• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Realistic or Modern This is high school? {Always Accepting}


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Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)

Character Sheet

Name (Full)

Age (14-18)



Appearance (Realistic Only)


Biography (Opt)



Sexual Orientation




{No limit on amount of characters you can have
:D }
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Name: Amber Rose

Age: 18

Gender: Female

Grade: Senior

Appearance: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/e988745ae0c95c760b6c9383e2da6650.jpg.a6b5e391ddde132ceaa5b1b58601da01.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="105219" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/e988745ae0c95c760b6c9383e2da6650.jpg.a6b5e391ddde132ceaa5b1b58601da01.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Personality: Serious, Tomboy, Rebellious

Biography : Soon to find out

Likes: Rock Music, Punk clothing, Breaking rules

Dislikes:: Preps, Government, Laws,

Sexual Orientation: Straight

Crush: None

Boyfriend/Girlfriend: None

Other: She smokes pot at times and is a vocalist for a rock band



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Isaac Noble










Isaac is social, jokes around (usually), and academic. He's pretty smart, and is willing to help anyone who asks. He's friendly and pretty confident.


Isaac was born and raised in a somewhat wealthy family --both of his parents are
lawyers. Ever since he was a child, he's strived to achieve his best grades. He started playing basketball in fifth grade with his friends, having done swim before that. When he was in seventh grade, he began playing guitar, but has sung in choir for the credit towards college. He'd like to become a lawyer, like his parents. Isaac doesn't necessarily have anything traumatic in his past, but does stress out way too much. He seriously needs to just chill. He has a younger brother (might create a CS for him, but maybe not).


-Classes (mostly math and science)

-Hanging Out with Friends


-Playing Guitar



-Stressing Out

-Doesn't really care for Writing/English and History. (He stills studies though.)


-Singing By Himself

-Finals, Writing Essays


-Drug-Addicts/People who do drugs/People who don't care for others around them/People who think they're "too cool for school"

Sexual Orientation

Straight. Heterosexual, whatever you want to call it.


None yet




Another Picture of him!


Character Sheet

Name (Full) Kaia (pronounced k-eye-uh) Annabel Hensley

Age (14-18) 17

Gender :Female

Grade: 12th

Appearance (Realistic Only)



Kaia is a very calm person. She is helpful and kind, and really cares about other people. She is an A+ student.

Biography (Opt)

Kaia's parents came to the united states from France. They were always considered upper middle class.

But Kaia was born a few years later in america. Her mother died giving birth to her, so its just her and her father.

Her father is a very nice and loving man. Since he raised her, Kaia is a lot like her father. She is worried about him though, because he is slowly developing Alzheimer's disease. She hates to see her father go this way. He is slowly losing his mind. And he isn't that old either. She hopes that her father will live long enough to see her get married etc. But she wont stop helping people because of her own problems. She doesn't talk about her home problems at school, unless someone specifically asks. She is also very good at singing, but she is kind of shy about it. She only sings when she is alone, or at least thinks she's alone. She likes singing when she's alone. If someone where to hear her, she'd probably be incredibly embarrassed. She is intelligent and loves to study and learn more about things. She can often be found reading classics such as
War and Peace, Pride and Prejudice, and Tom Sawyer. It doesn't matter if she has read it before, she will reread it. Her father was classically trained on the piano by his parents, and before he was diagnosed with Alzheimer's he taught Kaia.


Playing piano.

Singing alone.

Kind people.


The color blue

Helping others


Dislikes :

People mispronouncing her name


Most sweets

People hearing her sing.

Sexual Orientation



No one yet.


None yet (pm me about it)


She always wears her mothers wedding ring, but on her right pointer finger.
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Character Sheet

Name : Luke Stanley Smith, No one calls him by his first name for some odd reason. Everyone just calls him Stan.

Age (14-18): 18

Gender: Male.


Personality: Stanley is crazy and wild. He'll do crazy and stupid stuff for no reason. He lives for the thrill of trying new stuff, no matter what the outcome is. The phrase 'a rebel without a cause' applies to him. He doesn't believe in authority figures. He believes only he can choose what he can and can't do. He is very careless about stuff. He doesn't care what happens to him. He has always been like this. Though, he does have another side to him that no one sees. He is still a young boy. Very rarely will you see his

vulnerability. He acts like he doesn't care for anyone. But he can be quite protective over certain people sometimes. Yes, he can be an extreme dickhead. But you can't hate him.


