryos became an S-Class mage. Once he became S-Class, he started taking any job that could possibly involve dragons. He has since been attempting to find out the secrets of Dragon Force. At the age of 17, while on another S-Class quest, Ryos achieved Dragon Force for the first time through means he hasn't understood quite yet, completing his quest with ease. Since that time, he has been given the title, Toxic Dragon, by both friend and foe alike. Currently, Ryos is considered the top wizard on Lamia Scale.

Guild: Lamia Scale

Rank: S-Class (Guild Ace)

Guild Mark Location: Right chest

Guild Mark Color: Black

Dragon Slayer Magic:

Magic Style:
Poison Dragon Slayer

Strength: Can incorporate the element of poison in his body. He can use this poison in the form of poison gas to freely produce and manipulate his element.

Weakness: Poison God Slayer Magic. Since it is designed to withstand dragon-slayer magic, naturally, Ryos would have difficulty against this type of magic.

Taboo: None really.
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I call shadow God slayer 



Nixis "Apophis" Ruha

Given Title:

"The one who wields the power of Deicide"




Age: 22







Hair Color:


Eye Color:

Sky Blue (Yellow when demon blood is active)

Skin Color:

Pale Brown

Race: Human/Demon

Personal Strength:

Can dispel curses, Can sense Lies

Personal Weakness:

Emotionally distance, Has trouble understanding people


Cold, Blunt, Observant, Honest, Distant


Sweet Foods






Nixis Ruha was born into a cult that worship dark magic. His mother was human but his father, The priest of the insane dark cult was believed to be a demon. Once his birth he was taken deep into the temple by his father for 5 years. When he returned he was highly focus and stable. He did not act like a child. He acted as if he was some monk. This disturb his mother who question if that was her son or not. She tried to bring the child out of him but the only thing that brought out his bright childish glee is sweets.

About 6 year later trouble started in the cult, As Nixis was being taught Dark God Slayer magic by his father and Mother they were attacked by a dark guild who wanted to take there temples there guild hall. The cult was small and had a limited number of Mages. The put up a fight but there cult was defeated and Nixis, His Mother and His father had to escape. During there escape his father was hurt the most so his mother took a chance and used a dark pulse to push him of a cliff sending him to his death.

4 year after that, Nixis Ruha now 15 live a quite life in the forest with his mother. One day when he was out picking berries for a pie his mother told him she would make him for his birthday. As he was picking he heard a explosion and dropped everything. He ran as fast as he could and when he arrived he saw his father and a small group of cult members. His father had his claw in his mothers chest. He pull it out and watch his mother drop to the ground. This sent Nixis into a unbound rage to the point his demon blood boiled turning his eyes yellow. He assaulted the cult and ended up killing everyone along with his father. He then buried them all next to each other and wrote the symbol of the cult in the trees.

Nixis then traveled his land, The Land of Sin. He then came to Foire 2 years ago and joined the guild know as Raven Tail for financial reason. Very few people knows that he is a god slayer since he claims his magic is a form of dark magic. If he uses it with more power then thy would know his magic is beyond normal dark magic. This is one of the few things he would lie about.


Raven Tail

Rank: B (Not his true power)

Guild Mark Location:

Left Shoulder Blade

Guild Mark Color:


Dark God Slayer Magic

Magic's Strength: Allows swift and quick movements along control of a forms of the dark. Allowing him to make dark constructs.

Magic's Weakness: This magic is weaker in bright light and works best at night or in the dark. It is weak against light magic. The user must have clarity when using it or the darkness will envelope them and corrupt or destroy the user. The truly pure and innocent can't be harm by his magic.

Magic's Taboo: Itself

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Name: Liir T. Ko

Given Title:


Age: 17

Gender: Male

Height: 5’7

Weight: 146 lb

Hair Color: Black

Eye Color: Teal

Skin Color: White

Race: Human

Personal Strength: Liir has enormous magical strength and power and this is without unleashing his second origin. His magical power can be overwhelming to most wizard due to his special magic. He is also highly intelligent.

Personal Weakness: Arrogance can get in his way as well as rage. Not so good at physical fights.

