This is Your Darkside(Sign up and Occ plot discussion)

Would you rather be light or dark?

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Lovable Dark-side

I might be a scarf. Who knows?
<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_07/Roses.jpg.17d9215bdb2af8410cdd4ef46023b5b5.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="3032" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_07/Roses.jpg.17d9215bdb2af8410cdd4ef46023b5b5.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> Who is your darkside? [media]

Good or Evil,Friend or Foe.We all have different sides to us.Dark and twisted or sweet as sugar.We see two realities ahead of us each wanting a different one.Our bodies hosting two opposite souls.Most people don't even know of the existence of this other part of themselves,but at moments there are times when the other half does take control.You know those moments of strange anger,hatred,insanity,or even kindness?The moments when you act so differently from your self and can't understand why you are like this.These are the times when they take control and you are living through their eyes as they have done for most of your life time.Now something is happening and know one knows why,but these dark sides are being born outside of their other halves body(One second they not there the next they are).They have been giving their own bodies,yet they still crave something...Revenge for all the years of being pushed down and suppressed.Now they want to do the same to you,but they won't kill you no.Death would just be too easy and freeing no they want you to live what was once their fate.The slavery they lived through for years... has finally ended and now it's their turn to rule for awhile...So I say welcome to Your Dark side*Chuckles*I hope you enjoy your time here.

What is a darkside? (close)

Everyone in the world are born with one body and two souls.These souls are the exact oppisite of each other,but are forced to grow with in one body,seeing through the same eyes,but not feeling the same way.They see diffrent paths,but can only follow one.The stronger soul will automatcly force the other soul down and will not even actknowloge its presence.That is why most people don't know of this other.This soul is Calls the light side and controls the body.It is almost always in definition good.While the other soul is pushed down and hide deep underthenth the counciousness of the light soul and is called the darkside.It grows up gaining all the hatred,spite and instanty that the light side couldn't take.So this darkside is evil.Most of the time the darkside is never in control of the body,yet there are times when the light side slips and the darkside controls it form a couple of moments at most.Okay.In this Rp though the darksides have some how eascaped the host body the light and dark shared together and now have there own body,that is the same age as their light inity.They share most of the same merories and yes have the same past.


  1. All Rp nations rules apply.Except I think this might be older than pg13.(oh,well*Lets out a deep chuckle*)
  2. You must post at least one paragraph
  3. No one liners I know we all gets writers block,but try to post 3 sentences at least if you can't make a paragraph.
  4. No outside Drama keep it in PM and far away from the Rp.
  5. Please don't let this Rp die.
  6. Be creative that an order.Keep your characters unique.I want this to be interesting not a bore.So feel free to twist the plot into knots.
  7. Okay I know everyone is going to want to play a dark side,but please remember we need some good sides to.If I get twenty Evil sides and no good I will slap you all.
  8. Okay you may play your own other half,but if you want others may also play it for you.
  9. Write (Insanity is a dark shaded rainbow) in your sign up if you read the rules.You will not be accepted if you don't.I mean it!!!!!!
  10. Also please try to stay active like at least one post a day.I know The alerts might get troublesome,so if that happens tell me and if you are going to be offline for a certain amount of time please bring this to my attention.








Other half:


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_07/Roses.jpg.52b1322c3061f4cc68497a5d567b8782.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="3033" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_07/Roses.jpg.52b1322c3061f4cc68497a5d567b8782.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Name:Roxas L. Key



Personality:Roxas is friendly,hyper and a prankster to the core.She is like a firecracker just bursting with energy that she doesn't know what to do with.She loves to play pranks on everyone she meets,but wouldn't do anything to seriously hurt you.She is also very laid back and doesn't take anything seriously.

History:Roxas grew up with a mother who was barely around,because of work and a drunk father would would abuse just for laughs he could get out if,and no matter how much she wanted to run away she stayed because she was afraid he would go after her mother.Well one day he started to take it to far sure he had beaten her before,but never this bad he just wasn't stopping and with every hit of the bottle and kick to the face it was getting harder to hold onto life.She blacked out the next thing she remembers is her hand on a broken whisky bottle laying next to her father's corpse.His throat silt with pieces of broken glass around him.


Other half:Aya

(Also people please ask before you make people your other half forgot to post that in the rules)<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_07/rock.jpg.76d948dfa29df1fad2c06276959f3572.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="3041" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_07/rock.jpg.76d948dfa29df1fad2c06276959f3572.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p><p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_07/sax.jpg.4a9c4e6d699e49231327cbb1a5d564a2.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="3042" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_07/sax.jpg.4a9c4e6d699e49231327cbb1a5d564a2.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Name: Sena Woods

Age: 17

Gender: Female

Personality: Sena is a clumsy and forgetful girl. She is smart academically, but only in certain subjects. She always tries her best and is liked by a lot of people. Although Sena has many faults, she is very kind and friendly, resulting in a lot of people liking her. She is very good musically, actually is a relatively famous singer and guitarist in her area. She is always having to deal with paparazzi, but she does it with a smile on her face, the way she does most of her other things.

