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This idea is pretty cheesy, anyone interested?


New Member
1.) I'm 18 years old and a full time college student with a part time job. I will make as much time as possible for writing, as it is my escape. Please don't take it personally if there's ever a day where I don't respond. It's nothing against you, I promise. I wasn't gifted with time management.

2.) If you don't like the route an RP is taking, please tell me! We can always re-write posts and re-do something over if things are headed in a direction where neither of us can work something out and write progressively.

3.) Lastly, I'm human and I will have my off days with my writing. All I ask is that you bear with me and be patient.

Genre: MODERN, "ROMCOM-esque", over all just a fun, slice of life concept...

1. Aisle 8 - This is probably the most "open" RP idea that I have. The basic idea was that Person A got hired at a local party store where his/her friend from high school works. Person A meets Person B, their manager that's two, three years older. It is a very cliche situation where Person A starts to have feelings for Person B but I think it could be a lot of fun! Possible routes?

  • Friend from high school tells Person A that Person B has a boyfriend/girlfriend.
  • After a few short months, Persons A and B become close friends and see each other every now and then outside of work.
  • Person B gets fired.
  • Person B has a significant other already but catches serious feels for Person A.

I also think that it could be really cute to do something like this because it leaves room for growth between the two outside of the work place. There can totally be work shenanigans, overnight shifts, drama, getting to know each other moments - anything can happen, and I think that's why it's (personally) my favorite idea.


Person A: I'd likely want to be Person A in this RP. It'll probably be a female, pansexual, 19. I always envisioned her to be a blind optimist ("too nice") but with her wits about her. She can be very intelligent, but most of the time she's this anxious, awkward mess of a person just doing her best to let things fall into place. She's pretty funny, but it's never intentional. I also like to think that, when she likes somebody (example), she thinks she's being discreet when really she's being obvious. She's also got an okay sense of moral direction, prefers to do the right thing in most situations. Like all people, she has her flaws that I'll probably discuss in more detail with whomever I RP this with. I try to make my characters as human as possible to avoid making the RP stagnant/predictable.

Person B: Person B can be entirely up to my partner! I have no preference for the gender or the character, appearance, or name (we'll probably figure out names later)! Be as creative as you'd like, but please avoid making them stereotypically "perfect". I'm all about real flaws, backstory, past relationships - really delving into what makes a character who they are. I always had the idea that, Person B would be relatively laid back, confident - just a chill, 20-something year old manager, y'know? But really, take it where you want!

I figure any additional, side-characters (other associate, managers, etc.) can just be divided up between us however we see fit. Again, that'll be more internal planning between the two of us that we can do!

If anyone is interested, please let me know :)
I'd be willing to give this a shot, but you'd have to bear with me, as this is the first time I have done any roleplaying since I was a lot younger (on like a Neopets forum)..haha, weren't those the days? I am a writer, but my forte is poetry. I want to take up roleplaying to improve my prose and also as a fun hobby. I am also a college student, I have a job as well, but I don't honestly do much there. I have a computer at my desk hehe. I am a 19 year old pansexual (well really, panromantic/demisexual) so I think it'd be fun to interact with a character that is so much like myself. Don't mind my weird profile picture, my boyfriend and I have been working with makeup and liquid latex. I just started this site today, so I have a limited number of posts, but I'd like to embark on this storyline with you if you'd accept me. :)
Bethany said:
I'd be willing to give this a shot, but you'd have to bear with me, as this is the first time I have done any roleplaying since I was a lot younger (on like a Neopets forum)..haha, weren't those the days? I am a writer, but my forte is poetry. I want to take up roleplaying to improve my prose and also as a fun hobby. I am also a college student, I have a job as well, but I don't honestly do much there. I have a computer at my desk hehe. I am a 19 year old pansexual (well really, panromantic/demisexual) so I think it'd be fun to interact with a character that is so much like myself. Don't mind my weird profile picture, my boyfriend and I have been working with makeup and liquid latex. I just started this site today, so I have a limited number of posts, but I'd like to embark on this storyline with you if you'd accept me. :)
No worries! I'd love to discuss with you some details and see if we can do a match and make it work! I think it could be a great amount of fun :)


Blarg222 said:
I like this rp, PM me and we can brainstorm
I'm a new member, so I'm not sure what the limitations are on PMs.
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choirvandals said:
No worries! I'd love to discuss with you some details and see if we can do a match and make it work! I think it could be a great amount of fun :)
I don't think I can PM yet either, but I think I can after I've been a member for 24 hours, which should be pretty soon. Whenever you get the ability to PM, send me one and I'll reply as soon as I am able. :)
Oh wait...I think I've been reading the 10 post/24 hour thing wrong. I thought I could only post 10 things in the first 24 hours, but I think it's saying I have to post at least that many before the sites features are all available to me. So...I guess we could go ahead and discuss some details now right here on this forum. I just thought I'd be unable to respond if I used up too many posts. lol
Bethany said:
Oh wait...I think I've been reading the 10 post/24 hour thing wrong. I thought I could only post 10 things in the first 24 hours, but I think it's saying I have to post at least that many before the sites features are all available to me. So...I guess we could go ahead and discuss some details now right here on this forum. I just thought I'd be unable to respond if I used up too many posts. lol
Why don't we exchange e-mail instead? Could be easier to plan out that way instead of broadcasting it across the thread! My e-mail is thewalkingcage@gmail.com

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