♥ Thicker Than Water ♥


Untapped Potential

How To Apply:

1) Be sure to read the rules!

2) Copy and paste the complete bios for both of the corresponding characters listed (there should be one male and one female per roleplayer) into a new post and press "reply".

3) Wait for either Holly or Lori to accept you into the RP! It's that easy, we promise you that.

The Milano-Sorrentinos


Name: Malia Sorrentino ~ Age: 18 ~ Place in Family: Youngest Daughter ~ FC: Sofia Black D'Elia ~ Love Interest: Marco Harrison – Flirtation ~ Also Plays: Dustin Fitzgerald ~ Taken ~ @Hollipop

Personality: +unique, bubbly, daring; -rebellious, brash

History: Malia Sorrentino is very clearly the baby of the family. Like her older siblings, she was spoiled as a child and pushed into modeling at a young age. Unlike her sisters, however, Malia hated modeling. She hated being put in frou-frou dresses and having to sit still and make ridiculous poses while some asshole who thought it was cool to call people fat snapped her photo. By the time she was ten, she told her mother straight-up that she wasn't going to model anymore. It came as a shock to Margo, who felt like the luckiest mom in the world to have five daughters who were all going to be successful names in the modeling industry. Still, Malia managed to make a name for herself with her unique sense of style and fresh attitude. At age sixteen, she created her own line of edgy accessories and exciting cosmetics named after—herself! For her eighteenth birthday, Leon surprised her by buying out an empty store so that Malia could take her business from online to the streets of California. She enjoys working, and still manages to find time to cause a little ruckus here and there.


Name: Maci Sorrentino ~ Age: 20 ~ Place in Family: Second Youngest Daughter ~ FC: Selena Gomez ~ Love Interest: Cory Levan - Boyfriend ~ Also Plays: Victor Carmichael ~ Taken ~ @Lori Williams ♥

Personality: +positive, cheerful, caring; -sensitive, emotional, insecure

History: Maci was born to Margo Milano and Leon Sorrentino. At first it was difficult to understand the concept of having siblings with the same mother, and a different father, but she eventually got used to it. Two years later her little sister, Malia Sorrentino was born. Since the two girls were the youngest, they became close friends, as if they were twins. Having famous family members wasn't always easy. Some people bullied her and hated on her and someone that was always by her side was a boy named Cory Levan. He moved to Calabasas when he was 8 and ever since then they had been best friends. When they got into high school Cory finally gathered the courage to ask her out, and ever since then they've been dating. However, her siblings weren't the only ones that were in the fashion business. Ever since Maci was 15 she modeled for different clothing brands, and by the time she was 17 she was modeling for bigger brandnames. Even before that her mom had made her model for brands like Gap Kids. It was a pain sometimes, since on certain days she would go to school and realize she didn't understand any of the curriculum. Although she is already a young adult, since Margo is her "momager", Maci currently lives in the Sorrentino home with her sister, Malia, her mom, and her dad.


Name: Maya Milano ~ Age: 26 ~ Place in Family: Oldest Daughter/Mother of Matthew "Matty" Carmichael ~ FC: Nina Dobrev ~ Love Interest: Victor Carmichael - Boyfriend ~ Also Plays: Jay Bolton ~ Taken ~ @oOBubblesOo

Personality: +understanding, fun, loving; -sarcastic, snappy

History: Megan was the third to be born in the Milano family. She looked a lot like her older sister, Maya, so some people mistaked her as her. Sometimes it was hard having no identity, so for a while she was stuck inside her own little shell. When she entered high school she broke out of it. She chose to be confident and became a popular student. Ever since she was in high school she had always been in the modelling business and one day they asked her to model for a Gatorade advertisement alongside the Lakers players. Megan was thrilled and agreed to it. At the advertisement she unepectedly met the love of her life, one of the basketball players, Jay Bolton. In a blink of an eye they got married. Despite being the youngest daughter in the Milano family, she was the first to get married, even before Maya, who already had a son. They found a house together and seeing that Bennett was leeching off of her parents, she offered to let him live with them. Megan currently lives in her house with Jay and her little brother Bennett.


