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Thorn's Bucket O' Interest Checks

What should I run

  • Innocence Lost

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Project: Ouroborous

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Hidden Worlds Online

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Never Surrender, Never Die!!!

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • The City by the Spire

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Unmei no Kaze

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters

Thorn Darkblade

I know lots of things. Lots of things...
So, I have about 300millionkajillionbazillion ideas for games floating in my head.

However, I'm a metalsmith major, which requires a lot of time. I also pay my way through school, which requires my continued employment, which also, sadly, requires time. Thus, I can't run them all. Therefore, I'm gonna post a few stuff, and let you, yes YOU, vote on what I run. It's like a choose-your-own-adventure book, except the result is death no matter what.

Death? I mean happy fun games! Everyone loves games! Anyways, I'll give a brief description of the stuff I'm willing to run:

Innocence Lost

Ladybug, ladybug,

Fly away home,

Your house is on fire,

And your children gone...

A strange place exists, seen in the corners of childrens' eyes, and sometimes that of a very few adults. The bogeyman under the bed, the sprites dancing in the moonlight, Lewis's Narnia, Carroll's Wonderland. These are glimpses of a world beyond our own, a mystical place, both magical and terrifying at once. Most are fortunate enough to only glance at it, and walk away with some small inspiration or terror.

You, however, are not so fortunate. You've found your way into this beautiful nightmare, and can't get back. You're not alone though. There are other unfortunate souls with you, and, maybe, together, there's a way out.

Ruleset(s): New World of Darkness, World of Darkness: Innocents, Changeling: The Lost

Special Rules: Characters will all be 14 years or younger, preferably in the 9-12 range. Combat skills will be HEAVILY restricted.

Themes: Beauty in terror, Lost innocence

Inspirations: It, The Goonies, Narnia, Alice in Wonderland, Grimm's Fairy Tales

Project: Ouroborous

Monsters exist. The government knows it, but the average person does not. You're not an average person though. You're one of the monsters. But, you've got a leash. Part of a secret government task force within a task force, you, and your 'companions', are a weapon to be unleashed on other creatures of the night.

Take care, though. One wrong step, and you can be considered more dangerous than the beasts you hunt. After all, you're an expendable tool.

Ruleset(s): New World of Darkness, inc. Vampire, Werewolf, Mage, Promethean, Changeling, Geist, and Hunter. Possible God Machine conversion

Special Rules: Characters will be randomly assigned their choice of 2 supernatural types to choose from. Hunters are not part of the task force, but instead a monitoring operative from Task Force: Valkyrie

Themes: Fighting fire with fire

Inspirations: Hellboy, X Files

Hidden Worlds Online

With the advent of immersive 3D gaming devices such as the Oculus Rift and other devices, it was only a matter of time before they were improved. The newest MMO, Hidden Worlds Online, has taken advantage of this, with much success. Currently, there are over 17 million accounts, and it only seems to be growing.

Recently, however, there's been rumors the game contains references of an occult nature. The mysterious death of the creator has been ruled as suicide, and rumors of players of the game going mad have been declared to be indeed just rumors. Still, something else may be hidden in Hidden Worlds Online...

Ruleset(s): New World of Darkness (Offline), D&D 4th Edition (Online)

Special Rules: The MMO portion will be heavily modified to fit into an MMO style theme

Themes: Technological horor

Inspirations: SAO, .hack, Log Horizon, World of Warcraft/other MMOs

Never Surrender, Never Die!!!

My sincerest apologies, but, on careful thought and review, this one is going to be banked for a later date, for the release of Exalted 3rd Edition. Due to its incredible popularity in the polls though, I most likely -will- run it at some point though!!!!!

The City by the Spire

In the world of Praemal, on the continent of Palastan, lies a port city by the name of Ptolus. The site of two ancient wars, the home to lost ruins and ancient secrets, and a hive of demons, devils, crime lords, angels and dragons, and weirder things still, it has become home to a new breed of individuals: 'adventurers'.

Whether a native, or a visitor, you've decided to take up a sword (or spellbook) and make your life as an adventurer in this city where anything can happen

Ruleset(s): D&D 3.5, Ptolus- City by the Spire

Special Rules: Core 3 books and Ptolus only. 3.5 can get reaaaaally out of hand with other d20 supplements

Themes: Adventure!!!

