ThornsDale Academy for the gifted

[QUOTE="Marvelous Chester]I never thought I would get to accept the grim reaper to my academy. Accepted

Accepted vampire girl finnaly someone else to bite F...king Gary.

Hey Hey Hey, Iak is a vampire aswell
Name: Herbert Salis

Age: 19

Type of creature: Human

Class/college year: N/A

Job: Magician/Handyman

Family symbol/flag:


Skills: Arcane Knowledge and Practice, Escape and Evasion, Stealth.

Flaws: Cowardly, Values even the smallest nugget of new knowledge over lives that aren't his own, Mildly Gynophobic.

Powers: Various low-to-medium power spells and cantrips from various schools of magic with various casting methods, with a specialty in Animation, which is to say the creation of artificial life.

Title: The Dabbler.

Biography: Born local, Raised local, Lives local. Herb's life has been pretty average and uneventful for someone raised amongst magicians and supernatural creatures. His current situations finds him as a handyman for the town, the academy in particular. He has picked up various bits of magic throughout is life, along with slightly more dedicated research as he aged. While he has graduated high school, he doesn't feel the need to go to college, preferring to live his simple life fixing things that break. Has had several bad relationships with women. Herb can generally be found in the halls of the academy, either cleaning or fixing. Due to his gynophobia, Herbert has started an effort to create a construct "wife".

Likes: Building, Repairing, Keeping a Low Profile.

Passions: Magic and its practical applications.

Dislikes: Conflict, Women making moves on him.

Fears: Death, Pain, Being exploited by women.

Sexuality: Heterosexual and Male, but disillusioned and fearful of the fairer sex, gaining a desire to fulfill his romantic needs with a construct.

Relationships/interests: No interest in romantic relationships, avoids more than working relationships with women.

Personality: Herb is a dedicated and loyal soul that has been burned a few too many times, making him more than a little wary of women. He derives a deep satisfaction from creating and mending things, as well as learning new bits and pieces of magical knowledge. When he gets caught up in conflict, his first instinct is to find a way out.


Galvani said:
Name: Herbert Salis
Age: 19

Type of creature: Human

Class/college year: N/A

Job: Magician/Handyman

Family symbol/flag:


Arcane Knowledge and Practice, Escape and Evasion, Stealth.

Flaws: Cowardly, Values even the smallest nugget of new knowledge over lives that aren't his own, Mildly Gynophobic.

Powers: Various low-to-medium power spells and cantrips from various schools of magic with various casting methods, with a specialty in Animation, which is to say the creation of artificial life.

Title: The Dabbler.

Biography: Born local, Raised local, Lives local. Herb's life has been pretty average and uneventful for someone raised amongst magicians and supernatural creatures. His current situations finds him as a handyman for the town, the academy in particular. He has picked up various bits of magic throughout is life, along with slightly more dedicated research as he aged. While he has graduated high school, he doesn't feel the need to go to college, preferring to live his simple life fixing things that break. Has had several bad relationships with women. Herb can generally be found in the halls of the academy, either cleaning or fixing. Due to his gynophobia, Herbert has started an effort to create a construct "wife".

Likes: Building, Repairing, Keeping a Low Profile.

Passions: Magic and its practical applications.

Dislikes: Conflict, Women making moves on him.

Fears: Death, Pain, Being exploited by women.

Sexuality: Heterosexual and Male, but disillusioned and fearful of the fairer sex, gaining a desire to fulfill his romantic needs with a construct.

Relationships/interests: No interest in romantic relationships, avoids more than working relationships with women.

Personality: Herb is a dedicated and loyal soul that has been burned a few too many times, making him more than a little wary of women. He derives a deep satisfaction from creating and mending things, as well as learning new bits and pieces of magical knowledge. When he gets caught up in conflict, his first instinct is to find a way out.


(Sorry I was so late to respond Accepted !!!)
[QUOTE="The Master]It isn't too late. And DarkPrincess is not on right now. I am very sure she will accept you all ^_^ just be a little patient.

DarkPrincess? Marvelous Chester is the creator, right?
Sorry! My pc is messing up. I just posted something for THIS RP in another RP. And the OTHER RP for THIS RP!

Now I have to fix TWO problems UGH!

Until I fix my damn computer. No one try to interact with me. It is bugging out and glitching like crazy. Also welcome to the RP new persons!

Name: Naomi Sapfire Raven

Age: Looks 16

Type of creatures: Arch Demon

Class/college year: College Freshman

Job (if applies): None

Family symbol/flag: (pic please)

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_01/IslamicSymbol.jpg.1a5bb7cc04f5f4367f89e92daa9cd049.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="38367" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_01/IslamicSymbol.jpg.1a5bb7cc04f5f4367f89e92daa9cd049.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Skills: Her singing voice is very beautiful and alluring to the few people who have heard her. Her panting / sketches are works of art an is the way she express herself.

Flaws: She is very shy around boys,gets embarrassed and flustered quickly.

Powers: Pain Infliction & Black Magic

Title: The Sweety Insane Princess


Naomi is the 3rd Arch Demon out of the 8th so she has had a lot of different people trying to kill her over the years and being the neice of of the fallen angel-Lucifer-who started the war between the heavens and hell doesn't really help much to her trying to survive. You might think being a powerful demon and a princess to a whole race of darkness would have made her mean and evil but it didnt,Naomi is typical sweet nice girl expect for the breif moments a insane psycopathic side shows when she's mad. Now she just wants to find a place where to fit and make friends and one day find somebody to love her before she has to take the tittle of Queen. Now that being sad she doesnt believe in "Love at first sight."

