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This Can't be Right : Arranged Marriage


Queen Kitty
I'll have to add details later, but here is the gist of it all.

This is 1x1 rp but it's meant for multiple people to sign and and be pared off with each other. Great way to meet new people.

In 2016 the United States of America had elected a new president, a man who had plans to create a new world to live in. Not all citizens were pleased with the idea the president had, and sides formed. Outraged with each other, the nation had gone through yet another Civil War. The war lasted three years, soldiers that once fought to protect the nation fought each other, the most powerful country collapsed. But once the dust settle, and they agreed to set up a border, laws were set, papers were signed, and it had become official - North America had split into two; diving the northern and southern states to become their own Unions. Things became rather, peaceful.

(Imagine New York and LA)

The Northern Union thrived in business and money. New technologies were produced, medicines and more of the greatest things existed here. People lived in fabulous homes, threw elegant parties, red carpet events, and loved the business and city lights. The average person owned millions and millions of dollars.

(Imagine Georgia and Alabama)

The Southern Union was viewed as the poor land, although most families were "middle-class". The southern region did most of the animal farming, clothe making, and plant growing due to the warmer weather and amount of land.

Years after the war ended a nasty outbreak of a unknown illness swept across the land, people dying faster than the vaccine could be distributed throughout the the two Unions. A quarter of the populated had died from the illness, causing the economy to surprisingly drop.

After the celebration of the new year, 2022, Unions leaders and officials met to discuss the damage that had been made.

In efforts to save the population, maintain the peace agreement, and the economic status, the two unions passed a new law, stating that one girl from the Southern Union aged 16 to 18 would be pared of with one man from the Northern Union, aged 20 to 24.

Once the couple were wed and two children were born (with no certain time limit, and depending on where the rp takes you, you can have as many as you want), the man could then decide to maintain the marriage with the young woman or send her back down to the Southern region to be with her family and re-marry (if she wanted to) a man that he chooses. But no matter what, one child would remain in the Northern region and the other would go to the Southern region to be raised with the girl's family.

Only one girl is chosen by the Union leaders every three years to move away from home to marry a man of money and power she'd never met and bare children in a world she had only seen on television.

Will the two young adults be able to fall in love or will it remain business?

Character Sheet for Girls:

Full Name:

Age: (16-18)

Family's Job: (What your family does for a living)

Appearance: (real person picture please)






Character Skeleton for Males:

Full Name:

Age: (20-24)

Family's Job: (What your family does for a living)

Your Job:

Appearance: (real person picture please)






All pairs are done by a coin flip, all by chance.

Don't kill me if you don't like who you've been matched with.

Makes the role-play better, yes?

The Pair Matched for Matrimony

( Once you've been matched with someone PM them to begin the rp.

The setting listed in
optional, it's just to help you out if needed.)

Pair Female Male Setting for the beginning of the Rp
One Arianna Berntenat @Icefox11 Kamron Edwards @wizard justin Northern Region / October
Four Maryelisa Hope Popping @Mikkelle Sting Jayden Harding @JJennibee Northern Region / July
Five Joanna-Beth Parker @Vodka Vincent Costello @Hell0NHighWater Southern Region (to receive the bride-to-be)/ December
Six Aire Lane Wilson @LittleWolfie Robert Compton @DrCompton Northern Region / August
Seven Open @ Open @ N/A
Eight Open @ Open @ N/A
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Full Name: Ariana Berntenat

Age: 17

Family's Job: Ranchers


Personality: Ari is not a nice person. She is a simple person who doesn't think about love. In fact, the only time she loved someone, her heart was broken. She is determined to ignore her partner. She never wants to love anyone, ever again. But she is secretly a musician who loves to sing.


• Horses

• Open fields

• Fresh Apples

• Singing


• Confined spaces

• Rotten food

• Most men

• Bruises

Family: Mom, Dad, 3 Older brothers and 1 younger sister.

Other: A small tattoo of a music note on her ankle.

Full Name: Anastasia Rose Jakson

Age: 17

Family's Job: A typical farm: wheat, cotton, beans, as well as cows, pigs, and horses

Appearance: Stands at 5'4, with moderate curves.She has muscles do to her life growing up on a farm. [face credit: unknown]

Personality: Though kind and compassionate, she is independent and will always speak her mind. She has overly develpoed motherly instincts, so if you're hurt, she will immediately try and take care of you.


