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Realistic or Modern This is high school? {Always Accepting}


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High school...the place where teen gather together and run through

problems with one another create new friends and learn to be their selves. Well

for some...others are totally the opposite they're called the introverts always staying

away from the outside crowd being away from people,

that's okay I guess. Some rarely even show up but that's

because they're either facing their own fake problems and or

smoking pot back out in the courtyard either of those two is

completely normal especially in high school.

I even remember middle school kids smoking pot,

those were the days. NOT.

Okay, anyways be yourself and learn to be you I suppose...

Some walk in here and say this is high school?

full of un- experienced situations.

Learn to be free and stay the hell out of drama kids.

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{@irl000 yeah, thanks. I don't even have my characters up yet lol }

It was the first day of high school, Yes I know you're expecting something fantastic but it's not exactly entirely true. It is full of fuck boys and people who don't give a shit about other human's well being, that's a big part of it. Well anyways, Jada Ivory a sophomore that just moved here from Brooklyn after the disappearance of her mother her father and her decided to leave Brooklyn and go here. Jada didn't like the whole idea but just went along with it. She entered the building with sigh, "Oh, wonderful." She said in a displeased smile.

@Ayuna Kusado
@irl000 @Tiswentiio @Skylark @AmRosey @QueenOfDisaster @TuffBbg @Rockee @sprouhtt @Aero @Necessity4Fun @killingxtime @Iridescent Beauty @XxLuluxX
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Like Normal Mitch seemed to be the first up, generally it went him, Marcella, their mom, their dad and then Marietta. Of course today was no different, Mitch went down to the kitchen, he was only in a pair of sweat pants, he grabbed himself a bottle of orange juice and went back up to his room, he Past Marcella's door and could hear her moving around. Marcella got up after hearing both her alarm and Mitch walking past her door, she got up and walked into the bathroom, she really wasn't in the mood to wear her contacts, she washed her face, and grabbed one of the straighteners and went back into her room, she opened her laptop and continued watching a movie she's started the night before. Marietta rolled over in her bed when she hear her sister in the bathroom, she wanted to look nice that day, so she forced herself up out of the bed and went into the bathroom, she took her time.

Mitch walked back down stairs and sat down, his mom was making breakfast for him and the girls, she set a plate down in front of him "Thanks Ma" he said as he took a bite of the beacon, Marcella walked into the kitchen and went over and gave her mother a side hug and grabbed the orange and apple juice out of the refrigerator along with some cups, she place them on the table and sat down. The three of them sat and ate, it was no use waiting for Marietta or their father. Once they were done they got up and placed the dirty dishes in the sink, Mitch and Marcella grabbed their bags and stood by the door "Hurry the hell up Marietta!" Mitch yelled up stairs, he turned and opened the door for Marcella and the two of them went and sat in the car "If she doesn't come out in five minutes, I say we leave her"

Marietta ran down the stairs, her mother held out her bag and an apple, Marietta hugged her mother quickly before rushing out the door she got in the back seat, Mitch put the truck in drive and headed towards the school. As they arrived Mitch dropped the girls off at the door and went to park the truck, Marcella and Marietta walked in together and headed towards their lockers
Isaac Noble, a senior, strolled into the school. Wow, my last year, he thought to himself. Surely this one should be interesting--unlike the past years. Of course that's probably from... "Studying," he said aloud. His car keys were still in his hand. Finally, he got to his locker, and set his backpack in there, and his keys in a pocket in his bag. He took out one of his textbooks and binders, and began walking to his first class. Maybe I should try to 'live' more this year. Of course, this is my most important year. And I'll end up leaving a lot of people because of college. He sighed, and looked around at the other students. "Another year, more homework," he muttered to himself. Sure, he didn't mind doing homework, and learning, but who really really likes to do homework? He smiled as he thought, Well, there's always college to look forward to.


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/tumblr_static_38989_600.png.bd0354cf500fead48059b7fc6697cbf1.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="105940" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/tumblr_static_38989_600.png.bd0354cf500fead48059b7fc6697cbf1.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Marabella woke up early from her daughter, Marcy, tickling her and kissing her cheeks, "Mommy! Its morning! Wake up!" She giggled.

Marabella opened one eye and giggled as she gave her daughter a kiss on the forehead, "Morning, Marcy." She laughed as she put on her slippers and hopped out of bed, "So, what you want for breakfast?" Marabella asked as she walked down to the kitchen.


"Coming right up!" Marabella giggled. She noticed the time, it was almost time for school. She saw her grandma walk downstairs and asked her to quickly pour some milk into the bowl.

