Thorns of the Rose - The Mafia Families


Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
Character Sheet:







Weapon of choice: (or not a fighter at all. perhaps you're a spy of some sort)

Rosa, Spinal, or Appassito:

Status in family (regular member, high ranking, low ranking, newbie, etc):

Bio: (More than three sentences long at least. This is edited later so those who didn't see this are let go. Yep.)

How you joined the family (by being related to another member, joining for some sort of personal gain, happened to be picked up from the streets -you can just merge this with the bio if you wish) :

Extra (fears, likes, dislikes, weaknesses, etc):

*Note: All bosses roles are taken by admins.*


Meanwhile, feel free to join the rp now.

All four admins will be reviewing your character sheets, that include me @SilverBlack, @Dawnsx, @LoveMyHate, and @PhoenixFire13
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Name: Alexandra Maio Selam Rosa



Nationality: Italian and Russia


Personality: Alexandra Hates her family she thinks they are paranoid and old fashioned she hates that most civilians fear her and think she is evil. She is a trained assassin but she hates killing for no good reason and will not kill just injure

Weapon of choice: Ruby tipped dagger

Rosa, Spinal, or Appassito: Rosa

Status in family (regular member, high ranking, low ranking, newbie, etc): Daughter of boss great-grandaughter of Ernesto

Bio: Alexandra was born into the middle of a war she was trained from a young age on battle tactics and assassination she hated it and refused multiple times but her father responded by yelling and insulting her until she did what she was told she soon learnt to be obidient. She wants to get out if the mafia somehow but she needs to find a plan

How you joined the family (by being related to another member, joining for some sort of personal gain, happened to be picked up from the streets -you can just merge this with the bio if you wish) : Alexandra was born to be a Mafia Royal her father was the boss of the biggest Mafia family

Extra (fears, likes, dislikes, weaknesses, etc):

Fears: Her father, Her plan being found out

Likes; her daggers, Her Bengal cat, music

Weaknesses: talking about her dead mother, Saying that she is a traitor
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Name: Aldo Spinal

Gender: Male

Age: 24

Nationality: Italian



Personality: Bombastic and energetic

Weapon of choice: Lupara (sawed-off shotgun)

Rosa, Spinal, or Appassito: Spinal

Status in family (regular member, high ranking, low ranking, newbie, etc): High-ranking, but incapable of making important decisions

Bio: All good mafia families need someone to get their hands dirty. Always the odd one in the family, Aldo could be found off squishing bugs or capturing rats from a young age. He seemed to take pleasure in the suffering of the smaller creatures. He was never particularly bright, and was often ridiculed by his peers. He responded by beating the living shit out of them. As he grew older, he became the Spinal family's go-to man for assassinations and turf-wars.

How you joined the family (by being related to another member, joining for some sort of personal gain, happened to be picked up from the streets -you can just merge this with the bio if you wish) : Nephew of the family Head

Extra (fears, likes, dislikes, weaknesses, etc):

Likes: Carnage, Violence, Blood, Boxing

Dislikes: Boredom
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Name: Danielle "Dani" Rosa

Gender: Male

Age: 25

Height: 5 ft 7 in

Nationality: 1/4 Chinese, 3/4 Italian


Personality: Since he was young, Dani has always been a kind soul. He always seeks to help others and is exceptionally gentle and friendly towards everyone. As he grew, his personality turned somewhat "motherly", and he seems to enjoy taking care of others, especially the newer members of his family. He especially adores his younger sister, Elona. He cares for her greatly and almost spoils her a bit by showering her with gifts. When Dani became the boss of the Rosa, he still retains his kind and caring personality, but he has been feeling stressed out by the war and all its bloodshed. Rumor has it that he already has some white hair on his head.

Weapon of choice: Being a gentle person, he prefers not to dirty his hands, but he is proficient in short blades.

Rosa, Spinal, or Appassito: Rosa

Status in family: Boss

Bio: Dani's grandmother was Chinese, therefore he is 1/4th Chinese. As a boy, he had a happy childhood. He knew little about the war of his family and Spinal and lived a carefree life under the protection of his parents and family members. When he grew older, he became aware of the war, but turned a blind eye to it, as he hated all the bloodshed caused from it. But of course, being the son of the Boss, it was his destiny to take over his father's position at one point or another.