Personality: Reserved, arrogant, and sassy. He doesn’t like others undermining his authority. He loves to humiliate others whether on the battle field or in other ways.

Likes: To read, use his beautiful magic, logic, win

Dislikes: weak and ignorant people

Biography: Much of his past is a mystery

Liir has always been on his own his village ransacked long ago by dark mages. Since then he has spent his teenage years in the shadows, using his magic to obtain what he desires. Liir decided to join Raven Tail for the moment in order to jump start his plans.

Guild: Raven Tail

Rank: Ace

Guild Mark Location: back of left hand

Guild Mark Color: red

Magic Style 1: Territory aka Yakuma’s Magic of the Eighteen Gods of War

Magic's Strength: Versatility in both offense and defense

Magic's Weakness: Only overwhelming force can break through it

Magic's Taboo: N/A

Magic Style 2: Gravity Caster Magic

Magic's Strength: Manipulation to through others off or disarm

Magic's Weakness: Extreme Strength Endurance and Will Power

Magic's Taboo: N/A
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Ashton Vanderveir

Given Title

Dream Reaper


Mr. Masterson









126 lbs

Hair Color


Eye Color


Skin Color




Personal Strength

His skills with hand to hand and his innate ability of deduction

Personal Weakness

Capable of making anyone around him feel that the conversation is awkward.

Drinks too much alcohol for his age


Ashton is the upbeat type of person in his guild and tends to resolve matters with a "duel" which is basically picking a fight when it is unnecessary. He is opened to most people mainly to stop any guilt from coming into his heart. Considered to be the one person who anyone can talk to if needed.


-Whiskey.....oh sweet whiskey

-Intense puzzle games

-Fighting!....for good reasons though(
D:< Don't look at me like that!)






-Bland Alcohol


Ashton started out with a small family who thought that magic was the devil's work so they avoided every type of magic and magic item and preferred using items that does not have any relations with Magic. It was a lot harder since most of the items derived from magic itself so getting by was not easy. Ashton had to realize how this world works from his Adopted Parents and treated him like a slave in an outside field. And when he meant slave, he was talking about the working, the abuse, and the cold hard nights in the attic....Yes...the Attic. During the winter, Ashton was strolling around the attic, trying to find some sort of warm blanket and found a broken wooden door and an ax stuck to it. He took the ax and started whacking at the door until the crack was big enough for him to enter. As he slipped inside, he lighted a candle and looked around to find one skeleton and a silky red scarf. The skeleton was holding a book and inside the content was a journal and Magic Spells. He used the scarf which was large enough to cover his body and used it for warmth as he started reading the book all night. He was actually stuck in the room and he had the ax with him so his adopted parents couldn't get him out.

This book....This Book...It tells a story about a man by the name of Sir Vandervier who fought using Magic to protect the world against dark forces and with each spell he used, gave instructions on how to use it so that the next person who would inherit the book would be able to use the book in hopes that person will follow his morals of protection and honor. This was a large influence to him and that he started practice each spell, but tried not to break anything. His adopted parents so him practicing and took it upon themselves to break the door down and pull him out. They didn't realize that he already inherited such a power and decided for some target practice. He did use one of the spells to push his adopted father back, but he did not want to end up like those evil mages from the story so he left and he took the scarf and the book with him.

He never knew what could happen outside, but he never had much support and he was all alone at the time. Until he reached the Raven Tail Guild. They took him in at the time and some of them tried to take his book for themselves. The Head Master at the time told them to stop because one persons secrets is his own especially his magic. He decided to take it and hold onto it until he wants to train with him. They were more loving then any average family and it was a good idea to leave the village who hated magic and head into solitude in a far away place because if he didn't then he would have had a shorter life from the way he was being treated. He appreciated every moment.



Raven Tail



Guild Mark Location

Knitted on the back of his jacket and tattooed on his neck.

Guild Mark Color:

Yellow with black outline.


God Slayer Magic

Lightning God Slayer


Black Lightning Magic

Magic's Strength

Fusing both magic together to increase speed and strength

Magic's Weakness

Heavy strain in his muscles if he uses it for more than 3 hours.