Marabella ran upstairs and took a quickly shower then put on her outfit for today.

Outfit: Untitled #135


Once at school she quickly went to her locker filled with pictures of her and her daughter then hung around the halls until class starts.

@ anyone



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"Hey, douchebag. Get up." Kurt was awoken from a peaceful slumber from a not so peaceful face, a strong scent of alcohol hit his nose before he hastily sat up. He rolled his eyes, as his father stumbled out of his room. Kurt was a lonely boy, with an abusive father and a mother he never knew. But all in all, he didn't give a damn. He had been awaiting this day all month. He was ready to go back to school, not to learn or to see friends, God knows he doesn't have much of those. But to see his beautiful girlfriend, Amber Rose.

Once Kurt had thrown on some clothes, ran his fingers through his hair and grabbed his bag he was out. He quickly jumped in his busted up car and drove himself to school, smoking a cig or two on the way there. Once he arrived, he parked and leaned back in his seat. He looked up at the building he likes to call Hell, and smirked. "It's going to be a goood day." He chuckled as he got out of his car.

Skylar woke up and thought to herself 'first last day of high school' her bag was already packed and outfit picked out. It was a cream colored sweater and a pair of leggings with black combat boots. She looked in the mirror brushed her hair did her makeup then went to go brush her teeth she was soon ready and down stairs eating breakfast. All of a sudden she heard a scream it was her sister Lilian. Sky ran upstairs and opened the door. "What?" Sky asked nervously. Lilian looked over "I have a pimple" Sky laughed "that's all" Sky said "it's the first day of high school" Lilian replied nervously wanting to pop it. Sky smiled and walked over she grabbed some concealer put it on her pimple "there you go" she said with a giggle. "Now get dressed and eat cause I want to leave." Sky said as she walked out the door. Lilian huried and got dressed she put on a floral skater dress and high heels. When she walked down stairs Sky was surprised "wow you look fancy" she said as she smiled at her little sister. After Lilian ate Sky drove to school "don't get into trouble" Sky said smiling at her sister. Lilian and her got out of the car. Lilian felt butterflies in her stomach as she looked at the school. Sky started walking to the building as Lilian just stared at it
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Jada walked forth into the corridor further before turning a corner and plopped down a staircase by herself staring off into space at the platform below where her feet adjusted to. Her dark brown eyes gazed at the scenery at the all the people swarming into the building pushing passed her on the steps and stepping upon her hand, "Ow!" She exclaimed snatching her hand away instantly shaking the pain out of her fingertips. "God dammit!" She whispered setting her fingers upon her lap gently leaning against the wall taking a deep breath. "This is gonna be a long day." Jada said before standing up before almost being ran into and brushed passed people going to her locker setting somethings inside and just waiting for the hallway to clear before she headed to class which they basically had twenty minutes to waste.


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/tumblr_static_4ukdwt78xr40880kc80kggggs_640_v2.jpg.dab11e4ddad2d2b16ec67cf8a06fa38e.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="105930" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/tumblr_static_4ukdwt78xr40880kc80kggggs_640_v2.jpg.dab11e4ddad2d2b16ec67cf8a06fa38e.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Savannah, a rich upperclass Australian... Living on the hills of mansions in town. She is known by everyone, whether it was good or bad, she was known and she loved it.

She finished changing into her outfit before heading out the door.


Preppy Is Not Chanel


Once at school she walked to her locker and took out the books she needed for the day. Savannah saw a few men check her out and she
couldn't help but make flirty eye contact back, and of course they liked it.

She hung out at her locker on her phone until her class started. @ anyone



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Sky headed inside she looked back at Lilian "come on" she yelled she giggled and walked inside. Lilian hurried after her doing her best in her heels. Sky went to her locker after getting her and her sister their scheduls. Sky smiled as she walked to her locker and she put everything in it but her favorite book she was hoping to go read under the trees. Sky saw Lilian struggle to find her locker and to walk in her heels. Lilian gave a look to Sky that she needed help but Sky gave a look back that said something like you can do it sis. Sky leaned on her locker and smiled at Lilian. 'Wow why isn't she even going to help me!' Lilian thought to herself still struggling to get three people and bumping into pretty much everyone @ anyone
Isaac placed his things in his first class before returning to the hall. There, he somewhat awkwardly stood. He was thinking of talking to some of the people that he had seen around the school, but wasn't entirely sure. That's when he saw a ninth grader trying to open her locker, where her friend--or sister (I think that I've seen her around, he thought) just sort of gave her a 'You can do it!' look. He decided to walk over and help her (why not? I have nothing else to do, he thought to himself). "Need any help?" Isaac asked Lilian and smiled.

