There's Nothing "Super" About It.


Your little "Teen Titans" team is missing its "Raven"

So how would you feel about a magic character? (I'll keep it reasonably powered)
[QUOTE="Ian Temero]@evasamok
Your little "Teen Titans" team is missing its "Raven"

So how would you feel about a magic character? (I'll keep it reasonably powered)

That sounds awesome actually.
Cool. I'll have them up by tomorrow.


Real Name: Medea Muhammad

Age: 16

Hero/Villain/Neutral: Hero

Powers: Magic

Weapons: None

Weaknesses: Just like any classical mage, Medea is not very good when it comes to physical combat.

Negative Personality Traits: Whimsical, Her hunt for knowledge may sometimes put others in danger (unintentionally of course)

Positive Personality Traits: Fun, Witty, Adventuress, Inquisitive

Bio: "There isn't much to talk about before I turned ten. Born to rich parents who died when I was five, lived with aunt and uncle in my mansion, though they were always gone so I was very lonely, yada-yada-yada. Sad life. It's the past. End of boring story. Now comes the interesting part."

"A few days after I turned ten I was exploring the dusty old attic for the thousandth time. For some reason I decided to pick up my great-great-great-grandma's journal. A little blood from an earlier cut got on it and suddenly it burst into flames. Ends up she was a witch and I had just unlocked her spell-book. I also realized after reading through it that everything in the attic was used for witchcraft. And thus my journey down the arcane path began."

"Hm? The T.A.E? I love those guys! Why? Weelll... a month or so ago one of my potion experiments went a little wrong and I accidentally unleashed an eldritch horror on the town. The T.A.E showed up and cleaned up my mess in no time at all! (They still don't know that it was me.) I think it would be awesome if I could become part of such a cool team, but I don't know how to contact them..."

Appearance: (No super costume)


(Author's Note to GM: I'm thinking that it would be cool if she doesn't start out on the team but gets recruited after helping them solve/stop a crime.)

(Now for her pet/familiar)

Real Name: Shor

Age: 3 (appears 1)

Hero/Villain/Neutral: Technically Neutral

Powers: Flight, Teleportation (self only), Speech, Weak Telekinesis

Weapons: Claws, Teeth

Weaknesses: He's a small cat. He squishes easy.

Negative Personality Traits: Lazy, Easily distracted, honestly believes that he is the smartest and most important creature in existence. (He is a cat)

Positive Personality Traits: He is always willing to offer useful observations.

Bio: Despite his adorable appearance, Shor is a creature strait from Hell. Okay, not really, but he did eat one, which is an interesting story...

Two years ago, Medea may or may not have been experimenting with opening portals to the demonic realm. She may or may not have succeeded and may or may not have pulled out a powerful demon (though perhaps not a very bright one). In an attempt to capture him, Medea classically convinced the demon to change into several different creatures to prove his power. Unfortunately for the both of them, Shor had chosen to walk in just as the demon had turned itself into a fly. All it took was one swift chomp and Medea's get-powerful-quick scheme was ruined. A few days later Shor began talking and has slowly been developing more powers since, though the truly demonic ones are still out of his reach.


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[QUOTE="Ian Temero]Cool. I'll have them up by tomorrow.

Real Name: Medea Muhammad

Age: 16

Hero/Villain/Neutral: Hero

Powers: Magic

Weapons: None

Weaknesses: Just like any classical mage, Medea is not very good when it comes to physical combat.

Negative Personality Traits: Whimsical, Her hunt for knowledge may sometimes put others in danger (unintentionally of course)

Positive Personality Traits: Fun, Witty, Adventuress, Inquisitive

Bio: "There isn't much to talk about before I turned ten. Born to rich parents who died when I was five, lived with aunt and uncle in my mansion, though they were always gone so I was very lonely, yada-yada-yada. Sad life. It's the past. End of boring story. Now comes the interesting part."

"A few days after I turned ten I was exploring the dusty old attic for the thousandth time. For some reason I decided to pick up my great-great-great-grandma's journal. A little blood from an earlier cut got on it and suddenly it burst into flames. Ends up she was a witch and I had just unlocked her spell-book. I also realized after reading through it that everything in the attic was used for witchcraft. And thus my journey down the arcane path began."

"Hm? The T.A.E? I love those guys! Why? Weelll... a month or so ago one of my potion experiments went a little wrong and I accidentally unleashed an eldritch horror on the town. The T.A.E showed up and cleaned up my mess in no time at all! (They still don't know that it was me.) I think it would be awesome if I could become part of such a cool team, but I don't know how to contact them..."

Appearance: (No super costume)


(Author's Note to GM: I'm thinking that it would be cool if she doesn't start out on the team but gets recruited after helping them solve/stop a crime.)