Magic's Taboo

Forbidden God Slayer Technique: Buddha's Heavenly Fist

This technique needs an intense amount of thunder to be shot up into the sky to cause a heavy storm. The result in a large thunder shaped metal hand like a buddha statue to come crashing down. The result of it can cause this character to get into a coma for a long time and maybe stuck like that because the lightning that surges through his body passes through his heart and arteries so the pain is intense.


Magical Weapons

Power Surge Gloves

These gloves help control the magic alot easier than just with his hands. And allows a much harder hit with the small steel covers on each of his knuckles.

Magical Clothing

Red Scarf of the Knight


This is the same red magic scarf that he found in the locked door as a child. He can utilize the movement of the scarf so that he can grab onto enemies from a far and channel his lightning towards them like a rod. The scarf is super elastic and durable because the fabric is made by Poly Duranimum Fibroid. Downfall is that it is not as fast, but it is fast enough so it can be harder to catch an enemy is they jump around alot. This can also put strain in the scarf if it goes too far.


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<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_07/Reene.png.afd5e091774b8c58c0d1f94296112bcb.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="21671" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_07/Reene.png.afd5e091774b8c58c0d1f94296112bcb.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Name: Rhi

Given Title: Killer Tunes


Age: 18

Gender: Female

Height: 5''6

Weight: 100Ib

Hair Color: Brown

Eye Color: Green

Skin Color: Pale

Race: Human

Personal Strength: Hand to hand combat

Personal Weakness: Getting confuse easily

Personality: Timid, Stubborn, Observing.

Likes: Music, Getting her job done, time for her self, Punishing people that disrespect the guild, hot chocalate!

Dislikes: People that remind her of her past, Sharp objects, needles.

Biography: When Rhi was in her childhood, She had signs of magic in her blood, yet everyone in her family was just normal people. When a argument happen with her big brother she scream, and he's ears started to bleed even people out side her home could hear and lose their focus. After five minutes later she was standing there looking confuse, she then heard a BANG at the door. five people taken her into captivity.

They found her with a magic tracking device, yet her birth paper says she was a normal human. So for five years they ran test on her and finally succeed on the truth.

She found out her family wasn't her own family, they where her foster parents, They took her away from a illegal magic user.

After two years later she couldn't really cope anymore became more violent over the years. And as her illegal magic she was taught started increasing she finally escape! It was only a escape for her though. ..

She added a cape on herself, and started to travel. After a few years she look like a normal teen. but people was still after her as they heard the report.

She was now anxious, she didn't really have anywhere to go.. all she could do was travel yet every magic council knew.

But a man came up to her and offered her a place in a guild.

''It alright , I have heard the rumour, So join me and my guild?''

He seem like a alright guy, and it might of been easier so she given him a chance. She join Lamia Scale and now has been practising to properly control her Magic on missions.

Guild: Lamia Scale

Rank: S-Class

Guild Mark Location: Right Wrist

Guild Mark Color: Dark purple

Magic Style 1: Magic Screech

Magic's Strength: To be able to make people ears bleed and lose sight.

Magic's Weakness: Cant focus her magic in one direction easily

Magic's Taboo: None

Magic Style 2: Soundwave

Magic's Strength: Able to make the loud noises hurt you like in close combat.

Magic's Weakness: The sound dosnt effect their ears.

Magic's Taboo: None



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Meta Redpound

Given Title:

"1st son of Echidna


"Elder Brother"









Hair Color:


Eye Color:


Skin Color:




Personal Strength:

Can battle multiple enemies

Can heal over time

Can sense magic user

Personal Weakness:

Unable to lie to his mother

May be overwhelmed by his sibling emotions or others.



Meta is your classic mama's boy with a psychotic overtone. He seems to be very kind, respectful and well manner. He is a gentlemen but has no problem with killing you at a moments notice. You would never expect this man to be the dark sick bastard he truly is.


His mother

His siblings





People he speak bad about his mother


Meta was a child who lived on the streets of a corrupted city in the land of Sin. His parent were drug users so when he was 5 they dropped him off and ran. He had to fight for himself and was always beaten on either by others for his food or by the authorities who treated the poor and homeless like trash. He was 8 at the time back when he was weak but he did meet one person, Someone who was so kind, Someone who was warm, Someone who was different. Her name was Echidna.

