This Iron Heart (Actual RP)


World-Renowned Dawdler
The Earth, which was once crawling with flora and fauna alike, was now almost barren of organic life. The air was foul and thin, the water disgusting and unsafe to drink, the once glorious human cities were reduced to rubble, and dust covered the blank landscapes.

And yet, in the absence of humans, a society is building itself. Large cities have already sprung up in various parts of the world, all connected wirelessly. In these safe havens live sentient machines, who have evolved to the point which every individual is just that - an individual. They learn and feel and live, like the humans did.

When the first remaining humans were discovered, the AIs were driven with curiosity and a desire to learn. They took in the endangered species, gave them filtered air, sunlight and water, nourished them and researched them. New models of robots were made specifically to study and nurse these organic beings. Some have learned to love them, and wish to be one, while others would rather stay far away from them.

In the spires of C-006, many humans are held. They live in the buildings suspended hundreds of feet above the ground, away from the cold floor of the city which houses the delinquents. The humans are given caretakers and barcodes, and are watched constantly by the optics of every machine there. Just like every other known human on the planet. They each followed a daily routine, every morning at the exact same time, their caretakers never changing what they did.

And if there was one thing Wilson hated, it was routine. He was awoken, as always, by the sound of Nina's horribly cheerful voice, rousing him from his dreamless sleep. The delicately-shaped android tugged on his arm, the lower shutters of her optics lifting in a smile. The man sighed and didn't resist (he got tired of it after the first few months of living with her), and she pulled him out of bed.

"Good morning!" she said as she scanned the code tattooed on the back of his neck. He didn't respond, which was another part of their routine, and the AI led him to the bathroom. She took his temperature, as usual, asked him how he felt (met with him grumbling 'fine'), and she finally left to let him do his business.

After he ate breakfast, he pulled the door of his home open and stepped outside, into the filtered sunlight. The air was sweet, as it always was in the city, and he began to walk, crossing the bridge from large apartments to the even larger Hub, placed in the center of the city.

((oh my god I didn't expect the starter to be so long, I'm sorry. If someone wants to join, character sign-ups are still open and over here! > ))
"Jessieeeee!!!!!!" An over enthusiastic girl hollered form seemingly right next to the door of the boy she was hollering for. Jessie, a red haired boy laying in his bead after being shaken awake by the girl grabbed a pillow placing it over his face and rolled over in his bed. "Jessie! It's morning, don't you know! We have a big day today!" Jessie groaned as the girl entered his room without knocking as she usually did. The boy glanced at the clock not realising it was dead early and on a weekend no less.

"Akira, do you not realise IT IS THE WEEKEND!!!?" He glowed sitting up. As he usually was, a shirtless boy caused Akira to blush. She giggled though and twirled around.

"Who cares Jess? Every day is the-" Jessie infuriated threw the covers off of him and grabbed the girl by her long pink hair and dragged her out of his room. "Ow, ow, ow!" She grumbled as he let her go.

"Stay out of my room, leave me alone and stop waking me up. AND MOST OF ALL DON'T CALL ME JESS!" He slammed the door in Akira's face walking back to his bed to catch some more sleep. Sleep he thought he well deserved. Groaning the bed welcomed him as he plopped on it. Jessie had not slept well since the age of the new spaces had begun. He did not assume sleep would ever be so nice since he had no family and no home to go to. This was his home and though Akira was the furthest from him he learned to accept her as his family.

"Okay, so I'll just put your breakfast on a plate then!" He heard the girl holler from the other side of the door making him groan yet again. Under him a small mostly blue but also amber toned and fluffy wolf looking ox sized animal crawled out from under the bed. He glanced at the fox-wolf and smiled slightly patting the bed.

Happily the fox jumped as she was asked. Curling up under Jessie's arm resting her head on his leg she waged her tail slowly. Jessie had found Amelia (as she was called) wandering around a dump close to where they lived, she looked starved and barely healthy. Her skin was barely clinging to her bones and her fur matted in more then several places. Finding her meant nothing because the fox-wolf mix did not trust him, but over four weeks of feeding her everything Jessie had he gained her trust, her trust enough to brush the mats from her fur and get her looking slightly better. Now she was glossy and beautiful. She also was not normal mix.

When Jessie met Akira he found out she was a rare cross that was one of the only survivors. Akira's parents apparently were working on a new breed of animal, one that could survive the ever changing world and with failed attempts and no progress they gave up leaving Amelia's mom, a black fox to the wild. Akira told him that she could not remember much after that but showed him pictures of Amelia's mother "Lilly" As Akira called her for not knowing her real name. Jessie decided to keep Amelia and the pink haired noise maker regretting only one of his decisions.