The time to take over came quicker than anyone had expected, as Dani's father passed away from a stroke. Being the new boss of Rosa, he has no choice but to lead his family in the war against Spinal as a young and inexperienced leader. Though, deep in his heart, Dani truly wishes that they could all forget about the past and end the war once and for all.

Extra: Dani absolutely loves to take naps, and he could become extremely cranky if he doesn't take one at two o'clock exactly. He also enjoys sweets, but has been cutting down on them when he noticed the extra weight he has put on lately. He doesn't particularly dislikes anything, but he has always been afraid of stories about supernatural beings. 
@Allina Auburn Hello there~ Your character looks pretty good, but there are a few things that I need to point out. First of all, Alexandra's status in the family is "Daughter of boss sister of Ernesto". I'm assuming that it means she is Ernesto's niece? But centuries have passed since the events of Ernesto, so he and his sister, and your character, would be long dead, so you might want to fix that. Second, Rosa's theme is compassion and kindness, so abuse in the family is sort of stretching it. If you can fix those points, then I'll gladly accept your character :)

@1scariot Your character is accepted, but I need you to clarify if he is in Spinal or Appassito, because you put his last name as Appassito and the mafia family as Spinal.
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Name: Lino Appassito

Gender: Male

Age: 24



Personality: A bit bipolar at times, fiercely loyal to his family, and tries hard to be a good boss. Generally a nice person unless Rosa or Spinal is involved. Bright and Friendly. When he needs to be boss-like, he becomes cold and calculating, doing whatever it takes to make the other families murder each other.

Weapon of choice: His main weapons are guns and knives.

Rosa, Spinal, or Appassito: Appassito boss.

Bio: Son of Appassito's previous boss, didn't really care about destroying Rosa and Spinal until his fiance was killed by them. The killer was unknown but was from either one of the families so thus he resolved to destroy both of them. Grew up surrounded by love and loyalty, but became angry and cold to anyone outside of his family after his fiance's death. At times he likes to go around and help random strangers.

How you joined the family: Son of Appassito's previous boss

Extra: Loves eating food, doesn't like being alone too often, and visits his fiance's grave regularly. Loses control whenever Rosa or Spinal is mentioned, really despises them. Is lured by food a bit too often, and is kind of childish. Dislikes coffee and bitter things. 
Name: Ax

Gender: Male

Age: 17

Nationality: British


Personality: Likes affection but tries only accepts it from people either higher or the same rank as him, since he knows that they can protect themselves if anyone after him goes after them. Friendly, but a bit lazy. Sometimes likes to act all flirty but gets embarrassed afterwards.

Weapon of choice: Excels with darts and throwing knives, but his main weapon is a Katana. Sometimes uses guns.

Rosa, Spinal, or Appassito: Spinal, high ranking member

Bio: People always thought he had a good life, living in such a cool house, having an cool older stepbrother who took care of him, friends who loved him and parents who were rich. They didn't know that his parents hated him, his stepbrother attempted to rape him when he was 8, and those friends were clueless of his problems. Ironically, his stepbrother ends up loosing his memory, and was a nice stepbrother but Ax always held onto the memories out of fear. When Ax was 14, he was accepted into a famous highschool, and was very happy, believing his friends would congratulate him, and that his parents would finally accept him. However, none of that happened. His friends shunned him, and his parents beat him up, cursing that his stepbrother wasn't the one that got into the famous highschool. He finally lost it. At 2am in the morning, he packed his bags and left. For the first time, Ax tasted freedom and became wild. He picked fights with whoever annoyed him, taking his anger out in multiple fights from being constantly beat up and ridiculed in the past. One day he beat up a middle ranking member of Spinal. Interested, the family invited him to join if he lived through their punishment. Ax survived the punishments and became an assassin for Spinal. He went on many missions, and eventually became an high ranking member.