(Now for her pet/familiar)

Real Name: Shor

Age: 3 (appears 1)

Hero/Villain/Neutral: Technically Neutral

Powers: Flight, Teleportation (self only), Speech, Weak Telekinesis

Weapons: Claws, Teeth

Weaknesses: He's a small cat. He squishes easy.

Negative Personality Traits: Lazy, Easily distracted, honestly believes that he is the smartest and most important creature in existence. (He is a cat)

Positive Personality Traits: He is always willing to offer useful observations.

Bio: Despite his adorable appearance, Shor is a creature strait from Hell. Okay, not really, but he did eat one, which is an interesting story...

Two years ago, Medea may or may not have been experimenting with opening portals to the demonic realm. She may or may not have succeeded and may or may not have pulled out a powerful demon (though perhaps not a very bright one). In an attempt to capture him, Medea classically convinced the demon to change into several different creatures to prove his power. Unfortunately for the both of them, Shor had chosen to walk in just as the demon had turned itself into a fly. All it took was one swift chomp and Medea's get-powerful-quick scheme was ruined. A few days later Shor began talking and has slowly been developing more powers since, though the truly demonic ones are still out of his reach.



Both Medea and Shor are accepted! :D

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_12/image.jpg.fd790f018797624bc4d5e7c6e32e8084.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="37590" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_12/image.jpg.fd790f018797624bc4d5e7c6e32e8084.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> Name: (Super Hero/Villain name. Leave blank if you have none.)


Real Name:

Ezra Sinclair/Maxwell Sinclair

Age: (16-19 please)



Villain /Hero

Powers: (I understand that some people are Heroes/Villains without powers so please leave blank if none.)

Ezra is capable of seducing whom ever he pleases with a simple touch. He uses his body as a weapon. He can transform between a girl and boy version of himself though he was born male. As a boy, Ezra can captivate people and control them. As a girl, she can force people to fall in love with her and fight with each other. Maxwell is a computer genius and can control all types of electronics. He sees computer waves in front of him everywhere he goes and can pick up frequencies and such. With that, Maxwell can sort through them and gain otherwise confidential info if it's electronically stored somewhere.

Weapons: Ezra: He prefers a metallic whip that he carries around the majority of the time. Maxwell: He prefers not to fight physically but he is proficient with a sword but he doesn't enjoy it

Weaknesses: Ezra: Can only seduce the gender he currently is. Maxwell: Electronic scramblers of any kind literally irritate him and can make his physically sick depending on how strong they are

Negative Personality Traits: Ezra: He is arrogant and likes to think he's superior to some people. He believes Maxwell to be weak. Maxwell: He's incredibly shy and is a mess around people to the point where he can literally break down

Positive Personality Traits: Ezra: Despite his superiority complex, if someone beats him, he'll respect it as their win. He's also extremely protective of Maxwell to the point that he'll go up against his superiors to protect him. Maxwell: He is an extremely kind individual to those he feels comfortable with, mostly Ezra. He doesn't have a mean bone in his body and would do anything as well to protect his brother

Bio: Ezra and Maxwell's abilities aren't natural. When they were 10, they were used in an experiment to artificially create 'superheroes'. This organization is currently unknown. Ezra joined the Villainous side to get back at them using his own means while Maxwell joined the Heroic side to protect his brother if anyone ever caught on to his plans.

Appearance: (In costume and not in costume)

Ezra on the left, Maxwell on the right. Maxwell has no costume but Ezra will wear a mask cause he thinks it's funny​



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[Name: Ace

Real Name: Akira Shu

Age: 16

Hero/Villain/Neutral: Hero

Powers: Telekinesis

Weapons: None, but if he needs one urgently he will just make one go to him.

Weaknesses: Close Combat, Elementals and pain(He cant handle pain all that well) and his weak constitution makes him suffer from horrendous coughing fits and in most cases, coughing blood.

Negative Personality Traits: He is very stubborn, very shy. And has severe trust issues, wont tell people anything unless he feels that he needs to

Positive Personality Traits: Very kind towards people he knows, he is strong minded(Considering his power is based on the mind) and is there to help people is needed. Determined.

Bio: Akira was brought up in a rich family that owned multiple businesses which most of the families income came from. He is one of 3 children all born from a very sickly mother, she died during labour with Akira due to her weak immune system and frail body. Akiras father was a villian from the gang Error who took work before his family, he despised Akira, blaming him for his wifes death and even wishing he was never born. He only had his siblings to turn to as everybody else hated him, One day the father came home from "work" to see that Akira had powers. He liked the idea and tried inducting Akira into Error, of which he refused and left home. The father ended up bringing his other two children into Error.