He followed her everywhere, He loved this woman, she was the mother he never had. She taught him much about the world and how it works. She taught him how to even use magic, Telekinesis. When he was 13 she asked his if he would like to become her child. She asked if he would drink her milk. Meta agreed and Echidna cut her risk and had Meta drink her rich black blood. This gave meta amazing power along with the ability to sense magic.

After that Meta and Echidna travel Earthland and formed a guild along with that they added on the family. Now they are in Fiore and our planning take over the magical world and letting Echidna gain ultimate power.





Rank: Not used, All equal under Echidna

Guild Mark Location:

On his neck

Guild Mark Color:



Magic Style 1: Ultimate Telekinesis

Magic's Strength: Good for group battles. Allows him to grip this with his mind and create barriers.

Magic's Weakness:

Powerful will

Magic's Taboo:



Magical Items:


Magical Weapons:


Able to slash metal

Magical Clothing:



As a child of Echidna he can fell his mothers and sibling emotions. He can not lie to his mother also. He can also heal over time. He also can sense magic users. All children of Echidna are effected by these rules.

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Name: Geis Dreamon

Given Title: Lord of Silver Lining

Nickname: Geis

Age: 18

Gender: Male

Height: 5'9


Hair Color: Silver

Eye Color: Silver

Skin Color: Pale

Race: Human

Personal Strength: He is very strong and and expert in combat. He is in a rank of his own

Personal Weakness: Does not like fighting underwater.

Personality: He's pretty normal but will not hesitate to kill.

Likes: Being Alone

Dislikes: Comrades, Friends, Love, People who get in the way

Biography: Geis is in a crusade against evil. He doesn't remember where he was born but his first memories were about evil. Every time he saw evil he would get the urge to hurt them. At first he ignored these urges but as he grew older, so did the urges. Until finally he gave in and killed a Dark Guild on his own. He was named a Dark Mage for this act. After that he started to make a name for himself by slaying a Wizard Saint who he found guilty of raping children and enslaving them.

Guild: Dark Guild Silver Lining

Rank: Master

Guild Mark Location: Back of left hand

Guild Mark Color: Silver

Magic Style 1:Uncraft

Magic's Strength: Very versatile and uncrafts anything he touches into components. He can then store these components in a pocket dimension

Magic's Weakness: Cannot uncraft pure magic

Magic's Taboo: Must not be used on living beings with the exception of plants

Magic Style 2: Craft

Magic's Strength: Let's him make things from components, other objects can count as components

Magic's Weakness: Cannot craft living beings with the exception of plants. Crafted items cannot be stored.

Magic's Taboo: None

Magical Weapons: Silver Linings- A pair of silver swords that can absorb Geis's magic.

Magical Clothing: Silver Knight - His armor can absorb his magic and be used.

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Given Title:











Not telling

Hair Color:


Eye Color:


Skin Color:




Personal Strength:


Large amount of magical knowledge.

Personal Weakness:



She is like a over bearing mother who loves her children with a her heart. She talks with a English accent and is very condescending. She act very proper and demands respect.


Her Children


All who oppose her


Not much is knowed about this demon. She give people her blood and curse them to serve her until they die. In return they gain great power. She traveled Earthland for along time and her dark guild has just started to rise.

(More will be revealed on her later)


Guild: Echidna

Rank: Guild Master

Guild Mark Location: None

Guild Mark Color: None


Magic Style 1: Emotion and Metal Curses

Magic's Strength: Unknown

Magic's Weakness: Powerful will

Magic's Taboo:


Magic Style 2: Illusions

Magic's Strength: Can create anything

Magic's Weakness: It is broken when it is realized it was a illusion

Magic's Taboo:



Magical Items: A voluminous amount of Lacrima

Magical Weapons: none

Magical Clothing: none

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_07/57a8bf8f6004f_Echidnaatake2.jpg.a7a0e39d24017cda870c5af2faf89bc3.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="21761" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_07/57a8bf8f6004f_Echidnaatake2.jpg.a7a0e39d24017cda870c5af2faf89bc3.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Name: Arturo Lorde

Given Title: (The) Terror of Death

Nickname: None

Age: 14

Gender: Male

Height: 4'7

Weight: 80-100

Hair Color: Silver

Eye Color: Green

Skin Color: Caucasian

Race: Human

Guild: (Will be announced in the Role-play)


Guild Mark Location:

Guild Mark Color:

Personal Strength: Enhanced Strength, Agile and High Endurance.