Biography (Opt): Luke never had a typical life. At the age of seven, he was taken away from his family and put into fostercare. His father was a very violent man who had a drinking addiction. Luke's mother did try her best to help Luke and herself, but she lived in fear constantly and never done anything about it. He hasn't seen his mother since he was taken away. Last he heard though, she turned to drugs and she is now is in prison. He wouldn't admit it, but his hatred towards authority and adult figures did come from this. He has been in and out of foster families since the age of seven. But because he is now 18, he lives on his own in an apartment. He doesn't like to admit it but he can get lonely sometimes.

Likes: He likes trying new things. He loves to party. He likes boxing too.

Dislikes: Surprisingly, he hates sluts and girls who throw themselves at guys but that doesn't stop him from having his fun with him. He really hates being told what to do.

Sexual Orientation: Straight

Crush: PM or OC me if interested but he doesn't really do relationships.

Name: Kayden Joseph Brooks

Age: Fourteen

Gender: Male


Personality: Kayden is usually the girl who gets the 'you're like a brother to me' speech whenever he admits to liking a girl. He is probably the sweetest guy you'd ever come across. He isn't really a typical guy who plays sports and stuff, he prefers reading and writing any day. He is a bit clumsy sometimes. He can be a nervous wreck whenever he gets around girls he likes sometimes. He has a habit of letting things slip out of his mouth that he shouldn't. He is very loveable though. He tries his hardest to get along with everyone, but sometimes he has a habit of following the crowd.

Bio: Kayden is an only child. He comes from a very close family. Extremely close. He basically tells his mother everything. He is a mama's boy even if he doesn't want to admit it. His father works a lot though so he rarely sees him. His father is an author and he travels a lot promoting his books. Kayden looks up to him a lot.

Likes: Kayden loves to read and write.

Dislikes: He hates sports. P.E is his nightmare.

Crush: PM or OC me

Name: Ashley Rose White. Everyone calls her Ash.

Age: Sixteen


Personality: Ash is the biggest tom boy you'd know. You'd never see her wearing a dress or heels. She is basically a guy in a girls body. She is very sporty. She lives for playing football matches. She is a very hardworking and determined person. She likes to work for everything she gets. She is extremely competitive. She hates losing. She is very sarcastic sometimes. She is quite good at advice. She is a bit of a big sister figure. She is someone you could have a laugh with.

Bio: Ashley comes from a family of basically all boys. Her mother died whenever she was twelve from a motorcycle accident. She has four brothers. Her father and Ashley used to be extremely close, but after he married his new wife, they began to drift a lot. Ashley takes after her father when it comes to soccer. Her father trained her from a young age to try and be the best. She is four brothers, two younger and two older. She also has two step brothers, one the same age and one younger. Ashley never had a boyfriend. She is usually the bestfriend to every guy. She wouldn't admit it but she secretly always wanted a boyfriend.

Likes: Ashley loves sports.

Dislikes: Ashley doesn't mind people smoking and drinking but she doesn't like it.

Crush: PM or OC me.

Name: Elizabeth Lola Roberts

Age: Seventeen


Personality: You'd assume Elizabeth to be cruel due to the stereotypical label that comes with being a cheerleader but she is actually the nicest person you'll come across. She is extremely caring. She is very naive and innocent though. Elizabeth is a bit on the stupid side, which people tend to take advantage of sometimes. She doesn't realize how much people take advantage of her sometimes. She believes everyone is nice. People tend to not really try to be be friends with her because of her extremely stupid personality, but she is a very good friend to those she is with.

Bio: Elizabeth is adopted. She hasn't any clue about it though. Her mother has been spoiling her since the day she was born. Her mother used to always make her believe that marriage was everything. So, Elizabeth always tried to hardest when it came to impressing boys which lead to a lot of them using her without her even realizing. Elizabeth doesn't act like a snob about her wealth though. She actually tends to give more than she can take with it.

Likes: Elizabeth loves bright colors. She isn't very talented at art but she enjoys looking at paintings and designing.

Dislikes: Elizabeth tries to not hate anything, she likes to give things a chance.

Crush: OC or PM me


The Triplets

Name: Marietta Ann Jock

Age: 18

Gender: Female

Grade: Senior



Out of the three Marietta is the Crazy one, Marietta generally is the most talkative out of her siblings, although she is not as outgoing she really has no problem telling people what she thinks of them. Generally Marietta can be described as a prep or popular girl, and yes she hates being confused for her sister, or being compared to her brother.

