This Iron Heart (Actual RP)

Starts To Wake Up After Being Past Out For Hours "Erg...Oh Yeah uhh Thanks For Taking Me With You Machine...You Got A Name Or Something Machine?"
While everyone was going through their normal morning routine, the same boring sequence they went through day after day, Scurra was plotting something that would help spice up everyone's day. Maybe get a few laughs... He chuckled to himself, hanging upside-down from the ceiling above the common area. The bot had rigged up a whole network of ropes and pulleys, rigged to drop a piano on someone just like the old cartoons. The only problem was he didn't know where to find a piano.

He stood up, hanging upside down like a bat, the electromagnets in his feet keeping him firmly in place. "Hey, anybody know where I can get a piano?" Scurra asked over coms, which netted him an almost instant and universal "NO." from the other machines. If Scurra was able to show any other facial emotions other than smiling, he'd be frowning right about now. "C'mon, please? It'll be funny!" he pleaded, evoking another rousing chorus of "NO." He scoffed, and got to work taking the ropes down.

"Fine. No piano. I'm going to find an anvil or something." he pouted, walking along the ceiling.

((Sorry for the short/late post. Had a party to go to yesterday. :P ))
((It's fine!))

Wilson glanced up at the ceiling, an eyebrow raising at the responses of every AI in the library at the request for a piano. He sighed, letting out a cough to clear his throat. The two robots near him, a stout one with several optics and a tall, thin one with a single optic turned to him, both letting out a gasp.

He paused, frowning. ", I'm fine, I was clearing my throat. I'm- I'm not sick or anything."

A moment of silence passed as they stared at him before both turning back to do their own thing. The man sighed, closing his book, getting up and placing it back. He knew Nina was expecting him to be back around noon, but it was still quite early - he had two more hours to go. So, he began to wander around the Hub, examining waxing and painting stations, rust removal shops and souvenir stores.
Scurra dropped from the ceiling, tapping his chin in thought. He had seen the humans do it, and it seemed to help them figure out solutions. "Okay, no piano... Anvils are kinda hard to come by these days." he mused, watching as the human wander off. He trotted over to catch up to him. "Hey, human. I have a question for you." he asked. "Where could I find an anvil? Maybe a car?" he asked, running through old cartoons in his sub-processes. "Ooh, maybe a truck." He tapped his chin in thought. "What do you think would be funnier?"
Wilson paused, turning to look at Scurra. "Excuse me? I... don't think you robots have cars. And why would you need any of that?" he raised an eyebrow, back straightening.

"What d'you mean, 'funnier'? What are you planning on doing?" the man asked, tilting his head slightly.
"Gonna drop it on someone, of course. Have you never seen cartoons?" he asked, tilting his head to match the human's. "Now, I'm sure I could find something that would work. Oh!" he exclaimed. "What about banana peels? Where does one find bananas?"
"Dropping that on someone? If it was a human, you'd kill them. Or badly injure them. If it was a machine... well, they'd be upset at you." he sighed. "Banana peels aren't actually slippery. And I haven't seen a single banana in years, so I assume they've gone extinct, along with the majority of things on Earth." he rubbed his temple, his eyebrows knotting.
Spectre Arrives At C-oo6 Peaks His Head In And Says "Hello? Anyone?" As He Walks In And Sits Down And Checks His Rifle For A Full Clip And Reloads His Pistol "Hmm Hope Some one Sells Ammo For Scrap"

He Continues To Walk Around And Notice's Someone "H-hello? What Are You? Human? Machine?"
The machine pauses, spinning around. Its left optic has a large crack in it, and it is dimmer than the right one. It seems damaged, various wires poking out of its shell. It simply stares at him.

High above Spectre's head, the main levels of the metal city are bustling with activity. He can hear the hum of electricity and the drone of a crowd.