Personal Weakness: Long Ranged Fights, Not well armored yet, Hard to fight against friends.(Think of others later)

Personality: Arturo is very cheeky, cheerful, and full of mischevious ideas. He is confident in his own power, often being somewhat humble about it. Arturo has a bit of a sweet tooth, constantly blowing his money on snacks. However, sometimes another side comes out of him one that is deadly, violent, and bloodthirsty. Sometimes enemies become scared, or even run from him after seeing the blood lust in his eyes.

Likes: Sweets, Friends, toys, adventure, stars, cold

Dislikes: Fighting, Extreme heat, drinkers,

Biography: Arturo grew up with his family until the age of 6 when his parents were killed by a dark guild attack. In order to defend himself he went to a swordsman that he knew in town a swordsman by the name, Radeel. For the next 8 years he was trained in every possible way, weapons, hand to hand combat, combat situations. Having no more to learn he left. Arturo walked on constantly being attacked by Dark guild members and bandits. However, none that came at him escaped with their life. Whether they begged or tried to run he slaughtered them, eventually rumors spread and he gained the Title 'Terror Of Death'. But, it was only a name, a shadow, nobody really knew who the 'Terror of Death' really was. Thus, allowing him to move freely from town to town in his travels.

Magic Style 1: Ex-quip

Magic's Strength: Power and speed change with the weapons. Able to switch weapons during a clash or right before a strike.

Magic's Weakness: A short delay in when he can change weapons.

Magic's Taboo:

Magic Style 2: Gravity Caster Magic

Magic's Strength: Manipulation of Gravity

Magic's Weakness: The more power put in the bigger the recoil to himself

Magic's Taboo:

Under Slight Construction!
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(first time doing all of this soo here goes nothing)

Name: Vitia Nitegale

Given Title: Bringer of Storms

Nickname: Rain

Age: 21

Gender: male

Height: 6'0

Weight: 130

Hair Color: blue

Eye Color: blue

Skin Color: pale white

Race: Human

Personal Strength: water magic spells, healing spells, excess pulse of magic that reacts to emotional responses, great at hand to hand combat

Personal Weakness: strong fire magic spells, similar to dragon slayer magic , swordsmenship isn't that great

Personality: non-emotional at times because of abilities, super shy

Likes: nothing except ice cream

Dislikes: everything except ice cream

Biography: Vitia grew up in a small town located in a rain forest. He was a huge outcast there and had no friends because of his overwhelming magic that never seemed to shut off. .it caused rain clouds to appear at random times so he never had any friends either. .barely any type of contact except his family which tried to support him even got shocked a few times by the storm clouds that ran overhead. He ended up joining the Raven Tail guild later on .

Guild: Raven Tail

Rank: A class

Guild Mark Location: on the right side of his neck

Guild Mark Color: dark purple

Magic Style 1: Water magic

Magic's Strength: usage of the water around you for offensive and defensive purposes

Magic's Weakness: burning the wizard weakens the spells

Magic's Taboo: draining human and animal bodies of water

Magic Style 2: Water God Slayer Magic

Magic's Strength: the caster can use the water around them and the water in their bodies as defensive and offensive magic purposes only it's on a higher level than any regular caster. .similar to dragon slayers only the God slayers can eat lower levels of water magic for energy.