Name: Mariana Milano ~ Age: 25 ~ Place in Family: Second Oldest Daughter ~ FC: Alexandra Chando ~ Love Interest: Dustin Fitzgerald - Flirtation ~ Also Plays: Marco Harrison ~ Taken ~ @oOBubblesOo

Personality: +caring, funny; -lazy, careless

History: Bennett was the last child to be born before Marshall Milano died. His father's death didn't affect him a lot since he didn't know him very well. He sped through school not caring about grades and anything educational. He was known as the class's "player", since he constantly played with girls' feelings. Every new girl that stepped on school grounds' heart was broken by this male. After graduating high school he didn't have any thoguhts of college so he ended up living off his parents. When his sister, Megan, got married to Jay, Megan offered to let him live with them because she didn't want him to leech off of his parents. He obviously accepted and moved in with them. Since his love life was so boring after graduating, his sister, Mariana, introduced him to her friend Alicia, a hotel heiress. Although she was confident and a bit selfish, they were a perfect fit together and she brought out the best in him. They are still dating and have a stable relationship. Bennett currrently lives in Jay Bolton and Megan Milano's house.


Name: Leon Sorrentino ~ Age: 55 ~ Place in Family: Patriarch ~ FC: Mark Ruffalo ~ Love Interest: Margo Milano – Wife ~ Also Plays: Margo Milano ~ Taken ~ @Hollipop & @Lori Williams ♥

Personality: +Nurturing, Hardworking, Strong-Willed ; -Pushover, Overprotective

History: Leon Sorrentino was born in Brooklyn, New York to a butcher and a receptionist at a doctor's office. From a young age, he knew that he wanted more for himself than the blue-collar careers his beloved parents held. He studied very hard and committed himself through grade school, and managed to get into Harvard Business School. While at Harvard, he met Marshall Milano, a man who matched his own ambitions. The two became fast friends. Leon was the best man at Marshall's wedding, godfather to the guy's kids, and the two of them started a business together and became very wealthy. Everything changed, though, about a month after Marshall's first son was born. Marshall passed away of a sudden heart attack, and along with grieving his best friend, Leon knew it was his job to take care of Margo and the kids. The biggest twist occurred when Margo and Leon ended up falling in love and conceiving. With the blessing of Margo's young children, the two got married—-before Margo was showing, of course—and their daughter Maci was born. Two years later, Malia arrived into this world. Leon has since retired from his job, but has enough money for his family to live more than comfortably. The rest is history!


Name: Margo Milano ~ Age: 50 ~ Place in Family: Matriarch ~ FC: Catherine Zeta-Jones ~ Love Interest: Leon Sorrentino – Husband ~ Also Plays: Leon Sorrentino ~ Taken ~ @Hollipop & @Lori Williams ♥

Personality: +loving, zealous, family-oriented; -overdramatic, overbearing

History: Margo Milano wasn't always the flamboyant self-proclaimed superstar she considers herself to be now. She actually had quite humble beginnings, raised in small-town Texas by a banker and a homemaker. She knew for her entire life that she wanted to do was dance. Her father picked up extra hours at work so that Margo could attend only the best dance classes their town had to offer, and it turned out that she was a natural. She founded her high school's dance team, but dropped out during her senior year after being scouted by a director to dance back-up in the Broadway musical, Chicago. Margo's Broadway career took off quickly, but ended when she was at the tender age of 21 due to an injury. She ended up finding a job as a receptionist out in front of California for Marshall Milano, a wealthy businessman who was willing to take a chance on a girl without a high school diploma. Of course, the two ended up falling in love. They were married when Margo was 23 and popped out the first of four children within a year. After Marshall passed, she ended up seeking solace in his best friend and colleague. She had her second marriage and two more children. Margo is currently the “momager” of her very talented bunch.


Name. Matthew "Matty" Carmichael ~ Age: 1 and a half ~ Place in Family: Youngest Family Member/Son of Victor Carmichael & Maya Milano ~ NPC

Extra Info: Matty is an NPC

History: Matthew "Matty" Carmichael was born on the 7th of July to Victor Carmichael and Maya Milano. He is 1 and a half years old and lives with his parents, that are currently not married.