Likes: Talking, Being in control, Being with friends and family, coffee, Shopping

Dislikes: School, her siblings(at times), Arguing, being told what to do

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Boyfriend: Open

Crush: PM :)

Name: Marcella Camille Jock

Age: 18

Gender: Female

Grade: Senior



Marcella is the complete opposite of her twin, she is the quiet one she mainly likes to stay by herself, her main focus is doing good in school, although she is not as popular as her brother and sister, she is involved in different things in school. She can also be described as the mature one

Likes: Reading, Sleeping, Tea, Spending time with friends and family, Art, listening to music

Dislikes: Fighting with her sister, yelling, loud noises, sports

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Boyfriend: Open

Crush: PM :)

Name: Mitchell "Mitch" Andrew Jock

Age: 18

Gender: Male

Grade: Senior



Mitch is the nice guy, he is friends with everyone and is the one to keep his sisters from killing each other. Basically he is very laid back, he mainly does his own thing, knowing that Marietta likes to take all the attention.

Likes: Working out, being with his family, playing sports, watching horror movies, video games (Kinda)

Dislikes: Large bodies of water, Smoking, drinking

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Girlfriend: Open

Crush: PM :)

Their Bio:

Mitch, Marietta and Marcella were born prematurely. Their parents were protective over them, never really letting them do things that most kids could do, up untill they entered 6th grade they were home schooled. Finally their parents let them go to public school, although Marietta and Mitch liked it, mainly the students and meeting new people, Marcella wasn't really into it. Once they reached high school, Mitch went off join the sports teams, Marcella went joining clubs, and Marietta mainly went to parties and started hanging around with the popular students.​

Character Sheet

Name Skylar (goes by sky) Lala Jensen

Age 17

Gender female

Grade senior


dark brown wavy hair medium height skinny not very tan and green eyes


Personality kind, sweet, adventures, dreamy, smart, understanding, tough even though she doesn't look it.

Biography skys parents fought a lot when she was younger. one time she was even depressed for a long time highschool only made it worse with all the bullying she went threw. she tried to change who she was but she couldn't she decided that she should just be herself and not let people get to her if they don't like her then thats there problem.

Likes anything creative pretty much. dancing, singing, acting playing pretty much any instrument, art, reading, swimming competitive and not competitive. outdoors, people that can make her laugh. people smiling.

Dislikes drugs, smoking pretty much anything that could harm your body. she hates being stuck inside, players, people bulling others

Sexual Orientation straight

Crush no one

Boyfriend/Girlfriend no one

Other. she isn't that popular.you can usually find her sitting under the trees and reading.her sister is Lilian. And she lives in a big house on I guess a farm. guys can make her nervous but she can also be outgoing depending on the guys. shes a busy person so when shes doing nothing shes wishing shes doing something. she fills her time with creativity. she is always thinking creatively and is usually moving around especially when she hears music.

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Name: Sasha Reece




Gender: Female

Grade: 12th

Personality: Apart from having consumed her time with smoking her stress away, Sash has always been considerably smart when it comes to any matter of strategy. Her mind is like a table holding the plans of World War II. Every move she studies, every move she has planned out, plus she will shoot without hesitation. Although, that doesn't stop her from letting her self-esteem get to her in some matter of way.

Biography: Growing up with the perfect family, but in a not so perfect area.

Like: ~People who are honest

~The attention


Dislike: ~People who lie

~The sound of motorbikes


Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual

Crush: I don't know, lol.

Boyfriend: ??

Others: Nope.


Name: Ryan Sabster



Age: 18

Gender: Male

Grade: 12th

Personality: Ryan is quite the flirter when it comes to girls. Having a rather large interest when it comes to art.

The typical joker.

Biography: Living a rough life with his 2 brothers and sisters, Ryan had continuously thought that this world was

best spent with "freedom". Because what would the world be like if everyone was cooped up in cages all the time?

Unexciting, I know. But, after his father had moved out of his, and his families lives. Ryan learnt to channel his

vulnerability into his heart-shaking art.

Like: ~Artwork

~A girl that can eat

~The football field (for sketches)

Dislike: ~Unmeaningful words


~Complex decisions

Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual

Crush: I don't know, lol.

Girlfriend: ??