Inspirations: The massive $120 book I own

Unmei no Kaze

Rokugan is no place for those without a lord. Ronin, or wave men, are disdained by the Emerald Empire as a whole. Masterless men, but still technically samurai, their birth demands respect that is not available to them. Many end up becoming bandits simply to survive, others become sell swords. Most simply die.

You are one of these unfortunate individuals, a ronin, perhaps from a clan, perhaps never born into one. You're facing the day of your own execution accused for a crime you may or may not have committed. Should you manage to survive this, fate has more in store for you. Only the strongest can survive the storm

Ruleset(s): Legend of the Five Rings, 4th Edition

Special Rules: This game will be 'hard mode'. L5R at its core is incredibly hard to begin with, and, as a GM, I will not be pulling any punches. It is possible to die in the opening encounter, and saying the wrong thing can end up with you at a swordpoint with no chance to backpedal. If that doesn't scare you off, it will be an intense, but fun, game.

Themes: Honor in the face of adversity

Inspirations: Samurai Champloo, 7 Samurai

I'm also willing to dig out pretty much anything that I have rules for. I've got most of new and old world of darkness, Dark Heresy, D&D 5h ed, Scion...well, the list is kinda long. I have a lot. I even have rare stuff like the 80's spy rpg Top Secret. But, if there's something else that interests you, mention it, and I'll see if I have it.
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Most of these look amazing, I shudder to think of the darlings killed in the making of this list.

Project: Ouroborous; Never Surrender, Never Die! and Unmei no Kaze are the ones that catch my attention the most, though. I've wanted to play L5R for so long. I'm a bit intimidated by the lethality, but I shall have to endure, survive and prosper as much as it is possible for one lost without a lord to serve.
Esbilon said:
Most of these look amazing, I shudder to think of the darlings killed in the making of this list.
Custom Fallout RPG didn't make the cut, mostly cause I'm not done with the rules. A Bioshock inspired Exalted game. A time traveling L5R game. A standard D&D 5th ed game. Single type WoD games, both new and old. A Scion game set in the American Dying West. Just a taste of what didn't make the cut, :P
[QUOTE="Thorn Darkblade]A Scion game set in the American Dying West.

I'm not sure what I was supposed to envision, but what I did was Scion meets Deadlands.
Not too far from what I had in mind. I was gonna have descendants of European gods facing off against that of natives, and a Titan in the mix.
I would pick something off the wall, such as the Son of Paul Bunyan, who thinks all three sides are stuck in the past.
I'd be game for Umei No Kaze, or Never Surrender, Never Die.

Or the DND one, for that matter- any of those three, I'd be more than happy to toss my hat in on.

I'd be most interested in Gurren Lagan Exalted though, wont lie.
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SephirothSage said:
I'd be game for Umei No Kaze, or Never Surrender, Never Die.
Or the DND one, for that matter- any of those three, I'd be more than happy to toss my hat in on.

I'd be most interested in Gurren Lagan Exalted though, wont lie.
Same... I want to build an Alchemical.
I might be betraying everyone who answered my poll...the more I think about it, the more I wanna wait on Never Surrender until 3rd Edition Exalted comes out...
As someone who voted for it and was looking forward to playing that game, I feel that might be for the best.

Looks like that just leaves Project Ouroboros and Innocence Lost as the lead. I'm not too interested in the latter, though.
vinom said:
I fear you'll need a lot of splat on top of just the 3rd edition core book.
Possibly. Although, for the most part, it was going to be primarily Solars, with only a small offering of other bits. Almost pure custom work.
JayTee said:
I'd rather have one splat and (presumably) good rules than many splats and bad rules, personally.
I never saw much in the ways of bad rules in 2.5 to be honest.
vinom said:
I never saw much in the ways of bad rules in 2.5 to be honest.
You haven't play nearly enough then. 2.5 was amazing, don't get me wrong, but it was also horribly, horribly broken.
I too have the leak and have heard good things about using it as the basis for a game. I haven't tried doing it myself, though.
Gonna wait on that a bit til the official release so I can throw money at them, although I personally wouldn't mind peeking.

For now though, poll goes on, just ignoring votes for that. You other folks can change votes if ya want.

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