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Multiple Settings Third Millennium - A Magical Sci-fi Alternate History Setting [OPEN]


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A.N: Heya, RPNation! My name is EarthlySpade. I'm a young teenager from the beautiful country of Vietnam; specifically Ho Chi Minh City (also known as Saigon) in the southeastern region. English is my second-language (with my first being Vietnamese), so I make a ton of grammar mistakes. I'm not that literate to the point that I can write several thousands of words for simply walking, but I'm still literate enough to the point that I "usually" reply with a few no-frills (A.K.A basic) short and concise paragraphs. I've really got nothing planned, to be honest. There's so many possibilities in Third Millennium that I can't decide on one. This thread is gonna discuss what scenario(s) you all want to do. I will make a Discord server for OOC talk, suggestions and whatnot when I deem it necessary. You can ask questions here for now, however.
I'm not really familiar with the site. I've already read all of the rules and guides but I'm still not sure if you want the RP to be public or private in the conversations thingy. Third Millennium is also insanely unfinished, so expect a lot of changes and more info to drop. I improvise a lot, as well. Below is a very concise (yes, I mean concise. Detailed and you would have died of brain damage) rundown of the world. It is super ass as you can see, but I can provide some more detailed answers and lore in the replies.

Third Millennium
The universe was created by the Old Gods, powerful eldritch beings who existed before time and beyond reality and spacetime itself. The Old Gods created the Primordials, beings whose only purpose was to serve them as well as rule over large sections of the Infinity (the Universe). One of these Primordials was the Abrahamic God, Jehovah, who maintained control over a vast section of space, which included Earth and the Solar System. Jehovah created the first two elves; Adam and Eve, who committed the original sin by eating the apple after being tricked by the Devil, also known as the Prince of Pride or Lucifer Morningstar.
The elves are kicked from Eden and cast down to Earth, forced to start anew. They then evolve into modern elves, humans (later down the line), dwarves and other elvenoid (humanoid) races. All of them are natural adepts at magic except humans, who are exiled to the Americas and Africa by the ancient Elvish and Dwarven Empires from Europe. There are also some extra landmasses like Agartha, Atlantis, Mu and Lemuria, which are inhabited by the exiled humans.
There is a rapid rise in technology and magic, even greater than the modern one, before it is all destroyed by the Demon King and the ensuing Hyperwar as well as the rise of the Roman Empire. Jesus Christ is born, defeats the Demon King (the Devil) before ascending, taking away a large part of Earth's mana with his ascension.
The actually important divergence is on April 20th, 1941. Hitler is diagnosed by a doctor with Stage III Prostate Cancer and early Alzheimer's. Due to his inability to effectively rule the Third Reich as well as decreasing support from the SS, Hitler voluntary resigns from his position and lives the last decade of his life fighting cancer and in a cabin in Berghof, Bavaria with Eva Braun before being found dead in his home in 1951.
Himmler is the one who is chosen to become the new Fuhrer, but Hermann Goering doesn't like that, so he tries to do a coup de tat with support from a few generals, which results in a short civil war in Berlin before he gets captured and executed. Himmler delays Operation Barbarossa for 2 years, giving time for Germany to hoard more resources and oil as well as establish better supply lines and strategies and work on secret projects like wunderwaffe's (wonder-weapons) and it's magical divisions.
In the early summer of 1943, the now renamed Operation Ragnarok commences and the Soviets are caught completely off-guard. The Germans push them back all the way back to Moscow by the middle of autumn and destroy the last remnants of the Red Army. The 3 years that would follow is humiliating for the Soviets, as the fractured army is picked off and destroyed one by one. They are forced to sign the Treaty of Stalingrad, which cedes all land east of the Urals to the newly formed Reichkommissariats Moskowien, Kaukasus, Ukrein, and Ostland as well as Karelia to Finland. Russia then goes into a warlord era that will last decades. Turkestan (Central Asia) and Outer Manchuria also break away from the U.S.S.R, before being balkanized by the failed but deadly Caspian Sea War and annexed by the Empire of Japan respectively,
The Empire of Japan on the other hand is much more successful; managing to almost finish the US Pacific Navy completely and avoiding battles like Midway entirely. In this timeline, due to lackluster Chinese resistance as well as the absence of a truce between the Nationalists and Communists, Japan defeats the "United" Chinese Front. They are also much more successful in New Guinea, managing to push back the Australians and even invading the northern part of the Mainland for quite a bit.
By 1951, both the Allies and Axis are exhausted from the war. There is a 2-year phony war between 1951-1953 before everyone gathers in the neutral territory of Geneva, Switzerland and signs a peace treaty, officially ending WWII, as well as the creation of the United Nations and Geneva Conventions (which are somehow even more ineffective in this timeline).