Others: Nope.
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~Art is not just a picture. Its everything you see, touch, feel, imagine...~

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/tumblr_mdt1ys0JHN1r2edti.gif.9c832bf1c5b89d1e855d8ae1d886289c.gif" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="105286" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/tumblr_mdt1ys0JHN1r2edti.gif.9c832bf1c5b89d1e855d8ae1d886289c.gif" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Name: Marabella Ashton Starling

Age: 17

Gender: Female

Grade: 12th

Appearance:<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/large.jpg.6d9bd9675202fa336bb20e38d94aa831.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="105287" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/large.jpg.6d9bd9675202fa336bb20e38d94aa831.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Personality: -Unique- -"Weird"- -Creatively Artistic- -Fun loving- -Thoughtful... Most of the time- -Intelligent-




-Hair dye-

-Dark colors-

-People that are fun to be around-


-Rock Music-




-Pop music-

-Bright colors-


-Normal things-

-Cheesy movies-


Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual

Crush: Pm me

Boyfriend/Girlfriend: Pm me


-Lives with her grandmother, grandfather and her girl toddler named Marcy-

-The "Artsy" Girl-

-Both of her parents are deceased-

-Her favorite color is maroon-

-Had her child in 8th grade-

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/8ccbdcaf9fe750edea6b2db751e76bb9.jpg.ce498282880b8d6784d040aa9441acb4.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="105288" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/8ccbdcaf9fe750edea6b2db751e76bb9.jpg.ce498282880b8d6784d040aa9441acb4.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>​

(Male characters should be posted shortly)



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All accepted ^

Character Sheet

(2nd charecter)

Name Lilian (goes by lily) Carter Jensen

Age 14

Gender Female

Grade 9th


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/images.jpg.40fc07e96773133d662324acb0594017.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="105318" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/images.jpg.40fc07e96773133d662324acb0594017.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

dark brown hair and green eyes is medium height

Personality. shy but once you get to know her she is pretty talkative. shes kind, funny, and okay at school

Biography her parents fought a lot and when her sister Skylar became depressed Lilian tried to comfort her but her sister would always push her away because she was depressed. lilan soon also became sad but not depressed she would walk around school not talking to anyone. when she started highschool she wasn't really made fun of.

Likes running being active hanging out with her sister shopping.

Dislikes bullies, shrimp, and spending a lot of money

Sexual Orientation straight

Crush no one

Boyfriend/Girlfriend no one

Other. Lives with her mom dad and sister in a big house on i guess sort of a farm her sister is skylar.



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Penelope Judy Davis



Penelope Judy Davis








Calm, Considerate, Charitable, Blunt, Quiet, Possessive, Protective, Vegan



Vegetarian Pasta

Heavy Metal



Herbal Tea



Valentines Day


Sci-Fi Games


Sexual Orientation

Strongly Bisexual






In the school orchestra

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Alexander Jay Boyd


Name- Alexander Jay Boyd

Age- 18

Gender- Male

Grade- 12th, Senior

Personality- Sarcastic, Hot-headed, Opinionated, Caring, Possessive, Stubborn, Potty-mouth

Likes- Thrash Metal, Piercings, Tattoos, Small parties, Festivals, Drinking, Piano, Lizards

Dislikes- Trashy girls, Clowns, Calculus, Being in a big group, Cheesy dates

Sexual Orientation- Confused

Crush- N/A


Other- Can get abusive sometimes.

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Character Sheet



Alexander Osbjorn






12th Grade





Alex only enjoys the fun and feeling good that comes with the drugs that he takes. He actually is pretty smart when it comes to school, but he doesn't really pay attention. He isn't that arrogant or talkative. He tends to be pretty shy and minds his own business. Alex finds that drugs are his best friends since they are the only friend he can really get. He also enjoys wearing fancy things, just since that's the way he was raised.


Alex grew up on the fairly rich part of town. His parents were both rich so he used that as an excuse to get high and do drugs. He was pretty good at school, getting good grades without really trying. He didn't ditch class, most of the time, but just didn't pay attention. At the age of 17, he decided that it was just time to focus on school. Yet, he couldn't get off drugs. Currently he is struggling whether to put ahead, desire or future.



Having fun

Fooling around




Sexual Orientation



PM me or message me if interested.




Drives a Tesla Roadster.