Other Characters


Name: Alicia Lockheart ~ Age: 21 ~ Place in Family: N/A ~ FC: AnnaLynne McCord ~ Love Interest: Bennett Milano – Boyfriend ~ Also Plays: Cory Levan ~ Taken ~ @Nat

Personality: +self-assured, trendy, sociable; -selfish, conceited

History: Alicia Lockheart grew up in Beverly Hills, California, but spent a lot of her childhood in various hotels all over the world. Yes, that's right. Alicia Lockheart the heiress of the five-star Lockheart hotel chain. Growing up, she was given everything she ever desired so she would stay out of her parent's way. Whether it was a pony ranch or backstage passes to see her favorite boy band, no expense was too grand for daddy's little angel—-as long as she stayed that way. As a teenager, she decided to stay in Beverly Hills full time and give up her traveling homeschooling to attend the famous Beverly Hills High School, where she ruled the place with an iron fist. She attended one of Maci Sorrentino's ultra-exclusive birthday parties, but ended up striking up a friendship with the girl's older sister, Mariana. The two girls bonded over their love of designer labels and guys with muscles, and Mariana acted as a mentor to Alicia. When Alicia was nineteen and Mariana was 22, the two girls decided to get a place together. Their friend-turned-roomies situation had its share of conflict, but they have fun together. A year ago, Mariana, being Mariana, set Alicia up on a blind date—with her brother, Bennett. The two hit it off surprisingly well and have been dating for a little less than a year.


Name: Dustin Fitzgerald ~ Age: 25 ~ Place in Family: N/A ~ FC: Chace Crawford ~ Love Interest: Mariana Milano – Flirtation ~ Also Plays: Malia Sorrentino ~ Taken ~ @Hollipop

Personality: +down-to-earth, considerate, humble; -gullible, over-trusting

History: Dustin Fitzgerald grew up in Cookeville, Tennessee, the adopted son of two lawyers. Growing up, money was never an issue for them. They always had a lot more than they needed, so they made a point of helping out those less fortunate than them. Whenever young Dustin would see a homeless person on his way to school, he'd give the man the lunch money he was given for the day. It was just the way he was raised, and it helped him grow into a caring and humble young man. When he got to high school, he fell in love for the first time with a girl named Kelsey. The two of them dated for three years, but she broke up with him right before their graduation ceremony after giving him the impression that they were going to take their relationship to the long distance level when they went off to college. His heartbreak made the usually-positive Dustin into a stoic lost soul. He wasted his four years of college keeping to himself and became extremely bitter. It took graduating with a degree in economics and getting a boring job for him to realize that he needed to change his life for the better. He went on a “life cleanse” and cut out all of the toxic people in his life. To get back to his humble ways, he asked his parents to no longer send him money. Dustin is now the same guy he was before, and is working as Margo Milano's assistant and living in an apartment that isn't stellar, but he pays for it himself.


Name: Marco Harrison ~ Age: 20 ~ Place in Family: N/A ~ FC: Aaron Taylor-Johnson ~ Love Interest: Malia Sorrentino – Flirtation ~ Also Plays: Mariana Milano ~ Taken ~ @Akeira

Personality: +Talented, Honest, Approachable ; -Wild, Uncontrollable

History: Marco Harrison is a California native, but he isn't exactly proud of it. He is the product of an unhappy marriage between a plastic surgeon and a socialite, the failed attempt of them trying to work out their issues by having a kid. Even since he was a little boy, his mother would dress him in designer shirts and try to tame his naturally unruly hair with gel and a comb—-and he hated it. The only thing that kept him from killing his parents was music. When he was ten, he taught himself to play the guitar, and by high school he was a local name. He joined a band his junior year and they actually got picked up by a small label after releasing a demo. After one failure of a tour, the band decided they needed to write more music and build a fanbase. The four boys moved to San Francisco together and got their own place to share, thinking that the more time they had to spent around each other, the more inspired they would be to write music. This backfired, because they all ended up loathing one another. After throwing a house party one night without his roommates' permission, Marco was given the boot—from the house and from the band. He couch-surfed for a little while before cutting his losses and going back to Calabassas. However, his parents refused to let him move back home, so Marco moved in with one of his old friends, Cory. He is currently staying on Cory's couch until he can make enough money at his coffee shop job to get his own place.