Likes: Candy,Muffins,


Passions:.Singing & Art.

Dislikes: Angels who think they are better then everyone.

Fears: Never finding sombody to love her.

Sexuality: Heterosexual


Personality: Naomi is a sweet girl with a secret


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_01/f77dd76f9f0c755744445bd5d6782340.jpg.2bb142dd7bad1d60a15bf15763a7968d.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="38365" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_01/f77dd76f9f0c755744445bd5d6782340.jpg.2bb142dd7bad1d60a15bf15763a7968d.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_01/img-thing.jpg.61a1550ac65c3862a58ee9f980ea3fbe.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="38366" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_01/img-thing.jpg.61a1550ac65c3862a58ee9f980ea3fbe.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

((If something is wrong ill fix it..))



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DemonicPrincess said:

Name: Naomi Sapfire Raven

Age: Looks 16

Type of creatures: Arch Demon

Class/college year: College Freshman

Job (if applies): None

Family symbol/flag: (pic please)

View attachment 94500

Skills: Her singing voice is very beautiful and alluring to the few people who have heard her. Her panting / sketches are works of art an is the way she express herself.

Flaws: She is very shy around boys,gets embarrassed and flustered quickly.

Powers: Pain Infliction & Black Magic

Title: Princess


Naomi is the 3rd Arch Demon out of the 8th so she has had a lot of different people trying to kill her over the years and being the neice of of the fallen angel-Lucifer-who started the war between the heavens and hell doesn't really help much to her trying to survive. You might think being a powerful demon and a princess to a whole race of darkness would have made her mean and evil but it didnt,Naomi is typical sweet nice girl expect for the breif moments a insane psycopathic side shows when she's mad. Now she just wants to find a place where to fit and make friends and one day find somebody to love her before she has to take the tittle of Queen. Now that being sad she doesnt believe in "Love at first sight."

Likes: Candy,Muffins,


Passions:.Singing & Art.

Dislikes: Angels who think they are better then everyone.

Fears: Never finding sombody to love her.

Sexuality: Heterosexual


Personality: Naomi is a sweet girl with a secret


View attachment 94498

View attachment 94499

((If something is wrong ill fix it..))
Name: Yama


type of creature:wolf furry.

College year: second

Job: Waitress

Family symbol:

Skills: turning into a wolf... reading,agility,sports

flaws:anger issues,dangerously loyal

powers:turning into a wolf


bio:Her mother gave birth to Yama and when she discovered she was a furry,she abandon her on the streets. Yama worked hard and eventually got a job. The boss caught her making out with a fellow furry and sent her to the school for some "manners and lady-like stuff" She is bullied alot and often wears a hat to cover her ears and a skirt to cover her tail. She now hopes people will accept her and she will make friends.However her gothic personality may hold her back.

likes: football,sports,dogs,friends.

passions: reading,

dislikes:Cats,mean girls,evil

fears:loosing ones she loves,being forgotten,being pushed away




[QUOTE="Daughter of Hades]Name: Yama

type of creature:wolf furry.

College year: second

Job: Waitress

Family symbol:

Skills: turning into a wolf... reading,agility,sports

flaws:anger issues,dangerously loyal

powers:turning into a wolf


bio:Her mother gave birth to Yama and when she discovered she was a furry,she abandon her on the streets. Yama worked hard and eventually got a job. The boss caught her making out with a fellow furry and sent her to the school for some "manners and lady-like stuff" She is bullied alot and often wears a hat to cover her ears and a skirt to cover her tail. She now hopes people will accept her and she will make friends.However her gothic personality may hold her back.

likes: football,sports,dogs,friends.

passions: reading,

dislikes:Cats,mean girls,evil

fears:loosing ones she loves,being forgotten,being pushed away





Accepted start whenever
Name: Calla Winter

Age: 17

Type of creatures: Werewolf

Class/college year: 12th Grade

Job: Delivers newspapers.

Family symbol/flag:


Skills: She is a skilled fighter and good with a gun.

Flaws: She can be very headstrong and sometimes lets her feeling cloud her judgment.

Powers: Shifting, super senses.

Title: Moon Flower

Biography: Calla was born into a pack that lives in Kansas. She is the only daughter of the Alphas and therefore is an Alpha herself. Her pack sent her here to get a better education. Before coming here, she was home schooled. But her parents want her to get a wider education.

Likes: Hunting, reading, writing, hanging out with her friends, training

Passions: Writing, drawing.

Dislikes: Disloyalty, fakers, mushrooms, weakness.

Fears: Being alone.

Sexuality: Pansexual.

Relationships/interests: Takers?

Personality: Smart, strong, caring, kind, stubborn, fierce, loyal.


[QUOTE="Wolf Ghost]
Name: Calla Winter
Age: 17

Type of creatures: Werewolf

Class/college year: 12th Grade

Job: Delivers newspapers.

Family symbol/flag:


Skills: She is a skilled fighter and good with a gun.

Flaws: She can be very headstrong and sometimes lets her feeling cloud her judgment.

Powers: Shifting, super senses.

Title: Moon Flower

Biography: Calla was born into a pack that lives in Kansas. She is the only daughter of the Alphas and therefore is an Alpha herself. Her pack sent her here to get a better education. Before coming here, she was home schooled. But her parents want her to get a wider education.

Likes: Hunting, reading, writing, hanging out with her friends, training

Passions: Writing, drawing.

Dislikes: Disloyalty, fakers, mushrooms, weakness.

Fears: Being alone.

Sexuality: Pansexual.

Relationships/interests: Takers?

Personality: Smart, strong, caring, kind, stubborn, fierce, loyal.




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