History: Sena has always enjoyed singing since she was very young. Her voice is very soothing to listen to, but at the same time she can stretch it for upbeat songs. Her parents root her on from afar, and she enjoys her life, liking to help everyone who wants or needs it.

Darkside/lightside: Lightside

Other half: OPEN [please some one be her dark side C:


Name: Aya

Age: 14

Gender: Male

Personality: Aya is the type of person who spreads rumors for his own amusement. In fact, Aya's favorite hobby is spreading rumors to create drama, and betrayal, "Just like in the movies." Aya likes to compare real life to books and movies, and how he isn't doing anything bad, he is only writing and being creative. Aya has a collection of toys, new and old, mostly made up of stuffed animals. His favorite is a pink rabbit doll, and if people make fun of him for it, he will threaten to kill them, before and after a lecture of why he can do whatever the hell he wants. He refers to himself as the author and the main character, and sometimes decides, "roles," based off of others' appearances, but he will, "demote," them in the middle of his story.

History: Aya grew up without parents, and he was okay with that. He grew up that way, so it was alright? His father was always working and his mother got sick one day, forgetting everything after her marriage to Aya's father, including Aya. Aya was told to stay away from her, and she lived on the other side of the family's large house. He usually spent his days watching TV and reading, especially a series called, "The Dark Hero." He still has all of his childhood video games, costumes, books and DVDs from when he was obsessed with the series.

Darkside/lightside: Darkside

Other half: Roxas L. Key

Insanity is a dark shaded rainbow

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Crap messed up I just wanted to to delete my dark side character so someone else could be my darkside and I freakin jacked up.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_07/rock.jpg.9db2226192553ba435749bb046568541.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="3043" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_07/rock.jpg.9db2226192553ba435749bb046568541.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> so this is roxas and she is up for grabs people



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Ene Kagerou lol I might have messed up or didn't get a few things clear sorry,but Dark sides have the same physical age as the person they came from and aren't born as the same way normal people are.They just kinda get released from there lights side body,because they are the other half of the lights side soul understand sorry I should have explained this 
And no she is still Light. I just had to delete something
I think I fixed it .-. lol It's fine you did a good job to catch my interest, and I'm really busy lately, though I see a lot of possibilities in this rp so I HAD to join! I can't wait...
lol Funny I made this rp in 15 minutes and was rushed. Lol the idea just kinda popped into my head after seeing Hetilia 2p.
thank you 
Well my friends I must leave you I shall return tomorrow and set up the rp thread if we have enought people.
Name: Celia Hart

Age: 19

Gender: Female

Personality: A calm and collected young adult. She thinks things over and over before she acts no matter how aggravating or frustrating they may seem. Celia acts very tough on the outside to keep up her cool appearance, even though she is fragile on the inside. But of course, sometimes you'll see her "dark side" seep through at times: acting on impulse, violent, hotheaded.

History: Celia lived most of her childhood without parents. She had parents, but they were too busy fighting to bother paying attention to her, let alone raise her. Her mother was always working to support the family so she rarely saw her. Her father worked too but when he was home, he watched T.V. and drank alcohol all day. The man would get so drunk that he'd beat Celia and lock her in the basement, and she'd sometimes get beaten by her mother when she got home as well. After two months, she left home one cold night, coming to the conclusion that she was not loved by anyone. She learned to not show weakness in public by hiding her pain with her cool exterior.

Darkside/lightside: Light

Other half: Riviani

Appearance: Celia (on the right)


(Insanity is a dark shaded rainbow)
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Name: Gwendolyn Reid

Age: 18

Gender: Female

Personality: Gwendolyn is a selfless girl as she tries to make tomorrow better than today. She usually has a smile on her face and is kind and respectful to others. Gwendolyn may be a bit stubborn when regarding an argument especially if it references her beliefs/ morals. Because of this attitude she's known for 'sticking her nose in other peoples business' to help them whenever she can.

History: She lives in a somewhat decent neighbor hood where she walks to school. Being an albino makes her a target for teasing and verbal abuse. Gwendolyn merely shrugged at them and refused to pay attention to them. It was one day that when she was walking back home from school, she was pulled into an alleyway to see her classmate. Her classmate was furious at her for standing in his way from getting his crush, as Gwendolyn told her that he wasn't very trust worth or worth her time based on his attitude. Gwendolyn merely shouted at him to release her and that it wasn't her fault that he was a jerk. In a flurry of rage he began to beat her before pulling a knife out of his pocket. When she awoke Gwendolyn saw that she was in the hospital, her arms, chest and the left side of her head were wrapped in bandages.