How you joined the family: Picked up from the streets

Extra: Likes sweet food and kind people. Really likes soft pillows, blankets, and stuff animals. Has mini panic attacks sometimes but doesn't show it. Likes motherly people. Weakness, he's ticklish, and gets scared of overly clingy people. Likes new things.
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Name: Rozando (Rozo) Spinal

Gender: Male

Age: 26

Nationality: Italian



Personality: Quite forceful in personality, he rarely lets go when anybody failed to fulfill his orders. He lets off quite the royal, mysterious aura, as well as appearing to be frightening to many people. He intends to build Spinal into the strongest mafia family, therefore is strict and extra cautious in his way of doing things. However, he's trustworthy, never breaking his promises, resulting in a bond of trust among the family members. He also awards his members if they have done things well and perfect, and from time and time party together to strengthen their bonds. This way, he is not disliked, rather respected. He also has a gentle side, and grows ten times softer around cats and cakes. Therefore, his members avoid showing cats and cakes to him during serious situations.

He also once have a sense of humor.

However nobody laughed at his jokes, so he gave up.

Weapon of choice: He prefers guns, has a fetish for golden shotguns

Rosa, Spinal, or Appassito: Spinal

Status in family: Spinal Boss

Bio: Once considered completely unsuitable to be a member of the Spinal family, Rozo is the son of the cousin of the last boss. The son of the last boss himself was killed after finding out that he betrayed his own family. Rozo's father, the cousin, thus took the boss's position. Knowing that his son would sooner or later become the boss himself, despite other members considering him unsuitable with his weakness and softness (he turned into something like a puppy when he saw cats and cakes) Rozo was forced to listen to the story of Ernesto everyday. His cats and cakes were taken away in an attempt to raise him into a great next boss. He was unwillingly trained, practiced, taken strict education, until he became knowledgable. Due to him being forced into doing these things, Rozo hated his father, the boss, who seemed to concentrate more on Spinal than anything else, even his wife, who died after getting ill.

Rozo's mind changed forever, though, when his father sacrificed himself to protect him from a car accident. After the sacrifice, he realized how truly his father cared for him, despite his usual heartless, brutal and strict altitude he often showed toward the Spinal family and Rozo himself. After the incident, he's determined to be a great boss, and strengthen Spinal's powers. He was mocked, picked on, looked down at first, but eventually he became who he wished to be.

How you joined the family: Son of the last boss who is the cousin of the last last boss.

Extra (fears, likes, dislikes, weaknesses, etc): His weakness is cats and cakes. Show it to him, no matter how great he's a boss now, he turns ten times softer. Many members thus avoided his punishment by bringing cats and cakes into his room. The situation will turn into this "I shall punish you, but I want the cats and cakes. What do I do" awkward moment, and the members will take this opportunity to slip away.

He also wonders why Rosa and Appassito's bosses look so young. It makes him feel old, and he does not like it.
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Name: Pedr Laél ( pehder la-ehl)

Gender: Male

Age: 19

Nationality: Welsh (British)


Personality: Having an intelligent mind, the man can learn bits of new things very easily. Pedr can figure out how to act based on which situation he is in. He prefers not to speak all too much in order to keep himself safe from dire consequences. Even though he may not speak, the man has a lively mind that is filled with his own opinions. When he thinks he is alone, the man frees himself from his silent and supposedly cold image. He talks to himself and spends a pleasureful time engaged with simple activities that may seem childish to others.

Weapon of choice: Used to use daggers but is mainly quick to move when faced with an attack since his strength isn't so outstanding.

Rosa, Spinal, or Appassito: Spinal

Status in family: Butler (towards all mafia members)

Bio: With no memory of his parents what so ever, he grew up amongst a group of scavengers thieves (The Berceuse) who had decided he would be useful for their tactics. He was always the bait, the rag doll to distract victims or find traps set for people like the scavengers. However, these same thieves had dared to try and trespass the Coven Estate that were known for being one of the powerful rich family of Wales. Foolishly thinking they could sneak into the area, the thieves ended up getting caught by one of the guards that immediately eliminated them. Pedr, being the one to arrive late to the scene, immediately flees from the location and tries to survive on his own in the United Kingdom. He hid and changed his last name, that the Bercuese used to brand him as one of their own kind, for thieves were no where acceptable to society. He tries to live his own way, only to arrive in Italy a year later in search of a brand new life where no one would ever know of his thievery. For two years he even tries to converts his welsh accent in order to fit in Italy.

How you joined the family: Desperate for money, he begs the Spinal family to join them and gain pay. After several attempts, the young man is finally accepted as a butler.