Name: Jay Bolton ~ Age: 24 ~ Place in Family: Son-In-Law ~ FC: Tristan Wilds ~ Love Interest: Megan Milano – Wife ~ Also Plays: Maya Milano ~ Taken ~ @WalkerGirl

Personality: +Hilarious, Athletic, Romantic ; -Preoccupied, Easily Distracted

History: Jay Bolton grew up in Alabama, the oldest of six siblings. His father left his mother when he was ten, so the woman had to get three jobs to make ends meet for her huge family. This meant that the majority of Jay's teen years were spent caring for his younger brothers and sisters while he mom was at work. Between playing parent and trying to keep his grades up, he never really had much fun until he got to college. He got into UCLA on a scholarship and, although he felt bad about leaving the kids, they had gotten old enough to take care of each other while their mom was working. On a whim, he was encouraged to try out for the basketball team. Jay ended up falling in love with the sport, and was scouted during his senior year of college to play professionally. Right after graduation, he began to play for the Lakers. A year later, Jay Bolton was a household name. He was making of money to not only have a nice bachelor pad, but also to move his family out to California. The only thing missing from his success was somebody to share it with—until he met Megan. Her and her sisters were doing a Gatorade ad with some of the Lakers guys, and the two of them immediately hit it off. They got married and moved in together within eight months of meeting, and her crazy family immediately accepted him into the fold. He continues to play ball during the season, but is looking forward to starting a family in the near future.


Name. Cory Levan ~ Age: 21 ~ Place in Family: N/A ~ FC: Hunter Parrish ~ Love Interest: Maci Sorrentino - Girlfriend ~ Also Plays: Alicia Lockheart ~ Taken ~ @Nat

Personality: +loving, caring; -overprotective, strongheaded

History: Cory was born in Montreal, Canada and was always that one wimp in the class that never got chosen for the team at recess time. When he turned 8 his family moved to Calabasas, California because of his father's work. When he first started school he was bullied by practically everyone and they all teamed up against him. Cory lost hope of a new start. He thought it would end up being just like Montreal. However, there was one person that decided to stand up for him: Maci Sorrentino. They instantly became best friends and ever since then they were inseparable. Until their 9th grade they were just friends, but it wasn't hard to tell that he had a crush on her. He kept it deep down for years, but finally at their freshman dance he gathered the courage to ask her out. They became sweet lovers and still are. Cory used to live in his condo alone, but he currently lives alongside his friend Marco Harrison, who is sleeping on his couch until he can find a place to stay.


Name: Victor Carmichael ~ Age: 24 ~ Place in Family: Father of Matthew "Matty" Carmichael ~ FC: Colton Haynes ~ Love Interest: Maya Milano - Girlfriend ~ Also Plays: Maci Sorrentino ~ Taken ~ @Lori Williams ♥

Personality: +honest, +witty, -brutally honest, stubborn, blunt

History: Victor was born in Eastport, New York. He constantly visited the city with his parents and loved it there. He was popular all through his school life and got used to being on top. He was a spoiled boy, and became quite narcisistic. One day his friend, who was a photographer for a magazine, invited him to help out for a photoshoot. He gladly accepted and there he unexpectedly met the love of his life: Maya Milano. It wasn't exactly love at first sight. They just talked to each other for a few brief moments and kind of connected, so they decided to give it a try. Yes, she was two years older than him, but it didn't bother them. After a year of dating they grew on each other and were blessed with a child. Instead of getting married first, they had a child before hand named Matthew (Matty), which wasn't thrilling news for Margo, who loved the tradition of marriage before children. Victor currently lives in a house with Maya Milano with their son Matty Carmichael.

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Name: Maya Milano ~ Age: 26 ~ Place in Family: Oldest Daughter/Mother of Matthew "Matty" Carmichael ~ FC: Nina Dobrev ~ Love Interest: Victor Carmichael - Boyfriend ~ Also Plays: Jay Bolton

Personality: +motherly, confident, independent; -undecisive, judgemental, unexpressive

Histroy: Maya was the firstborn to the Milano family. Since her younger siblings were born one after another Maya became more and more independent. Having all these little kids around her she was given more and more responsibilities. Even though they were only a few years younger than her, her parents treated her like she was so much older. Her school years flew by and on one day her friend set her up on a blind date with a guy named Victor Carmichael. At first she wasn't interested at all, but as they got to know each other and they realized they had quite a few similarities. Slowly she fell in love with him and they became an official couple. Yes, he was 2 years younger than her, but Maya instantly fell in love. Without following her family's traditions, Maya had a child without getting married. Victor actually asked her multiple times for marriage, but Maya turned him down every time. She had a good reason. Although Victor was a loving boyfriend, he was wild and always made stupid mistakes. Victor and Maya always needed time to heal and mend their relationship, and that's why she always said no to marriage. Maya currently lives in a house with Victor along with her one and a half year old son, Matthew (Matty).