Darkside/lightside: Light side

Other half: Is up for grabs

Appearance: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_07/image.jpg.fe6021d556664e135824666f571efb12.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="3045" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_07/image.jpg.fe6021d556664e135824666f571efb12.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Insanity is a dark shaded rainbow



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Ahhh I had planned on doing this around Halloween Time, but I guess I can wait. This is a really good idea, and I would like to be a part, and I would to say something dark this way comes.
Name: Lumen Candibras

Age: 15

History: Lumen grew up in an impoverished neighborhood, with parents struggling to make ends meet. Although they were going through hard times, the family of three managed to keep their spirits bright and maintain happiness. His father took a non-profit job as a priest and had considered quitting to keep his family afloat, but Lumen and his mother encouraged him to continue, since they knew he loved the job and they all had strong religious faith. One day, they went to the location of another church that promised help in their tough times. However, the church had actually been a cult, hoping to lure in Lumen. At the age of five, Lumen was separated from his parents and that was the last he ever saw of them. He was subjected to horrible rituals and was barely kept alive. He had been broken down to the point where he begged to be killed every day for the next eight years. On one specific day, his shackles hadn't been properly fastened and he was able to escape. However, he didn't leave at that moment. Next to his holding area, were a variety of sharp tools. He was unable to control himself as he inched closer to the blades. The last thing he could recall was a crazed grin and waking up to corpses. He currently roams the world to stop his other half.

Personality: Lumen is a very kind person and puts others before himself. After growing up in a very religious home, he has a very strong relationship with God. He has a witty sense of humor and uses it when possible. He is a pacifist and avoids violence when possible. He takes things very seriously and has a strong sense of justice. He sometimes finds himself slipping back into his old memories, but brings himself out of it after a brief mental struggle.

Darkside/Lightside: Light

Other Half: Dementicus Islum (Work in progress)

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_07/image.jpg.e1c1863639255cecf3807e76ab3168f8.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="3054" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_07/image.jpg.e1c1863639255cecf3807e76ab3168f8.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

(Insanity is a dark shaded rainbow)



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(Making one 2mm) 
Name:Solar Star



Personality:Solar is a bubbly fun loving happy go lucky person he loves to cook sing dance watch anime hang out with friends and have sex

History:Solar comes from a wealthy family,his parents constantly forced him to do things he didn't like,and it caused him to create an alter ego to defend himself he hates being told what to do it is one of his triggers that brings out the blood thirsty Lunar


Other half:Lunar




(Insanity Is a Dark Shaded Rainbow)
[QUOTE="Haru-chi]Name: Celia Hart
Age: 19

Gender: Female

Personality: A calm and collected young adult. She thinks things over and over before she acts no matter how aggravating or frustrating they may seem. Celia acts very tough on the outside to keep up her cool appearance, even though she is fragile on the inside. But of course, sometimes you'll see her "dark side" seep through at times: acting on impulse, violent, hotheaded.

History: (I'm leaving my history vague for a reason :D The rest will be revealed during rp o:) Celia was born under a wealthy family as an only child. As she grew up, she became tired of having things just handed to her. She wanted to become independent and therefore left her house to live on her own and support herself. Her parents were always too busy for her and didn't pay attention to her. Even now, they don't bother calling her or see how she's doing on her own. Celia is your everyday hardworking young adult. She is a recent college graduate and works hard to make ends meet.

Darkside/lightside: Light

Other half: Up for grabs

Appearance: Celia (on the right)


(Insanity is a dark shaded rainbow)

Name: Rivani Hart

Age: 19

Gender: Male

Personality: Rivani is child-like and sadistic, but he has a melancholy air about him. He enjoys playing around with people be it physically or emotionally, and does not care for others' wellbeing. His jealousy of Celia has turned into an wild enmity for her, but not so strong that he wishes to kill her.

History: Like Celia, his life was no pretty story. His mother and father weren't really parents to him at all. They fought almost all the time, as they were practically oil and water. They were so deep in their own issues that after Rivani turned 5, they got so heated in their arguments, that they paid little to no attention at all to poor Rivani. They'd even push him aside and go places without him, leaving him home alone on a daily basis. His mother was at work pretty often, and his useless father did work as well, but when he was home, he simply watched movies and drank the day away. The man would get so drunk that he'd beat Rivani and lock him in the basement, and he'd sometimes get beaten by his mother when she got home and the man was too hammered to do jack about all the bottles of beer and vodka he leaves in the living room or defend his son. After two months, he left home one cold night, coming to the conclusion that he was not loved by anyone, even his real parents, whomever they were wanted him dead, he thought. He went from job to job, school to school until he got into the same school Celia attends. What will Rivani do? Will Rivani's suffering and envy towards Celia take root? What may his motives be?

Darkside/lightside: Darkside

Other half: Celia Hart

Appearance: (The boy in the picture)

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Someone else could play your dark side. It kinda makes sense or you'll probably be roleplaying with yourself:P

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