Extra: (fears, likes, dislikes, weaknesses, etc) : He doesn't completely try to hide the fact that he was a thief, for he had a pride of being one of The Berceuse. To be exact, he may try to mess with others by playfully saying how he used to be an extraordinary thief in a playful manner that people won't believe him, in order to cover up the truth so he that won't be cast out and labeled wrongly by society. Pedr likes to listen to classical pieces and enjoys nature. He dislikes certain people who are either extremely arrogant, disrespectful and hates-no, despises snitches. Otherwise, he is generally polite towards everyone and tends to mind his own business to keep himself out of unnecessary trouble. However, due to his silent nature he is often misunderstood as an emotionless fellow.
Yeah sorry, he's Spinal (that's what happens when you create character sheets at 1:00 AM)
Name: Elona Rosa

Gender: Female

Age: 17

Nationality: 1/4 Chinese 3/4 Italian

Appearance: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_10/Aikomi02.jpg.2ad575bb0182286b83959f0c7499baf7.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="31336" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_10/Aikomi02.jpg.2ad575bb0182286b83959f0c7499baf7.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Personality: Quiet, stubborn, shy, blunt, brave, and cares for her family (especially Dani)

Weapon of choice: A chinese sword called a "jian" with a red tassel that was given to her by her grandmother

Rosa, Spinal, or Appassito: Rosa

Status of the Family: Second head of the Rosa family (Dani's younger sister)

Bio: After Elona was born as the second child of the Rosa family, her mother soon died from child birth. Her father became devestated and kept a distance from Elona and Dani. At the age 2, people realized that Elona was a bit....special. Her left eye suddenly changed to the color red which frigthened alot of people. Rumors starts to spread out across the mafia that Elona was a misfortune which causing her to close her heart from the mafia family. However, it didn't stop her grandmother and her big brother from talking to her. Elona for the first time felt the feeling of love. Although she's still quiet, Elona realizes the value of family. Sensitive about people commenting about her eyes, Elona began to wear a eyepatch which she hopes to decrease the attention. She also began to take Chinese martial arts from her grandma and it became a hobby of hers. As years past, Elona's father and grandma died and she only have her big brother. Not wanting to lose another family member, she vowed to protect Dani.

Extra (fears, likes, dislikes, weaknesses, etc): Mushrooms. If she sees even a tiny mushroom, she'll freak out and goes haywire. Elona hates people who doesn't value their friend(s) or family.

Likes: Elona likes teddy bears. Rumors has it that her room is filled with teddy bears all shape and sizes.



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Name: Dante Yoshida

Gender: Male

Age: 18

Nationality: 1/2 Japanese, 1/2 Italian

Hetero/Homo/Bi: Bisexual



Personality: Often remains calm and chill, Dante is the type of person who stays in the background and laughs along while hanging out together. Not necessarily saying that he's the quiet type, he's just more of a listener than a speaker, then stating his own opinions once in a while. He will chat, will joke, but more when he's with a smaller group of people. If one really wants to get to know about him, he/she will find that he's tricky and sly, even sneaky. He seems to have a lot of secrets, but difficult to know what. Yet, he seems to have the ability to get whatever secrets one has out of his/her mouth, therefore many people who knows about him often considers him as dangerous to talk to. He can be mischievous, naughty, and teasing as well, especially to people he's interested in. This is his atitude to most people in the Rosa family.

Dante lets himself stay cool and lighthearted, his light smile rarely fades from his face, even when he killed someone. To be more accurate, he's a bit sadistic, and likes to trick people into their deaths. And, he's proud of it, confident in his tricking skills, and because he sometimes can't stand Rosa's boss's gentle and soft nature, he believes Rosa needs someone like him.

Only to people he's really close to, someone he truly values as important, will he ever really open his heart up. As much as he believes himself to be heartless and merciless, with his self-known sadistic side, he could still feel guilty and could not watch someone being tortured to death.

However, do note that he turns into a completely different type of person if you ever try to force him to wake up in the morning, or while he's sleeping.

Weapon of choice: He uses knives as weapons, sometimes taggers. But those are just for defending himself. Most of the time he uses poison, because his role in mafia rarely involves open battle. He also considers his feminine, attractive face as a tool.

Rosa, Spinal, or Appasito: Rosa

Status in family (regular member, high ranking, low ranking, newbie, etc): High-Ranking Spy

Bio: (Here comes a quite long bio.)