Name: Jay Bolton ~ Age: 24 ~ Place in Family: Son-In-Law ~ FC: Tristan Wilds ~ Love Interest: Megan Milano – Wife ~ Maya Milano

Personality: +Hilarious, Athletic, Romantic ; -Preoccupied, Easily Distracted

History: Jay Bolton grew up in Alabama, the oldest of six siblings. His father left his mother when he was ten, so the woman had to get three jobs to make ends meet for her huge family. This meant that the majority of Jay's teen years were spent caring for his younger brothers and sisters while he mom was at work. Between playing parent and trying to keep his grades up, he never really had much fun until he got to college. He got into UCLA on a scholarship and, although he felt bad about leaving the kids, they had gotten old enough to take care of each other while their mom was working. On a whim, he was encouraged to try out for the basketball team. Jay ended up falling in love with the sport, and was scouted during his senior year of college to play professionally. Right after graduation, he began to play for the Lakers. A year later, Jay Bolton was a household name. He was making of money to not only have a nice bachelor pad, but also to move his family out to California. The only thing missing from his success was somebody to share it with—until he met Megan. Her and her sisters were doing a Gatorade ad with some of the Lakers guys, and the two of them immediately hit it off. They got married and moved in together within eight months of meeting, and her crazy family immediately accepted him into the fold. He continues to play ball during the season, but is looking forward to starting a family in the near future.

Live For The Applause

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Name: Mariana Milano ~ Age: 25 ~ Place in Family: Second Oldest Daughter ~ FC: Alexandra Chando ~ Love Interest: Dustin Fitzgerald - Flirtation ~ Also Plays: Marco Harrison

Personality: +romantic, fashionable; -judgemental, insensitive, conceited

History: Mariana is the second oldest daughter in the Milano family. Ever since she was able to talk she was so busy thinking about herself that she had no time to have fun with her family. Especially with her father. When her father died of a sudden heart attack, Mariana was full of regret for not going to get ice cream with him, or inviting him to her dance recital before he was gone for good. That's what caused her to become such a cold and snappy person. Mariana was always very popular, but was known for being quite the b*tch. People only befriended her because they knew that she was one of the richest people around. It didn't really affect Mariana, but it still hurt inside to think that none of her friends were real. However, there was one girl that was always a good friend and a fashion adviser when required: Alicia Lockheart. She was a hotel heiress for the famous chain hotel, The Lockheart, and it turned out that they shared many similarities. When Alicia was 19 and Mariana was 22, they decided to move into a condo together. Seeing how lonely both Alicia and her little brother Bennett were, she decided to introduce Alicia to Bennett and set the up on a date. They surprisingly clicked and are still dating. Mariana currently lives in her own condo with her close friend Alicia Lockheart.

Name: Marco Harrison ~ Age: 20 ~ Place in Family: N/A ~ FC: Aaron Taylor-Johnson ~ Love Interest: Malia Sorrentino – Flirtation ~ Also Plays: Mariana Milano

Personality: +Talented, Honest, Approachable ; -Wild, Uncontrollable

History: Marco Harrison is a California native, but he isn't exactly proud of it. He is the product of an unhappy marriage between a plastic surgeon and a socialite, the failed attempt of them trying to work out their issues by having a kid. Even since he was a little boy, his mother would dress him in designer shirts and try to tame his naturally unruly hair with gel and a comb—-and he hated it. The only thing that kept him from killing his parents was music. When he was ten, he taught himself to play the guitar, and by high school he was a local name. He joined a band his junior year and they actually got picked up by a small label after releasing a demo. After one failure of a tour, the band decided they needed to write more music and build a fanbase. The four boys moved to San Francisco together and got their own place to share, thinking that the more time they had to spent around each other, the more inspired they would be to write music. This backfired, because they all ended up loathing one another. After throwing a house party one night without his roommates' permission, Marco was given the boot—from the house and from the band. He couch-surfed for a little while before cutting his losses and going back to Calabassas. However, his parents refused to let him move back home, so Marco moved in with one of his old friends, Cory. He is currently staying on Cory's couch until he can make enough money at his coffee shop job to get his own place.