Name (Full): Valentina Rose Coretti

Age (14-18): 16

Gender: female

Grade: junior

Nickname: Val, Rose or Tina

Appearance (Realistic Only):


Personality: She is helpful, dauntless, confident, and sometimes stubborn when it comes to things. Valentina is very blunt towards others and because of her bluntness she is often getting into trouble with the wrong group of people at school but she knows how to handle herself pretty well. She is rather loyal to all her friends and family. She can be a bit harsh but once you get to know her she is a very loving, caring, and fun person. She loves to party and have a good time and she won't let anyone get in her way of doing something she wants to do.

Biography (Opt): Valentina was raised into a very loving italian family. She grew up with two other siblings who are twins and they are older then her by two years, and she has a younger sister who is about six years old. Valentina has a special bond with her mother and father and she tries to live up to their expectations at times, since her mother is a/an author and her father is a doctor at the local hospital that was about ten-fifteen minuets away from the house. Valentina often gets along with her brothers but not all the time and they usually just for fun pin everything on her which sometimes gets her into trouble but they mean no harm. She and her family had moved into this town for since about a month ago and now Valentina had to make a few new friends but she had missed the ones from her old school. (wip for the bio)


  • cooking
  • writing
  • math and english
  • reading
  • painting/drawing


  • arrogant people
  • drugs
  • liars

Sexual Orientation: straight

Crush: none

Boyfriend/Girlfriend: none

Other: (wip)

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Jean Arkeasandaa||16||F

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/image.jpeg.d06361f225dac1e1eda2d19f645050fc.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="105456" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/image.jpeg.d06361f225dac1e1eda2d19f645050fc.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>​




Jean is a complete dork who tries her best to socialize with people without sounding stupid. She is curious and nosy sometimes getting into stuff she shouldn't stick her nose in. Jean is friendly and sweet always trying to make new friends. She is highly intelligent and aces classes pretty easily but she doesn't want to skip any grades.


Jean was born in Edinburgh, Scotland living nicely with her single mother. Her father left her and her mom when she was born but that didn't bother the two at the slightest. Jean's mom was a successful caterer and is paid big money for the things she creates. One day when Jean was 11, she got to go with her mother to a business party for a Japanese family. Jean helped her mom by setting out plates and while she did, she noticed her mom talking to the youngest son of the Japanese family. She could tell there was something going on between them and made it her own mission to play cupid for her mom. Fortunately, Jean the cupid was successful and in two years her mom and the Japanese man were married. A year after the big wedding, Jean's step father had a call that he had to move to America. With that, she and her mom packed up and headed out to America where she lived up till now.


β€’The color green






β€’The color yellow



β€’Losing anything


Sexual Orientation

Unsure, she never really thought about it


PM me


PM me


β€’Speaks Japanese

β€’Loves Japanese foods

β€’Still has a hint of her Scottish accent

β€’Most likely find her in a corner typing

Kairi Jeong||17||M

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/image.jpeg.0a1de31cce660df429c9386f96bf962c.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="105462" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/image.jpeg.0a1de31cce660df429c9386f96bf962c.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>




Kairi may look sweet and innocent as well as play the role very well, but he's the complete opposite. Kairi is snarky and seductive loving to manipulate people because he finds it funny. He can be nice but you'll have to be a very close friend in order for that to happen.







β€’Getting his way



β€’Not getting his way

β€’Getting slapped

β€’People figuring out his facade

β€’Not being liked

β€’Things getting out of hand

Sexual Orientation



PM me, it'll be hard to find someone he truly likes


PM me


β€’Slept with a quarter of the girls at the school

β€’Usually wakes up naked next to a girl

β€’Likes a challenge

β€’A total playboy

β€’He's 5'4, I know he's tiny



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Sorry guys for wait up, I'll start it tomorrow for sure. I have to put my characters up too. Ugh I'm so sorry guys.
Character Sheet

Name (Full): Kurt Christofer Monroe

Age (14-18):18

Gender: Male

Grade: Senior/12th

Appearance (Realistic Only)<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/0309f308876c36cdea01aa0080fa1af8.jpg.d19fa96decb59753a2e6deb1ba12bea6.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="105693" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/0309f308876c36cdea01aa0080fa1af8.jpg.d19fa96decb59753a2e6deb1ba12bea6.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Personality: -Carefree -Blunt -Loveable asshole -slow to anger -Caring

Likes: -Playing guitar -Singing -Smoking -Skateboarding -Cats -Pizza

Dislikes: -Actual assholes -bullies -homophobes -others who think they're better than him

Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual

Crush: PM me

Boyfriend/Girlfriend: PM me

Other: He is a hardcore stoner and bad boy, he'll do anything once.



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All accepted!!!

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