Dante is born when a Japanese man had a one night pleasure with a beautiful woman in Italy, while thinking of having a drink in the bar. The woman gave birth to Dante in the exact same bar his parents had sex in. He was born having black hair and quite the charming face.

Although Dante's birth is an accident, his father felt he should hold responsibility for the birth. Even though the woman did not really want to, he persuaded her into taking care of Dante together.

It wasn't until Dante reached nine years old that the truths were revealed. The reason the woman was unwilling to take care of Dante was because she was in fact a Spinal family member's wife, and the new that she was cheating on his husband was soon found out by the member. Enraged, he threatened to kill Dante's father if the woman did not return to him. The woman rejected, and Dante saw his father being shot to death right in front of his eyes. It was soon followed by the woman's death, and the member's own committed suicide. Who would've thought love could drive people this crazy?

After Dante was left alone, he grew up under the care of the bartender, and finally learned that his mother's cheating was the cause of his family's death. Due to Spinal's strong sense in loyalty, Dante was also looked down and hated by many Spinal family members who knew about him. For a period of time, he was threatened and almost killed. The fact that his birth was accidental and he has barely gotten any parental love also caused much sneering. Unable to bear with the stress, he left the town for a few years and went to live somewhere else. In the new town he moved into, he began by sleeping on the streets. Soon, he learned tricks, he learned how to use his attractive looks to get what he wants. He lied, he lured, and using all sorts of sly ways, he developed himself into quite the person.

Finally, he moved back into his old town. By that time, he had committed several murders, and tricked many people. He has dyed his hair blond, his face grew enough to be not really recognizable by the old town members. After one time speaking with a Rosa member in a bar, he decided to join as a spy, and was proven to be a member with potentials.

How you joined the family: Decided to join

Extra: Loves ice-cream, only ice-cream, he accepts only the sweetness from ice cream and hates anything else related to sugar. Is a completely different person when wanting to sleep.
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SilverBlack said:
He also wonders why Rosa and Appassito's bosses look so young. It makes him feel old, and he does not like it.
Apparently the other two families found the fountain of youth and aren't sharing it with us.
1scariot said:
Apparently the other two families found the fountain of youth and aren't sharing it with us.
LOL, I know right. It's okay, we have our own types of youth. =w=

I am a greedy person, therefore I'm making a third character. (Reaching the limits of character-making numbers.)

The roleplay will start once I put this character up. I'll go type the intro. Hopefully more people will join while we roleplay.

I am a person without patience, I don't like waiting. People can join whenever they want. 
Name: Renatta Dioleza

Gender: Female

Age: 20

Nationality: Italian



Personality: Renatta is the type of woman who doesn't really care about anything. She prefers silence and peace, but when it times to kill, it's time to kill. She doesn't care about the mafia families' pasts of whatever, she sees only what she should do as important. Follow orders, finish missions, that's it. She's also quite lazy, therefore resulting in quite a stubborn personality.

Renatta goes "whatever" whenever she messes something up. She doesn't like to think about complicated stuffs. As long as what she messed up is light and easily dealt with, she doesn't give a damn. She's the type of woman who chats with you just to kill time, and forget about everything you talked about the next day. She sucks most at names.

You're able to know that you have grown closer to her by how much she remembers about you.

She also doesn't have much womanliness, and doesn't care about her own health as she smokes.

Despite her carelessness, she has her own system of beliefs. As much as she can be one of the most loyal member of the family now for following all orders, one day she may suddenly walk away. She believes she makes her own decisions, and not what somebody else wants her to do. She has own her way of expression care, love, and concern. She believes she chooses her own way of dying and how to live. She belongs only to herself, and does not intend anybody else to control her life.

Weapon of choice: Guns, but many times also whips.

Rosa, Spinal, or Appassito: Appassito

Status in family (regular member, high ranking, low ranking, newbie, etc): Middle-ranking killer

Bio: Renatta is abandoned as a baby in front of a slave-owner's house. Thus, she grew up as a potential slave, only to be sold away later. Although all the families she had ever been in never treated her too badly, it's obvious that she was only thought about as a tool for gaining money. They never truly cared about her, and for this same reason, she didn't care as well.