So Jessie, cleaned up now waled down the stairs of his house and found Akira sitting at the table her eyes closed and her hands under her chin. Amelia stopped as he did and they both listened to the small girls prayer. "God, please help us through these bad times, make the food last us all day and most of all, please keep Jess and Amelia safe, please? Oh, and god help everyone else in the world too? Aman." Jessie mouthed "amen" even though he was not religious. Every morning Akira would pray and he knew this but this was the first time he heard her pray. She was cute though, if he realised long enough her whole prayer was about everyone else. Except the beginning but she did not use the suffix "I" She used "us" She never once asked for her god to help her, but why? They were technically in poverty if it was not for the robots Jessie, Akira and even little Amelia would be dead and he knew this.

He decided to sit down any way yawning as he did accepting a napkin from Akira. The two smiled as they begun their meal. Jessie looked down at his loaf and knew right away Akira cooked it. It was burned to a crisp the edges frayed and black with the major burn. But the inside was soft this time. "Getting better I see." He said only needing to cut the charred crust off the once canned loaf of bread. Akira smiled feeling happy.

"The stupid microwave, it's.... it's hard to operate." She admitted looking down. "But I remembered it this time!" She smiled throwing her hands up and a part of her own charred bread. Amelia jumped up nearly doing a back flip to catch the bread and started teething it with her sharp yet tiny canines. Jessie watched her an unpleased look on his face whereas Akira looked like Jessie just slapped her. "S-sorry" she stammered but Jessie laughed. "Sure, just eat Ghost." He said using her nick name ant the two of them begun their meal.

{Not my best, sorry if I screwed something up...}
((Perhaps I'll just have someone pop in and sign them into the system...))

There was a tap at their front door, the sound of metal (or was it plastic?) against metal, and it slid open. It was one of the nurse robots, who showed up at the exact time every morning. She stepped inside and approached the two humans.

"Good morning!" she cheered, the two white, plastic shutters of her baby blue optics lifting in a smile, as she lacked a mouth. Around her neck was a sort of collar, showing that she had clearance to simply show up at humans' doors.

The AI approached Jessie first, scanning the bar code on the back of his neck.

"How are you two doing?" she asked as she approached Akira. "No bad dreams, stomach aches, headaches, fevers, rashes?"
Several AIs stationed outside turn to face the west, staring at the flare. They exchange glances, before sending a signal to the nearest recover robot. Said robot is dispatched and is now heading towards the location.
After a few minutes, there is some noise in the distance. A large, hovering machine is approaching Spectre at a rapid speed. It has dark grey casing and, as it gets closer, he sees its many red optics. It spots him and picks up the pace, letting out a low noise.
Is Confused So He Pulls Out His Rifle And Aims It At The Machine "Hey If You The Machine Can Hear Me Im Not Lookin For Trouble I Just Wanna Get To Safety"
It stops directly next to him. "Unidentified human, machine model not found." its voice was flat and genderless. It lowered, its beady eyes staring.

"Good day," it says in a more pleasant voice, though it is still genderless. "are you lost? I will gladly take you to c-o06, as it is the nearest city. Do you have a bar code?"
"The word 'merc' is not in my vocabulary bank. Please explain, so I may upload the definition of said word to the intelligence." it simply stared at him, its voice emotionless.
"I see." it paused. "Adding 'merc', as a shortened version of 'mercenary'." the AI was silent for a moment before several arms slid out of its casing.

"I politely request that you come with me."
The robot moved at a slower pace, allowing him to keep up. However, because of the distance, it would take a while for them to get to the large metal spires of the city.
The machine's center is the only place that is warm, it seems. It doesn't communicate with him as they walk. It stares straight ahead as it flies, letting out a quiet, low buzz.
"Several." the machine says. "C-006 is home to ten humans. It has the highest population of organics on Earth."

The fact was quite disturbing, but it didn't seem bothered by it.

"Are you interested in increasing the population of humans by searching out a mate?" it suddenly asked.
"A shame." it says flatly.


Wilson had wandered around the Hub, before settling on the Library, on the thirty-second floor.

The Library was, as its name suggests, a library. The only one in C-006, which contained hundreds of scavenged, human books. They ranged in content and age, being anywhere from medical textbooks to novels to religious books. Each book had a chip placed in it, which went off if anyone attempted to steal one, since only human researchers were allowed to own books. Granted, the only people who would be able to steal a book were the humans, and there were only ten of them in the entire city, so there wasn't much point to it.

He settled on an old mystery novel, which was well-worn but reconstructed by the machines who dug it up. Wilson plopped down on a soft armchair and began to read.

((Just to make my posts a little longer.))
((Goodnight. I'd better sleep soon too, actually.))

The machine pauses and spins around, letting out a quiet, low sound of confusion. Its arms extend before lifting him above the ground.

"Human?" it asks, before placing him on its top, holding him down with a few smaller appendages. It then speeds off towards the city.

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