[THIS IS OUR HOME] Ignem Inferni


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Ignem Inferni
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    Name: Ignem Inferni (It means "Hell Fire"

    Age: He's 4 years old

    Species: Elemental

    Pack: Ignemium

    Rank: He's hoping to get Lead Fighter

    Specific Power Set: Incineration. He can set things on fire, burning them to ashes. But not other wolves, of course. The larger objects drain him of his strength though. (Sorry that it's so short, there's really nothing more to describe his power.)

    APPEARANCE Ignem has a dark, crimson coat speckled with specks of brown and black. At the longest point it's 2 1/2 inches long. It's so long and thick that it covers his athletic, muscle layered body. His eyes are probably the feature that sticks out the most. His left eye is a bright crimson orange with fire like markings in his iris and his right eye a spectacular dark sparkling blue. He has jagged scar next to to his left eye on the left side. Some think that's why is left eye is so oddly colored.

    His teeth are a pearly white color, a beautiful contrast to his dark coat. At the longest, they're 2 inches long, nice and pointy too. His claws are also white, but more of like a cream white than pure white. They're about 2 inches long also, and are in perfect pencil like points, even when he was a pup they were like that. His ears remind some of a German shepherd's ears. They have little tufts of fur around them and they have black tips. His tail has puffy fur just like the ruff around his neck & throat.

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Dennied I'm sorry, but this form is unacceptable. No guidelines were followed regarding for form. The appearance calls for 2-4 paragraphs, just for starters. I'm not sure what your definition of a paragraph is, but mine is five to seven well-constructed, thought out sentences. That is not what I see. Personality and History also need quite a bit more beefing up. I called for 2+ paragraphs for personality and 3+ paragraphs for history. I'm going to give you the chance to revise this, but if in the roleplay you will be presenting bare minimum like so, I won't be able to accept you. Please post when you have revised your form and message me if you feel like you're having problems completing the form.
<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_09/upload_2014-9-20_21-8-2.jpeg.a7371dfa66c7cafe98a840a52830ba2e.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="30246" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_09/upload_2014-9-20_21-8-2.jpeg.a7371dfa66c7cafe98a840a52830ba2e.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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