Welcome to RP Nation, where Roleplay is our business.
We accept all levels of humor, even British humor as many here are, in fact, British. Take a look around and get familiar with the site. We went live with a new format for the site. Some things were changed to make it more sleek and faster to load on your mobile as well as on your computer. Some people aren't sure if they like it or not.
Allow me to introduce myself. I am Xylin and I am Mother. If you have any questions or concerns, don't hesitate to ask one of the Mods, one of the Super Mods or even your doting Mother. That is, after all, what Mother is for.
If you want it to be a one on one, you go to the forums and click the 1 x 1. If it's a group of some sorts, you have to click on the genre you think your story would be (Modern, Fandom, Fantasy, etc..) then you click the post new thread. It's on the top, right side.