• Reading

• Singing

• Riding Horses

• laughing



•being away from her loved ones

•people trying to romanticize mental illnesses

Family: Mother, Father, an 11 year old brother

Other: does not want to do this,


Full Name: Kamron Ray Edwards

Age: 21

Family's Job: Father worked as a CEO for a car company, his mother was a stay-at-home mother

Your Job: Taking over his father's company

Appearance: Stands at 6'3, lightly muscled. Brown eyes, brown, slightly curly hair and pale skin. [face credit: Dan Howell]

Personality: He's awkward, but arrogant at the same time. All in all, very kind, but he prefers to hide that, as he's been taught to be a man you have to act a certain way.


• music

• books

• smiling/smiles


•girls who pretend to be stupid



Family: His father. His mother died when he was young.

Other: He's obscenely rich. He also doesn't think girls should be forced into marriage
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Full Name: Justin Krone Jallal

Age: (20-24) 21

Family's Job: (What your family does for a living) Technology/Inventor

Your Job: Engineer

Appearance: (real person picture please)

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_07/57a8bfaa1742c_blondehairedboi.jpg.71e75dc24cf6afa3a0d3e4c529ac198b.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="22915" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_07/57a8bfaa1742c_blondehairedboi.jpg.71e75dc24cf6afa3a0d3e4c529ac198b.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

His height is 5'11

Personality: He can be angered very fast, but he is kind almost all the time to everyone. He is very stubborn when he doesn't want to listen to anyone. When he starts to drink he can get a little abusive but that rarely happens.


• He likes to eat food

• Talking to people

• Drinking

• People who he can trust.


• Hates being told what to do.

• A person who can be a jerk

• Blood

• People who betray his trust


Father- James Jallal (Deceased)

Mother- Jenna Jallal

Sister- Jenifer Jallal (Deceased)

Brother- John Jallal

Other: He is very wealthy and he thinks money can pay off almost everything besides love.



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Full Name: Luisa Ann Gregory

Age: 17

Family's Job: owns and operates an orchad for apples, blueberries, peaches, you name it.

Appearance: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_07/image.jpg.feb2d0889bbf9509734b3ed597ca67a9.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="22971" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_07/image.jpg.feb2d0889bbf9509734b3ed597ca67a9.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Personality: She can be very stubborn sometimes, unafraid to speak her mind but only in familiar places. When she's nervous sometimes she can ramble or ask to many questions about one thing, it's something that she's been working on to suppress.


• Her dog Annie

• comfortable practical clothing, none of these heels or dresses.

• in her free time she DJs as a local dance club, there she is surrounded by small town people she's called family.

• guitar


• crowded rooms

• stuck up people

• people who won't stop talking

• people who point out her flaws.

Family: she has 7 older brothers, and one younger sister around they age of 6

Other: if she's not working on the farm you can find her in her room making remixes or with her headphones on.

Full Name: Jayden Samuel Hardling

Age: 22

Family's Job: His family owns the number one law enforcement agency in the north

Your Job: heir and apprentice to his father

Appearance: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_07/image.jpg.f891e7c7686b0559962f71721c7397ec.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="22972" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_07/image.jpg.f891e7c7686b0559962f71721c7397ec.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Personality: he's very logical, quick thinking. You could say the silent type but not shy, he just thinks. He doesn't really have a huge tolerance either, very quickly he will let you know if you're worth his time.


• to be left alone

• reading

• hunting

• writing


• going on business trips with his father

• gun ranges

• asking for favors

• when people ask him for favors.

Family:he is the oldest of three, with a sister below him and a young brother




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Full Name: Justin Hence Pyronick

Age: (20-24) 22

Family's Job: (What your family does for a living) Artist

Your Job: Artist

Appearance: (real person picture please)

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_07/image.jpg.b57c3be94d12d38d577511bb06755196.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="23009" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_07/image.jpg.b57c3be94d12d38d577511bb06755196.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Personality: kind, Shy, Friendly, can be angered easily.


• Mathmatics

• Silence

• Creating

• Books


• Traveling

• People who are noisy

• Fire

• Blood


Father: Jordan Pyronick (Deceased)

Mother: Maddison Pyronick




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Full Name: Maryelisa Hope Popping

Age: 19

Family's Job: All of her family members are farmers and ranchers.




Personality: Maryelisa is a kind and gentle girl with a very perky personality. She has a strong-will and a quick-temper, but in many ways is wiser than most people, especially other girls her age. She's not the flirty type and whenever anyone tries to flirt with her she blows it off.