Magic's Weakness: unknown

Magic's Taboo: unknown<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_07/89e6faaf8d91af5704b7ee79d9f42b51.jpg.fa63f16ed6410a655a44ac1305241454.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="21765" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_07/89e6faaf8d91af5704b7ee79d9f42b51.jpg.fa63f16ed6410a655a44ac1305241454.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_07/image.jpg.54fabb72a0c9dd9f643963905e825ddd.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="22339" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_07/image.jpg.54fabb72a0c9dd9f643963905e825ddd.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> Changed the picture because I found a better one that looks more like a 18 yr old

Name: Skiá D. Amatari

Given Title: Shadow Demeter

Nickname: Demitra ,



Height: 5'4


Hair Color:golden blonde

Eye Color:dark red

Skin Color:ivory

Race: human

Personal Strength:secluded places

Personal Weakness:crowds

Personality: she is very nice but is not someone you want to make mad, she tends to run away from boys who like her because she is scared of getting hurt, she loves to help people and cares for everyone, she tends to run off and is very hard to catch she is a very easily embarrassed person but when angry well the title tends to show it's reason..she dreams of being a famous singer and gets uncomfortable easily



Animals especially exceeds



Nice people






Biography:Skiá the princess friend...she at a young age was the princess friend but soon enough they were banned to see the princess ever again at this time she had no family because she was a orphan Skiá was just the name the princess name for her, it meant shadow in Greek, but when they couldn't be friends anymore the girl went on a journey for a new home. She later on found the shadow dragons cave in which she convincing or anything when the dragon went missing it devastated Skiá and later on she began to hate the dragon but choose to just forget it and go on with her life which made her walk around town and when she finally looked up it was because someone had gotten her attention, "are you ok?" she got embarrassed and nervously shook her head "I-I-I'm okay t-thanks" she ran inside the building without knowing what it was...she looked up to see lots of mages looking at her with worry,alarm and confusion she got embarrassed again and began to speak way to much..after that much she decided she had to join...Sabertooth even though it wasn't her favorite guild.

Guild: Sabertooth

Rank: ace

Guild Mark Location:on her belly button

Guild Mark Color:crimson

Dragon slayer magic: Shadow dragon slayer

Magic's Strength:darkness, nighttime

Magic's Weakness:sun,light

Magic's Taboo:none



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Name: Donald Houns

Given Title: Monster of the Earth

Nickname: 'Dusty' or 'Don'

Age: 19

Gender: Male

Height: 6'2

Weight: 153

Hair Color: Light Brown

Eye Color: Gray

Skin Color: White, slightly tanned

Race: Human

Personal Strengths: Athletic ability

Personal Weaknesses: Swimming, cold temperatures, height

Personality: Stubborn, easily aggravated, loyal, kind to people he trusts

Likes: Sleep, any type of meat

Dislikes: High altitude, cold temperatures

Bio: Donald, or Dusty, never knew his parents. He had been raised by the Earth Dragon, whom he called Boulder. He had trained with Boulder until one day, Dusty woke up to find out his adoptive father was no longer there. Dusty had gone into a rage, running for three days, yelling out Boulder's name, until finding a village, and collapsing in exhaustion. He later started traveling on his own, after having recovered in the small village. He ended up finding a mage's guild, and after he was seen to have exceptional skill, he started his life as an official mage.

Guild: Blue Pegausus

Rank: Ace

Guild Mark location: On the palm of his right hand

Guild Mark Color: Brown

Dragon Slayer Style: Earth Dragon Slayer

Magic's Strength's: Good against forms of most ground-based magic users

Magic's Weaknesses: Can only attack people in air with 'Roar of the Earth Dragon'

Magic's Taboo: None

Magic Style 2: Sand Magic

Magic's Strength's: Can counter most weather magic

Magic's Weaknesses: Not very helpful with team

Magic's Taboo: Unknown

Magical Item: Goggles similar to Shiro's
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Name: Rashid

Given Title: Gatekeeper

Nickname: One-eye, odin {neither of which he likes}

Age: 24

Gender: male

Height: 6 foot

Weight: 140 lbs

Appearance: He has a long face with sharp features that are weathered like old leather, short beard with silver running through it, and short, stiff, brush of silver hair. One eye was dark, the other had a pair of horrible old silver scars running through it from hairline to jaw. The injured eye was replaced with a silver ball bearing. He wears a dark purple robe, He typically dresses in a cloak that covers him from head to toe with a hood that hides his face in deep shadows.