Lilian looked at him she smiled nervously. "Yes please" "my stupid sister thinks I can figure out high school by myself" Lilian said. Sky heard that "I just want you to at least be able to find your locker." Sky said she giggled then told Lilian "I'm going to go outside I just want to read for a bit" she smiled then started heading outside Lilian looked at the guy and said "I'm Lilian" @galaxycorgi
Amber woke up to messy hair and noise from her dog downstairs. "At least I get to see Kurt today" she smiles to herself. She was dreading school at the same time. Amber didn't feel like being surrounded by people today. She debated on if she should skip or not but then she noticed to herself she won't get to see her boyfriend. Amber pulls herself together and puts in her piercings. "Today better be good" she mumbles as she finally reaches the school. She sees her boyfriend in his car and knocks on his window. "Ready for today?" she says with a big smile.

Tags: @killingxtime
Isaac responded, "I'm Isaac. So, where's your locker, like the locker number?" He asked Lilian. Then, he said with a laugh, "And surely your sister can't be that stupid if she's survived this far."

Kurt steps out of his car and shuts the door behind him, he gives Amber a quick peck on her lips and smiles at her. "Of course, baby girl." He missed being able to see her, his Father refused to let him go anywhere during the summer. Making it hard to see Amber, but whenever he could he would. He grabbed her hand and locked his fingers with hers, he pulled her towards the school and entered it. Quickly feeling his stomach drop as he saw all of the people.

"I guess she's not that stupid but she's annoying" she said with a shrug "423" she said as she read the number. Sky walked back in cause she forgot something in her locker she grabbed something and looked at Lilian have her a smile then walked past them as she started to head outside she then turned around and gave Lilian a 'don't worry your not going to die' look she smiled and then bumped into someone as she walked away dropping her stuff "shoot" she said as she started to pick up all the papers "ok she's annoying and stupid" Lilian said with a giggle @galaxycorgi
Kaia walked into the school and quickly put her things in her locker. She took out a textbook for her first class and a reading book as she was usually early. Grades were extremely important to her as she wanted to get into a very good college. She would've helped one freshman girl with her locker but someone was already doing that. After staring a bit longer than she meant to at the situation with the girl the boy and the locker, she then turned back to her locker. She made sure everything was organized by period and then double checked to make sure she hadn't missed anything. @Skylark @galaxycorgi
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Amber holds Kurt's hand as they walk into the building. "You're such a cutie" she smiles with her cheeks a little red. "Let's see if there's actually decent people around this year babe". Amber began to scan the school until she saw Savannah. "She seems cool, hmm?" she mumbles to Kurt"

@killingxtime @QueenOfDisaster

Isaac smiled and laughed. "Oh, more like clumsy. We should probably help her." He said, looking at the papers that were scattered across the ground, and picked multiple of them up, handing them over to Sky. "Okay, but locker 423...That would be..." He trailed off. "Well, we're next to 224, so, either upstairs or two hallways over," he said. "So, what class are you looking forward to?" He attempted to make polite conversation.

Lilian looked "um" she said "probably science" Lilian said with a smile. Sky got up after picking up her papers and being handed some by Isaac she looked embarrassed but that soon went away and she headed outside. She sat underneath a tree and began to read a book. @galaxycorgi

Marabella <3

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/article-2610805-1D44EB1D00000578-552_638x476.jpg.da76e3c9457ef43a40d7d8ba9e575871.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="105948" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/article-2610805-1D44EB1D00000578-552_638x476.jpg.da76e3c9457ef43a40d7d8ba9e575871.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

As Marabella walked down the halls she sighed, looking at everyone with their partners... She use to have a partner, but that was a long time ago... Guess no one wants to date a knocked up teenager with a child...

Her partner was herself and her camera. She was absolutely obsessed with it.

Marabella began to twirl around the hallways and when she noticed something she would take a quick picture. She wasn't really paying attention to if she was bumping into people, she was just taking her pictures until class started. @ anyone



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Isaac smiled, "My favorite class is math, currently. Well, maybe not. Science is fun though, it comes as a close second for me." He then spoke in an over-the-top fancy accent, "Shall we find your locker?" He held an arm out to Lilian, and laughed, dropping the accent. "We have less than twenty minutes before class starts, anyway."



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