• Sweets

• Helping people

• Animals

• Getting dirty


• Sitting still

• Mean or snobby people

• The city

• Crowded or tight areas


Hope Popping(mother)

Trevor Popping(father)

Papa Popping(grandpa)

Mama Popping(grandma)

Max Popping(older brother)

Riley Jo Popping(older sister)

Even Popping(younger brother)

Blake Popping(youngest brother)

Cheryl Popping(youngest sister)

Full Name: Aire (Ay-re) Lane Wilson

Age: 17

Family’s Job: Runs a large apple orchard



Personality: Fiery temper and headstrong with a stubborn but caring nature. She’s blunt and to the point, immediately letting you know where you stand. Trusting no one outside her family and herself, Aire is completely against new people along with this whole thing of deciding that she’s going to marry some northerner.


  • High Places
  • Storms
  • Dancing (especially in the rain)
  • Free Running


  • Lack Of Control
  • Jackasses
  • Asking For Help
  • People Who Think They’re Better Than Everyone Else


Father – Mark Wilson

Mother – Rowan Wilson - Deceased

Brother - Jack Wilson - 21

Brother – Harry Wilson - 20

Brother – Luke Wilson - 18

Brother – Daemon Wilson - 16

Sister – Lila Wilson - 13

Sister – Jessa Wilson - 10

Brother – Marcus Wilson - 7

Sister – Mary-Ann Wilson - 7

Other: Her and her older brothers having matching tree tattoos in various places in memory of their mother. Aire’s is in the small of her back.
Full Name:

Vincent "Vince" Costello



Family's Job:

Lawyers (They represent and advice high-ranking politicians)

Your Job:


Appearance:<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_07/tumblr_mp1z64lvsf1rt8ai5o1_500.jpg.148275a7e89eb780a1ec3c4dceb32734.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="23068" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_07/tumblr_mp1z64lvsf1rt8ai5o1_500.jpg.148275a7e89eb780a1ec3c4dceb32734.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


Quick to anger and equipped with a silver tongue, Vincent is a headstrong type of guy that will go out of his way to get things done. He is no stranger to bending the rules and often finds himself outside his legal boundaries despite being from a lawful family. Vincent puts up a "bad boy" mask, always keeping people within arms length and never letting them get too close. Despite treating people like shit, he genuinely cares for the people he loves...if you manage to get past his iron curtain.


• Rain

• Milkshakes

• Dancing (he pretends he doesn't)

• Family


• Being formal

• Asking for Help

• People who nag him for doing his job

• His Father


Grandfather- status: disceased

Father- Alex J Costello status: alive

Mother- Diana M Costello status: alive

Sister- Helen F Costello status: disceased

Brother- Joffery G Costello status: alive

Other: He secretly got a Tattoo for his 21st birthday.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_07/cool-tattoos-ideas-images-27-138980106948gnk.jpg.5f0a45af512b1e209469aba7c0f6bf90.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="23070" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_07/cool-tattoos-ideas-images-27-138980106948gnk.jpg.5f0a45af512b1e209469aba7c0f6bf90.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Full Name Name

Joanna-Beth Rose Parker


• Jo ( What she introduces herself as )

• Rosie ( The family's nickname for her, when she's not in trouble )


Seventeen ( 17 )


Female ♀

Family Occupation

Her parents, siblings, and herself all work at their family owned tavern





Jo is caring, kind, sweet, charming, and intelligent. She has love and loyalty of the people who she is closest with, although she may have a hard time showing it. Many would describe Jo as very quiet person, she rarely speaks. A stubborn, silent, but strong individual. She is also quite opinionated and sees no problem is verbalizing her thoughts to others. She can be aggressive, as it is called. She does have a temper, and it doesn't take much to set it off.


• Her music

Mojo, her kitten

• Friends

• Exploring


• People seeing her cry

• Leaving her family

• People commenting about her accent

• Small children


• Father: Bobby Parker

• Mother: Diana Parker

• Eldest Brother: Bobby Jr. Parker

• Older Brother: Chris Parker Deceased

• Younger Sister: Jessie Parker


On the back of her neck, near her hairline, she has a black link tattoo:


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Full Name:Robert "Bobby" Compton

Age: 23

Family's Job: Doctors, both sides

Your Job: Still in school to become a doctor


Personality: With people he is close too, Bobby is very relaxed and easy going. However with strangers, and co-workers he is very straight forward and serious and most people think he is a total jerk. He isn't afraid to speak his mind to anybody, and sometimes it gets him in trouble. He is extremely loyal to his family and friends.


• Music

• Videogames

• Movies

• Family and Friends


• The outdoors

• Spiders

• Fights (Physical)

• Politics


Gene Compton, Father

Ariel Compton, Mother

Spencer Compton, Brother (+10 years, married)

Other: Is opposed to the laws, but sees the practicality in it.

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