Thorns of the Rose - The Mafia Families

@UnwantedTruth That's entirely up to you. As you probably know, it's about a war involving the mafia. We got through the introduction and lighthearted-ness just a while ago, and we've begun to get into some more serious things. I don't think it's too late to join, nor will you be too bewildered by what has happened if you decide to. If you need to know more about the roleplay, then let me know!
Aeri's mission is to gather information on Ethan right? I'm not sure where he is exactly but you could be of the people who were grabbing a late night snack with Hel and Danielle. Maybe Ethan will end up being around there? Or maybe you could be checking his things while he's not around to see if there's anything suspicious? Just blurting out random ideas here so forgive me if they're bad x.x
I tried my hardest to get some sarcasm into my words but that didn't work lol. My bad. They were sarcastic in my head.
Hey Hey LoveMyHate

Let's let Aeri and 'Ethan' interact somewhere else in Rosa's place. Like a garden hallway, porch or something. Haha
Hmm, Ethan does need to do some snooping around and I like the garden idea. A garden is a good place to examine the outer structures of the place without looking suspicious.
Hey guys! Just want to let you guys know that I may be inactive for a loooong time. It's possible electricity may be out for days, weeks, I don't know how long.

Wish me and everyone else safety during Typhoon Ruby :3

Maybe you guys could just talk and have me around there in the background eating my sandwhich . Extremely sorry again!

Tagging @Dawnsx @LoveMyHate @MoonMirage

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