This is Your Darkside(Sign up and Occ plot discussion)

Would you rather be light or dark?

  • light!

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Dark!

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Potato........

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
I was disappointed when the thread died. I would like to start this up again. Last time, things just got off track. People just started posting about fantasies and crushes, rather than the topic of Darksides.
Fine lets restart it Then lol. I want to make sure people actually understand the darksides though, so I am going to rewrite some stuff.
That's a good question. Should we just continue from what we have or should we just start from scratch?
I think starting from scratch would be best. 
But, here is the next question. Should I give the darksides supernatural powers, or not. I am not saying anything to big, but small stuff like some form of telekinesis and other low key powers.
Goodbye secret base and England Cam, you will be missed. 
Giving the Darksides powers would be interesting, as long as the Lightsides get them too and they're not all Dragon Ball Z super powers. Also, I think only the stronger Darksides/Lightsides should have powers and should get them when they realize their existence.
Lol You still can join I am just gonna remake the thread. 
Si, I shall work on this tonight and It will be freshly posted and started back up bye tomorrow, saturday.
Name: Alex Cane

Age: 19

Gender: Female

Personality: Caring, considerate.. The type of person who would run into a building to save someone, or something. Happy, friendly all the things a normal person should be..

History: Graduated high school, then moved away wanting to try something new.. Moved back and now lives with her family again

Darkside/lightside: Light side

Other half: Night Shade


Name: The name I gave myself was Night Shade..

Age: 19

Gender: Female

Personality: I'm the type of person who would set fires to peoples houses just to see what it'd be like.. Cruel, cold, the type who has fun beating people up..

History: I split from Alex not to long ago, It was after she moved back to her parents house.

Darkside/lightside: Dark

Other half: Alex Cane



Insanity is a dark shaded rainbow (almost forgot that lol)

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