Humanity then first discovers the wonder-metal known as Byrium (commonly known as Unobtanium) in Ytterby, Sweden; officially starting the golden age of humanity. Byrium is element 184 of the periodic table and it can only be created by supernovae elements combined with extraordinary amounts of mana in the Earth's core for thousands of years. Byrium is like a combination of a diamond's hardness, titanium's strength and tungsten's durability but by 10 and much rarer. Byrium has a lot of uses and it is essential for powering the Earth. Humanity's technology advancements rises rapidly like never before, reaching modern levels of technology by the 60s and sci-fi levels of technology by '97.
Following the end of World War 2 and the technology boom, megacorporations around the world. start gaining power in major industries. Most of them are in Switzerland, which was mostly unaffected by the war. The Greater Germanic Reich would try to invade Switzerland in the 1957 Swiss-German war, which would end in complete disaster due to the Swiss Alps' defensive line. The border war was short and small, but it had drastic consequences. The megacorporations would pull out from Germany, which heavily affected the economy of the Reich, which was still trying to recover in the aftermath of the war. Due to this as well as decrease in global trade with Suez and Panama Canal crises in 1955 and 1958 respectively as well as Swiss banks temporarily shutting down (which was a deliberate move by the Confederation), a Second great Depression would happen across the world.
War-torn countries like Germania, Britain and Japan suffered heavily, as there was a lack of able-bodied men for the work force due to most serving in the war and already retiring to the countryside as well as near to zero economic growth due to businesses not wanting to invest in each other's countries. This Second Great Depression allowed for the megacorporations to consolidate even more control over Earth, buying out other major companies and establishing a complete monopoly over every major industry. By the end of the Second Great Depression in 1961, omnipotent Swiss megacorporations essentially controlled the world, controlling all aspects of life and manipulating political and social affairs.
Some of them include:
- Adventor Industries: Specializes in military-grade weapons as well as mercenary and assassin work.
- Midas Foods: Specializes in home products and food as well as restaurants, hotels and transportation.
- Nomad Technologies: Specializes in technology as well as AI and robotics.
- Alpha-Omega (AL-GA) Mining: Specializes in mining for normal resources, Byrium as well as void mining and space mining
- Northstar Space Enterprises: Specializes in space exploration and colonization
- Kalin Voss Finance Group: Specializes in finance, banking, estates and stock trading
- ...
In 1963, due to social unrest and decreasing support for the British government from failures to help it's citizens in the Great Depression, there is a successful coup de ta by the royal monarchy, with Queen Elizabeth II reinstating herself as empress of the newly reformed Empire of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. The British government does not allow it's colonies to leave the Commonwealth as independent nations, instead opting for a more a centralized empire. Great Britain also annexes Ireland, Iceland and Afghanistan and several other nations in the following years.
The Americans are obviously alarmed and diplomatic relations break down between the two, which worsen even further in the Lake Ontario Incident in 1964, where several Canadian/British warships mistakenly fires on the fleet of American warships docked in Ontario, leading to the grueling American-Canadian War from 1965-1968. The Americans destroy the Canadians in the east but are unable to push any further before Operation Red Leaf in late 1965, which breaks through the Windsor-Quebec City defense line by bypassing it through the Great Lakes. The Canadian army is surrounded and smashed, forcing them to retreat to the last bastion of Canadia - Quebec City.
Here, 15000 Canadians make a desperate stand against 200000 Americans. The Americans are humiliated as the Canadians have a recorded K/D ratio of almost 20 Americans for 1 Canadian. They hold the horde for almost 2 years before Commonwealth forces finally arrive to reinforce the Canadians, pushing back the demoralized Americans. After one more year of fighting, the Commonwealth and the newly formed US-led Association of Free Nations sign the Treaty of Quebec City. The Canadian provinces of Haida Gwaii, Vancouver Island, Yukon, British Columba, Upper British Columba, Northwest Territories, Alberta, Saskatchewan, Northern Saskatchewan, and Manitoba joins the United States. Quebec also splits off peacefully from Canada and the British directly occupy Newfoundland and Labrador.
The war caused the British and Americans' relations to rip further apart, with the former forming the Association of Free Nations with a majority of Latin America and the latter to create a friendship with the Greater Germanic Reich. Great Britain, Free France, Free Belgium (Congo), and Portugal join together and form the Union of European States, also known as the European Union, which becomes a close partner with the Pact of Iron.
Soon to be President-for-life Gerald Harrison is elected into office in 1966, going on to serve 8 terms in office and essentially becoming a dictator. Harrison brings Manifest Destiny back to life and revitalizes the American spirit and dream as well. Using propaganda, the president brainwashes to populace into unconditional support for the United States of America. Harrison looks further south to Mexico, Central America and the Caribbean, where there are much easier targets than Canada.
The US invades Mexico in the Second Mexican-American War, officially starting the American Expansion Wars. The US swiftly defeats the Mexicans, annexing most of the north and establishing a puppet government. They start funding rebels and pro-American governments in Central America, ensuring that it is under full American imperialism and of course; capitalism. The US also directly occupies the Panama Canal as well as British Honduras (Belize). The US would quickly annex Haiti and Dominica in 1974 before blockading and then invading Cuba in 1976.
By the 80's, the Russian/Central Asian warlord eras had come to a close or was nearing to it. Turkestan had reunited as a federation and they had also peacefully annexed Xinjiang as Uyghurstan. Siberia had consolidated into nations like the Federation of Uralia, the Sakha Republic, the reformed U.S.S.R stretching from Tyumen to Chita and the Western Siberian Democratic Republic (definitely not a totalitarian nation like North Korea).
Around this time, the Space Race had really began to kick up, as humans went beyond the now corporate haven of the Moon to Mars to begin terraforming it, the flying cities of Venus, the Asteroid Belt mining operations, the underwater colonies of Europa and Titan, the floating ship cities of Uranus and Neptune and Base Alpha on Pluto and beyond to the Kuiper Belt. Thousands of satellites orbit Earth and it's colonies, with the decommissioned U.S.S.S (United States Space-Ship) Liberty being the largest, which has now become a massive trading hub and jumping off point for spaceships traveling in the Solar System.