Race: (What race are you? Human, Exceeds, Half-Breed (Pick One) -Not Mythical. Only Beasts)human

Personal Strength: Intelligent, very good at sensing illusions and the power of other mages. Very good at figuring different puzzles out. Extremely high endurance and can use his magic for long periods of time

Personal Weakness: His hatred of people.

Personality: (stated pretty good in the biography)

Likes: Staying hidden, killing

Dislikes: People

Biography: has a rich deep laugh, like his speaking voice, but somehow more—filled with warmth and purity. his use of his magic shows an exceeding finess and skill. He only reluctantly expends his power and never wastes any of it. Has a strong sense of humor. He is extremely mysterious no one knows where he came from o who he really is, only the guild master has truly seen his face, he works in the shadows furfully what ever they asked off him. until recently... His last guild he personally slaughter because the guild master was a rapist who lured women in, once he refused to help the master commanded the guild to kill him. most of them were A-rank and S-rank. He single handedly killed 15 A-ranks and 10 S-ranks an his guild master. He left that contry and moved to fiore hes been looking for a good guild for the quite the while now... Once he left his home land he spent some time travel in which time he met mother Echidna. she was so beautiful, she acceoted him to the guild and sent to fiore to await her orders and by the looks of things that time has come

Guild: Echidna

Rank: Equal

Guild Mark Location: One his steel eye

Guild Mark Color: jet black

God Slayer Magic: Light god slayer.

Magic Style 1: Light bearer

Magic's Strength: Can destroy dark magic and can heal minor wounds, and major wounds with a lot of energy

Magic's Weakness: Very straining on the users body

Magic's Taboo: reviving someone from death, which will result in the users death

Magic Style 2: Light god Slayer

Magical Weapons: A large Gnarled staff of white oak wood, the top ending in a small hook that holds a small and very strong orb.

Magical Clothing: His robe is SLightly resistant to all magics and can block most weak (B-rank or lower) magic spells, can push energy into the robe and it will become extremely resistant but it puts extra strain on wearer. The robe emits light, not enough light to blind you but enough so if you look at the figure its just a white figure wrapped in a black robe
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Name: Kayer Nefari

Given Title: Dark Son of Echidna

Nickname: N/A

Age: 25

Gender: Male

Height: 6'2

Weight: 180

Hair Color: Black

Eye Color: Red

Skin Color: Pale

Race: Human

Personal Strength: Immense Power

Personal Weakness: His Recklessness

Personality: Kayer is evil incarnate. He is an absolutely psychotic human being who finds joy in the pain of others. He is brash, reckless, and stubborn. Besides Mother Echidna, Kayer takes orders from no one. He's quick to listen to what someone asks of him and do the opposite. He doesn't care how much destruction he causes, in fact, the more the merrier. He rushes into everything due to his impatience. He can come off as quite stupid in this way.

Likes: Inflicting Pain and Agony. Mother Echidna.

Dislikes: Happiness. Anything good.

Biography: Kayer was born under a single mother of a very small village in the East. At the age of 6, Kayer witnessed a demon destroy his village, being it's only survivor. Traveling alone to find food and shelter at a young age, Kayer witnessed the horrors of the world first-hand. He witnessed crime every where he went. His life was miserable. The only time he found joy was when he was squashing bugs, making him feel s if he were a powerful kings ruling over his subjects with an iron fist. Eventually, he met Mother Echidna, who promised to make Kayer's dream into a reality. Kayer joined Echidna, and proceeded to learn the Dark Arts. He became proficient in Darkness magic. Using this power, Kayer has killed wizards of both dark and official guilds alike, just to test his limits. Unfortunately for everyone, Kayer still hasn't been tested to his limits, for the only strong wizards he has ever been around are his siblings, who he would never fight, as it would offend his mother.

Guild: Echidna

Rank: N/A

Guild Mark Location: Upper Back

Guild Mark Color: Crimson Red

Magic Style 1: Darkness Magic

Magic's Strength: Highly Destructive

Magic's Weakness: Light Magic

Magic's Taboo: Dark Necromancy - For the cost of the user's life, can create an undead mage from a corpse.

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