[There Will Be No End] Updates or Important Announcements

So a question then. Is there a set number of individuals allowed to join this RP or is it a sort of free-to-join one?
Hey guys!

I was trying to think when we should get this up and started?

Should we wait one more week for more people... or are you all willing to start now?
I want everyone's selfish opinion :)

The man reason I want to start in a week is because the mods next week are doing a whole project, which in turn will potentiality bring in a few more players.

I'm nixing the 10 only rules basically.

Now that I think about it-- It might be better for me so I'm not trying to do something while I'm busy...
If it started tomorrow I would be fine :) But I will be here every day to read until we start.

i am ready promotion i am ready promotion


i am ready depression i am ready depression
I have a vacation for the 17th through the 20th (where I'm proposing to my future wife) so I will be unavailable at that time. How would that affect the RP in my absence?

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