Several other broken down machines peek out from their shelters, and he hears confused, hushed whispers.
Spectre Takes Out His Rifle And Turns Around The Corner "I KNOW HUMANS ARE HERE I JUST NEED SOME HELP!" Spectre Slowly Walks Around Looking For Other Human Life,

Spectre Whispers To Himself "Erg..I Hate Machines." As He Puts Down His Rifle He Hears A Slight Sound Of Something Walking And Pulls Out his Knife.
"Hm. Well, that puts a damper on my plans." he said, a sound of disappointment in his voice. "So... Who are you, anyways? What's your name?" he asked, tilting his head.

((Sorry, short post. Trying to juggle a few things right now.))
Spectre Hears You And Says "If Your Talking To Me My Names Spectre I Think...Im Just Looking For Someone Who Can Help Me" Spectre Puts His Knife Away Still Looking For Where The Voice And Footsteps Are Coming From. 
Spectre Says To Self "I Dont Think He's Talking To Me, There Must Be Someone Else Here"

Spectre Takes Out His Pistol And Hides.
((You're not even in the city, you're under it. And why are you capitalizing every word?))
Several AIs began to approach him.

"Is that a human?"

"What's a human doing down here?"

"What do you have there, human?"


Wilson sighed, shoving his hands in his pockets. "Wilson Kraus. Er, call me Wilson, the AIs around here don't get the concept of a first and last name." he cleared his throat. "I, uh... well, I live around here, of course. I've got a caretaker, since apparently a human can't live by themselves, let alone a sickly one. That's mostly it." he gave a shrug.
He grinned. Well, with that face of his, that's all he's capable of doing. "I assumed you lived around here. Well, where else would you go?" he asked, chuckling. "Wilson, huh? I'm Scurra." he said. "So, you're sickly? You seem fine to me."
"Well, 'sickly' in their terms." he sighed, his shoulders slumping. "I'm getting old, and with old age comes medical problems. It doesn't help that I spent years and years exposed to whatever mess of chemicals are out there." he gave a shrug. "I've been getting all kinds of ailments since I was brought to the city. I got passed around a lot, actually; no one really wanted to deal with all of my health crap. But I eventually got a caretaker who's more than happy to keep an eye on me." Wilson paused for a moment. "Speaking of which, what time is it? I know you machines have internal clocks..."
Spectre sneaks past the AI's And Found A Hatch marked with a stamp but it seem's it has worn off from old age, "I Better Not Get Killed Or Something For Useing this" He Said as he tried to open the hatch to the ladder that leads to the city, "Ah i f***in stink" he climbs up a ladder to the city not knowing what awaits,

He opens up the top hatch and climbs out trying to remember this place but cant think of anything "Do I Live Here? Cant Even Remember Anything, Never should of takin the contract...wouldnt have lost my memory probably, eh what am i talking about now..." He Puts His Pistol away and yells "ANYONE HERE? HELLLOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!?!?!"
Several AIs, polished and functioning perfectly, turned to face him.

"..that's a human, right?"

"I think so, I don't recognize the model."

An AI with several legs approached him. "Hello, human?"
Spectre says to the AI "Uh Hello...You Know Where I Can Sell Some Scrap For Ammo And A Doctor?"

He looks around confused on where he is cus of his amnesia "IREALLY need to get a doctor and supplies please can you help?"
The machine blinked. "Pardon? 'Ammo'? Short for ammunition, correct? Ammunition for what? A medic is easy to get to, there are many machines who have medical knowledge."
Spectre Pulls Out his pistol "Ammo For This, I Think Its 9MM"

"I Would Also Need A Medic Ive Got A Case Of Amnesia"

"And I Hope Its Not A Bother but is there any chance i can get a map"
The AIs stared.

" that a weapon? Oh, oh no no no! We don't have weapons - they're all being studied of in C-001!"

"But I can help with the map and medic situation!" said a clearly-female robot. Her optics were round and mint-coloured, her shape that of a short, curvy female.
Spectre is confused by the lack of weaponry "If You Have No Weapon's How Will People Defeand them selves if some thing happens?" He Checks His Scrap's And Supplies

"So When Could I Be Setup With This Map And Medic? And Do You Take Scrap As Currency Here?"

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