She thought her life may as well be controlled by somebody else, since she didn't find a reason for herself to live. It wasn't until she was serving beer to an old man one day in a bar that he pointed out how pathetic she was, not even trying to figure out her own life, simply letting herself be a tool. The old man talked to her about all kinds of things, all the places he had traveled, how he did not let anybody control his future, how he would die the way he wanted. He pointed out that she was just lonely, and trying to avoid the loneliness by pretending not to care, thinking she is needed by other people, even as a tool. Altough Renatta thought of this old man as a weird dude, his words inspired her. She thus decided to write her own future, and follow the old man's beliefs of how a person shall live his/her life. When she was invited to join the Appassito family due to her potential in aiming, she decided to join. She wanted to figure out, through this and that, through different experiences, what she should really do with her life. She belongs to nobody except herself.

How you joined the family : Invited and accepted.

Extra (fears, likes, dislikes, weaknesses, etc): She has bad hearing and bad memories. Forget things easily. She also loves the color black, and she likes dogs. Do note that her room is extremely messy.
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Sorry for this late entry~

Name: Delia Sparaco

Gender: Female

Age: 22

Nationality: Italian


Personality: Delia is a caring, diligent and helpful lady, and her personality, along with her attractive face, has earned her quite a few admirers. However, she also has a devious side to her, and she enjoys teasing other people from time to time.

Weapon of choice: Daggers

Rosa, Spinal, or Appassito: Appassito

Status in family (regular member, high ranking, low ranking, newbie, etc): Right-hand woman of boss

Bio: Delia was born into a wealthy (non-mafia) family in Italy. For most of her childhood, she spent her time learning about fine arts, which she found terribly boring. One day, when she was twelve, she happened to meet a young boy around her age who told her proudly that she was in a mafia family. Delia laughed it off and thought he was just trying to impress her (which he was). As time went on, they became close friends, and the boy offered to teach her how to fight as a way to vent out her frustration of always being stuck learning and studying. Before long, they found that she was a genius in dealing with daggers. Ever since then, Delia would sneak out more and more often to meet up with the boy to spend time with him and train with him.

When Delia turned seventeen, she sneaked out once again to meet up with the young man. By now, she has learned and believed that he was truly a mafia member, but even then, they did not grow apart. In fact, they grew even closer, and their friendship turned into mutual love. That night, however, when she returned to her house, she found everyone dead. Shocked and terrified, she ran back to where she and the young man were together just an hour ago, and found her dearest friend and lover laying dead on the ground with a pool of blood gathering beneath him. All Delia could do was drop to her knees and sob.

Just a couple of minutes later, a man approached her and told her that he was another member of the Appassito, and that her family was killed by a small mafia family due to her relationships with the young man, and that he died while trying to prevent them from getting to her house. Learning this, Delia became enraged, and asked to join the Appassito so she could someday avenge her loved ones.

Extra (fears, likes, dislikes, weaknesses, etc): Delia despises asparagus to no end, and she could simply just rip someone's face if they gave some to her. Aside from that, she enjoys parfait and coffee. She also likes her boss (in a friendly way), and is absolutely loyal to him.
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Name: Silvia Spinal

Gender: Female

Age: Unknown (she grew up in the forest, hence her name and check bio down there -- v) but looks like a 15-year-old

Nationality: Italian



Personality: Used to be a cheerful girl but that side is now locked inside her heart. Cool and mature, she emits an aura that makes her hard to approach. Can someone possibly melt this girl's ice cold heart and bring the shivering girl underneath back into the sun?

Weapon of choice: Archery and daggers (also quite good with a short sword but prefers the other two)

Rosa, Spinal, or Appassito: Spinal

Status in family: Daughter of a person close to the boss (who died, long story?)

Bio: The earliest memory she has is of her mother's tears and whispers of the words "I'm sorry", and finally, the dark sounds of the forest. Silvia grew up raised by a man who happened to find her abandoned and the animals of the forest (hence her name). She always called the man "Papa" and he was her whole world. They lived in the forest everyday with the animals and life was simple but full of happiness. That is, until the war began. Forced to flee the forest, the man takes Silvia to the boss of the Spinal family. Before they reach the boss however, they were ambushed and the man dies, but not before he tells her everything. Of who she was, of her parents, of her family, of the reason she was abandoned, and of who he was, her father's older brother (uncle, basically). After grieving for three days and three nights, Silvia wipes away her tears and seals her heart. Her journey to the Spinal headquarters continues... alone...

