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My Interest Check
It was a boon given from the gods passed on to us from our ancestors. Runes, the power inside these precious stones can only be described as magic. Over generations humanity learned to use Runes in worthwhile and productive ways. Compared to the cavemen biting and chucking glowing stones at each other that is...

Runes have multiple forms and uses, but ultimately Humans use Runes for combat. To survive against monsters you need to fight like a monster... Runes became the tools used to climb the food chain and secure safety
Fire starters, Sky Flashes, Instant rain, Mana sparks...
(Fire spells, electricity spells, water spells, magic weapons,)
((Red runes, yellow runes, blue runes, transparent etc))
magic archer.jpg
Humans learnt how to use magic over time, in the present days of Ayore runes are common knowledge.
However common knowledge is a trivial way to put it...
If a person can manage to fix dinner without burning themselves would they be called a Chef?
If someone makes a shelter are they a carpenter?
If a boy swings his father's sword in the yard is he considered a swordsman?

That is to say, someone can find and use Runes... But that does not mean they are worthy of the title Rune-Master. A master of runes understands far more then a soldier throwing a red stone Whilst shouting "Fire!"
Though throughout Ayore most consider Runes as magic rocks to throw at whatever you want dead.

The Slate alliance is different. It is only because of practice and knowledge with Runes that the Alliance could stand against such overwhelming odds. The Welt empire marched across Ayore, built on the backs of slaves and cruel efficiency the Welt army reaches all corners of the known world.
It was the southern tribes of Slate who banded together in effort to combat the growing evil.
Rune-Masters all over Slate held a meeting, it was determined Slate would need to be stronger.
Rituals were held to infuse new born babies with magic. Runeborn is what the six survivors would be called. With inherent power welling up inside them, the Runeborn lived somewhat normal lives until the age of eight. That is when training began, they were escorted to the city of Dunwel. To be trained in the arts of runes and combat for the hope and future of Slate.
Medieval fantasy, casual/detailed is the style I'm after.
Two paragraphs is the minimum I want for each post and twenty seven being the max amount.
Rp is suited for ten players but will start with six as only six characters will be "Runeborn"

The plot follows the Runeborn (and friends) after their training being sent to the front lines of a approaching war. Welt has taken over 75% of Ayore and Slate is to small a country to match them with fighting strength and resources. Instead they have placed their bets on a squad of living weapons to fight protect and liberate as needed.
Magic Guerilla warfare, negotiations and trade deals, posturing and more!
Ask questions an that below

Cs page is here

OOC is here

Rp is here
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Sure could use some people wanting to write fiction in a fantasy world that's been baked already....
Metaphorically speaking
These muffins just need icing and dang nabbit y'all look like chocolate.
Could I join? I will say that I am new to the site. So I will understand if you do not want me.
Could I join? I will say that I am new to the site. So I will understand if you do not want me.
Quite welcome to make a cs when the page is up
Ships I hear?

Anyways this sounds really interesting, love a good magic system.
Thanks, I enjoy soft magic settings but I agree the runes make for a good twist on magic.
I imagine Rune-Masters to be like rogues or alchemists...
Grounding a rune into dust to make traps,
Using a rune to enhance another rune etc etc

Lots of potential and encourages in-game searching/foraging/learning to use the best shit.
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Cs page is up, if you like the check and want to join please a post a character and tag me so I won't miss it.
No one needs to ask if they can have a spot or not, just post a CS and claim your spot
Three more runeborn characters needed.
But we can accept rune masters, knights, soldiers, spies or even ninja and pirates
I’m interested I already posted my CS it’s not the best one I’ve written but I hope she is good to go!
Hey! I'm interested. There are still spots open, yeah?
Hi, I'm super interested in this. The story is fascinating. Any chance there is still a spot available?
Cs page is up, if you like the check and want to join please a post a character and tag me so I won't miss it.
No one needs to ask if they can have a spot or not, just post a CS and claim your spot
Hi, I'm super interested in this. The story is fascinating. Any chance there is still a spot available?

This goes for everyone, but to answer what I think you mean there is only one more Runeborn spot left. May bump it from six to seven though if people really want to make a human with no heart aha
This sounds really fun! I've just posted a cs for you to peek at, if there's still a spot or two left! ^^
I seem to have gathered all the new members aha
Just from a quick read everyone is good but ill read seriously today and let people know

For new potential players,
Non runeborn characters will be accepted easy peasy
But for more living weapons you might need to peer pressure me with a great CS
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I'm thinking of doing a little worldbuilding, can we make our own member nations of the Alliance? I'm thinking of making a nation set on a bunch of islands. Heavily based on Russia today and the Seven Provinces from the 1600's. With a little sprinkle of medieval Venice and Industrial Revolution UK.

EDIT As a home country for the character in question I mean.

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