One day Akiras father, and his siblings went out on business where they were caught up in a fight between villains in the local area. They were all killed in the process of fighting back. When he heard of the news, Akira was grief-stricken, he wouldnt speak to anybody and was pretty much always zoning out. This is still the same today. One day he was found by members of the T.A.E who took him back to their HQ, where he then agreed to join them to help purge evil in the area. And also get revenge for his family.

Appearance: in and out of costume, see attachment. (He wears a black hoodie)<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_12/image.jpg.c440282e506dbe75c5756957233e66c9.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="37586" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_12/image.jpg.c440282e506dbe75c5756957233e66c9.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Am I still able to join, or have I missed my chance? It may be a little hatd for ne to join an already on going story.
Name: Beatdrop

Real Name: Vince Vidi Vincent

Age: 19

Hero/Villain/Neutral: Villain - Leader of Vox

Powers: He has the ability to create soundwaves with different effects such as hypnosis, nausea and etc.

Weapons: He doesn't need em.

Weaknesses: He hates silence and always has to have something playing or else he becomes impatient and careless.

Negative Personality Traits: He is manipulative and ambitious. He is also cocky and loud.

Positive Personality Traits: He's very tactical and smooth. Add that to his charisma he's a natural leader.

Bio: Free will? Not for long.

Before Vox there was one child, he had no name and no possessions but the clothes on his back. Everyone seemed to ignore him as he worked in the shadows, subtly making them do what he wanted. He is the leader of Vox, his name fashioned after the phrase 'Veni vidi vici'.

Appearance: (In costume and not in costume)



Name: Crank, Tank, Blank -The Krecker Crew

Real Name: Cecilia Geargrind, Thomas Aeguard, Blank

Age: 18-18-19

Hero/Villain/Neutral: Villain - Vox


Crank- Can manipulate, melt and reshape metals or molten metals.

Tank- Can have superstrength and regeneration at the cost of speed

Blank- Can cause sensory deprivation in an area and lock people in paralysis for a short while.

Weapons:Crank - Some metal claws and chains

Tank- None

Blank - Daggers...lots and lots of daggers.

Weaknesses:Crank - Being electrocuted

Tank - Does not have much endurance

Blank - ???

Negative Personality Traits: Crank is a coward in close combat and will surrender when disarmed.

Tank is a hothead who prefers action.

Blank is...blank...

Positive Personality Traits: Crank is smart, able to analyze weaknesses in equipment with ease.

Tank is brave and loyal to the Krecker Crew and Vox no matter what.

Blank is...blank...and silent, definitely.

Bio:Cecilia Geargrind and Thomas Aeguard, two seemingly unrelated people connected by a third, Blank. Cecilia is a rich young girl who's family ignores her, letting her have all the freedom she wants and no one to supervise her or her visits to the nightclub. Thomas Aeguard is an orphan who works as a bartender in the same nightclub to feed the other orphans. They both go to The Box, a nightclub that is actually the base of Vox.

Blank is blank #Blankisblank

Appearance: (In costume and not in costume)


Her costume is simply a black face mask, black cap and armor protecting her joints and other squishy areas.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_12/upload_2014-12-24_17-1-51.jpeg.9a5cb6449b613f45862e8d2b59850f6e.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="37643" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_12/upload_2014-12-24_17-1-51.jpeg.9a5cb6449b613f45862e8d2b59850f6e.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

His costume is once again, a green face mask, a green helmet made of metal and green metal armor.


Other Details: The face is hidden with a blank white mask. It has no holes.



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Name: The Eel

Real Name: Stanley 'Stan' Baxter

Age: 19

Hero/Villain/Neutral: Villian (Error gang)

Powers: Elasticity (stretchy limbs) and can electrify his whole body.

Weapons: A handgun occasionally. Weaknesses: Rubber (electricity can't run through rubber). Negative Personality Traits: Cunning, arrogant, liar, cheater, manipulative.

Positive Personality Traits: Intelligent, charismatic.

Bio: Stanley Baxter was an only child born into a rich family, his father a pilot and his mother a surgeon. His powers only began to develop when he was a teenager, but he kept them hidden because he feared that his mother would perform a surgery to get rid of his abilities. Soon Stanley grew tired of his priveliged life. He had plans to join the army, but his parents forced him to go to law school. During his time there he watched many movies, particully ones about gangs and mobs. Once he graduated he began to take on a number of high profile cases as a defense attorney. He saved a number of criminals from jail time. Soon he was approached by a budding criminal who wanted him to be a lawyer for his new gang, which would go onto become known as the Error gang. Stanley jumped on the opportunity. Using a combination of brutality and legal loopholes he was able to gain massive amounts of land and wealth for the Error gang, earning him the name 'Eel' due to how sneaky he was.



He looks like a young lawyer. He doesn't have a costume.

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