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Fantasy Thesta Penitentiary for the Wicked [OOC]

KasperXIII KasperXIII Would it be possible for you to post a link for the character sheet, and OOC in the main thread on your first post so that we have a way to quickly go to them without having to search it up every time? If it's not to much trouble that would be great thanks.
I’m just imagining him saying “do you feel that Cahone” in a seductive voice XD
Lol I like you too. It's gonna be hilarious when your character tries to pull his fire powers on Dragoul and he's just like. "Fireproof bitch, what'cha gonna do?"
Lol I like you too. It's gonna be hilarious when your character tries to pull his fire powers on Dragoul and he's just like. "Fireproof bitch, what'cha gonna do?"
Aha as long as he has some sort of object to light on fire he would be able to fashion a shank, then it’s just relying on speed and jabs to bleed/bore dragoul into submission lol
Yep, Dragoul has been a bad bad boy, and needs to be punished. And thank ya Fire I'm glad someone got the joke.
Flowiest D Flowiest D When's Cahone gonna come back from the pool?
Idk, I assumed the GM would step in an say what’s right etc
I’d like to assume he would be there for a while even if he has deals going on with guards. His backstory has noted that he has killed many people in jail so he’d have to have some sort of punishment
This kitchen is gonna be wild though given the people in it so far. I see Niko controlling Dragouls mind to sucker punch Cohen, and then he sets everything on fire, and then Dragoul sets everything on fire

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