As of 1997, the world is still in a state of anarchy and chaos, but it is getting much better. Nations are beginning to get alarmed, however, as turn of the centuries (0 AD, 1000 AD) had always indicated almsot apocalyptic events. The world approaches the Third Millennium (holy shit that's the name of the setting), and humanity will face the greatest tests it will ever receieve.

Association of Free Nations
Members: United States of America, Republic of Mexico, Federation of Central America, Republic of Haiti, Dominican Republic, Republic of Cuba, Republic of Panama, Republic of Colombia, Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, Republic of Ecuador, Republic of Peru, Plurinational State of Bolivia, Republic of Chile, Republic of Paraguya, Argentine Republic, Oriental Republic of Uruguay.
Observers: Federative Republic of Brazil, Republic of Suriname
Union of European States
Members: Empire of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, Republic of Ireland, Kingdom of Portugal, Kingdom of Belgium, French Fourth Republic, United Canadian Provinces, Confederation of the Levant, Islamic Republic of Egypt, Union of South Africa, British Colonies, Portuguese Colonies, French Colonies
Observers: None
Pact of Iron
Members: Greater Germanic Reich (+Reichskommissariats), Empire of Roma Italia, Spanish State, Republic of Finland, Kingdom of Hungary, Kingdom of Romania, Tsardom of Bulgaria, Independent State of Croatia, Independent State of Serbia, Kingdom of Greece
Observers: Kingdom of Sweden, Republic of Turkey, Empire of Persia, Swiss Confederation (sort-of)
Greater East Asian Co-Prosperity Sphere
Members: Empire of Japan, Empire of Manchuria, Republic of China, Republic of Mongolia, Republic of Thailand, Republic of Indonesia, Second Philippines Republic, Union of Burma, Empire of Vietnam, Kingdom of Kampuchea, Kingdom of Laos, Republic of Malaya
Observers: Tibetan Republic, Qing State

Note: This took me like an entire day 😭😭😭. Please respond. I'm so... tired. Also I made a rough somewhat outdated map of the world. Alliance tho, not national. I would've added factions but I'm too fucking tired.


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