Live for the Applause


Name: Megan Milano ~ Age. 22 ~ Place in Family: Third Oldest Daughter ~ FC: Victoria Justice ~ Love Interest: Jay Bolton - Husband ~ Also Plays: Bennett Milano ~ Open ~ @_____

Personality: +understanding, fun, loving; -sarcastic, snappy

History: Megan was the third to be born in the Milano family. She looked a lot like her older sister, Maya, so some people mistake her as her. Sometimes it was hard having no identity, so for a while she was stuck inside her own little shell. When she entered high school she broke out of it. She chose to be confident and became a popular student. Ever since she was in high school she had always been in the modelling business and one day they asked her to model for a Gatorade advertisement alongside the Lakers players. Megan was thrilled and agreed to it. At the advertisement she unexpectedly met the love of her life, one of the basketball players, Jay Bolton. In a blink of an eye they got married. Despite being the youngest daughter in the Milano family, she was the first to get married, even before Maya, who already had a son. They found a house together and seeing that Bennett was leeching off of her parents, she offered to let him live with them. Megan currently lives in her house with Jay and her little brother Bennett.

Name: Bennett Milano ~ Age: 21 ~ Place in Family: Only Son/Fourth Child ~ FC: Tyler Posey ~ Love Interest: Alicia Lockheart - Girlfriend ~ Also Plays: Megan Milano ~ Open ~ @_________

Personality: +caring, funny; -lazy, careless

History: Bennett was the last child to be born before Marshall Milano died. His father's death didn't affect him a lot since he didn't know him very well. He sped through school not caring about grades and anything educational. He was known as the class's "player", since he constantly played with girls' feelings. Every new girl that stepped on school grounds' heart was broken by this male. After graduating high school he didn't have any thoughts of college so he ended up living off his parents. When his sister, Megan, got married to Jay, Megan offered to let him live with them because she didn't want him to leech off of his parents. He obviously accepted and moved in with them. Since his love life was so boring after graduating, his sister, Mariana, introduced him to her friend Alicia, a hotel heiress. Although she was confident and a bit selfish, they were a perfect fit together and she brought out the best in him. They are still dating and have a stable relationship. Bennett currently lives in Jay Bolton and Megan Milano's house.

live for the applause


Name: Alicia Lockheart ~ Age: 21 ~ Place in Family: N/A ~ FC: AnnaLynne McCord ~ Love Interest: Bennett Milano – Boyfriend ~ Also Plays: Cory Levan ~

Personality: +self-assured, trendy, sociable; -selfish, conceited

History: Alicia Lockheart grew up in Beverly Hills, California, but spent a lot of her childhood in various hotels all over the world. Yes, that's right. Alicia Lockheart the heiress of the five-star Lockheart hotel chain. Growing up, she was given everything she ever desired so she would stay out of her parent's way. Whether it was a pony ranch or backstage passes to see her favorite boy band, no expense was too grand for daddy's little angel—-as long as she stayed that way. As a teenager, she decided to stay in Beverly Hills full time and give up her traveling homeschooling to attend the famous Beverly Hills High School, where she ruled the place with an iron fist. She attended one of Maci Sorrentino's ultra-exclusive birthday parties, but ended up striking up a friendship with the girl's older sister, Mariana. The two girls bonded over their love of designer labels and guys with muscles, and Mariana acted as a mentor to Alicia. When Alicia was nineteen and Mariana was 22, the two girls decided to get a place together. Their friend-turned-roomies situation had its share of conflict, but they have fun together. A year ago, Mariana, being Mariana, set Alicia up on a blind date—with her brother, Bennett. The two hit it off surprisingly well and have been dating for a little less than a year.

Name. Cory Levan ~ Age: 21 ~ Place in Family: N/A ~ FC: Hunter Parrish ~ Love Interest: Maci Sorrentino - Girlfriend ~ Also Plays: Alicia Lockheart ~

Personality: +loving, caring; -overprotective, strongheaded

History: Cory was born in Montreal, Canada and was always that one wimp in the class that never got chosen for the team at recess time. When he turned 8 his family moved to Calabasas, California because of his father's work. When he first started school he was bullied by practically everyone and they all teamed up against him. Cory lost hope of a new start. He thought it would end up being just like Montreal. However, there was one person that decided to stand up for him: Maci Sorrentino. They instantly became best friends and ever since then they were inseparable. Until their 9th grade they were just friends, but it wasn't hard to tell that he had a crush on her. He kept it deep down for years, but finally at their freshman dance he gathered the courage to ask her out. They became sweet lovers and still are. Cory used to live in his condo alone, but he currently lives alongside his friend Marco Harrison, who is sleeping on his couch until he can find a place to stay.

live for the applause

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