How you joined the family: Not yet joined

Extra: Dislike boss of Spinal family (but eventually learns to treat him like a normal human being) , fears her past.  
I'm new to RPing in general so I'll be really slow. I hope I don't drag you guys down >o<
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Just so that anyone who still wants to sign up knows, we are still accepting character sign-up until further notice.
Name: Aeri Rosevier

Gender: Female

Age: 20

Nationality: Half Italian, half American



Personality: She is partially sadistic, preferring to make enemies suffer before she gives them the killing blow. She is kind to those she considers as allies but cold to her enemies. She doesn't like too much responsibilities that's why she kept herself as a regular ranking member. She smiles often and is usually happy being with members of Rosa, if she is not in a fight with them. She likes kids except she isn't good with handling them. She is weary to strangers, not trusting them so easily. She'd rather not give too much information, preferring to make the person answer his/her own question.

Weapon of choice: A customized hand gun [see picture] but she's rather be a sniper, if given a choice.

Rosa, Spinal, or Appassito: Rosa

Status in family (regular member, high ranking, low ranking, newbie, etc): Regular member

Bio: The first several years of her life were spent in America. Her mother was an american while her father was Italian. Her father was lying low in America at that time. Tragedy had fallen onto their family when her mother died in an accident.. or at least that was what they believe. They never knew that the rival famiglia, Spinal, had actually organized that accident, mistaking the driver for her father. After her father has stopped mourning, he brought Aeri back with him to Italy, and there she lived with him. She usually was left alone, since her father was always gone doing duty. That was when she learned how to be independent. Tired of what she was experiencing, she decided to join the famiglia where her father worked for. Her father finally started noticing her again and he taught her the ways of the mafia life.

How you joined the family: Her father was part of the famiglia

Extra (fears, likes, dislikes, weaknesses, etc): She is a nature lover. She is not good with kids. She is afraid of dying, that's why she'd rather not be on the front lines. She likes allies and friends since she didn't really have much chance to gain them in her life. She hates people from Spinal, since that was what her father taught her.
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Name: Felix Martel

Gender: Male.

Age: 17.

Nationality: French.



Personality: Felix is somewhat of a rough draft. He isn't friendly and is like a wild dog who would bite you if you come too close. He usually flings insults left and right without a care of the world, unless he is in front of higher ups. If he is, he will usually be more tight lipped and will grudgingly agree their words, unless it strays from his ideals. He has great respect and loyalty for the boss and is shy in front of women, being in their company less than rarely. He is violent but bright, picking up instantly on social cues and body language. He is inflexible in his methods and requires a very strong argument in order to bend it. He would rather train than play. Because of that kind of touch-me-and-I-kill-you personality, he doesn't have many friends and is rather lonely. If he plays, he plays with animals, listen to music calmly or read things that can enrich his brain. Don't make fun of his french accent. Just don't. He knows, however, when he is defeated and runs away swiftly.

Weapon of choice: A long sword, baseball bat, guns, knives.

Rosa, Spinal, or Appassito: Appassito.

Status in family (regular member, high ranking, low ranking, newbie, etc): Regular member, although he aims to become a high ranking one.

Bio: It's a story that happens to some members of mafia clans; Their parents are in the mafia, a child gets born into it and they get trained to become foot soldiers of the clan. But his is a bit different. First, his parents were not in the mafia. They were normal people, living in France. Second, his uncle wasn't. He was his father's half brother. But because of a vendetta, caused by his uncle killing one of the agents of another family, they targeted his parents. They died months after he was born. His uncle, however, managed to save him before they could get to him. Alas, he spent his life under the eye of the mafia, training constantly and learning without breaking a sweat. Of course, he had to do something to shine in that society. He didn't want to become a faceless man who would die at a single word. So, he waited. When the right opportunity shone, he grabbed it and did not fail at his task. For now, he is one of the fastest ranking in the family and he doesn't want it to stop there...

How you joined the family : Related to another member.

Extra (fears, likes, dislikes, weaknesses, etc):

Likes: Animals, coffee, training, weapons, The Boss, his uncle, his friends.

Dislikes: People in general, being teased, being looked down on.
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